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Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of

Sarjana Pendidikan

Wulansari Ika Handayani 112010152













Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of

Sarjana Pendidikan

Wulansari Ika Handayani 112010152








This thesis contains no such material as has been submitted for examination in any course or accepted for the fulfillment of any degree or diploma in any university. To the best of my knowledge and my belief, this contains no material previously published or written by any other person except where due reference is made in the text.

Copyright@2016. Wulansari Ika Handayani and Athriyana Santye Pattiwael, S.Pd., M.Hum.

All rights reserved. No part of this thesis may be reproduced by any means without the permission of at least one of the copyright owners or the English Department, Faculty of Language and Literature, SatyaWacana Christian University, Salatiga.




This thesis would not have been completed without the help and support from

many people. Therefore, I would like to express my sincere appreciation to the

following people who have assisted in completing this thesis. First of all, I would

like to express my sincere gratitude to:

- God Almighty because without His blessings, I will never complete this thesis


- Mrs. Athriyana Santye Pattiwael, S.Pd.,M.Hum., my beloved supervisor,

who was abundantly helpful and gave meaningful assistance, support,

patience and guidance.

- Mrs. Anne Indrayanti Timotius, M.Ed., my second reader, without her

knowledge and assistance this study would not have been completed.

- My beloved parents and sister, thank you for always here to educate,

support and motivate in the process of the making of this thesis.

- My dearest man, who tirelessly cheered me up and encourage me when I

found difficulties in making this thesis.

- My best friends: Osa, Dina, Yuni, Cia, and Dika, thank you for the

motivation and support.

- My participants, for their cooperation during the process of data collection.

The last, I give my biggest gratitude for all whose names I cannot

mention here who help a lot during my study in English Department of Satya




Cover Page i

Approval Page ii

Copyright Statement iii

Publication Agreement Declaration iv

Pernyataan Persetujuan Akses v

Pernyataan Tidak Plagiat vi

Acknowledgements vii

Table of Content viii

List of Appendices ix

Abstract 1

Introduction 1

The Study

Context of the Study 8

Participants of the Study 8

Instrument of Data Collection 9

Data Collection Procedures 10

Data Analysis Procedures 10

Findings and Discussions 11

Conclusion 22

References 25




Questionnaire 26




Wulansari Ika Handayani


The issue about the teachers‟ use of first language in second language classroom has been debated for years. The debate over whether or not the teachers should use L1 also divides the students‟ point of view. The study was conducted to answer this research question, “What are the students‟ perceptions towards teachers‟ use of L1?” This study aims at investigating the students‟ perceptions toward the teachers‟ use of L1 in IC classrooms at the Faculty of Health Sciences in Satya Wacana Christian University. Based on the arrangement by the Faculty, twenty students were selected to participate in this study. The data of this study was collected by using questionnaire and interview. The finding of this study reveals that most of the students support teachers‟ L1 for different purposes. Those purposes are to creates students‟ confidence to join the lesson, facilitates students‟ better understanding, give clearer explanation, explain grammar and difficult materials, explain the meaning of words, and answer students‟ questions. The students also perceive that their teachers should not use L1 all the time. The students‟ thought that underlie their perceptions are teachers‟ L1 could create better atmosphere in the classrooms, be a helpful and facilitating tools in the learning process.

Keywords: First language (L1), Second Language (L2), Students‟ perceptions, Integrated Course (IC), Classroom.


The issue about the use of first language (L1) in second language (L2)

classrooms has been debated for years. It becomes controversial because different

theories of second language acquisition give different hypothesis about the use of

L1 in L2 classrooms. Unconsciously, we often find students use their first

language if they find difficulties saying something in English. Seng and Hashim

(2006 as cited in Pan, 2010) indicated that lower proficiency students usually

difficult to express their thoughts use their L2, so they should be allowed to use

L1 to understand the L2. Ford (2009, as cited in Tsukamoto, 2011, p.144) noted



fundamental English skills. So, the used of L1 by teachers can help students to

have deeper understanding.

The context of this study is Faculty of Health Sciences because the

students do not use English to communicate. They learn English as a basic

knowledge that will help them in the whole semesters because most of their

textbooks are English. So, they should be able to understand the materials since

English as a language on the books. Based on preliminary interview with the

teacher, some students have difficulty to communicate in English after they

passed English courses. It is caused by the learning processes do not always use

English all the time. In their program‟s courses, most of the teachers use

Indonesian as a medium instruction. It makes the students lost their opportunity to

use English. This issue about students‟ problem in English make the writer wants

to investigate about their perceptions of teachers language use in the classrooms.

