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APPENDICES. Hi! I am Estherina Litha from Bina Nusantara International University. I am


Academic year: 2021

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Appendix A Questionnaire

Hi! I am Estherina Litha from Bina Nusantara International University. I am currently taking a thesis final project in Art and Design school. Thank you for visiting this questionnaire. I would love to know your thought about Jakarta. Your answer will be very helpful for me to finish my final project.

Gender o Male o Female Age o 15-19 o 20-40 o 41-50


In what city did you grow up? o Jakarta

o Outside Jakarta o Outside Indonesia

If you grew up outside Jakarta or Indonesia, please do specify your city or country

How well do you know about Jakarta in general?

I don’t know 1 2 3 4 5 I do really know

Where do you usually find information to travel? ! Maps

! Travel book ! Internet

! A person that you know ! Tour guide

! Random local people in that area ! Other:


How often do you find Jakarta travelling books in the bookstores? Never 1 2 3 4 5 Very often

When you hear the word “Jakarta”, which one of these that suit your perspective the most?

o Traffic jam, crowded, and flood o Malls

o Glamorous o It’s a big city o Government issues o Business

o Holiday o Expensive

What information about Jakarta do you expect to read in a travel book about Jakarta? ! Restaurants

! Environment in Jakarta (pollution, population, weather) ! Information about hotels and apartments

! Historical places and statues ! Etiquette in Jakarta


Appendix B Interview

Respondent profile Name: Nico

Age: 45 years old

City/country: Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan, Indonesia

1. A. Berapa kali biasanya anda bepergian dalam satu tahun?

• Untuk urusan bisnis biasanya 1x dalam seminggu, kalau untuk berlibur biasanya 2x dalam setahun

C. Berapa lama saat itu ketika Anda pernah tinggal di Jakarta? • 2 tahun

2. Apakah Anda lebih suka menggunakan buku perjalanan atau media lain saat bepergian?

• Saya suka menggunakan buku panduan, dan jika buku tidak tersedia atau informasinya kurang lengkap, saya akan mencari di internet

3. Kalau anda lebih memilih menggunakan media lain, apa itu? Mengapa?

• Karena saya bisa menemukan info apa saja yang saya butuhkan melalui internet


4. Sebelum anda bepergian, dari mana biasanya anda menemukan informasi tentang tujuan anda?

• Dari internet, rekomendasi teman, majalah

5. Apakah menurut anda penting untuk mengetahui informasi umum tentang tempat tujuan anda sebelum anda pergi? Atau anda lebih memilih untuk mencari

informasi ketika anda sampai disana?

• Biasanya saya mencari terlebih dahulu

6. Apa anda biasanya menulis jurnal atau hal-hal penting seperti alamat, nomor telefon, bahasa yang baru anda pelajari saat bepergian?

• Iya, saya paling sering mencatat alamat dan nomor telefon

7. Jika ada buku yang menyediakan.:

- Info tentang hal-hal yang harus Anda siapkan sebelum menuju ke tujuan Anda - Daftar norma dan nilai / sopan santun yang diterima di kota / negara tersebut - Kamus kecil yang berisi bahasa dasar diucapkan di kota itu

- Halaman kosong sengaja disiapkan bagi Anda untuk menulis hal-hal penting atau hanya untuk jurnal

- Daftar fakta unik yang dapat Anda lihat dan alami di kota itu

- Tips dan trik bagi Anda untuk menghindari atau bahkan mengatasi beberapa kendala yang akan terjadi selama perjalanan Anda

- Pengetahuan sebagai petunjuk bagi Anda untuk belajar tentang kota itu - Transportasi yang tersedia di tempat tersebut


• Iya saya tertarik sekali, ide bagus

8. Apakah menurut Anda sebuah buku yang berisi semua informasi di pertanyaan sebelumnya akan memudahkan wisatawan untuk memiliki gagasan tentang Jakarta? Apakah anda memiliki masukan lain?

• Iya, saya pikir itu akan sangat berguna, bahkan tidak hanya ke wisatawan tetapi mungkin ke orang-orang yang baru saja pindah ke Jakarta


Respondent profile Name: Patricia Age: 37 years old

City/country: Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia

1. Berapa kali biasanya anda bepergian dalam satu tahun? • 2 kali

B. Apa anda pernah ke Jakarta sebelumnya? • Pernah, sekitar dua atau tiga tahun sekali,

Boleh diceritakan kegiatan anda saat ke Jakarta? Seperti tujuan dan aktifitas yang anda jalani dan kesan anda.

