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Submitted to the English Department Faculty of Languages and Arts, State University of Medan, in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for

the Degree of Sarjana Sastra








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Arwy, Jimmi. An Analysis of Deixis in Raja Campur Sari of Didi Kempot’s Song. Faculty of Language and Arts. State University of Medan. 2013.




Alhamdulillah, all the praise, honor and power belong to Allah SWT, for

giving the writer blessing, mercy and endless love, especially in the process of

accomplishing this thesis to fulfill one of the requirements to obtain the Sarjana

degree from the English Department, Faculty of Languages and Arts, State

University of Medan.

In completing this thesis, the writer would like to express her gratitude to:

1. Her appreciation goes to the Rector of State University of Medan, Prof.

Dr. Ibnu Hajar Damanik, M.Si.

2. Her appreciation goes to the Dean of FBS, Dr. Isda Pramuniati, M.Hum.

3. Prof. Dr. Hj. Sumarsih, M.Pd., the Head of English Department, Dra.

Rahmah, M.Hum., the secretary of English Department, Dra. Meisuri,

M.A., the Head of Applied Linguistics program of English Department for

the suggestions and assistance in providing the academic administration

while the writer studied in the faculty, especially in the process of

completing this thesis

4. Dra. Sortha Silitonga, my thesis consultant, who has given so many

supports, patience guidance, and advices, also for being her mentor during

the process of accomplishing this thesis

5. Drs. Johan Sinulingga, as my guidence academy, who has given so many



6. All of the lecturers in English Department, especially for Sir. Immanuel

Prasetya Ginting, S.S., M.Hum., who gave taught and guidance her during

the academic year at the Faculty

7. Mam Enda, who has helped her providing the academic administration

8. Her beloved parents, her father, Jumingin and her mother, Marsiah, for

their prayers, love, care, encouragement, moral, spiritual and financial

supports. This thesis dedicated for them

9. Her beloved friends, Nindy, Leny, Icha, Faris, Anty, Sisna and all friends

of Applied Linguistics 2009 class A and B, thank’s for the friendship.

Especially for kak Tyas, bang James, thank you for the great help. It

means so much for the writer, and her beloved friends in her “Muslimah”

boarding house, Naya, kak Debby, kak Alni, Isma, Nurul, Ira, Susi, and


10.All the others whose name can not be mentioned one by one for their help

and support. Thanks for everything. May Allah bless us. Amin.

Medan, February 2013

The writer,


iv A. The Background of The Study ...1

B. The Problem of The Study ...3

C. The Objective of The Study ...3

D. The Scope of The Study ...4

E. The Significance of The Study ...4


F. Biography of Didi Kempot ...25

G. Raja Campur Sari ...26

H. The Language of Campursari ...27

I. The Background of The Song ...40


B. Source of Data ...42

C. The Technique for Collecting Data ...43




A. The Data ...44

B. Data Analysis ...45

1. Kopi Lampung ...46

2. Sentir Lengo Potro ...48

3. Kalung Emas ...49

4. Pingin Ngombe ...51

5. Ojo Sujono ...53

6. Jamu Jawa ...55

7. Aku Dudu Rojo ...57

8. Bojo Gemati ...59

9. Pitik Kampung ...61

10.Stasiun Balapan ...63

C. Research Findings ...65


B. Suggestions ...71






Table Page

4.1 The Proportion of Deixis in Raja Campur Sari ...45

4.2 The Calculating of the types of Deixis in the first song ...46

4.3 The Calculating of the types of Deixis in the second song ...48

4.4 The Calculating of the types of Deixis in the third song ...59

4.5 The Calculating of the types of Deixis in the fourth song ...51

4.6 The Calculating of the types of Deixis in the fifth song ...53

4.7 The Calculating of the types of Deixis in the sixth song ...55

4.8 The Calculating of the types of Deixis in the seventh song ...57

4.9 The Calculating of the types of Deixis in the eighth song ...59

4.10 The Calculating of the types of Deixis in the ninth song ...61




Page Appendix I ...77 Appendix II ...109




A. The Background of the Study

Communication has definition as the process of obtaining information or

expressing thought and feelings. Going by this definition, it is obvious that human

beings are naturally communicators. Communication is the act or activity of

conveying information for the purpose of creating a shared understanding. It’s

something that humans do every day. This activity is used to conveying

information through the exchange of thoughts, messages, or information. All

forms of communication require to the same basic elements, a speaker or sender

of information, a message, and an audience or recipient. The sender and recipient

must also share a common language or means of understanding each other for

communication to be successfull.

Language is used to express inner thoughts, emotions, and interactions in

both spoken and written communication. Spoken means the process of expressing

ideas and feelings or giving information is done orally. Writing is the

representation of a language in a text, like sign and symbols. It is done in writing

activity, such as in short story, article, poem, lyric, etc. Language has functions to

the purposes in which we use language to communicate.



We use language for a variety of formal and informal purposes, and

specific grammatical structures and vocabulary are often used with each language

function like compare and contrast, persuasion, asking questions, expressing likes

and dislikes, cause and effect, summarizing, sequencing, predicting,

agreeing/disagreeing, greeting people/introductions. Language is the most

fundamental aspects of human’s life, without language can not communicate


In understanding a language, it is related to pragmatics study. Pragmatics

is a study on the language expression in communicative situation to get some

meanings from the speakers. Therefore, pragmatics has a role in getting meanings.