Some previous related studies reported that their participants agree with

the teachers‟ L1 in L2 classrooms. For example, Schweers (1999) conducted a

research on the use of Spanish (L1) in English (L2) classes at the university of

Puerto Rico. It is simmilar with this study because his participants are the students

of University of Puerto Rico, Bayamon Campus and their language‟s major is not

English, but their L1 is Spanish. Schweers (1999) used different methods that are

recording and questionnaire to collect the data. He reported that almost all of the

students supported the use of L1 in English classes.

Tang (2002) also conducted the similar study in the Chinese context and



language‟s major is Chinese. On the data collection methods he used

observations, interviews, and questionnaires. The study reported that the use of L1

in L2 classess not only does not hinder L2 learning but also it helps teaching and


The writer conducted a study about Faculty of Health Sciences students‟

perception toward the teacher‟s use of L1 (Indonesian) in L2 (English) classroom.

The writer choose this participant because these students‟ major is not in English.

They focused on learning about nursing and health sciences, but they are required

to learn English as the basic knowledge. They should be able to understand and

communicate in English because most of their textbooks are written in English.

The purpose of this study is to investigate the students‟ perception toward the

teachers‟ use of L1 (Indonesian) in L2 (English) classroom of Faculty of Health

Sciences in Satya Wacana Christian University. This study was conducted to

answer this following research question “What are the students‟ perception toward

the teachers‟ use of L1 (Indonesian) in L2 (English) classroom?”

Therefore, this study focused on the students‟ perception toward the

teacher‟s use of L1 in L2 classroom. The significance of the study was to

investigate students‟ perception whether they agree or disagree toward the

teacher‟s use of Indonesian (L1) in English (L2) classroom. This study can be

useful to English teachers on how to manage in using L1 in L2 classrooms and to

improve their teaching quality at the Faculty of Health Sciences in Satya Wacana




Students’ Perception

The study about perception has been conducted for several times, whether

it talks about students‟ perception or teachers‟ perception. The definition of

perception according to Searle (2006 as cited in Blake and Sekular, 1990) and

Maryanah‟s study (2011) is what someone (students) feels about particular thing

even conscious or unconscious, whether visual or auditory and thoughts that are

caused by processes going on the brain. In learning English, Health Sciences

students‟ perceptions are essential since it influences their intellectual curiosity or

their individual perception toward the language they get in learning English

(Maryanah, 2011). Students‟ perception is important to investigate because it

shows students‟ thought about the teachers‟ use of English in the classrooms.

Whether it is clear or not, so it can influence teaching and learning processes.

Reasons and Support for Using L1

The teachers use L1 in L2 classrooms because of some reasons: to

maintain a comfortable classroom atmosphere, to promote the students‟

comprehension and to use the class-time efficiently (Tsukamoto, 2011).

Wilkerson (2008 as cited in Grim, 2010) found that teachers use English “to save

time, demonstrate authority, and reduce ambiguity” (p.315). Teachers use of L1

also has some functions, Cook (2005 as cited in Grim, 2010) already mentioned

that in learning and teaching, L1 as a way of conveying L2 meaning; a short-cut

for explaining tasks and tests (for example as a way of explaining grammar); and



Moreover, Franklin (1990 as cited in Pan, 2010) reported that 45%

teachers in his study prefered the L1 for discipline, the reasons such as for

efficiency of comprehension and to show that the threat is real rather than

imagined. In addition, Atkinson (1987 as cited in Tsukamoto, 2011) said that the

use of L1 by teachers is to save the time because communicate in L1 can be used

for more productive activities.

The use of first language by the teachers makes learning English as second

language is more understandable. Thompson (2006 as cited in Grim, 2010) found

that most of L1 used for grammar instruction at beginning levels, while at

intermediate levels; translation of new vocabulary was the primary reason for the

L1. In the same line, Polio and Duff (1994 as cited in Grim, 2010) determined

other possible variables: classroom administrative vocabulary (e.g. tests, review

session), grammar instruction, classroom management, empathy/solidarity,

practicing English (as an L2 for them), and lack of vocabulary and


The use of L1 by the teachers could also caused by the students‟

background knowledge or proficiency level. Not all of the students come from

similar background knowledge who already mastered English. Ford (2009 as cited

in Tsukamoto, 2011) noted there are some students who do not mastered

fundamental English skills come to universities. In addition, Seng and Hashim

(2006 as cited in Pan, 2010) indicated that lower proficiency students usually

difficult to express their thoughts, so they should be allowed to use L1 to



Polio and Duff (1994 as cited in Tsukamoto, 2011) noted that L1 use can

be useful to create relax atmosphere in the classroom. L1 also can be used to

reduce student anxiety as Harbord (1992 cited in Pan, 2010) said that teachers use

of L1 will make a relax atmosphere and to reduce students‟ anxiety. Burden (2000

as cited in Tsukamoto, 2011) found starting with the L1 provides students with a

sense of security and validates the learners‟ lived experiences, allowing them to

express themselves. It makes learners want to experiment and take risks with

English (Burden, 2000 as cited in Tsukamoto, 2011). Similarly, Anton and

Dicamilla (1994 as cited in Pan, 2010) found that L1 can give useful cognitive

tool, providing scaffolding for students in their effort to achieve learning tasks.

