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Academic year: 2021

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Daily News Update Page 1


No. Title Media Source Page

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Bukit Asam's Profit Leap

Lompatan Laba Bukit Asam

Vale Indonesia (INCO) will optimize production in anticipation of nickel price fluctuations

Vale Indonesia (INCO) bakal optimalkan produksi demi antisipasi fluktuasi harga nikel

Macquarie Becomes a Buyer of Rp 2.4 Trillion Private Placement for Merdeka Copper (MDKA)

Macquarie Jadi Pembeli Private Placement Merdeka Copper (MDKA) Rp2,4 Triliun

The gloomy INCO-TINS-ANTM trio? Tesla Seeks Nickel in This Country

Trio INCO-TINS-ANTM Suram? Tesla Cari Nikel ke Negara Ini

The price of coal increases, Bumi Resources (BUMI) is optimistic that it will be able to pay its debts this year

Harga batubara naik, Bumi Resources (BUMI) optimistis mampu bayar utang di tahun ini

Battery holding is projected to absorb 150 thousand tons of nickel per year

Holding Baterai Diproyeksikan Serap 150 Ribu Ton Nikel Per Tahun

BUMN Battery Holding Will Complete, Antam's Shares Are Even Sluggish

Holding BUMN Baterai Bakal Rampung, Saham Antam Malah Lesu

Coal Price No Longer Strong to US$ 90/ton, Why is That?

Harga Batu Bara Gak Kuat ke US$ 90/ton Lagi, Kenapa ya? World’s top nickel producer sets out end-to-end battery ambition

Freeport says its Miami mine & smelter in Arizona plus the El Paso refinery in Texas have joined its growing Copper Mark list Investor Daily Kontan Bisnis CNBC Indonesia Kontan Dunia Energi Bisnis CNBC Indonesia Mining Weekly Int'l Mining 3 6 8 11 15 17 18 21 24 25


Daily News Update Page 2 11.

12. 13.

Rare earth unlocks key reaction in copper, gold, silver, uranium mineralization

China to speed up tapping new energy sources, but coal stays in mix

The world's top 10 biggest gold mines in 2020 - report

Mining.com Reuters Kitco News 25 26 27


Daily News Update Page 3

Bukit Asam's Profit Leap

Parluhutan Situmorang


Asam Tbk (PTBA) is expected

to enter a period of recovery in line with the recovery of the global and domestic economy. This opportunity began to be seen from the increase in the company's coal sales volume at the end of last year. The company will also get positive support from the solid selling price of coal.

BRI Danareksa Sekuritas analyst Stefanus Darmagiri revealed, based on the results of a meeting with the Bukit Asam board of directors, solid coal sales volume in the fourth quarter of 2020 was supported by increased demand from China.

Management also shows optimism for a recovery in coal production volume this year and the continued development of mining infrastructure to increase production volume.

"With a better estimate of production volume plus a solid selling price, we estimate that Bukit Asam's net profit will increase by 47.6% this year," wrote Stefanus in his research.

Apart from increasing demand from China, Bukit Asam's coal production and sales increase in the fourth quarter of 2020 was also supported by the end of the year winter and the ban on coal imports from Australia.

In terms of mining costs, the company is currently exploring negotiations with PT Kereta Api Indonesia (KAI) to get a discount on coal transportation costs in the fourth quarter of 2020 and the first quarter of 2021, so that the company's net profit is expected to increase in the last quarter of last year.

Lompatan Laba Bukit Asam

Parluhutan Situmorang

PT BUKIT Asam Tbk (PTBA) diperkirakan

memasuki masa pemulihan seiring perbaikan ekonomi global dan domestik. Peluang itu mulai terlihat dari peningkatan volume penjualan batu bara perseroan akhir tahun lalu. Perseroan juga akan mendapatkan dukungan positif dari solid-nya harga jual batu bara.

Analis BRI Danareksa Sekuritas Stefanus Darmagiri mengungkapkan, berdasarkan hasil pertemuan dengan direksi Bukit Asam, volume penjualan batu bara yang solid pada kuartal IV-2020 didukung oleh kenaikan permintaan dari Tiongkok. Manajemen juga memperlihatkan opti-misme pulihnya volume produksi batu bara tahun ini dan berlanjutnya pengem-bangan infrastruktur tambang untuk meningkatkan volume produksi.

“Dengan perkiraan volume produksi yang lebih baik ditambah harga jual yang solid, kami memperkirakan lonjakan laba bersih Bukit Asam sebesar 47,6% tahun ini,” tulis Stefanus dalam risetnya.

Selain peningkatan permintaan dari Tiongkok, kenaikan produksi dan pen-jualan batu bara Bukit Asam pada kuartal IV-2020 juga didukung oleh musim dingin akhir tahun dan pelarangan impor batu bara dari Australia.

Dari sisi biaya penambangan, perseroan tengah menjajaki negosiasi dengan PT Kereta Api Indonesia (KAI) untuk men-dapatkan diskon biaya pengangkutan batu bara pada kuartal IV-2020 dan kuartal I-2021, sehingga laba bersih perseroan diharapkan meningkat pada kuartal akhir tahun lalu.


Daily News Update Page 4 "Based on data, the cost of transporting coal

trains is the largest component or equivalent to 31% of the company's total mining costs as of September 2020," Stefanus explained.

This year, he estimates that Bukit Asam's coal production and sales volume will increase. The increase is not only supported by improvements in the global economy and increasing global demand for coal, but also by increasing domestic economic activity which could have an impact on increasing electricity consumption.

"We assume the company's coal production volume will increase by 12 percent to 28 million tons this year," he said.

Bukit Asam also has a number of projects to support long-term financial performance growth. This year, Bukit Asam and KAI are targeting to increase the transport capacity of coal trains from 25 million tons to 32 million tons.

In the medium term, the company will also seek to increase the capacity of railways and ports with a target of 72 million tons by 2025. The company is also diversifying its business from coal to chemical business with a target of completion in the second quarter of 2024 and will complete the construction of a South Sumatra 8 mine mouth power plant in the first quarter of 2022.

These various factors prompted BRI Danareksa Sekuritas to maintain its recommendation to buy PTBA shares with a target price of Rp 3,600. The target price reflects this year's PE ratio of around 11.1 times.

PTBA shares are worth buying because they are supported by the company's steps to diversify its business into mine-mouth power plants and coal gasification. This is expected to increase the company's coal sales volume in the long term.

“Berdasarkan data, biaya pengangkutan kereta batu bara merupakan komponen terbesar atau setara dengan 31% dari total biaya penambangan perseroan hingga September 2020,” jelas Stefanus.

Tahun ini, dia memperkirakan volume produksi dan penjualan batu bara Bukit Asam meningkat. Peningkatan tidak hanya didukung oleh perbaikan ekonomi global dan peningkatan permintaan batu bara global, namun juga peningkatan aktivitas ekonomi dalam negeri yang dapat ber-dampak pada kenaikan konsumsi listrik. “Kami mengasumsikan peningkatan volume produksi batu bara perseroan sebesar 12% menjadi 28 juta ton tahun ini,” ungkap dia. Bukit Asam juga memiliki sejumlah proyek penopang pertumbuhan kinerja keuangan dalam jangka panjang. Tahun ini, Bukit Asam dengan KAI menargetkan peningkatan kapasitas angkut kereta batu bara dari 25 juta ton menjadi 32 juta ton.

Dalam jangka menengah, perseroan juga akan berupaya meningkatkan kapasitas angkut kereta api dan pelabuhan dengan target menjadi 72 juta ton pada 2025. Perseroan juga melakukan diversifikasi bisnis dari bisnis batu bara ke kimia dengan target penyelesaian pada kuartal II-2024 dan akan merampungkan pembangunan pembangkit listrik mulut tambang Sumsel 8 pada kuartal I-2022.

Berbagai faktor tersebut mendorong BRI Danareksa Sekuritas mempertahankan rekomendasi beli saham PTBA dengan target harga Rp 3.600. Target harga tersebut merefleksikan rasio PE tahun ini sekitar 11,1 kali.

Saham PTBA layak beli karena didukung oleh langkah perseroan yang mendiver-sifikasi bisnis ke pembangkit listrik mulut tambang dan gasifikasi batu bara. Hal itu diharapkan menaikkan volume penjualan batu bara perseroan dalam jangka panjang.


