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SMP Joannes Bosco science teachers`perception on the implementation of bilingual education.


Academic year: 2017

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Aprillia, Kresentia Yosta Dhinda. 2012. SMP Joannes Bosco Science Teachers’

Perception on the Implementation of Bilingual Education. Yogyakarta: Sanata Dharma University.

The implementation of bilingual education in SMP Joannes Bosco, Yogyakarta started in 2009. Subjects which are delivered bilingually to SMP Joannes Bosco students are Science and Math. Bilingual teachers in SMP Joannes Bosco are in learning process to conduct an effective bilingual teaching-learning activity for the students. According to Adeyanju (as cited in Adeyanju, 2003), learning will occur as a result of perception.

Therefore, the researcher was inspired to analyze the SMP Joannes Bosco

Science teachers’ perception on the implementation of bilingual education. There

were two problems formulated by the researcher in this study: 1) What is SMP Joannes Bosco Science teachers’ perception on the bilingual education implementation? 2) How is the bilingual education for Science class at SMP Joannes Bosco implemented?

To answer the research problems, survey research was conducted in this study by holding an interview to Science teachers in order to obtain Science

teachers’ perception on the bilingual education implementation. Moreover, the researcher also administered a questionnaire to Science teachers and conducted some observations in Science (Physics, Biology, and Chemistry) class of the seventh grade students who were in the second semester in SMP Joannes Bosco to obtain the implementation of bilingual education in SMP Joannes Bosco.

The research findings showed that the SMP Joannes Bosco Science teachers had a positive perception on the implementation of bilingual education. It was shown from the responses given in the interview that according to the Science teachers, bilingual education was very important for improving the students’ even

the Science teachers’ English skill in order to improve Indonesian education.

However, the bilingual education at SMP Joannes Bosco had not been

implemented yet as the Science teachers’ understanding. It was shown from the questionnaire and observation results regarding the Science teachers’ language in the bilingual teaching-learning activity. The teachers used English and Indonesian simultaneously only for giving a command and asking a question to the students. In general, SMP Joannes Bosco Science teachers had a good perception regarding the purpose of the bilingual education implementation.



Aprillia, Kresentia Yosta Dhinda. 2012. SMP Joannes Bosco Science Teachers’

Perception on the Implementation of Bilingual Education. Yogyakarta: Universitas Sanata Dharma.

Pelaksanaan pendidikan bilingual atau dwibahasa (Bahasa Indonesia dan Bahasa Inggris) dimulai pada tahun 2009 di SMP Joannes Bosco, Yogyakarta. Mata pelajaran bilingual untuk siswa di SMP Joannes Bosco adalah Sains dan Matematika. Guru bilingual di SMP Joannes Bosco sedang berada dalam proses pembelajaran untuk menerapkan kegiatan pembelajaran bilingual yang efektif bagi para siswa. Menurut Adeyanju (seperti dikutip dalam Adeyanju, 2003), pembelajaran akan terjadi sebagai akibat dari persepsi.

Oleh karena itu, peneliti terinspirasi untuk menganalisa persepsi guru Sains di SMP Joannes Bosco mengenai penerapan pendidikan bilingual. Ada dua masalah yang dirumuskan oleh peneliti dalam penelitian ini: 1) Bagaimana persepsi guru Sains SMP Joannes Bosco pada pelaksanaan pendidikan bilingual? 2) Bagaimana pendidikan bilingual untuk kelas Sains di SMP Joannes Bosco dilaksanakan?

Untuk menjawab rumusan masalah tersebut, peneliti melaksanakan penelitian survei dengan mengadakan wawancara kepada guru Sains untuk mendapatkan persepsi guru Sains terhadap penerapan pendidikan bilingual. Selain itu, peneliti juga memberikan kuesioner untuk guru Sains dan melakukan beberapa pengamatan di kelas Sains (Fisika, Biologi, dan Kimia) khususnya pada siswa kelas tujuh yang berada di semester kedua di SMP Joannes Bosco untuk mengetahui penerapan pendidikan bilingual di SMP Joannes Bosco.

Hasil dari penelitian menunjukkan bahwa guru Sains di SMP Joannes Bosco memiliki persepsi positif terhadap pelaksanaan pendidikan bilingual. Hal ini terlihat dari respon yang diberikan dalam wawancara bahwa menurut guru Sains, pendidikan bilingual sangat penting untuk meningkatkan kemampuan Bahasa Inggris para siswa maupun guru Sains dengan tujuan meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan di Indonesia. Namun pendidikan bilingual di SMP Joannes Bosco masih belum berjalan sesuai dengan pemahaman guru Sains di SMP Joannes Bosco. Hal ini terlihat dari hasil kusioner dan pengamatan mengenai bahasa yang digunakan guru Sains dalam kelas bilingual. Guru Sains menggunakan Bahasa Inggris dan Bahasa Indonesia secara seimbang hanya untuk memberikan perintah dan mengajukan pertanyaan kepada siswa. Secara umum, guru Sains di SMP Joannes Bosco memiliki persepsi yang baik mengenai tujuan dari diterapkannya pendidikan bilingual di sekolah.







Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree

in English Language Education


Kresentia Yosta Dhinda Aprillia Student Number: 081214015










Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree

in English Language Education


Kresentia Yosta Dhinda Aprillia Student Number: 081214015





“Everyone has a right to

CHOOSE but only successful

people who can choose


I dedicate this thesis to:

My Beloved Jesus

My Self

My Parents

My Sisters and Brother



Aprillia, Kresentia Yosta Dhinda. 2012. SMP Joannes Bosco Science Teachers’

Perception on the Implementation of Bilingual Education. Yogyakarta: Sanata Dharma University.

The implementation of bilingual education in SMP Joannes Bosco, Yogyakarta started in 2009. Subjects which are delivered bilingually to SMP Joannes Bosco students are Science and Math. Bilingual teachers in SMP Joannes Bosco are in learning process to conduct an effective bilingual teaching-learning activity for the students. According to Adeyanju (as cited in Adeyanju, 2003), learning will occur as a result of perception.

Therefore, the researcher was inspired to analyze the SMP Joannes Bosco

Science teachers’ perception on the implementation of bilingual education. There

were two problems formulated by the researcher in this study: 1) What is SMP Joannes Bosco Science teachers’ perception on the bilingual education implementation? 2) How is the bilingual education for Science class at SMP Joannes Bosco implemented?