The teachers use L1 will give good inputs that are learners more silent, easy to

process, and increase their learning. Van Lier (1995 as cited in Pan, 2010).

So, the use of L1 by the teachers does not always give negative or harmful

effects for L2 teaching and learning. The teachers‟ L1 gives a better atmosphere in

the classroom and it facilitates students to get deeper understanding in learning


The Cons against L1 Use

The issue about the use of L1 in L2 classroom does not always supported

by all experts. Some of them for example Krashen (1987), Littlewood (1981), and

Turnbull (2001) as cited in Tsukamoto (2011) support to use one language (L2)

only. This are the reasons of avoiding L1 use in L2 classroom. Krashen (1985 as

cited in Tsukamoto, 2011) insisted that the students‟ L1 should not be used in the



Selinker (1992 as mentioned in Kim & Petraki, 2009) pointed out that too much

depend on the L1 will give result fossilization of an interlanguage. So, the

students will have difficulties to pronounce some words clearly in English if they

use L1 too much. Additionally, Turnbull (2001 as cited in Tsukamoto, 2011) also

argued that the use of L1 will reduce students‟ opportunity to use L2. Similarly,

Burden(2000 as cited in Tsukamoto, 2011) found that an integral part of language

learning is lost when the students‟ L1 is used by the teachers in the classrooms.

The students will depend on L1 when they find difficulties in learning L2. Ellis

(2005 as mentioned in Tsukamoto, 2011) also demonstrated that maximize the use

of L2 will make the students learn faster.

When L1 Should be Used

Therefore, L1 could be used in some situations. Atkinson (1987, p. 224 as

cited in Tsukamoto, 2011, p.148) allowing limited L1 use in the classroom first, a

learner-preferred strategy (for example given the opportunity, learners will choose

to translate without encouragement from the teacher); second, a humanistic

approach in that it permits them to say what they want; the last, an efficient use of

time (L1 strategies are efficient in terms of time spent explaining). Similar

thought, Reineman (2001 as cited in Stapa & Majid, 2006) mentioned sometimes

L1 should be allowed to use, for example to introduce new vocabulary.

L1 also should be used by the teachers when their students come from low

proficiency level. Lucas and Katz (1994 as cited in Majid and Stapa, 2006)

claimed that for students with little or no proficiency in English, their L1 is the



students and teachers switch between the L1 and L2 when interacting with each

other (Grim, 2010, p. 194).


Context of the Study

The setting of the study is a university level where is in Satya Wacana

Christian University. Faculty of health sciences is chosen because the students‟

major is learn about nursing and health sciences, but they require to take English

in three beginning semesters. In first and second semesters the students from all

programs get IC, while third semester there is English for specific purposes

related to each programs. They learn English as a basic knowledge because most

of their textbooks use English. They can also use English to communicate if it is

needed. Even they learn English, but sometimes the teacher use Indonesian to

explain the materials.

Participants of the Study

Based on the arrangement by the Faculty of Health Sciences, the

participant of this study is an IC class; consist of around twenty students. The

participants take from intermediate level in Faculty of Health Sciences in Satya

Wacana Christian University. They already tested to place them in introduction or

intermediate level before the first semester begin. Most of the students come from

the East part of Indonesia and they are around twenty years old.

English is not commonly used by the students in the classrooms, especially

in teaching and learning process. According to English teacher in preliminary



The students get English courses at the three beginning semesters, but English is

not actively use to communicate with each other. So, it is allowed to use

Indonesian for teachers and students in English classes.

Instruments of Data Collection

To conduct this study, the writer used two methods that are questionnaires

and interviews. Questionnaires were given to twenty students to discover their

perceptions on the use of L1 by the teacher. Then, the writer also conducted

interviews to get specific and deeper information from the participants. In this

study, twenty students of IC class are required to answer several questions related

to the used of Indonesian by their teacher. They gave their perception whether L1

should be used or not.

First, close-ended questionnaires were used to get more specific data. The

questionnaire was adapted from Matsumoto (2010) to collect the data about

students‟ perception toward the teachers use of L1. He also used questionnaires to

collect the data about Japanese students‟ perception about the use of English by

the teachers. On the questionnaires, the students required to response whether they

agree or disagree about the teachers‟ use of Indonesian to explain the materials.

