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An analysis on the language style of the utterances in magnum advertisements


Academic year: 2017

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Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree

in English Language Education


Sonia Niken Permatasari Student Number: 091214117








Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree

in English Language Education


Sonia Niken Permatasari Student Number: 091214117






For I the LORD your God will hold your right hand, saying to you, ‘Fear not, I will help you.’

(Isaiah 41:13)

Blessed is the man who trusts in the LORD, and whose hope is the LORD

(Jeremiah 17:7)

Luck is when preparation meets opportunity. (Little Black Book)

No matter how many times people try to criticize you, the best revenge is to prove them wrong

(Zayn Malik)

I dedicate this thesis to:

My benign parents

I present my success and every best in me for you

My dear siblings




Permatasari, Sonia Niken. (2014). An Analysis on the Language Style of the Utterances in Magnum Advertisements. Yogyakarta: Sanata Dharma University.

The role of broadcasted advertisements is undeniably important for the companies to market their products. To convince the audience, advertisers have to convey the persuasive message through the use of linguistic features. Those linguistic features will influence the persuasion techniques used in advertisements and the power relation which is built between the companies and the consumers. Considering Magnum‟s successful marketing, the researcher had an interest and curiosity to analyze the language style beyond Magnum advertisements.

This study attempted to solve three research problems related to the language style of the utterances in Magnum advertisements. They were (1) What are the linguistic features of Magnum advertisements? (2) What kind of persuasion technique does Magnum use to advertise the products? (3) What kind of power relation does Magnum have upon consumers through the advertisements?

As an endeavor to solve those three research problems, the researcher employed document analysis in analyzing the transcript of the utterances in 10 Magnum advertisements. The first research problem was solved by categorizing the words or the sentences into some linguistic features of advertising language proposed by Grey (2008). The second research problem was solved by classifying

Kleppner‟s persuasion techniques (1986) used in Magnum advertisements. The third research problem was solved by interpreting the power relation in Magnum advertisements based on French‟s and Raven‟s theory (1959).

From the obtained data, the researcher found that there were only a few linguistic features which appeared in Magnum advertisements. Although the advertisers created simplicity to those advertisements, the purposes of advertising were clearly understood based on the persuasion techniques which were used. The power relation between the companies and the consumers could be defined easily because the utterances are clear enough. Furthermore, the simplicity of Magnum advertisements presented Magnum‟s special characteristics albeit the advertisers did not vary the language style. This research could be used as an authentic example of teaching and learning English advertisement materials and knowledge for the advertisers to vary the language in their advertisements.




Permatasari, Sonia Niken. (2014). An Analysis on the Language Style of the Utterances in Magnum Advertisements. Yogyakarta: Universitas Sanata Dharma.

Tidak dapat dipungkiri bahwa peran serta iklan yang ditayangkan di beberapa media elektronik sangat penting untuk beberapa perusahaan dalam memasarkan produk mereka. Para pembuat iklan harus dapat meyakinkan para pendengar melalui penggunaan bermacam-macam aspek linguistik yang juga dapat mempengaruhi teknik persuasi dan daya relasi antara perusahaan dan konsumen. Magnum yang telah sukses memasarkan produknya menimbulkan ketertarikan tersendiri bagi peneliti untuk menganalisa gaya bahasa yang digunakan pada iklannya.

Terdapat tiga permasalahan mengenai kalimat yang diucapkan pada iklan Magnum yang akan diselesaikan dalam penilitian ini, yaitu (1) Apa saja aspek linguistik yang ada dalam iklan Magnum? (2) Apa saja teknik persuasi yang digunakan Magnum untuk mengiklankan produknya? (3) Apa daya relasi yang dibangun Magnum terhadap konsumennya melalui iklan?

Untuk menyelesaikan tiga permasalahan penelitian tersebut, peneliti menggunakan analisis dokumen dalam analisis transkrip kalimat yang diucapkan dalam iklan Magnum. Permasalahan penelitian yang pertama diselesaikan dengan mengategorikan setiap ucapan ke beberapa aspek linguistik bahasa periklanan yang dikemukakan oleh Grey (2008). Permasalahan penelitian yang kedua diselesaikan dengan mengklasifikasikan teknik persuasi, usulan Kleppner (1986) yang digunakan dalam iklan Magnum. Permasalahan penelitian yang ketiga diselesaikan dengan menginterpretasikan daya relasi dalam iklan Magnum berdasarkan teori French dan Raven (1959).

Dari data yang diperoleh, peneliti menemukan sedikit aspek linguistik yang muncul dalam iklan Magnum. Walaupun pembuat iklan menciptakan kesederhanaan untuk iklan tersebut, tujuan pengiklanan dapat dimengerti dengan jelas berdasarkan teknik persuasi yang digunakan. Daya relasi antara perusahaan dan konsumen dapat ditetapkan dengan mudah karena kalimat- diucapkan dengan jelas. Kesederhanaan iklan Magnum menyajikan ciri khasnya walaupun para pembuat iklan tidak menggunakan berbagai macam gaya bahasa. Penelitian ini dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai contoh yang otentik dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran materi iklan bahasa Inggris dan sebagai pengetahuan untuk pembuat iklan sehingga dapat menggunakan berbagai variasi bahasa dalam iklannya.




It has been a long-winded journey I went on to achieve my Sarjana

Pendidikan degree. Fortunately, there were many people who walked beside me

to strengthen me in facing every single obstacle I had to face during the process of

finishing this thesis as one of the steps I had to take. I would like to sincerely

express my gratitude to those kind-hearted people.

My very first ceaseless gratitude goes to Jesus Christ for everything. It is

only by the grace of Him that I could finish my thesis. Following His path is never

disappointing because He always makes everything beautiful in His time.

Profound appreciation is addressed to my sponsor, Made Frida Yulia,

S.Pd., M.Pd. for being very patient in guiding me. I thank her for spending her

valuable time to critically read my writing and to advise me for my better writing.

