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A Study on the advertising language of bank advertisements in the economist magazine.


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Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra

in English Letters



Student Number: 114214040







Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra

in English Letters



Student Number: 114214040





I certify that this undergraduate thesis contains no material which has been previously submitted for the award of any other degree at any university, and that, to the best of my knowledge, this undergraduate thesis contains no material previously written by any other person except where due reference is made in the text of the undergraduate thesis.

Yogyakarta, September 10, 2016



Yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini, saya mahasiswa Universitas Sanata Dharma Nama : Jennie Christina Panduwinata

Nomor Mahasiswa : 114214040

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Beserta perangkat yang diperlukan (bila ada), dengan demikian saya memberikan kepada Perpustakaan Universitas Sanata Dharma hak untuk menyimpan, mengalihkan dalam bentuk media lain, mengelolanya dalam bentuk pangkalan data, mendistribusikan secara terbatas, dan mempublikasikannya di internet atau media lain untuk kepentingan akademis tanpa perlu meminta ijin kepada saya maupun memberikan royaliti kepada saya selama tetap mencantumkan nama saya sebagai penulis.

Demikian pernyataan ini saya buat dengan sebenarnya.

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Pada tanggal 10 September 2016

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With love, this is dedicated for

my beloved parents




First and foremost, I am grateful to the Almighty God, Savior in my life, Jesus Christ, for His abundant love and blessings for me, finally I have managed to finish this undergraduate thesis with all of my abilities and for always answers my prayers whenever I am in hard time and need some helps in doing this thesis.

I wish to express my sincere and biggest thank to my beloved family, whom I dedicate this thesis to. My parents, Sunarno and Lely Pudjiati and my sisters, Jessica Martha Pramudita and Lucy Indah Permata Sari deverse my cordial gratitude for the unceasing encouragement and support.

The completion of this study could not have been possible without the expertise of my thesis advisor Dr. Fr. B. Alip, M.Pd., M.A., who has offered me enlightening instructions, patient guidance and valuable suggestions. My gratitude also goes to my co-advisor Wedhowerti S.Pd., M.Hum., for the given advice.

A debt of gratitude is also owed to Sanata Dharma University and the Department of English Letters for giving me facilities and comfortable place to learn and have wonderful experiences during my college life.


Last but not least, I would like to give my special thanks to all of my friends in class B of 2011 whom I could not mention one by one. Thanks, guys for the amazing four years of our togetherness. I hope all of us can meet again in great times.




A. Review of Related Studies ... 7

B. Review of Related Theories ... 10

1. Theory of Banking ... 10

2. Theory of Stylistics and Language of Advertising ... 13

3. Language Features ... 15

4. Theory of Advertisements and Advertising ... 29

C. Theoretical Framework ... 34


A. Analysis on the Language Features... 43





Appendix 1: ... 78



Table 1. List of Bank Advertisements in The Economist Magazine ... 38 Table 2. List of Declarative Sentence of Bank Advertisements in



PANDUWINATA, JENNIE CHRISTINA. A Study on the Advertising Language of Bank Advertisements in The Economist Magazine. Yogyakarta: Department of English Letters, Faculty of Letters, Sanata Dharma University, 2016.

Communication is the main means of our daily needs to have a relation with other people. One means of communication is language. Advertisement is one means of communications in public in order to make the people know about a product or service. Advertisements appear on the several products. Some are printed while some are non-printed. Magazine is one of the printed media of advertisements. Bank advertisement in The Economist magazine is printed advertisements. An advertisement is interesting to be analyzed because almost everyone knows and sees advertisements in their daily life. The language used in the advertisements is also unique.

In order to get the important point that will be achieved at the end of this study, there are two research problems formulated. The first research problem is to find out the language features used in The Economist magazine. The second research problem is to explain the functions of the language features in the advertisements.

The data of this study were taken from The Economist magazine. Some theories of language features were applied in finding the language features used in the bank advertisement in The Economist magazine. The language features which would be analyzed were the lexical features and grammatical features. The data were analyzed based on their types.



PANDUWINATA, JENNIE CHRISTINA. A Study on the Advertising Language of Bank Advertisements in The Economist Magazine. Yogyakarta: Program Studi Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Sastra, Universitas Sanata Dharma, 2016.

Komunikasi adalah sarana utama kebutuhan kita sehari-hari untuk berinteraksi dengan sesama manusia. Salah satu sarana komunikasi adalah bahasa. Iklan merupakan salah satu sarana komunikasi di masyarakat dalam rangka untuk membuat orang tahu tentang produk atau layanan. Iklan muncul di beberapa produk, ada media cetak dan media siaran. Majalah adalah salah satu media cetak iklan. Iklan bank di majalah The Economist adalah salah satu iklan cetak. Sebuah iklan menarik untuk dianalisis karena hampir semua orang tahu dan melihat iklan dalam kehidupan mereka sehari-hari. Bahasa yang digunakan dalam iklan juga unik.

Dalam rangka untuk mendapatkan poin penting yang akan dicapai pada akhir penelitian ini, ada dua masalah penelitian dirumuskan. Masalah penelitian pertama adalah untuk mengetahui fitur bahasa yang digunakan dalam majalah The Economist. Masalah penelitian kedua adalah tentang fungsi dari fitur bahasa dalam iklan.

Data penelitian ini diambil dari majalah The Economist. Beberapa teori fitur bahasa yang diterapkan dalam menemukan fitur bahasa yang digunakan dalam iklan bank majalah The Economist. Fitur bahasa yang akan dianalisis adalah tentang fitur leksikal dan fitur gramatikal. Data dianalisis berdasarkan jenis kalimat.



A. Background of the Study

Communication is the main means of our daily needs to have a relation with other people. With communication, people can deliver what they want to share about feelings, opinions, and ideas. One means of communication is language. Human‟s life always concerns with communication, and to do the communication, people use language. Therefore, language is viewed as a system of communication. People communicate every moment to say or to do something by using language depends on the circumstances, place, time, and condition where they are doing their activities.