Daily News Update Page 5 In addition, Bukit Asam often distributes

dividends every year. This year's dividend is estimated to be equivalent to 75% of total net profit for the 2020 financial year or will reflect a yield of 6.3%.

Bukit Asam's net profit is projected to increase to Rp 3.61 trillion this year, compared to the 2020 estimate of Rp 2.45 trillion. The company's revenue is also predicted to increase to Rp 21.09 trillion in 2021 compared to last year's projection of Rp 17.35 trillion.

Previously, Mirae Asset Sekuritas Indonesia analyst Andy Wibowo Gunawan revealed that business integration starting from coal mining, power generation, and downstreaming of coal products will be a strengthening factor for Bukit Asam's financial performance growth in the long term.

The increase in performance in the short term will be supported by the increase in coal prices, which are believed to continue. Bukit Asam has officially signed a cooperation agreement with PT Pertamina and Air Products and Chemicals Inc to work on a coal gasification project. The company plans to build a gasification plant of 1.4 million tons per year which requires 6 million tons of coal as raw material per year.

"Later, the company will get a 0% royalty reduction from coal sales for the gasification plant. This is certainly a positive sentiment going forward, ”wrote Andy in his research. Bukit Asam has also benefited from the rising trend in coal selling prices in the last few months. It is estimated that the average world coal selling price will reach US$ 70 per tonne in 2021 and is expected to increase to US$ 75 per tonne by 2022. Mirae Asset Sekuritas maintains a recommendation to buy PTBA shares with a target price of Rp 3,000.

Selain itu, Bukit Asam kerap membagikan dividen setiap tahun. Dividen tahun ini diperkirakan setara dengan 75% dari total laba bersih tahun buku 2020 atau bakal mencerminkan yield 6,3%.

Adapun laba bersih Bukit Asam tahun ini diproyeksi melonjak menjadi Rp 3,61 triliun dibandingkan perkiraan tahun 2020 yang senilai Rp 2,45 triliun. Pendapatan per-seroan juga diprediksi meningkat menjadi Rp 21,09 triliun pada 2021 dibandingkan proyeksi tahun lalu senilai Rp 17,35 triliun. Sebelumnya, analis Mirae Asset Sekuritas Indonesia Andy Wibowo Gunawan meng-ungkapkan, integrasi bisnis mulai dari pertambangan batu bara, pembangkit listrik, dan hilirisasi produk batu bara akan menjadi faktor penguat pertumbuhan kinerja keuangan Bukit Asam dalam jangka panjang.

Adapun peningkatan kinerja dalam jangka pendek ditopang oleh kenaikan harga batu bara yang diyakini berlanjut.

Bukit Asam telah resmi meneken perjanjian kerja sama dengan PT Pertamina dan Air Products and Chemicals Inc untuk meng-garap proyek gasifikasi batu bara. Perseroan berencana membangun pabrik gasifikasi 1,4 juta ton per tahun yang membutuhkan bahan baku batu bara sebanyak 6 juta ton per tahun.

“Nantinya, perseroan akan mendapatkan keringanan royalti 0% dari penjualan batu bara untuk pabrik gasifikasi tersebut. Hal ini tentu menjadi sentimen positif ke depannya,” tulis Andy dalam risetnya. Bukit Asam juga diuntungkan oleh tren kenaikan harga jual batu bara dalam beberapa bulan terakhir. Diperkirakan, rata-rata harga jual batu bara dunia mencapai US$ 70 per ton pada 2021 dan diharapkan meningkat menjadi US$ 75 per ton pada 2022. Mirae Asset Sekuritas mempertahankan rekomendasi beli saham PTBA dengan target harga Rp 3.000.


Daily News Update Page 6 Meanwhile, Bukit Asam ensures that the

capital expenditure (capex) budget in 2021 is higher than the realization in 2020. The company will also continue to distribute dividends, even though last year's perfor-mance was suppressed by the Covid-19 pandemic.

Investors Relations of Bukit Asam Finoriska Citraning said that the absorption of the company's capex until the third quarter of 2020 reached Rp 700 billion from the total budget of Rp 2.7 trillion. Thus, it is estimated that the budget will not be maximally absorbed until the end of 2020. "For 2021, the capex is bigger because there are new projects starting this year and the completion of projects that are already running," he said.

One of the new projects in question is the gasification of coal into dymethyl ether (DME), the result of collaboration with Air Products and Chemical Inc. and PT Pertamina (Persero). The project, which is located in Tanjung Enim, South Sumatra, will process 6 million tons of coal per year and process it into 1.4 million tons of DME. As a result, DME can be used as an alternative fuel to replace liquefied petroleum gas (LPG). Editor: Gora Kunjana

Sementara itu, Bukit Asam memastikan anggaran belanja modal (capital expen-diture/capex) pada 2021 lebih tinggi dari realisasi 2020. Perseroan juga bakal tetap membagikan dividen, meskipun kinerja tahun lalu tertekan pandemic Covid-19. Investor Relations Bukit Asam Finoriska Citraning mengatakan, penyerapan capex perseroan hingga kuartal III-2020 mencapai Rp 700 miliar dari total anggaran Rp 2,7 triliun. Dengan demikian, anggaran tersebut diperkirakan tidak terserap maksimal sampai akhir 2020.

“Untuk 2021, capex lebih besar karena ada proyek baru yang dimulai tahun ini dan penyelesaian proyek yang sudah berjalan,” kata dia.

Salah satu proyek baru yang dimaksud adalah gasifikasi batu bara menjadi dymethil ether (DME), hasil kerja sama dengan Air Product and Chemical Inc beserta PT Pertamina (Persero). Proyek yang berlokasi di Tanjung Enim, Sumatera Selatan itu akan mengolah sebanyak 6 juta ton batu bara per tahun dan diproses menjadi 1,4 juta ton DME. Hasilnya, DME bisa dimanfaatkan sebagai bahan bakar alternatif pengganti liquefied petroleum gas (LPG). Editor : Gora Kunjana

Vale Indonesia (INCO) will

optimize production in

anticipation of nickel price


Reporter: Filemon Agung | Editor: Anna Suci Perwitasari

PT VALE Indonesia Tbk (INCO) anticipates

potential nickel price fluctuations this year by optimizing production.

Vale Indonesia (INCO) bakal

optimalkan produksi demi

antisipasi fluktuasi harga nikel

Reporter: Filemon Agung | Editor: Anna Suci Perwitasari

PT VALE Indonesia Tbk (INCO)

meng-antisipasi fluktuasi harga nikel yang berpotensi masih terjadi pada tahun ini dengan mengoptimalkan produksi.


Daily News Update Page 7 INCO Chief Financial Officer (CFO),

Bernardus Irmanto, revealed that this anticipatory step is almost the same as that of the company over the past year.

"The anticipatory steps are still the same, by optimizing production and controlling costs," said Bernardus to Kontan.co.id, Friday (5/3).

He added that until the close of 2021, INCO's nickel production is projected to be in the range of 64,000 tons.

This target is lower than last year's realization. Where, the nickel production figure in 2020 reached 72,237 tons, while the sales volume was 72,846 tons. "Because we will rebuild one of the existing furnaces," explained Bernardus. Previously, this Kompas100 index member, should have started the project in May and completed in November this year. However, project materials and experts from abroad were brought in late due to the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic. Kontan.co.id noted, INCO is preparing a capital expenditure (capex) of around US$ 130 million this year. Most of the capex is used for EF#4 rebuilds, mine infra-structure development, and tool upgrades. EF#4 does not actually stop operating completely. However, the power of these facilities currently cannot exceed 60 megawatts (mw).

Meanwhile, referring to the financial statements, INCO recorded sales of US$ 764.7 million in 2020. This realization was 2% lower than sales recorded in 2019, which amounted to US$ 782.0 million. Meanwhile, profit for the year attributable to owners of the parent entity amounted to US$ 82.82 million, up 44.28% from the previous year's net profit of only US$ 44.28 million.

Chief Financial Officer (CFO) INCO Bernardus Irmanto mengungkapkan, langkah antisipasi ini hampir sama dengan yang dilakukan perusahaan sepanjang tahun lalu.

"Langkah antisipasinya masih sama, dengan mengoptimalkan produksi dan juga mengen-dalikan biaya," kata Bernardus kepada Kontan.co.id, Jumat (5/3).

