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Sustainability status of rice fields in the rice production center of Citarum Watershed


Academic year: 2017

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Su st a in a bilit y st a t u s of r ice fie lds in t he r ice

pr odu ct ion ce n t e r of Cit a rum W a t e r she d


I rm an Firm ansyah,


Widiat m aka,


Bam bang Pram udya,


Sugeng Budiharsono


St udy Program of Env ironm ent al Managem ent , Bogor Agricult ural Univ ersit y, Bogor, I ndonesia; 2 Depart m ent of Soil Science and Land Resources, Bogor Agricult ural Univ ersit y , Bogor, I ndonesia; 3 Depart m ent of Mechanical Engineering and Biosy st em s,

Bogor Agricult ural Univ ersit y , Bogor, I ndonesia; 4 Depart m ent of Marine Resource Econom ics, Bogor Agricult ural Univ ersit y , Bogor, I ndonesia. Corresponding aut hor:


fields for purposes t hat are considered t o hav e a higher econom ic v alue t o t he int erest s St at us cat egory of sust ainable funct ions farm field sources based on index v alue

I ndex v alue Cat egory

point i to point j, with the origin (σij) as the equation (Pitcher & Preikshot 2001) :


Dist ance squared w eight ed by dist ance Euclidean ( Alder et al 2000) :

Re su lt s an d D iscu ssion. Based on t he exist ing ex t ent s of land areas, t he higher pressure leads t o reduced w et land area. The decline in t he condit ion of w et lands will describe t he current sust ainabilit y st at us, and also in w hich t hese pressures are caused by a w ide v ariet y of fact ors t hat ex ist . I n t his research, w e w ill see t he lev erage fact ors and sust ainabilit y st at us v alue in fiv e dim ensions.

Socia l dim e n sion. Based on t he analy sis of MDS, social dim ension is st rongly influenced by t he agricult ural ex t ension w it h scale fact or v alues of 2. 35 and agricult ural labor wit h a v alue of 2. 20. Bot h of t hese fact ors need t o be considered from t he social aspect s, t hus great ly det erm ine t he fut ure sust ainabilit y of t he w et land. Agricult ural ex t ension is a vit al w et land t hat ’s relat ed t o underst anding t he ow ner of t he im port ance of w et land v alues in t he long t erm as w ell as t he k now ledge m anagem ent t o increase t he yield of rice product ion t hat is m ore opt im al, bot h in t erm s of seed and t im e cropping pat t erns. Counseling in addit ion t o a personalized approach of prov iding an underst anding beforehand, t hen by w ay of group discussions. Salam pessy ( 2012) show s t hat a group discussion aft er underst anding t he condit ions will be a m ore effect iv e m et hod by form ing m eet ings and group discussions so t hat educat ion is not a one- w ay only . Anot her fact or, t he superior seeds t o produce good rice product ion and an increase in t he I nv est m ent I ndex ( I P) opt im ize t he t im ing of land m anagem ent . Various fact ors form ing t he social dim ension is show n in Figure 1.


The social condit ions are st ill very good so t hat t he st at us of t he social dim ension of sust ainabilit y is at 55. 91. Ent ering t he cat egory is t he quit e sust ainable, but it needs t o be m aint ained wit h due regard t o t he sust ainabilit y of t he lev er fact or. Ov erview of t he st at us of sust ainabilit y is in Figure 2.

Figure 2. Social dim ension sust ainabilit y st at us.

Econ om ic dim en sion. I n t he econom ic dim ension of t he fact ors t hat influenced t he presence of t he w et land rice product ion cent er in Cit arum include t he num ber of agricult ural labor as t he driving funct ion of t he exist ing wet land wit h a v alue of 3. 26 and a fact or for t he num ber of m ark et access wit h a v alue of 2. 85. The am ount of labor farm ers are dim inishing, especially w hen t he successors of agricult ural land m anagers are a few. Young people including children of farm ers do not w ant t o w ork lik e t heir parent s and an econom ic ov erview show s t hat farm ers do not hav e a good fut ure. On t he ot her hand, it show s t hat because t he percept ion of w orking in an office or com pany is bet t er ev en t hough fact ory w ork ers and j anit or of an office are also bet t er t han as farm ers. Because t he incom e from farm ing is not considered a rout ine and only at harv est t im e, t he incom e of farm ing result s can be great er t han in a fact ory . While fact ors for t he am ount of m ark et access is t he need for furt her m ark et reach and not only local m ark et s so as t o guarant ee t he st abilit y of prices, and product ion t arget s required farm ers t o increase yields farm ing. Market reach is also associat ed wit h a short m ark et ing chain but t oo m uch inv olv em ent of m iddlem en m inim alizes t he price of rice at t he farm level. The fact ors form ing t he econom ic dim ension are show n in Figure 3.


Figure 3. Fact ors in econom ic dim ension.