In every organization, people use language to express what they are going to say to someone else. Each field of the organization has different type of language depends on the activity. There are two kinds of communications, verbal communication and non-verbal communication. Verbal communications can be expressed by speaking and there is a sound produced so that is called verbal communication. Non-verbal communication uses body language, facial expressions, gesture and eye contact to deliver the message of the speakers. However, humans should think and produce the meaning first when they want to deliver their message by using non-verbal communication.


advertisements appear on brochures, magazines, newspapers, and books. Non-printed advertisements appear on the broad cast media such as TV, radio, and internet.

In order to reach the targeted customers, advertisers should choose promoting media to introduce and market their product or service. There are some printed media containing advertisements, such as newspapers, magazines, brochures, and pamphlets. In this case, the advertiser chooses magazine as their promoting media. Magazines are one of the printed media of advertisements. Magazines have its own style according to the company which makes to publish the kind of the magazine. There are fashion magazines containing fashion tips, tricks and styles; cooking magazines, which consist of cooking recipes; and business magazines containing the development of the business in the recent time. Through magazines they can reach a special interest group because the type of the magazine matches the lifestyle of the readers. Magazines have a special interest to the readers because of its interesting colors, special features and read by the readers any time because magazines need no longer time to read.


analyze because with only one or two bank advertisement in The Economist magazine, it can be more attractive to the readers to choose a bank as their service to manage their money. Moreover, The Economist magazine is a business magazine. The targets of the readers are businessmen and women in order to update and get information about the spread of the business in the recent time. Businessmen and women usually invest their money in the bank. An interesting bank advertisement can attract them to use the bank service to manage their investment.

In this modern world, the role of the banks is enormous in encouraging economic growth of a country. Almost all business sectors, including industry, agriculture, plantations, housing service, really need banks as partners in doing financial transactions (Ismail,2010: 2). Society requires banks to expedite and facilitate them in international transactions and local transactions such as goods, services, and having a modal for opening a business.

An advertisement is interesting to be analyzed because almost everyone knows and sees advertisements in their daily life. The language used in the advertisements is also unique. Advertisements should have a clear, short and effective language so that the readers can understand the purpose of message in it. Major companies are always interested in “getting the customers to register


advertisements. They need advertisements as a means to introduce and promote their products or services.

This study analyzes the language features used in the bank advertisements in The Economist magazine. A language feature is one aspect to make an advertisement. According to Verdonk (2002), there are four aspects to analyze the language features. They are graphology, phonology, lexis, and syntax. In this study, the focus of the language features analyzed here are about the lexis and syntax (grammatical structures).

B. Problem Formulations

There are two questions in this study which are used to analyze the data. The questions are as follows:

1. What language features are employed in bank advertisements in The Economist magazine?

2. What are the functions of the language features in the bank advertisements in The Economist magazine?

C. Objectives of the Study


functions of using language features in the bank advertisements in The Economist magazine and the functions of using them in the advertisements.

To support the answers of the two problems formulated in this research, the theory by Verdonk is used. In this book, the language features are specified into four aspects, they are graphology, phonology, lexis and syntax. In this study, the focus of the language features be analyzed here are about the lexis and syntax (grammatical structures). Some previous related study also used to support the analysis of this study.

D. Definition of Terms

To avoid misunderstanding and misleading interpretation, it is important to know the definition of terms that used in this study. Some terms which are used in this study are explained as follow:

Language features are the elements of any kinds of communication either in written or spoken. Language features can be in many variations and categories according to the subjects and context which will be analyzed. This study provides theory of language features from Verdonk (2002). According to Verdonk, the language features specify into four aspects, they are graphology, phonology, lexis and syntax.

Stylistics is one of the study branches in linguistics. Verdonk defined that stylistics is “the analysis of distinctive expression in language and the description


to explain how people understand, and are affected by texts when people read them. Stylistics is the scientific study of style, which can be viewed in several ways. Stylistic analysis is generally concerned with the uniqueness of a text; that is, what it is that is peculiar to the uses of language in a literary text for delivering the message.

An advertisement is a commercial promotion whose product is being presented as desirable for people to buy (Goddard, 1998: 5). Mostly people know products or services from the advertisements. Advertisements contain different and unique language style in order to attract the customers using their product or service.

A magazine is a printed collection of a texts (essays, articles, stories, poems), often illustrated, that is produced at regular intervals (Kuiper, 1995: 712). It is a kind publication and it contains a lot of advertisements. There are several types and kinds of magazines according to the companies which produce the products or services.




This second chapter contains three parts, first is the review of related study which will tell about the related study conducted by Kamba (2007) in the case of the Stylistic Analysis on Linguistic Features of News Titles in the Jakarta Post on August 19, 2007 Issue, Wibowo (2013) with a case about A Stylistic Analysis on the Club Focus Column in “World Soccer” Magazine and Pratiwi (2015) in the case of A Style of the Coca-Cola Advertisements and its Persuasive Effects toward the Readers. Each of this study is reviewed to find the similarities and the different point of view in order to avoid the same topic and study. The second part is the review of related theories which will tell about the theory used to analyze this study and the third part is the theoretical framework, this part contains important review related to answer the problem of this study.

A. Review of Related Study


features which would be used to analyze the news titles headline were graphological, phonological, grammatical and lexical features, according to the Peter Verdonk theory. The frequency of each datum also would be analyzed, which style were mostly and which one was rarely used and the significance of each language. Then she analyzed the effect of the language feature to the text. In order to analyze the data Kamba uses stylistic approach which was the most appropriate approach because it studies language features.

The second review of the related study was by Wibowo (2013) entitled “A Stylistic Analysis on the Club Focus Column in “World Soccer” Magazine”. In this study, Wibowo collected the data from club focus column of “World Soccer” magazine on November 2011, December 2011 and March 2012. There are 3 articles used in this research. Wibowo focused on the graphological and lexical language features. The study investigated the use of the language features from graphological and lexical analysis. Then, he also analyzed the possible effect of those language features when they were applied in the soccer article.


