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The philosophical thought analysis on human concept in the alchemist


Academic year: 2017

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The thesis entitled “The Philosophical Thought Analysis on Human Concept In

The Alchemist” has been defended by the Letters and Humanities Faculty’s Examination Committee on March, 2010. The thesis has already been accepted as a partial fulfillment

of the requirement for acquiring the Strata One Degree (S1) in English Letters


Jakarta, March, 2010

Examining Committee

Chief, Secretary,

Dr. H. M. Farkhan, M. Pd Drs. A. Saefuddin, M. Pd

NIP. 150 299 480 NIP. 150 261 902


Examiner I, Examiner II,

Dr. H. M. Farkhan, M. Pd Drs. A. Saefuddin, M. Pd



I hereby declare that this submission is my own work and that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, it contains no material previously published or written by another person nor material which to a substantial extent has been accepted for the award of any other degree or diploma of the university or other institute of higher learning, except where due acknowledgement has been made in the text.

Jakarta, 22nd of March 2010





A. Conclusion

The Alchemist delivers a lot of messages inspiring the readers around the world. Almost the messages can be accepted by people without any border of

religion, ethnicity, state, culture, and geography. The messages are related to basic

life matters that all people have experienced them. Within those messages, the

writer finds out that many wisdom of the author’s resemble thought and wisdom

emerge in Islamic tradition and thought. Yet, the writer only focuses to the

philosophical thought of man.

Man is considered one of three prominent aspects of metaphysics which

scholars attribute it as trilogy of metaphysics; God, universe and man. The three

beings are the bases of the existences exist, although we can easily say that God as

the most prominent factor of everything exist. In discussion of Coelho’s view to

man, the writer selects only three themes that most of people in Muslim world

concern about. They are man as microcosm, man as the theomorphic, and man

and his freedom.

First, man is as microcosm because he contains all aspects of universe;

such mineral, plant, animal. The idea of microcosm-man is deeply related with the

fact that man is the ultimate stage of evolution. Coelho describes man as



Alchemist that man is the representation of universe whose ingredients of his creation made of the elements of the universe and its contents.

Second is man as theomorphic creature. Man is basically a theomorphic

that means, behind his weakness and limitation, a man has a “thing” inside

himself then we know it as the divine attributes. This case does not mean the

anthropomorphism of God, because His essence is eternal and constant. It is

different from man’s that is mortal and changing.

The man who has the divine attribute is called in Islamic thought as the

universal man (insan kamil). The universal man level indicates the position of this species in the universe that is as the mirror of God. According to Sufis that is

along with Coelho’s view, the universe is not only a creature but also the

manifestation of God’s attributes, therefore every aspect of this universe is to

manifest and reflect the God’s attributes that is along with each level of creature

existence. The higher level the more God’s attributes are reflected and manifested

to universal man. The mineral things such stones are also reflecting God’s

attribute, but it matches with its level. A dust contains millions of atom, and every

atom consists of incredible nuclear force reflecting the greatness of God (jalal). Third is about man and his freedom. There are three mainstreams

discussing this problem is first determinism; this school view that all human do

had set up by God thoroughly, there is no possibility and chance to have a

freedom even a little. So the man’s deed, effort, and will are nothing but God’s

will Himself. This school or ism believed that man’s fate and deed are set from



effort absolutely belong to man, so there is no God’s involvement to whom will

choose whether bad or good. But in the recent discussion, we find the school that

poses in between, the school is following know as the Ahl-Bait, although there lots of Islamic scholar’s view outside the school resembles that moderate view.

This school view man’s freedom is gift from God, it means God Himself bestows

force to man being a potency and power to run his responsibility as vice-gerent of

God on earth, but the decision of choosing either badness or goodness is in the

hand of man.

From the three mainstreams Coelho adopts the first through some

statements in the novel by using various contexts. And also he accepts the third

that states man is bestowed “the force” to realize what he wants. About the second

mainstream, Coelho rejects the concept of inability of man realizing his of

destiny. Coelho calls it as the world’s greatest lie that never been any possibility

to be correct. The man who loses control on his deed and effort is someone who

has already lost his epistemological instruments; senses, imagination, intellect and

intelligence. That man is not called as a man anymore; the appropriate term for

him is “an animal” that lives with the instinct solely.

B. Suggestion

The Alchemist is considered one of the most inspired novels that ever wrote by human being. The novel teaches many wisdoms of life and drives our

consciousness to what our life should be brought to. The novel reaches the issues



relating with himself after the life, the soul of universe, the soul of world, the

universal man, the universal language, and man’s freedom and other non-physical


The last for suggestion in this thesis, the writer suggests all readers to

follow what Santiago did in the novel, to do not ever give up reaching something

that you believe it. As a human who bestowed intelligence and power to pick up

the destiny, he followed, analyzed and convinced his fate and destiny, Even

though it was beginning from his dream (some people sometimes think that a

dream is only a common thing) but he believed and convinced that it was an

omens of God.

The writer suggests as well the reader who is bestowed a chance to discuss

about the philosophical thoughts of human concept to follow the rule of academic

research. Therefore, there are a lot of interesting issues need to be explored by

other researchers that the time and space grant them to analyze the issues.



A. Background of the Study

A man has a power to bring his destiny into reality, but they always

encounter two difficult choices. The two difficult choices are first, choosing to

live where he is to be, means a life that he undergoes as usual with all

achievements and privileges they reached. Second, something that he wants to

fulfill, that is a dream, desires, destiny, which must reached with sacrifice.

The Alchemist also introduces the third instrument to get knowledge that is intuition. Some civilizations and western scientists do not accept it as

an epistemological instrument besides brain and five senses. However, The Alchemist emphasizes that intuition has function that is more essential than other instruments in the epistemological realm. This novel describes that

intuition is a sudden immersion of the soul in the universal current of life,

where the history of all people interconnected, because it’s been written by


Man is the culmination of evolution from things do not live, move,

reproduce, and which end in the rational man who lives, moves and

reproduces. In addition, in the same time he becomes the closest creature to

the Creator. Furthermore, this novel explores about the essence of man. The

man is the wind, the desert, the ocean, the stars and everything created in the

universe. The human is the representation of creating microcosm, in the


thing created by God, such as the material aspect, the plant aspect, the animal

aspect, and the most essential is the human aspect, that is to say that human is


This novel explores – unless gives the good information- every part of

creature in this world has a soul, like a stone, animal, sun, land, water, and so

on. However, every single of the object in this universe always transform,

because universe including this earth is alive and has a soul.