To answer the research problems, survey research was conducted in this study by holding an interview to Science teachers in order to obtain Science

teachers’ perception on the bilingual education implementation. Moreover, the researcher also administered a questionnaire to Science teachers and conducted some observations in Science (Physics, Biology, and Chemistry) class of the seventh grade students who were in the second semester in SMP Joannes Bosco to obtain the implementation of bilingual education in SMP Joannes Bosco.

The research findings showed that the SMP Joannes Bosco Science teachers had a positive perception on the implementation of bilingual education. It was shown from the responses given in the interview that according to the Science teachers, bilingual education was very important for improving the students’ even

the Science teachers’ English skill in order to improve Indonesian education.

However, the bilingual education at SMP Joannes Bosco had not been

implemented yet as the Science teachers’ understanding. It was shown from the questionnaire and observation results regarding the Science teachers’ language in the bilingual teaching-learning activity. The teachers used English and Indonesian simultaneously only for giving a command and asking a question to the students. In general, SMP Joannes Bosco Science teachers had a good perception regarding the purpose of the bilingual education implementation.



Aprillia, Kresentia Yosta Dhinda. 2012. SMP Joannes Bosco Science Teachers’

Perception on the Implementation of Bilingual Education. Yogyakarta: Universitas Sanata Dharma.

Pelaksanaan pendidikan bilingual atau dwibahasa (Bahasa Indonesia dan Bahasa Inggris) dimulai pada tahun 2009 di SMP Joannes Bosco, Yogyakarta. Mata pelajaran bilingual untuk siswa di SMP Joannes Bosco adalah Sains dan Matematika. Guru bilingual di SMP Joannes Bosco sedang berada dalam proses pembelajaran untuk menerapkan kegiatan pembelajaran bilingual yang efektif bagi para siswa. Menurut Adeyanju (seperti dikutip dalam Adeyanju, 2003), pembelajaran akan terjadi sebagai akibat dari persepsi.

Oleh karena itu, peneliti terinspirasi untuk menganalisa persepsi guru Sains di SMP Joannes Bosco mengenai penerapan pendidikan bilingual. Ada dua masalah yang dirumuskan oleh peneliti dalam penelitian ini: 1) Bagaimana persepsi guru Sains SMP Joannes Bosco pada pelaksanaan pendidikan bilingual? 2) Bagaimana pendidikan bilingual untuk kelas Sains di SMP Joannes Bosco dilaksanakan?

Untuk menjawab rumusan masalah tersebut, peneliti melaksanakan penelitian survei dengan mengadakan wawancara kepada guru Sains untuk mendapatkan persepsi guru Sains terhadap penerapan pendidikan bilingual. Selain itu, peneliti juga memberikan kuesioner untuk guru Sains dan melakukan beberapa pengamatan di kelas Sains (Fisika, Biologi, dan Kimia) khususnya pada siswa kelas tujuh yang berada di semester kedua di SMP Joannes Bosco untuk mengetahui penerapan pendidikan bilingual di SMP Joannes Bosco.

Hasil dari penelitian menunjukkan bahwa guru Sains di SMP Joannes Bosco memiliki persepsi positif terhadap pelaksanaan pendidikan bilingual. Hal ini terlihat dari respon yang diberikan dalam wawancara bahwa menurut guru Sains, pendidikan bilingual sangat penting untuk meningkatkan kemampuan Bahasa Inggris para siswa maupun guru Sains dengan tujuan meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan di Indonesia. Namun pendidikan bilingual di SMP Joannes Bosco masih belum berjalan sesuai dengan pemahaman guru Sains di SMP Joannes Bosco. Hal ini terlihat dari hasil kusioner dan pengamatan mengenai bahasa yang digunakan guru Sains dalam kelas bilingual. Guru Sains menggunakan Bahasa Inggris dan Bahasa Indonesia secara seimbang hanya untuk memberikan perintah dan mengajukan pertanyaan kepada siswa. Secara umum, guru Sains di SMP Joannes Bosco memiliki persepsi yang baik mengenai tujuan dari diterapkannya pendidikan bilingual di sekolah.




First of all, I would like to dedicate my greatest gratitude to dear Jesus Christ for His amazing love, bless, guidance and everything that always be given to encourage me every day. He always supports and gives me strength, health, positive mind, passion, and happiness during the process of conducting this thesis. Then I would like to express my greatest appreciation to Caecilia Tutyandari, S.Pd., M.Pd., my beloved sponsor who always gives me her best guidance, advice, suggestion, patience, and smile from the beginning of conducting the research until the accomplishment of this thesis. I also would like to express my great appreciation to Sr. Margareth for her willingness in checking and correcting the grammar mistakes in my thesis patiently.

I feel so proud and grateful to my beloved father, Bapak Suprabowo, S.H. and my beloved mother, Ibu Jovita Budi Kristiani who always teach me how to face every problem that I have, support my effort, and take care about my health during the process of accomplishing this thesis. I feel grateful also to my oldest sister, Priscilla Yosti Nanda Ariesta S.Kom., my younger brother, Norbertus Dhendy Restu Prayogo, and my youngest sister, Yustina Violieta Prabawati for giving spirit and supporting me.



willingness to become my interviewees, fill the questionnaire patiently, and become the participants of my observation in the Science class. I also thank all of the seventh grade students year academic 2011/2012 of VII Freedom class for their willingness to become my participants in conducting the observation.

I thank my best friends forever, Irine Puji Telisadewi, Monika Asri Lestari, Levyn Gracia Hanardi, and Stefanus Brian Dwi Nugroho for the great moments, the friendship, and the solidarity during the first until the last semesters in Sanata Dharma University.

My gratefulness also goes to all of lecturers, staff, and my friends in the English Language Education Study Program, Sanata Dharma University, for the wonderful lessons, experiences, and moments. I also appreciate all people who help and support me during the process of conducting this thesis, but I could not mention their names one by one. God always be with us.










