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A semantic field of business term on the Jakarta post


Academic year: 2017

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A Thesis

Submitted to Faculty of Adab and Humanities

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for The Degree of Strata One

S U P A N D I 108026000128




i Hidayatullah Jakarta, 2014.

This research aims to know the kinds of semantic field of business on The Jakarta Post (April 2013 editions). This research also aims to know differences between two business terms in a semantic field by using componential analysis.

This research uses qualitative method with several steps. First, the writer collects the business article of The Jakarta Post (April 2013 editions) as long as a month. Second, the writer reads all of article to find the business term. Third, the writer decides a semantic field for every term and finally the writer explains every term by using componential analysis.



knowledge and belief, it contains no material previously published or written by another person nor material, which to a substantial extent has been accepted for the award of any other degree of diploma of the University or the other Institute of higher learning, expect where due acknowledgement has been made in the text.

Jakarta, September 26, 2014

S u p a n d i



given us strengths and helps. Peace and salutation may be upon our Prophet Muhammad SAW, the most honorable messenger who led us from darkness unto lightness.

The writer would like to thank to his beloved parents (Mr. Adih and Mrs. Sumiyati) for their patient, love, support, advice and pray; his sister and brothers (Mrs. Rohidah, Suhanda and Ahmad Syahrillah) for their love, support and pray; his advisor, Mr. Hilmi Akmal, M. Hum, for his guidance, advice and support; his lecturer in Indonesia Letters and Education Department, Mr. Makyun Subuki M.Hum for his guidance and advice; and his examiners, Dr. H. Muhammad Farkhan M.Pd and Drs. Saefudin M.Pd for their guidance and advice.

The writer also would like to thank to the founding father of KMIK Jakarta,

Prof. Dr. H. Fathurrahman Ra’uf, M.A, for his pray and advice, his special

someone, Fitria Nursyarifah, for her love, support, advice and pray; his senior in English Letters Department, Shohibussirri S.S and Pissesius Yunki Pradana S.S for their support; his friends Luthfi Maulana Zulkarnaen, Fahmi S.Hum, Luthfi Adam S.Hum, Kukuh Panji, Imam Buhori S.Sy for their support and advice;

Kiswondari S.S, Cecep Supardi, Muhamad Baihaqi, Ahmad Sya’ir and Lukmanul


vi Faculty.

2. Drs. Asep Saefuddin, M. Pd, the Head of English Letters Department. 3. Elve Oktafiyani, M. Hum, the Secretary of English Letters Department. 4. His Lecturers in English Letters Department who gave many knowledge

and advice for him.

5. His Friends at KMIK Jakarta, especially Dade Muslich, S.Pd, Muhammad Edi Abdillah, S.Kom.I, and Nurcholis, S.Pd for their pray, advice and support.

6. His Friends in English Letters Department 2008

Jakarta, June 2014









A. Background of the Study... 1

B. Focus of the Study... 3

C. Research Question... 3

D. Significance of the Study... 3

E. Research Methodology... 3

1. Objective of the Study... 3

2. Method of the Study... 4

3. Technique of Data Collecting and Data Analysis.... 4

4. Instrument of the Study... 4

5. The Units of Analysis... 4

6. Time and Place of the Study... 5


A. Semantics... 6



3. Lexical Semantics... 9

C. Semantic Field... 9

D. Componential Analysis... 15

E. Semantic Relation... 18

1. Synonymy... 19

2. Antonymy... 20

3. Hyponymy... 23

4. Meronymy... 25


A. Data Description... 27

B. Data Analysis... 28


A. Conclusion... 37

B. Suggestion... 39




A. Background of the Study

Language cannot be separated from human life, because it is the source and power for human.1 It exists and develops as long as human life history.2

There are three kinds of language form. First, the spoken language is a natural language that is called as vocal-auditory language.3 This form is used to talk with our friends, our associates, our wives and husbands, our lovers, our teachers, our parents and in-laws.4 Second, sign language is a natural language that is called as manual-visual language. This form is used to interact among deaf people.5 Third, written language is a representation from language that uses tools of writing system. This form is a language that usual exists in various forms.6

The newspaper is one of many representations in written language. There are many newspapers which are published in Indonesia, such as The Jakarta Post, Kompas, Bali Times, Media Indonesia, Jakarta Globe, Rakyat Merdeka,


Victoria Fromkin and Robert Rodman. An Introduction to Language : Seventh Edition.

(Boston : Heinle Thomson Corporation. 2003). p. 3


Mudji Rahardjo. Sekilas Sejarah Bahasa (1). (Malang : Universitas Islam Negeri Malang.

2010). Accessed on september 10, 2012 from



Phillip Strazny. Encyclopedia of Linguistics : Volume 2. (Newyork : Fitzroy DearBorn. 2009). p. 939


Victoria Fromkin. Loc. Cit.


Philipp Stranzy. Loc. Cit.



Republika and many others, but just three newspapers that use English as main language, such as The Jakarta Post, Jakarta Globe and Bali Times.7

The Jakarta Post is an English newspaper in Indonesia. It is published on April 25, 1983 in Jakarta.8 Like another newspaper, The Jakarta Post has many columns that contain different topic, such as sport, business, education, politic, healthy, and many others. In every column, there are many terms in the field that have same or near meaning each other. So, for showing differences among the term, it can be explained by using analysis that is called as componential analysis.9

For example, the term bonus and award refer to extra payment that is accepted by employee. For showing differences between two terms, must be explained by using componential analysis.