Based on the explanation above, the writer thinks that a theme of

human essence, which becomes the core of the message showed in the novel,

is going to be very interesting to be analyzed, discussed, and studied in the

midst of human metaphysic bareness in the west literary world.

B. Focus of the Research

In accordance to the previous exploration, the writer only focuses on

the philosophical thought of the essence of human concept. Through the

philosophical thought, the writer will identify man’s free will, man as

microcosm, and theomorphic creature.

C. Research Questions

1. How is a man as a microcosmdescribedin The Alchemist?

2. How is a man in term of theomorphic,described in The Alchemist?

3. As a creature, how a man was blessed freedom not free will or

pre-destination in The Alchemist?



D. Significance of The Research

The writer expects the result of the research will uncover the true

meaning and give the right understanding of human concept with both its

simplicity and its complexity.

E. Methodology of The Research 1. The Objectives of the Research

1) Knowing human concept as a microcosm

2) Knowing the essence of human with their theomorphic

3) Knowing human’s concept of freedom

2. The Method of the Research

The research applies the descriptive-qualitative method. In this

research, the writer uses the content analysis. In literature field, it includes

the understanding of works from the extrinsic aspects perspective. The

aspects of the outside are discussed and explored in detail to know the

objective of content analysis that is especially connecting with

philosophical values and religious values. So that, the researcher can

applies the content analysis when he is going to reveal the content of

particular values of literary works.2

Although, the content analysis is running with the substance, it

does not mean the aspects of literature should neglected. The content

analysis remains in good treatment of the literary work as the art, in spite

of quoting the values to reinforce the message revelation. The essential



aspect of the content analysis is how the achievement of analysis can

benefited by whoever needs the meanings, messages and values. The

messages of literary works ought to be associated with any community

who practice and use the result of the research.3

3. The Technique of Data Analysis

1) Reading the novel accurately

2) Noting the contents or messages dealing with “Man as Microcosm”,

“Man as Theomorphic Creature” and “Man and His Freedom”

3) Concerning to the philosophical messages inside the novel that become

core of the data

4) Analyzing the data by correlating them with the relevant theories,

namely the descriptive-qualitative method.

4. Instrument of the Research

Research instrument is the writer himself by marking and classifying data

from several sources related to the novel.

5. The Unit of Analysis

The unit analysis of the research is The Alchemis written by Paolo Coelho, a Brazilian novelist who has written many best sellers novels that

are full of inspirations. First published in English language by Editora

Rocco Ltd, in 1988 with 177 pages.





A. Philosophical Thought on Human Concept

As the physical creature, man is the foremost and complex viewed

from his biological function. He is the ultimate of the evolution of universe.

He is proved as the creature which can do what entire creatures do because of

his ability to grow, eat, and reproduce. In other side, he owes a rational soul

which only owned by mankind. This rational soul enables him to perceive the

meaning both from sensual data and mental concept that function not only for

knowing the truth and systemizing knowledge, but also for managing the

lower soul than his whom we call it as a desire. Thereby, human briefly is

believed as “the core of universe” and “the ultimate aim of God’s creation”.

Regarding to the previous point, Mulyadi Karthanegara formulated the

theory of man in his book Gerbang Kearifan,4 which is containing philosophy and Islamic mysticism. It is very different from modern science; philosophy

and Islamic mysticism consider human as a dimensional creature that has

physic and non-physic aspect. Consequently, human is regarded as more

comprehensive than what modern science offers.

Mulyadi formulates human prominent thought into three principal

issues; “first, the man as microcosm that he is a representation of all creatures



in this universe. Second, human as theomorphic creature and the last is human

with their freedom”. 5

B. Man as Microcosm

As the physical creature, man is the foremost and complex viewed

from his biological function. He is the ultimate of the evolution of universe.

He is proved as the creature which can do what entire creatures do because of

his ability to grow, eat, and reproduce. In other side, he owes a rational soul

which only owned by mankind. This rational soul enables him to perceive the

meaning both from sensual data and mental concept that function not only for

knowing the truth and systemizing knowledge, but also for managing the

lower soul than his whom we call it as a desire. Thereby, human briefly is

believed as “the core of universe” and “the ultimate aim of God’s creation”.

The Muslim thinkers – philosophers and mysticists – mostly do not

only view human from their physiological aspect, but also view from their

non-physical aspect. Therefore, they give the marvelous meaning to human

than merely as chemical and physiological creature. For instance, human is

regarded as the best creature (insan al-taqwim) and has symbolical meaning

for the universe. What poses in human describes what poses in the universe,

due to that human as Muslim philosophers and mysticists, call as microcosm,

which significantly represent the macrocosm.6


Ibid. p. 111 6


Human is considered as microcosms, despite he is small, he consisted

of every ingredient of cosmic aspects; from mineral aspect, plant aspect, and

animal aspect. Human contain even the angelic and divine aspect that in the

form of spirit which is blown by God, consequently He creates human as two

dimensional creatures: physical and spiritual creature.7

C. Man as Theomorphic Creature

The Second of the tree prominent thought of human essence

formulated is man as theomorphic. It differs from modern sciences which

consider human as only a physical creature, in the Islamic thought (especially

Islamic philosophy and mysticism), human is on the precious position in the

both relationship between universe and God. 8 Since that, it is not amazed when some intellectuals declared that human is “the last purpose of creation”

as a representation and reflection of God.