Coca-Cola advertisements create persuasive effects toward young readers who learn English as foreign language. The data were taken from 125 Years Booklet of the Coca-Cola Company. The 12 out of 40 advertisements appeared on the booklet are chosen as data by her because they are considered relevant to the study, containing written texts in form of slogans,

The previous study by Kamba analyzed the text by language style with language features such as graphological, phonological, grammatical and lexical aspect, Pratiwi focused in the language features which create persuasive effect toward young readers and Wibowo focused on the language features which make possible effect to the article.


B. Review of the Related Theories

In these related theories contains some theories to analyze the study and give limitation and draw the conclusion about the study.

1. Theory of Banking a. Definition of a Bank

According to the Law, a bank is a business entity that raises funds from the public in the form of deposits and releases it to the public in order to improve the standard of living of the people (Law Chapter 1 No. 7/1992).

From the explanation of the meaning of commercial banks according to the law, banks get the money from the society who keeps their money in the bank. Society requires banks to expedite and facilitate them in international transactions and local transactions such as goods, services, and having modal for opening a business.

For the Bank, provide convenient services to customers quickly and cheaply is a gap or a business opportunity. They can still earn a fee from a variety of convenience services offered by banks such as ATM, Phone Banking, Internet Banking, Mobile Banking and SMS Banking. (Latumaerissa, 2012: 228)

The application provided by banks can make the transaction quicker, cheaper and easier. These are can be the business for the bank to have the money from society.


(2) implementing monetary policy, (3) organization that had a role in assist economic growth and equity; in order to create a sound banking system, both the banking system as a whole or individually, and is able to maintain the interest of the public good, growing naturally and benefit the national economy (Manurung and Rahardja, 2004: 56).

The function and role of commercial banks in the economy is very important and strategic. Commercial banks are very important in terms sustain the strength and smoothness of the payment system and the effectiveness of monetary policy. The functions of commercial banks as described below shows the importance of the commercial banks in the modern economy: (1) the creation of money, (2) support the smooth payment mechanism, (3) fund deposits, (4) support the smooth international transactions, (5) storage of goods and securities, (6) the provision of other services (Manurung and Rahardja, 2004: 78).

b. Purposes of Banking Services

Bank service is very important in the economic development of a country. Banking services are generally divided into two purposes. First, bank as a provider payment mechanism and an efficient tool for customers. For this, the bank provides cash, savings, and credit cards. This is the bank's most important role in economic life. Without the provision of efficient means of payment, then goods can only be traded by barter time consuming.


Without the flow of these funds, the money just sitting in someone's pocket, one cannot obtain loans and business cannot be built because they do not have the loan funds.

c. The Relationship between Banks and Customers

The relationship between banks and customers is based on two elements that are closely related, the law and the trust. A bank can only do activities and develop the bank, if people "believe" to put their money in the banking products that exist in the bank. Based on the public trust, banks can mobilize funds from the public, to be placed on the bank and the bank will provide banking services. (Ronny Bako, 1995:32)

According to Usman (2003) in “Aspek-Aspek Hukum Perbankan

Indonesia”, there are two important principles that bank must to do: i. The Principle of Belief

The principle of belief is a principle which states that the business bank based on the relationship of trust between banks and customers. Bank works primarily with funds from the public which kept him on the basis of trust, so that each bank need to continue to maintain their health while maintaining and maintain public confidence in him.


stated that a relation between banks and depositors is the relationship borrowing and lending of money between the debtors (banks) and the lender (the customer). ii. Principle of Confidentiality

The principle of confidentiality is a principle that requires or requires banks keep everything connected with financial and other than in the ordinary bank customers banking world shall be kept confidential. Confidentiality is to interests own bank because the bank requires trust people who save their money in banks. In article 40 of the Law banking states that banks are required to keep information about your customers and their savings. secrecy provisionsThe bank can be waived if certain namely, to purposes of taxation, settlement bank accounts, criminal justice, a civil case between the bank and its customers, exchange Among bank information on request, approval or authorization from depositors.

2. Theory of Stylistics and Language of Advertising

Verdonk defines that stylistics is “the analysis of distinctive expression in language and the description of its purpose and effect” (2002: 4). Stylistics studies the style in language. Style in language is a set of conscious or unconscious choices expression, inspired or induced by particular context (2002: 121). Style in language can be defined as a distinctive linguistics expression (2002: 3)


sentences, contribute to its overall meanings and effects. Stylistics it should be added is not confined to the analysis of literature: it can be applied equally to expository prose, political speeches, and advertisements and so on. Stylistic moves beyond „sentence grammar‟ to „text grammar‟ considering how the text

works as a whole to achieve (or not) its purposes (for instance to amuse, to create suspense, or to persuade) and examining the linguistic feature which contribute to these ends (Barry, 2002: 203-205).

Stylistics is the science which explores how readers interact with the language of (mainly literary) texts in order to explain how we understand, and are affected by texts when we read them. Stylistics is the scientific study of style, which can be viewed in several ways. Stylistic analysis is generally concerned with the uniqueness of a text; that is, what it is that is peculiar to the uses of language in a literary text for delivering the message.


Making an advertisement in a few words as possible, it may ignore grammar which seems to be assumed by many advertisers that this sort of thing makes it simpler for the public to take in. White (1980: 77) assumes that a long copy advertisement can work, for examples for durable especially cars, for financial services and products, and for slightly unfamiliar holiday products. As long as they can make it is readably presented and interesting. Basically the length of copy is determined by the complexity of the message to be communicated. In general, words should not be wasted; they should use if they are needed.

Advertisements can employ other varieties of language units‟ service (Crystal 1995: 388) any fragment of human condition can be found in an advertisement. Lexically, it tends to use words which are vivid, concrete, positive and unreserved. Grammatically, it is typically conversational and elliptical and often vague. It uses highly of figurative expression, deviant graphology and strong sound effect, such as rhythm, alliteration and rhyme.

