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Materi Kuliah ke-9 FLIP- FLOPS Continue


Academic year: 2018

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(TI 2104)

(TI 2104)

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FLOPS Continue

FLOPS Continue

Flip- Flops

Last t ime, we saw how lat ches can be used as memor y in a cir cuit .

Lat ches int r oduce new pr oblems:

We need t o know when t o enable a lat ch.

We also need t o quickly disable a lat ch.

I n ot her wor ds, it ’s dif f icult t o cont r ol t he t iming of lat ches in a lar ge cir cuit .

We solve t hese pr oblems wit h t wo new element s: clocks and f lip-f lops

Clocks t ell us when t o wr it e t o our memor y.

Flip-f lops allow us t o quickly wr it e t he memor y at clear ly def ined t imes.


Flip- f l ops 3

An SR lat ch wit h a cont rol input

Her e is an SR lat ch wit h a cont r ol input C.

Not ice t he hier ar chical design!

The dot t ed blue box is t he S’R’ lat ch.

The addit ional NAND gat es ar e simply used t o gener at e t he cor r ect input s f or t he S’R’ lat ch.

The cont r ol input act s j ust like an enable.

C S R S’ R’ Q

0 x x 1 1 No change 1 0 0 1 1 No change 1 0 1 1 0 0 (r eset ) 1 1 0 0 1 1 (set )

1 1 1 0 0 Avoid!

D lat ch

Finally, a D lat ch is based on an S’R’ lat ch. The addit ional gat es gener at e t he S’ and R’ signals, based on input s D (“dat a”) and C (“cont r ol”).

When C = 0, S’ and R’ ar e bot h 1, so t he st at e Q does not change.

When C = 1, t he lat ch out put Q will equal t he input D.

No mor e messing wit h one input f or set and anot her input f or r eset !

Also, t his lat ch has no “bad” input combinat ions t o avoid. Any of t he f our possible assignment s t o C and D ar e valid.


0 x No change

1 0 0


Flip- f l ops 5

Using lat ches in real lif e

We can connect some lat ches, act ing as memor y, t o an ALU.

Let ’s say t hese lat ches cont ain some value t hat we want t o incr ement .

The ALU should r ead t he cur r ent lat ch value.

I t applies t he “G = X + 1” oper at ion.

The incr ement ed value is st or ed back int o t he lat ches.

At t his point , we have t o st op t he cycle, so t he lat ch value doesn’t get incr ement ed again by accident .

One convenient way t o br eak t he loop is t o disable t he lat ches.




Lat ches D Q


The problem wit h lat ches

The pr oblem is exact ly whent o disable t he lat ches. You have t o wait long enough f or t he ALU t o pr oduce it s out put , but no longer .

But dif f er ent ALU oper at ions have dif f er ent delays. For inst ance, ar it hmet ic oper at ions might go t hr ough an adder , wher eas logical oper at ions don’t .

Changing t he ALU implement at ion, such as using a car r y-lookahead adder inst ead of a r ipple-car r y adder , also af f ect s t he delay.

I n gener al, it ’s ver y dif f icult t o know how long oper at ions t ake, and how long lat ches should be enabled f or .




Lat ches D Q


Flip- f l ops 7 f r om being accident ally st or ed.


Flip- f l ops 9

So t o use lat ches cor r ect ly wit hin a cir cuit , we have t o:

Keep t he lat ches disabled unt il new values ar e r eady t o be st or ed.

Enable t he lat ches j ust long enough f or t he updat e t o occur .

Ther e ar e t wo main issues we need t o addr ess:

4How do we know exact ly when t he new values ar e r eady?

We’ll add anot her signal t o our cir cuit . When t his new signal becomes 1, t he lat ches will know t hat t he ALU comput at ion has complet ed and dat a is r eady t o be st or ed.

4How can we enable and t hen quickly disable t he lat ches?

This can be done by combining lat ches t oget her in a special way, t o f or m what ar e called f lip-f lops.

Two main issues

Clocks and synchronizat ion

A clock is a special device t hat whose out put cont inuously alt er nat es bet ween 0 and 1.

The t ime it t akes t he clock t o change f r om 1 t o 0 and back t o 1 is called t he clock per iod, or clock cycle t ime.

The clock f r equency is t he inver se of t he clock per iod. The unit of measur ement f or f r equency is t he her t z.

Clocks ar e of t en used t o synchr onize cir cuit s.

They gener at e a r epeat ing, pr edict able pat t er n of 0s and 1s t hat can t r igger cer t ain event s in a cir cuit , such as wr it ing t o a lat ch.

I f sever al cir cuit s shar e a common clock signal, t hey can coor di nat e t heir act ions wit h r espect t o one anot her .

This is similar t o how humans use r eal clocks f or synchr onizat ion.


Flip- f l ops 11

More about clocks

Clocks ar e used ext ensively in comput er ar chit ect ur e.

All pr ocessor s r un wit h an int er nal clock.

Moder n chips r un at f r equencies up t o 3.2 GHz.