I thank all of the lecturers of the English Language Education Study

Program who indirectly inspired me along my study process. Also, I thank all of

the staff for helping me during the years of my study.

Special thankfulness goes to my beloved parents, Lalina and Budiyono,

and my siblings, Sahana Nila Natasashari, Febri Syahari Valentian, Candra Nastiti

Ayunanda, and Fladimir Panca Syaputra. I could always count on them in every

situation because of their unpretentious love and care. I am also greatly indebted

to the big family of Yasmin Hadi Prayitno and the big family of Supardi for the



My generous thanks is also to my dearest Yulianto Puji Pamungkas for

being there to give me love and encouragement. He is an awesome best friend, an

admirable brother, and a fabulous boyfriend.

I am very grateful owing to my benevolent friends, namely Yogyaria Astin

K. G. and Consita Iriana P. Every moment we spent together for about four years

was the whole happiness bit. The members of A Fortiori Play Performance, Class

C students, and all of the students of batch 2009 of ELESP are also people who I

want to thank to. I also thank Indria Ajeng Noor Ambar, my only PPL partner in

SMK 6, and my friends of KKN Group 39 for the cheerful short time togetherness

when we were duty bound to take those courses. They are all amiable persons.

Finally, I give my indebtedness to all of the people I could not mention

here for their support, prayers and help. They really mean so much to me. God

counts them among His belongings. Once again, I am very grateful for everything

they have done to me.










ABSTRACT ... vii

ABSTRAK ... viii







A. Research Background ... 1

B. Research Problem ... 6

C. Problem Limitation ... 6

D. Research Objectives ... 7

E. Research Benefits ... 7




A.Theoretical Description ... 11

1. Advertisement and Advertising ... 11

a. Definition ... 11

b. Functions of Advertising ... 13

c. Types of Advertising ... 13

2. Language Style of Advertisement ... 14

a. Lexical Features ... 14

b. Syntactic Features ... 17

3. Persuasion ... 21

4. Power Relation ... 23

B.Theoretical Framework ... 25


A.Research Method ... 27

B.Research Setting... 28

C.Research Subjects ... 29

D.Instruments and Data Gathering Technique ... 29

E. Data Analysis Technique ... 30

F. Research Procedure ... 33




1. The Lexical Features of Magnum Advertisements ... 36

2. The Syntactic Features of Magnum Advertisements .. 42

B.The Persuasion Techniques in Magnum Advertisements .. 49

C.The Power Relation in Magnum Advertisements ... 51


A.Conclusions ... 56

B.Implications... 58

C.Recommendations ... 59

1. For English Teachers ... 59

2. For English Learners ... 60

3. For Advertisers ... 60

4. For Future Researchers ... 61




Table Page

3.1 The (Feature X) of Magnum Advertisements ... 32

3.2 The Checklist of Persuasion Techniques in Magnum Advertisements ... 32

3.3 The Checklist of Power Relation in Magnum Advertisements ... 33

4.1 The Persuasion Techniques in Magnum Advertisements ... 49




Figure Page

4.1 The Lexical Features of Magnum Advertisements ... 37




Appendix Page

A. The Transcript of Magnum Advertisements ... 64





This chapter provides a general introduction to the language style of

broadcasted advertisements. Hence, the researcher intends to present the research

background, problem formulation, problem limitation, research objectives,

research benefits, and definition of terms.

A. Research Background

It is clear that every company needs media to disseminate their products to

people, the consumers of their products. Mass media hold an important role to

meet companies‟ needs. Mass media can be in the form of pamphlets, brochures,

advertisements, and many more. Companies have their own decision to choose the

form of mass media by considering many aspects. How companies present their

products through mass media is considered as a valuable thing because the

consumers often judge certain products from what they understand from the mass

media before using the products in reality. It directly can affect the image of that

brand and the image of the company itself.

Advertisements become the most well-known mass media because many

companies use advertisements for particular aims. Taylor (1986) argues that the

functions of advertisements are to create consumers‟ awareness and product

differentiation, to create consumers‟ good-will, to reinforce existing behavior, and


achieve those functions for their profits. Broadcasted advertisements are now the

familiar one because people can know many kinds of advertisements in some

channels of television, internet, and radio.

Asher (1994) states that advertising language is used to persuade or to

tempt people to buy companies‟ products. It means that advertisements use

persuasive language to entice consumers. Advertisers should know what kind of

persuasive language which is suitable for certain products and make consumers

believe in the companies‟ products. Although the use of persuasive language is

important, advertisers cannot ignore another function of advertisements, such as to

create a good image of a product. The audience of broadcasted advertisements in

television will create the image of the products by seeing and hearing what the

advertisers make in the advertisements. Persuasive language should emphasize the

functions of advertisements themselves.

According to Grey (2008: 5), to convey the persuasive message of

advertisements, advertisers often use some linguistic features, such as hyperbole,

repetition, glamorization, and some syntactic features, such as short sentences,

long noun phrases, and ambiguity. Hyperbole is the common one which can make

advertisements more alive. As the consumers‟ experiences increase, advertisers

have to be responsible for the advertised products because advertisements can

influence the development of the companies. Unfortunately, companies have

bigger responsibility to their advertisements because consumers never judge


affect the image of the companies. Therefore, diction will be a very crucial thing

in advertisements.

The use of certain strategies in making advertisements can influence

consumers‟ point of view on the products. Choosing persuasion techniques is

based on companies‟ needs and purposes. For example, cosmetics which can

make women more beautiful will usually use Packard‟s idea of selling reassurance

of worth (1957). Packard (1957) says that selling reassurance of worth is a

persuasion technique of advertising to fulfill the needs of the consumers‟

satisfaction after they use the product. For example, the advertisement of

TRESemmé in late September 2012. It is a new product of hair care in Indonesia.

