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Comparison of the main characters in Flaubert`S Madame Bovary and Saadawi`S Woman At Point Zero From Feminist Perspective - USD Repository


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Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra

in English Letters



Student Number: 084214115






(mario teguh 2009 :153)


This undergraduate thesis is dedicated to

My dearest father and mother

H.Mas’ud and Sukartini

My beloved brothers and sister

Emy Andrini

Anisa Hidayati

Chasan Mohammad

Sobary Mohammad


For those who believe



First of all, I would like to thank Allah S.W.T for the love and guidance me until today. He never leaves me and always guides me in doing my thesis. I also want to thank those who help me in finishing my thesis.

My deeper gratitude goes to my advisor, Elisa Dwi Wardani, S.S., M.Hum. I would like to thank for her attention, ideas, and time during my graduation thesis. I could not have imagined having a better advisor for my thesis. I would like to express the deepest appreciation to my Co-Advisor,

Dr. F.X. Siswadi, M.A for the valuable guidance and advice. Without his

supervision and constant help this thesis would not have been possible. I thank also Maria Ananta Tri Suryandari, S.S., M.Ed and Dr. F.X Siswadi, M.A for introducing me to the novel Woman at Point Zero and

Madame Bovary.

I thank the administrative staffs for English Letters Department for the help during my study. I thank also all library staffs of Sanata Dharma University for helping me to find so many sources related to the undergraduate thesis.


his willingness to accompany me to finish my study. And for my close

friend, Nurul Fajriana, thank you for being good friend for me. I also would like to thank Farella Naharani for the personal support and motivation when I getting bored with my thesis. And for my other friends,

Sisilia Triana Dewi, Frida Rana, Zepherina Cindy, Apriyani Susanti, Fransisca Desi Nathalia, Rizky Yuga, Yulia Rahmawati, Christina Laviani, friends from KKN, Ayuk and Epan, Muti, Wulan, Titus, Indra, and Demen. Thanks for my friends in Jogja Music School. My Research would not have been possible without their help. Last but not least, I would like to express my appreciation to all people in the world who are determined to stop violence and make the world peace.












ABSTRACT ... xii

ABSTRAK ... xiii


A. Background of the Study... 1

B. ProblemFormulation... 4

C. ObjectivesoftheStudy... 4

D. Definition of Terms... 5


A. Review of Related Studies... 6

B. Review of Related Theories... 9

C. Theoretical Framework... 15


A. Object of the Study... 17

B. Approach of the Study... 19



A. The Characteristics of Firdaus and Emma ... 21

B. Contrast Between Firdaus and Emma as Viewed From Feminist Perspective... 27

1.a Abuses Toward Firdaus... 28

1.b Abuses Toward Emma... 33

1.c The Contrast Between Firdaus and Emma Through Abuses They Receive... 35

2.a Firdaus in Egypt’s Patriarchal Society... 40

2.b Emma in France’s Patriarchal Society... 43

2.c The Contrast Between Firdaus and Emma Related To the Patriarchal Society in Which They Live ... 45



APPENDIX 1... 53




). Comparison of The Main Characters in

Flaubert’s Madame Bovary and Saadawi’s Woman at Point Zero From Feminist Perspective. Yogyakarta: Department of English Letters, Faculty of Letters, Sanata Dharma University.

This study analyzes two novels that talk about women’s problem. The first work is entitled Madame Bovary by Gustave Flaubert. This story tells about an unhappily married woman who is dissapointed with her marriage and tries to fulfill her fantasy of love by having forbidden relationship with other men. The second work is entitled Woman at Point Zero by Nawal El Saadawi. This story tells about an imprisoned prostitute who kills a pimp and she awaits her death sentence.

This study aims to find out the answers of two problems. The first problem is the characteristics of Firdaus and Emma. The second is revealing the contrast between Firdaus and Emma as seen from feminist perspective.

In answering those questions, the writer used library research where the information can be found from the books related to the topic. There are two kinds of sources:the primary source, which is obtained from the novel itself, which are Madame Bovary and Woman at Point Zero. The secondary sources which are sources from other books related to the topic and also from the Internet.



LATIFA ROMADHON (2008). Comparison of The Main Characters in Flaubert’s Madame Bovary and Saadawi’s Woman at Point Zero From Feminist Perspective. Yogyakarta: Jurusan Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Sastra, Universitas Sanata Dharma.

Skripsi ini menganalisa dua novel yang berbicara tentang permasalahan wanita. Karya pertama berjudul “Madame Bovary”, yang ditulis oleh Gustave Flaubert. Novel ini bercerita tentang seorang istri yang tidak bahagia dan kecewa dengan kehidupan pernikahannya, kemudian mencoba berselingkuh dengan bebebrapa pria untuk memenuhi fantasi cintanya. Sedangkan karya kedua berjudul “Woman at Point Zero”, yang ditulis oleh Nawal El Saadawi. Novel ini bercerita tentang seorang pelacur yang dipenjara karena membunuh seorang germo dan menunggu hukuman mati.

Skripsi ini bertujuan untuk menjawab dua permasalahan. Permasalahan pertama mengenai karakteristik Firdaus and Emma. Permasalahan kedua mengungkap perbedaan antara Firdaus and Emma apabila dilihat dari perspektif feminis.

Dalam menjawab pertanyaan tersebut, penulis menggunakan penelitian perpustakaan dimana infromasi dapat ditemukan dalam buku yang berhubungan dengan topik. Ada dua jenis narasumber: yang pertama dari novel itu sendiri, yaitu Madame Bovary dan Woman at Point Zero.

Sumber yang kedua yaitu buku buku lainnya yang berhubungan dengan topik dan juga dari Internet.




This chapter consists of four parts, which are background of the study, problem fomulation, objective of the study, and definition of terms. The bakground of the study explains about the topic of the study. The problem formulation consists of two questions that will be analyzed in this thesis. Objective of the study deals with the purpose of this study. Definition of terms gives the explanation about some terms related to the topic to avoid misunderstanding.

A. Background of the study

As the writer knows, it is assumed that women are weaker than men. Women are considered as needing protection from men. Men are considered to be superior than women in all aspect of life. Even though the situation now is different, in the past women were not supposed to have career or public duty like man. They are supposed to stay at home to cook, to take care of children, and to serve their husbands. However, some women were even forced to satisfy men.


The problem of gender, human being categorized into man and woman, is a topic that is always discussed in the society. This problem that is caused by social construction has made many inequalities between men women. St Thomas pronounced woman to be an “imperfect man”, an incidential being. (Humm, 1992:xxii)

Woman discrimination also appear in a literary world. Literary world is powered by men. It means literature work is purposed to men. If the reader is women, she is forced to read as a man. (Selden,1991:140)

Since women were like the second class citizens, what they think, what they feel, what they say are not often heard. The condition had forced some women to take action. They started to stand for themselves, to demand their rights of equality. Even though at that time, feminism had not even been described yet, some feminists started to appear.