3. Language Features


a. Lexical Features

Lexis means words. Words can make in to phrases, sentence, and clause. In making advertisement, the choice of words or diction is very important. Diction is a manner of expression in the word or choice of words (Michael Agnes (Ed), 1999: 400). A word is a smallest free forms found in language. A free form is an element that can occur in isolation or whose position with respect to neighboring elements is not entirely fixed. A word is also meaning the minimal meaningful units of language (O‟Grady and Dobrovolsky, 1989: 90).

Advertisements need short, clear and memorable words to attract and give impact to the readers. According to McCrimmon (1984: 271-274), good diction is the choice of words that allows the writers communicate their meaning to their readers. A good choice of words for advertisements can make a memorable thing to the readers. Words also represent what the speaker want to say. In this study, the choice of word in the bank advertisements in The Economist magazine will be analyzed. There are five lexical features which will be analyzed; they are proper noun, repetition, synonymy, polysemy and euphemism. Here are the explanations:

i. Proper Noun


ii. Repetition

Repetition is when the same words are repeated in sentence or clause in whole text. Repetition can be in the beginning, middle or in the end of the sentence or text. Example: Catch him, snatch him, and make him yours. In this sentence there are three words of “him” repeated. Repetition is a feature of the art or skill of effective communication. (McLoughlin, 2000: 21)

iii. Synonymy

Words which have different sound but have the same or nearly the same meaning are called synonyms. There is no two words ever have exactly the same meaning. For example in the word sofa and couch refer to the same object and the same meaning but in the different sound (Fromkin, 2000: 158).

iv. Polysemy

Polysemy is one word having more than one meaning; it is often exploited consciously in advertising (Goodard, 2002: 63). Polysemy allows text producers the scope to play around with those separate meaning.

Example: (a). The lamb is running in the field. (b). John ate lamb for breakfast

The word lamb in sentence (a) means the animal, while the word lambs in sentence (b) means meat which is ready to eat.


consuming and interacting, we gain a more thorough, yet never complete, understanding of how advertising works.

v. Euphemism

Euphemism is the coinage of polite language that enables us not to have to confront aspects of life we find difficult or embarrassing, such as sex, death and bodily functions (Goddard, 2002: 64). For example: “He is always tired and emotional”. The word “tired” and “emotional” in the sentence replaces the word “drunk”, with the replace of the word in the sentence look more polite.

vi. Figurative Language

According to Perrine (1969), a figurative language is more narrowly definable as a way of saying one thing in another, and we need to be concerned with no more than a dozen, since it offers an imaginative pleasure to its reader and a way of adding emotional intensity to its readers, it is important in interpreting one‟s message to the others.

Figurative language often provides a more effective means of saying what we mean than does direct statement. These are four reasons for that effectiveness (Perrine, 1969: 114-118):


Second, figurative languages are a way of bringing additional imagery into verse, of making the abstract concrete, of making the poetry more sensuous.

Third, figurative languages are a way of adding emotional intensity to otherwise merely informative statements and of conveying attitudes along with information.

Fourth, figurative languages are a means of concentration, a way of saying much in brief compass.

There are 250 types of figurative language, but according to Perrine‟s theory there are 10 types. The description of the figurative expressions below is derived from Perrine (1969) and McArthur (1992) will be presented in alphabetical order for some practicality. They are allegory, apostrophe, hyperbole, irony, litotes, metaphor, metonymy, personification, simile, synedoche. Here are the explanation:

Allegory is a narrative or description that has a second meaning beneath the surface. Allegory has been defined sometimes as extended metaphor and sometimes as a series of related symbols, but it is usually distinguishable from both of these; it is unlike metaphor in that it involves a system of related comparisons rather than one comparison drawn out. It differs from symbolism in that it puts less emphasis on the images for their own sake and more on their ulterior meanings (Perrine, 1969: 91).


surface the story may seem to be about a bunch of talking farm animals, the novel also has a secondary meaning that readers in the know will piece together. The characters and actions in the plot can be directly interpreted as a representation of political events in Russian history.

Apostrophe consists in addressing someone absent or dead or something nonhuman as if that person or thing were present and alive and could reply to what is being said (Perrine, 1969: 67). For example in the sentence “Oh, Starbucks, how I love you! Your medium dark roast allowed me to survive that meeting!”

Hyperbole means exaggeration but exaggeration in service of truth. Popularly known as an overstatement and maybe used with a variety of effect. It may be humorous or grave, fanciful or restrained, convincing or unconvincing (Perrine, 1969:10). The use of exaggerated terms is for the purpose of emphasis or heightened effect. For example in the sentence “she rushed out of the room in floods of tears”.

Irony refers to words with an implication opposite to their usual meaning. Ironic comment may be humorous or mildly sarcastic (McArthur, 1996: 532). For example in an utterance like “You‟re a fine friend!” when said to someone who has just let you down (Simpson, 2004: 46)


Metaphor is a figurative language which concisely compares two things by saying that the one is the other (McArthur, 1996: 653). Metaphor means comparing things that are essentially unlike. The comparison in metaphor is implied-that is the figurative term is substituted for or identified with the literal term (Perrine, 1969: 65). For example: My Love is a red rose (Madden, 2002: 65).

Metonymy is a figurative language in which the use of something closely related to for the thing actually meant (Perrine, 1969: 69). For example: There‟s a

good Spielberg on tomorrow night (Simpson, 2004: 43).

Personification consists in giving the attributes of human being to an animal, an object or a concept. (Perrine, 1969: 67) It gives human characteristics or qualities to something not human. For example: “the wind stood up and gave a


A simile is a figurative language, in which a more or less fanciful or unrealistic comparison is made, using like or as (McArthur, 1996: 935). A simile is used as comparing things that are essentially unlike (Perrine, 1969: 65). In a simile the comparison is expressed by the use of some word or phrase, such as like, as, than, similar to, resembles, or seems. For example: She swims like a fish (Madden, 2002: 63).


