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T BK 1303266 Bibilography


Academic year: 2017

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Adams, David. (2000). Toward a global movement for a culture of peace. Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology, 6(3), 259–266. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.

Aryani, Farida. (2009). Model pendidikan damai dan hak asasi manusia (pd-ham)

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Barash, David P. & Webel, Charles. P. (2014). Peace and conflict studies (third edition). Sage Publication. Tersedia di http://www.sagepub.com/upm-data/55624_Chapter_1.pdf

Bar-Tal, Daniel & Rosen, Yagial. (2009). Peace education in societies involved in intractable conflicts: Direct and Indirect Models. Journal Tersedia di : http://rer.sagepub.com/content/79/2/557 [2 Mei 2013]

Bertrand, J. (2005). Nationalism and ethnic conflict in indonesia. London: Cambridge University Press.

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Brown, Nina W. (1994). Group counseling for elementary and middle school children. Greenwood Publishing Group.

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