For example, in Indonesia, there is R.A Kartini, who struggles for equality between man and woman. In her letters, she states that rights and obligations of women in east still under man. Woman cannot study at school and even have difficulties socializing with others. Kartini wants to end all of this discrimination. (Pradopo,1995:188)


Woman at Point Zero by Nawal El Saadawi convey the idea of women oppression, especially through the main female characters.

“Feminism is organized movement to achieve women’s basic rights and a social transformation ideology which the purpose is to create the world for women by simple social similarity.”(Humm:2002:158).

Above is a quotation that is taken from Dictionary of Feminist Theories. Feminism is women’s struggle to be equal with men as a result of awareness about women which are being treated unfairly.

Finally, modern reformer group requires two things. First, they want appreciation toward women. Second, they want that housework is done together between husband and wife so that they can respect each other.(Sugihastuti:2002:89)

In this study, the writer wants to make comparison between two main female characters Firdaus in Woman at Point Zero and Emma in Madame Bovary. From the feminism point of view, the writer wants to contrast how the characters are described in this story in react to their problems.


In Woman at Point Zero, Firdaus is a poor woman because she gets sexual abuse as long as she lives. She is really bold to faces all her problems. This situation does not make her depressed but it makes her stronger. She wants her words to be listened by the surrounding.

In Madame Bovary, Emma as a wife feels that her husband does not give enough attention to her, even it does not true. She has high fantasy of her marriage but the reality is not the same as her fantasy. It makes her having affair with some men to fulfill her fantasy. Unfortunately, it does not work. She decides to give up and comitting suicide.

At first, the writer is interested in Firdaus character, in her effort to be listened to the surrounding. Then, the writer finds that Firdaus character is contrasted with the main female character in “ Madame Bovary”, that is Emma.

B. Problem Formulation

In this thesis, the writer formulates two questions : 1. What are the characteristics of Firdaus and Emma?

2. What is the contrast between Firdaus and Emma revealed as viewed from the feminist perspective?

C. Objectives of the Study


feminism point of view. The first objective is to find out the characterization of Emma and Firdaus by analyzing the way they behave and the way they think in the stories. The second objective is to understand the character of Emma and Firdaus from the feminism point of view.

D. Definition of terms

There is a definition of terms used in this study.This study uses the term feminism to analyze this study. To avoid misunderstanding, the writer uses the definition of feminism by Maggie Humm :

According to Humm, Feminism is a belief that women have equal rights and sexist domination should be removed.




This chapter contains all reviews of related literature used in this study. It discusses related studies, related theories, and theoretical framework. In the related studies, the writer presents studies that related to the topic of this study. In the related theories, the writer presents theories that related to the problem formulation. They are theory of character and characterization and also theory of feminism. Meanwhile, in the theoretical framework review some theories that used in this study.

A. Review of related studies

Woman has always become an interesting topic to be discussed. On one side, women have enchantment which can make men get infatuated. But on the other side, women are assumed as weak persons. Because of this weakness, it makes men exploit their beauty.


In “Woman at Point Zero”, the main character, Firdaus often gets violence. The most painful violence is from Sheikh Mahmoud, her husband. Sheikh Mahmoud likes to beat her and this becomes his habbit.

Another kind of violence that Firdaus experience is prostitution. In “Woman at Point Zero” , Firdaus becomes prostitute. Life which really hard makes her choose this situation. First, Sharifa who persuade her to do this job and then Firdaus herself who choose become a prostitutes because of her dissapointment to all of man whom she met.

Another violence can be seen in novel “Madame Bovary” in the character of Emma. The form of violence which she experience is rape. Rudolphe likes Emma at the first sight, although she has a husband. It makes him tease her and then rape her in a hill. (162)

The example of gender inequalities above makes feminism appear. Feminism appear because of the gender prejudice that women are seen as secondary people. Women are assumed to be different from men universally. It is not only from the biological criteria, but also from socioculture criteria.

(Susilastuti, 1993:29-30).

It reflects on the character of Firdaus in “Woman at Point Zero”. Feminism that appears in the story is also influenced by the socioculture. The culture in Egypt contributes on how Firdaus reacts to her problems in her life.


According norm in Moslem society, if a girl wants to marry, there should be permission from her father. A father may marry off her daughter with a man even she does not love at all. (Nurhayati,2012:XIV).

It can be seen in Firdaus life. Firdaus as a girl in Egypt, which her father has died, then she is under controlled by her uncle. She is very submissive to him. When her uncle wants to marry off her with Sheikh Mahmoud, Firdaus accepts that marriage although she does not like him at all.

Khalid Abou Fadl as a Moslem thinker said that although the society praise women role as a mother, women are portrayed as ones who are imperfect and disobedient. So a wife should serve and be controlled by her husband. As a child, a girl is controlled by her father and as a society member a girl is under controlled by all men. (Fadl,2005:308).

Firdaus also experience this. She is controlled by her husband, Sheikh Mahmoud. She is unhappy with her marriage. Firdaus often gets physical abuse from her husband but she just silents and accepts that bad treatment. She tries to complain to her uncle but it is useless.


B. Review of Related theories

The writer uses two kinds of theories to explore deeper the work. The writer uses theory on character and characterization, and theory on feminism. The writer will combine the theories from many experts to support the analysis.

1. Theories on Character and Characterization

The writer focuses the analysis on the main character both of the two novels. Character plays an important role in a literary work, such as in a novel. Abrams defines character as the person presented in a dramatic or narrative work, who are interpreted by the reader as being endowed with moral and disposition qualities that are expressed in what they say-the dialogue-and by what they do-the action (Abrams, 1981:20). Here, Abrams stated that to know the character of a person in dramatic or narrative work, we can see from how the person act and say.

The chief character in a plot, on whom our interest centers, is called the protagonist (or alternatively, the hero or heroine), and if the plot is such that he or she is pitted against an important opponent, that character is called the antagonist. (Abrams,1999:224)

Here, Abrams states that there are two kinds of character, which are protagonist and antagonist. Protagonist is a character that observed many times and the central of the story. Anatagonist is a character which has the opposite attitude with the protagonist character.


telling method and showing method. In a telling method, the author explain all in details and give a direct comment so the readers can know the character directly. In a showing method, the author let the readers to conclude by themselves about the character by see the dialogue and their acts. (Abrams, 1999:33)

E.M Foster classified characters according to the development stage into two parts, which are round and flat character. Round character is complex in temperament and motivation, flat character is a character that have one characteristic only. According to him there are two kinds of character if we see from the development stage which are round and flat character. Round character is a character that have many attitudes and qualities inside of him or her. While flat character is a character that have one attitude and quality inside of him or her.(Abrams, 1999:33)

There are many kinds of the theory of characterization above. In this thesis, the writer will only uses some of it. The writer will only use the theory that have correlation to this study. The writer will focus to analyze their speech, act, and thoughts.