Using componential analysis, it can be explained by the semantic component of them. The semantic component of bonus is /+given in form of money/, /+given in form of not money/, /+given when still work/, /-given when did not work/, /+given in every month/, /+given in definite time/, /-caused by employee works/, /-/-caused by employee achievement/, and /+caused by company Achievement/;10 and the semantic component of award is /+given in form of money/, /+given in form of not money/, /+given when still work/, /-given when did not work/, /+given in every month/, /+given in


http://www.w3newspapers.com/indonesia/ Accesed on September 10, 2013


http://www.thejakartapost.com/company_profile/thejakartapost_history. Accesed on September 2, 2012


Makyun Subuki. Semantik : Pengantar Memahami Makna Bahasa. (Jakarta : Trans Pustaka. 2011) p. 184



definite time/, /-caused by employee works/, /+caused by employee achievement/, and /-caused by company achievement/.11

From the explanation above, it can be summarized that by using componential analysis will be found difference between bonus and award. That difference is semantic component /+caused by company achievement/ for bonus and semantic component /-caused by company achievement/ for award.

B. Focus of the Study

This research focuses on the business term of The Jakarta Post (April 2013 editions).

C. Research Question

The research questions are proposed as follow:

1. What are kinds of semantic fields of business that exist on The Jakarta Post (April 2013 editions)?

2. How is componential analysis describes every term in its semantic field of busines?

D. Significance of the Study

It is hoped this research can be reference and useful for students or researchers who are interested with linguistics, especially semantics. Furthermore, it is hoped that this research can give more information about semantic field and component analysis theories.



E. Research Methodology 1. Objective of the Study

The objective of this research to know about:

a. The kinds of semantic fields of business that exist on The Jakarta Post (April 2013 editions)

b. The semantic components that exist in its semantic field on The Jakarta Post (April 2013 editions)

2. Method of the Study

The method of the study in this research is qualitative method. This research uses semantic field and componential analysis theories to identify and analyze the busisness terms on The Jakarta Post (April 2013 editions).

3. Technique of Data Collecting and Data Analysis

In this research the writer uses qualitative method with several steps as follows: (1) the writer collects the business article of The Jakarta Post (April 2013 editions) as long as a month, (2) the writer reads all of article to find the business term, (3) the writer decides a semantic field for every term and finally, (4) the writer explains every term by using componential analysis.

4. Instrument of the Study


collected, read, and analyzed by using semantic field, component analysis and semantic relation theories.

5. The Units of Analysis

The unit of analysis in this research is eight articles of business on the Jakarta Post April 2013 editions. The eight articles title are: (1) article on April 2, 2013: Economic Sentiment in Japan Takes a Positive Turn, (2) article on April 3, 2013: Takeover Deal Struggle to Find Traction, (3) article on April 5, 2013: Breaking with History, SCTV, Indosiar to Say the Same Despite Merger, (4) article on April 6, 2013: Japan Makes Bold Bid to End Deflation, (5) article on April 11, 2013: No Big Change Expected in BI Monetary Policy, (6) article on April 12, 2013: Bank Shift Risky Assets into Murkier Areas of Finance Sector, (7) article on April 24, 2013: Fed‟s Policy Adds to Risk of Instability, (8) article on April 25, 2013: A Crisis that Stumps the Experts

6. Time and Place of the Study




A. Semantics

The term of semantic comes from English. This term is introduced by American Philological Association in 1894 by tittle Reflected Meanings: a Point in Semantics.12

Semantic is studies of meaning in language.13 Setiawati in Pesona Bahasa said that semantic is branch of linguistics, it studies sign language meaning.14 This definition based on theory of semantic triangle by Ogden and Richard. They explain the correlation among symbol, concept and reference. Both explain its theory by picture as follows:

Picture 1: Semantic Triangle by Ogden and Richard15

Concept Image about book

Symbol Reference (b-o-o-k)

The picture 1 describes the correlation among symbol concept and reference. The correlation between concept and reference has direct


Mansoer Pateda. Semantik Leksikal : Edisi Kedua. (Jakarta : Rineka Cipta. 2010). pp. 2-3


James Hurford. et al., Semantics a coursebook : Second Edition. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 2007). p. 1


Setiawati Darmojuwono. “Semantik” in Kushartanti. et.al.Pesona Bahasa : Langkah Awal Memahami Linguistik. (Jakarta: PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama. 2005). p.114



correlation but the correlation between symbol and reference has indirect correlation. Therefore, the concept will connect both of them. For example, the lexeme of book. The imagination about book in our mind is a concept. The spelling the lexeme of book (b-o-o-k) is a symbol. Then, book in a something is reference.16

Beside the definition above, Griffiths explains that semantic is the study of the “toolkit” for meaning: knowledge encoded in the vocabulary of the

language and in its patterns for building more elaborate meanings, up to the level of sentence meanings.17 Crystal and Trask in Makyun said that semantic is branch of linguistics that study about language meaning.18

From some definitions above, it can be summarized that semantic is study of meaning in a text but not context.