Dia menambahkan, hingga tutup tahun 2021, produksi nikel INCO diproyeksikan ada di kisaran 64.000 ton

Target ini lebih rendah dari realisasi tahun lalu. Di mana, angka produksi nikel di 2020 mencapai 72.237 ton, sedangkan volume penjualan sebanyak 72.846 ton. "Karena kami akan membangun ulang salah satu furnace yang ada," jelas Bernardus.

Sebelumnya, anggota indeks Kompas100 ini, seharusnya memulai proyek tersebut pada Mei dan rampung pada November tahun ini. Tapi, material proyek dan tenaga ahli dari luar negeri telat didatangkan akibat dampak pandemi Covid-19.

Kontan.co.id mencatat, INCO menyiapkan belanja modal atau capital expenditure (capex) sekitar US$ 130 juta tahun ini. Sebagian besar capex digunakan untuk rebuild EF#4, pengem-bangan infrastruktur tambang, dan pere-majaan alat.

EF#4 sejatinya tidak sepenuhnya berhenti beroperasi. Namun, tenaga atau power fasilitas tersebut saat ini tidak bisa melebihi 60 megawatt (mw).

Sementara itu, merujuk laporan keuangan INCO mencatat mencatatkan penjualan sebesar US$ 764,7 juta di tahun 2020. Realisasi ini 2% lebih rendah dibandingkan penjualan yang tercatat tahun 2019, yakni sebesar US$ 782,0 juta.

Adapun, laba tahun berjalan yang dapat diatribusikan kepada pemilik entitas induk sebesar US$ 82,82 juta, naik 44,28% dari laba bersih tahun sebelumnya yang hanya US$ 44,28 juta.


Daily News Update Page 8 "The cost of goods sold in 2020 is lower

than 2019 due to lower oil and coal commodity prices as well as other efficiency initiatives. This has led to an increase in company profits," continued Bernardus.

He continued, nickel price fluctuations still have the potential to occur in light of the existing conditions, especially in the last two days. Bernardus assessed that the market responded very dynamically to the existing supply and demand conditions. He gave an example, when two mines belonging to the Russian company MMC Norilsk Nickel PJSC were reportedly flooded, commodity prices rose drastically. "When there was news that the mining problem could be resolved and also the development of the NPI to matte processing plant, the price of nickel fell quite sharply," concluded Bernardus.

"Beban pokok penjualan di tahun 2020 lebih rendah dibanding 2019 karena penurunan harga komoditas minyak dan batubara dan juga inisiatif inisiatif efisiensi yang lain. Ini yang menyebabkan kenaikan profit perusahaan," sambung Bernardus. Dia melanjutkan, fluktuasi harga nikel masih berpotensi terjadi berkaca dari kondisi yang ada khususnya dalam dua hari terakhir. Bernardus menilai pasar merespon dengan sangat dinamis kondisi

suplly dan demand yang ada.

Ia mencontohkan, ketika dua tambang milik perusahaan asal Rusia MMC Norilsk Nickel PJSC dikabarkan terendam banjir, harga komoditas naik drastis.

"Ketika ada berita bahwa masalah tambang bisa diatasi dan juga adanya per-kembangan pabrik pengolahan NPI men-jadi matte, harga nikel turun cukup tajam pula," pungkas Bernardus.

Macquarie Becomes a Buyer of

Rp2.4 Trillion Private Placement

for Merdeka Copper (MDKA)

Author: Finna U. Ulfah

THE MINERAL mining issuer, PT Merdeka

Copper Gold Tbk., Has completed an action to increase capital without pre-emptive rights (PMTHMETD) or a private place-ment.

Citing the disclosure of information, the issuer coded as MDKA shares has released 1,007,259,165 or 1 billion shares with a nominal value of Rp20 per share through a private placement. The transaction was carried out on March 4, 2021 and was listed on March 5, 2021.

Macquarie Jadi Pembeli Private

Placement Merdeka Copper

(MDKA) Rp2,4 Triliun

Author: Finna U. Ulfah

EMITEN pertambangan mineral, PT

Merdeka Copper Gold Tbk., telah meram-pungkan aksi penambahan modal tanpa hak memesan efek terlebih dahulu (PMTHMETD) atau private placement. Mengutip keterbukaan informasi, emiten berkode saham MDKA itu telah melepas atau 1 miliar saham dengan nilai nominal Rp20 per saham melalui aksi private placement. Transaksi itu dilakukan pada 4 Maret 2021 dan dicatatkan pada 5 Maret 2021.


Daily News Update Page 9 Meanwhile, Macquarie Capital Limited

became the buyer of MDKA's private placement. Macquarie bought MDKA shares at an exercise price of Rp2,420 per share, so that the financial institution has spent around Rp2.43 trillion.

With this transaction, the total number of shares issued by MDKA was 22.9 billion shares.

"The funds obtained by the company through the implementation of PMTHMETD will be used by the company and/or its subsidiaries for capital expenditures and/or working capital needs of the company and/or its subsidiaries," said Merdeka Copper Gold management quoted from the disclosure of information, Friday (5/3/2021).

On the other hand, this year MDKA targets copper production volume in 2021 to be 14,000 to 17,000 tons. The target is much higher than the realization of copper production in 2020 which was only 5,377 tonnes.

This is in line with the development of the Partolang pit because MDKA integrated the Wetar copper mine and the Acid Iron Metal (AIM) project, so mining has shifted from the Lerokis mine to the new Partolang mine.

The operation of the Partolang pit has started in October 2020 and is expected to start increasing in January this year.

"Copper production is expected to increase in the first quarter of 2021 along with the development of Partolang and it is expected to start achieving consistent production levels in the 2021 quarter," Adi explained.

Adapun, Macquarie Capital Limited men-jadi pihak pembeli dari aksi private placement MDKA. Macquarie membeli saham MDKA dengan harga pelaksanaan Rp2.420 per saham, sehingga lembaga keuangan itu merogoh kocek sekitar Rp2,43 triliun.

Dengan transaksi itu, maka total lembar saham yang diterbitkan MDKA adalah sebesar 22,9 miliar saham.

“Dana yang diperoleh perseroan melalui pelaksanaan PMTHMETD akan diper-gunakan oleh perseroan dan/atau anak perusahaan untuk keperluan belanja modal dan/atau kebutuhan modal kerja perseroan dan/atau anak perusahaan,” ujar manajemen Merdeka Copper Gold dikutip dari keterbukaan informasi, Jumat (5/3/2021).

Di sisi lain, pada tahun ini MDKA menargetkan volume produksi tembaga pada 2021 sebesar 14.000 hingga 17.000 ton. Target itu jauh lebih tinggi daripada realisasi produksi tembaga 2020 yang hanya sebesar 5.377 ton.

Hal itu seiring dengan perkembangan pit Partolang karena MDKA mengintegrasikan tambang tembaga Wetar dan proyek Acid Iron Metal (AIM), sehingga penambangan telah bergeser dari tambang Lerokis ke tambang Partolang yang baru.

Operasional pit Partolang telah dimulai pada Oktober 2020 dan diekspektasikan mulai meningkat pada Januari tahun ini. “Produksi tembaga diharapkan meningkat pada kuartal I/2021 seiring dengan pengembangan Partolang dan diharapkan mulai mencapai tingkat produksi yang konsisten pada kuartal 2021,” jelas Adi.


Daily News Update Page 10 For information, the AIM project is a

collaborative project between MDKA and Wealthy Source Holding Limited, an affiliated company of Eternal Tsingshan Group Limited. The project was built in the Indonesia Morowali Industrial Park (IMIP) in Central Sulawesi.

The AIM project will process pyrite ore from MDKA's Wetar copper project for the production of acid, iron, steam, gold, silver and the extraction of remaining copper. The management estimates that by developing the AIM project, the company is likely to generate revenues of around US$ 200 per ton.

Meanwhile, MDKA estimates the all in sustaining cost (AISC) of copper this year is US$ 2.1 per pound to US$ 2.6 per pound, much lower than last year's AISC of US$ 4.62 per pound.

Meanwhile, MDKA copper sales volume throughout 2020 reached 5,472 tons, down 67.4 percent compared to the same period last year. On the other hand, MDKA targets gold production this year to reach 100,000 to 120,000 ounces with AISC of around US$ 825 to US$ 900 per ounce.

