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Directory UMM :Data Elmu:jurnal:A:Atherosclerosis:Vol154.Issue1.Jan2001:


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Atherosclerosis 154 (2001) 237 – 238

Letter to the Editors


Subepicardial adipose tissue in human coronary atherosclerosis: another neglected phenomenon

In a recent paper in Atherosclerosis, Scher [1] pre-sented an intriguing viewpoint about one neglected phenomenon: absence of atherosclerosis in intramy-ocardial coronary arteries. Scher discussed the differ-ence in susceptibility to atherosclerosis between proximal and intramyocardial segments, focusing on myocardial contraction protection against the transfer of circulating LDL and monocytes into the intima. Anatomically, one may speculate that both intramy-ocardial arteries and tunneled (overbridged by myocar-dial fibers) epicarmyocar-dial arteries possess, in addition to tunica intima, media, and adventitia, tunica cardiomus-cularis. If Scher’s viewpoint is a ‘likely’ hypothesis ([1], his Discussion, p. 3), could transplantation of tunica cardiomuscularis protect epicardial coronaries from atherosclerosis? Whatever the mechansim of atheroscle-rosis resistance of intramyocardial and overbridged coronary arteries, Scher neglected another phe-nomenon: the potential role of subepicardial adipose tissue (SEAT) in coronary atherosclerosis. This issue is discussed rarely, also by other authors. Another ne-glected phenomenon? Here we focus on it. The adipose tissue surrounding the most atherosclerosis-prone seg-ment of the coronary artery, that is, the most proximal part of its left anterior descending (LAD) branch, is, in fact, the SEAT. In 1933, Smith and Willius [2] have pointed out a functional relationship between the SEAT and the LAD coronary artery, and stated that SEAT is ‘not a passive storehouse for fat’. The past 5 years have seen an exponential growth in the under-standing of endocrine and paracrine secretory function of adipose tissue [3 – 5], in addition to its role in lipid and energy homeostasis. The principle difference be-tween SEAT and adipose tissue elsewhere in the body is its greater capacity for free fatty acid (FFA) release and uptake, thus acting as a local energy supply for the heart and/or as a buffer against toxic levels of FFA [2]. Neglected for nearly 60 years, the possible involvement of SEAT in atherosclerosis has been, at long last, currently addressed (reviewed in [5]). These findings taken together demonstrate an increase number of both lymphocytes and mast cells, and neovascularization.

That is, an inflammatory response-to-injury, originally described by Russell Ross in the intima, may also occur in the ‘atherosclerotic’ SEAT. Probably, SEAT should not be considered an innocent bystander, but a paracrine, SEAT-to-adventitia player in coronary atherosclerosis. One thing appears to be certain: to further elucidate the role of SEAT in atherogenesis, we should no longer, as hitherto, ‘carefully’ cut it from the artery wall, but keep it attached and in place, and subject to thorough examination. One could also see small bundles of cardiomyocytes scattered in SEAT, in human coronary atherosclerosis (our unpublished ob-servations). Could that be, in sense of Scher’s view-point, a natural compensatory reaction, an attempt of myocardial fibers to overbridge the coronary artery? Another important reason for SEAT to be studied in atherosclerosis is the close association of the coronary vasculogenesis with epicardial development [6,7], show-ing that coronary smooth muscle cells (SMC) distin-guish themselves ontologically, structurally and functionally as compared with SMC in other great blood vessels. This is implicated in an increased suscep-tibility of the coronary artery to atherosclerosis [7]. However, the question arises as to whether SEAT may also contribute to that? Because macrophage colony-stimulating factor (MCSF) is a potent adipogenic factor [8], it is possible for the decreased atherosclerosis found in mice deficient in both MCSF and apolipoprotein E [9] to be mediated, at least in part, via a decreased growth of adipose tissue and/or a loss of passage of MCSF’s atherogenic signals from the artery-associated adipose tissue into the artery wall. It is also noteworthy that (i) leptin [10] and other adipose tissue-secreted molecules (adipocytokines, adipokines) [3,5], such as plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 [3,4], adiponectin [3], tissue factor [4], transforming growth factor-b [4], and nerve growth factor ([11]; also the manuscript submit-ted to Atherosclerosis), are implicated in atherogenesis, and (ii) lipidsoluble substances may accumulate in SEAT, and hence related to ischemic myocardial events [12]. We propose a comprehensive evaluation of SEAT-derived adipokines. Besides various adipokines with atherogenic potentials [3 – 5] adipose tissue secretes es-trogens [13] and adiponectin [3], and accumulates carotenoids and tocopherols [14]; all these molecules