Due to this uniqueness, he is created by God as the ultimate destination

of creation and His vice-gerent (khalifah) on earth. According to Sufis, man is the ultimate destination of creation. It is as the same as the fruit, although he

appears in the last after the root, stem, branch, and twig, the tree itself grows

for the sake of fruit. The fruit – through its seed – contains all aspects of the

tree, so, man like the fruit is considered as microcosm containing all aspect of

the universe (macrocosm).9


Mulyadi Karthanegara, Jalaluddin Rumi’s Theory of Evolution, paper (Jakarta, 2007) p. 5


Mulyadi, Gerbang. Op Cit. p. 117 9


As logical consequences of human as theomorphic creature, human

considered as a mirror of its reality itself. In fact, this universe considered as

reflections of God. However they only are able to reflect half of God’s

attributes that are unlimited. Man has a great potentiality to be able to reflect

all God’s attributes. That potentiality could be performed only when human

get his perfection level (insan kamil).10

The insan kamil regarded as the mirror of God, because he can pose in which God manifest His all attributes, actions, names, and His essence (dzat)

as well. So that whatever is done by human considered as the reflection of

God’s actions and will. The Qur’an said “not thee (Muhammad) when ye

throw, but God throw.”11

D. Man and His Freedom

Louse Leahy divided freedom into three major points: first, the

freedom of physics which means man can do everything with his physical

aspect. Second the freedom of morality means the unforced of man’s action to

do with his right and obligation, and the last is the freedom of psychology

which means man has to be free from any psychological pressure to do

everything or vise versa.12 The third of three prominent thought of human essence is man and his freedom. The most important question of human is, are

human blessed with free will, or has everything they act predestined before

(pre-destination)? 13

Louise Leahy, Siapakah Manusia (Yogyakarta: Kanisius, 2001), p. 182 13


Destiny and free will continuously have been debating subject,

especially in the Muslim theology. This case conveyed the Muslim

intellectuals separated into two groups; the first group is Jabariyyah who declared that everything happened in this world has been predestined by God

in the early time – and it called as destiny.14 This school believes that God creates human and his actions as well.

The second group is Qodariyyah, notified in contrary that people are the creator for their actions, and must be responsible for whatever they do. In

this point, they stated that however all the power or capacity they have created

by God, but they have a liberty using their capacity in order to achieve what

they want to do.15

Human are creator of their actions and should be responsible for what

they act. This school believes that the force or the power of human are created

by God, but human has their own freedom to choose whether it is bad or good

thing. According to Louise Leahy, human is essential creature who inheritably

blessed by their freedom to choose the best for their lives.16


Harun Nasution, Teologi Islam, (Jakarta: UI Press, 2002) 33 15

Ibid. 35 16



A. The Analysis of Man as Microcosm

Man is microcosm because he contains all aspects of universe, like a

fruit which contains all aspect of a tree; its root, stem, branch, twig, and leave.

Man resembles fruit in the case that contains all aspects of universe; such

mineral, plant, animal, and even angelic and divine aspect. The idea of

microcosm-man is deeply related with the fact that man is the ultimate stage of

evolution. This idea is pioneered by Jalalluddin Rumi considered by Muslim

scholars as the modern phenomenon. Six centuries before Darwin, Rumi

released his theory of evolution believed as the most interesting and

comprehensive compared with other scholars’. The universe evolved slowly

from the lowest stage; the mineral, plant and animal stage, to the highest stage;

man. Rumi told “I died as mineral and became plant, I died as plant and

resurrected as animal, I died as animal and resurrected as man”17 Rumi believed the persistence of evolution is going beyond the man stage. This faith

states the existence of soul and here-after life.

Rumi stated the evolution begun from “the universe’s love” (it in that

time is merely a potency) to the God as the true reality. Due to the God’s

motive of creating universe is love, the love infiltrates into all width and

breadth of the universe, therefore, the universe is fulfilled by a love to the



creator. Love believed as the universal force is becoming the power moving

the universe.18

B. The Analysis of Man as Theomorphic Creature

Man is basically a theomorphic that means, behind his weakness and

limitation, a man has a “thing” inside himself then we know it as the divine

attributes. This case does not mean that a man is same with God physically,19 because His essence is eternal and constant. It is different from man’s that is

mortal and changing. According to Sayyed Hossein Nasr, in the tradition of

God creating Adam, that first man became the mirror reflecting names and

attribute of God consciously. There is something sacred (malakuti) inside man, which that man’s condition permits him to be holier than angels. Even,

reaching the particular borders of having the divine attributes in high


The man who has the divine attribute is called in Islamic thought as the

universal man (insan kamil).21 The universal man level indicates the position of this species in the universe that is as the mirror of God. According to Sufis,

the universe is not but the manifestation of God’s attributes, therefore every

aspect of this universe is to manifest and reflect the God’s attributes that is


Jalaluddin Rumi, The Mathnawi of Jalaluddin Rumi, vol. v, trans. Nicholson, (London: Luzac & Co Ltd, 1977) p. 231


The ideology that creates God resembling man’s attributes in order to make God more easy understood and conceived. This ism describe God like man such having hand, face, leg, anger, head, wife, family and other. In other word the ism treats God as man alike. See. Lorens Bagus, Op. Cit. p. 59


Sayyed Hossein Nasr, Islam Dalam Cita dan Fakta,(Jakarta: Lappenas, 1981) p. 4 21


along with each level of creature existence. The higher level the more God’s

attributes are reflected and manifested. The mineral things such stones are also

reflecting God’s attribute, but it matches with its level. A dust contains

millions of atom, and every atom consists of incredible nuclear force

reflecting the greatness of God (jalal).22

If we get back to our discussion about the man concept that he consist

of all aspect of the universe, this is easily to comprehend that he can reflect

and manifest all God attributes in contrast with other creature that enable only

reflecting some few of God’s attributes.23 This is not all man can be in that level, only what is called as the universal man can do it. The concept of

universal man, according to al-Jilli, is a theme relating to God who is absolute.

The absolute is believed to have the perfect and kind characteristics. This

perfectness has to be copied properly by man. The more man resembles God’s

perfectness, the more perfect level man can obtain. This ability of reflecting

and manifesting God’s attribute makes man being called as the theomorphic.

The next question arises for the previous facts are, what is the main

goal of God creating man is the ultimate creation? Al-Qur’an pronounces the

creation of man is to be vice-gerent (khalifah) of God on earth. God expects man to conduct His will on earth as His representation. To make man success

runs his role as the khalifah, God bestows man the epistemological instruments; these instruments are to obtain knowledge of everything. Senses

are the first instrument to grasp object in the physical word, intellect (aql) is


Mulyadi, Menembus….Op Cit. p. 53 23


the second to grasp in the ideal and conceptual world (non-physical) and the

last is intelligence (qalb) is to grasp the presentational knowledge.

The Alchemist teaches us that the heart is the most important thing bestowed to man. It the instrument that is never being deceived, the instrument

always tells the truth and the instrument that will lead us to the eternal life.