The target is lower than the total 2020 production of 157,175 ounces with an AISC of US$ 669 per ounce and an average cash cost of US$ 398 per ounce. Meanwhile, MDKA gold sales volume in 2020 amounted to 162,847 ounces, down 26.9 percent compared to the same period last year. Editor: Hafiyyan

Untuk diketahui, proyek AIM adalah proyek kerja sama MDKA dengan Wealthy Source Holding Limited, perusahaan afiliasi Eternal Tsingshan Group Limited. Proyek itu dibangun di Indonesia Morowali Industrial Park (IMIP) di Sulawesi Tengah. Proyek AIM itu akan memproses bijih pirit dari proyek tembaga Wetar milik MDKA untuk produksi acid, besi, uap, emas, perak, dan ekstraksi sisa tembaga.

Manajemen memperkirakan dengan meng-kembangkan Proyek AIM itu, perseroan kemungkinan dapat memperoleh penda-patan sekitar US$200 per ton.

Adapun, MDKA memperkirakan all in sustaining cost (AISC) tembaga pada tahun ini sebesar US$2,1 per pon hingga US$2,6 per pon, jauh lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan AISC tahun lalu sebesar US$4,62 per pon.

Sementara itu, volume penjualan tembaga MDKA sepanjang 2020 mencapai 5.472 ton, turun 67,4 persen dibandingkan dengan periode yang sama tahun lalu. Di sisi lain, MDKA menargetkan produksi emas pada tahun ini sebanyak 100.000 hingga 120.000 ons dengan AISC sekitar US$825 hingga US$900 per ons.

Target itu lebih rendah daripada total produksi 2020 sebesar 157.175 ons dengan AISC US$669 per ons dan cash cost rata-rata US$398 per ons. Sementara itu, volume penjualan emas MDKA pada 2020 sebesar 162.847 ons, turun 26,9 persen dibandingkan dengan periode yang sama tahun lalu. Editor : Hafiyyan


Daily News Update Page 11


trio? Tesla Seeks Nickel in This


Chandra Dwi, CNBC Indonesia

THE TRIO of shares of nickel mining

issuers, namely PT Vale Indonesia Tbk (INCO), PT Timah Tbk (TINS), and PT Aneka Tambang Tbk (ANTM) collapsed badly and occupied the top 3 top losers in last week's trade which ended Friday (5/3/2021).

The main cause of the three nickel stocks becoming top losers was the weakening of the world's benchmark nickel price last week. In addition, there is news that Tesla, Elon Musk's electric car company, has decided to buy nickel from New Caledonia. In the first position occupied by shares of PT Vale Indonesia Tbk (INCO) which collapsed by 15.23% during the week. INCO's stock itself collapsed 6.79% to the level of Rp 5,150/unit and immediately touched its ARB level at the close of trading on Friday (5/3/2021) last weekend.

Trade data shows that the value of INCO's stock transactions a week has reached Rp 1.1 trillion. During the week, foreign investors still sold INCO shares in the regular market amounting to Rp 95.15 billion.

However, in the negotiation and cash markets, foreign investors entered INCO's shares as much as Rp 1.84 billion last week. Next in second place is the shares of PT Timah Tbk (TINS) which also collapsed by 14.86% last week. Meanwhile, TINS shares closed stagnant at the level of Rp 1,890/unit last weekend trading.


Tesla Cari Nikel ke Negara Ini

Chandra Dwi, CNBC Indonesia

TRIO saham emiten pertambangan nikel

yakni PT Vale Indonesia Tbk (INCO), PT Timah Tbk (TINS), dan PT Aneka Tambang Tbk (ANTM) ambles parah dan menduduki 3 besar top losers pada perdagangan pekan lalu yang berakhir Jumat (5/3/2021). Penyebab utama ketiga saham nikel ter-sebut menjadi top losers yakni pelemahan harga nikel acuan dunia pada pekan lalu. Selain itu, ada kabar Tesla, perusahaan mobil listrik milik Elon Musk, memutuskan membeli nikel dari Kaledonia Baru.

Di posisi pertama diduduki oleh saham PT Vale Indonesia Tbk (INCO) yang ambrol hingga 15,23% selama sepekan. Saham INCO sendiri ambrol 6,79% ke level Rp 5.150/unit dan langsung menyentuh level ARB-nya pada penutupan perdagangan Jumat (5/3/2021) akhir pekan lalu.

Data perdagangan mencatat nilai transaksi saham INCO sepekan telah mencapai Rp 1,1 triliun. Selama sepekan, investor asing masih melepas saham INCO di pasar reguler sebanyak Rp 95,15 miliar. Namun di pasar negosiasi dan tunai, investor asing masuk ke saham INCO sebanyak Rp 1,84 miliar pada pekan lalu.

Berikutnya di posisi kedua terdapat saham PT Timah Tbk (TINS) yang juga ambrol hingga 14,86% pada pekan lalu. Adapun saham TINS ditutup stagnan di level Rp 1.890/unit pada perdagangan akhir pekan lalu.


Daily News Update Page 12 Last week's TINS stock transaction value

was recorded at Rp 1.4 trillion. Unlike INCO shares, foreign investors still bought up TINS shares amounting to Rp 12.29 billion last week.

The shares of PT Aneka Tambang Tbk (ANTM) last week fell by 14.79% to Rp 2,380/unit this morning. Meanwhile, at the end of last week, ANTM's shares closed down 3.97%.

ANTM's share transaction value for a week has reached Rp. 4.8 trillion. Like INCO's shares, foreign investors also sold ANTM's shares in the regular market as much as Rp 46.28 billion last week.

Nickel stocks have strengthened due to the positive sentiment in the development of electric cars. But last week, bad news hit the commodity market, where the price of 3-month nickel contracts on the London Metal Exchange (LME) had plunged to US$ 16,191/ton on Thursday (4/3/2021). This 9.3% decline also occurred in direct purchase nickel, which fell to US$ 16,144/ton from the previous price of US$ 17,802/ton.

The price correction on the LME also followed the nickel price on the Shanghai stock exchange which fell 9% to 122,040 yuan/ton on the same day. That is the lowest level since December 9, 2020. Reuters reported that this week's decline in nickel prices occurred as Tsingshan Holding Group, a Chinese nickel and stainless steel giant, decided to produce nickel matte on a large scale in Indonesia to reduce concerns over nickel supply amid competition from the use of nickel for battery purposes.

There are two types of nickel known in the market: stainless steel material (class II) and electric car battery material (class I). According to DBS,...

Tercatat nilai transaksi saham TINS pada pekan lalu mencapai Rp 1,4 triliun. Tak seperti saham INCO, investor asing masih memborong saham TINS sebanyak Rp 12,29 miliar pada pekan lalu.

Adapun saham PT Aneka Tambang Tbk (ANTM) pada pekan lalu ambles hingga 14,79% ke posisi Rp 2.380/unit pada pagi hari ini. Sedangkan pada akhir pekan lalu, saham ANTM ditutup melemah 3,97%. Nilai transaksi saham ANTM sepekan sudah mencapai Rp 4,8 triliun. Seperti saham INCO, investor asing juga melepas saham ANTM di pasar reguler sebanyak Rp 46,28 miliar pada pekan lalu.

Saham nikel selama ini menguat karena sentimen positif pengembangan mobil listrik. Namun pada pekan lalu, kabar buruk menerpa dari pasar komoditas, di mana harga nikel kontrak 3 bulan di London Metal Exchange (LME) sempat terjun ke angka US$ 16.191/ton pada Kamis (4/3/2021) lalu.

Penurunan sebesar 9,3% ini juga terjadi pada nikel pembelian langsung yang turun menjadi US$ 16.144/ton dari harga sebelum-nya US$ 17.802/ton.

Koreksi harga di LME juga ikuti harga nikel di bursa Shanghai yang turun 9% ke 122.040 yuan/ton pada hari yang sama. Itu merupa-kan level terendah sejak 9 Desember 2020.

Reuters melaporkan penurunan harga nikel pekan ini terjadi karena Tsingshan Holding Group, raksasa nikel dan stainless steel asal China, memutuskan memproduksi nikel matte dalam skala besar di Indonesia untuk menurunkan kekhawatiran terkait suplai nikel di tengah persaingan dengan penggunaan nikel untuk keperluan baterai. Ada dua jenis nikel yang dikenal di pasaran: bahan stainless steel (kelas II) dan bahan baterai mobil listrik (kelas I). Menurut DBS,...


Daily News Update Page 13 According to DBS, the demand for class I

nickel will grow by 5.9% annually until 2025. For the same period, the supply of class I nickel will only grow by 3.3%. Tesla Inc has decided to become a technical partner in a nickel mine to secure supplies for the manufacture of lithium -ion batteries for its electric cars.