The advertiser introduces the existence of TRESemmé in Indonesia nowadays by

using that persuasion technique. There is a woman who has beautiful long hair

and is walking around a narrow room. There are also some pictorial scenes of a

woman whose hair is being treated by a hair stylist. In that advertisement, the

advertiser shows how satisfied that woman is after she uses that product. It shows

how consumers will be satisfied if they use TRESemmé. That persuasion

technique is a match for presenting the purpose of TRESemmé company.

Nowadays, companies broadcast interesting advertisements in creative

presentations. The utterances related to the product description are found in some

television advertisements. Nevertheless, companies focus more on the image or

action through a very short story to create dramatization. For example, the honesty

version of Mie Sedaaap advertisement focuses on the boys who are eating Mie


point that the audience will receive from the advertisement. The main point of that

advertisement is that Mie Sedaaap is delicious. It is only a very simple message

which is presented by a twenty-second-advertisement. Therefore, the unique

presentation of advertisements is an interesting subject matter to observe.

Moreover, advertising language has its own specialization of language elements

which are used in the advertisements themselves.

Since broadcasted advertisements can be seen and heard, an utterance is as

important as the visualization. Advertisers need to choose the most appropriate

words to be uttered by the speakers in advertisements. Utterances hold important

points because the audience can easily notice the uttered words instead of the

written one. Ear-catching utterances should be attractive to the audience. Brands‟

slogan can be more understandable and remarkable if it is uttered in

advertisements. Even, some advertisements present both the written slogan and

the spoken slogan to grab the audience‟s attention. The speakers in advertisements

can help the audience to understand on the advertised products through their

utterances which are uttered with the right tone.

Kertajaya (1997: 48) writes that consumers are basically familiar with the

brand instead of the product itself. Consumers trust the products of certain brands.

Since the product has a big deal with people‟s perspective about product brands,

there are some power relation which are built by companies upon consumers

through advertisements. French and Raven (1959) classify power relation into five

types, namely reward power, expert power, legitimate power, referent power, and


audience‟s interest to buy a product because of a reward that they will gain from

that product. It directly means that advertisements use reward power to raise

consumers‟ buying willingness.

Overall advertisements which have been watched, the researcher is

interested in Magnum advertisements. From the data taken from Magnum‟s

official website (2012), it says, “Magnum was the first handheld ice cream

targeted as a premium ice cream for adults. Today, Magnum is one of the world's

leading ice cream brands, selling one billion units annually worldwide, and it is

the biggest brand of Unilever ice creams.” It is true that Magnum is a product

which has a great success in marketing its product to people all around the world.

This success is also influenced by the use of mass media to spread the existence of

all products from Magnum.

Considering Magnum‟s success in marketing its products, the researcher

would like to analyze the language style which is used over Magnum

advertisements that have created success. Since there are a lot of topics which

discuss the language style of advertisements, the researcher narrows the language

style to the linguistic features and persuasion techniques of the utterances in

Magnum advertisements. Besides, Magnum advertisements also hold the

researcher‟s attention to identify the power relation that companies want to show


B. Research Problem

This research endeavors to seek the language style of Magnum

advertisements. Based on the main purpose of this research, the problems are

formulated in the following questions:

1. What are the linguistic features of Magnum advertisements?

2. What kind of persuasion technique does Magnum use to advertise the


3. What kind of power relation does Magnum have upon consumers through the


C. Problem Limitation

This research attempts to identify the linguistic features which appear in

Magnum advertisements. The researcher analyzes the linguistic features based on

the theory proposed by Grey (2008) in his Language in Use. The researcher

specifies the linguistic features of Magnum advertisements into two parts; they are

the lexical features and syntactic features. There are several theories of persuasion

technique types, but in this research, the researcher uses Kleppner‟s theory of

persuasion technique (1986). Then, the researcher implements the classification of

power relation proposed by French and Raven (1959). The analysis is directed


D. Research Objectives

The aims of this study are divided into three parts. They are:

1. To analyze the linguistic features of Magnum advertisements.

2. To identify the persuasion techniques which are used by Magnum to advertise

the products.

3. To interpret the power relation which Magnum has upon consumers through

the advertisements.

E. Research Benefits

Since this thesis deals with language in society, particularly the

advertisements, it is hoped that it will be a useful study for:

1. Advertisers

The advertising field has been developed rapidly nowadays. The

competitive competence in advertisements is needed to attract companies‟

attention. Hopefully this research can inspire advertisers to create high quality

advertisements with some consideration from many aspects, including consumers‟

point of view.

2. Consumers

Through this research, the researcher hopes that consumers can raise their

awareness of wise buying decision, because the decision to buy some products is


3. English Teachers

It is expected that the findings of this research can contribute to the

development of the language study. Particularly, it is hoped to be an outline to

teach the language elements of functional texts, especially advertisements. In the

teaching-learning process, they may use advertisements as the authentic materials

in linguistics course related to analyzing the advertising language.

F. Definition of Terms

Some terms will be defined to help the readers have better understanding

through this study. Below are some terms as the key words of this study.

1. Advertisements

Gilson and Berkman (1986) define advertisements as the persuasive media

of communication to help companies achieve marketing objectives.

Advertisements which have their own particular language style are media to

persuade consumers to buy or use certain products. A sale is the marketing

objective that can be done through advertisements. To meet this need, companies

should make the best advertisement with the most suitable language style. In this

research, the researcher chooses Magnum advertisements because of their

particular language style in persuading the audience. Magnum advertisements

become the only data sources. The language style, the persuasion technique, and

the power relation of Magnum advertisements are the main subject matter that is


2. Language Style

According to Verdonk (2002), style in language is a set of conscious or

unconscious choices of expression, inspired or induced by particular context. In

this research, language style is a general term which refers to the linguistic

features used in Magnum advertisements. It deals with the use of linguistic

features which consist of lexical features and syntactic features in Magnum

advertisements, such as hyperbole, weasel words, imperative, and long noun

phrases. Those linguistic features can be used to analyze Magnum advertisements‟

persuasion techniques and Magnum advertisements‟ power relation. The analysis

of the expressions, particularly the spoken expressions, indicates the analysis of

the language style. This research will analyze deeply the presence of Magnum

advertisements‟ language style which can influence the kind of persuasion

technique and power relation.