2.` Theories on Feminism


Woolf’s fundamental contribution to feminism is her argument that patriarchy is not caused by natural factor but it happen because of the social construction. (Humm,1992:21) Here, he states that patriarchy is not God certainty, but it is created by human itself through long social process.

The concern with ‘conditioning’ and ‘socialization’ underpins a crucial set of distinctions, that between the terms ‘feminist’, ‘female’ and ‘ feminine’. As Toril Moi explains, the first is ‘a political position’ , the second ‘a matter of biology’, and the third ‘a set of culturally defined characteristics’. (Barry, 1995:122)

Barry states that feminist concern with women marginalization. Then, female is the matter of biology, it means that being a female is a God’s desitny, while feminine is the traits which is constructed culturally.

Feminine is women’s trait that is not women’s destiny but it is constructed culturally. Feminine is not the matter of sex but it is about gender. Gender differences has made many inequalities toward both men and women, but especially toward women.


intuition, nature, and “the ... world and world of poetry” than men. (Simeone de Beauvoir, 1989:620)

According to de Beauvoir, she states that women are categorized as more irrational or emotional than men. This gender perspective can cause women subordination. Assumption that said women are irrational and emotional can make women are placed in unimportant position, or we can say they cannot be a leader. It is a subordination process and discrimination based on gender.

Another example of feminine traits can be seen below. Aristotle wants to show that women are identical with passiveness. He wants to show it by giving the example of how fetus arouse. While men are assumed to be active, stronger and have many activities in their life. Aristotle fancied that the fetus arouse from the union of sperm and menstrual blood, woman furnishing only passive matter while the male principle contributed force, activity, movement, and life. (Simeone de Beauvoir, 1989:8)

From the quotation above, Aristotle wants to show that passive is one of woman’s characteristic or it can be said feminine traits. While men are assumed to be active, stronger and have many activities in their life. Passive is not one of the man charcteristic or masculine traits.


and women are weaker. In masculine hands logic is often a form of violence, a sly kind of tyranny . . . . he tirelessly proves to her that he is right. (Simeone de Beauvoir, 1989:463)

We can see so many aspect which put women in a difficult position. Many kinds of inequalities toward women above makes women aware their position in society is still inferior. Their awareness makes they want to change this situation. They want to liberate themselves from all of this oppression. They want to rebel against men.

The rebel simultaneously experiences a feeling of revulsion at the infringement of his rights and a complete and spontaneous loyalty to certain aspects of himself . . . . Awareness . . . develops from every act of rebellion; the sudden, dazzling perception that there is something in man with which he can identify himself, even if only for a moment.” (Camus, 1956:14)


that feminism is a women movement which concerned in women subordination, as a result of their position in the society.

In this thesis, the writer will see Firdaus in “Woman at Point Zero”” and Emma in “Madame Bovary” from feminism point of view. The writer uses feminism because it focuses on the equality between women and men.

3.Theories on Comparative Studies

In 1961, in a collection of essays on comparative literature published by the Southern Illinois University Press and edited by Newton Stallknecht and Horst Frenz, Henry Remark attempted to define what he called the ‘American School’:

“Comparative Literature is the study of literature beyond the confines of one particular country, and the study of the relationships between literature on the one hand, and other areas of knowledge and belief, such as the arts (e.g painting, sculpture, architecture, music), philosophy, history, the social sciences (e.g politics, economics, sociology), the sciences, religion, etc., on the other. (Bassnett, 1993:31).

Bassnett states that comparative literature is the study inter-relationship between two or more literary works. According to Foucault, there are two kinds of comparison, the first is comparison of measurement which analyses the similarity and differences between two literatures. The second is that of order which finds the basic principle of the subjects and organizes the differences.


In doing the comparative study, the writer uses the comparison of measurement, which analyses the similarity and differences between two literatures. First, the writer finds similarities between Firdaus and Emma, then finds differences between them by contrasting their attitude in facing problems in their life.

According to Edel, comparative study should compare not only some part but also all of the contents. Besides, in doing the comparative study requires both facts and personal opinion. (Edel, 1961:14)

A comparative literature study does not have to be comparative on every page nor even in every chapter, but the overall intent, emphasis and execution must be comparative. The assaying of intent, emphasis and execution requires both objective and subjective judgment. No rigid rules can and should, therefore, be set down beyond these criteria.

C.Theoretical Framework




This chapter consist of three parts, which are object of the study, approach of the study and method of the study. Object of the study deals with the subject matter. Then, approach of the study explains the approach that used in this study. Method of the study consists of some steps in completing this study.

A. Object of the study

In this study, the writer will use two stories, Woman at Point Zero by Nawal El Saadawi and Madame Bovary by Gustave Flaubert's. The first story is Woman at Point Zero. It is an Egyptian novel based on a true story of a woman who gets death sentence because of murdering a pimp. This novel tells about a woman who really hates men because of so many oppression that she got as long as she lived. Then she becomes a prostitute and finally kills a pimp. This makes her sentenced to death. This story was first published in Beirut in Arabic in 1979, then it is translated in English in 1983, then in 1986 it is translated in French. It consists of 112 pages. Nawal el-Saadawi as the writer on that book, is a feminist writer from Egypt with international reputation.


Solidarity Association in Arab. Maybe, so many activities that she did above that makes her becomes the most intellectual woman in Arab.

She has written a lot of books about feminism. Nawal El Saadawi has achieved widespread international recognition of her work. She holds honorary doctorates from the university of York, Illinois at Chicago, St Andrews and Tromso. Her many prizes and many awards include the Great Minds of Twentieth Century Prize, awarded by the American Biographical Institute in 2003, the North-South Prize from the Council of Europe and the Premi International Catalunya in 2004. Her books have been translated into over twenty eight languages worldwide. They are taught in universities across the world.


a cool public reception; not until the publication of Three Tales ( 1877) was his genius popularly acknowledged. This story is about a desperate housewife that cannot able to see her husband kindness because her high fantasy of marriage and love. It is a fiction story of French Literature.

B. Approach of the study

The writer uses feminist approach as the basic of the study.”Feminist literary criticism is concerned with the marginalization of all women: that is, with their being relegated to a secondary position” (Guerin:1999:196). The writer applies this approach to understand the reaction of the main female characters in facing their problems from feminist point of view. The writer uses feminist approach because it focuses on the equality between men and women.

C. Method of the study




In this chapter, the writer analyzes the problems stated in problem formulation in the first chapter. The first part is the discussion on the main character which are Firdaus in “Woman at Point Zero” and Emma in “Madame Bovary”. The second part is contrast between Firdaus and Emma as seen from feminist perspective.