Elon Musk's company will also buy nickel from the Goro mine on the tiny Pacific island of New Caledonia to secure long-term supplies. This rarity was taken amid growing concerns about future nickel supplies.

New Caledonia is the fourth largest nickel producer in the world. Last year, the price of this commodity experienced a price increase of 26%. New Caledonia is a French colony.

"Nickel is our biggest concern to increase the production of lithium-ion cells," said Elon Musk on Twitter, quoting the BBC, Monday (7/3/2021).

New Caledonia's large nickel reserves are critical to the local economy, and the Goro mine, in the south of the island, has the potential to become one of the world's largest nickel producers.

Is it because Tesla wants to replace battery components to iron?

Previously on February 26, the owner of electric car manufacturer Tesla Inc., Elon Musk expressed his concern in a tweet on Twitter that the standard Tesla model is ready to turn to using an iron case, due to its abundant supply.

Tesla has the potential to divert the source of battery raw materials for the Model 3 Standard Range to another type, namely using an LFP type battery or a Lithium Iron Phosphate battery.

Menurut DBS, permintaan nikel kelas I akan tumbuh 5,9% setiap tahunnya hingga 2025. Untuk periode yang sama, pasokan nikel kelas I hanya tumbuh 3,3%.

Tesla Inc memutuskan menjadi mitra teknis di tambang nikel guna mengaman-kan pasomengaman-kan untuk pembuatan baterai lithium-ion untuk mobil listriknya.

Perusahaan milik Elon Musk ini juga akan membeli nikel dari tambang Goro di pulau kecil Pasifik Kaledonia Baru untuk meng-amankan pasokan jangka panjang. Langka ini diambil di tengah meningkatnya ke-khawatiran tentang pasokan nikel di masa depan.

Kaledonia Baru adalah produsen nikel terbesar keempat di dunia. Tahun lalu harga komoditas ini mengalami kenaikan harga sebesar 26%. Kaledonia Baru adalah salah satu negara jajahan Prancis.

"Nikel adalah perhatian terbesar kami untuk meningkatkan produksi sel lithium-ion," kata Elon Musk di twitternya, mengutip BBC, Senin (7/3/2021).

Cadangan nikel Kaledonia Baru yang besar sangat penting bagi perekonomian lokal, dan tambang Goro, di selatan pulau, berpotensi menjadi salah satu penghasil nikel terbesar di dunia.

Gara-Gara Tesla Mau Gantikan Komponen Baterai ke Besi-kah?

Sebelumnya ada 26 Februari lalu, pemilik pabrikan mobil listrik Tesla Inc., Elon Musk mengeluarkan keresahannya dalam sebuah cuitan di Twitter bahwa model standard Tesla siap berpaling menggunakan kotada besi, dikarenakan suplainya yang melim-pah.

Tesla berpotensi akan mengalihkan sumber bahan baku baterai untuk Model 3 Standard Range ke tipe lain, yakni meng-gunakan baterai tipe LFP atau baterai Lithium Iron Phosphate.


Daily News Update Page 14 The Tesla and SpaceX boss also

encouraged nickel suppliers to mine more of the mineral for the production of electric vehicle batteries.

"Nickel is our biggest concern in increasing lithium-ion battery production," tweeted Elon.

"That is why we switched to using iron cathodes [Lithium Iron Phosphate batteries] in the Standard Range type electric car [Tesla Model 3]. The reason is because the amount of raw materials for iron and lithium is very abundant."

For information, so far batteries for electric cars are divided into several types, including lithium NCA (Nickel Cobalt Aluminum Oxide), Lithium NMC (Nickel Manganese Cobalt Oxide), and lithium LFP (Lithium Iron Phosphate) or known as lithium iron phosphate batteries which using LiFePO as cathode material.

In terms of differences, several technology literature notes that the differences between the three, both NCA, NMC, and LFP, are in the resulting voltage capacity. NCA type batteries have a nickel material that dominates compared to other materials, while in NMC it is almost evenly distributed, and the composition of LFP is Lithium, Iron, and Phosphate. The percentage of nickel content in NCA can reach 88%, NMC ranges from 33%.

In addition, Tesla is also ready to build its own cathode facility. Last July Musk said he was ready to provide miners with long-term jumbo contracts capable of sustainable nickel production.

This he did because of the high cost of making electric car batteries, which would increase in cost if Tesla failed to secure the supply chain.

Bos Tesla dan SpaceX ini pun mendorong agar para pemasok nikel untuk menam-bang lebih banyak logam mineral itu untuk produksi baterai kendaraan listriknya. "Nikel menjadi perhatian terbesar kami dalam meningkatkan produksi baterai lithium-ion," cuit Elon.

"Itulah mengapa kami beralih mengguna-kan katoda berbahan besi [baterai Lithium Iron Phosphate] pada mobil listrik [Tesla Model 3] tipe Standard Range. Alasannya karena jumlah bahan baku besi dan lithium sangat melimpah."

Sebagai informasi, selama ini baterai untuk mobil listrik terbagi dalam beberapa tipe di antaranya baterai lithium NCA (Nickel Cobalt Aluminum Oxide), Lithium NMC (Nickel Manganese Cobalt Oxide), dan lithium LFP (Lithium Iron Phosphate) atau dikenal sebagai baterai lithium besi fosfat yang menggunakan LiFePO sebagai bahan katoda.

Dari sisi perbedaan, beberapa literatur teknologi mencatat perbedaan ketiganya baik NCA, NMC, maupun LFP ada pada kapasitas voltase yang dihasilkan.

Baterai jenis NCA memiliki material nikel yang mendominasi dibanding material lainnya, sementara di NMC hampir merata, dan komposisi LFP adalah Lithium, Iron, dan Phosphat. Persentase kandungan nikel dalam NCA bisa mencapai 88%, NMC berkisar 33%.

Selain itu, Tesla juga siap membangun fasilitas katoda milik sendiri. Juli tahun lalu Musk mengatakan bahwa ia siap menye-diakan kontrak jumbo jangka panjang kepada penambang yang mampu menyu-plai nikel secara bekelanjutan.

Hal ini ia lakukan karena ongkos mahal pembuatan baterai mobil listrik, yang biayanya akan membengkak apabila Tesla gagal mengamankan rantai pasokan.


Daily News Update Page 15 Drew Baglino, one of the executives in

Tesla's manufacturing industry, said the company plans to mine the metal itself for its battery needs.

"We will start building our own cathode facilities in North America [US and Canada], taking advantage of all the nickel and lithium resources available in North America," said Baglino, who serves as SVP of Powertrain and Energy Engineering at Tesla.

Baglino added that by doing so and localizing cathode supply and production, Tesla would reduce the cathode material mileage by up to 80%, which is extremely expensive. (chd/chd)

Drew Baglino, salah satu eksekutif di industri manufaktur Tesla mengatakan perusahaan berencana untuk menambang sendiri logam untuk kebutuhan baterai mereka.

"Kami akan mulai membangun fasilitas katoda milik sendiri di Amerika Utara [AS dan Kanada], memanfaatkan seluruh sumberdaya nikel dan litium yang terdapat di Amerika Utara," kata Baglino yang menjabat SVP Powertrain and Energy Engineering di Tesla ini.

Baglino menambahkan dengan melakukan hal tersebut dan melokalkan pasokan dan produksi katoda, Tesla akan mengurangi jarak tempuh material katoda hingga 80%, yang mana ongkosnya luar biasa mahal. (chd/chd)

The price of coal increases, Bumi

Resources (BUMI) is optimistic

that it will be able to pay its

debts this year

Reporter: Ika Puspitasari | Editor: Herlina Kartika Dewi


Resources Tbk (BUMI) is

optimistic that it will be able to pay off its accrued obligations in 2021.

Director and Corporate Secretary of PT Bumi Resources Tbk Dileep Srivastava said this was in line with positive sentiment from the trend of strengthening coal prices. "With the improving sector conditions, higher demand and higher coal prices, we hope to continue paying the principal debt and focus on reducing long -term liabilities," he said when contacted by Kontan.co.id, Sunday (7/3).