4. Theory of Meaning

In general, meaning has two base kinds and differences to the meaning having the character of denotative and connotative, here are the explanations:

Denotative meaning is usually called in some other term such as denotation, cognitive, conceptual, ideational, referential or propositional meaning. It is called denotation, referential, conceptual and ideational or meaning because it is denotes to referent, concept or certain idea. The other opinion about denotative meaning according Leech (1981), it is widely assumed to be central factor in linguistics communication and it provides for any given interpretation of a sentence. From the explanation above, it can be concluded that denotative meaning is the first literal meaning. For example the word “home” by denotation means only a place where one lives (Arp, 2009: 674)

Connotative meaning is also called connotation, emotive or evaluative meaning. Connotative meaning is one meaning which contains stimulus and response of emotional values. Connotative meaning happens in order to express feeling, agree, disagree, like or dislike. According to Leech (1981) connotative meaning is the communicative value an expression has by virtue of what it refers to, over and above its purely conceptual content. For example the word “home” in


b. Grammatical Features

Language consists of several words that are formed into the composition of the sentence, clause, and phrase. Grammars define a sentence in such term as „the complete expression of a single thought‟. A sentence has a „subject‟ (= the

topic) and a „predicate‟ (= what is being said about the topic) (Crystal David, 1987: 94).

A clause is a syntactic unit consisting of subjct and predicate which alone forms of a simple semtence and in combination with others forms of a compound sentence or complex sentence. Sometimes expressed as a unit lager than a phrase but smaller than sentence. (Asher, 1994: 5101)

A phrase is a syntactic construction which typically contains more than one word, but which lacks the subject-predicate structure usually found in a clause. Phrase are classified into types based on the most important word they contain.

Grammatical features in the advertisements consist of three elements; they are sentence structure, types of sentence and ellipsis.

i. Sentence Structure


Simple sentence is the most „simple‟ type of sentence structure, where the sentence comprises just one independent clause (Simpson, 2004: 59) Simple sentences only have one main clause. For example: She is obsessed with elephants (Wales, 2001: 356).

Compound sentence, the term compound sentence is used to describe structures which have more than one clause in them, and these clauses are of equal grammatical status (Simpson, 2004: 60). A compound sentence contains two or more independent propositions. The compound sentence consists of different independent propositions or members. These members may be two or more simple sentences, or one member may be a simple sentence and the others complex sentences, or there may be any combination of simple and complex sentences. In compound sentences, the clauses are linked by coordination such as and, or, but. For example in the sequence from Hemingway‟s The Old Man and the Sea: “They sat on the terrace and many of the fisherman made fun of the old man and he was not angry” (Hemingway, 1960: 3).


ii. Types of Sentences

The second elements of grammatical features is types of senteces. According to Linda Mcloughlin, in her “The Language of Magazine” there are

four types of sentence, here are the explanation

Declarative sentence make a statement or assertion. Declarative sentences make a statement to relay information or ideas. They are punctuated with a simple period. They can be about facts or opinions. Declarative sentences also can be in any tense. For Example: 17 August is an Independence Day.

Imperative sentence give orders or make a request. Imperatives sentences issue commands or request or they can express a desire or wish. They are punctuated with a simple period or they can be exclamations requiring an exclamation mark. . It all depends on the strength of emotion you want to express. Exclamatory sentences can consist of a single verb or they can be more lengthy and complex. For example: Meet me at the library!

According to Mark Graham (2015) in his Boom! English grammar made easy : a simple and easy guide for English learners, imperative sentences always begin with a verb and they are always in simple present tense. Imperative sentences do not have a stated subject, as the subject is always you; the person to whom the sentence is being said.

Interrogative sentences are ask question. Interrogative sentences are also easy to spot. That‟s because they always ask a question and end in a question


Exclamative sentences are used to express surprised, alarm or a strong opinion and are accompanied by exclamation mark. Exclamatory sentences express strong emotion. It doesn‟t really matter what the emotion is, an

exclamatory sentence always end in an exclamation mark, so it‟s pretty easy to

spot them. Use exclamatory sentences to portray emotion but take care to use them sparingly. Otherwise, your writing will lack sincerity. For example: Nice trick!

iii. Ellipsis

The third elements of grammatical features is ellipsis. Ellipsis means that some words have been missed out. An ellipsis can give a direct and powerful effect on the reader (Verdonk, 2002: 4). Ellipsis is the omission of part of structures (Goddard, 2002: 109).

For example, a person might say, “I went to the mall on Monday, and she

on Sunday.” A contextually identical sentence would be “I went to the mall on

Monday, and she went to the mall on Sunday.” The words “to the mall” are

omitted because they are understood from the context what the speaker is referring to.

Ellipsis creates a casual and informal effect. Advertising language attempts to reproduce the elliptical nature of spoken language in order to create the closeness with the reader.


1. Initial ellipsis

For example: (I) hope he‟s there

2. Medial ellipsis

For example: Jill owns a Volvo and Fred (owns) a BMW 3. Final ellipsis

For example: I know that we haven‟t yet set the record straight, but we will (set the record straight)

There are some recoverability types of ellipsis, such as situational ellipsis, structural ellipsis, and textual ellipsis.

a. Situational ellipsis

In situational ellipsis, the interpretation may depend on knowledge of the extra linguistic context. Typically situational ellipsis is initial. Here are some examples of situational ellipsis:

- (I‟m) Sorry I couldn‟t be there - (It‟s) Good to see you

- (Is there) Anybody in? b. Structural ellipsis

In structural ellipsis, the interpretation depends on knowledge of grammatical structure. Here are some example of stuctural ellipsis:

- I believe (that) you are mistaken


c. Textual ellipsis

In textual ellipsis, the interpretation depends on what is said or written in the linguistic context, according to the relative positions of ellipsis and its antecedent. There are two kinds of ellipsis, they are:

i. Anaphoric ellipsis, the interpretation depends on what comes before. For example: I‟m happy if you are (happy)

ii. Cataphoric ellipsis, the ellipsis depends on what comes after. For example: Those who prefer (to stay indoors), can stay indoors.