Second, the writer also conducted semi-structured interviews to give

relevant questions and informal interviews. Therefore, the writer contacted all the

participants to be interviewed and gave flexible questions to the interviewee

related to their explanation. Group focus discussion is used to conduct the

interview section because of the time limitation. The writer took five students in



on questionnaires, for example „Why do you agree that teachers should use

Indonesian only in classroom?‟. They were required to explain more and give

perceptions about their answers in the questionnaires before. Face-to face

interviews as part of group discussion were conducted to get more detail response

and explanation from the students according to their answers on questionnaires


Data Collection Procedures

The data for this study were collected by passing some procedures. Firstly,

the writer asked permission from the Faculty of Health Sciences‟ office,

especially the dean and the coordinator of English course. Their permission is

used to collect the data of IC class. Second, after getting permission, the writer

distributed the questionnaires to twenty students. Then, asked the students to

response to the questions are provided on the questionnaire sheets. Third, the

writer prepared for the interviews section. The writer contacted all the students to

be interviewed. Face-to face interview is used to get more explanation based on

the students‟ responses in the questionnaires before.

Data Analysis Procedures

The data were analyzed qualitatively. First, after got the data from

questionnaires the writer started to list how many students who agree and disagree

toward the teacher‟s use of Indonesian in English classroom based on their

responses. Second, after the interview process with the participants, the writer

transcribed the interview recording one by one. The writer used clean



made lists based on the data interviews. Then, it showed the students‟ perceptions

and their reasons whether they agree or disagree. From those data, the writer was

able to know the students‟ perceptions toward the teacher‟s use of L1.


This part discusses the finding of the study. The finding was about Faculty

of Health Sciences students‟ perceptions towards their teachers‟ use of first

language in the IC classrooms resulted from the questionnaires and interviews. It

also would discuss about the participants‟ perceptions whether L1 should be used

or not by their teachers.

“Saya tidak setuju, karena dia tidak selalu memakai bahasa Indonesia. Kadang-kadang pakai bahasa Inggris terus dicampur lagi dengan bahasa Indonesia.”

(I disagree because the teacher does not always use Indonesian. Sometimes, the teacher uses English and then switch to Indonesian.)

In addition, participant B also mentioned,

“Saya tidak setuju. Karena kalau di kelas saya dulu tidak pakai bahasa

Indonesia atau Inggris terus, karena campuran mahasiswa dari latar belakang pengetahuan yang beda-beda, tingkat pemahaman bahasa Inggris kita juga berbeda-beda. Jadi dikombinasi juga antara bahasa Indonesia dan bahasa Inggris.”

(I disagree. Because the teacher does not always use Indonesian or English only. They combined between Indonesian and English, since the students come from different background knowledge, that is means the students have different level in



The finding above shows that IC‟s teachers use both languages. The

teachers mix the languages between Indonesian and English to help the students‟

better understanding. As participant B mentioned that the students come from

different background knowledge, that is means the students have different level in

understanding English. The result shows that students‟ background knowledge was

a reason for teachers‟ using both languages.

B. Overall Result of Questionnaires (Question 2-8)

Based on the questionnaires, the result about Faculty of Health Sciences

students‟ perceptions towards teachers‟ use of first language in the IC‟s class are

presented in the chart below.

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Strongly Disagree





From the data of the study, each of the participants has their own

perceptions on the use of L1 by the teachers in the IC‟s classroom. The finding

shows that the highest number of responses stated on the “agree” part, that means

most of the participants perceive the use of L1 by their teachers in IC‟s class is

useful. Then, the lowest number of responses stated on the “strongly disagree”


C. Perceptions

1. Teachers’ use of L1 creates students’ confidence to join the lesson.

There are some perceptions toward the teachers use of L1 in L2

classroom. 10 participants (50%) perceive that their teachers‟ use of first

language has boosted their confidence in joining the lesson. In the

interview, the participants stated that they feel more comfortable when

their teachers use L1 in IC classroom. Participant C stated that,

“Di sini saya sangat setuju karena materi IC sangat susah, jadi kalau menggunakan bahasa Inggris akan lebih susah lagi dimengerti. Saya juga merasa lebih nyaman saat dosen menjelaskan menggunakan bahasa Indonesia. Nyamannya karena tidak ada rasa takut, misal nanti kalau pakai bahasa Inggris terus tidak mudeng jadi tidak bisa mengerjakan latihan-latihan dengan benar.”

(Here I strongly agree because IC is a hard subject, so when teachers use English, it will be harder to understand. I also feel more comfortable when teacher explains in Indonesian. I am not worried to gain better understand, because if the teachers use English maybe it will influence me to do the exercises.)