G.N.Chaldako6et al. 238

may exert an antiatherogenic action. Learning more about the balance between such pro- and antiathero-genic molecules, SEAT may appear to be an important therapeutic target in coronary atherosclerosis.

Because advanced intimal lesions lead to luminal narrowing, resulting in infarction, the intima is prevail-ingly considered the most important vascular area in-volved in atherosclerosis. However, it may be much more than that. The involvement of adventitia has received recently an increasing attention (reviewed in [5]). If signals [15] and cells [16] can be translocated from the adventitia into the intima, and hence lead to intimal lesions, then why not look for similar reactions from the SEAT? Supportively, coronary artery-associ-ated pericardium also reveals an inflammatory reaction in advanced atherosclerotic lesions (our unpublished observation). And pericardial fluid contains various biologically active molecules which can influence coro-nary artery biology [17]. In sum, it is better to appreci-ate the coronary artery neighbours, both myocardium and SEAT, than neglect them.


The support by the Institute of Neurobiology, CNR, Rome, Italy is acknowledged.


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[4] Loskutoff DJ, Fujisawa K, Samad F. The fat mouse. A powerful genetic model to study hemostatic gene expression in obesity/ NIDDM. Ann N Y Acad Sci 2238;902:272 – 81.

[5] Chaldakov GN, Fiore M, Ghenev PI, Stankulov IS, Aloe L. Atherosclerotic lesions: possible interactive involvement of in-tima, adventitia and associated adipose tissue. Int Med J 2000;7:43 – 9.

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[8] Levine JA, Jensen MD, Eberhardt NL, O’Brien T. Adipocyte macrophage colony-stimulating factor is a mediator of adipose tissue growth. J Clin Invest 1998;101:1557 – 64.

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[10] Kang SM, Kwon HM, Hong BK, et al. Expression of leptin receptor (Ob-R) in human atherosclerotic lesions: potential role in intimal neovascularization. Yonsei Med J 2000;41:68 – 75. [11] Chaldakov GN, Properzi F, Ghenev PI, Fiore M, Stankulov IS,

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[12] Strejc P, Gross R, Buchta M. Polychlorinated biphenyls in human subepicardial fat. Soud Lek 1997;42:2 – 4 in Czech. [13] Bulun SE, Sharda G, Rink J, Sharma S, Simpson ER.

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[15] Fukumoto Y, Shimokawa H, Ito A, et al. Inflammatory cytoki-nes cause coronary arteriosclerosis-like changes and alterations in the smooth-muscle phenotypes in pigs. J Cardiovasc Pharma-col 1997;29:222 – 31.

[16] Shi Y, Patel S, Niculescu R, Chung W, Desrochers P, Zalewski A. Role of matrix metalloproteinases and their inhibitors in the regulation of coronary cell migration. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol 1999;19:1150 – 5.

[17] Selmeci L, Antal M, Horkay F, et al. Enhance accumulation of pericardial fluid ferritin in patients with coronary artery disease. Coron Artery Dis 2000;11:53 – 6.

George N. Chaldakov, Ivan S. Stankulov,

Department of Forensic Medicine,

Di6ision of Electron Microscopy,

Medical Uni6ersity,

BG-9002 Varna,


Luigi Aloe

Institute of Neurobiology,

CNR, Rome,


E-mail: chaldakov@yahoo.com


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