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Introduction to the computer


Academic year: 2018

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Introduction to the computer

Com put er is an elect ronic device t hat can receive dat a input and t hat can receive dat a input and process it t o get t he result as an inform at ion

inform at ion

El t i D t P i ( EDP) i

Elect ronic Dat a Processing ( EDP) is a m anipulat ion from a row dat a t f l I f t i


Introduction to the computer

Dat a Processing Cycle


Com put er Syst emp y

Hardware Soft ware Brainware


Introduction to the computer

Com put er Syst em is a collect ion of hardw are and soft w are com ponent s hardw are and soft w are com ponent s designed t o provide an effect ive t ool for com put at ion

for com put at ion.

H d i t l i t d t


Introduction to the computer

consist of t hree basic com ponent s:


»Mem ory

»Cent ral Processing Unit ( CPU) I t / O t t d i


Introduction to the computer


Introduction to the computer

Ce n t r a l Pr oce ssor Un it ( CPU)

Coordinat ing all com put er operat ions

 Coordinat ing all com put er operat ions  Perform ing arit hm et ic and logical


operat ions on dat a

 Cont ains t wo subcom ponent s Ar it h m e t ic/ Logic Un it ( ALU)

– Carries on all t ypes of calculat ion – Carries on all t ypes of calculat ion ( arit hm et ic and logical operat ions)


Introduction to the computer

Con t r ol Un it ( CU)

– Cont rols t he act ions of t he ot her – Cont rols t he act ions of t he ot her

com ponent s.

– Exam plesExam ples, Operat ingOperat ing underunder t het he cont rolcont rol ofof inst ruct ions from t he program m er ( t hese inst ruct ions reside in m em ory) , t he cont rol unit

d t t b d f t h i t d i


Introduction to the computer

I n pu t D e vice s

Ke yboa r d D e vice sKe yboa r d D e vice s

Poin t in g D e vice s:


Introduction to the computer

Opt ica l Re a din g D e vice s:

OCR ( Opt ical Charact er Recognit ion) OCR ( Opt ical Charact er Recognit ion)

 opt ical m ark reader, opt ical

h t d h d i t


Introduction to the computer

M a gn e t ic Re a din g D e vice s

EFT ( Elect ronic Funds Transfer) : EFT ( Elect ronic Funds Transfer) :

 aut om at ic deposit , aut om at ic

t f A t t d T ll

t ranfer, Aut om at ed Teller Machine ( ATM)


Introduction to the computer

Ou t pu t D e vice s

D ispla ye d Ou t pu t D e vice s :D ispla ye d Ou t pu t D e vice s :

Display Screen, Monit or, Cat hode Ray

b ( C ) d l l

Tube ( CRT) , Video Display Term inal ( VDT)

Pr in t e r s :t e s

Line Print ers, Charact er Print ers, Page Print ers


Introduction to the computer

Spe e ch Ou t pu t D e vice s

Plot t e r s

Plot t e r s


Introduction to the computer

Every com put er com es w it h a cert ain

am ount of st orage bot h int ernal

am ount of st orage, bot h int ernal

st orage ( m em ory) , and ext ernal/ secondary st orage

secondary st orage.

The t w o form s of st orage differ in


Introduction to the computer

Program current ly in execut ion, along w it h som e of t he dat a required for w it h som e of t he dat a required for

execut ion, m ust be reside in


Introduction to the computer


Re a d On ly M e m or y ( ROM ) :Re a d On ly M e m or y ( ROM ) :

– St ores inform at ion perm anent ly ( t l t il )

(not volat ile) .

– St ores t he boot inst ruct ions needed t o st art - up t he com put er when it is swit ch on.


Introduction to the computer

Ra n dom Acce ss M e m or y ( RAM ) :

I ll l t il

– I s usually volat ile m em ory.


Introduction to the computer

Ca ch e M e m or y

Checked by t he processor prior t o Checked by t he processor prior t o looking for a needed program inst ruct ion or dat a in regular RAM


Hardware Development

 First Generat ion ( 1946- 1959)

Second Generat ion ( 1960 1965)

 Second Generat ion ( 1960- 1965)

 Third Generat ion ( 1966- 1975)

 Fourt h Generat ion ( 1975 - Now )

 Accessories


Software Development

 Syst em Soft w are

operat ing syst em - operat ing syst em - ut ilit y syst em


Software Development

Ope r a t in g Syst e m

 Wit hout operat ing syst em a soft w are  Wit hout operat ing syst em , a soft w are

applicat ion or a program language

soft w are can‘t com m unicat e wit h t he soft w are can t com m unicat e wit h t he com put er.


