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Keanekaragaman Myrtaceae di Taman Nasion (1)


Academic year: 2018

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STIPER 2008 ISSN 2085 - 2282

Keanekaragaman Myrtaceae di Taman Nasional Kutai Kalimantan Timur

Nanang Sasmita, Lina Yusniati, Indriyatno


Myrtaceae Family were easy to find, can be found anywhere, because this species is able to live and grow in conditions, any good place to grow it in dry conditions or swamp. Family Myrtaceae has 7 clans where each clan made up of hundreds of species, either in the form of trees and herbs. Among the seven genera that have been widely known commercially valuable species (both from the tree, fruit or leaves), however there are many more types of unknown commercial value. In addition, the type of family Myrtaceae also serve as conservation. The purpose of this study was to determine the level of presence in the area of family Myrtaceae Nature Tourism Sangkima Kutai National Park. In this research, take inventory of plant species from the Myrtaceae family by measuring the diameter to classify vegetation into the level of seedlings, saplings, poles, trees. Data from the field, processed to calculate critical value type (NPJ), SDRn, index of species diversity (H) to indicate the level of stability and evenness index (e) to determine the individuals are distributed evenly on the type of -types in attendance. The result showed that the types of family Myrtaceae with the presence of as many as 18 species with the following details; Rhodamnia cinereata, Syzigium polyantum, Syzugium tawahense, Syzigium nemestrimum, Syzigium hoseanum, Syzigium tetraptermum, Syzigium glaucum, Syzigium hirtum, Syzigium nitidulum, Syzigium rostadonis, Syzigium scalarnervi, syzigium leucoxylum, Syzigium zeylanicum, Syzigium curtisii, Syzigium boxifolium, Syzigium tetrapterum, Syzigium sp1 and Syzigium sp 2. SDR with the highest seedling is a type Syzigium nemestrimum 29.10 value, for the SDR with the highest stake Rhodamnia cinereata with value 129.65. NP with the highest pole Syzigium hertum with NP 36.36863. And at the tree level Syzigium zeylanicum with NP 61.73. Contained the highest diversity index at the pole with a 0.96 in value and evenness indices are at the level of the pole with a 0.72 in value.


STIPER 2008 ISSN 2085 - 2282


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