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Academic year: 2017



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Jln. Veteran No. 1064 Bakung Kelurahan Kemalaraja Kecamatan Baturaja Timur


Tahun Pelajaran 2014/2015

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Hari/Tanggal :

Kelas : VI (Enam) Waktu : ………. s.d ……. WIB


1. Periksalah dan bacalah dengan teliti soal - soal sebelum anda menjawabnya

2. Laporkan kepada pengaws Ujian jika terdapat tulisan yang kurang jelas, rusak atau jumlah soal kurang.

3. Jumlah soal sebanyak 50 butir, dahulukan soal-soal yang anda anggap mudah dan kerjakan pada lembar jawaban yang telah disediakan!

4. Berilah tanda silang (X) padajawaban yang anda yakini benar!

5. Apabila anda merasa jawaban anda salah dan akan merubah jawaban lain berilah tanda ( == ) pada jawaban semula ( A B C D)

I. Multiple Choice (Piihan Ganda)

Choose the correct answer a, b, c, or d! (Piihlah jawaban yang benar a, b, c, atau d)

1. Sabina : Good morning Bunga : Good……. Sabina

6. The students want to make a line. They need a a. Eraser

b. Ruler c. Blackboard d. Table

3. A place where travelers or visitors stay for a moments is…. d. Thank you

▸ Baca selengkapnya: soal dan jawaban mulok kelas 3 sd


d. Hospital

6. I want to watch TV. Please….. the TV a. turn on

b. turn off c. switch off d. close

11. Soni usually has breakfast at... .(06.15) a. a quarter past seven

b. Six o’clock c. A quarter past six d. Fifteen to six

6. I want to take a bath, I need a ... to wash my body.

a. soap b. toothpaste

c. detergent d. shampoo

12. Saw - yesterday - the - mountain - They The right arrangement is


Lisa : What sign is it? Bimo : it’s...

a. Parkhere! b. Turn left! c. Turnright! d. Cross here!

23. They went to the Zoo yesterday Change into negative (-) sentences... a. They go to the zoo yesterday b. They aren’t go to the zoo c. They does not went to the zoo d. They did not go to the zoo

14. Santi’s mother sells fruits in the market. She is a …

a. Happy b. Sad c. funsny d. Lazy

24. The synonym of diligent is… a. Lazy a. Swimming b. Tennis d. Fruit sellers

16. A : Is it a lip?

26. Doni : Where is the location of Ranau Lake? Aido : it’s in the....( sum - sel)

a. South sumatera b. South Java c. North sumatera d. North Java

17. Bagus : Nice to meet you, Dwi Dwi :...too

a. How do you do b. I am fine

c. Nice to meet you d. Thank you

27. The sun rises in the… a. East

b. West c. North d. South

18. I have mouth for a. Smelling b. Seeing c. Speaking

d. Hearing

28. In one year, Indonesia has ... season a. One

b. Two c. Three d. Four

19. There are ...(jari-jari) in our hand a. Fingers

b. Head c. Mouth d. Foot

29. We can see many farmers gathering to cut crops

in the.? a. Mosque b. hospital c. Drugstore d. Rice field

20. If I toothache I go to the ...

31. A: Can you bargain in a traditional market? B: Yes, we can

The underlined word means… a. menjual


22. Nurleni : Good morning Widiya : Good …. Nurleni. a. Evening

b. Morning c. Night d. Afternoon

32. Mike Tyson likes to play. a. Badminton



33. The clothes cost a hundred thousand rupiahs. The meaning of the word “cost” is ….

a. Menawar b. Murah c. Diskon d. Harga

Text for number 43 to 45 Read the text!

We have a house. It has five rooms they are living, bed room kitchen, bathroom and garage. Living room is a place for guest sitting. Bedroom is the place for cooking. Bathroom is the place or taking a bath, and garage is the.

34. A : What time is it ? B : It’s ……

a. a half past nine b. a quarter to nine c. a quarter past nine d. a half to nine

43. What is the room for guest sitting.? a. living room

b. kitchen c. bathroom d. bedroom

44. The place for taking a bath is.? a. garage

b. kitchen c. bathroom d. bedroom

36. This animal has foir legs, It pa, live on Land And water It also likes jumping Anywhere. What animal is it.?

a. bird

38. Don’t forget to switch on the stove when you look. The underline of word means …..

a. hidupkan b. matikan c. hapuskan d. hancurkan

47. s – a – y – d – u – n The correct order is …. a. Today

48. Sofia is clever. Ficko is … than Sofia. a. Cleverer

b. More clever c. Clever

d. Most Cleverer

40. We can see antique paintings is the …. a. Bank

b. Post Office c. School d. Museum

49. Yoga pergi ke kebun binatang kemarin. In English is ….

a. Yoga going to the zoo everyday b. Yoga go to the zoo last week c. Yoga went to the zoo yesterday d. Yoga gone to the zoo last month

41. To – like – badminton – play – I 1 2 3 4 5

The correct order is …. a. 5 – 2 – 1 – 4 – 3 b. 5 – 4 – 3 – 1 – 2 c. 5 – 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 d. 5 – 3 – 1 – 2 – 4

50. I did not go to Palembang last month. Change into positive sentence …. a. I go to Palembang last month b. I went to Palembang last month c. Last month I go to Palembang d. Did I go to Palembang last month



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