B. Lexeme, Lexical Meaning and Lexical Semantics 1. Lexeme

Generally, lexeme is dictionary word or words that are written in a dictionary. Lexeme is also defined as the name of the abstract unit which unites all morphological variants of single word.19 Baeur and Haspelmath in Makyun explains that lexeme is abstract vocabulary. That is general form that can be associated by all of words form as form that used in a


Kushartanti. et al., Op.Cit. pp. 114-115


Pattrick Griffiths. An Introduction to English Semantics and Pragmatics. (Edinburgh : Edinburgh University Press. 2006).p. 1


Makyun Subuki. Op.Cit. p. 4



text.20 Dwi Purnanto explains that lexeme is the smallest unit in a lexicon that have a function as input and basic in morphology process.21

For example:22

a. He goes to market b. I go to the market

c. I went to market yesterday d. He has gone

From the example above, the form of goes, go, went, and gone are words form from lexeme go.

2. Lexical Meaning

Lexical meaning is meaning that exists in a lexeme. Examples of lexical meanings are lexeme horse, pencil and water. Lexeme horse has lexical meaning „a kind of animal that has four feet and can be driven‟.

Lexeme pencil has lexical meaning as „a tool for writing‟ that is made from wood and charcoal‟. Lexeme water has lexical meaning „a liquid that used for daily needs‟. For these examples can be said that lexical

meaning is the real meaning that is resulted by the observation of intuition23‟.


Makyun Subuki. Op.Cit. p. 60


Dwi Purnanto. Peranana Leksem dan kata dalam Studi Morfologi. (Surakarta : Universitas

Sebelas Maret 2009) Accesed on March 21, 2012 from



Makyun Subuki. Op Cit. pp. 60-61



Beside the definition above, Crystal in Makyun that the lexical meaning as a meaning from lexical forms.24 Whereas Cruse explains that lexical meaning is the meaning of full lexical items such as nouns, verbs and adjectives.25

From some definitions above, it can be summarized that lexical meaning is meaning that exists in every lexeme or word.

3. Lexical Semantics

Lexical semantic is intern semantic that study meaning of lexeme in a lexicon of language.26 Cruse in A Glossary of Semantics and Pragmatics explains that lexical semantic is the systematic study of meaning-related properties of words. Exactly what is included in the field is likely to vary from scholar to scholar, but central topics include: how best to specify the meaning of a word; paradigmatic relations of meaning such as synonymy, antonymy, and hyponymy; syntagmatic relations of meaning, including selectional restrictions; structures in the lexicon such as taxonomic hierarchies; change of word meaning over time; and processes of meaning extension, such as metaphor and metonymy.27 C. Semantic Field

There are many terms of semantic field, such as word field, lexical field, conceptual field, and semantic domain. These terms are synonyms. But


Makyun Subuki. Op.Cit. p. 46


Alan Cruse. A Glossary of Semantics and Pragmatics. (Edinburgh : Edinburgh University Press. 2006). p. 95


Makyun Subuki. Op.Cit. p.11



some authors differentiate among these terms.28 Lyons in Geeraerts distinguishes between conceptual field as a structure of concepts on the semantic level, a structured conceptual area, and a lexical field as the set of lexical items that covers a specific conceptual field. Further, Lyons makes a distinction between lexical field and semantic field according to whether the set of expressions that covers a conceptual field consists only of words, or also contains other units, such as idiomatic expressions. If the field of anger terms includes expressions like to boil over or to look daggers rather than just rage, fume, seethe, and the like, the field could be called semantic rather than lexical.29

Beside Lyons, Lipka in Geeraerts makes a similar distinction, but distinguishes terminologically between word field and lexical field. According to Lipka word field and lexical field is the set of lexemes contains only morphologically simple items or includes complex of lexemes next to simple ones.30

Kridalaksana in Kamus Linguistik explains that Semantic field is:

“Bagian dari sistem semantik bahasa yang menggambarkan bagian

dari bidang kebudayaan atau realitas dalam semesta tertentu yang di realisasikan oleh seperangkat unsur leksikal yang maknanya



Dirk Geeraerts.Theories of Lexical Semantics.(Oxford: Oxford University Press.2010). p. 56


Dirk Geeraerts.Op.Cit. pp. 56-57


Ibid. p. 57



Nida in Pateda explains that a semantic domain consists essentially of a group of meanings which share certain semantic components. Semantic domain consists simply of meanings which have common semantic components.32 Whereas, Lyons defines conceptual field as a structure of concepts on the semantic level, a structured conceptual area.33

Geeraerts in Theories of Lexical Semantics said that lexical field is a set of related lexical items semantically that have meaning interdependent and provide conceptual structure for a certain domain or reality.34 Whereas P. Lutzeier in Concise Encyclopedia of Semantic stated that lexical fields are a useful tool for holistic approaches about lexical meaning, structures of the vocabulary and mental lexicon as well as issues around categorization. He said that there are any concept of lexical fields will try to capture the following basic ideas and principles:35

1. Fields have a position somewhere between the individual lexical element and the whole lexicon.

2. Fields and individual words have in common that they are part of the lexicon. Fields and the lexicon have in common that they are constituted from words.

