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Bernike Firmayanti Aruan

Reg. Number: 4103332012

Bilingual Chemistry Education Study Program


Submitted to Fulfill The requirement for Getting the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan






The greatest praise and thanksfulness to the Almighty God for Hid Grace

and Blessing who always give health, spirit, strength, and everything to the author

in finishing this thesis well and accordance to the planning time.

The title of this thesis is “ The Development of Innovative Learning Module on Teaching of Salt Hydrolysis Based on Curriculum 2013” has been arranged to obtaine the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan in Department of Chemistry, Faculty of

Mathematics and Natural Science (FMIPA), State University of Medan


In this oppurnity, I would like to express the great appreciation to Prof.

Drs. Manihar Situmorang, M.Sc.,Ph.D., as my Thesis Supervisor and Prof. Dr.

Ramlan Silaban, M.Si., Dr. Zainuddin Muhtar,M.Si., Dr.Marham Sitorus, M.Si., as

the contributor for their valuable time spent in giving guidances, advices,

motivations, comments, and suggestions during the process in finishing this thesis.

I also says thanks to Prof.Drs. motlan, M.Sc.,Ph.D., as the dean Faculty

of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, State University of Medan, then

Dr.rer.nat.Binari Manurung, M.Si., and Dr.Iis Siti Jahro,M.Si., as the head and

Secretary of Bilingual Program. Great thanks to Dr. Retno Dwi Suyanti, M.Si., and

Dra. Ani Sutiani, M.Si., as the expert lecturer to Standarize the module, validate the

instrument test and flash animation in this research. And also thanks to

Syamsuddin, S.E., as bilingual staff for helping in administrative assitance and


I am gratitute also to all lectures who have rendered their knowledge and

experience during academic program in university, the principle and teacher of

SMAN 5 Medan, the principle and teacher of SMA Swasta Santo Thomas 1 Medan,

and the principle and teacher of SMAN 1 Percut Sei Tuan who have given their

helping, motivation and support to finish the research.

The deepest and special gratitude, appreciation and love to my beloved

parents, B. Aruan and R. Sihombing for their countless love, supports, prays,

motivation and careness and also to my beloved younger brother, Rinaldi Eka



Revalina Aruan who have given great motivation during this research. And

unforgetfuly to my aunt and uncle from Aruan’s family and Sihombing’s family for

their supporting that make me spiritfully.

Special thanks also goes to Paduan Suara Ostentus as a place where i

learn become the strong personality. Especially for my friend, Sinitta Ella Siregar,

Dewi N Marpaung and all of Bilingual Chemistry 2010, my sister Kristina

Maranatha Ginting, Endang Saragih, Lisnawaty Gultom, Febry Limbong, Putri

Hutahaean, Jane Lumbantoruan, S.Pd and my brother, Vladilen Marbun, David

Julianto Sirait, Roy Adi Putra Manalu, Sanhot Simare-mare and Dimas F

Simatupang, S.pd and everyone who cannot be mentioned his/her name for their

support and friendship during my academic years.

Finally, I hopes this thesis would be useful for everyone who like to

explore more about the learning media and method that suitable to learn salt

hydrolysis notably and chemistry generally. May God bless us forever.

Medan, July 2014







Bernike Firmayanti Aruan (Reg.Number : 4103332012) ABSTRACT





Table 2.1. Core Competence and Basic Competence For Chemistry Subject Class

XI for Senior High School/Madrasah Aliyah Base on Curriculum

2013,(KD 4.12 is the basic competence about Salt Hydoris Topic that

will be applie in innovative learning module with it become the

chemistry subject) 10

Table 2.2. The Changing Paradigm or Mindset on Curriculum 2013 16

Table 2.3. Summary on the topic of Salt Hydrolisis (The properties of salt

hydrolysis) 21

Table 3.1. the research design of the effectivity of development of innovative

learning module on teaching of salt hydrolisis base on curriculum 2013 28

Table 3.2. Analysis of suitability the chemistry learning textbooks or module for