ABSTRACT ... vii

ABSTRAK ... viii





CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION A. Research Background ... 1

B. Research Problems ... 3

C. Problem Limitation ... 3

D. Research Objectives ... 3

E. Research Benefits ... 4




A. Theoretical Description ... 6

1. Perception ... 6

a. Definition of Perception ... 6

b. A Four-stage Sequence of Perception ... 7

c. Factors Affecting Perception ... 8

d. Teachers’ Perception ... 9

2. Bilingual Education ... 10

a. Definition of Bilingual Education ... 10

b. The Implementation of Bilingual Education ... 11

B. Theoretical Framework ... 14


B. Research Setting ... 17

C. Research Participants ... 17

D. Instruments and Data Gathering Technique ... 17

E. Data Analysis Technique ... 20




A. Science Teachers’ Perception on the Implementation of

Bilingual Education ... 27

1. Interview Results towards the Science Teachers’ Perception on the Implementation of Bilingual Education ... 27

a. Description of Science Teachers’ Past Experience, Expectations, and Thought on Bilingual Education ... 28

1) Science Teachers’ Past Experience ... 28

2) Science Teachers’ Expectations ... 29

3) Science Teachers’ Thought ... 31

b. Science Teachers’ Perception on Bilingual Class ... 33

B. The Implementation of Bilingual Education ... 38

1. Questionnaire Results towards the Bilingual Education Implementation ... 39

a. Science Teachers’ Teaching Motivation ... 39

b. Science Teachers’ Language ... 41

1) Science Teachers’ Language in Providing Learning Material ... 41

2) Science Teachers’ Language in Providing Learning Media ... 41

3) Science Teachers’ Language in Class Activity ... 42



a. Observation Results in Physics Class ... 45

1) First Observation at Physics Class ... 45

2) Second Observation at Physics Class ... 47

b. Observation Results in Biology Class ... 48

1) First Observation at Biology Class ... 48

2) Second Observation at Biology Class ... 50

c. Observation Results in Chemistry Class ... 51

1) First Observation at Chemistry Class ... 51

2) Second Observation at Chemistry Class ... 52

d. Observation Results in Science Class ... 54


B. Recommendations ... 58

1. Recommendations for Bilingual Teachers ... 58

2. Recommendations for Future Researchers ... 59





Page Table

1.1 Blueprint of the Interview Guideline ... 20 1.2 Blueprint of the Questionnaire ... 22

2.1 Questionnaire Results of Science Teachers’ Teaching Motivation ... 39 2.2 Questionnaire Results of Science Teachers’ Language in Class





APPENDIX A Surat Permohonan Izin Penelitian ... 63

APPENDIX B Interview Guideline ... 64

APPENDIX C Kuesioner ... 65

APPENDIX D Observation Sheet ... 67

APPENDIX E Raw Data of Interview Results ... 70

APPENDIX F Questionnaire Results ... 77

APPENDIX G Raw Data of Observation Results ... 80

APPENDIX H Sample of Presentation used by Biology Teacher ... 96

APPENDIX I Sample of Handout used by Biology Teacher ... 97

APPENDIX J Sample of Chemistry Final Test ... 98





This chapter presents six sections. They are the research background, research problems, problem limitation, research objectives, research benefits, and definition of terms.

A. Research Background

SMP Joannes Bosco is one of the potential schools in Yogyakarta which is in process to be a bilingual school or Rintisan Sekolah Bertaraf Internasional (RSBI). There is a bilingual team at SMP Joannes Bosco that always has a monthly meeting in order to monitor the improvement of the implementation of bilingual education in SMP Joannes Bosco. The bilingual team consists of Science, Math, and English teacher.

When having a teaching practice at SMP Joannes Bosco, the researcher joined a monthly meeting of bilingual team at SMP Joannes Bosco on Thursday, August 25th, 2011. At the meeting, the coordinator of bilingual team stated that teaching-learning activities at SMP Joannes Bosco especially for Science (Physics, Biology, and Chemistry) and Math classes have to be taught in two languages (English and Indonesian) and the teachers should improve the students’ English vocabulary items related to Science and Math subjects.



and curriculum in order to complement each other. In implementing bilingual education, the teachers and the students in a bilingual school are exposed to learn some English vocabulary items related to Science in order to understand the Science subject which is delivered in two languages. Based on an article in National Capital Language Resource Center from Keatly and Kennedy (2003), language learning is a process of developing learners’ competence when using the

language for a specific purpose and teachers should facilitate the students' development of language skills.

Bilingual teachers in SMP Joannes Bosco are still in learning process to implement an effective bilingual education for Science and Math class. Based on Adeyanju (as cited in Adeyanju, 2003), learning will occur as a result of new skills, knowledge, perceptions, facts, beliefs, and new information. Moreover, Adeyanju (2003) concludes that teacher has an important role of the effectiveness in teaching-learning activities.

Therefore, the researcher would like to focus on SMP Joannes Bosco bilingual teachers’ perception on the implementation of bilingual education. The

bilingual teachers’ perception would like to be analyzed as the factors that can


B. Research Problems

Relating to the research background, there are two problems formulated by the researcher. The research problems are:

1. What is SMP Joannes Bosco Science teachers’ perception on the bilingual education implementation?

2. How is the bilingual education for Science class at SMP Joannes Bosco implemented?

C. Problem Limitation

The focus of this research will be on the SMP Joannes Bosco Science

teachers’ perception on the bilingual education implementation. The researcher

also focuses on the implementation of bilingual education in Science (Physics, Biology, and Chemistry) classes of seventh grade students who are in the second semester at SMP Joannes Bosco.

D. Research Objectives

As it has been stated in the research problems, the objectives of this research are to investigate the answer to the research problems. The research objectives are:

1. To determine the SMP Joannes Bosco Science teachers’ perception on the bilingual education implementation.



E. Research Benefits

Hopefully, this research gives some beneficial contributions in some educational fields such as:

1. Bilingual teachers

This research gives detailed description regarding some factors that can affect the implementation of bilingual education for bilingual teachers who are going to implement an ideal bilingual teaching-learning activity for the students at school.

2. SMP Joannes Bosco

This research discusses the Science teachers’ perception on the bilingual education implementation and the implementation of bilingual education especially for Science class at SMP Joannes Bosco. This research is a feedback of the teaching-learning activities in Science class as a bilingual class at SMP Joannes Bosco.

3. Other researchers

This research is expected to be helpful for everyone especially other researchers who want to conduct a further research on the similar or same topic with the researcher.

F. Definition of Terms


1. Bilingual Education

According to Hamers and Blanc (1990), the definition of bilingual education is a system of school education in which, for a verifying amount of time, simultaneously or consecutively, the instruction when teaching is planned and given in more than one language or at least two languages. The researcher focuses on the language used by Science teachers in teaching Science (Physics, Biology, and Chemistry) at SMP Joannes Bosco especially for students who are in seventh grade.

2. Perception

Based on Altman, Valenzi, and Hodgetts (1985), perception is the way of stimuli by a person to meaningfully interpret the reality. In this research, the perception is about the evaluation of SMP Joannes Bosco Science teachers (Physics, Biology, and Chemistry) in perceiving bilingual education when teaching Science for seventh grade students.