In fact, all languages contain of small set of words whose meanings vary

systematically according to whom, where and when they are being used. The

study of pragmatics also relationship with deixis. The discussion of deixis has the

meaning of pragmatics because deixis is a part of pragmatics. According to Yule

(1996:9) states that deixis is a technical terms (from Greek) for one of the most

basic things we do with utterances. It means ‘pointing’ via language. By knowing

and understanding deixis, the reader can easily determine the aspects of deixis

such as person, spatial or place, temporal or time, social and discourse deixis.

The Song lyrics can be related in the deixis. Song lyric is the part of the

music that will express of the singer or writter fellings. Then, the song lyric divide

to many genres like pop, rock, jazz, dangdut, malay, javanese, and etc. The writer

would like to conduct a study of deixis and focuses on the analysis of deixis of



interest to be analyzed in the deixis. Many people like teenagers and adults know

that Didi so well. Because, he is a strenght background which he works hard to

build his dreams as a singer even he builds his career as beggar. He is the one of

the icons of campursari in Javanese song. With his creation, Didi Kempot make

campursari music become popular and interesting in Indonesia. So, the album

will be used as basic object. And, the first album had burst in the market. The

songs of "Cidro" and "Stasiun Balapan" which has become a hit song in the

community. The Album has around 1 million copies sold in market. So, the Deixis

in Didi Kempot’s songs will be very interesting to be explored. The writer will

used descriptive analysis with qualitative approach to collect the data of this


B. The Problem of the Study

The problems of the study can be formulated as the following:

1. What types of deixis used in Raja Campur Sari of Didi Kempot’s song?

2. What is the most dominant type of deixis used in Raja Campur Sari of

Didi Kempot’s song?

3. Why is the type dominantly used?

C. The Objective of the Study

Based on the problems of the study above, the objective of the study are:

1. To categorize the types of deixis that is used in Raja Campur Sari of Didi

Kempot’s song.

2. To find out the dominant type of deixis that is used in Raja Campur Sari



3. To find out the accurate reason of the dominant type of deixis that is used

in Raja Campur Sari of Didi Kempot’s song.

D. The Scope of the Study

There are so many songs in Raja Campur Sari of Didi Kempot’s song in 1999.

The writer will focused only 10 titles in album as the scope of this study. This

study will describe five types of deixis based on Cruse (2000:319) adds that they

are person deixis, spatial deixis, temporal deixis, discourse deixis and social


E. The Significance of the Study

This study is expected to give a meaningful contribution to linguistics study

especially in the field of pragmatics. It is expected that the findings of the study

will be useful for:

1. The lecturer/teacher: to investigate on deixis will add the variation of

teaching deixis, especially deixis used in song.

2. Students: especially for the English Department Students who are

studying linguistics, to enlarge their knowledge about deixis especially to

identify the types of deixis used.

3. Readers: to get knowledge about deixis theory. It would be more easy to

readers to identify the types of deixis in song.

4. Other researchers: are expected as a comparison for their further research

on the same topic. At least as a resource, especially for their reasearch that





A. Conclusions

After analyzed the use of deixis in Raja Campur Sari, can be

conclude that:

1. Based on the analysis of the data on song lyrics of Raja Campur Sari, it

can be conclude that there are five types of deixis found in the Raja

Campur Sari, they are person deixis, spatial deixis, temporal deixis,

social deixis and discourse deixis. It consists of 136 person deixis, 67

spatial deixis, 66 temporal deixis, 82 discourse deixis, and 52 social


2. The percentages of each type of deixis used in that song lyrics are

33.7% for person deixis, 16.6% for spatial deixis, 16.4% for temporal

deixis, 20.3% for discourse deixis, and 13% for social deixis. The type

of deixis is dominantly used in the song lyrics is person deixis with

total 136 or 33.7%. The deictic word ‘aku’ is dominantly used in the

song lyrics than others, because he/the singer mostly wrote his own

experiences, feelings and emotions inside human being into the song

lyrics. The result implies that person deixis especially ‘aku’ plays a

great role in the song.



Didi Kempot used the all deixis of ‘aku’, ‘kowe’, ‘mas’, ‘bojo’,

‘neng/ning’, ‘mung’, ‘iki’, ‘dek/dik’, ‘pelayane’, and etc, into the song

lyrics he used language that is more simple and more explicit

language, because ‘aku’, ‘kowe’, ‘mas’, ‘bojo’, ‘neng/ning’, ‘mung’,

‘iki’, ‘dek/dik’, ‘pelayane’, and etc, it is the language medium which

used by Didi Kempot into the song lyrics were enjoyed by the listener

of the medium class.

B. Suggestions

Based on the result of the study, the following suggestions are:

1. Lecturer/teacher: it is better for the English lecturer/teacher to

investigate deixis that will add the variation of teaching deixis to the


2. Students: it is better for the students to enlarge their knowledge about

deixis especially to identify the types of deixis. It is hoped that they

can move easily to understand the meaning of the song lyrics.

3. Readers: it will be easier for the readers to understand the story and

make them more interested in understanding the meaning of the song.

4. Other researchers: these findings can be applied by other researchers to



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