3. Persuasion Technique

Ross (1994: 168) says, “Persuasion is a process of skillfully and ethically

using logical thoughts, effective appeals, credibility and ethical proof to influence

and motivate others to responds as you wish them to.” Besides, a persuasion

technique is a strategy that is used to persuade people. In this research, persuasion

techniques are the strategies used in each Magnum advertisement in order to

convince the audience of what the speakers said in Magnum advertisements. This

research is going to analyze how the speakers‟ utterances reflect the use of certain


4. Power Relation

According to Peirce (1886), power relation is the power which is built

from the message sender to the message receiver through the communication act.

In this research, power relation refers to the relation which Magnum company

wants to have upon its consumers through its advertisements. This power is

created by Magnum advertiser to build the brand image of Magnum in society.

5. Magnum

The official website of Magnum (2012) claims, “Magnum was the first

handheld ice cream targeted as a premium ice cream for adults. Today, Magnum

is one of the world's leading ice cream brands, selling one billion units annually

worldwide, and it is the biggest brand of Unilever ice creams.” Nowadays,

Magnum is one of the most well-known brands of ice cream in the world. Its

success in attracting consumers involves the use of broadcasted advertisements.

This research will focus on the language style of English Magnum advertisements.

The researcher analyzes the videos of English Magnum advertisements as the data





The content of this chapter will seek to explain some important theories

which are related to this research. There are two main parts of this chapter,

namely theoretical description and theoretical framework. Theoretical description

provides the theoretical review of this research base whereas theoretical

framework explains the relation between the theories and the research.

A. Theoretical Description

In this section, there are some theories which can be the foundation of this

research. This section elaborates on the advertisement and advertising, language

style of advertisement, persuasion, and power relation.

1. Advertisement and Advertising

This part is going to explain what advertisement and advertising are. There

are several things which deal with advertisement and advertising. They are the

definition of advertisement and advertising, the functions of advertising, and the

types of advertising.

a. Definition

Hornby (1995) defines an advertisement as a public notice which is

offering or asking for goods, services, and so on. An advertisement becomes a

medium to publish companies‟ offer to society. Companies inform society about


companies are trying to gain society‟s attention to their products. Therefore, an

advertisement is a device to connect companies to their consumers. Based on that

definition, advertisement does not have the role of marketing strategy because it

only focuses on companies‟ intention to give information to society without

persuading society to be the consumers of their products.

Similar to Hornby (1995), Weilbacher (1984: 8) says, “An advertisement

is a marketing tool that helps to build confidence in companies and institutions by

conveying accurate and compelling information to consumers about the brand or

company or institution.” As a marketing tool, an advertisement has the function of

marketing companies‟ products. While Hornby (1995) only emphasizes how to

gain society‟s attention, Weilbacher (1984) emphasizes how to gain society‟s

willingness to use the advertised products.

Advertisement cannot be separated from advertising. Bovee and Arens

(1986: 5) describe “Advertising is the non-personal communication of

information usually paid for and usually persuasive in nature about products,

services, or ideas by identified sponsors through the various media.” Advertising

should be done as the public communication which involves companies as

message senders and consumers as message receivers in order to meet companies‟

needs of product marketing. Furthermore, the word „persuasive‟ directs

advertising into an action of persuading people. For example, an advertisement of

Matahari Department Store which was broadcasted nearly Christmas offers

discount for selected items up to 50%. That communication occurs between


audience to go shopping there because Matahari Department Store offers big

discounts for their consumers.

b. Functions of Advertising

Taylor (1986) mentions some functions of advertising. The first function

of advertising is to create consumer awareness and product differentiation.

Companies show that they have products to meet their consumers‟ needs and that

they have the best products among the similar products through advertisements.

Advertising is a step which is used to compete with other companies in order to

fulfill other functions of advertising. Second, advertising is used to create

consumer good-will. Companies make their consumers feel that they have the

appropriate choice when they choose those companies‟ products. Besides, they

are trying to prove that they always do their best to satisfy their consumers. Third,

advertising reinforces existing behavior. After consumers are aware of companies‟

products, companies have to advertise their products to keep their consumers‟

awareness. It also makes their products always „visible.‟ The last function of

advertising is to make sales. This is the most important function of advertisements

because many companies advertise their products to persuade their consumers to

buy or use their products. An advertisement, as a marketing tool, has the main role

of persuading people to give advantages to companies.

c. Types of Advertising

The classification of advertising based on Gilson and Berkman (1986) is

divided into four types. They are printed media (e.g.: newspaper and magazine),


catalogue, mail package, pen, and calendar), and out-of-home and directory media

(e.g.: poster in the bus shelter).

2. Language Style of Advertisement

An advertisement has its own particular language style. The language style

of advertisement deals with the linguistic features. Grey (2008) in his Language in

Use divides the linguistic features of advertisement language style into two parts.

They are lexical features and syntactic features.

a. Lexical Features

Lexical features of advertisements present advertisements to be more

unique because of the use of certain words. Lexical features make advertisers

reconsider the diction of advertisements to grab consumers‟ attention and


1) Hyperbole

Leech (1972) argues that hyperbole is often concerned with personal

values and sentiments. It is used to vary the expression of personal feelings and

opinion. People use hyperbole to exaggerate something, especially in describing

something in exaggerating manner. For example, the use of more, new, real, fresh,

and improved in some advertisement slogans.

2) Neologism

Grey (2008) defines a neologism as a new word or an expression which is


For example, Volvocracy is a neologism of people in the government who deal

with democracy and drive Volvos.