3. Teaching Implementation

According to Vio (2002), implementation is the carrying out, execution, or practice of a plan, a method, or any design in order to do something. In this research, it is about SMP Joannes Bosco Science teachers’ practice in using two languages (English and Indonesian) in teaching Science.





This chapter presents the review of related literature of this study. This theoretical writings divided into two sections. The first section is theoretical description that consists of some theories related to the study. The second section is the study matter as the theoretical framework.

A. Theoretical Description

The theoretical description discusses two sections. The first section is perception and the second section is bilingual education.

1. Perception

In describing the theories of perception based on some experts, the researcher describes the definition of perception, four stages sequence of perception, factors affecting perception, and teachers’ perception.

a. Definition of Perception


Perception comes from a person into the meaningful interpreting through the selected stimulation.

b. A Four-stage Sequence of Perception

Kreitner and Kinicki (2008) reveal that perception involves a four-stage information processing sequence as follows:

1) Selective attention/comprehension

Attention is the process of becoming consciously aware of something or someone. Based on a research by Kreitner and Kinicki (2008), people tend to pay attention to salient stimuli. Something is salient when it stands out from its context.

2) Encoding and simplification

Encoding is required, raw information is interpreted or translated into mental representations. The perceivers establish cognitive categories to complete the mental representation. The information of animals, objects, people, or events is evaluated by comparing their characteristics in schemata. According to Kreitner and Kinicki (2008), a schema represents a person’s mental picture or a summary of particular events or type of stimulus.

3) Storage and retention



4) Retrieval and response

People retrieve information from their judgments and decisions. The judgments and decisions based on the process of drawing, interpreting, and integrating categorical information stored in a long-term memory or retrieving a summary of the judgments.

c. Factors Affecting Perception

In fact, there are four factors that can affect a person’s perception according to Altman, Valenzi, and Hodgetts (1985). The factors are selection of stimuli, organization of stimuli, the situation, and self-concept.

1) The selection of stimuli

It is known as a sensory adaption. In perceiving things, people select some specific things through the process of selection. Each person has different processes of selection so that people usually perceive things differently depending on their own process of selection.

2) The organizing of stimuli


3) Situation

A situation that person’s familiarity with, expectations about, or past experience is another factor affecting the perception. Perceiving a situation is related to how people perceive their behavior and attitude in a specific situation. Different situations affect people in perceiving their behavior. Science teachers who basically are not familiar with English may have different perception with English teachers in improving students’ English vocabulary items through the bilingual class.

4) Self-concept

The way people perceive their selves affecting the perception of the world. A self-concept is important for people in order to create a mental image of something.

d. Teachers’ Perception

As stated in Chapter I, the focus of this study is on the teachers’ perception. According to Muijis and Reynolds (2011), there are three main types of perception that matter to teach. The perceptions are an evaluation on an effective teaching, students’ behavior in learning, and situation around the school



2. Bilingual Education

In this section, the researcher describes the theories about bilingual education. This section includes the definition of bilingual education and the implementation of bilingual education.

a. Definition of Bilingual Education

According to Hamers and Blanc (1990), the definition of bilingual education is a system of school education in which, for a verifying amount of time, simultaneously or consecutively, the instruction when teaching is planned and given in more than one language or at least two languages. Hamers and Blanc (1990) also describe that most programs of bilingual education are divided into three categories. The first category is that the instruction is given in both languages simultaneously. The second category is that the instruction is given first in L1 until such time when the students are able to use L2 as the means of learning. The last category is that the largest part of instruction is given in L2, and L1 is introduced at larger stage as an introductory language.

Based on Bax (2010), many nations in Asia including Indonesia have meant a radical re-assessment of what they consider to be ineffective approaches to English language education. One response has been a move towards what is perceived as more innovative solutions involving bilingual and immersion approaches and the teaching of content subjects such as Math and Science through the English.


successful of their communities in characteristic of contemporary life” (1985). Whereas Ogletree (1978) concludes that bilingual education is a vehicle for cultural pluralism. Bilingual education gives the non-English speaking child an opportunity to learn his own language and culture which can affect their self-concept development, helps to maintain the linguistic and cultural heritage of the ethnic group, and develops educational change by giving an assumption that the most suitable curriculum for children is an English based curriculum.

Based on a current research by Ogletree (1978), bilingual education is still in the developmental process. Like another innovation, bilingual education has a high unrealistic expectation with unplanned implementation and limited evaluation. Ogletree (1978) notes that:

Whether bilingual-bicultural education will become a change agent and secure equal status with other programs, as a desirable and essential aspect of the American educational process is still a question. Like all socio-political issues, its future depends upon the attitudes and belief of the populace. Failure to nurture it may doom thousands of non-English speaking children to academic failure.

b. The Implementation of Bilingual Education

Teachers’ knowledge is potentially important for an effective teaching -learning activity. There are three main types of teachers’ knowledge that matter to

the effective teaching-learning activities according to Muijis and Reynolds (2011). The first knowledge is teachers’ subject knowledge. It is about the teachers’



the three main types of knowledge, they would be able to fully apply an effective teaching-learning activity. It is obvious that teachers have to know what they have to teach. Bilingual teachers not only have to know the subject that they have to teach but also the language that they have to use in a bilingual teaching-learning activity. Mcneil and Wiles (1990) generate that in an effective teaching-learning, teachers possess an assumption about how the students learn. The teachers’ theory reflects a basic assumption about how students learn and teachers’ role in the teaching-learning activity.

There is a list of effective classroom practices through bilingual education for the bilingual teachers according to Finocchiaro (1985):

1) Teachers adapt and modify the existing textbook, making additions and deletions when necessary and changing the sequence of material presentation where logical.

2) Teachers teach vocabulary that the students need immediately because it is related to places or happenings in their homes and community and it enables the students to talk about the elements in their environment.

3) Teachers use the same listening comprehension passage at three different levels of difficulty during the semester.

4) Teachers vary the types of participation – larger group, smaller group, and pair practice.

5) Teachers engage in role-playing, problem-solving or community learning activities.


According to Crawford (1998), English as a second language (ESL) in bilingual education is best taught in natural situations, with the second language for meaningful contexts rather than in repetition of grammar and vocabulary. Moreover, according to Mcneil and Wiles (1990), an effective teaching-learning depends on the use of media as the learning tool. Teachers who are able to use media effectively in teaching-learning activity can become the designer and the manager of the teaching-learning activity. The media helps the teachers to control and enhance the teaching-learning activity in the classroom. Moreover, Slavit and Mulhern (2003) describe that bilingual textbooks play an important role as the media in supporting ESL students’ language and literacy learning in bilingual class. Students who learn to read in their native language do not need to relearn to read in English since many of the processes involved in decoding text and understanding print relationships transfer from the L1 into English.