Software Development

Th e r e a r e six ba sic fu n ct ion s t h a t a n ope r a t in g syst e m ca n pe r for m :

ope r a t in g syst e m ca n pe r for m :

1. Schedule Jobs

2 Manage Hardw are and Soft w are

2. Manage Hardw are and Soft w are


3 Maint ain Syst em s Securit y 3. Maint ain Syst em s Securit y

4. Enable Mult iple User Resource Sharing

H dl I t t

5. Handle I nt errupt s


Software Development

Ut ilit y Pr ogr a m s

Ut ilit i bl t fil


Software Development

La n gu a ge Pr ogr a m m in g

There are t hree different kind of There are t hree different kind of Language program m ing:

M a ch in e la n gu a ge

Low le ve l la n gu a geg g

Assem bler

H i h L l l

H igh Le ve l la n gu a ge

Fort ran, Lisp, Algol, Cobol, RPG, Basic, Pascal, Prolog, C Mat lab et c


Software Development

M a ch in e La n gu a ge

 A com put er 's nat ive language cont aining  A com put er s nat ive language, cont aining

inst ruct ions t hat are binary num bers.

 I t is difficult for hum an t o learn and use.


Software Development

 A m achine language inst ruct ion conveys

t he operat ion t o p perform and t he p operands, p , or m em ory cells, t hat are t o t ake part .

 Exam ple, com put e t he cost of an it em


Software Development

001 Load Copy the value of the memory cell addressed into the accumulator

010 St ore Copy the value of the accumulator into the word addressed

Replace the present value of the accumulator

011 Add

Replace the present value of the accumulator with the sum of its present value and the value of the memory cell addressed

111 Halt Terminate execution 111 Halt Terminate execution


Software Development

Asse m bly La n gu a ge

 I s program m ing language in English like  I s program m ing language in English- like

abbreviat ions

 Lat er be convert ed int o m achine code by program 's t ranslat or called assem blers


Software Development

 Exam ple, adds t o num ber and st ore in anot her variable


Software Development

H igh - Le ve l La n gu a ge

 A program m ing language w hose  A program m ing language w hose

inst ruct ions resem ble every day language

 Has a la n gu a ge st a n da r d t hat describe t he gram m at ical for m ( synt ax) of t he t he gram m at ical for m ( synt ax) of t he language


Software Development

 Exam ple, BASI C, C, C+ + , COBOL, FORTRAN, LI SP, PASCAL, Java, , ,

 Exam ple of C+ + code,p ,


Software Development

Soft w are Applicat ion

Present at ion

o Present at ion

o I m age processing

M lt i di

o Mult im edia


Software Development

 Present at ion applicat ion

Anim at ion W H Y POW ER POI N T

I nt erest ing

Can be em bedded from anot her soft ware applicat ions s ch as o d I nt erest ing

present at ion applicat ions, such as w ord,excell, pict ure, video, audio, et c



Software Development

 I m age processing applicat ion

Mat lab Ad



Vist a


I m age pro plus

Khoros Mega


Software Development

 I m age processing applicat ion

Easy t o program M ATLAB


Many library especially for im age processing

Can be com piled w it h C+ + com piler

I nt eract ive program

p p


Software Development

cont rol Video

Tools player

cont rol Video


Software Development

I n t e r n e t

ld id ll t i f t

worldw ide collect ion of com put ers connect ed t oget her by a net w ork com m unicat ion channel

com m unicat ion channel.


Software Development

Sit e s

anot her form of com m unicat ion t o access  anot her form of com m unicat ion t o access

ot her people’s files or inform at ion

W or ld W ide W e b ( W W W )


Software Development

• To visit t he sit e, w e m ust have

Web Address / Uniform Resource – Web Address / Uniform Resource

– Com put er, com m unicat ing devices ( MODEM, LAN card) and web


Software Development

W e b br ow se r

• A program t hat allows us t o t ype • A program t hat allows us t o t ype

t he address and send m essages askingg for inform at ion from t hat sit e.

• Browser com panies:p Microsoft ’s


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