3) Weasel Word

A weasel word is a modifier that practically negates the claim that follows.

According to Grey (2008), a weasel word suggests a meaning without actually

being specific. There are some words which are usually used as weasel words,

such as help, like, virtually, enriched, worth, fresh, tested, guaranteed, and

scientific. For example, totally different makes the consumers raise a question

„different from what?‟ but there is no exact explanation of that question.

4) Familiar Language

The pronoun you is often used in advertisements to show more friendly

attitudes toward consumers. Grey (2008) states that the use of that pronoun makes

the audience feels to be involved within the advertisement. For example,

Hyundai‟s slogan is Drive You Away. The use of pronoun you gives friendly

attitude to Hyundai‟s consumers.

5) Simple Vocabulary

The language of advertisements should enable the audience to always

remember the words. It can be said that advertisement must be simple, brief, and

clear. This simplicity has to be attractive, too. For example, there is a slogan Scott

makes it better for you. It is simple and understandable enough. By reading that


6) Repetition

Repetition is usually used to make the brand‟s name or brand‟s slogan

more interesting. Repetition also mostly appears in the written parts. There are

three types of repetition. They are alliteration, rhyme, and rhythm. Alliteration is

the repetition in the initial consonant sound of a word to produce rhythmical and

musical effect. For example, finger of fudge the best four by four by far uses the

repetition of /f/ sound to make it more interesting. Rhyme is a pattern of identity

of sound between words extending from the end to the last fully accented vowel.

Mean machine is an example of rhyme. Rhythm is a regular pattern produced by

varying the stressed and unstressed syllables of the words. For example, drinka

pinta milka day.

7) Euphemism

Based on Grey‟s explanation (2008), euphemism is a type of figurative

language which carries connotative meaning. For example, to say that somebody

is a smelly person, people can use the euphemism body odor. Body odor sounds

better because it can avoid saying an unpleasant word.

8) Humor

Humor is a quality in something that makes it funny. It is useful to attract

and to entertain the audience. For example, the use of the word wonderfuel is used

in a fuel advertisement. It is actually formed from the word wonderful and then it

is used as humor becomes wonderfuel. It makes the product more interesting

because of the use of humor. Humor can gain consumers‟ attention to the


9) Glamorization

The words employed in advertisements are modified in such a way by

combining the words which are uncommonly used in daily speaking is one way to

give glamorization touch in advertisements. Grey (2008) gives an example of

glamorization, like old house becomes charming, characterful, olde, worlde or

unique house. The use of those words will make the house become more

interesting. It will be interesting to say charming house instead of old house.

10) Potency

Grey (2008) suggests that potential words are those which are able to give

new value, novelty or immediacy. Potential words can influence the audience.

Ogilvy as is quoted by Grey (2008) identifies the words free, now, how to,

suddenly, announcing, introducing, it’s here, just arrived, important development,

improvement, amazing, sensational, remarkable, revolutionary startling, miracle,

magic, and offer as the potential words.

b. Syntactic Features

Syntactic features deal with the categories of words having the same

grammatical properties. Grey (2008) classifies syntactic features of advertisement

based on the emergence of similar grammatical structure in the form of phrase.

The simplicity of advertising language can be easily seen from the syntactic


1) Short Sentence

A short sentence gives a clearness impact for the audience when they hear

the utterances in advertisements. The purpose of this is to capture the audience‟s

attention. For example, a tagline of insurance company is Arrange your insurance

with NFU. That tagline uses short sentences but it has clear and complete

information as the consumers want to know.

2) Long Noun Phrase

According to Grey (2008), a long noun phrase describes the advertised

products in three or more words or two or more independent phrases to impress

the audience. For example, a description of a product says First automatic

chronograph with a 72-hour power-reserve and patented compression

push-buttons. From that description, the audience notices the specialty of the automatic

chronograph. Long noun phrases can make consumers feel that the advertised

product has many special qualities if it is compared to other similar types of


3) Ambiguity

There is a phrase or a sentence which has more than one cognitive

meaning. It is called an ambiguous phrase or sentence. Leech (1972) differentiates

between lexical ambiguity, which consists of lexical homonymy and lexical

polysemy, and grammatical ambiguity, which consists of grammatical homonymy

and grammatical polysemy. The example of lexical homonymy is the word mole.

It has three different meaning. They are a small mammal which is nearly blind,


or lump on a person's skin or a person who works for an organization or

government and secretly gives information to its competitors. Besides, the

example of lexical polysemy is in the sentence Gentlemen prefer blondes. Prefer

has the meaning of like better or promote. The sentence I like moving gates is the

example of grammatical homonymy because it is ambiguous whether moving

gates is gates that move or causing gates to move. Grammatical polysemy appears

in the sentence He eats bread. The use of present tense in that sentence makes

people doubtful whether it is happening now or a habitually repeated activity.

4) Use of Imperative

An imperative can be used to make an order. Advertisers use an

imperative to make the audience act or do something, including buy or use the

advertised product. For example, the imperative used in a poster of newly

launched cassette album, Grab it now. That imperative suggest the audience to

buy the cassette album.

5) Simple and Colloquial Language

This kind of language is only used in informal expressions. Grey (2008)

assumes that colloquial expressions do not bear the meaning they normally have.

For example, It ain’t half good. That sentence looks very informal because of the

use of ain’t which can indicate the presence of simple and colloquial language.

6) Present Tense

A present tense gives as if the condition is real whenever the audience sees

or hears the advertisements. Grey (2008) says that a present tense implies a


Rossini. When the audience sees or hears that sentence, they will feel like in the

real time.

7) Syntactic Parallelism

Leech (1972) defines parallelism as a repetition of formal patterns of two

or more similar ideas in similar structural forms. For example, stay dry, stay

happy. The word stay is repeated to make the sentence more interesting for the

audience because of the similar pattern.