3. Fields are (higher level) signs and therefore comprise a form level as well as a content level.


Mansoer Pateda. Op.Cit. p. 174


Dirk Geeraerts. Op.Cit. p. 56


Ibid. p. 52



4. Each element of the field receives its position in contradistinction and interconnection with other elements of the field.

5. Each lexical field deals with a particular conceptual domain.

Eugenio Coseriu admits only fields that consist of lexical items that exhibit clear oppositions, like young and old, day and night, or tiède „lukewarm‟, chaud and brûlant „hot‟, where the items (unidirectionally or

bidirectionally) exclude each other.36

Coseriu also gives the specific formulation of lexical field theory may

be seen as a deliberate and methodical attempt to draw the consequences of a structuralist approach to meaning. According to Coseriu, there are two major elements in the theory a systematic demarcation of the field of application of structural semantics, and framework for the description of lexical items.37

The demarcation of the proper object of investigation takes the form of seven successive distinctions, where with each successive step, one of the poles of the distinction is rejected as not relevant. First, Coseriu draws the distinction between extralinguistic reality and language, and obviously singles out language as the object of investigation. (This is less straightforward than it seems; we will return to this point in a moment.) Second, within the realm of language, the metalanguage (the language we use to talk about language) has to be excluded to the benefit of the primary object language. Third, within the primary object language, the study of synchronic structure


Dirk Geeraerts. Op.Cit. p. 79



takes precedence over the study of diachrony—as may be expected in a structuralist framework. Fourth, fixed expressions like sayings and proverbs have to be excluded from the analysis, since these may be considered „repeated discourse‟, i.e. quotations, rather than productive language use. Fifth, although language take the form of a „diasystem‟ of geographical (diatopical), social (diastratal), and stylistic (diaphatic) language varieties, the structural analysis should concentrate on the „functional language‟ that is

homogeneous, i.e. free of differences in space, of differences in social layers, and of differences in stylistic level. Sixth, within that functional language, the

object of investigation is the actual productive system of the language, and not the „norm‟, the socially and traditionally fixed ways of speaking that are not necessarily functionally distinctive. Finally, the object of semantic analysis is the meaning or sense of a word (Bedeu-tung), and not its reference (Bezeichnung): the reference or denotatum of two expressions may be the same while their meaning may be different, as when Napoleon is referred to as „the victor of Jena‟ and „the defeated of Waterloo‟.38

There are many linguists who give example of semantic field. For more explanation can be seen on the table and picture as follows:



Table 1: The field of Stuhl (Chair) and Sessel (Comfortable Chair) According to Gipper39

Stuhl (Chair) Sessel (Comfortable Chair)



Picture 2: The Field of Beauty in French According to Duchàček40

From the explanation and example above, it can be summarized that semantic field is the grouping lexeme or word into a group or field that is based on formal and functional similarity.


Dirk Geeraerts. Op.Cit. p.69

noblesse (nobility)

divinité (greatness)

magie (magic)

amour (love)

séduction (seduction)

grander (greatness)

beauté (beauty)

amour (love)

galaté (joy)

plaire (to please)

achévemement (accomplishment)

élégance (elegance) perfection


D. Componential Analysis

Semantic field analysis does not provide a tool to analyze a meaning that exists in a lexical in the semantic field. Therefore, we need an analysis that can explain its meaning, that is componential analysis.41

Componential analysis is a method for describing such oppositions that takes its inspiration from structuralist phonology: just as phonemes are described structurally by their position on a set of contrastive dimensions (fricative or stop, voiced or voiceless, rounded or unrounded, etc.), words may be characterized on the basis of the dimensions that structure a lexical field.42

Componential analysis provides a descriptive model for semantic content, based on the assumption that meanings. That can be described on the basis of a restricted set of conceptual building blocks—the semantic „components‟.43

Goodenough explains componential analysis by using letters to identify nine relavant dimension. A represents the general characteristic of being related to the reference person (ego). B indicates generation, with the values B1 for a senior generation, B2 for the same generation, and B3 for a junior generation. These generations have a culture-specific definition that differs from the usual genealogical one, but the specifics of that definition need not detain us here. C is the sex of the relative, with C1 for male and C2 for female. D involves symmetry of relationship to connecting matrilineal group,


Makyun Subuki. Op.Cit. pp.183-184


Dirk Geeraerts.Op.Cit. p. 52



with D1 for symmetrical and D2 for asymmetrical relationships. On the other words, the relationship will be symmetrical if the named relative has the same tie to connecting matrilineal group as ego; this is a specific feature that we do not need to explain in detail. E indicates sex relative to ego‟s sex with E1 for same sex and E2 for opposite sex, and F indicates mode of relationship, with F1 for consanguineal and F2 for affine. G refers to the age of the relative in comparison to ego‟s age, with G1 for older and G2 for younger. H specifies

matrilineal group of membership relative to ego‟s, with H1 member of ego‟s group, H2 member of ego‟s father‟s group, and H3 member of neither group.