Michael Foucault has suggested that there are only two forms of comparison: the comparison of measurement, which ‘analyses into units in order to establish relations of equality and inequality’ and that of order, which establishes the simplest elements and arranges differences. (Bassnett, 1993: 92)

In doing the comparative study, the writer uses the comparison of measurement, which analyses the similarity and differences between two literatures. First, the writer finds similarities between Firdaus and Emma, then finds differences between them by contrasting their attitude in facing problems in their life.

A. The Characteristics of Firdaus and Emma Bovary

1. The Characteristics of Firdaus in “Woman at Point Zero” a. Progressive Minded


”I knew that women did not become the head of state, but I felt that I was not like other women, nor like the other girls around me who kept talking about love, or about men. For these were subjects I never mentioned. Somehow I was not interested in the things that occupied their mind, and what seemed of importance to them struck me as being trivial.” (Saadawi, 1983:25)

Another proof that shows Firdaus is having progressive thinking is when she tries hard to look for a job although she only has a secondary school certificate. Commonly, woman often assumed that they do not need a job, be a housewife and just do houseworks. But Firdaus is different, she thinks that a job is really important in her life. I have a secondary school certificate. Maybe I can find a job with my secondary, or with my primary school certificate. But if necessary I’m prepared to do anything, even the kind of work that requires no certificates. (Saadawi ,1983:49)

Here, it can be noticed that Firdaus is having progressive thinking from her speech above. She is different from the other woman. She has a greater and modern way of thinking.

b. Brave


them, have filled me with but one desire: to lift my hand and bring it smashing on his face. (Saadawi, 1983:10)

Her bravery toward man she showed with the real actions. She can threaten, slap, even kill someone who tries to hurt her. It can be seen in this quotation :

“How can I convince you that what I say is true?” “I do not really know how you can do that.”

So I lifted my hand high up above my head and landed it violently on his face. “Now you can believe that I have slapped you. Burrying a kinfe in your neck is just as easy and requires exactly the same movement.”(Saadawi, 1983:109)

In the end of the novel, she is sentenced to death for killing a pimp. Firdaus accepts the death senetence and refuse the life. But she is not afraid to die. It can be seen in this quotation :

“When I killed I did it with truth not with a knife. That is why they are afraid and in hurry to execute me. They do not fear my knife. It is my truth that frightens them. This fearful truth gives me great strength. It protects me from fearing death, or life, or hunger, or nakedness, or destruction.” (Saadawi, 1983:112)

All of the speech above indicates that Firdaus is a brave woman. It can be seen from Firdaus speech and reaction toward every man which try to hurt her.

c. Independent


A prostitute however, is a little better off. I was able to convince myself that I had choosen this life of my own free will. The fact that I rejected their noble attempts to save me, my insistence on remaining a prostitute, proved to me this was my choice and that I had some freedom, at least the freedom to live, in a situation better thatn of other women. (Saadawi, 1983:97)

What she experienced in her life from she was young until becoming adult, makes her must live independently. She does not want to be controlled by other people. She free to do things without needing help from men.

He said, “Every prostitute has a pimp to protect her from other pimps and from the police. That’s what I’m going to do.”

“But I can protect myself”,I said.

“There isn’t a woman on earth who can protect herself.” “I don’t want your protection.”(Saadawi, 1983:100)

From the conversation above, it can be noticed that she does not want to be anybody’s slave. Firdaus wants to show that she can stand on her own feet. From her speech, it can be concluded that Firdaus is an independent woman.

2. The Characteristics of Emma in “Madame Bovary” a. Assertive


She complained that she had been suffering from dizzy spells since the beginning of the season and asked if ocean bathing would help her ... She would adore living in the city even if only in the winter, although the country was possibly even more boring in the summer because of the long days. Her voice reflected her various topics of conversation. (Flaubert, 1964:44-45)

When Charles does not give any attention to Emma about living in a city, she does not give up. She tries to keep asking her husband. She is brave to voice what she wants in her life. Finally, after she constantly complains about Tostes, Charles responds to Emma. He thought seriously about setting up his practice elsewhere. (Flaubert, 1964: 83)

From the evidence above, it can be concluded that Emma is an assertive woman. She keeps trying to reveal her feeling by talking to Charles to get the solution. Emma is active to make Charles listen to her words carefully.

b. Adventurous

Emma is a picture of an adventurous woman. Normally, a marriage always bring happiness toward both husband and wife, but it does not happen to her. Her dissapointment toward her husband makes her looks for her true love. It can be seen when Emma is the right person whom she needs in her life.


Her marriage with Charles makes her feels depressed. To solve that problem she wants to runaway with Rodolphe, her lover. But in fact, Rodolphe leaves her and makes her heart broken.

After Rodolphe left Emma, it does not make her give up to find her another true love. According to her, Leon is another perfect man. He is taller, handsome, more charming, slightly out of focus. She wants to have him and thinks that live with him will make her life better than before. She tries so many ways to have Leon. It can be seen when finally Emma can easily make love with Leon in a moving cab. (Flaubert, 1964: 131)

Emma’s speech and her reaction above indicates that she is an adventurous woman. When she is not comfortable with her life, she is willing to take risks and try new ideas.

c. Dreamy

At the age of fifteen, Emma likes very much to read some novels, most of them tells about love. This habbit is not good for her because of her age at that time is too young to read such kinds of books. It makes her become a dreamer and has high fantasy about love.

“She wished that she had lived in some old manor, like those long-waisted ladies of the manor who spent their days under the trefoil of pointed arches, elbows on rampart and chin in hand, watching a cavalier with a white feather emerge from the horizon on a galloping black charger.” (Flaubert, 1964:57)


unforgettable. Emma dreamed of her wedding day;she could see herself down there;in the middle of the cornfields, on the tiny path, as they walked toward the church. (Flaubert, 1964:217)

Emma has a high fantasy of love and marriage. She expects that her marriage as romantic as the novel. After she married with Charles, the reality does not like what she has imagined before.

“Before she had married she thought she was in love. But the happiness that should have resulted from this love had not come; she must have deceived herself, she thought. Emma sought to learn what was really meant in life by the words “happiness,” “passions,” and “intoxication” words that had seemed so beautiful to her in books.” (Flaubert, 1964:55)

Another proof can be seen when she wants to feel how her honeymoon with Charles will be. She has a high fantasy of it. She dreams that it will be so nice and beautiful.

“Behind the blue silk shades of the mail coachesthey would slowly climb up steep roads, listening to the song of postilion being echoed through the mountain together, with the sound of goat bells and the muffled roar of a waterfall. At the sunset they would inhale the scent of lemon trees by the shores of the gulfs;then, in the evening, on the terraces of the villas, alone, fingers intertwined, they would gaze at the stars and dream.” (Flaubert, 1964:60)

From the four evidences above, it can be noticed that Emma is a dreamer. She has an idea or plans that are not practical or realistic.