8) Association

Advertisements should associate the positive side of the product to

something else. It is sometimes indicated by the words like and as. For example,

fresh as a mountain stream. The freshness is associated with a mountain stream

although they are two different things.

9) Ellipsis

Goddard (2002: 123) defines ellipsis as “the omission of part of a

structure.” Cook (1996) says one of its aims is to create the sense of informality.

For example, the utterance “Nespresso, what else?” when follows the

grammatical rules should be “You’ll take Nespresso. What else would you like to

drink?”However, it needs too many words and looks too formal.

10)Incomplete Sentence

The audience rarely pays attention to the sentences of advertisements very

carefully. Even in visualized advertisements, the audience will pay attention more

to the visualization of the advertisements. Therefore, Grey (2008) identifies an


incomplete sentence helps the audience to catch the main point of advertisements.

For example, “Revolutionary lift. Revolutionary results. REVITALIFT DOUBLE

LIFTING.” is more interesting in an advertisement instead of “If you want a

revolutionary lift of your skin and to see revolutionary results, buy Revitalift

Double Lifting.”The complete version of the utterances

3. Persuasion

Hornby (1995: 864) states that “persuasion refers to the action of

persuading or being persuaded.” It means that persuasion has the quality of

persuasiveness. The persuasive state is the state of having the characteristic of

urging people to do something. According to Trimmer and Nancy (1984),

persuasion is verbal communication which make people have certain judgment or

change their previous judgment to accept the new one which they do not believe

before. An advertisement is one example of a persuasion activity. Bovee (1982)

argues that persuasive state involves convincing people that the product advertised

will give some benefits to them. Based on Trimmer (1984), advertisements can

convince the target by giving statements, commands, suggestions, and rhetorical

questions about the product which directly shows a product guarantee.

Kleppner (1986) proposes an idea of the classification of persuasion

techniques based on the marketing situation and human characteristics. The main

consideration of those three techniques is the product existence in the marketing

area and how people‟s attitude towards the product. There are three techniques of


a. Pioneering Stage

This technique is used to introduce a product which has been just released.

Typically, advertisers will show consumers that they can meet their needs by

using the advertised product. Besides, advertisers convince consumers that the

product will give satisfaction in an efficient way.

b. Competitive Stage

The advertisers direct people to choose the products which have existed in

the market. Consumers can freely select the products which they consider best to

use. Many advertisements need to compete with others to win people‟s interest

towards the advertised products. It is usually done by showing the uniqueness of

the product which makes it different from other brands. Advertisers should

emphasize why consumers should choose the advertised product instead of other

similar products from other brands.

c. Retentive Stage

The purpose of retentive stage is to maintain the existence of the

advertised product. By using this technique, advertisers give reminder to

consumers that a product still exists in markets. Advertisers use this technique

when the advertised product has been marketed for a long time. Retentive stage is

also known as reminder stage because it can be a reminder for the audience about


4. Power Relation

Peirce (1886) states that power is built from the relation between message

senders and message receivers. According to Petress in Triandjojo (2008), power

is the capability to persuade others to believe or to do something like what is

wanted. Lill (1998) says that power works when people use ideology association

in the cultural action strategy. Triandjojo (2008) argues that an advertisement is

an ideology reflection from a company. It can be a medium for companies to

communicate with consumers. The relation which is built by companies and

consumers is called power relation. Power relation makes communication act

occur between companies as message senders and consumers as message

receivers. French and Raven (1959) divide the types of power relation into five

types, namely legitimate power, reward power, referent power, expert power, and

coercive power.

a. Legitimate Power

French and Raven (1959) describe legitimate power as the power which is

built when message senders are able to control message receivers. Message

senders have the right to posit themselves in the higher level than message

receivers. That right refers to message senders‟ power to dictate message

receivers. By using this power, message receivers are hoped to consider buying

the advertised products.

b. Reward Power

Message senders promise to give a reward to message receivers.


senders have an assumption of persuading message receivers through giving a

bonus when they use or buy their products.

c. Referent Power

Based on French and Raven (1959), through this power, message senders

use people‟s popularity to reach what they want. It is functioned to attract

message receivers to buy or use the products. It is also used to influence message

receivers‟ life style to imitate famous people‟s life style which appear in message

senders‟ message. For example, advertisers use some public figures in their


d. Expert Power

French and Raven (1959) state that expert power appears when message

senders are positioned as the ones who understand the product. Therefore,

message receivers should follow their superiors to use the advertised products.

Message senders tend to show their higher quality of knowledge or experience to

persuade message receivers to follow them.

e. Coercive Power

Loudon in Supriyono (2006) states that message senders can delete a

promised reward if message receivers do not follow the suggestion in

advertisements. In the other words, message senders threaten message receivers to

do their order. Therefore, message receivers feel threatened by message senders if

she or he does not obey message senders‟ order.


B. Theoretical Framework

Based on the theoretical description, the researcher wraps up the

appropriate theories to accomplish the objectives of this study. There are only

three major theories which are used to answer the formulated research questions.

They are the language style of advertisements, the persuasion techniques, and the

power relation.

To answer the first research question, related to the use of certain linguistic

features of advertisements, the researcher analyzes the language style of

advertising based on Grey‟s theory (2008). There are two parts of language style

in advertisements. The first part is the lexical features that deal with the lexical

items or the use of words. They consist of hyperbole, neologism, weasel word,

familiar language, simple vocabulary, repetition, euphemism, humor,

glamorization, and potency. The second part is the syntactic features which deal

with the grammatical properties. They consist of short sentence, longnoun phrase,

ambiguity, use of imperative, simple and colloquial language, present tense,

syntactic parallelism, association, ellipsis, and incomplete sentence. The

researcher analyzes the utterances of Magnum advertisements and then classifies

them to the characteristics of advertisement linguistic features proposed by Grey

(2008). The researcher chooses Grey‟s theory (2008) because there is specific

description on the characteristics of advertisement language. Different from other

theories of the advertising language, the theory of Grey (2008) provides the


The second research question which is related to the use of persuasion

techniques is answered by identifying each Magnum advertisement based on the

theory of three persuasion techniques proposed by Kleppner (1986). They are

pioneering stage, competitive stage, and retentive stage. The researcher uses the

theory of Kleppner (1986) because it has clearer types of persuasion techniques to

be used to classify Magnum advertisements. Kleppner (1986) differentiates the

persuasion techniques clearly based on the marketing situation and human

characteristics. Therefore, the researcher can clearly categorize Magnum

advertisements into the types of persuasion techniques by using a checklist of

persuasion techniques used in Magnum advertisements based on Kleppner‟s

theory (1986).

