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T BP 1007126 Bibliography


Academic year: 2017

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Andi Kiswanto, 2014

PROGRAM BIMBINGAN KARIER UNTUK MENGEMBANGKAN IDENTITAS KARIER MAHASISWA Uni vers i ta s Pendi di ka n Indones i a | repos i tory.upi .edu | perpus ta ka a n.upi .edu


ABKIN. (2007). Rambu-rambu P enyelenggaraan Bimbingan dan Konseling dalam jalur pendidikan formal. Jakarta: ABKIN

Adams. Gerald R., Thomas P. Gullota & Raymond Montemayor. (1992).

Adolescent Identity F ormation. London: SAGE Publications.

Archer, Sally L. (1994). Interventions for Adolescent Identity Development.

London: SAGE Publications.

Arikunto, Suharsimi. (2006). P rosedur P enelitian: Suatu P endekatan P raktek. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta.

Bee, Helen L. & Sandra K. Mitchell. (1984). The Developing P erson (A Life Span Approach): Second Edition. New York: Harper & Row, Publisher.

Borg, W.R. & Gall, M.D. (2003). Educational Research: An Introduction. London: Longman, Inc.

Brown, Duane & Associates. (2002). Career Choice and Development. San Francisco: Jossey Bass, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Brown, Steven D. & Robert W. Lent. (2005). Career Development and Counseling. Canada: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Creswell, John W. (1994). Research Design: Qualitative & Quantitative Approaches. London: SAGE Publications.

Dahlan, Syarifudin. (2010). Model Konseling Karier untuk Memantapkan P ilihan Karier Konseli. Desertasi SPs UPI Bandung.

Furqon. (2002). Statistika Terapan untuk P enelitian. Bandung: Alfabeta.

Gardiner, Ben, Karen Vaughan and Josie Roberts. (2006). Young P eople P roducing Career And Identities. New Zealand Council for Educational Research

Geldenhuys, Johanna & Naydene de Lange. (2007). Career identities of first-year female coloured students. South African Journal of Education.


Andi Kiswanto, 2014

PROGRAM BIMBINGAN KARIER UNTUK MENGEMBANGKAN IDENTITAS KARIER MAHASISWA Uni vers i ta s Pendi di ka n Indones i a | repos i tory.upi .edu | perpus ta ka a n.upi .edu

Gothard, Bill. et al. (2001). Career Guidance in Context. London: Sage Publications Ltd.

Greenhaus, Jeffrey H. & Gerrard A. Callanan. (2006). Encyclopedia of Career Development. London: Sage Publications Ltd.

Gysbers, Norman C. & Henderson, Patricia. (2006). Developing & Managing Your School Guidance and Counseling P rogram. (4th ed.). Alexandria USA: ACA.

Harvard Graduate School Of Education. (2011). P athways to P rosperity. United States of America.

Heinz, Walter R. (2010). Vocational Identity and F lexible Work: A Contradicting or Constructive Relation? . Germany: University of Bremen.

Herr, E. L. & Crammer, S. H. (1984). Career Guidance and Counseling Through the Life Span. Toronto: Little, Brown & Company.

Hurlock, Elisabeth B. (1996). P sikologi P erkembangan (suatu pendekatan sepanjang rentang kehidupan). Jakarta: Erlangga.

Hirschi, A. (2011). Relation of vocational identity statuses to interest structure among Swiss adolescents. Journal of Career Development, 38(5), 390 - 407.

_______. (2012). Vocational Identity Trajectories: Differences In P ersonality And Development Of Well-Being. European Journal of Personality, 26(1), 2-12.

Hirschi, A., & Herrmann, A. (2012). Vocational Identity Achievement As A Mediator Of P resence Of Calling And Life Satisfaction. Journal of Career Assessment, 20(3), 309-321.

Kartini, Titin. (2000). Hubungan P ola Interaksi Guru Bk Dalam Layanan Bimibingan Karir Dan Kemandirian Dengan Eksplorasi Dan Komitmen Identitas Vokasional Remaja Akhir. Bandung: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Padjadjaran – Tesis. Tidak diterbitkan.

Kidd, Jennifer M. (2006). Understanding Ca reer Counseling. London: Sage Publications Ltd.

Kielhofner, G. (2007). Model of Human Occupation: Theory and application. Baltimore: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

Lancaster, Brian P. (2006). Person-Environment


Andi Kiswanto, 2014

PROGRAM BIMBINGAN KARIER UNTUK MENGEMBANGKAN IDENTITAS KARIER MAHASISWA Uni vers i ta s Pendi di ka n Indones i a | repos i tory.upi .edu | perpus ta ka a n.upi .edu

Development Of Young Adults:

Converging Two Theories Of Career

D e v e l o p m e n t . Texas: Dissertation A&M University

LaPointe, Kirsi. (2010). Narrating Career, P ositioning Identity: Career Identity As A Narrative P ractice. Finland: Journal of Vocational Behavior Aalto University.

Law, Bill. (2010). Career Learning Theory. [online]


Lerner, Richard M. & David F. Hultsch. (1983). Human Development (A Life Span P erspective). New York: McGraw Hill Book Company.

Malanchuk, M., Messersmith, E. E., & Eccles, J. S. (2010). The Ontogeny Of Career Identities In Adolescence. [online]


Marcia, J. E. et al. (1993). Ego Identity. New York: Springer.

McCoy, Thadtisha Andrea. (2004). Vocational Identity Among Transfer Students: A Descriptive Study The Using My Vocational Situation Instrument .

University of Maryland.

