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Academic year: 2017



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Dessy Ratna Sari Reg Number 4113131013 Bilingual Chemistry Education


Submitted to fulfillment of the requirement for Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan






First i thank to Allah SWT and Prophet Muhammad SAW for giving me healthy, strength, and peacefull. I would like to express my sincere appreciation to my Thesis Supervisor Prof. Dr. Ramlan Silaban, M.Si for his professional expertise, invaluable guidance, persistant, encouragement, patience, enthusiasm and generous contribution of his valuable time in supervising this thesis as well as conducting of this research. I would also like to thank my Thesis Examiner Prof. Drs. Manihar Situmorang, M.Sc, Ph.D, Drs. Jamalum Purba, M.Si and Dr. Ir. Nurfajriani, M.Si for their patience, guidance, assistance and comments in the development of my thesis. Apperication is also directed to my academic supervisor Drs. Eddyanto, Ph.D. Gratitude and sincere appreciation are extended to all of lecture and staff in Chemistry Department of State University of Medan (Unimed).

Gratitude and sincere appreciation are also extended to principal and chemistry teachers of SMAN 1 Binjai, SMAN 2 Binjai, and SMAN 5 Binjai for giving the permission to conduct my research in the schools and also for students. And i am grateful to my lecturers Drs. Marudut Sinaga, M.Si, Dr. Zainuddin M, M.Si and Dra. Ani Sutiani, M.Si for assessing and standardization the Innovative Experiment Module on Learning of Salt Hydrolysis Topic.



Juwita, Jori, Lanita, Mariani, Nova, Poppy, Rhone, Ricky, Riris, Rusdy, Ruth, Sinta, Sity, and Yolanda and also biology girls Fiza and Kanop.

The writer realized that it is still have a weakness in arrangement this thesis. But the writer has given maximum effort to finish this thesis. Therefore, the writer receivers cricism and suggestion to make this thesis be better. Hopefully, this thesis can be useful for the education development.

Medan, June 2015





1.1. Background 1

1.2. Problems Identification 4

1.3. Problem Statement 4

1.4. Problem Limitation 5

1.5. Research Objectives 5

1.6. Research Benefits 6

1.7. Operational Definition 6


2.1. Development of Learning Material 7

2.2. Learning Media 7

2.2.1. Type of Learning Media 8

2.2.2. The Use of Media in Teaching and Learning Process 8

2.3. Chemistry Laboratory 10

2.4. Effectivity of Experiment Chemistry 11

2.5. Innovative in Learning Module 12



2.7. Virtual Laboratory as Innovation in Module 14

2.8. Salt Hydrolysis 16

2.9. Hypothesis 18


3.1. Overview of Research 19

3.2. Time and Location of Research 19

3.3. Population and Sample of Research 20

3.4. Research Instrument 20

3.5. Research Procedure 21

3.5.1. Observation Stage 21

3.5.2. Preparation Stage 21 Development of Innovative Chemistry 21 Module with Integration of Experiment Standardization of Innovative Chemistry 24 Module with Integration of Experiment

3.5.3. Implementing Stage 25

3.5.4. Data Analysis Stage 25

3.6. Data Collecting Technique 27

3.7. Data Processing Technique 27


4.1. Observation Chemistry Laboratory 29

4.2. Descriptive Analysis of Module or Guidebook of 31 Practical Chemistry

4.3. Development of Innovative Chemistry Module with 36 Integration of Experiment

4.4. Assessment Result of Appropriatness Test of Innovative 37 Chemistry Module with Integration of Experiment

on learning Salt Hydrolysis Topic by Chemistry Teachers



Chemistry Module with Integration of Experiment

on learning Salt Hydrolysis Topic by Chemistry Lecturers

4.6. Trial Result of Innovative Chemistry Module with 44 Integration of Experiment on Learning Salt Hydrolysis


4.7. Assessment Result of Appropriatness Test of Innovative 45 Chemistry Module with Integration of Experiment

on learning Salt Hydrolysis Topic by Students

4.8. Comparison Percentage of Assessment Result 54


5.1. Conclusion 56

5.2. Suggestion 57




Tables Page

Table 2.1. The Characteristics of Education in Consideration 15 of School Lab & Virtual Lab

Table 2.2. Kind of Salt 16

Table 3.1. Criteria of Standardization of Innovative 24 Chemistry Module with Integration of Experiment

on Learning Salt Hydrolysis Topic by the Experts

Table 3.2. The Percentage Criteria 28

Table 4.1. Result of Building Existence of Chemistry 29 Laboratory at Schools

Table 4.2. Result of Condition of Chemistry Laboratory 30 at Schools

Table 4.3. The Percentage Criteria of Appropriatness 31 Condition of Chemistry Laboratory in Schools

Table 4.4. Description of Module or Guidebook of Practical 32 Chemistry that was Analyzed in Salt Hydrolysis


Table 4.5. Result of Standard Analysis of Appropriateness 33 Description Material Book Code X by Chemistry


Table 4.6. Result of Standard Analysis of Appropriateness 34 Description Material Worksheet Code Y by Chemistry




Description Material in book Code Z by Chemistry Teacher

Table 4.8. The Average Percentage of Content Aprropriateness 36 of Completeness Depth, Design and Language for