For the last research question, the researcher uses the theory of power

relation proposed by French and Raven (1959). The theory of power relation

shows how the companies build their position upon their consumers. The types of

power relation are divided into legitimate power, reward power, referent power,

expert power, and coercive power. Power relation which is suggested by Peirce

(1886) directs communication which is built by message senders and message

receivers. It is combined with the power relation theory in leadership issue

proposed by French and Raven (1959). The researcher tries to interpret the

utterances of Magnum advertisements and then classifies them into the types of





This chapter is going to elaborate on the detailed information about the

methodology used to accomplish this study. The use of the methodology was

aimed to answer the formulated research questions. There are six sections in this

chapter, namely the research method, research setting, research subjects,

instruments and data gathering technique, data analysis technique, and research


A. Research Method

This research has three questions to be answered. They are (1) What are

the linguistic features of Magnum advertisements? (2) What kind of persuasion

technique does Magnum use to advertise the products? and (3) What kind of

power relation does Magnum have upon consumers through the advertisements?

To answer those three research questions, the researcher conducted

research which was categorized into qualitative research. Brown and Rodgers

(2002: 12) state that qualitative research is “research which is based

predominantly on non-numerical data, reveals that it can be subdivided into

various different non numerical qualitative research techniques for gathering data,

for example observations/field notes, case studies, diaries, etc.” This research did

not deal with any numerical data because it would focus on the descriptive


describes what is describing, recording, analyzing, interpreting conditions that

exist. This research was going to describe the language style used in Magnum


The method employed in this research was content or document analysis.

Leedy and Ormrod (2005: 142) define content analysis as “a detailed and

systematic examination of the contents of a particular body of material for the

purpose of identifying patterns, themes, or biases.” It means that content analysis

allows the analyst to analyze information from certain data sources in order to

describe particular characteristics of the information. In this research, the data

sources were 10 videos of Magnum advertisements. Generally, the researcher was

going to describe the available characteristics of language style used in Magnum


B. Research Setting

The researcher conducted the research from October 2012 to February

2013. Firstly, the researcher looked for the data sources in October 2012. After

finding the data sources, the researcher selected ten Magnum advertisements to be

the samples of this research. Then, the researcher gathered the data from

December 2012 to January 2013 by transcribing the ten Magnum advertisements.

The data analysis took the longest time in this research because it needed to be

rechecked and revised for some times. It took about four months which began in


C. Research Subjects

There were so many versions of Magnum advertisements that people can

find from the broadcasting media, such as television and internet. However, the

researcher only chose 10 versions of Magnum advertisements because those 10

advertisements were the most appropriate representatives among other versions of

Magnum advertisements. According to Leedy and Ormrod (2005), purposive

sampling is the most appropriate method to select the appropriate sample because

the samples should yield the greatest amount of information about the topic under

the research. Those 10 representatives of Magnum advertisements were used as

the purposive samples of this research. Briefly, it could be said that the purpose of

selecting those samples was to deeply analyze the major language style,

persuasion technique, and power relation which often appeared in Magnum

advertisements. The researcher determined the criterion of selecting those

advertisements. The only criterion was whether there was the presence of spoken

English. Those 10 Magnum advertisements were Magnum Mini version, Magnum

Ecuador version, Magnum Infinity version, Magnum Classic version, Magnum

Temptation version, Magnum Temptation Hazelnut version, Selecta Magnum

version, Magnum advertisement in 1994, Magnum advertisement in 1993, and

Magnum advertisement in 1992.

D. Instruments and Data Gathering Technique

This research involved two instruments. Those are the researcher as


1. The researcher as human instrument

Merriam (2002) says that in qualitative research, the researcher becomes

the primary instrument for data collection and data analysis. Drake (2006) also

points out the researcher as human instrument when the researcher collects the

data using methods, such as interview and observation. In this research, the

researcher collected the data by observing the ten Magnum advertisement videos.

Then, the researcher wrote down the transcript of each video and analyzed it.

2. Document

According to Ary, Jacobs, and Razavieh (2002), in qualitative research,

especially in content analysis, the analyzed materials can be in the form of public

records, textbooks, letters, films, tapes, and many more. In this research, the

document is in the form of transcript of 10 Magnum advertisements. The

researcher transcribed the recorded Magnum advertisements to be analyzed.

Those transcripts belonged to the research instruments because they were used to

answer the research questions. This transcript would be useful to obtain the data

because it could decrease the missing words which should be analyzed and

increase the validity of the data.

E. Data Analysis Technique

The researcher prepared 20 tables as in Table 3.1 to categorize the

language style of Magnum advertisements into 10 lexical features and 10

syntactic features. Those 20 features are hyperbole, neologism, weasel word,


glamorization, potency, short sentence, long noun phrase, ambiguity, use of

imperative, simple and colloquial language, present tense, syntactic parallelism,

association, ellipsis, and incomplete sentence. Those features are based on Grey‟s

theory (2008) about the linguistic features of advertisements. There was the

checklist of persuasion techniques of Magnum advertisements as shown in Table

3.2, which was used to answer the second research question, related to the use of

persuasion techniques. The classification of persuasion techniques used in this

research is proposed by Kleppner (1986). The last research question was answered

through the researcher‟s interpretation upon the theory of power relation proposed

by French and Raven (1959). However, the researcher also provided the checklist

as in Table 3.3.to ease the researcher in categorizing the power relation which

appeared in Magnum advertisements.