J specifies the nature of collateral removal, with J1 for lineal and J2 for not lineal.44

Goodenough gives examples from Germany Semenapej can be defined as AB1C1J1: it refers to all male members of an older generation than ego‟s of

whom ego is a direct descendant (fathers and grandfathers). Jinenapej can be defined as AB1C2J1, it refers to the female ancestors of whom ego is a lineal descendant (mothers and grandmothers). Feefinej can be defined as AB2D1E2F1C2: it refers to female blood relatives of the same generation of a male ego who has the same relationship to the matrilineal connecting group as ego (sisters, female cousins). Mwaani can be defined as AB2D1E2F1C1. Feature D turns out to be relevant when we ask how the speakers of Truk would name same sex relatives, like a man talking about his brothers or a woman talking about her sisters. Pwiij can be defined AB2D1E1, it refers to



same-sex relatives of the same generation as ego—except when a non-symmetrical relationship applies. Jeesej can be defined as AB2D2E1.45

Beside Goodenough‟s example, Pottier provides an example of

componential analysis in the field of furniture terms in French. The field consists six words, these are siegè, pouf, tabouret, chaise, fauteuil, and canapé. The six words can be explained on the table as follows:

Table 2: Componential analysis of chairs furniture in French according to Pottier46

s1 for sitting

s2 for one person

s3 with legs

s4 with back

s5 with armest

s6 rigid material

siegè +

Pouf + + + + - +

Tabouret + + + + + +

chaise + + + - - +

fauteuil + - + + + +

canapé + + - - - -

Componential analysis has many advantages, these are:47

1. Componential analysis can give an answer why a sentence is correct. 1a. Her husband is a man.

1b. My mother a woman.

1c. Our neighbor who is pregnant is a woman.


Dirk Geeraerts. Op.Cit. pp. 73-74


Ibid. p. 76



2. Componential analysis can give an answer why a sentence is incorrect. 2a. Her husband is a woman.

2b. My mother is a man.

2c. Our neighbor who is pregnant is a man.

3. Componential analysis can give an answer why a sentence is abnormal. 3a. The cliff is a male.

3b. My mother is assembled.

3c. Our neighbor who is pregnant is geometric.

4. Componential analysis can decide semantic relation that exists in a semantic field (synonymy, opposite, antonymy, and hyponymy)

From the expalanation and example above, it can be summarized that componential analysis is a method or system that is used for describing meaning of lexeme or word.

E. Semantic Relation

There are many kinds of semantic relations in semantic. These are antonymy, synonymy, hyponymy, meronymy and many others.

1. Synonymy

The term of synonymy come from Ancient Greece language, that is “onoma” that means name and “syn” that means with. So, literally

another name for a same something.48 Beside its definition, synonymy can be defined as words that have different sound; however, but have the



same or nearly the same meaning.49 For example:50

Seaman = Sailor

Large = Big

Thin = Skinny Error = Mistake

Center = Middle

Postman = Mailman

Synonymy is divided into two kinds, these are absolute synonymy and partial synonymy. Absolute synonymy means that the relation between two words that can replace each other in every context. Whereas, partial synonymy means that the relation between two words can replace in definite context each other.51

For example: absolute synonymy, (the relation between “thin” and


1 (a) Alice is a thin (b) Alice is a skinny

For example: partial synonymy, (the relation between “steal” and “corrupt”).53

2 (a) Mr. Jack steals a lot of money in his company. (b) Mr. Jack corrupts a lot of money in his company.


Victoria Fromkin. Op.Cit. p. 165


Charles W. Kreidler. Op.Cit. pp. 96-99


Makyun Subuki. Op.Cit. p. 82


Charles W. Kreidler. Op.Cit. p. 98



(c) Mr. Jack steals a motorcycle. (d) Mr. Jack corrupts a motorcycle.

From the examples above, it can be summarized that the sentence 2(a) and 2(b) can replace each other, but the sentence of 2(c) and 2(d) cannot be replaced, because usually a corruptor just steals money but a thief steals everything, including money.

2. Antonymy

The term of “antonymy” come from Ancient Greece Language. That is “onoma” that means name and “anti” that means “oppose”. So, literally

antonymy means the name that opposite each other. In more specific definition, Cruse as quoted in Makyun divides antonyms become three kinds; these are polar antonyms, overlapping antonyms and equipollent antonyms.54

2.1 Polar Antonymy55

Polar antonymy is antonymy that shows polarity one direction in a single dimension. For example is long and short for long dimension, heavy and light for heavy dimension and many and little for many dimensions.

For example:

(21.a) How long your pencil? not (21.b) How short your pencil? (21.c) How heavy this box? not (21.d) How light this box?

(21.e) How many your children? not (21.f) how little your children?


Makyun Subuki. Op.Cit. pp. 77-78



Polar antonyms can be illustrated by the picture as follows:

Long Short

2.2 Overlapping Antonym56

Overlapping antonymy is antonymy that shows polarity of evaluative and two directions. For example is good and bad.

2.2a Ahmad‟s attitude is better than Kardi‟s attitude. 2.2b Ahmad‟s attitude is worse than Kardi‟s attitude.