C. The Analysis of Man and His Freedom

The message on this quotation is along with Asy’arians concept of force called kasb.24 Man does a deed that it does not mean that man creates that deed. The creator of the deed essentially is God Himself.25 Conclusively the force of man in this case is not effective, because somehow the force does

not affect anything.

So the freedom is necessary for man in order to run his mission on

earth. He is ordered to rule the world in order to bring peace and God’s nature

to all human being in the universe. Freedom is a key for opening chances of

the world dreamed of by all human being and wished by God. The importance

of freedom resembles the importance of creating man as the mirror of God and


Moreover we should know something that restricts man’s freedom;

this is called the law of nature (sunnatullah). It is impossible to man to chance and redesign what God has already set, for instance, fire is hot or ice is cold;


The theory of kasb is the coincidence between the God’s deed and the man’s; it means if somebody will do something is at that time God creates “a force” in man to realize what he wants. See. Harun Nasution, Teologi Islam, (Jakarta: UI Press, 2002) p. 87



the heat of fire and cold of ice can be changed and redesigned into something

else. The man’s freedom occupies in choosing which law of nature will be

followed, whether the heat of fire used for burning, or the cold of ice used for






A. Conclusion

The Alchemist delivers a lot of messages inspiring the readers around the world. Almost the messages can be accepted by people without any border of

religion, ethnicity, state, culture, and geography. The messages are related to basic

life matters that all people have experienced them. Within those messages, the

writer finds out that many wisdom of the author’s resemble thought and wisdom

emerge in Islamic tradition and thought. Yet, the writer only focuses to the

philosophical thought of man.

Man is considered one of three prominent aspects of metaphysics which

scholars attribute it as trilogy of metaphysics; God, universe and man. The three

beings are the bases of the existences exist, although we can easily say that God as

the most prominent factor of everything exist. In discussion of Coelho’s view to

man, the writer selects only three themes that most of people in Muslim world

concern about. They are man as microcosm, man as the theomorphic, and man

and his freedom.

First, man is as microcosm because he contains all aspects of universe;

such mineral, plant, animal. The idea of microcosm-man is deeply related with the

fact that man is the ultimate stage of evolution. Coelho describes man as


Alchemist that man is the representation of universe whose ingredients of his creation made of the elements of the universe and its contents.

Second is man as theomorphic creature. Man is basically a theomorphic

that means, behind his weakness and limitation, a man has a “thing” inside

himself then we know it as the divine attributes. This case does not mean the

anthropomorphism of God, because His essence is eternal and constant. It is

different from man’s that is mortal and changing.

The man who has the divine attribute is called in Islamic thought as the

universal man (insan kamil). The universal man level indicates the position of this species in the universe that is as the mirror of God. According to Sufis that is

along with Coelho’s view, the universe is not only a creature but also the

manifestation of God’s attributes, therefore every aspect of this universe is to

manifest and reflect the God’s attributes that is along with each level of creature

existence. The higher level the more God’s attributes are reflected and manifested

to universal man. The mineral things such stones are also reflecting God’s

attribute, but it matches with its level. A dust contains millions of atom, and every

atom consists of incredible nuclear force reflecting the greatness of God (jalal). Third is about man and his freedom. There are three mainstreams

discussing this problem is first determinism; this school view that all human do

had set up by God thoroughly, there is no possibility and chance to have a

freedom even a little. So the man’s deed, effort, and will are nothing but God’s

will Himself. This school or ism believed that man’s fate and deed are set from


effort absolutely belong to man, so there is no God’s involvement to whom will

choose whether bad or good. But in the recent discussion, we find the school that

poses in between, the school is following know as the Ahl-Bait, although there lots of Islamic scholar’s view outside the school resembles that moderate view.

This school view man’s freedom is gift from God, it means God Himself bestows

force to man being a potency and power to run his responsibility as vice-gerent of

God on earth, but the decision of choosing either badness or goodness is in the

hand of man.

From the three mainstreams Coelho adopts the first through some

statements in the novel by using various contexts. And also he accepts the third

that states man is bestowed “the force” to realize what he wants. About the second

mainstream, Coelho rejects the concept of inability of man realizing his of

destiny. Coelho calls it as the world’s greatest lie that never been any possibility

to be correct. The man who loses control on his deed and effort is someone who

has already lost his epistemological instruments; senses, imagination, intellect and

intelligence. That man is not called as a man anymore; the appropriate term for

him is “an animal” that lives with the instinct solely.

B. Suggestion

The Alchemist is considered one of the most inspired novels that ever wrote by human being. The novel teaches many wisdoms of life and drives our

consciousness to what our life should be brought to. The novel reaches the issues


relating with himself after the life, the soul of universe, the soul of world, the

universal man, the universal language, and man’s freedom and other non-physical


The last for suggestion in this thesis, the writer suggests all readers to

follow what Santiago did in the novel, to do not ever give up reaching something

that you believe it. As a human who bestowed intelligence and power to pick up

the destiny, he followed, analyzed and convinced his fate and destiny, Even

though it was beginning from his dream (some people sometimes think that a

dream is only a common thing) but he believed and convinced that it was an

omens of God.

The writer suggests as well the reader who is bestowed a chance to discuss

about the philosophical thoughts of human concept to follow the rule of academic

research. Therefore, there are a lot of interesting issues need to be explored by

other researchers that the time and space grant them to analyze the issues.



SYARIF HIDAYATULLAH. The philosophical thoughts analysis on human concept In The Alchemist. Thesis; English letters Department, Faculty of Adab and Humanities. Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University. Strata I Degree 2009.

This thesis aims to analyze the descriptions and messages of the human essence which appeals in The Alchemist through the philosophical thoughts analysis on human concept. The Alchemist written by Paolo Coelho, a Brazilian novelist who has written many best sellers novels that are full of inspiration. The Alchemist is one of his novels that most well known, because it contains thoughts and wisdoms inspiring people of any country.

The research applies the descriptive-qualitative method. In this research, the writer uses the content analysis, which includes the understanding of the novel from the extrinsic aspects perspective. The aspects of the outside are discussed and explored in detail to know the objective of content analysis that is especially connecting with philosophical values and religious values.