Senior High School with Curriculum 2013 on teaching of Salt

Hydrolisis 30

Table 3.3. Questionnaire For Standarizing The Innovative Learning Module Of

Chemistry On The Topic Salt Hydrolysis 32

Table 3.4. The Criterion Validity of Innovative Learning Module to Increase

student’s achievement on the teaching of Salt Hydrolysis 33

Table 4.1. The Description of Bilingual Chemistry Textbook that are included the

survey 37

Table 4.2. The Result of Descriptive Analysis of Chemistry Textbook Code A, B,

C,and D that relate to Topic Salt Hydrolysis 39

Table 4.3. Type of Innovation in chemistry learning module on the topic of salt

hydrolysis 42

Table 4.4. The Quality of Innovative Learning Module on Teaching of Salt

Hydrolysis based on curriculum 2013 for SMA/MA Class XI based on

Chemistry Lecturer (P), Teacher (Q), and Student (R). The value is the

average from group of responden (total of responden is 20). Assessment’s Criteria: 3-4 = very good, 2-3=good, 1-2= bad, 0-1=very



Table 4.5. Average and Standard Deviation of Student’s Achievement in pretest 45

Table 4.6. Average and Standard Deviation of Student’s Achievement in

Posttest 1 46

Table 4.7. Average and Standard Deviation of Student’s Achievement in





Figure 3.1. The Flowchart of Research Procedure To Standarize

Module, The Development of Innovative Learning Module

on the Teaching of Salt Hydrolisis Base on Curriculum




Page Appendix 1. Innovative Learning Module on Teaching of Salt Hydrolysis

Based on Curriculum 2013 56

Appendix 2. Syllabus 57

Appendix 3. Lesson Plan 61

Appendix 4. Specification Table of Student’s Achievement Test 79

Appendix 5. Instrument Test 86

Appendix 6. Key Answer 89

Appendix 7. Questionnaire for Trial the innovative learning module on the

teaching of salt hydrolysis 90

Appendix 8. Questionnaire Result of Innovative Learning Module

Standarization by Chemistry Lecturers of UNIMED 91

Appendix 9. The Questionnaire Result of Innovated Chemistry Learning

Module Standarization by Chemistry Teachers of SMAN 5

Medan, SMAS Santo Thomas 1 Medan, and SMAN 1 Percut Sei

Tuan 92

Appendix 10. The Questionnaire Result of Innovated Chemistry Learning

Module Standarization by Students in SMAN 1 Percut Sei Tuan 93

Appendix 11. The Questionnaire Result of Innovated Chemistry Learning

Module Standarization by Chemistry Lecturer, Teachers and

Students in Senior High School 94

Appendix 12. Table of Grouping Class (High and Low Group) For Three Senior

High School 95

Appendix 13. Calculation Of Normality Test 101

Appendix 14. Calculation Of Homogenity Test 105

Appendix 15. Calculation Of Hyphotesis Test 106

Appendix 16. The Percentage Average Of Student’s Achievement 113

Appendix 17. The Percentage of Effectivity 114

Appendix 18. Documentation 115





1.1Research Background

One of education’s problem is the low quality of eduaction in Indonesia. Where it is always discussed although using unit national curriculum as pedoman

but the quality of eduaction in indonesia is still low. Therefore, the government

try their best to increase the quality of education, which is start from elementary

school to the university. Increasing the quality of education can be performed

continously, conventionally or through innovation. Innovation in education is seen

as the central concept for obtaining change for a better education(Wikpedia,2012).

One of innovation to increase the quality education is innovation in

teaching and learning activities, where the innovation of teaching and learning

activities is very interesting to discuss because the implementation of the right teaching method would increase student’s achievement in learning chemistry. To help student in teaching and learning activities, students need learning media as

learning sources such as learning module or textbook to make them more

understand about chemistry learning material . Therefore, doing development of

chemistry learning material through making innovative learning modules with the

certain chemistry topic because they are important done especially to provide

good quality chemistry learning material that will be studied by student. To

improve the basic concept for students to learn could be conducted through

providing a good teaching materials such as text books and modules related to the

student development ( Saragih and Situmorang, 2012).

Learning chemistry emphasizes providing learning experiences directly

through the use and development of process skills and scientific attitudes.

According to some researches, researchers concluded that, (1) chemistry is not

famous subject matter for students; (2) chemistry is not able to improve students’

cognitive ability; (3) chemistry make a gap between teacher and students; (4)



is no relationship among the materials. According Silitonga (2005), the reality is

often faced by teacher in school is that students often think chemistry is a

difficulty lesson so that is not unusual for a student felt unable to advance in

studying chemistry.

