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Your Trusty Toothy Friend


Academic year: 2017

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Whether we like it or not, we all know that an important part of our dental care involves making regular trips to the dentist, but the foundation block of oral hygiene lies at home

Keywords: toothbrushes

Article Body:

Whether we like it or not, we all know that an important part of our dental care involves making regular trips to the dentist, but the foundation block of oral hygiene lies at home. Not only is brushing and flossing twice a day of the utmost importance in maintaining a healthy and attractive smile, but the tools we use to perform these daily rituals can also make or break a beautiful set of teeth. So don´t pick up any old toothbrush ˘ find the one that´s right for you. Our mouths, just like every other inch of us, come in all shapes and makes. We probably wouldn´t think too long about trying to squeeze into a shoe that doesn´t fit, but many of us expect that one size toothbrush should fit all. Baffled by the array of dental products we face in the store, we simply pick the color toothbrush we like best and move along, unwittingly undermining our oral health as we do so.

It is firstly important to find the right size toothbrush for our mouth, so that we can brush with comfort and reach the surface of every tooth. A tooth doesn´t get cleaned by just being in the vicinity of a brush! Be sure to find a toothbrush with the size and shape head that allows you to reach every surface of every single tooth.

Another important toothbrush quality is the type of bristles it utilizes. Bristles that are too hard can actually damage teeth and wear down the enamel that covers them, so be sure to opt for a softer type of brush, especially if you have a gum condition, such as gum disease or receding gums. For a good brushing down, look for a toothbrush with nylon bristles with rounded tips.

It is also of the utmost importance that you use a toothbrush that is up to the job, so be sure to replace your brush regularly. Every two to three months is a good time to replace, or when the bristles start to look bent and worn. Some toothbrushes some complete with a color-fade system that tells you exactly when your brush is ready for the garbage ˘ simply ditch the brush when the colored bristles start to fade. A healthy set of teeth is an important part of looking and feeling good, and your trusty toothbrush is an important tool to help you maintain your oral health. So treat your teeth well with the right toothbrush, and don´t be afraid to show your smile.

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