Harga batubara naik, Bumi

Resources (BUMI) optimistis

mampu bayar utang di tahun ini

Reporter: Ika Puspitasari | Editor: Herlina Kartika Dewi

PT BUMI Resources Tbk (BUMI)

opti-mistis mampu melunasi kewajiban yang masih harus dibayar pada tahun 2021. Direktur dan Sekretaris Perusahaan PT Bumi Resources Tbk Dileep Srivastava mengungkapkan, hal ini seiring senti-men positif dari tren senti-menguatnya harga batubara.

“Dengan kondisi sektor yang membaik, permintaan dan harga batubara yang lebih tinggi, kami berharap dapat melanjutkan pembayaran pokok utang dan fokus dalam pengurangan kewajiban jangka pajang,” ungkapnya ketika dihubungi Kontan.co.id, Minggu (7/3).


Daily News Update Page 16 Based on Kontan.co.id's records, the

benchmark coal price (HBA) has strengthened in the last five months and in March 2021 it fell to US$ 84.49 per ton. This year, BUMI is targeting coal production to increase to 85 million metric tons to 90 million metric tons.

In addition, Dileep said that his party hopes to get better contributions from its subsidiaries such as PT Bumi Resources Minerals Tbk (BRMS) and PT Darma Henwa Tbk (DEWA).

"So that debt conditions can immediately improve following the improvement in business sentiment and market recovery," he said.

Citing BUMI's financial report as of September 30, 2020, this issuer has succeeded in reducing its total liabilities to US$ 2.98 billion or less than the position as of December 31, 2019 of US$ 3.19 billion. Meanwhile, US$ 1.36 billion was short-term liabilities and US$ 1.6 billion long-term liabilities.

The company's total short-term liabilities as of September 30, 2020 were recorded to exceed the total current assets in the same period, amounting to US$ 350.53 million. BUMI also experienced a deficit of US$ 2.82 billion, up from the position in December 2019 of US$ 2.69 billion.

BUMI also still posted a loss attributable to the parent entity of US$ 137.25 million in the third quarter of 2020 or inversely proportional to the same period the previous year which achieved a net profit of US$ 76.07 million.

Berdasarkan catatan Kontan.co.id, harga batubara acuan (HBA) sudah menguat dalam lima bulan terakhir dan pada bulan Maret 2021 turun menjadi US$ 84,49 per ton. Pada tahun ini, BUMI membidik produksi batubara bisa meningkat menjadi 85 juta metrik ton hingga 90 juta metrik ton.

Selain itu, Dileep bilang bahwa pihaknya berharap memperoleh kontribusi yang lebih baik dari anak usahanya seperti PT Bumi Resources Minerals Tbk (BRMS) dan PT Darma Henwa Tbk (DEWA).

“Sehingga kondisi utang dapat segera membaik menyusul membaiknya sentimen bisnis dan pemulihan pasar,” tuturnya. Mengutip laporan keungan BUMI Per 30 September 2020, emiten ini berhasil menurunkan total liabilitas menjadi sebesar US$ 2,98 miliar atau lebih kecil daripada posisi per 31 Desember 2019 sebesar US$ 3,19 miliar. Adapun, sebesar US$ 1,36 miliar merupakan liabilitas jangka pendek dan US$ 1,6 miliar liabilitas jangka panjang.

Total liabilitas jangka pendek perseroan per 30 September 2020 tercatat melebihi total aset lancar pada periode yang sama, sebesar US$ 350,53 juta. BUMI juga mengalami defisit sebesar US$ 2,82 miliar naik dari posisi Desember 2019 sebesar US$ 2,69 miliar.

BUMI juga masih membukukan rugi yang diatribusikan kepada entitas induk sebesar US$ 137,25 juta pada kuartal III-2020 atau berbanding terbalik dengan periode yang sama tahun sebelumnya yang meraih laba bersih sebesar US$ 76,07 juta.


Daily News Update Page 17

Battery holding is projected to

absorb 150 thousand tons of

nickel per year

Rio Indrawan

INDONESIA will soon have a special entity

that will take care of the development of electric batteries. The formation of a new entity formed together with the State-Owned Enterprise (BUMN) company will be named PT Industri Baterai Indonesia (IBI). One of the functions of IBI will be to increase the use of nickel in the country. Agus Tjahajana, Head of the Electric Vehicle Battery Acceleration Team, said that if the factory operates at its maximum capacity, the need for nickel per year is quite large. "So, upstream it is capable of making 195 GWh with around 150 thousand tons of nickel per year," said Agus, in Jakarta, Thursday (4/3).

PT Aneka Tambang Tbk (Antam) as a state-owned mining company will supply nickel ore. This commodity will then be processed and made into nickel. "The nickel is processed into cathodes, cells, then into batteries. So there is a series. "One factory is a value chain," said Agus.

According to him, IBI has been mandated to handle 70% of the final product in Indonesia or up to stage 2. The construction of a battery factory with a maximum capacity of 195 GWh will be carried out in stages. For phase 1, the plant will have a capacity of around 30 GWh and is planned to operate in 2026-2030. After that, stage 2 product processing becomes 70%. "The rest is exported in the form of cells," he said. The construction of a large capacity battery factory will certainly require a large invest-ment or capital. Realizing the construction of...

Holding Baterai Diproyeksikan

Serap 150 Ribu Ton Nikel Per


Rio Indrawan

INDONESIA segera memiliki entitas khusus

yang akan mengurus pengembangan baterai listrik. Pembentukan entitas baru yang dibentuk bersama perusahaan Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN) tersebut akan ber-nama PT Industri Baterai Indonesia (IBI). Salah satu fungsi IBI nanti adalah mening-katkan pemanfaatan nikel di dalam negeri. Agus Tjahajana, Ketua Tim Percepatan Baterai Kendaraan Listrik, mengatakan jika pabrik beroperasi dalam kapasitas mak-simal, kebutuhan nikel per tahun cukup besar. “Jadi, di hulu mampu membuat 195 GWh dengan sekitar 150 ribu ton nikel per tahun,” ungkap Agus, di Jakarta, Kamis (4/3). PT Aneka Tambang Tbk (Antam) sebagai salah satu perusahaan tambang milik peme-rintah akan memasok ore nikel. Komoditas tersebut kemudian akan diproses dan dibuat menjadi nikel. “Nikelnya diproses menjadi katoda, sel, lalu jadi baterai. Jadi ada rang-kaiannya. Itu satu pabrik merupakan satu

value chain,” kata Agus.

Menurut dia, IBI telah diamanatkan agar menangani 70% menjadi produk akhir di Indonesia atau hingga tahap 2. Adapun pem-bangunan pabrik baterai dengan kapasitas maksimal 195 GWh akan dilaksanakan secara bertahap. Untuk tahap 1, pabrik akan ber-kapasitas sekitar 30 GWh dan direncanakan beroperasi pada 2026-2030. Setelah itu, tahap 2 pengolahan produk menjadi 70%. “Sisanya diekspor dalam bentuk sel,” tukas dia.

Pembangunan pabrik baterai berkapasitas besar dipastikan membutuhkan investasi atau modal yang besar pula. Untuk me-realisasikan pembangunan...


Daily News Update Page 18 Realizing the construction of a factory that

produces batteries with a total capacity of 30 GWh requires an investment of US$ 13 billion. Therefore, said Agus, IBI is almost certain to partner with partners to cover the large investment needs.

"If up to 195 GWh, it almost reached nearly US$ 17 billion. Of course this investment is jointly with foreign partners," said Agus. The government is preparing a consortium or a combination of several BUMNs to form a new business entity to work on the huge potential of electric vehicle batteries. The government is targeting holding companies to talk a lot in the world of electric vehicles, both nationally and internationally, which will soon become a major business and industry in the world. The BUMN Ministry stated that the formation of the EV Battery holding or PT IBI will be completed by the end of the first semester of 2021. Arya Sinulingga, Special Staff of the Minister of BUMN, said that by looking at the current progress, he is optimistic that the implementation will be faster than the target and there is no need to wait until mid-2021. "Maybe it won't be long before the EV Battery holding will be established. A month or two is over. Hopefully yes," said Arya. (RI)

Untuk merealisasikan pembangunan pabrik yang menghasilkan baterai berkapasitas total 30 GWh memerlukan investasi mencapai US$13 miliar. Karena itu, ungkap Agus, IBI hampir dipastikan akan menggandeng mitra untuk menutupi besarnya kebutuhan inves-tasi tersebut.