B. Theoretical Framework

This is a study of SMP Joannes Bosco Science teachers’ perception on the implementation of bilingual education. This research is also about the implementation of bilingual education especially for Science class at SMP Joannes Bosco.

Perception theory according to some experts as stated in the first main point helps the researcher to understand the meaning of perception in order to answer the first research problem. By using the theory stated by Altman, Valenzi, and Hodgetts (1985) regarding some factors that can affect the perception, the researcher would like to analyze the factors which can affect the data toward Science teachers’ perception on bilingual education at SMP Joannes Bosco. Science teachers can have different perceptions in perceiving the bilingual education for SMP Joannes Bosco students.

There are three types of teachers’ thought are identified by Clark and Petersen (as cited in Muijis & Reynolds, 2011). This theory helps the researcher in identifying the Science teachers’ understanding of bilingual education.

While in answering the second research question, the researcher uses the theory of bilingual education stated by Hamers and Blanc (1990) in order to explain the teachers’ language at Science class activities. The researcher also uses

the theories of the bilingual education implementation in teaching-learning activities stated by McNeil and Wiles (1990) about media as the learning tool. Another theory used by the researcher is about teachers’ knowledge stated by





This chapter is divided into six sections. They are the research method, research setting, research participants, instruments and data gathering technique, data analysis technique, and research procedure.

A. Research Method

In order to find out the answers to the research questions stated in Chapter I, an appropriate way for the researcher to gain such data was a survey research. The purpose of the survey research was to describe a characteristic of a population. The researcher would like to investigate Science teachers’ perception on the implementation of bilingual education for Science class at SMP Joannes Bosco. The researcher used a qualitative method in order to gain the detailed description. According to Babbie (1973), survey research can use a qualitative (e.g. ask open-ended questions) or a quantitative method.


research. The population of this research was all of the bilingual teachers in SMP Joannes Bosco and the sample of this research was the Science teachers in SMP Joannes Bosco who taught the seventh grade students.

B. Research Setting

This research was conducted at SMP Joannes Bosco, Jl. Melati Wetan No.51, Yogyakarta. The collecting data started when the seventh grade students (VII Freedom) of SMP Joannes Bosco year academic 2011/2012 were in the second semester.

C. Research Participants

The participants of this research were three Science teachers who taught seventh grade students at SMP Joannes Bosco. Science teachers at SMP Joannes Bosco were the teachers who taught Physics, Biology, and Chemistry. VII Freedom class is recommended for the researcher to do the observation when the Science teachers were teaching Science in that class.

D. Instruments and Data Gathering Technique



1. Interview Guideline

The first instrument was an interview guideline. Based on Borg and Gall (1983), the collection data through an interview in survey research was a unique method to obtain more data which involved direct verbal interaction between individuals. Babbie (1973) describes that the interviewer in survey research should be a neutral medium in holding the interview so that the interviewer’s

presence would not affect the respondents’ perception of the given questions. Before holding the interview, the researcher arranged an interview guideline which consisted of questions that have to be asked to the Physics, Biology, and Chemistry teachers in SMP Joannes Bosco. The interview was about the Science teachers’ past experience related to bilingual education, Science teachers’

expectations on bilingual education, Science teachers’ understanding on bilingual education, and Science teachers’ perception on Science teaching-learning activities as a bilingual class. The purpose of the interview was to determine the answer to the first research question as stated in the Chapter I. The first research problem was about the Science teachers’ perception on the bilingual education

implementation. 2. Questionnaire


by Borg and Gall (1983). The participants answered the questionnaire by giving a check sign under the phrase that described their opinion. The answer to the questions of the questionnaire was in the phrase; Sangat Tidak Setuju (STS) for strongly disagree, Tidak Setuju (TS) for disagree, Setuju (S) for agree, and Sangat Setuju (SS) for strongly agree.

The questionnaire for the Science teachers was conducted in a rating scale in order to assess how the Science teachers’ teaching motivation in the bilingual teaching-learning activity, Science teachers’ language in providing learning material and media for the students, and Science teachers’ language in the bilingual teaching-learning activity. The purpose of the questionnaire for Science teachers was to investigate the answer to the second research question as stated in Chapter I. By administering the questionnaire, the researcher would like to describe how the bilingual education is implemented in the teaching-learning activity for Science class at SMP Joannes Bosco.

3. Observation Sheet

Borg and Gall (1983) note that by only using the questionnaire and interview for a survey research, the respondents tend to bias the data they offer about their selves. Therefore the researcher needed an observation to overcome this problem.



was that the natural observation could be used in natural setting. Natural observation also was often used in educational research to study classroom behavior. The observation focused on the Science teachers’ implementation of bilingual education in teaching-learning activities. The implementation was about the teachers’ language in the bilingual teaching-learning activity such as in greeting, opening, asking previous topic, introducing material, closing, explaining the material, giving reinforcement, giving instructions for the assignment or discussion, giving a command and asking a question to the students.

E. Data Analysis Technique

The first step in analyzing the data was analyzing the interview results. The researcher analyzed the positive answer to the interview from the bilingual teachers at SMP Joannes Bosco as the positive teachers’ perception on the bilingual education. Here is the blueprint table of the interview guideline.

Table 1.1

Blueprint of the Interview Guideline

Aspects Statements Number of Items

A situation that person’s familiarity with,

expectations about, or past experience is another factor affecting the perception.

(Altman, Valenzi, and

Hodgetts, 1985)

Science Teachers’ Bilingual Education Experience

-Science teachers’ past experience related to the implementation of bilingual education.

(Pengalaman guru Sains berkaitan dengan implementasi pendidikan bilingual.)


Science Teachers’ Expectations on Bilingual Education

-Science teachers’ expectation on the implementation of bilingual education for every school in Indonesia.

(Ekspektasi guru Sains terhadap penerapan kelas bilingual di seluruh Indonesia.)


-Science teachers’ expectation on the importance of bilingual education for students’ future.

(Ekspektasi guru Sains terhadap kelas bilingual bagi masa depan para siswa.)


Science Teachers’ Thought on Bilingual Education

There are three types of teachers’ thought are identified that can have an impact on teaching:

-Science teachers’ understanding of bilingual education generally. (Pemahaman guru Sains terhadap pendidikan bilingual secara umum.)