B. The Contrast between Firdaus and Emma as Viewed from Feminist Perspective


feminist perspective is an effort to understand women’s position and role as reflected in literary work. (Sugihastuti and Suharto, 2002:15).The discussion that convey the idea of feminism are done through the supporter character, in this case they are all men. In Woman at Point Zero the supporter character are Mohammadain, Uncle, Syekh Mahmoud, Bayoumi, Ibrahim, and Marzouk. While in Madame Bovary the supporter characters are Rodolphe, and Leon. In this case Firdaus and Emma is being oppressed by them.

1.Revealing the Contrast between Firdaus and Emma through Abuses They Receive

a. Abuses Toward Firdaus

i. Uncle

After her parents died, Firdaus is in the care of her uncle. He takes Firdaus to Cairo. Her uncle is not young. He is much older than she is. He studies at El-Azhar. He is not a good uncle for Firdaus. There are so many bad treatments which he does toward her, like sexual abuse.

My galabeya often slipped up my thighs, but I paid no attention until the moment when I glimpse my uncle’s hand moving slowly from behind the book he was reading to touch my leg.The next moment I could feel it travelling up my thigh with a cautious, stealthy, trembling movement. Every time there was the sound of a footstep at the entrance to our house, his hand would withdraw quickly. (Saadawi, 1983:13)


Firdaus when she still in very young age. He is doing what he shouldn’t do toward his niece.

I was trembling all over, seized with a feeling I could not explain, that my uncle’s great long fingers would draw close to me after a little while, and cautiously lift the eiderdown under which I lay. Then his lips would touch my face and press down on my mouth, and his trembling fingers would feel their way slowly upwards over my thighs. (Saadawi, 1983:21)

Not only that, but he also agrees with his wife’s idea to marry her with Syekh Mahmoud although she still very young. She should marry with the man, who is too old for her. Her uncle does not care about what Firdaus feeling toward Syekh Mahmoud whether she loves him or not. (Saadawi, 1983: 38-39).

ii. Syekh Mahmoud

Syekh Mahmoud is Firdaus’s husband. He is already over sixty whereas Firdaus has not yet turned nineteen. She accepts this marriage because of her uncle’s order not because her love. In Firdaus’s marriage she is not happy at all. Everyting about Syekh Mahmoud disgusts her.

On his chin, below the lip, was a large swelling, with a hole in the middle. Some days the hole would be dry up, but on others it would turn into a rusty old tap exuding drops red in colour like blood, or withish yellow, like pus. (Saadawi, 1983:45)

“When his arms and legs let go of me, I would gently slip my body out from under him, and go on tiptoe to the bathroom. There I would carefully wash my face and lips, my arms and thighs, and every part of my body, taking care not to miss a single inch, going over it several times with soap and water.”(Saadawi, 1983:46)


hits her all over with his shoe. Her face and body becomes swollen and bruised. (Saadawi, 1983:46).

He leapt on me like a dog. The hole in his swelling was oozing drops foul-smelling pus. I did not turn my face or my nose away this time. I surrendered my face to his face and my body to his body, passively, without any resistance, without a movement, as though life had been drained out of it, like a piece of dead wood or old neglected furniture left to stand where it is, or a pair of shoes forgotten under a chair. One day he hit me with his heavy stick until the blood ran from my nose and ears. (Saadawi, 1983:47)

iii. Bayoumi

Bayoumi is the man whom Firdaus meet at the street. Firdaus meets Bayoumi when she looks for a job. She really wants to get a job although she has just secondary school certificate. It indicates that Firdaus is a high spirit woman because she wants to achive something that she wants. I have a secondary school certificate. Maybe I can find a job with my secondary, or with my primary school certificate. But if necessary I’m prepared to do anything, even the kind of work that requires no certificates (Saadawi,1983:49)

But in fact, what Firdaus wants, cannot be realized. Bayoumi lies to her and does not do anything to help her. Bayoumi who at first promise Firdaus to help her looks for a job, on the contrary does sexual abuse toward her. Not only that, he also does physical abuse until she lost her consciousness immediately.


neck, and then dropped downwards gradually over my breast, and my belly, to settle somewhere just below it, between my thighs... The next moment he hit me with his fist in the belly so hard that I lost consciousness immediately. (P.53)

Firdaus is really an unlucky person. Not only sexual and physical abuse that she gets, but Firdaus also gets another bad treatment from Bayoumi. He brings her into his flat and locks her there and let his friends do the same bad thing toward Firdaus. He sank his teeth into the flesh of my shoulder and bit me several times in the breast, and then over my belly. While he was bitting me, he kept on repeating: “Slut, bitch”. (Saadawi,1983:53)

iv. Ibrahim

Ibrahim is the man whom Firdaus loves very much. In Firdaus eyes, he is a good man. Firdaus thinks that Ibrahim is the right man for her. With him, she hopes that she will starts a new life which is better. When Firdaus believes that Ibrahim really loves him, he dissapointed her. Firdaus hears that he will marry another girl. It really makes her desperate and promises not to see him again. He got engaged to the chairman’s daughter yesterday. He’s a clever lad, and deserves whatever good fortune may come to him. He has a bright future to look forward to, and will rise quickly in the company. (Saadawi, 1983:91)


his insistence, she changes her mind, and lets him come to her house and they make love again.

I said, “You’ve forgotten to pay me.”

He took a ten pound note out of his wallet with trembling fingers, and gave it to me.

“My rate is not less than twenty pounds,’I explained, then added,’sometimes it is even more.

His hand started to tremble again as he extracted another ten pound note from wallet. (P.96)

After that Firdaus realizes that he does not really love her. She even knows the reason why in the past he came to her house every night. He just wants to make love with her, and because they love each other at that time, he had not to pay. He does not care about Firdaus’s feeling toward him at all.

v. Marzouk

At the end of the story, Firdaus meets a pimp. His name is Marzouk. He is a dangerous pimp who controlls many prostitutes. He has so many friends everywhere and on whom he spent his money generously. Marzouk offeres Firdaus as her pimp and protect her from other pimps and from the police.

“Every prostitute has a pimp to protect her from other pimps, and from the police. That’s what I’m going to do.”

“But I can protect my self, ‘I said.

“There isn’t a woman on earth who cannot protect herself.” “I don’t want your protection.

“You cannnot do without protection, otherwise the profession exercised by husbands and pimps would die out.” (P.100)


that Firdaus refuses his offer, Marzouk does not give up. He even threats Firdaus with a knife and hope that it will works. But in fact, Firdaus does not afraid with it, even she kills the pimp with that knife.