Books that Analyzed

Table 4.9. The Result of Appropriatness Test of Innovative 38 Chemistry Module with Integration of Experiment

on Learning Salt Hydrolysis Topic by Chemistry Teachers

Table 4.10. The Percentage Criteria of Appropriatness of 39 Innovative Chemistry Module with Integration of

Experiment on Learning Salt Hydrolysis Topic

Table 4.11. The Comment and Suggestion from Chemistry 41 Teachers

Table 4.12. The Result of Appropriatness Test of Innovative 42 Chemistry Module with Integration of Experiment

on Learning Salt Hydrolysis Topic by Chemistry Lecturers

Table 4.13. The Percentage Criteria of Appropriatness of 43 Innovative Chemistry Module with Integration of

Experiment on Learning Salt Hydrolysis Topic

Table 4.14. The Comment and Suggestion ftom Chemistry 44 Lecturers

Table 4.15. Trial of Innovative Chemistry Module with 45 Integration of Experiment for Each Schools



Innovative Chemistry Module with Integration of Experiment on Learning Salt Hydrolysis Topic by Students in SMAN 1 Binjai

Table 4.17. The Assessment Result of Appropriatness Test of 47 Innovative Chemistry Module with Integration

of Experiment on Learning Salt Hydrolysis Topic by Students in SMAN 2 Binjai

Table 4.18. The Assessment Result of Appropriatness Test of 48 Innovative Chemistry Module with Integration

of Experiment on Learning Salt Hydrolysis Topic by Students in SMAN 5 Binjai

Table 4.19. The Assessment Result of Appropriatness Test of 49 Innovative Chemistry Module with Integration

of Experiment on Learning Salt Hydrolysis Topic by Students in Three Schools

Table 4.20. The Percentage Criteria of Appropriatness of 50 Innovative Chemistry Module with Integration

of Experiment on Learning Salt Hydrolysis Topic

Table 4.21. Comparison Percentage of Assessment Result by 54 Chemistry Teachers, Chemistry Lecturers of




Figures Page

Figure 2.1. Edgar Dale Cone of Experience 9

Figure 3.1. The Procedure Conduct in Standardization of 23 Innovative Chemistry Module with Integration

of Experiment on Learning Salt Hydrolysis Topic for Students in Senior High School

Figure 3.2. The Diagram Stage of Research to Development 26 And Standardization of Innovative Chemistry




Appendix Page

Appendix 1 Syllabus 65

Appendix 2 The Questionnaire of Chemistry Laboratory 71 at Senior High School

Appendix 3 The Question of Interview List with Chemistry 76 Teachers

Appendix 4 Analysis of Module or Guidebook of Practical 77 Chemistry with Curriculum 2013 on Salt Hydrolysis


Appendix 5 The Questionnaire of Appropriateness of Innovative 89 Chemistry Module with Integration of Experiment

in Chemistry on Learning Salt Hydrolysis Topic for Students in Senior High School

Appendix 5a The Questionnaire of appropriateness of Innovative 90 Chemistry Module with Integration of Experiment

in Chemistry on Learning Salt Hydrolysis Topic by Chemistry Teachers

Appendix 5b The Questionnaire of appropriateness of Innovative 97 Chemistry Module with Integration of Experiment

in Chemistry on Learning Salt Hydrolysis Topic by Chemistry Lecturers

Appendix 5c The Questionnaire of appropriateness of Innovative 101 Chemistry Module with Integration of Experiment



Appendix 6 Innovative Chemistry Module with Integration of 105 Experiment on Learning OFf Salt Hydrolysis Topic



1. Based on the questionnaire that filled by teachers show that the condition of chemistry laboratory in SMAN 1 Binjai, SMAN 2 Binjai and SMAN 5 Binjai can be averaged as school that have chemistry laboratory facility, the condition of laboratory has very appropriate criteria with the score 85%.

2. Based on the survey result by observation and interview with the chemistry teachers in school to arrangement and development of innovative chemistry module with integration of experiment on learning of Salt Hydrolysis topic based on Curriculum 2013 are innovative and equipped with an Alternative Experiment of Salt Hydrolysis in Daily Life in module and the virtual lab and video practicum in CD form.

3. Innovative chemistry module with integration of experiment on Learning Salt Hydrolysis Topic according six chemistry teachers from SMAN 1 Binjai, SMAN 2 Binjai and SMAN 5 Binjai, in terms of legibility, enforceability, or assessment have very appropriate criteria and can be used as a supporting media in learning chemistry in the laboratory with the score 91.15%.



5. Innovative chemistry module with integration of experiment on Learning Salt Hydrolysis Topic according to students from three selected schools as a trial sample have very appropriate criteria and can be used as a supporting media in learning chemistry in the laboratory with the score 90.80% .

5.2. Suggestion

Based on the conclusion have described above, so rhe suggestions which may be filed:

1. Teachers can implement an integrated learning among teaching materials in the classroom with practical implementation in chemistry laboratories, so that students can combine theory with practical outcomes that will ultimately improve learning outcomes in chemistry.

2. Teachers should be able to design experiments that are relevant to the subject of which is adapted to laboratory conditions.

3. For subsequent researchers in order to feasibility of Innovative chemistry module with integration of experiment on Learning Salt Hydrolysis Subject can be enhanced by improving the quality and to be developed. 4. For stakeholders in order to pay attention to the facilities and




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Table 4.8.
Table 4.17.


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