- Science teachers’ opinion about an effective implementation of bilingual

Science Teachers’ Perception as Evaluation on Bilingual Class

There are three main types of perception that matter to teaching. They are the

-Science teachers’ perception on the positive and negative factors which can influence the effectiveness of teaching-learning activity in the bilingual class. (Persepsi guru Sains terhadap hal-hal positif maupun negatif yang

mempengaruhi keefektifan kegiatan belajar-mengajar di kelas bilingual.)


-Science teachers’ perception on the advantages and disadvantages of the bilingual class.

(Persepsi guru Sains terhadap manfaat dan kerugian dari adanya kelas bilingual.)


-Science teachers’ perception on the students’ behavior and motivation in the bilingual class.

(Persepsi guru Sains terhadap keaktifan, minat dan motivasi anak dalam kelas bilingual.)



-Science teachers’ perception on the facilities which can support the teaching-learning activity in the bilingual class. (Persepsi guru Sains terhadap sarana-prasarana di sekolah yang mendukung kegiatan belajar-mengajar di kelas bilingual.)


The second step was analyzing the result of the close-ended questionnaire for the Science teachers at SMP Joannes Bosco. The questionnaire results showed the percentage of the Science teachers’ response on their implementation of the bilingual education in the teaching-learning activities. Here is the blueprint table of the questionnaire.

Table 1.2

Blueprint of the Questionnaire

Aspects Statements Number of Items

Science Teachers’ Teaching Motivation

Teachers must possess a set of assumption about how others learn in order to teach effectively. Teacher reflects

- Science teachers are motivated in preparing an effective learning material using two languages.

(Guru Sains termotivasi untuk menyiapkan materi ajar yang efektif dengan menggunakan dua bahasa.)


- Science teachers are motivated in developing students’ participation in the bilingual class.

(Guru Sains termotivasi meningkatkan keaktifan siswa dalam kegiatan belajar-mengajar di kelas bilingual.)


- Science teachers improve their speaking ability in English in the bilingual class. (Guru Sains meningkatkan kemampuan berbicara dalam Bahasa Inggris di kelas bilingual)


Science Teachers’ Language in Providing Learning Material

Teachers’ knowledge is

potentially important for an effective teaching-learning

- Science teachers always prepare a learning material by using two languages.



(Muijis and Reynolds, 2011).

(Guru Sains selalu menyiapkan materi ajar dengan menggunakan dua bahasa.)

Science Teachers’ Language in Providing Learning Media

Media as the learning tool in the classroom can control and enhance the teaching-learning activity in the class.

(McNeil & Wiles, 1990

- Science teachers use interesting and a variety of learning media by using two languages.

(Guru Sains menggunakan media

pembelajaran bilingual yang menarik dan bervariasi menggunakan dua bahasa.)

6, 7

Science Teachers’ Language in Class Activity

Most programs of

bilingual education fit into one of three categories: 1) Instruction is given in

both languages simultaneously. 2) Instruction is given first

in L1 and the pupil is

taught until such time when he is able to use L2

as a means of learning.

3) The largest part of instruction is given through L2 and L1 is

introduced at larger stage, first as a subject and later as a medium of instruction.

(Hamers and Blanc, 1990)

- Science teachers deliver the material easily in two languages.

(Guru Sains bisa menyampaikan materi bilingual kepada siswa dengan mudah.)


- Science teachers speak in English when opening and closing the teaching-learning activity in the bilingual class.

(Guru Sains membuka dan menutup kelas bilingual menggunakan Bahasa Inggris.)

3, 13

- Science teachers speak in English when explaining material and some specific vocabulary items.

(Guru Sains berbicara dalam Bahasa Inggris ketika menjelaskan materi ajar dan beberapa kosakata tertentu.)

4, 5

- Science teachers use two languages in giving homework, assignment, and test for the students.

(Guru Sains memberi pekerjaan rumah, tugas individu atau kelompok maupun ulangan harian kepada siswa dalam dua bahasa.)

9, 10, 11

- Science teachers ask the students to speak in two languages in discussion.

(Guru Sains mengajak siswa berdiskusi dengan menggunakan dua bahasa.)



The next step was analyzing the result of the observations. The observation results showed the natural situation of teaching-learning activities in Science class as the implementation of bilingual education by the Science teachers at SMP Joannes Bosco.

F. Research Procedure

There were some steps in this survey research employed by the researcher as the research procedure according to Ary, Jacobs, and Sorensen (2010). They were:

1. Preparation


2. Gathering Data

The second step was gathering data through the interview guideline, questionnaire, and observation sheet. Firstly, the researcher held the interview with the Science teachers at SMP Joannes Bosco. The interview was held on Saturday, May 5th, 2012 from 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. with the Physics and Biology teachers, and on Wednesday, May 19th, 2012 at 8 a.m. with the Chemistry teacher. Secondly, after holding the interview with the Science teachers, the researcher directly administered the questionnaire to the Science teachers.



3. Processing Data





This chapter presents detailed description regarding data gathered on this study. The data is gathered from holding an interview, administering a questionnaire, and conducting some observations. This chapter shows whether Science teachers have a positive or negative perception on the implementation of bilingual education. This chapter also reveals the implementation of bilingual education for Science class of seventh grade students at SMP Joannes Bosco.

A.Science Teachers’ Perception on Bilingual Education

In order to answer the first research question of this study as stated in Chapter I, the researcher held an interview with Science (Physics, Biology, and Chemistry) teachers at SMP Joannes Bosco. The researcher asked some open-ended questions to Science teachers at SMP Joannes Bosco about Science teachers past experience, expectations, and thought related to bilingual education. Moreover, Science teacher asked about Science teachers’ perception on the

implementation of bilingual education.

1. Interview Results towards the Science Teachers’ Perception on Bilingual Education



thought on bilingual education and to find out Science teachers’ evaluation as the

Science teachers’ perception on bilingual class at SMP Joannes Bosco. Science

teachers are expected to have some experiences related to bilingual education and a positive expectation and understanding of bilingual education implementation so that the Science teachers will have a positive perception on bilingual class. The following are the interview results:

a. Description of Science Teachers’ Past Experience, Expectations, and Thought

on Bilingual Education

Before finding the Science teachers’ perception on the implementation of

bilingual education, the researcher would like to describe how Science teachers’

past experience related to bilingual education, Science teachers’ expectations on

bilingual education for Indonesian education and students’ future, and Science

teachers’ thought on bilingual education based on the interview results. The

1) Science Teachers’ Past Experience

The first respondent had joined a training course about bilingual education before teaching a bilingual class. The second respondent also had joined a seminar about bilingual education at Gadjah Mada University Yogyakarta about two years ago.

