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Academic year: 2018



Teks penuh




Untuk contoh penjumlahan di atas, ada berbagai cara untuk mengucapkan operasi bilangan tersebut. Cara tersebut dibagi menjadi tiga yaitu : one plus two is three, one plus two equals to three, dan one added by two equals to three.

Operasi pengurangan


Untuk pengoperasian perkurangan seperti yang sudah dicontohkan di atas, Anda bisa

mengucapkannya dengan beragam cara. Salah satunya adalah : two minus one is one. Selain itu, ada berbagai cara lainnya yaitu two minus one equals to one, two less one is one, dan two substracted by one is one.

Operasi perkalian


Sama halnya dengan contoh sebelumnya, jika pengoperasian bilangan matematika bisa diucapkan dalam berbagai cara. Operasi perkalian pun memiliki cara yang bermacam-macam yaitu : three times three is nine, three times three equals to nine, dan three multipled by three is nine.

Operasi pembagian


Untuk operasi pembagian sendiri, cara pengucapan operasi bilangan matematikanya adalah nine divided by three is three. Cara lain dalam pengucapannya yaitu : nine divided by three equals to three.

Operasi pangkat

Dalam operasi pangkat, cara mengucapkannya cukup mudah. Contoh 2 pangkat 2 berarti bisa diucapkan dengan cara : four squared is four.

Operasi akar

Sedangkan dalam operasi akar di bilangan matematika sendiri, Anda bisa menggunakan kata ‘squared root of’. Contohnya akar 9 adalah 3. Maka pengucapannya adalah : squared root of nine is three.


– Division : Pembagian – Multiplication : Perkalian

– Associative principle : Sifat asosiatif – Commutative principle : Sifat komutatif

– Least common multiple : Kelipatan persekutuan terkecil (KPK) – Greatest common divisor : Faktor persekutuan terbesar (FPB) – Fraction : Pecahan

– Equality and inequality of ratio numbers : Pecahan-pecahan yang senilai dan tidak senilai – Mixed rational number : Pecahan campuran

– Decimals : Desimal

– The operations of decimal : Operasi bilangan desimal – The number line : Garis bilangan

– Scientific notation : Bentuk baku – Powers of numbers : Pangkat bilangan – Algebraic forms : Bentuk aljabar – Inverse proportion : Perbandingan berbalik harga – Lines : Garis – Union of sets : Gabungan himpunan – Intersection of sets : Irisan himpunan

– Complement of a set : Komplemen suatu himpunan – Venn diagrams : Diagram venn

Learning Mathematic With English

A. Mathematical Symbols


symbols Meaningful mathematics statement symbolsMath Meaningful mathematics statement

≡ identically equal ¥ an infinity sign

≅ congruent with x ∈ X an element x belongs to a set X

∼ approximately x ∉ X an element x doesn’t belong to a

set X

≠ not equal to X ⊂ Y a set X is a subset of a set Y ≤ less than or equal to X ∪ Y a union of sets X and Y ≥ greater than or equal to X ∩ Y an intersection of sets X and Y

∧ logical and + plus sign/added by

∨ logical or - minus sign/subtracted by

∀ for all ´ multiplication/multiplied by


Σ n-ary summation Ö square root/radical sign

Ð Angle ^ orthogonal to/perpendicular

N the set of natural numbers p pi = 3,14159…

Z the set of whole numbers (integers) ! factorial

R the set of real numbers ∫ integral

Æ an empty set [a,b] a numerical sign

B. How to say number and symbols

Number forms Number forms in English

1 digit number 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 zero, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine 2 digit number 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17,

18, 19, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90

ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety

3 digit number 100, 300, 500, ... one hundred, three hundred, five hundred, .. 4 digit number 2000, 4000, … two thousand, four thousand, ...

5 digit number 10 000, 30 000, ... ten thousand, thirty, thousand,...

6 digit number 300 000 three hundred thousand

7 digit number 5 000 000 five million

8 digit number 30 000 000 thirty million

9 digit number 500 000 000 five hundred million 10 digit number 2 000 000 000 two billion

C. How to say fraction

Generally, we can say a fraction sign (ex: a:b or a/b) with word ‘over’, for example: a. 37:5 , it should be said as ‘thirty seven over five’.

b.3:7 , it should be said as ‘three over seven’

Note : The upper part of fraction called a numerator, the lower part of a fraction called a denominator.

c. Some fractions already have a designated name, but the value of the numerator should not more than the value of the denominator.

Example: ½ is half

x:3 is x-third; one-third, two-thirds, not five-thirds

x:4 is x-quarter; one-quarters, three-quarters, not seven-quarters x:5 is x-fifth; one-fifth, two-fifths, three-fifths, not nine-fifths

D. How to say mathematical expression


25 + 352 = 377 Twenty five plus three hundred and fifty two is three hundred and seventy seven 45 – 56 = -11 Forty five minus fifty six is negative eleven

3 × 7 = 21 Three multiplied by seven is twenty one 24 : 6 = 4 Twenty four divided by six is four

43 = 64 Four raised to the power of three is sixty four or four cubed is sixty four

Ö625= 25 The square root of six hundred and twenty five is twenty five

3Ö64 = 4 The cube root of sixty four is four or the third root of sixty four is four 3Ö32 = 2 The fifth root of thirty two is two

x + y = 12 x plus y is twelve

x = y – 10 The value of x is equal to the value of y minus t x < y + 3 The value of x is less than the value of y plus three

E. Mathematics In English termsBuild Flat Forms in English:


– Bilangan Bulat = Integers (Z)

– Bilangan Asli = Natural number (N)

– Bilangan Cacah = Whole number (W)

– Bilangan Genap = Even number

– Bilangan Ganjil = Odd number

– Penjumlahan = Addition

– Pengurangan = Subtraction

– Pembagian = Divisio

– Perkalian = Multiplication

– Sifat asosiatif = Associative principle

– Sifat komutatif = Commutative principle

– Kelipatan persekutuan terkecil (KPK) = Least common multiple – Faktor persekutuan terbesar (FPB) = Greatest common divisor

– Pecahan = fraction

– Pecahan-pecahan yang senilai dan tidak senilai = Equality and inequality of rational numbers

– Pecahan campuran = Mixed rational number

– Desimal = Decimals

– Operasi bilangan desimal = The operations of decimals

– Garis bilangan = The number line

– Bentuk baku = Scientific notation

– Pangkat bilangan = Powers of numbers

– Bentuk aljabar = Algebraic forms

– Aritmatika sosial = Social arithmetic

– Persamaan linier = Linear equations

– Variabel = Variable

– Pertidaksamaan linier = Linear inequalities

– Modulus (Pengayaan) = Enrichment

– Perbandingan = Proportion

– Pembilang = Numerator

– Penyebut = Denominator

– Perbandingan seharga = Direct proportion – Perbandingan berbalik harga = Inverse proportion


– Sudut = Angles

– Derajat = Degrees

– Keliling = Circumference

– Luas = Area

– Sisi = Side

– Sudut dalam = Interior angle

– Himpunan = Sets

– Himpunan semesta = Universal set

– Gabungan himpunan = Union of sets

– Irisan himpunan = Intersection of sets – Komplemen suatu himpunan = Complement of a set

– Diagram Venn = Venn diagrams

– Himpunan-himpunan yang sama = Equal sets – Himpunan-himpunan yang ekuivalen = Equivalent sets – Himpunan-himpunan yang saling lepas (Saling asing) = Disjoint sets – Acute angle = sudut lancip

– Alternate exterior angle = sudur luar berseberangan – Alternate interior angle = sudur dalam berseberangan – Arc = busur


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