In the same line with participant C, participant D added,

“Saya setuju. Di samping saya juga bahasa Inggris saya juga kurang, jadi saya merasa nyaman. Karena lebih bisa berkomunikasi, kalau misalnya pakai bahasa Inggris dan kita mau coba ngomong bahasa Inggris rasanya berkecil hati dan malu untuk mengungkapkan. Jadi saya lebih nyaman kalau dosennya pakai bahasa Indonesia. Seperti untuk mengungkapkan ide saya atau tanya-tanya yang belum jelas. “



The students perceive their teachers‟ L1 use creates students‟

confidence to join the IC‟s class because it reduces students anxiety, in

Harbord (1992) also report the similar finding. Sometimes the students are

worried to teachers‟ L2 and they will have difficulties to understand their

teachers‟ explanation during the lesson.

Participant C and D similarly stated that their teachers‟ use of L1

can avoid their anxiety during the learning process. Sometimes the

teachers‟ use English most of the time, triggers students‟ anxiety as they

face difficulty in understanding teachers‟ explanation. As the result, the

students could not work on the exercise well because they have limited

information regarding what the teacher wants them to do.

The use of L1 can facilitate the learning process by creating the

less-anxiety classroom. It also creates students‟ confidence that can lead

the students to actively participate and communicate such as discuss the

material, to speak up their thought and ask about unclear material to the

teachers in the learning process.

2. Teachers should not use L1 all the time.

Based on the questionnaires, the result shows that most of the

participants support the teachers‟ L1. But, when they are asked about the

frequently of teachers‟ L1, most of the participants, 16 participants (80%)

perceive that their teachers should not use L1 all the time. As the

participant E mentioned that,



Sedikit-sedikit kita tahu bahasa Inggris, jadi harus sesekali memakai bahasa Inggris juga.”

(I disagree because IC is a part of English, so it will be not effective if the teachers only use Indonesian all the time. We could understand English a bit, so it will be better if the teachers sometime use English.)

Participant F added,

“Tidak setuju. Karena tujuan dari IC kan bahasa Inggris dan dimulai dari dasar dulu, jadi tidak terus-terusan pakai bahasa Indonesia. Walau mungkin kalau dosen pakai bahasa Indonesia kita akan lebih mengerti. Tapi karena tujuan dari IC kan bahasa Inggris jadi akan lebih baik kalau pakai bahasa Inggris.”

(Disagree because the purpose of IC is to learn English and we start from the

basic English‟s level. So, it will be better if the teachers use English.)

Participants‟ responses reveal that their IC‟s teachers should not

use L1 all the time. The participants perceive that IC is part of learning

English, it will be not effective when teachers explain the materials use

Indonesian only. Since the participants here in the English learning

process, it will be beneficial for the students if the teachers use English for

the purpose of exposing them to English. Therefore, teachers‟ L2 is

considered as a tool to help them in learning IC as part of English.

It is in line with what Turnbull (2001 as cited in Tsukamoto, 2011,

p.146) stated that too much use L1 in the IC class can reduce students‟

opportunity in learning English. The participants believe that they are quite

understand English, then IC‟s teachers should not use L1 only. The

purpose of IC‟s lesson is to learn English, so the participants perceive that

they could learn better if their teachers also use English.

The result above shows that the participants perceive that IC‟s

teachers should use both languages. The students are too much depending



impact is that too much depend on the L1 will give result fossilization of

an interlanguage (Selinker 2009 as cited in Kim & Petraki 1992).

Moreover, if the teachers too much use L1 in the L2‟s classroom, it

avoids students‟ opportunity to learn English. So, the real impact such as

the students will have difficulties to pronounce some words clearly in

English if they use L1 too much. L2 also should be existed during the IC

learning process because IC is part of English.

3. Teachers’ L1 use facilitates students’ better understanding.

Discussing about IC‟s teachers could use first language to help

students‟ understanding, 18 participants (90%) perceive that teachers‟ L1

use facilitates them with better understanding. Teachers‟ explanation is the

central part of teaching and learning process. The students‟ understanding

and achievement depend on how the teachers deliver the materials.

Because teaching is not only about teachers should know many things, but

they should know how to share their knowledge to the students.

Participant G expressed,

“Karena materi yang disampaikan dosen akan lebih mudah dicerna saat dosen menggunakan bahasa Indonesia. Karena materi IC adalah materi yang cukup sulit bagi kami.”

(It will gain better understanding when teachers explain using Indonesian because IC is quite hard for us.)

On the same perception participant H added,

“Setuju. Karena bahasa Indonesia kan bahasa yang sering kita gunakan sehari-hari, jadi kalau kita pakai bahasa itu kita pasti lebih mudah memahami dan enak juga untuk komunikasi dengan dosen. Kalau semua-semua pakai bahasa Inggris langsung panik duluan.”



The responses above reveal that teachers‟ L1 can help the students

to have deeper understanding toward the lesson. The participants

mentioned that IC is quite hard lesson. Their teachers‟ L1 could be a

helper in following IC‟s lesson. Then, the students get depper

understanding toward the teachers‟ explanation.