“Kalo seminar gitu udah..di UGM. Mungkin uda berapa taun yang lalu

ya..uda lupa e mbak..lebih dari dua taun yang lalu kayaknya.”

“I have joined a seminar in UGM. I joined the seminar about two years


While the third respondent had an experience related to bilingual education when taking an ESP course in Yogyakarta for six months.

“Memang ada..dulu pernah mengikuti kelas English for special purpose..

pernah ikut disitu satu semester..6 bulan. Belajar mengenai bagaimana mengajar dalam Bahasa Inggris dengan bilingual.”

“I have joined a course about English for special purpose for one

semester…six months. I have studied about how to teach at a bilingual


(Respondent 3, Appendix E)

According to Altman, Valenzi, and Hodgetts (1985), perception can be influenced by past experiences. It could be seen from the interview result of this section that all of the Science teachers in SMP Joannes Bosco had experience related to bilingual education in order to gain more description regarding bilingual education.

2) Science Teachers’ Expectations

Besides the past experiences, Altman, Valenzi, and Hodgetts (1985) describe that an expectation is one of the factors that can affect a perception. In order to find out Science teachers’ expectations on bilingual education, the researcher asked about Science teachers’ opinions on the importance of the bilingual education implementation in every school in Indonesia and the importance of bilingual education for the students’ future. For the importance of the bilingual education implementation in every school in Indonesia, the second respondent said that it would be great but impossible because of the difference on the range of facilities in every school in Indonesia.

“Setiap daerah punya perbedaan sendiri-sendiri..kondisi geografisnya ya



pendukungnya tidak secepat kita yang berada di Jawa kan. Jadi ya

memang tidak bisa disamaratakan itu tidak bisa.”

“Every region is not the same. For example, facilities in Java are more complete and modern than in the other regions.”

(Respondent 2, Appendix E)

While the third respondent said that teachers’ understanding of English

was very important before deciding to implement the bilingual education at a school. Bilingual education was very important for every school but it could be implemented successfully only in a school where teachers and students who were familiar with English.

“Tergantung ya..kalau sekolah itu siap ya gapapa tapi kalau sekolah itu

tidak siap ya tidak bisa..harus persiapan dulu. Siap dalam hal gurunya bisa Bahasa Inggris.”

“It depends on the school itself whether the school especially the teachers are ready or not for the implementation of bilingual education at class.” (Respondent 3, Appendix E)

The importance of bilingual education for the students’ future, according to the first respondent, bilingual education was very important for students who were going to continue their study abroad.

“Kalau dilihat dari banyaknya sekolah internasional yang masuk ke

Indonesia..saya kira bilingual juga penting ya untuk mengantarkan mereka ke sekolah-sekolah internasional atau bahkan ke luar negeri.”

“Bilingual is important for students who are going to continue their study to international school or even study abroad.”

(Respondent 1, Appendix E)

The second respondent said that the students could develop their English vocabulary items related to Science through bilingual learning at school.

“Saya kira penting ya mbak. Mereka jadi anak-anak yang mempunyai

wawasan dua bahasa ditambah materinya yang bersangkutan.”

“I think it is important for students in improving their knowledge and vocabulary items related to the subject.”


Science teachers expected that the bilingual education could be implemented on every school in Indonesia in order to improve Indonesian education. However, the school had to consider about the facilities at school, the

students’ competence, and the teachers’ competence before deciding to implement

a bilingual education. Science teachers also expected that by learning through bilingual education, students could improve their English so that they could continue their study abroad.

3) Science Teachers’ Thought

Based on Clark and Petersen (1986), there are three types of teachers’ thought as perception that affect on teaching. They are teachers’ plan, teachers’ thought process, and teachers’ theories and beliefs. In order to find Science

teachers’ thought on bilingual education, the researcher asked about Science

teachers’ understanding on a bilingual education generally and teachers’ opinions

about an effective implementation of bilingual education. According to the first respondent, learning through bilingual education meant that students could improve their English vocabulary items directly through teaching-learning activities.

“Jadi ya menurut saya pendidikan bilingual itu ya menambah kosakata

anak..membantu memperkaya perbendaharaan anak dan langsung diterapkan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari kan kalau lewat pembelajaran.”

“In my opinion, bilingual education can improve students’ English vocabulary items then it will be used at students’ daily activity directly through the learning.”



While according to the third respondent, the meaning of bilingual education was using two languages in teaching-learning activities.

“Pendidikan bilingual menurut saya itu membelajarkan suatu materi..ya

misalkan kimia..dalam dua bahasa..Bahasa Inggris dan Bahasa


“In my opinion, bilingual education is using two languages in teaching. For the example, I teach Chemistry by using English and Indonesian.” (Respondent 3, Appendix E)

Besides the Science teachers’ understanding on bilingual education, the

researcher also asked Science teachers’ opinions regarding an effective implementation of bilingual education. The first respondent said that an effective way to start a bilingual class was by introducing some English vocabulary items to the students at the beginning of the class.

“Penetrapannya menurut saya ya langkah pertama ya hanya pengenalan

kosakata gitu..tapi kalau dua-duanya siap antara siswa dan guru ya

paling bahasa campuran dulu ya bilingual.”

“In my opinion, the first step on the implementation of bilingual education is by introducing the English vocabulary items. However if both the students and the teachers are good in English then they can speak using two languages.”

(Respondent 1, Appendix E)

The third respondent said that his strategy for an effective teaching at bilingual class was by translating his explanation from English into Indonesian or translating his explanation from Indonesian into English.

“Dalam mengimplementasikan pendidikan bilingual saya sendiri ketika

menyampaikan materi terkadang saya sampaikan dalam Bahasa Inggris kemudian saya terjemahkan atau dalam bahasa Indonesia lalu saya terjemahkan dalam Bahasa Inggris.”

“In the implementation of bilingual education, I explain the material in

English then I will translate it in Indonesian or I will explain in Indonesian then I will translate it in English.”