From two sentences above, it can be explained that the meaning of sentence in (22.a) does not means that “Ahmad‟s attitude is good”

and “Kardi‟s attitude is bad”. This sentence can also mean that Ahmad‟s attitude is bad but it does not mean “Ahmad‟s attitude as bad as Kardi‟s attitude”. Then, the meaning of sentence in (22.b) is

Ahmad‟s and Kardi‟s attitude are bad, but it does not mean “Ahmad‟s attitude is not as bad as Kardi‟s attitude

From the explanation above can be summarized that good and bad are overlapping antonymy.

Overlapping antonyms can be illustrated by the picture as follows:



Good Bad

2.3 Equipollent Antonymy57

Equipollent Antonymy is antonymy that shows polarity of evaluative and two directions, but does not overlap. For example is hot and cold.

2.3a The weather of today is hotter than the weather of yesterday. 2.3b The weather of today is colder than the weather of yesterday.

From two sentences above, can be explained as follows:

The meaning of sentence in (2.3a) is the weather of yesterday is hot but it does not mean as hot as the weather of today. This sentence can also means that the weather of today is cold but it does not mean as cold as the weather of yesterday. From the both meanings, it can be summarized that the first meaning is closer than the second meaning.

The meaning of sentence in (2.3a) is the weather of yesterday is cold but it does not mean as hot as the weather of today. This sentence can also means that the weather of today is hot but it does not mean as hot as the weather of yesterday. From both meanings



can be summarized that the first meaning is closer than the second meaning.

From the explanations above, it can be summarized that there is a standard to decide hot and cold temperature. As a result, hot and cold are equipollent antonyms.

Overlapping antonyms can be illustrated by the picture as follows:

Hot Cold

3. Hyponymy

Hyponymy is a lexical relation based on general-specific relation. Examples of lexemes are animal, dog, and cat. The lexeme that has a category more inclusive, it is called hyperonym or superordinate, like the lexeme of animal. Whereas, the lexeme that has a category more exclusive, it is called hyponym. Examples of the lexemes are dog and cat. Then, a lexical relation between the lexeme in hyponymy is called hyponymy. For example, the relation between dog and cat is co-hyponymy. Besides, each of hyponymy is co-co-hyponymy.58



For example:

a. Color : Red, blue, white, yellow, brown59 - Color is hyperonym or superordinate

- Red, blue, white, yellow, and brown are hyponym

- The relation among red, blue, white, yellow, brown are co-hyponymy

- Red is co-hyponym - Blue is co-hyponym - White is co-hyponym - Yellow is co-hyponym - Brown is co-hyponym

b. Feline: lion, tiger, leopard and lynx.60 - Feline is hyperonym or superordinate - Lion, tiger, leopard and lynx are hyponym

- The relation among lion, tiger, leopard and lynx are co-hyponymy

- Lion is co-hyponym - Tiger is co-hyponym - Leopard are Hyponym - Lynx is co-hyponym

c. Musical Instrument: clarinet, guitar, horn, marimba, piano, trumpet and violin.


Victoria Fromkin. Op.Cit. p. 168



- Musical Instrument is hyperonym or superordinate.

- Clarinet, guitar, horn, marimba, piano, trumpet and violin are Hyponym.

- The relation among clarinet, guitar, horn, marimba, piano, trumpet and violin are co-hyponymy

- Clarinet is co-hyponymy. - Guitar is co-hyponym. - Horn is co-hyponym - Marimba are co-hyponym - Piano is co-hyponym - Trumpet is co-hyponym - Violin is co-hyponym 4. Meronymy

Meronymy is semantic relation based on part-whole relation. Example of relation between face with eye and nose is called holonym because whole has a part. Beside a part has whole, it is called meronym, especially the relation between eye and nose with face. A part from whole is called as co-meronym, especially relation between eye and nose.61




A. Data Description


On The Jakarta Post (April 2013 editions), there are 8 business terms in 8 articles. The 8 business terms are grouped into 4 kinds of semantic field. For the explanation more, it can be described on the table as follows:

Table 3: “The data of Business Articles and Business Term”

No The Title of Article Business Term

1 Economic Sentiment in Japan Takes a Positive Turn

“Article on April 2, 2013”

Fiscal Policy

2 Takeover Deal Struggle to Find Traction

“Article on April 3, 2013”


3 Breaking with History, Japan Makes Bold Bid to End Deflation “Article on April 5, 2013”


4 SCTV, Indosiar to Say the Same Despite Merger

“Article on April 6, 2013”

Merger 5 No Big Change Expected in BI

Monetary Policy

“Article on April 11, 2013”

Monetary Policy 6 Bank Shift Risky Assets into

Murkier Areas of Finance Sector “Article on April 12, 2013”


7 Fed‟s Policy Adds to Risk of


“Article on April 24, 2013”


8 A Crisis that Stumps the Experts

“Article on April 25, 2013” Inflation


fields are: (1) semantic field of economy policy that contains 2 business terms (fiscal policy and monetary policy), (2) semantic field of economy problem that contains 2 business terms (inflation and deflation) (3) semantic field of the joining of company that contains 2 business terms (merger and acquisition), and (4) semantic field of asset that contains 2 business terms (saving and investment)

B. Data Analysis

1. Semantic field of Economy Policy

There are two terms that include into semantic field of economy policy. These terms are fiscal policy and monetary policy. These terms can be found in two articles as follows:

a. Paragraph I in “Economic Sentiment in Japan Takes a Positive Turn” (Article on April 2, 2013)

Japanese business sentiment improved in the first three months of 2013, a central bank survey showed Monday, after Prime Minister Shinzo Abe‟s aggressive monetary and fiscal policy prescription helped to weaken the yen and bolster share prices.

b. Paragraph 1 in “No Big Change Expected in BI Monetary Policy” (Article on April 11, 2013)


maintain the central bank‟s existing monetary policy, which prioritizes managing inflation and stabilizing the rupiah.