This result indicates that L1 serves the function of facilitating tools

to increase students‟ comprehension and minimize their confusion. From

the interview, participant I ever experienced that she was hard to

understand the material when the teachers use L2. She mentioned,

“Saya setuju karena saya pernah kurang memahami materi IC saat dosen menjelaskan dengan bahasa Inggris dan karena dosen terlalu cepat jadi kita menangkapnya kesulitan.”

(I ever experinced that it was difficult to understand the lesson when teachers use English in explaining. Sometimes, the teachers quite fast in speaking English, so it becomes harder to understand.)

Based on the interview with participant I, she was worried that she

cannot understand well through the teacher‟s explanation if the teachers

use English. If this case happens, the teachers‟ explanation will be hard to

understand by the students.

Since L1 can serve the facilitation to the students in IC learning

process, L1 could be used by the teachers to facilitate students‟ better


4. Teachers should use L1 to give clearer explanation.

12 participants (60%) perceive that their teachers should use L1 to

give them clear explanation. Using L1 would turn teachers‟ explanation


18 Participant J mentioned that,

“Karena ada beberapa materi yang sulit untuk dipahami walaupun itu menggunakan bahasa Indonesia, jadi kalau menggunakan bahasa Inggris akan lebih susah. Apalagi bahasa Inggris bukan bahasa keseharian jadi akan lebih mudah dipahami dengan bahasa Indonesia.”

(There are some materials that is hard to understand, even the teachers already

explained in Indonesian. So, it will be harder and harder if teachers‟ use English.

Since English is not our first language.) Similarly, participant K stated that,

“Saya sangat setuju. Karena kita kan juga masih tahap belajar, kita tidak tahu grammar-grammar yang sulit atau kata-kata yang sulit jadi dosen itu harus wajib menggunakan bahasa Indonesia walaupun hanya sesekali saja.”

(I strongly agree. Because we are in the learning process, we do not know about grammar or difficult words. So the teachers should use Indonesian occasionally to gives clear explanation.)

The responses show that sometimes the teachers‟ explanation in

English will be hard to understand, since English is not the participants‟

first language. The second one is that the participants are in the English

learning process. So, they perceive that their IC‟s teachers should use

Indonesian occasionally to give clearer explanation.

Even L1 is used occasionally, but L1 here provides a tool to help

the students in learning IC. The use of L1 in L2 classess does not only

hinder L2 learning but also it helps teaching and learning (Tang 2002).

The participants perceive there are some difficult materials that

should be explained in Indonesian. So, the existing of L1 in the IC lesson

will help the students in gaining more knowledge.

5. Teachers use L1 to explain grammar and difficult materials.

The majority of participants, 11 participants (55%) perceive that

their teachers use L1 to explain grammar and difficult materials during the



“Materi rumit itu jelas materi yang sulit untuk kita tangkap, jadi saya pribadi akan susah memahami jika dijelaskan dengan bahasa Inggris karena bahasa Indonesia adalah bahasa kita sendiri jadi akan lebih dimengerti. Apalagi grammar adalah tata bahasa yang harus benar-benar dipahami, karena jika sekali saja kita salah mengerti bisa berakibat salah seterusnya.”

(Of course we will hard to understand difficult material, so I my self will be difficult to understand it in English. It will be better if teachers explain it use our first language. Grammar is hard for me, the teachers should explain clearly. Because if we do not really understand, it will give bad impact for the future.) In addition, participant M stated,

“Setuju kalau misalkan menjelaskan grammar harus menggunakan bahasa Indonesia karena jangankan grammar kadang materi mudah pun sulit dipahami, apalagi grammar. Jadi mending menjelaskannya pakai bahasa Indonesia saja.”

(I agree of the grammar‟s explanation, the teachers use Indonesian. Because

sometimes, simple material can be difficult if the teachers explain in English. So, when the teachers will explain about grammar, they could use Indonesian.)

The participants above mentioned that grammar is very hard for

them. They perceive that their IC‟s teachers should use L1 to explain

grammar and difficult materials. Since grammar is very important for them,

so the teachers‟ explanation is very influence their understanding.

Indonesian used by the teachers is the best way to help them in learning


It relates to the fact that they view grammar as a difficult subject.

The use of L1 here could help the students appropriately to identify the

structure of each grammar points. Moreover, most of L1 used for grammar

instruction at beginning levels (Thompson (2006 as cited in Grim, 2010).