From the research the writer gets the answers that; 1) A man as a microcosm is a representation of the universe. He has all aspects inside of him, like a wind, plant, animal etc. He is becoming the highest level of natural evolution, starting from the lowest stage; the mineral, plant and animal stage, to the highest stage; man. 2) A man regarded as theomorphic creature because he bestowed a divine attributes by God inside himself. Actually winds, dusts, deserts, plants and stones and all of stuff in the universe reflecting to God, but they have no capability and potency to be closer to the God, because it needs a brain and intelligence for analyzing where God is. Only a man who can come closer and closer to the God, Nevertheless, not all men are able to reflect and manifest all God attributes properly. Only a man who his heart is no dirty by sin able to analyze and listen to sound of God from his heart, on the other name that man is universal man (insan kamil). 3) A man as a creature blessed freedom to choose his life not free will or pre-destination. Through this freedom, a man not only traded on God’s forces such as jabariyah or the absolute free will like qadariyah, but a man uses two powers, beginning from the force which is bestowed to him by God, and another one is the man’s power itself used to run and act his deed.



In The Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful

All praises to be Allah the all mighty, who has given the writer many mercies and blessings in the process of finishing this thesis and salutation be upon

the most honorable prophet messenger Muhammad SAW, his relatives and followers.

On the occasion, the writer would like to express his sincerest thanks to his

advisor Mrs. Danti Pujianti S.Pd, M.Hum for her advice and valuable guidance in

order to complete this thesis.

The writer would like to express as well his deepest gratitude and honor to

those who have helped completing this thesis:

1. Dr. H. Abdul Choir, M.A, as the Dean of Faculty of Humanities.

2. Dr. M. Farkhan, M. Pd, as the Head of English Department.

3. Drs. Asep Saefuddin, M. Pd, as the secretary of English


4. All lectures of English Department for teaching and guiding

precious knowledge and sharing wonderful experiences to the

writer at the class.

5. His gratitude and honor also to his beloved parents, wife

(Hairunnisa, S. Pd. I), son (Rif’at Ali Syahid) who always become a

light in his life, brothers and sisters, and all families.

6. All staff officers at English Department and Libraries of UIN



Indra, Deny, Uyoh, elvi, witri, bisri and all friends at the class.

Keep in touch bro!

Finally, the writer realized that this thesis is not perfect yet. Therefore, he

would like to accept any constructive suggestion and advices to improve this


Bekasi, July 2010

The Writer



C. Man as Theomorphic Creature ……….. 15

D. Man and His Freedom ……… 17


A. The Analysis of Man as Microcosm ... 20

B. The Analysis of Man as Theomorphic Creature ... 22

C. The Analysis of Man and His Freedom ... 30


A. Conclusion ………... 37

B. Suggestion ……… 39



1. The Summary of The Alchemist 2. The Biography of The Author



1. Brief of Summary of The Alchemist

The story stared from an anonymous boy works as a shepherd. Upon a

time, the boy dreams twice about a child who is playing with his sheep. He

does not like people teasing his sheep, but he becomes amazed, when he

realizes that child playing with sheep without frightening them. That child

suddenly takes the boy by his both hand and transports him into the Egyptian

Pyramids and the child said "if you come here, you will find a hidden


Based on the Gypsy's prophecy, the hunt of hidden treasure begun, the

boy meets Melchizedek, a king of Salem that assures him to do so. From this

king he learns firstly about wisdom of life that says “when want something, all

universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.” The king continuous guiding

the boy by remarking “there is a force that wants you to realize your destiny, it

whets your appetite with a taste of success” he tells the boy that to find the

treasure, you should follow the omens. God has prepared a path for everyone

to follow. You just have to read the omens that he left for you.

When the boy reaches Tangier Africa, he is deceived and all his money

is stolen. Fortunately he founds a kind crystal merchant who allows him to

work in his shop. He has been working there for 12 months and then feels to

have enough goods and fund to enroll the hunt. He learns a lot of thing and

comes into conclusion that is he can learn without-word language; he is going

to understand the word.

The boy follows the caravan to across the desert; he meets an

Englishman who obsesses to find out what the alchemist is. From him, the boy

learns about the alchemist and his miracle ability. When he stays in oasis as

the neutral place when the tribesmen are fighting each other, he finds out his

true love, Fatima, who teaches him about loyalty and honor. Here also he

meets the alchemist who guided him until the end of the story.

The boy learns from the alchemist, he has inside him winds, deserts,

oceans, stars, and everything created in the universe. He realizes that all men


that he is a part of soul of the world, the universe, even he acquaintances

himself as a part of the hand writes everything-God.

The hunt of treasure is only a way by which the boy hunts knowledge

of the reality of the creation, the real treasure that all beings want to have it.

“Because, wherever you heart is that where you’ll find your treasure” through

this trail or path, the boy finds out the language without words, his true love,

and the most important is the secret behind existences. Those achievements

are concluded as the real treasure he hunts, although he finally finds the


2. Brief of Biography The Author

Paulo Coelho was born in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. His father, Pedro,

was an engineer, and his mother Lydia was a home-maker. He attended a

Jesuit school. As a teenager, Coelho wanted to become a writer. Upon telling

his mother this, she responded with "My dear, your father is an engineer. He's

a logical, reasonable man with a very clear vision of the world. Do you

actually know what it means to be a writer?" After researching, Coelho

concluded that a writer "always wears glasses and never combs his hair" and

has a "duty and an obligation never to be understood by his own generation,"

amongst other things.

At 17, Coelho's introversion and opposition to follow a traditional path

led to his parents committing him to a mental institution from which he

escaped three times before being released at the age of 20.

At his parents' wishes, Coelho enrolled in law school and abandoned

his dream to become a writer. One year later, he dropped out and lived life as

a hippy, traveling through South America, North Africa, Mexico, and Europe

and becoming immersed in the drug culture of the 1960s. Upon his return to

Brazil, Coelho worked as a songwriter, composing lyrics for Elis Regina, Rita

Lee, and Brazilian icon Raul Seixas. In 1974, Coelho was arrested and

tortured for "subversive" activities by the ruling militia, who viewed his lyrics

as left-wing and dangerous.

In 1986, Coelho walked the 500-plus mile Road of Santiago de

Compostela in northwestern Spain, a turning point in his life. On the path,

Coelho had a spiritual awakening, which he described autobiographically in

The Pilgrimage. In an interview, Coelho stated "[In 1986], I was very happy in the things I was doing. I was doing something that gave me food and water

-- to use the metaphor in The Alchemist, I was working, I had a person who I loved, I had money, but I was not fulfilling my dream. My dream was, and

still is, to be a writer."