5. Theory of Advertisements and Advertising

Gilson and Berkman (1980: 11) define advertisements as persuasive media communication designed to respond to and help achieve marketing objectives. This definition makes two meaning of the purpose of an advertisement, first the persuasive effect to the readers, attract the readers. All advertisements somehow aim to affect the readers‟ attitudes or behavior. Second, advertisements as the

„marketing tool‟ according to Weilbacher (1984: 459) he says that advertisements are the effective marketing tools that help business man make the product sales. While advertising is the nonpersonal communication of information usually paid for and usually persuasive in nature about products, services, or ideas by identified sponsors through the various media. (Bovee and Arens 1986: 5)

a. Elements of Advertisements


eliminated until a new look or approach is achieved. The key elements in print advertising are the headline, subhead, body copy and slogan. Here are the explanations:

i. Headline

The term headline refers to the words in the leading position of the advertisements-that is, the words that will be read first or that are positioned to draw the most attention. As a result, headlines are usually set in large type than other portions of the advertisements. A headline has six important functions; first headline must attract attention to the advertisements. The entire message is usually lost if no one reads the headline. Second, a headline should select the reader; that is, it tells whether the subject matter of the advertisement interest the reader. Third, a headline should lead the reader directly into the body copy. Fourth, a headline must present the complete selling idea. Fifth, a headline should promise the customer a benefit. The benefit should be readily apparent to the reader and easy to get. Sixth, a headline should present product news of interest to the reader. Consumers look for new products, new uses of old products, or improvements on old products. Therefore words that imply newness increase readership should be used whenever applicable.


headlines include many of the “how to” headlines as well as headlines that seek to

gain identification for their sponsors by announcing some news or providing some promise of information. Question headlines can be dangerous. If you ask a question that the reader can answer quickly, the rest of the advertisement may not get read. Command headlines orders you to do something and therefore, might seem negative, yet we pay attention to such headlines. They motivate us through fear emotion, or because we understand the inherent correctness of the command. ii. Subheads

Subheads usually appear in a smaller type size than the headline. They are almost invariably larger than body copy or text type size. The purpose of subhead is to transmit key sales points-fast. The subheads should be reserved for important facts that may not be as dramatic or memorable as the headline information. The subheads should reinforce the headline and advertisement theme.

iii. Body Copy


tells a story. It set up a problem and then creates a solution using the particular sales features of the product or service. Institutional copy sells an idea or the merits of the organization or service rather than sales features of a particular product. Dialogue/monologue copy can add the credibility that narrative copy sometimes lacks. The characters illustrated in the advertisements do the selling in their own words, either through a testimonial or quasi testimonial technique, or through a comic strip panel. Gimmick copy depends on words-plays, humor, poetry, rhyming, great exaggeration, gags, and other trick devices.

iv. Slogan

Slogans have two basic purposes. The first is to provide continuity for a campaign. The second is to reduce a key theme or idea the company wants associated with its product or itself to a brief, memorable positioning statement. Effective slogan is short, easy to understand, memorable and easy to repeat.

b. Functions of Advertisements

Advertisements and the development of industry and companies are closely related. Therefore, the function of advertisement should be explained further. Some functions of advertisements in some field divide into five, they are marketing function, communication function, education function, economic function and social function (Bovee and Arens 1986: 9-11)


The second is communication function. According to Bovee and Arens (1986), all forms of advertisement communicate some messages to a group of people.

The third is education function. People learn from advertisement. They learn about the products or services available to them and they learn how they can be better live with the promotion in the advertisements.

The fourth is economic function. By making people aware of the products, services and ideas, advertisements promote sales and thereby commerce as well. Advertising invites people to try new products which can accelerates the success of good products and the failure of unacceptable products.

The fifth is social function. An advertisement is one of the major forces that have helped improve the standard of living around the world. By publicizing the material, social, advertising has encouraged increased productivity by both management and labor.

c. The Advantages Advertisements in the Magazines

There are six advantages advertise an advertisement in magazine according to Bovee and Arens (1986: 418-419).

First, magazines are the most selective media except for direct mail. The predictable editorial environment selects the audience and enables advertisers to pinpoint their sales campaign. Most magazines are written for special-interest groups.


as national coverage. Each magazine lends itself to a variety of lengths, approaches, and editorial tones. The advertiser, therefore, has choice of using long copy, black and white, editorial ads, or short copy, colorful poster as, or humorous cartoons, or any of an infinite variety approaches.

Third, magazines colors spread a spectrum of exciting visual pleasure before the reader. Nowhere can better color reproduction be seen than in the slick magazines.

Fourth, if the advertiser wants to speak with authority and believability, magazines can enhance the message. People believe that magazines say. Their influence affects people‟s ideas, opinions, and desires.

Fifth, magazines offer permanence. For the advertiser who wants to communicate lasting information and enjoyment, magazines give the reader more opportunity to appraise as in considerable detail. Advertisements can deliver a more complete educational/sales message and can effectively communicate the total corporate personality. Magazines also enable advertisers to generate reprints and materials, which further promote and merchandise their corporate advertising campaign.


C. Theoretical Framework

This study aims to answer the research problems that have been formulated in the first chapter. This part contains the theories that will be used to analyze the study. The theories which have been explained in the review of related theories will help the writer to solve the problem formulation in this study. Based on the theory above, the theory of bank will give us the knowledge about the circulation of a bank, where the bank gets the money and who comes to a bank. The object of the study is bank advertisements so that the theories about bank are needed to know about a bank. The theories about bank are taken from “Bank dan

Lembaga Keuangan Lain” written by Julius Laumaerissa and translated by the writer.


meaning also will be analyzed. The grammatical features which will be analyzed are about the sentence structure, types of sentence and ellipsis.