These difficulties have an impact on student’s learning result are less satisfactory. Chemistry is an experimental science, can not be learned only by

reading, writing or listening it. Chemical Sciences not only learn to master a body

of knowledge of facts, concepts, principles, but also is a process of discovery and

mastery of the procedures or the scientific method. Therefore, in teaching

chemistry there are two important issues that must be considered, namely the

chemical as a product of the scientists in the form of facts, concepts, principles,

laws, and theories of chemistry as a process of scientific work.

Many Chemistry topics that students assume difficult to understand because

Usually teachers explain the chemistry topic by conventional method, difficult

language to be gotten, not interest student and inappropriate learning media

especially topic about salt hydrolisis which contain many the variaty of learning

activity such as concept understanding, observation of laboratory activity, and

analysis problems base on the basic competence which is expected from the

material is determining the type of salt hydrolysis in the water and pH of the

solution(Simatupang,2013). Therefore, need to doing the innovation of teaching

and learning process through innovative learning module of chemistry topic that

will help teacher and student in learning process.

The development of innovative learning module on teaching of salt

hydrolisis base on curriculum 2013 is very important as it is known that

innovative teaching and learning be able to motivate students to learned effective

that may improve students achievement in chemistry. The development of

chemistry learning module and textbook from Senior High School and Madrasah

Aliyah (SMA/MA) are important done to get the good quality chemistry learning

module and textbook that can be used by student appropriate to curriculum 2013.

The good quality and standard chemistry learning module will be able to help



main discussion that be learned. According to Bain, et.all. (2005), A good

textbook is expected help the students to understand the concept of chemistry


Innovative learning module of chemistry class XI in Senior high School

will be developed base on curriculum 2013, the implementation of curriculum

2013 start on 2013, curriculum 2013 is applied because more effective learning

and emphasis on character education. This curriculum requires teachers to be

more patient, attentive and undersatnding, as well as having the creativity and

dedication to grow the confidence of learners. Teaching and learning process in

curriculum 2013 will be improved by using the variety of approaches that put

more emphasis on learner competence, which includes knowledge, skills, and

activities of learners in thinking and acting.

Based on the description, the researcher is interested in conducting

research on developed the learning material on teaching of Salt Hydrolisis base on

Curriculum 2013 because curriculum 2013 has the difference the way of assessment student’s achievement than the curriculum that had been used before. The writer is interested to conduct a research titled


1.2Problem Identification

Base on the background which has been described previously, some problems

can be identified as the following:

1. Learning modules are important to improve student’s achievement and

motivation in learning chemistry subject

2. Learning modules on the teaching of chemistry subject that be used by

school must be developed to make students easy to understand, interested

to study, innovative, and more active in teaching and learning activity to

improve their learning outcomes.

3. Students are difficult to understand about salt hydrolisis chemistry topic



such as concept understanding, observation of laboratory activity, and

analysis problems base on the characteristic

4. Teachers have to skill to teach the materials of chemistry by the apropriate

methods and models to makes students motivate and active in teaching and

learning activity.

5. The availability of quality learning modules appropriate to the curriculum

2013 are needed to support implementation curriculum 2013.

6. The development of learning materials on the teaching of Salt Hydrolisis based on curriculum 2013 is needed to improve student’s learning outcomes.

1.3Research Scope

The research Scope is The Development Of Innovative Learning Module

On Teaching Of Salt Hydrolisis Base On Curriculum 2013. This study was conducted to develop innovative learning module of high school students class XI

Natural Science program in school year 2014/2015 base on curriculum 2013 to

improve the quality of learning process (innovation of learning method and learning model), and student’s achievemant. The variety of learning material will be developed by researcher that adapted to the subject of Salt Hydrolisis based on

curriculum 2013 and doing evaluation and standardization of learning materials

by chemistry lecturer, teachers and students.

1.4Problem Formulation

To give the direction of this research, problem formulation is needed to limit

the research that will ficilitate discussion of the problems raised. The problem

formulation of this research are :

1. How to develop chemistry innovative module to meet student’s

competence based on chemistry curriculum 2013?

2. How to design of innovative learning module through integration of

laboratory activity, outside activity, and learning media into chemistry



3. How to standarize chemistry innovative module to obtain standard and

innovative module on teaching of salt hydrolisis?

4. How effective in the developed innovative module to improve students

achievement on teaching of chemistry salt hydrolisis?

5. Are the student interested on using standard innovative module to meet the requirement on student’s competence in curriculum 2013?