I raised the knife and buried it deep in his neck, pulled it out of his chest and plunged it deep into his belly. I stuck the knife into almost every part of his body. I was astonished to find how easily my hand moved as I thrust the knife into his flesh, and pulled it out almost without effort. (P.104)

b. Abuses toward Emma

i. Leon

Leon is a clerk. He is still young, tall, handsome, charming and he can makes Emma fall in love with him. Leon seems to know everything, he can easily chat with Emma about poets, music, etc. She thinks that he much better than Charles, her husband. Emma really wants to have Leon.

She cursed herself for not having loved him. She thirsted for his lips. She yearned to run to thim, to throw herself into his arms, to tell him:”Take me, I’m yours.” But the anticipated difficulties forestalled any action, and her desires, heightened by regret, became even more ardent. (P.131)


sherbets sent up, wanted to smoke ciggarettes-she seemed wild to him, but adoreable and superb. (Flaubert,1964:260)

Emma believes everything that Leon says to her. He says that he really loves her, needs her and she is the one for him in his life. But in fact, it is not true. Day by day, Leon feels bored with Emma, although she thinks that Leon is the right man for her.

Leon finally swore not to see Emma again, and he reproached himself for not having kept his word when he considered all the troble and blame this woman could still bring upon him, not to mention the jokes of his fellow clerk as they sat around the stoves...Now he was bored when Emma would suddenly sob on his chest; and his heart, like people who can stand only a certain amount of music, languished with indifference amid the stridency of a love whose subtleties left him cold. (P.272)

ii. Rodolphe

Monsieur Rodolphe Boulanger is thirty four years old. He is intelligent, spent a lot of time in a female company and very knowledgeable about women. For Rodolphe, Emma is really beautiful. Rodolphe likes Emma since they met at the first time. He thinks how to attract Emma. Actually he does not really love Emma, but he just want to have her. Poor little woman. Gasping for love, like a carp on a kitchen table gasping for water. Three falterring words and she’d adored me, I’m sure (Flaubert, 1964:137)


praising and seducing by his beautiful words and finally they make love in a hill. (P.162)

When Emma thinks Rodolphe really loves her, she gives everything to please him. She gives her hearts, her soul, and her lifes. She decides to go runaway with him and starts a new life. But in fact, Rodolphe never really loves her and even leaves her by sending a farewell letter.

“The world is cruel, Emma. It would have pursued use everywhere we went. You would have had to endure indiscreet questions, slander, disdain, actual insults perhaps. Insults to you! And I who wanted to see you on a throne, who will carry away the memory of you like a talisman. For I am punishing myself for all the evil I have done to you by going into exile. Iam leaving. Where? I have no idea. I feel I am losing my mind. Farewell.” (P.198)

c. The Contrast between Firdaus and Emma through Abuses They Receive

Both Firdaus and Emma get abuses from men. Firdaus gets sexual abuse and physical abuse from her relatives, friends, her lovers, police even from her husband. While Emma gets sexual abuses from Rudolphe and Leon. The writer notices the differences between both of them through abuses they receive.


While Emma also gets sexual abuse from Rudolph and Leon. Abuses from Rudolph and Leon is caused by her disappointment in her marriage life. Her dissappointment of marriage life is because Emma is an unrealistic person. What makes Emma become unrealistic person is her habit to read many kinds of romantic books since she was still very young. Her view on life is much influenced by the romantic books she ever read. Because of that, when she feels dissatisfied with her husband, she thinks about having affair with some man to fulfill her fantasy of love. Unfortunately, they just treat Emma as a toy and they do not love her. Here, it can be noticed that abuses that she receives is because of her high fantasy life based on her romantic books.

Emma’s fascination with religious suffering and beauty ends when a maid at the convent supplies her with romantic love-songs, stories, and books. This maid “knew by heart the love-songs of the last century…She would tell stories…and lend the big girls, clandestinely, one of the novels she always kept in the pocket of her apron, from which the good lady herself devoured long chapters, in the intervals of her task” (Flaubert 34). These novels "were about love, lovers, loving, martyred maidens swooning in secluded lodges, postilions slain every other mile, horses ridden to death on every page, dark forests, aching hearts, promising, sobbing, kisses and tears, little boats by moonlight, nightingales in the grove, gentlemen

brave as lions, tender as lambs, virtuous as a dream, always well dressed, and weeping pints." (Flaubert 34-35) In other words, the maid’s novels are the archetypes to those Scottish Highlander books at Wal-mart. These books breathe a new life to Emma’s already well-developed sense of passion.



She uses the heart over the head. It means that she is not liberated. Emma is a victiom of her own romanticism. She view herself and the surrounding from romantic perspective.

Besides, Emma lives in a country which is influenced by romantic and passionate traditions. France language rich with all forms of love and sentimentality. Romance is an essential part of the French way of life. The French are surrounded from birth by sensuous statues, adventurous folklore, romantic art, and endless national relics salcauting valor for the sake of love. (Kunz, 2006:25)

Her hobby in reading such romantic novels is the best thing for her. It makes her imitate everything from the novel, such as attitude and the way of life of the characters in the novel. It can be seen when she gives her body to Rudolphe in a hill. At first, she feels guilty but then she thinks that it is not wrong.

Then she remembered the heroines in the books she had read, and the lyrical legion of these adulterous women began to sing in her memory with sisterly voices enchanting her. She herself became a part of this fantasies. She was realizing the long dream of her adolescence, seeing herself as one of those amorous women she had so long envied. Moreover, Emma was feeling a sensation of revenge. Had she not suffered enough? But now she was triumphing, and love, so long contained, burst forth in its entirety with joyous effervescence. She was savoring it without remorse or anxiety, without feeling troubled. (Pp.163-164)


herself and it can mantain her independency. (Basin and Said Khan, 1993:31-32)

Abuses that Firdaus gets, begin when Firdaus was still very young. Firdaus’s life has been filled with abuses, order, and exploitation. Realizing that Firdaus is being opressed by men, Firdaus is determined to fight against men. It can be seen when she decides to be a prostitute. It is a form of her liberation from all of her exploitation. Firdaus chooses to be a prostitute and free herself from any oppression of men.

“A successful prostitute was better than misled saint. All women are victim of men deception. Men impose deception on women and punish them for being deceived, force them down into the lowest level and punish them for failing so low, bind them in marriage and then chastise them with menial service for live, or insults, or blows. Now I realized that the least deluded of all women was the prostitute. The marriage was the system built on the cruelest suffering on women.” (P. 94)

Being a prostitute is her own will. For her, prostitution is not sexual violence but it is a kind of work. She has to get the money when she gives her body. She is a rich prostitute because she can ask high price toward all of the men. All women are prostitutes and she prefers to be a free prostitute than an enslaved woman.