Then, L1 also can be useful for explaining grammar to the students (Cook


So, it is necessary for the teacher to use L1 when explaining

grammar to the students in order to help the students reduce their confusion



6. Teachers use L1 to explain the meaning of words.

10 participants (50%) perceive that IC‟s teachers use L1 to explain

the meaning of words. Participant N clearly stated that,

Akan lebih nyaman saat dosen menggunakan bahasa Indonesia karena itu bisa tepat sasaran. Contoh kata ini artinya ini, kalau pakai bahasa Inggris kita harus menelaah lagi untuk tahu artinya apa.”

(I prefer to use Indonesian because it will be straight to the main point. For example to explain the meaning of words because if the teachers explain in English, we should try to get what does it mean.)

On the similar thought, participant O mentioned,

“Saya setuju. Karena banyak kata sukar yang mungkin baru pertama kali kita dengar dan kita tidak mengerti ini artinya apa. Terus bahasa Inggris juga kebanyakan vocab jadi dosen harus sesekali menjelaskan maknanya pakai bahasa Indonesia.”

(I agree. Because there are many difficult words and that is the first time we hear it, of course we do not know the meaning. There are also many vocabularies, so the teachers sometimes could use Indonesian to explain it.)

The responses reveal that most of the participants perceive that L1

used by their teachers to explain the meaning of word, and it is in order to

give exact definition. The participants also mentioned that there are many

vocabularies and sometimes they do not understand the meaning. So, there

is no students‟ misunderstanding because the teachers already used L1 to

explain the meaning of words.

L1 here could facilitate the teachers in explaining new words to their

students, and it can be a helpful tool for explaining new words in the

classroom because it will not complicate the process of the students in

understanding the meaning of the words (Schweers 1999). By using L1 in

explaining the the meaning of words can avoid misunderstanding between

the students and the teacher in differentiate the the meaning of words



introduce new vocabulary (Reineman 2001 as cited in Stapa & Majid,


Since the meaning of words are important, it will be better to

explains it in Indonesian. When IC‟s teachers use L2 in explaining the

meaning of words, it will only complicate the process.

7. Teachers use L1 to answer students’ questions.

12 participants (60%) perceive that their teachers use first language

to answer students‟ question.

Participant P mentioned that,

“Karena kita bertanya itu karena kita belum jelas, jadi kalau dijawab dengan bahasa Inggris tambah tidak jelas. Jadi pakai bahasa Indonesia kita akan lebih mudah menangkap jawaban pastinya.”

(We ask question because we still do not understand the material, if teachers answer it in English it will be harder for us to understand. So, it will be better if

teachers answer the students‟ question use Indonesian.)

Participant Q added,

“Saya setuju. Kalau menggunakan bahasa Indonesia saat menjawab pertanyaan mahasiswa, jadi biar mahasiswanya tidak bingung dengan jawaban dosennya.”

( I agree. If the teachers use Indonesian to answer the students‟ questions, it will

help us to understand the teacher‟s answer.)

The participants perceive that their IC‟s teachers should use first

language to answer the students‟ question. The students‟ questions mean

that they have not understand the material yet. Therefore, teachers use of

L1 in order to answer the students‟ question can facilitate the students‟

deeper understanding about IC lesson. So, if the teachers answer it in L2



It implies what Van Lier (1995 as cited in Pan, 2010) who stated

that teachers‟ use of L1 here will give good inputs that is students are

easily to process the teachers‟ answer and increase their learning. L1

used by the teachers in order to answer students‟ questions can be a role

to help students to get deeper understand toward the teachers‟ answer

itself (Tang 2002 as cited in Afzal, 2013)..

Teachers‟ answers provided in Indonesian aim at avoiding

misunderstanding to the IC students. The participants will be easily to get

their teachers‟ answer. They are able to identify main points in teachers‟



This study investigated the students‟ perceptions of teachers‟ L1 in IC

classrooms. Questionnaires and interviews were used to collect the data.

Questionnaires were given by the writer to twenty Faculty of Health Sciences

students in Satya Wacana Christian University. Furthermore, twenty participants

were interviewed use focus group discussion. The aims of the study is to

investigate the students‟ perceptions toward the teachers‟ use of L1 in IC

classrooms at Faculty of Health Sciences in Satya Wacana Christian University.

The result from this study reveals that most of the students support the use

of L1 by the teachers in IC classrooms. They perceive that IC teachers use L1 for

different purposes. Teachers use L1 in order to creates students‟ confidence to

join the lesson, facilitates students‟ better understanding, give clearer explanation,



answer students‟ questions. The students also perceive that IC teachers should not

use L1 all the time during the lesson.

It was also found that the participants perceive that the use of L1 by the

teachers could create less-anxiety classroom that boosted students‟ confident and

led the students‟ participation in the classroom. Then, they also believed that L1

was a helpful tool for them since it could help them to understand the materials.