Then, the term fiscal policy and monetary policy will be analyzed by using componential analysis like on the table as follows:

Table 4: “The Componential Analysis from Semantic Field of Economic Policy”62

the a

dding of gove

rnm en t out put the de cr ea sing o f the gov er nment income tax the stabili

zing of e

conom y a cti vit y the ove rc omi ng of un empl oyment the ove rc omi ng of infla ti on the stabili

zing of int


st ra


the c


ing of mone

y suppl y done by gove rnme nt done by c entr al bank

strong in conc


strong in ac



Fiscal Policy + + +/- + + - + + - + -

Monetary Policy - - + + + + + - + + +

The table 4 explains that the semantic component of fiscal policy is /+the adding of government output/, /+the decreasing of the government income tax/, /+/-the stabilizing of economy activity/, /+the overcoming unemployment/, /+the overcoming of inflation/, /-the stabilizing interest



rate/, /+the controlling of money supply/, /+done by government/, /-done by central bank/, /+strong in concept/, and /-strong in action/.

The semantic component of monetary policy is /-the adding government output/, /-the decreasing of the government income tax/, /+the stabilizing of economy activity/, /+the overcoming of unemployment/, /+the overcoming of inflation/, /+the stabilizing of interest rate/, /+the controlling of money supply/, /-done by government/, /+done by central bank/, /+strong in concept/, and /+strong in action/. 2. The Semantic Field of Economy Problem

There are two terms that include into semantic field of financial problem. These terms are inflation and deflation. These terms can be found in two articles as follows:

a. Paragraph V in “A Crisis that Stumps the Experts” (Article on April 25, 2013)

In determining what is a sustainable level of government debt, or wether central banks should focus on anything other than inflation, or what should be done to prevent further bubbles from destabilizing economies, he argued “we are still very much

navigating by sight”

b. Paragraph V in “Breaking with History, Japan Makes Bold Bid to End Deflation” (Article on April 5, 2013)


critics said was a halfhearted battle to end deflation — the damaging fall in prices, profits and wages that has weighed on its economic growth.

Then, the term inflation and deflation will be analyzed by using componential analysis like on the table as follows:

Table 5: “The Componential Analysis from Semantic Field of Economy Problem”63





g of mon

ey suppl y the de cr ea sing o f mone y suppl y the incr ea sing o f th e prod uc t pric e the de cr ea sing o f the p ro duc t pric e the incr ea sing o f p roduc t de mand the de cr ea sing o f pr odu ct de mand the incr ea sing o f p roduc t suppl y the de cr ea sing o f pr odu ct suppl y the i nc re asing o f so ciety income the de cr ea sing of soci ety income the de cr ea sing of pr odu ct ion quantit y ca n ove rc ome une mpl oy ment ca n be ov erc ome by fisc al pol icy ca n be ov erc

ome by mon


y poli


Inflation + - + - - + - + - + + + + +

Deflation - + - + + - + - + - - + - -

Table 5 explains that the semantic component of inflation is /+the increasing of money supply/, /-the decreasing of money supply/, /+the increasing of the product price/, the decreasing of the product price/, /-the increasing of product demand/, /+/-the decreasing of product demand/,



/-the increasing of product supply/, /+the decreasing of product supply/, /-the increasing of society income/, /+the decreasing of society income/, /+can overcome unemployment/, /+can be overcome by fiscal policy/, and /+can be overcome by monetary policy/.

The semantic component of deflation is /+the increasing of money supply/, /-the decreasing of money supply/, /+the increasing of the product price/, /-the decreasing of the product price/, /-the increasing of product demand/, /+the decreasing of product demand/, /-the increasing of product supply/, /+the decreasing of product supply/, /-the increasing of society income/, /+the decreasing of society income/, /+can overcome unemployment/, /+can be overcome by fiscal policy/, and /+can be overcome by monetary policy/.

3. Semantic Field of Joining of Company

There are two terms that include into semantic field of joining of company. These terms are merger and acquisition. These terms can be found in two articles as follows:

a. Paragraph IX in “SCTV, Indosiar to Say the Same Despite Merger” (Article on April 6, 2013)

National television stations SCTV and Indosiar will continue to operate independently despite the recent merger of their parent companies, executives say.


Despite a particularly fruitful week in February ‒ when five deals collectively worth about 91 billion were announced ‒ the business of mergers acquisitions remains largely in the doldrums.