This chapter provides the methodology that is used in doing this research of the study. There are three parts which explained the way this study will be researched such as object of the study, approach of the study, and method of the study. Those things will be explained as follow:

A. Object of the Study

This research deals with the use of language features in the advertisements. The data collected are taken from The Economist magazine and focused about bank advertisement. In the analysis of the advertisement, the main focus of language features in the advertisements is on the lexical features and grammatical features. Therefore the object of the study must be advertisements, and focused in bank advertisements. There are some bank advertisements which use The Economist magazine as their promotions to advertise about the service and bank‟s product. Bank advertisements are chosen because there are a few bank


Table 1. List of Bank Advertisements in The Economist Magazine

No Advertising Language Source Date

1 Joint dedication to build a beautiful China

China Construction Bank

January 18,2014 2 This year in bussiness, there‟s

more to talk about 4 The Reminbi, Is your business

possitioned to prosper ? 8 The biggest challenge for any

corporate is nothing but an opportunity waiting to unfold.

State Bank of India January 17, 2015


14 A lot of people understand money. How many people understand families?

PICTET October 17, 2015

15 Every brush stroke takes more than it looks. With vision and exertion, we shape a bright future for everyone.

Agricultural Bank of China


In this study the bank advertisements were analyzed from the aspect of the language features and the functions of using the language features in the bank advertisements in The Economist magazine. The data were categorized into language features according to the lexis (proper nouns, repetition, synonymy, polysemy, euphemism, figure of speech and meaning) and grammatical features (sentence structure, types of sentences and ellipsis). The functions of using the language features in the sentence were also analyzed.

B. Approach of the Study

This study uses the stylistic approach to analyze the data. Stylistic is “a critical approach which uses the methods and findings of the science of language in the analysis of literary texts” (Barry, 2002: 203). Stylistics studies linguistic features of the language and the effect so that stylistic is the most appropriate approach to this study. Stylistics can be used both literary and non-literary texts. This study analyzes language of advertisements which are non-literary texts. The theories used are the textual analysis from the lexis and grammatical features. Those theories help to analyze the data of the advertising language on the bank advertisements.

C. Method of the Study


information gained by experience, observation, or experiment. Empirical data are produced by experiment and observation.

This study is included into qualitative descriptive research. Bogdan and Taylor (Moleong, 2007: 3) argues that the qualitative methodology is a research procedure that produces descriptive data in the form of written words or spoken from people and behavior observed. This study emphasizes the language style and the usage choice of words. The theories applied are taken from linguistics and literature books which available in the library.

1. Data Collection

The data of this study were taken from the printed magazine. The Economist magazine was chosen to be the source of getting the data. The Economist magazine is an English-language weekly newspaper owned by The Economist Newspaper Ltd and published in offices in London. The Economist offers authoritative insight and opinion on international news, politics, business, finance, science and technology. The edition from January 2014 until January 2016, there were 15 of bank advertisements found and those would be analyzed. The data were taken randomly.

To collect data properly, there were three steps. The first was the writer checked the data which have been analyzed by the senior students to avoid the same data. The second step, after the writer checked the data from the senior, the writer decided to choose bank advertisements from The Economist magazine because these data haven‟t been used by the senior students. The third step was


about advertisements, stylistics was the best approach to analyze the data, since stylistic is the study about the uniqueness of the language.

2. Data Analysis

In analyzing the data, written sources were used because the written sources from the printed magazine were the valid data and it was official. The valid data from printed magazine also used because it was important for investigation. Magazines also read by many people. There were some steps in analyzing the data. Library research also used in order to get the information needed for the research. The information related to the linguistic and stylistics theories need to do the investigation and analysis for the problem formulation. The linguistics and stylistics theories are taken from the books and articles available in the library.

To analyze the problem, there were several steps that to do, the first step was collecting data from The Economist magazine which were available in the library of Sanata Dharma University. Bank advertisements were the main focus of the data. To answer the first problem, the headlines or slogans of the advertisement were analyzed from the aspect the textual analysis of the lexis (proper nouns, repetition, synonymy, polysemy, euphemism, figures of speech and the meaning), grammatical features (sentences structure, sentences types and ellipsis).


was done by close reading the text of the advertising language features in bank advertisements in The Economist magazine. Each word was read to find out the language features used. The class of data was based on the linguistic features to see the most common linguistic features which are used. Every datum was analyzed by its language style what categories involved in it and what stylistics devices were used in each advertising language of a bank advertisements in The Economist magazine. After each datum was analyzed, to make easier read and clear the about the categorization of the language style, those datum would be made list in the table.




This chapter consists of two main parts based on the research problem formulation in Chapter 1. The first part will explain the first research problem about the language features focuses on the lexis and grammatical features. The analysis of the first part focuses on the elaboration of the research findings. The second part will explain the second research problem about the functions of using the language features in the bank advertisements in The Economist magazine. The analysis of the second part focuses on the discussion of language features used in the bank advertisements in The Economist magazine.

A. The Language Features Used in the Bank Advertisements in The Economist Magazine

15 data were collected to answer the first problem about the language features used in the bank advertisements in The Economist magazine. Before analyzing the language features used in those advertisements, the theory about language features has been discussed in Chapter II. There are two main parts of language features which discussed. They are lexical features and grammatical features.


Grammatical features related to the construction of the structure in the advertising language sentence of the bank advertisements in The Economist magazine. There are three grammatical features elements which analyzed. They are sentence structure, types of sentences and elipsis.

Here are the explanation of the analysis. Starting from number “1” is the

first advertisements analyzed. The rest number is the next advertisement analyzed until number 15.

1. Joint Dedication to Build a Beautiful China (China Construction Bank) The first bank advertisement is from China Construction Bank. This advertisement appeared on January 18, 2014 in The Economist magazine. The lexical elements found in the advertisement phrase is a proper noun China, since proper nouns are name of countries. Proper nouns are written with initial capital letters. (Quirk and Greenbaum, 1972: 160). China is one of the country names in East Asia. There is something new in this phrase. The usage of article “a” in the proper noun China is to emphasize that there is only one China. The article “a” is used before singular, countable nouns which begin with consonant sounds.

The figurative language is not found in this phrase. The words in this phrase are not using the figurative terms to express the thought in the phrase.