1.5Research Objectives

The objective of this research is to increase the understanding of students in

Salt Hydrolysis as a topic in chemistry subject, and increase the student’s

achievement. The specific objectives have been achieved in this research are the


1. To develop chemistry innovative module to meet student’s competence

based on chemistry curriculum 2013

2. To design of innovative learning module through integration of laboratory

activity, outside activity, and learning media into chemistry material of salt

hydrolisis To develop the learning material that is suitable for student to

improve their learning outcomes in topic of Salt Hydrolisis

3. To standarize chemistry innovative module to obtain standard and

innovative module on teaching of salt hydrolisis

4. To investigate the effectivity of the developed innovative module to

improve students achievement on teaching of chemistry salt hydrolisis

5. To know the student’s interesting on using effective in the developed

innovative module to improve students achievement on teaching of

chemistry salt hydrolisis

1.6Research Benefits

In general, with the development of Learning material base on curriculum

2013 in the preparation of chemistry module is expected to provide benefits in the

form of improved quality of the learning process on the topic of Salt Hydrolysis.



1. Knowing the Effectiveness of developing innovative learning module to

increase the students achievement in Salt Hydrolysis concept.

2. As the addition of literature review or reference for creating another

learning material based on curriculum 2013 in another subject matter in

chemistry in Senior High School and for teacher in teaching-learning


3. Increase the researcher’s knowledge toward developed innovative learning

module based on curriculum 2013 that can be used in the teaching and

learning process to improve the quality of education in Indonesia

4. As important input for prospective teacher that developed innovative

learning module based on curriculum 2013 can be as alternative choice to improve student’s outcomes

5. To enrich the students’research in additional do the usual research

especially to student in chemistry department in State University of





5.1 Conclusion

Based on the result of research that obtained from the result of data analysis, it

could be stated some conclusion as follows:

1. The responden’s perception of bilingual chemistry textbook shown that

textbook code B (75% )were better than code A (50%), Code D (50%) and

Code C (35%).

2. The Standard innovated learning module that developed by researcher got

the positive response from the chemistry lecturers, teachers and students

with point that given is 3.44.

3. The innovative learning module on teaching of salt hydrolysis based on curriculum 2013 could meet student’s competence by looking at the result of data analysis obtained, where the high group in experiment class

(86±5.63) is higher than in control class (79.16 ± 4.75). for low group in

experiment class (80 ± 4.73) is also higher than in control class (74.5 ± 5.31).

4. The result hypothesis test about the effectivity of innovative learning

module shown that in high group tcount >ttable, 9.72 > 1.31 and in low group

tcount > ttable, 8.0 > 1.31. it could be concluded that the innovative learning

module on teaching of salt hydrolysis based on curriculum 2013 is effective to improve student’s achievement in high and low group. The innovative learning module on teaching of salt hydrolysis based on curriculum 2013 can meet the requirement on student’s competence in curriculum 2013 by looking at the result of hypothesis test where in high

group tcount > ttable, 5.1 > 1.31 and in low group tcount > ttable, 4.235 > 1.31

5. The percentage average of student’s acvievement in experiment class (high

group 45.93% and low group 67.125%) is higher than in control class



percentage of effectivity where in experiment class (high group 99.4219%

and low group 97.5155%) is higher than in control class (high group

92.8454% and low group 92.216%). So it could be conclude that the

innovative learning module on teaching of salt hydrolysis based on

curriculum 2013 is more effective to improve student’s achievement than

chemitry textbook.

5.2 Suggestion

Based on the conclusion above, there are some suggestions that have to be

stated in order to make the teaching and learning process in chemistry become

more effective to improve student’s achievement as follows:

1. It is suggested that the chemistry teacher should give the standard and

good innovative chemistry learning module based on curriculum 2013

generally as main learning media to student especially learning module on

teaching of salt hydrolysis to improve student’s achievement.

2. It is suggested to next researcher could improve the better innovative

learning module based on curriculum 2013 with adding the teachig method

that suitable to chemistry topic and interested experiment by using

animation or video but still use the standard and good innovative learning

module as main learning media.

3. It is suggested to school holder for developing and providing the standard

and good innovative learning module to be used in teaching and learning



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Table 4.5. Average and Standard Deviation of Student’s Achievement in pretest
Figure 3.1. The Flowchart of Research Procedure To Standarize


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