Then, the term merger and acquisition will be analyzed by using componential analysis like on the table as follows:

Table 6: “The Componential Analysis from Semantic Field of The Joining of Company”64

combi na ti on of c ompany ta ke ove r o f c ompany the

buying of c





ing of c

ompany owne rship of c omp any owne rship of stock take ove r o f stoc k the buying of stock the se ll

ing of stock



r o

f c or po ra ti on owne rship c or po ra ti on

Merger + - + + + + - + + - +

Acquisition - + - - - - + - - + -

Table 6 explains that the semantic component of merger is /+combination of company/, /-takeover of company/, /+the buying of company/, /+the selling of company/, /+ownership of company/, /+ownership of stock/, /-takeover of stock/, /+the buying of stock/, /+the selling of stock/, /-takeover of corporation/, and /+ownership corporation/.



The semantic component of acquisition is /-combination of company/, /+takeover of company/, /-the buying of company/, /-the selling of company/, /-ownership of company/, /-ownership of stock/, /+takeover of stock/, /-the buying of stock/, /-the selling of stock/, /+takeover of corporation/, and /-ownership corporation/.

4. Semantic Field of Asset

There are two terms that include into semantic field of asset. These terms are investment and saving. These terms can be found in the four articles as follows:

a. Paragraph VII in “Fed’s Policy Adds to Risk of Instability” (Article on April 24, 2013)

So, what is the cost of low rates? Asset prices will be inflated, merger activity will rise, and those same prices will fluctuate more violently, according to Mr. Kocherlakota‟s argument. Besides

sounding like an investment banker‟s drunken dream, that set of circumstances has a harrowing familiarity.

b. Paragraph III in “Bank Shift Risky Assets into Murkier Areas of Finance Sector” (Article on April 12, 2013)


workers. The buyers agree to cover a percentage of losses on these assets for a fee, sometimes 15 percent a year or more.

Then, the term merger and acquisition will be analyzed by using componential analysis like on the table as follows:

Table 7: “The Componential Analysis from Semantic Field of Asset”65


n be




d by inc

ome ca n be influe n ce

d by int

ere st ra te ca n be influe n ce

d by sp

ec ulation ca n be influe n ce d by con dit

ion of e

coomy ca n be influe n ce d by con sump ti on ca n be influe n ce

d by p

ro duc t dema nd ca n be influe n ce

d by p

ro duc t supp ly pr of it orie nted ca n be don

e bu pe



n be


e by c


Investment + + + + + +/- +/- + + +

Saving + + + + + - - +/- + -

Table 7 explains that the semantic component of investment is /+can be influenced by income/, /+can be influenced by interest rate/, /+can be influenced by speculation/, /+can be influenced by condition of economy/, /+can be influenced by consumption/ /+/-can be influenced by


John Downes and Jordan Elliot Goodman. Barron’s Finance and Investment Hand Book :

second edition. (Newyork: Barron‟s Educational Series, Inc. 1986). pp. 234, 310 Iskandar Putong. Op.Cit. pp. 408-422


product demand/, /+/-can be influenced by product supply/, /+profit oriented/, /+can be done by person/, and /+can be done by company/.




A. Conclusion

There are four semantic fields of business on The Jakarta Post (April 2013 editions). First, the semantic field of economy policy that contains 2 business terms (fiscal policy and monetary policy). The semantic component of fiscal policy is /+adds government output/, /+decreases the government income tax/, /+/-stabilizes economy activity/, /+overcomes joblessness/, /+overcomes inflation/, /-stabilizes interest rate/, /+controls supply of money/, /+done by government/, /-done by central bank/, /+strong in concept/, and /-strong in action/. The semantic component of monetary policy is /-adds government output/, /-decreases the government income tax/, /+stabilizes economy activity/, /+overcomes joblessness/, /+overcomes inflation/, /+stabilizes interest rate/, /+controls supply of money/, /-done by government/, /+done by central bank/, /+strong in concept/, and /+strong in action/.


supply/, /-the increasing income of society/, /+the decreasing income of society/, /+can overcome unemployment/, /+can be overcome by fiscal policy/, and /+can be overcome by monetary policy/. The semantic component of deflation is /+the increasing the supply of money/, /-the decreasing the supply of money/, /+the increasing of the product price/, /-the decreasing of the product price/, /-the increasing of product demand/, /+the decreasing of product demand/, /-the increasing of product supply/, /+the decreasing of product supply/, /-the increasing income of society/, /+the decreasing income of society/, /+can overcome unemployment/, /+can be overcome by fiscal policy/, and /+can be overcome by monetary policy/.


Fourth, the semantic field of asset that contains 2 terms. These terms are investment and saving. the semantic component of investment is /+can be influenced by income/, /+can be influenced by interest rate/, /+can be influenced by speculation/, /+can be influenced by condition of economy/, /+can be influenced by consumption/ /+/-can be influenced by product demand/, /+/-can be influenced by product supply/, /+profit oriented/, /+can be done by person/, and /+can be done by company/. The semantic component of saving is /+can be influenced by income/, /+can be influenced by interest rate/, /+can be influenced by speculation/, /+can be influenced by condition of economy/, /+can be influenced by consumption/ can be influenced by product demand/, /-can be influenced by product supply/, /+/-profit oriented/, /+/-can be done by person/, and /-can be done by company/.

B. Suggestion



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Table 1: The field of Stuhl (Chair) and Sessel (Comfortable Chair)
Table 2: Componential analysis of chairs furniture in French according
Table 3: “The data of Business Articles and Business Term”
Table 4: “The Componential Analysis from Semantic Field of


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