• Berlibur dan mengunjungi saudara. Kalau ke Jakarta saya suka pergi ke mall-mall seperti GI, PI, Plaza Senayan, Kuningan City. Saya pernah pergi ke Dufan untuk menemani saudara. Pernah juga ke Mangga Dua untuk lihat-lihat barang apa saja sih yang dijual disana. Lalu ke

Ambasador, saya lumayan banyak dapat barang-barang murah yang bagus. Jakarta itu panas ya, sama seperti Surabaya, tapi entah kenapa ya kalau saya ke Jakarta itu jadi semangat untuk pergi kesana kemari walaupun macet dimana-mana.

2. Anda lebih suka menggunakan buku perjalanan atau media lain saat bepergian? • Buku perjalanan, karena pertama saya suka membaca, dan juga buku

panduan lebih jelas dan detail, apalagi kalau buku panduan tersebut menyediakan gambar untuk memperjelas informasi


3. Sebelum anda bepergian, dari mana biasanya anda menemukan informasi tentang tujuan anda?

• Dari internet dan buku perjalanan atau majalah. Kadang dari rekomendasi teman yang sudah pernah pergi ke tempat itu.

Kalau ke Jakarta, darimana biasanya anda mendapat informasi?

• Jakarta itu lumayan sering dibicarakan ya, jadi saya banyak dengar dari teman-teman dan saudara. Kadang saya juga lihat di majalah, atau TV, tentang apa saja yang bisa dilihat di Jakarta.

4. Apakah menurut anda penting untuk mengetahui informasi umum tentang tempat tujuan anda sebelum anda pergi?

Atau anda lebih memilih untuk mencari informasi ketika anda sampai disana? • Saya biasanya suka mencari informasi terlebih dahulu supaya tidak


5. Apa anda biasanya menulis jurnal atau hal-hal penting seperti alamat, nomor telefon, bahasa yang baru anda pelajari saat bepergian?

• Iya, saya paling sering menulis nama tempat, alamatnya, yang khas dari daerah itu, tempat wisata atau makanan atau budaya yang khas di tempat itu

6. Jika ada buku yang menyediakan.:

- Info tentang hal-hal yang harus Anda siapkan sebelum menuju ke tujuan Anda - Daftar norma dan nilai / sopan santun yang diterima di kota / negara tersebut - Kamus kecil yang berisi bahasa dasar diucapkan di kota itu


- Beberapa halaman kosong sengaja disiapkan bagi Anda untuk menulis hal-hal penting atau hanya untuk jurnal

- Daftar fakta unik yang dapat Anda lihat dan alami di kota itu

- Tips dan trik bagi Anda untuk menghindari atau bahkan mengatasi beberapa kendala yang akan terjadi selama perjalanan Anda

- Pengetahuan sebagai petunjuk bagi Anda untuk belajar tentang kota itu - Transportasi yang tersedia di tempat tersebut

Apakah Anda tertarik untuk membelinya? • Iya sangat tertarik

7. Do you think a book that contains of all the information on the previous question will ease the travellers to have an idea about Jakarta? Do you have another input? Apakah menurut Anda sebuah buku yang berisi semua informasi di pertanyaan sebelumnya akan memudahkan wisatawan untuk memiliki gagasan tentang Jakarta? Apakah anda memiliki masukan lain?

• Iya, saya pribadi akan sangat terbantu dengan adanya informasi-informasi tersebut apalagi dengan adanya space untuk saya menulis jurnal. Lebih baik jika ada info kuliner, info wisata anak, waktu yang cocok untuk berkunjung dalam artian yang terhindar dari kemacetan. Seperti

contohnya info yang menyediakan jam-jam yang bersahabat untuk saya pergi. Informasi penginapan dan tempat wisata di sekitarnya dan di luar Jakarta.


Respondent profile Name: Tony Age: 31 years old City/country: Singapore

1. A. How many times do you usually travel in one year? • 2 – 3 times

B. How long have you been here? • A week

2. Would you prefer using travel book or another media while travelling?

• I prefer people telling me and some guidebook will be helpful for me and occasionally I found few interesting info from the internet

Now that you are here, how did you first find out the information about this city? • I usually surf the internet so I could find many places that I could visit

here and sometimes I ask my friends who have ever been to Indonesia You said you would go through the Internet and find some information from your friends, why is that?