All women are prostitutes one kind or another. Because I was intelligent I preferred to be a free prostitute, rather than enslaved wife. Every time I gave my body I charged the highest price...Everybody has a price, and every profession is paid a salary. (P.99)


used her freedom to choose which is good for herself. Firdaus does not want to be an enslaved wife but choose to be free prostitute and successful prostitute. She tries to rebel toward men and society. And her effort is not useless. Finally, she can win the war, war with men and with society to be listened.

On the other hand, Emma faces the abuses in a different way. Abuses which she receives is because her dissapointment in her marriage life. This situation makes her desperate and make a decision to have affair to satisfy herself. Although the man she has affair with, just treat Emma as a toy. They lie to her and say they really love her, give false promise, and then leaves Emma when they are bored.

After Emma realizes that they do not love her, and knows she is being opressed by them, she just cries and does not do anything. Even, when Emma in debt, she goes to Rudolphe and Leon again, men who have treated her unrespectfully, begging to them to lend her amount of money.

“Leon, you”ll have to do me a favor” she told him. Then shaking him by his hands, which she squeezed tightly,she added:“Listen, I need eight thousand francs.” (P.278)

“All right then, - I’m ruined Rudolphe. “You’ve got to lend me three thousand francs.”(P.290)

After she knows that they do not want to lend her money, she is desperate and does not know what should she does. Then, she decides to end her life by eating arsenic. She thinks it is the best way to solve her problems.


that she is unhappy with her marriage, she tries to fulfill her wants by having affair with Rudolphe and Leon to satisfy herself. She tries to achieve what she really wants in her life. But, in fact they just treat her unrespectfully. After she knows the truth that she is being oppressed, she just keep silent. Even when she is in debt, she begging to Leon and Rudolphe to lend her money. It shows that Emma is a dependent woman because she does not try to solve her problem by herself, instead she goes to Rudolphe and Leon who have done abuses to her, for help.

2.The Contrast Between Firdaus and Emma Through The Patriarchal Society In Which They Live

a. Firdaus in Egypt’s Patriarchal Society

In this section, the writer will discuss how the society can influences someone’s character. The writer also wants to show the local culture and religion can give impacts toward Firdaus and Emma in the way they behave and react.

Egypt, where the story of “Woman at Point Zero takes place, is a country that the society is patriarchal. Man is superior than woman, meaning to say that man has more power and rights than woman both in society and in their relation. Egyptian woman seems to be powerless.


every men treatment toward her. All of them indicates that men are superior than woman.

Firdaus grow up in a poor family. Because Firdaus is a poor family, the basic needs such as food become a big problem. They often go to bed with empty stomachs. Since Firdaus was a child, she has learned that her father is a king and her mother is a slave. She always serves her husband well, fulfill his needs for food and let her child in hunger so that her husband can fulfill his stomach with food.

My father never went to bed without supper, no matter what happened. Sometimes when there was no food at home we would all go to bed with empty stomachs. But he would never fail to have a meal. My mother would hide his food from us at the bottom of one of the holes in the oven...One evening I dared to stretch out my hand to his plate, but he struck me a sharp blow over the back of my fingers. (P.17-18)

Egypt, which is a dominantly islamic country, has influenced Firdaus character. Religious interpretation has contributed toward woman marginalization.(Fakih:1996:15) It can be seen when Firdaus uncle does not let Firdaus to continue her study. Quotation below is the example of the sentence above.

“To the university? To a place where she will be sitting side by side with men? A respected Sheikh and man of religion like myself sending his niece off to mix in the company of men?!


Not only that, Firdaus uncle also marry her to Sheikh Mahmoud, a very old man who Firdaus does not love at all. Firdaus uncle wants to marry her with him just because Sheikh Mahmoud is a rich man, and her uncle does not care about Firdaus feeling at all. It refelcts how man are the decision maker and control everything. (Pp.38-39)

Another example of how religion can place women in a difficult position can be seen when Firdaus is married with Sheikh Mahmoud. Instead of receiving affection and love from her husband, bad treatment like physical abuse are what she accepts. Not only once, but he does it again and again. Until at the certain point, Firdaus can’t stand it anymore and come to her uncle but he said religion allow her husband to beat her wife as seen in this quotation.

So I left the house and went to my uncle. But my uncle told me that all husband beat their wives and my uncle’s wife added that her husband often beat her. I said my uncle was respected Sheikh, well versed in the teachings of religion, and he, therefore, could not possibly be in the habbit of beating his wife. She replied that it was precisely men well versed in their religion who beat their wives. The precepts of religion permitted such punishment. A virtuous woman was not supposed to complain about her husband. Her duty was perfect obedience. (Pp 46-47)


“I discovered that all these rulers were men. What they had in common wasa an avaricious and disorted personality, a never ending appetite for money, sex, and unlimited.” (P.26-27)

“I knew that women did not become the head of state, but I felt that I was not like other women, nor like the other girls around me who kept talking about love, or about men. For these were subjects I never mentioned. Somehow I was not interested in the things that occupied their minds, and what seemed of importance to them struck me as being trivial.” (P.25)

From what she experienced in her life, she notices that man has more power than woman. Her father’s treatment toward her mother and her uncle’s treatment toward her are the examples of men superiorities. Being a man seems better than to be a woman. Woman just seems to be valueless.

When one of his female children died, my father would eat his supper, my mother would wash his legs, and then he would go to sleep, just as he did every night. When the child that died was a boy, he would beat my mother, then have his supper and lie down to sleep. (P.17)

b. Emma in France’s Patriarchal Society


Emma experiences it. She even sacrifices what she loves in her life, that is music, just to be a good wife.

“You’re giving it up?” he asked.

“What?” she asked quickly. “Oh,music? My God, yes!

Don’t I have my house to run, my husband to take care of, a thousand more important duties!” (P.116)

The conversation between Emma and Leon above indicates that Emma has burden. Not only she has to take care of her husband, she also has to do many houseworks such as washing, brooming, cooking, etc. It makes her feel exhausted so that she decides to give up the music. Although she very likes music, she chooses to give up and prefers to be a good wife, which assumed to do all of housework and serve her husband.

France, where Emma lives is a country which has free lifestyle. It can be seen when Emma easily to make love with Rudolphe in a hill. Although she has a husband, and he does not care about that and seduce Emma and makes her give her body to him. Emma and Rudolphe have not known each other well but they easily make love. It can happen because adultery is a common thing and it is not an embarassment in France. (Kunz, 2000:15) The cloth of her habit clung to the velvet of his coat. She threw back her head, her white throat swelled in a sigh, and without resisting, tears streaming with a long shudder and her face hidden, she gave herself to him. (Flaubert, 1964:162)


normal thing and can be done in every place, even in a moving cab. (P.233) Both Rudolphe and Leon can makes love with Emma easily because adultery is common and not embarassing thing in France. So, there is no law regulation also that said about punishment for adultery. It makes Rudolphe and Leon dare to do that although she has a husband.

c.The Contrast Between Firdaus and Emma Related to the Patriarchal Society in Which They Live

The setting of “Woman at Point Zero is in Egypt, while the setting of “Madame Bovary is in France. Both Firdaus and Emma are live in patriarchal societies. In patriarchal society, men are decision maker and hold positions of power. Men have authority over women and children.