Figure 4. Econom ic dim ensions of sust ainabilit y st at us.


dev elopm ent of Jak art a and Bek asi. While t he use of resident ial land is also fact or causing pressure on t he w et land, t his m ak es act ivit y of t he resident ial- housing const ruct ion higher. On t he ot her hand, t he int erest of farm ers w ill need a huge cost in a short t im e and t he bidding price of t he land from t hose dev elopers is draw n by landrent from w et land t o ot her land uses. Ot her sust ainabilit y field st at us const ruct ing fact or is t o use seeds t hat have a high product ion yield. Descript ion of t he fact ors on t he ecological dim ension is show n in Figure 5.

Figure 5. Fact ors on ecological dim ension.


Figure 6. Dim ensions of ecological sust ainabilit y st at us.

I n fr a st ru ctu r e a n d t echn ology dim e n sion. Fact ors on t he infrast ruct ure and t echnology dim ension are condit ions in w hich t he const ruct ing fact or input s and t he use of product s w ere deriv ed from agricult ural product s. These saprodi condit ions such as farm im plem ent s t hat m ost farm ers are st ill not opt im al in t he upt ak e of appropriat e t echnologies as w ell as fert ilizer and pest icides during t he applicat ion of organic fert ilizer are st ill considered t o be m ore ex pensive t han art ificial fert ilizers. On t he ot her hand, t he added v alue of agricult ure has not been in a lot of deriv at iv e product s because t hey can not t ak e adv ant age of t echnology and innov at ion and it is not opt im al in t he farm ing com m unit y t o ut ilize w ast e and product s deriv ed from agricult ural product s. Value of const ruct ing fact ors are based on t he analy sis of t he condit ion of MDS farm ing input s of 3. 45, and t he use of product s of farm crops am ount ed t o 3. 37. Pict ure of t he v alue of t he fact ors in t he infrast ruct ure and t echnology dim ensions are show n in Figure 7.


The infrast ruct ure and t echnology dim ension is t he dim ension t hat is v ery v ulnerable because of it s sust ainabilit y st at us t hat ent ered t he cat egory of less sust ainable wit h a v alue of 45. 93, so as t o enhance t he sust ainabilit y st at us of t he need t o consider t he exist ing const ruct ion fact or. The posit ion of t he st at us of sust ainabilit y in t his dim ension is as show n in Figure 8.

Figure 8. St at us dim ensions of infrast ruct ure sust ainabilit y and t echnology.


Figure 9. Fact ors on legal and inst it ut ional dim ensions.

The sust ainabilit y st at us condit ions for t he legal and inst it ut ional dim ension hav e t he m ost good st at us of all dim ensions wit h a v alue of 67. 88 included in t he sust ainabilit y crit eria. This is because t he regulat ory and inst it ut ional support bot h in it s im plem ent at ion is not opt im al, but t he av ailabilit y of t he dev ice is a k ey fact or in m inim izing t he rat e of w et land conv ersion. Ordinat ed pict ure of t he st at us of sust ainabilit y in t he legal and inst it ut ional dim ensions is show n in Figure 10.


M u lt i dim en siona l scallin g a n d va lidit y a na lysis. Result s of analy sis using t he MDS generat es an index v alue of sust ainabilit y funct ions of w et land resources in t he four count ies as a cent er of rice product ion in Cit arum . Where t he v alue of t he highest sust ainabilit y in t he legal and instit ut ional dim ensions is 67. 88 and t he lowest in infrast ruct ure and t echnology dim ensions is 45. 93. I nt er- dim ensional visualizat ion of t he st at us of sust ainabilit y are as show n in Figure 11.

Figure 11. Mult i- dim ensional sust ainabilit y st at us.

The v alidit y of t he MDS used Mont ecarlo analy sis, w hereby t he difference of t he result s of t he com parat iv e analy sis of MDS m ont ecarlo v alues is show n in Table 2.

Table 2 The result of Mont e Carlo Analy sis for Mult idim ensional Sust ainable I ndex Values and

each Dim ension in t he confidence int erv al of 95%

I ndex St at us MDS Mont ecarlo Difference

Social 55. 91 55. 34 0. 57

Econom y 56. 30 55. 49 0. 81

Ecology 57. 66 57. 13 0. 53

I nfrast ruct ure & Technology 45. 93 45. 87 0. 06 Law & I nst it ut ion 67. 88 66. 36 1. 52


product ion cent ers in Cit arum halt ed from upper- m iddle- end based on t he design policy cont ribut ed t o a high area and required for t he im plem ent at ion of green product ion.


Spat ial clarit y under pressure because it is cov ered by indust rial act ivit y.


Great Hall of t he Region Cit arum Riv er, 2011 [ Wat er efficiency- t hrough inv est m ent rice sust ainabilit y st at us of fisheries. Fisheries Research 49( 3) : 255- 270.


Table 1  Status category of sustainable functions farm field sources based on index value
Figure 1. Factors in the social dimension.
Figure 2. Social dimension sustainability status.
Figure 3. Factors in economic dimension.


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