It could be seen from the interview results of this section that the meaning of bilingual education according to the Science teachers’ perception was a teaching technique by using two languages at the same time (English and Indonesian) in order to improve students’ English vocabulary items related to the

subject. Two effective teaching techniques in bilingual class according to the Science teachers’ perception were introducing the English vocabulary items

related to the subject at beginning of the class and by translating teachers’

explanation from English into Indonesian and vice versa.

b. Science Teachers’ Perception on Bilingual Class

This is the main answer result of the interview. In this section, after finding out the description of Science teachers past experience, expectations, and thought on bilingual education, the researcher would like to find out detailed description regarding SMP Joannes Bosco Science teachers’ perception as their evaluation on the implementation of bilingual education at SMP Joannes Bosco. There are three main types of perception as the evaluation that matter to teach based on Muijis and Reynolds (2011). They are the perceptions on an effective

teaching, students’ behavior in learning, and the situation around the school itself.



asked about Science teachers’ perception on the advantages and disadvantages of bilingual class.

For the positive factor which could influence the effectiveness of

teaching-learning activities at bilingual class, the first respondent said that students’ and

teachers’ understanding in English could influence the teaching-learning activities

at bilingual class. If the teachers and students could understand English well, then the teaching-learning activities at the bilingual class could become more effective.

“Kemampuan guru dan siswa..kalau siswa dan guru mampu berbahasa

Inggris yang baik ya itu bisa jadi faktor positif yang mempengaruhi

keefektifan pembelajaran bilingual.”

“If the teachers and the students have a good ability in English, it can be a positive factor which influences the bilingual teaching-learning activities.” (Respondent 1, Appendix E)

The second respondent said that some interesting learning media and learning sources such as bilingual textbooks and presentation through PowerPoint by using English and Indonesian could be the positive factors for an effective bilingual class.

“Faktor positifnya ya media-media yang menarik seperti buku bilingual,

PowerPoint itu.”

“The positive factors are some interesting media such as bilingual textbook and presentation through a PowerPoint.”

(Respondent 2, Appendix E)

While the third respondent said that students’ willingness in learning some

English vocabulary items was one of the positive factors at bilingual teaching-learning activities.

“Untuk faktor positif, siswa ada sedikit kemauan untuk menambah ilmu

mengenai istilah-istilah dalam Bahasa Inggris.”

“For the positive factor, some students have a willingness to improve their knowledge in English vocabulary items.”


Then according to the first respondent, the negative factor which could influence the effectiveness of teaching-learning activities at bilingual class was that the use of two languages seemed to be confusing for the students.

“Kalo negatifnya ya..kerancuan dari bahasa itu sendiri..Bahasa Inggris tiba-tiba dicampur Bahasa Indonesia..”

“The negative factor is the ambiguity of the language when English should be mixed with Indonesian in a sentence.”

(Respondent 1, Appendix E)

The second respondent said that the difference of students’ competence became one of the negative factors of an effective teaching-learning activity at the bilingual class because every student had different academic background.

“Ya untuk yang negatif itu dari kemampuan siswa yang berbeda. Kan tiap

siswa inputnya kan ga sama ya..”

“For the negative factor is the difference in students’ competence. Every

student has different academic background before entering the school.” (Respondent 2, Appendix E)

Besides the difference of the students’ competence, according to the third respondent, the lack of media also becomes one of the negative factors of an effective teaching–learning at bilingual class. Teachers needed a media like bilingual worksheet which could help the students understanding bilingual learning at Science class easily.

“..termasuk media juga..misalkan mereka memakai LKS itu bahasa

Indonesia..Bahasa Inggrisnya terbatas..kalau kita makai buku bilingual saja itu kadang-kadang ada yang kurang.”

“…another factor is the media. We need a worksheet which is in English. The bilingual textbook also is not complete enough for learning.”

(Respondent 3, Appendix E)



class. One of the advantages of a bilingual class according to the second respondent was that the teachers and the students could improve their competence in using English by learning some specific vocabulary items related to Science and technology.

“Ya pastinya meningkatkan perbendaharaan vocab Bahasa Inggris guru

karena mau tidak mau gurunya belajar..tidak semua guru IPA kan punya basic bahasa..khususnya Bahasa Inggris. Jadi mau tidak mau harus belajar. Kemudian juga menunjang vocab anak-anak.”

“Surely it will improve teachers’ English vocabulary items because the teachers automatically will learn English before teaching. Not all Science teachers understand English. Another advantage is that bilingual class can

improve students’ vocabulary items.”

(Respondent 2, Appendix E)

According to the third respondent, one of the disadvantages of a bilingual class was that by learning through a bilingual class, the teachers did not have enough time to deliver the material effectively to the students. The students actually also did not really understand the material when the teachers were teaching by using two languages.

“Kerugiannya yang pertama waktunya lebih panjang karena harus

menyampaikannya dalam dua bahasa ya..yang kedua siswa juga kadang-kadang belum mengerti Bahasa Inggris..materi jadi tidak tersampaikan.”

“The first disadvantage is that we will need so much time because we have

to teach in two languages. The second disadvantage is that actually the students do not understand English so that our material will be not delivered well to the students.”

(Respondent 3, Appendix E)

Moreover, in order to find out the teacher’ perception on the students’ behavior in learning, the researcher asked about the students’ motivation and


“Untuk anak yang bisa berbahasa Inggris ya antusias ya..untuk mereka yg

tidak bisa berbahasa Inggris malah takut..ga seneng..hanya tidak suka lebih banyak dari yang suka.”

“For students who are able to speak in English, they are enthusiastic. For students who do not like English, they feel afraid. Actually, the number of students who do not like English is more than them who like English.” (Respondent 1, Appendix E)

According to the third respondent, it seemed that the students in bilingual class liked to prepare themselves only for the topic of the subject. The students were not motivated to prepare themselves for the English.

“Untuk keaktifan agak kurang ya..karena lebih ini..lebih ke

gurunya..mereka hanya tau materinya saja..materi yang harus mereka pelajari..ya kalau kita mulai dalam bilingual ya mereka ikut..selebihnya

ya mereka tidak..paling hanya merespon good morning.”

“The students only learn the material, they do not really active in

responding the teacher. The students will follow the teacher’s language but only give response in greeting by saying good morning.”

(Respondent 3, Appendix E)

While in order to find out the situation around the school, the researcher asked about the facilities for a bilingual class at SMP Joannes Bosco. According to the first respondent, the bilingual textbook was not complete enough in providing a variety of English vocabulary items related to the subject for learning. The first respondent also said that the projector and viewer at school were limited compared to the teachers who needed it for teaching-learning activities.

It could be seen from the interview results of this section that the positive factors of bilingual education according to the Science teachers’ perception were the teachers’ and the students’ high competence, students’ willingness to learn


Table 1.1 Blueprint of the Interview Guideline  .....................................................
Table 1.1 Blueprint of the Interview Guideline
Table 1.2 Blueprint of the Questionnaire
Table 2.1 Questionnaire Results of the Science


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