The patriarchal society in Egypt is different with patriarchal society in France. In France, the patriarchal society is also influenced by the local culture, and law regulation. For example, in France adultery is a normal thing and does not evoke snickers. (Kunz,2000:15). It makes men can easily do that toward women because it is very common there. They do not need to be afraid because there is no law regulation that speaks about that. Another example is about the marriage life. If there is a wife who is unhappy with her marriage and wants to get divoced, it will be a difficult thing. Divorce in France is expensive and the procedure is very complicated (Kunz, 2000:24). It makes a woman prefers to keep silent and stop thinking about divorce. The local culture and law regulation in France puts women in a difficult position. They have no rights to complain and to voice what they want in their lives.

Firdaus and Emma live in patriarchal societies. Both of them live in a situation where men are superior than women. As seen from the patriarchal society in which they live, Firdaus and Emma face this situation in different way.

Firdaus wants to show her rebellion toward the patriarchal society at the end of her life. It can be noticed when she sentences to death for killing a pimp. She chooses to die rather than asking the President to be pardoned. She wants to show her bravery and cannot be feared by man.




After analyzing both Firdaus and Emma as the main character of the story, the writer can conclude some points , which are description of Firdaus and Emma character and the contrast between them as viewed from feminist perspective.

From Firdaus characteristisc, she is progressive minded, brave, and independent woman. She has modern way of thinking, and it makes her different with other women. Firdaus is a brave woman, her bravery is shown toward men who want to do something bad toward her and when finally she is brave to accept the death sentence. She also never asks someone’s help as long as she can do something by herself and has freedom to choose what she wants in her life. And from Emma characteristic, she is an assertive, irresponsible and dreamy person. She is an assertive woman because she never gives up to say what she wants until other people listened to her words. Emma is an irresponsible woman because she is not thinking enough about the effects of what she does. Emma can be categorized as dreamy person because she has a lot of imaginations but not realistic.


feminist persppective, which are 1) Through abuses they receive 2) Through the patriarchal society in which they live.

The first differences is viewed from abuses they receive. In Woman at Point Zero,little boy named Mohammadain play “bride and bridegroom”, then her uncle also does sexual abuse toward Firdaus, as well as Bayoumi the man whom she meets in the street, her husband named Syekh Mahmoud, instead of giving affection he does sexual and physical abuse, after that Ibrahim the man she really love, and the last is Marzouk, a pimp who wants to expolit Firdaus’s body. All of bad treatment that she receives are because of male superiority and powerlessness of a woman who lives in a patriarchal society. Realizing that Firdaus is being opressed by men, Firdaus is determined to fight against men. It can be seen when she decides to be a prostitute. It is a form of her liberation to end all of men’s oppression. It can be concluded that Firdaus is an independent woman because she does not want to be anybody’s slave. She uses her freedom to choose which is good for herself. While Emma also gets sexual abuse from Rudolph and Leon, Abuses from Rudolph and Leon is caused by her disappointment in her marriage life. It makes her think about having affair with some man to fulfill what she wants. After realized that she is being oppressed, she does nothing, even she begs to the men whom she has affair with for help. Here, it can be noticed that Emma is dependent woman because she does not try to solve her problem by herself.


society in Egypt where Firdaus lives and France, where Emma lives. In Egypt the patriarchal society is also influenced by religion. Since most of the citizens are Moslem, it makes many religion interpretation also contributes to woman marginalization. Women will get punishment if they do not obedience to their husband, and cannot fulfill what man wants. The patriarchal society in Egypt is different with patriarchal society in France. In France, the patriarchal society is also influenced by the local culture, and law regulation. For example, in France adultery is a normal thing and divorce in France is expensive and the procedure is very complicated (Kunz,2000:15-24). The local culture and law regulation in France seems to put a woman in a difficult position.



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El Saadawi, Nawal. Wajah Telanjang Perempuan. Yogyakarta:Pustaka Pelajar, 2003.

El Saadawi, Nawal. Woman at Point Zero. London: Zed Books, 1983. Flaubert, Gustave. Madame Bovary. London: Penguin, 2003.

Guerin. A Handbook of Critical Approaches to Literature. Fourth Edition. New York: Oxford University Press, 1999.

Humm, Maggie. Ensiklopedia Feminism. Yogyakarta: Fajar Pustaka Baru,2002.

Humm, Maggie. Feminisms: A Reader. New York: Harvester Wheat sheaf, 1992.

Jackson, Stevi and Jones, Jackie. Contemporary Feminist Theories. New York: New York University Press,1998.

Jones, Jan. Books: Revealing Reader’s Inner Natures One Page at a Time.


Kunz, Edith. Fatale:How French Women Do It. Phoenix: Bridgewood Press,2000

Mansour,Fakih.dr.AnalisisGender&TransformasiSosial.Yogyakarta:Pustaka Pelajar, 1996.

Selden, Raman. A Reader’s Guide to Contemporary Literary Theory.

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Sugihastuti dan Suharto. Kritik Sastra Feminis:Teori dan Aplikasinya. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar, 2002.



Appendix 1: Summary of the Saadawi’s Woman at Point Zero

Firdaus is the daughter of peasants. She grows up in a poor family. After her parents died, she is taken care by her uncle. Unfortunately, her uncle does not take care of her, instead he does sexual abuse many times toward her. Besides, he also takes advantage of Firdaus by marrying off her with Syeikh Mahmoud, a rich man who Firdaus does not love him at all. In her marriage, Syeikh Mahmoud treats Firdaus poorly. She gets both physical and sexual abuse. Becoming sick of her life, she decides to run away. In the street, she is rapped by Bayoumi. First, he promises to find a job for Firdaus, but in the other hand he locks her in the apartment and lets his friends to have sex with her. Lucky her, she can escapes with the help of the neighbour.


succesful prostitute because she can ask for high price to all men who want to have sex with her. One day, Ibrahim comes to her again after he has married for four years. First, she refuse him, but later she agrees to let him come to her house. Shortly after that, they make love again. Here, Firdaus realizes that in fact Ibrahim never really loves her, rather he just want to make love with her freely.

One day, Firdaus meets a man named Marzouk. He offers Firdaus to become her pimp but she resists his control. When Firdaus decides to leave, and Marzouk threats Firdaus with a knife so that she can changes her mind, but it does not work. Finally she stabs him to death.

In the streets Firdaus meets a prince of Arab. He is rich and offers high price to Firdaus. Firdaus agrees and makes love with him, rips up the money and even slaps him. The man feels afraid and conclude that she is very dangerous woman. The police come and brings her.


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