McElrath III, Bertel J. (2011). Career and Identity Development: Bringing Erikson, Marcia and Adler into the 21st Century. Researched Paper presented to The Faculty of the Adler Graduate School.

McMahon, Mary & Wendy Patton. (2006). Career Counselling: Consructivist Approaches. London and New York: Routledge.

Meeus, W. (1993). Occupational identity development, School P erformance, and social support in adolescence: F indings of a Dutch Study. Adolescence, 28, 809-818.

Meijers, F. (1998). The Development of Career Identity. University of Leiden, Department of Adult Education, Netherlands: International Journal for the Advancement of Counselling

Nazar, Gabriela. The Ca reer Identity Concept And The Narrative Approach To Ca reer. Scotland: Working Paper of University of Edinburgh.

Natawidjaja, Rochman. (1988). P eran Guru dalam Bimbingan di Sekolah.


Andi Kiswanto, 2014

PROGRAM BIMBINGAN KARIER UNTUK MENGEMBANGKAN IDENTITAS KARIER MAHASISWA Uni vers i ta s Pendi di ka n Indones i a | repos i tory.upi .edu | perpus ta ka a n.upi .edu

Nurihsan, A. Juntika. (2002). P engantar Bimbingan dan Konseling. Bandung: Jurusan PPB FIP UPI dan UPT LBK UPI.

Papalia, et. al. (2008). Human Development (P sikologi P erkembangan): Bagian V-IX. Jakarta: Kencana P renada Media Group.

Polivka, Stephen E. (2007). Career Identity Development and The F ive F actor Model. Indiana: Thesis Ball State University.

Raskin, Patricia M., (1989). Identity Status Research: Implications for career counseling. Journal of Adolescence, 12, 375-388.

Riduwan. (2004). Belajar Mudah P enelitian untuk Guru-Karyawan dan P eneliti P emula. Bandung: Alfabeta.

Santrock, J. W. (2002). Life-Span Development-P erkembangan Masa Hidup. Editor: Wishnu Chandra. Jakarta: Erlangga.

Sawitri, Dian Ratna. (2010). P engaruh Status Identitas Dan Efikasi Diri Keputusan Karir Terhadap Keraguan Mengambil Keputusan Karir P ada Mahasiswa Tahun P ertama Di Universitas Diponegoro. Semarang:


Schwartz, et. al. (2010). Handbook of Identity Theory and Research (Volume 1 Structures and P rocesses). New York: Springer.

Sharf, Richard S. (1992). Applying Career Development Theory To Counseling. California: Brooks/Cole Publishing company.

Skorikov, V. & Vondracek, F. W. (1998). Vocational Identity Development: Its relationship to other identity domains and to overall identity development. Journal of career assessment, 6, 13-35.

_______. (2007). Vocational Identity: career

development in childhood and

a d o l e s c e n c e . Rotterdam: Sense Publisher.

Slay, Holly Selena. (2006). The Influence Of Career

Identity And Social Networks On

Career Transition Magnitude. Dissertation of the University of Maryland.


Andi Kiswanto, 2014

PROGRAM BIMBINGAN KARIER UNTUK MENGEMBANGKAN IDENTITAS KARIER MAHASISWA Uni vers i ta s Pendi di ka n Indones i a | repos i tory.upi .edu | perpus ta ka a n.upi .edu

Song, C., Glick, J. E. (2004). College Attendance And Choice Of College Majors Among Asian-American Students. Social science wuarterly. Austin.

Sugiyono. (2008). Metode P enelitian P endidikan. Bandung: alfabeta.

Suherman, Uman. (2007). Manajemen Bimbingan dan Konseling. Bekasi: Madani.

_______. (2013). Bimbingan dan Konseling Karir: Sepanjang Rentang Kehidupan.

Suherman, Uman, Sudaryat N.A. dan Dadang S. (2013). P engembangan Konseling Karir Model Holland Untuk mengoptimalkan P embentukan Identitas Vokasi Siswa SMK. Laporan Tahunan Penelitian Unggulan Perguruan Tinggi Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia.

Supriatna, Mamat. (2009). Layanan Bimbingan Karir Di Sekolah Menengah. Bandung: departemen pendidikan nasional.

Surya, M. (2003). P sikologi Konseling. Bandung: Bani Quraisy.

Suryabrata, Sumadi. (2005). P engembangan Alat Ukur P sikologis. Yogyakarta: CV. Andi.

Taylor, Jacqueline A. (2008). The construction of identities through narratives of Occupations. United Kingdom: University of Salford.

Tiedeman, D. V. and O’Hara, R. P. 1963. Career Development: Choice and Adjustment. New York: College Entrance Examination Board.

Trög, Jenni. (2010). Study Abroad And Career Identity: Three Narratives Of English Language Students’ Journeys To English-Speaking Countries.

English: Thesis of University of Jyväskylä.

Vaughan, Karen, Josie Roberts & Ben Gardiner. (2006). Young P eople P roducing Careers and Identities. New Zealand: Wellington.

Vondracek, F. W. (1995). Vocational Identity Across The Life Span: A Developmental-Contextual P erspective On Achieving Self-Realization Through Vovatioanl Careers. Man and work, 6, 85-93.

Wang, Yishu. (2009). The Impact of Career Identity on Career Development.


Andi Kiswanto, 2014

PROGRAM BIMBINGAN KARIER UNTUK MENGEMBANGKAN IDENTITAS KARIER MAHASISWA Uni vers i ta s Pendi di ka n Indones i a | repos i tory.upi .edu | perpus ta ka a n.upi .edu


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