“Kalau sampai 195 GWh hampir mencapai hampir US$17 miliar. Tentu investasi ini ber-sama dengan mitra luar negeri,” kata Agus. Konsorsium atau gabungan beberapa BUMN tengah dipersiapkan pemerintah untuk mem-bentuk satu entitas bisnis baru menggarap potensi besar baterai kendaraan listrik. Pemerintah menargetkan perusahaan holding nanti bisa berbicara banyak di dunia ken-daraan listrik, baik nasional maupun inter-nasional yang tidak lama lagi akan menjadi bisnis maupun industri utama di dunia.

Kementerian BUMN menyatakan pemben-tukan holding EV Battery atau PT IBI akan rampung pada akhir semester pertama 2021. Arya Sinulingga, Staf Khusus Menteri BUMN, mengatakan dengan melihat progress

yang ada saat ini, ia optimistis imple-mentasinya akan lebih cepat dari target dan tidak perlu menunggu hingga pertengahan 2021. “Mungkin tidak akan lama lagi holding

EV Battery akan jadi. Sebulan atau dua bulan selesai. Mudah-mudahan ya,” kata Arya. (RI)

BUMN Battery Holding Will

Complete, Antam's Shares Are

Even Sluggish

Author: Hafiyyan & M. Ridwan

SHARES of PT Aneka Tambang Tbk.

(ANTM), as a member of the Holding BUMN Battery or Industry Battery Indonesia (IBI), has not yet reflected...

Holding BUMN Baterai Bakal

Rampung, Saham Antam Malah


Author: Hafiyyan & M. Ridwan

SAHAM PT Aneka Tambang Tbk. (ANTM),

sebagai salah satu anggota Holding BUMN Baterai atau Industry Battery Indonesia (IBI), belum terpantik proyeksi...


Daily News Update Page 19 has not yet reflected on the projected

completion of the jumbo company in the next 1 month-2 months.

At the close of trading on Friday (5/3/ 2021), ANTM's shares fell 3.97 percent or 100 points to Rp2,420. During the day, ANTM's shares moved in the range of Rp2,350-Rp2,520.

Its market capitalization reached Rp 58.15 trillion, with a price to earnings ratio (PER) of 52.19 times. ANTM's shares declined along with the majority of shares of other metal issuers such as PT Vale Indonesia Tbk. (INCO) and PT Merdeka Copper Gold Tbk. (MDKA), along with the correction in commodity prices.

The Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises said that the process of establishing a battery holding for the electric vehicle ecosystem will be completed in the near future.

Previously, the Special Staff of the Ministry of BUMN Arya Sinulingga said that the holding process was still ongoing. However, according to him, the process was nearing the final stage.

"In the current process, the EV battery may not be long. This holding will be completed in a short time, almost a month, two months. This will be a company that produces battery EVs and controls it from upstream to downstream," he said during the Prospect of Holding Establishment event. Battery, Thursday (4/3/2021). Arya said, after the holding is formed, there will be many joint venture companies (JV) that will be formed from all lines of business.

"This is the JV holding the battery with Antam, the precussor and the cathode, this is the JV holding with Pertamina for example, then later the battery cell and battery pack will also...

belum terpantik proyeksi rampungnya perusahaan jumbo tersebut dalam 1 bulan-2 bulan ke depan.

Pada penutupan perdagangan Jumat (5/3/ 2021), saham ANTM turun 3,97 persen atau 100 poin menjadi Rp2.420. Sepanjang hari ini, saham ANTM bergerak di rentang Rp2.350-Rp2.520.

Kapitalisasi pasarnya mencapai Rp58,15 triliun, dengan price to earning ratio (PER) 52,19 kali. Saham ANTM menurun bersama mayoritas saham emiten logam lainnya seperti PT Vale Indonesia Tbk. (INCO) dan PT Merdeka Copper Gold Tbk. (MDKA), seiring dengan koreksi harga komoditas. Kementerian Badan Usaha Milik Negara menyebut proses pembentukan holding baterai untuk ekosistem kendaran listrik akan rampung dalam waktu dekat.

Sebelumnya, Staf Khusus Kementerian BUMN Arya Sinulingga mengatakan hingga saat ini proses pembentukan holding tersebut masih terus berlangsung. Namun, menurutnya proses itu sudah mendekati tahapan final.

"Dalam prosesnya saat ini mungkin tidak akan lama lagi EV baterai, holding ini akan jadi tidak lama, hampir sebulan, dua bulan selesai. Ini akan menjadi sebuah per-usahaan yang menghasilkan EV baterai dan mengusai dari hulu ke hilir," ujarnya dalam acara Prospek Pembentukan Holding Baterai, Kamis (4/3/2021).

Arya mengungkapkan, nantinya setelah holding ini terbentuk, akan ada banyak perusahaan-perusahaan joint venture (JV) yang akan dibentuk dari segala lini bisnis. "Ini JV holding baterai dengan Antam, precussor dan katoda ini JV holding dengan Pertamina misalnya, kemudian nanti juga battery cell dan battery pack ini...


Daily News Update Page 20 then later the battery cell and battery pack

will also be the JV holding the battery with Pertamina and PLN. Then the ESS assembling is the JV between the battery holding and PLN, for example, then for recycling is battery holding JV with Pertamina, "he said.

Chairman of the Working Team for the Acceleration of V Battery Development, Agus Tjahjana, explained that this team had been formed since February 2020. The four companies were given a direct mandate by the Minister for State-Owned Enterprises, Erick Thohir.

"The IBI is a holding company of 4 companies, approximately we will share a quarter to a quarter, Industry Battery Indonesia," he said.

Agus said that the investment that will be issued will depend on the capacity of the battery to be made. For the upstream sector, it will produce around 195 gigawatt/hour with around 150,000 nickel per year in two phases.

In the early stages, the company will manufacture a battery with a capacity of 30 GW per hour which will be realized in 2026-2030. After that, the capacity will be increased to 140 GW/hour or about 70 percent from 195 GW/hour.

"This means that later the rest will be exported in cell phones, the investment is US$ 13 billion, so if it is possible to reach 140 GW/hour or 70 percent of 195 GW/hour it will almost reach US$ 17 billion, of course joint investment," he said. Editor: Hafiyyan

kemudian nanti juga battery cell dan battery pack ini JV holding baterai dengan Pertamina dan PLN. kemudian ESS assembling itu adalah JV antara holding baterai dengan PLN misalnya, kemudian untuk recycling itu JV holding baterai dengan Pertamina," ungkapnya.

Ketua Tim Kerja Percepatan Pengem-bangan V Battery Agus Tjahjana men-jelaskan tim ini telah dibentuk sejak Februari 2020. Keempat perusahaan itu diberi mandat langsung oleh Menteri Badan Usaha Milik Negara Erick Thohir. "Namanya IBI ini adalah holding 4 perusahaan, kira-kira kita akan share seperempat-seperempat, Industry Battery Indonesia," katanya.

Agus mengatakan, investasi yang akan dikeluarkan nantinya sangat tergantung dengan kapasitas baterai yang akan dibuat. Untuk di hulu, pihaknya akan membuat sekitar 195 gigawatt/hour dengan sekitar 150.000 nikel per tahun dalam dua tahap. Pada tahap awal perusahaan akan mem-buat baterai dengan kapasitas 30 GW per hour yang akan direalisasikan pada 2026-2030. Setelah itu, kapasitas akan di-tingkatkan menjadi 140 GW/hour atau sekitar 70 persen dari 195 GW/hour. "Berarti nanti sisanya di ekspor dalam belum cell, investasinya US$13 miliar, nah kalau bisa sampai 140 GW/hour atau 70 persen dari 195 GW/hour itu hampir mencapai US$17 miliar, tentu investasi bersama," ujarnya. Editor : Hafiyyan


Daily News Update Page 21

Coal Price No Longer Strong to

US$ 90/ton, Why is That?

Tirta Widi Gilang Citradi, CNBC Indonesia

THE PRICE of coal had risen to above US$

85/ton a week ago. However, in the last two trades, the price of the black stone has collapsed so that in the last week it had to record a performance of minus 0.48%. At the close of trading on Friday (5/3/2021), the ICE Newcastle thermal coal futures contract price was corrected 0.42% to US$ 82.55/ton. A day earlier, coal prices dropped 3.1% to US$ 82.9/ton. The high volatility of coal prices is also inseparable from sharp fluctuations in the prices of other commodities. Even in the financial market the turmoil that has occurred has also triggered high fluctuation in prices.