The Alchemist is an allegorical novel by Paulo Coelho first published

in 1988. It follows Santiago, a young Spanish shepherd, on a journey to fulfil

his Personal Legend. It has been hailed as a modern classic. According to


sales in 2003. Eleven Minutes topped all lists in the world, except for England, where it was in second place.

The Alchemist was one of the most important literary phenomena of the 20th century. It reaches the first place in bestselling lists in 74 countries,

and so far has sold 35 million copies. This book also brought the author in

2008 the Guinness World Record for most translated book in the world (67





A Thesis

Submitted to Letters and Humanities Faculty in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to the Strata Degree (S1)


Approved By

Danti Pudjianti, S.Pd. M. Hum NIP. 132 233 516





Submitted to the Faculty of Adab and Humanities in Partial Accomplishment of the Requirement for the 1 degree









A. Background of the Study

Literature is always becoming a fertile mind to be studied and

analyzed, because a literary work is a mirror of human life, society, morality,

culture etc. With literature, a culture of the nation could be discovered, but on

the other hand, a literature also can be studied from the daily and habitual

activities of society. Both of them cannot be separated each other. Thus, as

long as this world is still running on and the people breath, a literature work

will always exist, and develop dependent on the situation and condition

wherever it is.

The terminology of literature etymologically taken from Latin; Litera

means the writing or the alphabets. Literature itself arose in Europe in 18th century, where firstly was applied as a writing language. Then it developed by

the basis of paradigms that a literature was the use of esthetical language in

literary work. Mostly, some novelists agreed with the opinion about the

impossibility to construct a definition of literature universally.1 What is literature depends on culture, environment, and situation where the literature


A literature could appreciate with tree elements; First, Expression that

is, feeling which described through words that are in orderly arranged.



Second, feeling which is describing the material or theme of the literature,

such as the feeling of love, hatred, enjoyment, sad etc. Third, rule of the

literature itself, it means a literature has to be a literary work that accepted by

mostly people in society (convention).2

Such as William Shakespeare in his era, his work was not easily

accepted as a literary work at that time, it was only considered as a punk fiction.3 Then after this work passed several periods in Britain’s poetry afterwards, it begun to be considered as a literary work and William

Shakespeare achieved as the biggest poet who ever born in that country.

Literature is a fiction work in the imaginative form or using the esthetical

language that symbolizes either the outside world or its own world.

Generally, literary work is divided into several genres: Poem, drama

and Prose. Novel - which is becomes the object of this research – is sub-genre of prose. Novel appeared in the world literature later on than heroism poem,

epic, and drama, and it all becomes the last at once. Nevertheless, novel is a

literary works which more flexible and has a bit rules in the literature critics.

The simplicity of novel brings it so fast to be the foremost literary work of this


Novel does not only need a character and plot, but also it needs also an

artistic language with an absolute present. A novelist able to arrange the

incidents according to the plot by locating all actors in the certain place at


Rene Wellek & Austin Warner, Theory of Literature, (USA: Harcourt, Brace & World. Inc, 1965) p. 34



once that reader feels like in the real life where they have a strong feeling with

the actors.4

According to Virginia Wolf such as quoted by Henry Guntur Tarigan,

Novel is an exploration or chronicle of life, unity, achievement, destruction,

and description of human activities.5

A novel with its freedom and unbounded to the specific rule come to

the modern era faster than others. These things push the novelist to create

literary works more creative and productive. Finally, many novels launch and

flood literary world, and become the biggest literary work in quantity and the

most favorite literary work to the readers around the world.

One of the novels, which mostly read around the world, is The Alchemist written by Paolo Coelho, a Brazilian novelist who has written many best sellers novels that are full of inspiration. The alchemist is one of his novels that is most wellknown, because it contains thoughts and wisdoms

inspiring people of any country.

The theme that extremely appeals in this novel is descriptions and

messages of the human essence. The Alchemist explained that destiny is the big lies, because they are who unable to reach their own destinies, they always

avoid and said to themselves and others that when we could not make it real

what we dream of, that is our fate. Moreover, according to this novel, a

destiny is what we always wanted to accomplish, and people when they are

young, knows what their destinies are. So, the only one that should be done is


Stevick, Philip, the Theory of the Novel, (New York: the Free Press, 1967) p. 371 5


not only sitting and doing nothing but creating the destiny. Because, if

someone become closer to create their destinies, it would become a great

reason what for they live.

Actually, a man has a power to bring his destiny into reality, but they

always encounter two difficult choices. The two difficult choices are first,

choosing to live where he is to be, means a life that he undergoes as usual with

all achievements and privileges they reached. Second, something that he wants

to fulfill, that is a dream, desires, destiny, which must reached with sacrifice.

The Alchemist also introduces the third instrument to get knowledge that is intuition. Some civilizations and western scientists do not accept it as

an epistemological instrument besides brain and five senses. However, The Alchemist emphasizes that intuition has function that is more essential than other instruments in the epistemological realm. This novel describes that

intuition is a sudden immersion of the soul in the universal current of life,

where the history of all people interconnected, because it’s been written by


Man is the culmination of evolution from things do not live, move,

reproduce, and which end in the rational man who lives, moves and

reproduces. In addition, in the same time he becomes the closest creature to

the Creator. Furthermore, this novel explores about the essence of man. The

man is the wind, the desert, the ocean, the stars and everything created in the

universe. The human is the representation of creating microcosm, in the


thing created by God, such as the material aspect, the plant aspect, the animal

aspect, and the most essential is the human aspect, that is to say that human is


This novel explores – unless gives the good information- every part of

creature in this world has a soul, like a stone, animal, sun, land, water, and so

on. However, every single of the object in this universe always transform,

because universe including this earth is alive and has a soul.

Based on the explanation above, the writer thinks that a theme of

human essence, which becomes the core of the message showed in the novel,

is going to be very interesting to be analyzed, discussed, and studied in the

midst of human metaphysic bareness in the west literary world.

B. Focus of the Research

In accordance to the previous exploration, the writer only focuses on

the philosophical thought of the essence of human concept. through the

philosophical thought, the writer will identify man’s free will, man as

microcosm, and theomorphic creature. Accordingly, the other thoughts or

messages only become supporter for the main theme.