• Because that’s the only resource that I can get in Singapore and I think there is only few books about Indonesia especially about Jakarta that tells something about this city


3. I heard you have ever been to America and Europe, where do you find the information about your destination?

• Basically its from general travel ideas of people who list down the travel destination and we can find it anywhere on the Internet. About U.S., Europe, south America, countries that already have been famous for something, but there is still little bit info about destination in Asia such as Cambodia and Indonesia.

If I may know, what is your purpose going to Jakarta?

• For business, because I have a lot of business partners in Jakarta they are all nice people. I actually love to stay here because Indonesia is actually not as bad as I thought. They got good places to visit, hang out, meet people, and I think Jakarta is one of the city that grows beautifully Do you think Jakarta can be considered as a place to go for a holiday?

• I would prefer somewhere else, but I think if I know places in Jakarta that are worth to visit I think I might get my family here for recreation

4. Do you think it is important to know some necessary information about your destination before heading there?

Or would you prefer to surprise yourself and seeking for the info when you get there?

• I’m that kind of guy who prefer not to do too many research about places I want to go so I could explore it myself but when I get there I should know where to eat and where to sleep.


5. Do you usually write a journal or important stuff (like address, phone number, new language) while travelling?

• I keep it on my memo, sometimes my phone, if I have to say something in Bahasa that I should know to communicate to people and maybe places that are hard to find in a map so I should write the address and draw the routes

6. If there is a book that provide:

! Info about things you should prepare before heading to your destination ! List of norms and value (acceptable manners) that exist in that city / country ! Little dictionary containing basic language spoken in that city

! Blank pages intentionally prepared for you to write important things or only for a journal

! List of unique facts you can see and experience in that city

! Tips and tricks for you to avoid or even overcome some obstacles that would occur during your travel

! Knowledge as a hint for you to learn about that city Would you be interested to buy it?

• Maybe if I plan to stay for a long time, I think I would love to buy that book because it will be very helpful for my purposes. I think it’s a good idea if that book exists because Jakarta is a very complex city that requires a lot of knowledge about local people here. Its very complicating, like not all of the signs directs you to the point where you are heading and the roads are very difficult to understand and maybe the norms, the people, sometimes they are nice, but some are


unpleasant. But I understand because this is a big city. So I think people need that book to enjoy or explore Jakarta

7. Do you think a book that contains of all the information on the previous question will ease the travellers to have an idea about Jakarta?

• Absolutely! People will never be afraid anymore to visit Jakarta, new places, because people don’t really like to travel to places they don’t really know, what could it become if they visit a place that they never been or never heard before


Respondent profile Name: Matt

Age: 24 years old City/country: Birmingham, UK

1. A. How many times do you usually travel in one year? • 4 - 6 times a year

B. How long have you been here?

• I've been here for about 2 months

2. Would you prefer using travel book or another media while travelling? • I prefer another media

3. If you prefer using another media, what would it be?

• That would be my phone, because it got internet on it and I can search anything I need from it

4. Before you go travelling, where do you find the information about your destination?

• My colleagues. Sometimes my family, they like to travel as well

5. Do you think it is important to know some necessary information about your destination before heading there? Or would you prefer to surprise yourself and seeking for the info when you get there?


• I think its important of people to know where they going because some places are not meant to be visited like for example places where they have war zone and some local conflicts

6. Do you usually write a journal or important stuff (like address, phone number, new language) while travelling?

• I do write down some important things just so i know who to call when i need something or the directions of hidden places where GPS could not find

7. If there is a book that provide:

! Info about things you should prepare before heading to your destination ! List of norms and value (acceptable manners) that exist in that city / country ! Little dictionary containing basic language spoken in that city

! Blank pages intentionally prepared for you to write important things or only for a journal

! List of unique facts you can see and experience in that city

! Tips and tricks for you to avoid or even overcome some obstacles that would occur during your travel

! Knowledge as a hint for you to learn about that city Would you be interested to buy it?

• I think I might buy it. For me a new place is something you need to learn about just so you not get into trouble when you're there.


8. Do you think a book that contains of all the information on the previous question will ease the travellers to have an idea about Jakarta?

• Yes absolutely. Considering Jakarta as a huge city, people need to know what to do and not to do while in here



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