To keep the trustworthiness of the data analysis, the researcher did a data

triangulation. Potter (1996) states that triangulation is a way to strengthen one‟s

argument which can be done by examining that argument through others‟ point of

view. In this case, there were two people who helped the researcher in analyzing

the data. They were a lecturer of English Language Education Study Program who

was the researcher‟s supervisor and a veteran English teacher of junior high

school. They checked and gave suggestions if they were necessary about the data

analysis based on the related theories which were used in this thesis. Then, the

researcher rechecked and revised the data analysis. The revision of the data


check the data analysis again. This data triangulation process was done more than

once to decrease the number of errors.

Table 3.1. The (Feature X) of Magnum Advertisements

Video (Feature X)

Table 3.2. The Checklist of Persuasion Techniques in Magnum Advertisements

Video Persuasion Techniques


Table 3.3. The Checklist of Power Relation in Magnum Advertisements

researcher selected 10 Magnum advertisements as the data sources of this research

based on the availability of the use of English. Those advertisements are in the

form of videos which are broadcasted in television and internet. They were

downloaded from www.youtube.com.

2. Gathering the data

The researcher had to transcribe the videos. To gather the valid data, the

researcher watched and listened to the videos several times. Then, the researcher


were also required in the data gathering process in order to minimize possible


3. Preparing the tables and the checklists

The researcher found the theory of linguistic features, which consists of

lexical features and syntactic features by Grey (2008), the theory of persuasion

techniques by Kleppner (1986) and the theory of power relation by French and

Raven (1959). After that, the researcher made 20 tables of analysis and two

checklists based on those theories. Those tables and checklists were very helpful

for the researcher to analyze the presence of the language style, persuasion

technique, and power relation used in Magnum advertisements.

4. Analyzing the data

The researcher analyzed the gathered data by filling in the tables and the

checklists. Besides, the researcher also wrote down the features which were

categorized into certain characteristics of Magnum advertisements‟ language style

to be explained. Then, the researcher analyzed the persuasion techniques which

were used in each advertisement by filling in the checklist and taking notes on the

criteria which made the advertisements belong to the certain persuasion

techniques. To answer the third research question, the researcher classified the

data based on the theory of power relation to the checklist. The researcher

interpreted the data and provided the checklist and the reasons why those

advertisements belong to certain power relation which is proposed by French and


Data triangulation was done for some times to maintain the trustworthiness

of the data analysis. The researcher relied on two persons who are more expert to

check and criticize the data analysis. Based on the criticism, the researcher

rechecked and revised the data analysis to reduce error.

5. Writing up the report

Finally, the researcher was responsible to write up the report. The report

itself contains the process of the research and also the results of the research.





This chapter consists of the elaboration on the research findings and

discussion. That elaboration answers the research questions. There are three

sections in this chapter. The first section discusses the linguistic features of

Magnum advertisements. The second section deals with the kind of persuasion

technique in Magnum advertisements. The last section explains the kind of power

relation in Magnum advertisements.

A. The Linguistic Features of Magnum Advertisements

Based on Grey (2008), there are two major features of the advertisement

language style. They are lexical features and syntactic features. Magnum

advertisements had some parts of those elements in the language they used to grab

the consumers‟ attention.

1. The Lexical Features of Magnum Advertisements

The lexical features of Magnum advertisements deal with the diction used

in advertisements. In this case, the words were spoken by the actors, actresses,

and the narrators of Magnum advertisements. The words can delegate what the

company wants to convey in order to persuade the consumers. The diction can

empower people to believe what the speakers say in the advertisements upon the

advertised products. The result of the data analysis dealing with the lexical


Figure 4.1 The Lexical Features of Magnum Advertisements

The researcher found that Magnum advertisements only had some lexical

features of the advertising language. They lacked neologism, repetition, and

humor. Overall, Magnum advertisements only had 36% of the whole lexical

features in the advertising language proposed by Grey (2008).

a. Hyperbole

Hyperbole is one way to exaggerate the product in order to attract the

consumers‟ attention to the product. There were seven Magnum advertisements

which had the hyperbole feature in the advertisements and the rest did not have

hyperbole feature. The advertisement of Magnum Infinity had the most number of


advertisements, such as New Magnum Ecuador and New Magnum Temptation. It

showed that the advertisers emphasized the presence of new Magnum product in

the majority of Magnum advertisements. Besides, the phrase for the first time also

had the same meaning with the word new. The other words which indicated the

use of hyperbole in Magnum advertisements were special, intense, forever,

perfection, very, and best. The presence of hyperbole in Magnum advertisements

added the variation of personal expression which could affect the consumers‟

willingness to taste Magnum whether the speakers‟ utterances were true.

b. Neologism

The advertisers of Magnum did not use neologism to advertise Magnum.

Magnum advertisements did not introduce a new word which was formed by

joining two or more word parts. The diction of Magnum advertisements was very

simple and did not use too many language features.

c. Weasel Word

Grey (2008) states that a weasel word carries unspecified meaning.

Therefore, it makes people question the missing information. There were only

three Magnum advertisements which used weasel word to gain the consumers‟

attention. Each weasel word had different styles of attracting people. It depended

on the diction the advertisers chose to use. In the advertisement of Magnum in

1992, the actress said that Magnum was so different. People could raise a question

“from what it is different.” Then, it affected people‟s curiosity to find out from

what aspect it is different by buying the product. The phrase another little


Table 3.1. The (Feature X) of Magnum Advertisements
Table 3.3. The Checklist of Power Relation in Magnum Advertisements
Figure 4.1 The Lexical Features of Magnum Advertisements
Figure 4.2 showed that Magnum advertisements lacked some syntactic


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