Therefore, the participants also perceive that teachers should not use Bahasa

Indonesia only. Teachers‟ L2 is considered as a tool to help them in learning IC as

part of English. Then, IC teachers should mix both languages between Bahasa

Indonesia and English.

The finding of the study reveals that most of the students perceive that

sometimes IC teachers should use L1 during the learning process to serve

different learning needs. Therefore, it may have possible implication to the

teachers who teach the students with different proficiency level. Thus, the teachers

should realize that they have freedom to choose which language to use in the

classroom interaction. Although the majority of the participants perceive that

sometimes IC teachers should use L1, but the teachers need to be aware of when

to use and not to use it. The teachers cannot always use L1 in all the time during

the lesson, but it should balance the portion of L1 and L2 in order to facilitate the

students in understanding the IC lesson.

This study also has the limitation which is the number of participants of

the study is small, only twenty students and might not represent the majority of IC



which are questionnaire and focus group interview. Later, further study can

develop by adding or changing the research instrument to give deeper findings

about the research of L1 use in the classroom.

Throughout this study, the writer realized that there are needs to develop a

further study and research related the use of first language in second language

classroom. Therefore, in the future, it is strongly recommended for those who

want to conduct a similar study, that they can do a similar research with a broader

scope involving more strategy in research (by observing the class). Overall, the

writer hopes that the findings on this study can be useful on how to manage in


25 References

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Students’ Faculty of Health Sciences Perceptions towards the Teachers Use of L1

Kepada :

Mahasiswa IC Fakultas Ilmu Kesehatan Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana.


Angket ini bukan merupakan suatu tes dan tidak berpengaruh terhadap hasil

belajar anda. Isilah angket ini tanpa ada perasaan khawatir, sebab tidak ada

jawaban yang benar dan salah. Jawablah dengan jujur sesuai dengan persepsi anda

sendiri. Jawaban anda bersifat pribadi dan dijaga kerahasiaannya.


1. Bacalah pernyataan-pernyataan di bawah ini dengan teliti.

2. Pilihlah jawaban yang paling sesuai dengan persepsi anda dengan cara memberi tanda cek (√) pada kolom pilihan.


27 materi yang dijelaskan saat

dosen IC menggunakan

Untuk wawancara yang bersangkutan dengan alasan-alasan anda mengenai

jawaban anda di atas, maka isilah biodata di bawah ini dengan lengkap.



Interview Protocol Interview Protocol :


Halo saya Wulan mahasiswa akhir dari fbs. Hari ini saya meminta bantuan

anda semua untuk wawancara tentang bahasa Indonesia yang dipakai oleh

dosen IC anda. Tentu saja ini berkaitan dengan judul skripsi saya dan hasil

wawancara anda akan sangat membantu saya.

Pertanyaan pembuka

1. Apa kabar semuanya? Apakah anda menyukai belajar bahasa inggris

terutama dalam mata kuliah IC?

2. Apakah dosen IC di kelas anda sering menggunakan bahasa Indonesia?

Pertanyaan inti

1. Apa alasan anda “sangat tidak setuju/ tidak setuju/ setuju/ sangat setuju”

apabila dosen IC anda selalu menggunakan bahasa Indonesia saat


2. Mengapa anda “sangat tidak setuju/ tidak setuju/ setuju/ sangat setuju”

jika anda merasa lebih nyaman saat dosen IC menggunakan bahasa


3. Mengapa anda “sangat tidak setuju/ tidak setuju/ setuju/ sangat setuju”

saat dosen IC harus menggunakan bahasa Indonesia sepanjang waktu saat

menjelaskan materi di kelas?

4. Apa alasan anda mengatakan bahwa anda “sangat tidak setuju/ tidak setuju/ setuju/ sangat setuju” dapat memahami materi yang dijelaskan saat dosen IC menggunakan bahasa Indonesia?

5. Apa alasan anda “sangat tidak setuju/ tidak setuju/ setuju/ sangat setuju”

saat dosen sesekali menggunakan bahasa Indonesia hanya untuk

memperjelas materi IC yang sedang dijelaskan kepada mahasiswa?

6. Mengapa anda “sangat tidak setuju/ tidak setuju/ setuju/ sangat setuju”

saat dosen IC harus menggunakan bahasa Indonesia untuk menjelaskan



7. Apa alasan anda sehingga anda “sangat tidak setuju/ tidak setuju/ setuju/ sangat setuju” saat dosen IC harus menggunakan bahasa Indonesia saat menjelaskan makna beberapa kata sukar?

8. Mengapa anda “sangat tidak setuju/ tidak setuju/ setuju/ sangat setuju”

bahwa dosen IC harus menggunakan bahasa Indonesia saat menjawab

pertanyaan tentang materi IC dari mahasiswanya.


Baiklah, demikian beberapa pertanyaan yang telah saya ajukan kepada


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