This wor ks out t o a cycle t ime as lit t le as 0.31 ns!

Memor y modules ar e of t en r at ed by t heir clock speeds t oo—examples include “PC133” and “DDR400” memor y.

Be car ef ul...higher f r equencies do not always mean f ast er machines!

You also have t o consider how much wor k is act ually being done dur ing each clock cycle.

How much st uf f can r eally get done in j ust 0.31 ns?

Take CS232.

Synchronizing our example

We can use a clock t o synchr onize our lat ches wit h t he ALU.

The clock signal is connect ed t o t he lat ch cont r ol input C.

The clock cont r ols t he lat ches. When it becomes 1, t he lat ches will be enabled f or wr it ing.

The clock per iod must be set appr opr iat ely f or t he ALU.

I t should not be t oo shor t . Ot her wise, t he lat ches will st ar t writ ing bef or e t he ALU oper at ion has f inished.

I t should not be t oo long eit her . Ot her wise, t he ALU might pr oduce a new r esult t hat will accident ally get st or ed, as we saw bef or e.

The f ast er t he ALU r uns, t he shor t er t he clock per iod can be.




Lat ches D Q


Flip- f l ops 13

The second issue was how t o enable a lat ch f or j ust an inst ant .

Her e is t he int er nal st r uct ur e of a D f lip-f lop.

The f lip-f lop input s ar e C and D, and t he out put s ar e Q and Q’.

The D lat ch on t he lef t is t he mast er , while t he SR lat ch on t he r ight is called t he slave.

Not e t he layout her e.

The f lip-f lop input D is connect ed dir ect ly t o t he mast er lat ch.

The mast er lat ch out put goes t o t he slave.

The f lip-f lop out put s come dir ect ly f r om t he slave lat ch.

Flip- f lops

The D f lip-f lop’s cont r ol input C enables eit her t he D lat ch or t he SR lat ch, but not bot h.

When C = 0:

The mast er lat ch is enabled, and it monit or s t he f lip-f lop input D. Whenever D changes, t he mast er ’s out put changes t oo.

The slave is disabled, so t he D lat ch out put has no ef f ect on it . Thus, t he slave j ust maint ains t he f lip-f lop’s cur r ent st at e.


Flip- f l ops 15

D f lip- f lops when C=1

As soon as C becomes 1,

The mast er is disabled. I t s out put will be t he last D input value seen j ust bef or e C became 1.

Any subsequent changes t o t he D input while C = 1 have no ef f ect on t he mast er lat ch, which is now disabled.

The slave lat ch is enabled. I t s st at e changes t o r ef lect t he mast er ’s out put , which again is t he D input value f r om r ight when C became 1.

Posit ive edge t riggering

This is called a posit ive edge-t r igger ed f li p-f lop.

The f lip-f lop out put Q changes onlyaf t er t he posit ive edge of C.

The change is based on t he f lip-f lop input values t hat wer e pr esent r ight at t he posit ive edge of t he clock signal.

The D f lip-f lop’s behavior is similar t o t hat of a D lat ch except f or t he posit ive edge-t r igger ed nat ur e, which is not explicit in t his t able.


Flip- f l ops 19

Flip- f lop variat ions


Flip- f l ops 2 1

Charact erist ic t ables

The t ables t hat we’ve made so f ar ar e called char act er ist ic t ables.

They show t he next st at e Q (t +1) in t er ms of t he cur r ent st at e Q (t ) and t he input s.

For simplicit y, t he cont r ol input C is not usually list ed.

Again, t hese t ables don’t indicat e

Charact erist ic equat ions


Flip- f l ops 2 3

These values at clock cycle 1...


Flip- f l ops 2 5

Posit ive edge t riggered

One f inal point t o r epeat : t he f lip-f lop out put s ar e af f ect ed only by t he input values at t he posit ive edge.

I n t he diagr am below, K changes r apidly bet ween t he second and t hir d posit ive edges.

But it ’s only t he input values at t he t hir d clock edge (K=1, and J =0 and Q=1) t hat af f ect t he next st at e, so her e Q changes t o 0.

This is a f air ly simple t iming model. I n r eal lif e t her e ar e “set up t imes” and “hold t imes” t o wor r y about as well, t o account f or int er nal and ext er nal delays.





1 2 3 4


To use memor y in a lar ger cir cuit , we need t o:

Keep t he lat ches disabled unt il new values ar e r eady t o be st or ed.

Enable t he lat ches j ust long enough f or t he updat e t o occur .

A clock signal is used t o synchr onize cir cuit s. The cycle t ime r ef lect s how long combinat ional oper at ions t ake.

Flip-f lops f ur t her r est r ict t he memor y wr it ing int er val, t o j ust t he posit ive edge of t he clock signal.

This ensur es t hat memor y is updat ed only once per clock cycle.

Ther e ar e sever al dif f er ent kinds of f lip-f lops, but t hey all ser ve t he same basic pur pose of st or ing bit s.


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