This bank advertisements is a phrase, not a sentence so that the sentence structure and the types of sentence cannot applied in this bank advertisement because it is a phrase. A phrase is a group of words that are related but do not contain elements of subject and verb. Phrase can be in the shape of noun phrase, adjective phrase, verb phrase, prepositional phrase, pronoun phrase and adverbial phrase. This bank advertisements is not a sentence because it haven‟t the complete

form as a sentence. The complete form of a sentence must have subject and predicate while there is no subject in this caption of bank advertisements.

Ellipsis found in this bank advertisement. Phrase is not a complete sentence so there‟s missing word. The complete sentence should be (This is a)

Joint Dedication to Build a Beautiful China. The postition of the ellipsis is initial position and the type of ellipsis is situational ellipsis.

There are two distinctive features found in this advertisement. First, lies on the lexical feature in this advertisement phrase. The use of article “a” in the proper

noun China is something new. Proper noun uses a capital letter in the beginning of the word to give the specification to the name. The use of arcticle”a” in this

advertisement phrase give more specification and emphasize that there is only one “China”. Article“a” is used to a singular noun and before noun.


missing words lie on the beginning of the phrase called ellipsis. Ellipsis is used in order to make short and effective words.

2. This year in business, there’s more to talk about (National Australia Bank)

The second bank advertisement is from National Australia Bank. This advertisement appeared on February 22, 2014 in The Economist magazine. There are no distinctive lexical elements found in this advertising sentence. Proper noun, repetition, synonymy, polysemy and euphemism are not found in this sentence.

The figurative language is not found in this advertising sentence. The words in this sentence are not using the figurative terms to express the thought in the sentence.

According to the meaning this sentence has denotative meaning. “This year in business, there‟s more to talk about” this sentence contains the real meaning about talking something important in business in this year. The word “business” used in order to attract the readers who mostly businessman to deeper

read about the bank in order to make sense to them invest something in the bank. The focus of the sentence is in the beginning of the sentence “This year”, this is

means in order to make the readers focus and aware about the time.


sentence, this is in order to emphasises the important thing in this sentence and make the readers focus on the main topic of the sentence.

According to the types of sentence, this is a declarative sentence, because the sentence is a statement in order to relay information or ideas. Ellipsis is not found in this advertising sentence. The advertising sentence is complete, no missing words in this sentence.

The distinctive feature found in this advertisement found in the structure of the sentence. The words order in this advertisements are different with others. Usually a sentence begin with a subject, but in this sentence the adverbial phrase “this year” which explain about the time. This is in order to make the readers

aware about time.

3. Tracking markets. Capturing opportunities (UBS)

The third bank advertisement is from Union Bank of Switzerland (UBS). This advertisement appeared on March 1, 2014 in The Economist magazine. The lexical elements of proper noun, repetition, synonymy, polysemy and euphemism are not found in this sentence.

The figurative language is not found in this phrase. The words in this phrase are not using the figurative terms to express the thought in the phrase.

According to the meaning this sentence has denotative meaning. Each word in this advertising sentence “Tracking Markets. Capturing Opportunities


type of goods. Capturing as a verb means to succeed in getting control of soemthing that other people are also trying control. Opportunities as noun means a time when a particular situation makes it possible to do or achieve something.

This bank advertisements is a phrase, not a sentence so that the sentence structure and the types of sentence can not applied in this bank advertisement because it is a phrase. There is no subject in this sentence. Two verbs, “tracking”, “capturing” and two nouns “markets” “opportunities” are found in this

advertising sentence.

The distinctive feature in this advertisement lies on the grammatical features. This bank advertisements phrase uses the parallel structure. In grammar, parallel structure or parallel construction, is a balance within one or more sentences of similar phrases or clauses that have the same grammatical structure. The application of parallelism improves writing style and readability, and is thought to make sentences easier to process.

4. The reminbi. Is your business positioned to prosper? (Standard Chartered)

The fourth bank advertisement is from Standard Chartered. This advertisement appeared on April 12, 2014 in The Economist magazine. The lexical elements found in the advertisements sentence is proper noun. The word “The reminbi” is the proper noun because it is the name of a thing, a currency.


According to the meaning this sentence has denotative meaning. the words in this sentence have the same meaning and intention according to the real meaning. The reminbi which means the system of currency of the people's

Republic of China and prosper which means succeed in material terms.

This advertising language included in simple sentence” because the sentence only have one clause. In this sentence there is one subject “is your business”, and one predicate “positioned to prosper”. This advertisements begin with the phrase The reminbi which means the currency of China.

This advertising language included in interrogative sentence. Interrogative sentence are ask question. Interrogative sentences are also easy to spot. That‟s because they always ask a question and end in a question mark

(Mcloughlin, 2000: 18 )

The elipsis found in this advertisement sentence. There is one mising word in this sentence. Is your business positioned to prosper?” should be Is your business (have) positioned to prosper?” the word “have” here means “done” this word ommited in this sentence in order to make the sentence shorter and effective. According to the position, this is medial ellipsis because the ellipsis lies on the middle of the sentence. According to the types, this is structural ellipsis. In structural ellipsis, the interpretation depends on knowledge of grammatical structure.


5. What I need is investment banking-redefined (Commerz Bank)

The fifth bank advertisements is from Commerz Bank. This advertisements appeared on April 12, 2014 in The Economist magazine. There is no lexical elements found in the advertisements. This advertising sentence is not included in any lexical elements; proper noun, repetition, synonymy, polysemy and euphemism.

The figurative expression uses in this advertising sentence is synecdoche. Synecdoche is a figure of speech concerned with parts and wholes (McArthur, 1996:1014). In this sentence “What I need is investment banking-redefined”, the word “I” represent a part of a person or the readers who need the investment banking which express in the sentence.

According to the meaning this sentence has denotative meaning because the sentence in this advertising language is the real meaning according to dictionary. The word need means require (something) because it is essential or very important rather than just desirable. Investment means the action or process of investing money for profit.


Table 2. List of Declarative Sentence of Bank Advertisements in               The Economist Magazine ........................................................................
Table 1. List of Bank Advertisements in The Economist Magazine
Table 2. List of Declarative Sentence of Bank Advertisements in The Economist Magazine


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