Fundamentally, this year's coal prospects will be better than last year. The International Energy Agency (IEA) expects global coal demand to increase by 2.6% in 2021, driven by higher electricity and industrial demand.

The main contributors to the improvement of coal demand are the economies of China, India and Southeast Asia. However, the United States and Europe may also experience their first increase in coal consumption in nearly a decade.

However, the IEA said that global coal demand in 2021 is forecast to remain below 2019 and could even be lower if the reported assumptions for economic recovery, electricity demand or natural gas prices are not met.

Harga Batu Bara Gak Kuat ke

US$ 90/ton Lagi, Kenapa ya?

Tirta Widi Gilang Citradi, CNBC Indonesia

HARGA batu bara sempat tembus ke atas

US$ 85/ton sepekan lalu. Namun di dua perdagangan terakhir, harga si batu hitam ambles sehingga dalam sepekan terakhir harus mencatatkan kinerja minus 0,48%. Pada penutupan perdagangan Jumat (5/3/ 2021), harga kontrak futures (berjangka) batu bara termal ICE Newcastle terkoreksi 0,42% ke US$ 82,55/ton. Sehari sebelumnya harga batu bara drop 3,1% ke US$ 82,9/ton. Volatilitas harga batu bara yang tinggi juga tak terlepas dari fluktuasi harga komoditas lain yang juga tajam. Bahkan di pasar keuangan gejolak yang terjadi juga memicu harga berfluktuasi tinggi.

Secara fundamental, prospek batu bara tahun ini bakal lebih baik dari tahun lalu. Badan Energi Internasional (IEA) memper-kirakan permintaan batu bara global meningkat 2,6% pada tahun 2021, didorong oleh permintaan listrik dan industri yang lebih tinggi.

Penyumbang utama perbaikan permintaan batu bara adalah ekonomi China, India, dan Asia Tenggara. Meskipun begitu Amerika Serikat dan Eropa kemungkinan juga meng-alami kenaikan konsumsi batu bara pertama mereka dalam hampir satu dekade terakhir. Namun IEA mengatakan bahwa permintaan batu bara global pada tahun 2021 diramal masih akan tetap di bawah tahun 2019 dan bahkan bisa lebih rendah jika asumsi laporan untuk pemulihan ekonomi, permintaan listrik atau harga gas alam tidak terpenuhi.


Daily News Update Page 22 The increase in demand for coal in 2021

will be short-lived, with an estimated use of coal to level out in 2025 at around 7.4 billion tonnes. The IEA states that coal's future will be largely determined in Asia. Currently, China and India account for 65% of global coal demand. By including Japan, Korea, Taiwan and Southeast Asia, the share increased to 75%.

The increase in the price of thermal coal will prompt producers to start increasing their production. The government is targeting coal production in Indonesia to reach 550 million tons this year, or the same as last year.

Higher coal prices are likely to provide a positive catalyst for the miners' financial performance. Especially for those who can be more efficient in cash costs.

The government estimates that Indonesia's coal exports can reach at least 392.4 million tons in 2020 or 14% lower than the realization of coal exports in 2019 of 454.5 million tons.

However, the government expects higher coal export potential this year due to strong demand in China's main market as well as in emerging markets in regions such as Vietnam, Bangladesh and Pakistan. The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) projects that Indonesia's coal export volume will be in the range of 406.3 million-427 million tons this year, with coal exports to the Chinese market estimated to range from 185 million tons to 202.3 million tons.

The benchmark coal price (HBA) was recorded to have decreased to US$ 84.49/ton this month or down US$ 3.3 compared to January. With the end of winter and Chinese New Year in China, electricity consumption began to slope and coal demand normalized.

Kenaikan permintaan batu bara pada tahun 2021 akan berlangsung singkat, dengan perkiraan penggunaan batu bara akan mendatar pada tahun 2025 sekitar 7,4 miliar ton. IEA menyatakan bahwa masa depan batu bara sebagian besar akan ditentukan di Asia. Saat ini, Cina dan India menyumbang 65% dari permintaan batu bara global. Dengan memasukkan Jepang, Korea, Taiwan dan Asia Tenggara, pangsa itu meningkat menjadi 75%. Kenaikan harga batu bara termal akan mem-buat para produsen mulai menggenjot pro-duksinya. Pemerintah menargetkan produksi batu bara di Indonesia sebanyak 550 juta ton untuk tahun ini atau sama dengan tahun lalu. Harga batu bara yang lebih tinggi berpeluang memberikan katalis positif untuk kinerja keuangan para penambang. Apalagi bagi mereka yang bisa lebih efisien dalam cash cost.

Pemerintah memperkirakan ekspor batu bara Indonesia setidaknya bisa mencapai 392,4 juta ton pada 2020 atau 14% lebih rendah dari realisasi ekspor batu bara pada 2019 sebesar 454,5 juta ton.

Namun, pemerintah mengharapkan potensi ekspor batu bara yang lebih tinggi tahun ini karena permintaan yang kuat di pasar utama China dan juga di pasar baru di kawasan seperti Vietnam, Bangladesh dan Pakistan. Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) memproyeksikan volume ekspor batu bara Indonesia pada kisaran 406,3 juta-427 juta ton tahun ini dengan ekspor batu bara ke pasar China diperkirakan berkisar antara 185 juta ton hingga 202,3 juta ton.

Harga batu bara acuan (HBA) tercatat meng-alami penurunan menjadi US$ 84,49/ton di bulan ini atau turun US$ 3,3 dibanding Januari. Mulai berakhirnya musim dingin dan Tahun Baru Imlek di China membuat kon-sumsi listrik mulai melandai dan permintaan batu bara pun mengalami normalisasi.


Daily News Update Page 23 When the coal price began to normalize

and tended to slope. Indonesian coal issuers' shares also fell. Even released by foreigners. In just a week, foreigners have released Rp. 161 billion of coal shares on the stock exchange.

The coal stocks that were mostly released by foreigners were shares of PT Adaro Energy Tbk (ADRO) with a net foreign sell of Rp 120.48 billion. However, together with PT Bukit Asam Tbk (PTBA), ADRO's shares tend to be stagnant this week. The shares of coal mining issuers that dropped the most were shares of PT Harum Energi Tbk (HRUM). In just a week this stock dropped 17% and experienced two lower auto rejects (ARB).

Ketika harga batu bara mulai mengalami normalisasi dan cenderung melandai. Saham-saham emiten batu bara Tanah Air juga anjlok. Bahkan dilepas asing. Hanya dalam sepekan asing sudah melepas Rp 161 miliar saham-saham batu bara di bursa. Saham batu bara yang paling banyak dilepas asing adalah saham PT Adaro Energy Tbk (ADRO) dengan net foreign sell sebesar Rp 120,48 miliar. Namun bersama PT Bukit Asam Tbk (PTBA), saham ADRO cenderung stagnan di minggu ini.

Saham emiten tambang batu bara yang paling anjlok adalah saham PT Harum Energi Tbk (HRUM). Hanya dalam seminggu saham ini drop 17% dan mengalami dua kali auto reject bawah (arb).

Performance of Indonesian Coal Mining Issuer Shares in A Week Issuer Code Week Performance (%) Net Foregin Buy/Sell (B Rp)

ADRO 0.0 -120.5 BUMI -1.6 -12.1 BYAN -3.7 -0.1 DOID -2.6 -3.1 HRUM -17.6 21.3 INDY -1.0 -4.5 ITMG -4.3 -33.5 PTBA 0.0 -8.0 PTRO -1.9 -0.7

Table: Tirta Citradi Source: Refinitiv, RTI Infokom

Previously, HRUM's market capitalization value rose by hundreds of percent when the company continued to expand by acquiring nickel mines to diversify its business portfolio.

The increase in coal and nickel prices were two positive catalysts for HRUM's share price. However, when coal prices slumped and nickel prices plummeted, HRUM's market capitalization value also dropped. CNBC INDONESIA RESEARCH TEAM (twg/twg)

Sebelumnya nilai kapitalisasi pasar HRUM naik sampai ratusan persen ketika per-usahaan terus ekspansif dengan meng-akuisisi tambang nikel untuk mendiver-sifikasi portofolio usahanya.

Kenaikan harga batu bara dan nikel menjadi dua katalis positif bagi harga saham HRUM. Namun ketika harga batu bara melandai dan harga nikel anjlok, nilai kapitalisasi pasar HRUM pun ikut jeblok. TIM RISET CNBC INDONESIA (twg/twg)


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