C. Research Questions

The writer focuses on the content of the novel dealing with the

philosophical thought of man essence and construct it into the three following


1. How is a man as a microcosmdescribedin The Alchemist?



2. How is a man in term of theomorphic,described in The Alchemist?

3. As a creature, how a man was blessed freedom not free will or

pre-destination in The Alchemist?

D. Significance of The Research

The writer expects the result of the research will uncover the true

meaning and give the right understanding of human concept with both its

simplicity and its complexity.

The writer also want to present knowledge for those who are interested

in discussing literature and philosophy, especially human philosophy that

encompasses all evolution types of God’s creature.

E. Methodology of The Research 1. The Objectives of the Research

The research is conducted to achieve purposes as the following:

1) Knowing human concept as a microcosm

2) Knowing the essence of human with their theomorphic

3) Knowing human’s concept of freedom (vis a vis God’s will)

2. The Method of the Research

The research applies the descriptive-qualitative method. In this

research, the writer uses the content analysis. In literature field, it includes

the understanding of works from the extrinsic aspects perspective. The

aspects of the outside are discussed and explored in detail to know the

objective of content analysis that is especially connecting with


applies the content analysis when he is going to reveal the content of

particular values of literary works.7

Although, the content analysis is running with the substance, it

does not mean the aspects of literature should neglected. The content

analysis remains in good treatment of the literary work as the art, in spite

of quoting the values to reinforce the message revelation. The essential

aspect of the content analysis is how the achievement of analysis can

benefited by whoever needs the meanings, messages and values. The

messages of literary works ought to be associated with any community

who practice and use the result of the research.8

3. The Technique of Data Analysis

The writer attempts to describe The Alchemist with the following steps; 1) Reading the novel accurately 2) noting the contents or messages

dealing with “Man as Microcosm”, “Man as Theomorphic Creature” and

“Man and His Freedom” 3) concerning to the philosophical messages

inside the novel that become core of the data 4) Analyzing the data by

correlating them with the relevant theories, namely the

descriptive-qualitative method.

4. Instrument of the Research

Research instrument is the writer himself by marking and classifying data

from several sources related to the novel.


Suwardi Endraswara, Metodologi Penelitian Sastra: Epistemologi, Model, Teori dan aplikasi, (Yogyakarta: Pustaka Widyatama, 2003)p. 160



5. The Unit of Analysis

The unit analysis of the research is The Alchemis written by Paolo Coelho, a Brazilian novelist who has written many best sellers novels that

are full of inspirations. First published in English language by Editora

Rocco Ltd, in 1988 with 177 pages. This book also brought the author in

2008 the Guinness World Record for most translated book in the world (67

languages). The writer copied this novel from Ahmed Imtiyaz a friend from




A. Philosophical Thought on Human Concept

Talking about human essence like talking about a river that never stops

flowing. Man is like another animal which has differences among his species.

The thing differs from other animal is ability to think which gives him

freedom to choose.

Man is a species of animal and thus shares many features with other

animals. But many differences distinguish man from animal and grant him a

special virtue, an elevation that leaves him unrivaled or perfect creature (Insan Kamil). The basic difference between man and the other animals, the touchstone of his humanity, the source of what have come to be known as

human civilization and culture, is the presence of insights and beliefs.1 Animal in general can perceive themselves and the external world and strive to attain

their desires and objects in the light of their awareness and cognition. The

same holds true of man, but he differs from the rest of the animals in the

scope, extent, and breadth of his awareness and cognitions and in the level to

which his desires and objects rise. It grants man a special virtue and elevation

and separates him from the rest of the animals.2

The mythology in Greek stated that this universe is a battlefield among

gods and man. Man is always in the opposite and competing to gods. Gods are


Leslie Stevenson, The Study of Human Nature (Oxford: Oxford Univ. Press, 2000), p. 70



the anti-human that through their power always attempts to shackle the human

freedom, independent, and unity. For showing his superiority, a man purposes

to conquer, subjugate the universe, and then with power he has, he can be

master of the universe.3 This opinion later in the future will bear out materialism prefer for secular life.

In Marxism, a man has to be free in thinking, exploring science

research, intellectual activities and economic production without being

controlled by the religious things that repeatedly purposed as a reason for

suppression and slavery.4 If we look at it more concisely, this western opinion has formed the human freedom comprehensively and considered them only

such a Chemico-physiological creature as well.

Man is considered one of three prominent aspects of metaphysics

which scholars attribute it as trilogy of metaphysics; God, universe and man.

The three beings are the bases of the existences exist, although we can easily

say that God as the most prominent factor of everything exist.

Biologically, man is the most perfect creature compared with other

creatures. He is an ultimate result of creation that is commonly well-known as

the evolution. Man is two dimensions creature, in one hand he is extracted

from the mud making him as the physical being; he is also spiritual one,

because, according to Qur’an, the soul of God was blown up into him in other

hand. Hence, a man occupies the unique position between God and universe

which grants him to communicate both of them.


Ali Shari’ati, Marxism and Other Western Fallacies, (Berkeley: UB Press, 1980) p. 15-31



As the physical creature, man is the foremost and complex viewed

from his biological function. He is the ultimate of the evolution of universe.

He is proved as the creature which can do what entire creatures do because of

his ability to grow, eat, and reproduce. In other side, he owes a rational soul

which only owned by mankind. This rational soul enables him to perceive the

meaning both from sensual data and mental concept that function not only for

knowing the truth and systemizing knowledge, but also for managing the

lower soul than his whom we call it as a desire. Thereby, human briefly is

believed as “the core of universe” and “the ultimate aim of God’s creation”.

Regarding to the previous point, Mulyadi Karthanegara formulated the

theory of man in his book Gerbang Kearifan,5 which is containing philosophy and Islamic mysticism. It is very different from modern science; philosophy and Islamic mysticism consider human as a dimensional creature that has

physic and non-physic aspect. Consequently, human is regarded as more

comprehensive than what modern science offers.

Mulyadi formulates human prominent thought into three principal

issues; “first, the man as microcosm that he is a representation of all creatures

in this universe. Second, human as theomorphic creature and the last is human

with their freedom”. 6

B. Man as Microcosm

If we discern human as what modern science discern them, we will

state how meaningless human’s life within the great cosmic. How come, the


Mulyadi Karthanegara, Gerbang Kearifan (Jakarta: Lentera Hati, 2006) p. 110 6


earth we live in is considered a small point in the Milky Way Galaxy,

moreover if we see it from other Galaxy. Human is like an ant who crawl in

the giant ball called earth. And we can compare how long human can live and

how long this universe’s age. Human form is only considered as a small thing

and his age is only a point of time within a very long sequence of this universe

time. So if we see human from their physiological view, human is only the

dust in the wind.7

Fortunately, the Muslim thinkers – philosophers and mysticists –

mostly do not only view human from their physiological aspect, but also view

from their non-physical aspect. Therefore, they give the marvelous meaning to

human than merely as chemical and physiological creature. For instance,

human is regarded as the best creature (insan al-taqwim) and has symbolical meaning for the universe. What poses in human describes what poses in the

universe, due to that human as Muslim philosophers and mysticists, call as

microcosm, which significantly represent the macrocosm.8

Human is considered as microcosms, despite he is small, he consisted

of every ingredient of cosmic aspects; from mineral aspect, plant aspect, and

animal aspect. Human contain even the angelic and divine aspect that in the

form of spirit which is blown by God, consequently He creates human as two

dimensional creatures: physical and spiritual creature.9

This universe is divided into two parts, the physical and the spiritual

part. As microcosm, man contains those two parts in himself. As the physical


creature, he contains all things in the universe that is considered physic; even

he can do what those physical creatures are able to do. As the spiritual being,

man contains what is considered spiritual, according to Ibn Khaldun, man with

the spiritual worlds owes the potency to acquaint metaphysical things. Besides

the physical objects which are known by the senses, man can know the rest

two objects: imaginal and spiritual.10

The imaginal objects, according to philosopher and mysticism, are

entities occupy in the world which poses between the physical and spiritual

world. This world is also called as barzakh world which becomes a partition between those two worlds. We can experience the imaginal world through our

imagination force. This force enable us to grasp the imaginal objects such we

undergo in our daily life in the form of dream, or in the Sufis’ experiences that

undergo this world, not only when they are dreaming but also when the are in

consciousness. The spiritual object such gins or angels take the peculiar

image, by which the man can communicate interactively with them, especially

the prophets and sages.11

Besides being bestowed the imagination, man is bestowed intelligence

or reason. With intelligence man can break up the physical and sensual

borders, for then by the syllogism method, he can non-matter objects, which is

known as ma’qulat, namely the entities that is cannot be grasped but by the intelligence such as numbers, ideas, concepts, etc. the ma’qulat opposes the

mahsuhsat that is objects of the physical and sensual world.12


Ibn Khaldun, al-Muqaddimah, Trans. Franz Rosenthal (Princeton: Princeton Univ. Press, 1967) p. 371


Ibid. p. 372 12


Man also bestowed by intellect (qolb) which is considered the most prominent compared to the previous two bestows, imagination and

intelligence. This one is like intelligence that can grasp the immaterial objects,

yet that differs from intelligence grasping that object indirectly by reasoning

and syllogistic from known objects (inference). The intellect grasps the objects

through knowledge by presence, those objects are present in the soul of man,

and hereby the process of knowing by intellect is called presential. The

revelation and divine presentation (ilham) is grasped by man by the intellect. And these revelation and divine presentationis the highest modus that among

others, meanwhile the highest modus that can be grasped by intelligence that

is science.13

C. Man as Theomorphic Creature

The Second of the tree prominent thought of human essence

formulated is man as theomorphic. It differs from modern sciences which

consider human as only a physical creature, in the Islamic thought (especially

Islamic philosophy and mysticism), human is on the precious position in the

both relationship between universe and God. 14 Since that, it is not amazed when some intellectuals declared that human is “the last purpose of creation”

as a representation and reflection of God.

Because of his exclusive position among the creature, man is bestowed

a spiritual aspect, making him not only as physical creature but also the

spiritual one. As the spiritual creature, he can conduct everything that the



other creatures cannot, such as reasoning, communicating abstract ideas,

communicating with spiritual entities, receiving divine inspiration and

revelation, and contemplating, as well as understanding ma’qulat that means non-sensual entities which can be grasped only by reason (‘aql) and intellect

(qalb), but it cannot be comprehended by senses which are able to understand and perceive the physical matter.15

Due to this uniqueness, he is created by God as the ultimate destination

of creation and His vice-gerent (khalifah) on earth. According to Sufis, man is the ultimate destination of creation. It is as the same as the fruit, although he

appears in the last after the root, stem, branch, and twig, the tree itself grows

for the sake of fruit. The fruit – through its seed – contains all aspects of the

tree, so, man like the fruit is considered as microcosm containing all aspect of

the universe (macrocosm).16

As logical consequences of human as theomorphic creature, human

considered as a mirror of its reality itself. In fact, this universe considered as

reflections of God. However they only are able to reflect half of God’s

attributes that are unlimited. Man has a great potentiality to be able to reflect

all God’s attributes. That potentiality could be performed only when human

get his perfection level (insan kamil).17

The insan kamil regarded as the mirror of God, because he can pose in which God manifest His all attributes, actions, names, and His essence (dzat)

as well. So that whatever is done by human considered as the reflection of


God’s actions and will. The Qur’an said “not thee (Muhammad) when ye

throw, but God throw.”18

D. Man and His Freedom

Louse Leahy divided freedom into three major points: first, the

freedom of physics which means man can do everything with his physical

aspect. Second the freedom of morality means the unforce of man’s action to

do with his right and obligation, and the last is the freedom of psychology

which means man has to be free from any psychological pressure to do

everything or vise versa.19

The third of three prominent thought of human essence is man and his

freedom. The most important question of human is, are human blessed with

free will, or has everything they act predestined before (pre-destination)? 20 Destiny and free will continuously have been debating subject, especially in

the Muslim theology. This case conveyed the Muslim intellectuals separated

into two groups; the first group is Jabariyyah who declared that everything happened in this world has been predestined by God in the early time – and it

called as destiny.21 This school believes that God creates human and his actions as well.

This concept is based on the koran verses: “when Allah hath created you and what ye make”22 and “yet ye will not, unless Allah willeth.”23


Ibid. p. 120 19

Louise Leahy, Siapakah Manusia (Yogyakarta: Kanisius, 2001), p. 182 20

Ibid. h. 120 21

Harun Nasution, Teologi Islam, (Jakarta: UI Press, 2002) 33 22

Al-Saffat: 96 23


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