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A Psychoanalysis Of The Schizophrenic Character In “A Beautiful Mind” Movie


Academic year: 2016

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Dr. Siti Norma Nasution,M.Hum. Mahmud Arief Albar,SS. M.A

Submitted to Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatra Utara Medan in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Sarjana Sastra from

Department of English



Approved by the Department of English, Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatra Utara (USU) Medan as thesis for The Sarjana Sastra Examination.

Head, Secretary,


Accepted by the Board of Examiners in partial fulfillment of requirements for the degree of Sarjana Sastra from the Department of English, Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatra Utara,Medan.

The examination is held in Department of English Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatra Utara on Thursday April 16, 2015

Dean of Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatra Utara

Dr.H.Syahron Lubis, MA NIP.19511013 197603 1 001

Board of Examiners

Dr. H. Muhizar Muchtar, MS. ………..

Rahmadsyah Rangkuti, M.A., Ph.D. ……….. Dr. Siti Norma Nasution, M.Hum. ………..

Dr. Martha Pardede, M.S. ………..



Assalamualaikum Warrahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

First of all I would like to give my biggest gratitude to Almighty Allah

Subhanahu wa Ta’ala for blessing and endownments in my life, especially during the

process of finishing this thesis. Nothing is impossible to happen without his


I am also grateful to the Dean of Faculty of Cultural Studies, University of

Sumatra Utara, Dr. H. Syahron Lubis, MA, for giving all students facilities to support

their study. The gratitude is also expressed to the Head of English Department Dr. H.

Muhizar Muchtar, M.S and the Secretary of English Department Rahmadsyah

Rangkuti, M.A., Ph.D. for the easiness and the facilities given to me during my study.

I am proud to be a student of this Department.

I also would like to express my gratitude and appreciation to Dr. Siti Norma

Nasution, M.Hum. and Mahmud Arief Albar, SS. M.A as my supervisor and my

Co-Supervisor respectively. I am thankful for helps, guidance, and contributions in my


My lovely thanks are due to my beloved family, Marten Ramaya and Zahara

for giving me the good times and hard times too, so I can stand here as myself today.

Next, I would like to thank to my beloved brother Willy Marza, Tommy Mahendra,

and Teddy Marza.


Big thanks to those friends who has been giving me the helps, joy, laughter

and many other things, Aida Caroline, Raja Guntar, Renatha Olivia, Faishal Hafizh,

Rizky Indah Soraya, Cristine Falentina, Elysabeth Nababan, Herta Gultom, Fatih

Amalia, Mentari, Siti Nurhafizah, Sheila Depika, Anggie. Thank you for sticking with

me for all these years. Hope our friendship can last for many more years. Next, thank

you for every person whom I cannot mention one by one in this limited space, who

has given and contributed their ideas and excellent knowledge, before, during and

after writing on this thesis.

May Allah SWT compensate whatever you have given to me.

Medan, April 2015

Febby Priscilla




Signed :

Date : 16 April 2015







Signed :

Date : 16 April 2015



This thesis entitled A Psychoanalysis of the Schizophrenic Character in "A

Beautiful Mind" movie. This thesis discussed about the analysis of the psychology of

the main character in the movie script "A Beautiful Mind" which is divided into

intrinsic elements and extrinsic elements. Intrinsic elements discuss about character,

conflict and plot. While extrinsic elements discuss about the abnormal behavior of the

main character, the causes of schizophrenia of the main character and the main

character treatment in the process of recovery. This movie script is written by Akiva

Goldsman. It is adapted from the true story of John Forbes Nash, Jr. which is made

into a biography by Sylvia Nasar. In this thesis, the writer would like to explain how

the characteristics of the main character who suffered from schizophrenia and how the

recovering based on the psychology of literature. The method used by the writer in

analyzing the psychological element of the main character in the movie script is

descriptive qualitative method.

Keywords: Schizophrenia, Mental Disorder, Psychoanalysis



Skripsi ini berjudul A Psychoanalysis of the Schizophrenic Character in “A

Beautiful Mind” movie. Skripsi ini mengenai analisis psikologi terhadap karakter

utama dalam skrip film “A Beautiful Mind” yang dibagi menjadi unsur intrinsik dan

unsur ekstrinsik. Unsur-unsur intrinsik yang dibahas yakni karakter, konflik, dan plot.

Sedangkan unsur-unsur ekstrinsik yang dibahas yakni bentuk perilaku abnormal dari

karakter utama, penyebab karakter utama mengidap skizofrenia dan proses

penyembuhan yang dialami karakter utama. Skrip film ini ditulis oleh Akiva

Goldsman. Ini diadaptasi dari kisah nyata John Forbes Nash, Jr. yang dibuat kedalam

sebuah biografi oleh Sylvia Nasar. Di dalam skripsi ini, penulis ingin memaparkan

bagaimana ciri dari karakter utama yang mengidap skizofrenia dan bagaimana

penyembuhannya berdasarkan psikologi sastra. Adapun metode yang digunakan

penulis dalam menganalisis unsur psikologis dari tokoh utama pada skrip film ini

adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif.

Kata Kunci: Skizofrenia, Mental Disorder, Psikoanalisis









1.1 Background of the Study... 1

1.2 Problems of the Study... 6

1.3 Objectives of the Study... 6

1.4 Scope of the Study... 7

1.5 Significance of the Study... 7


2.1 Psychology of Literature... 8

2.2 Mental Disorder... 11

2.2.1 Classification of Mental Disorder... 11

2.2.2 Types of Mental Illness... 12

2.2.3 Causes of Mental Disorder... 12

2.3 Kinds of Mental Disorder... 12


2.4.1 The Id... 19

2.4.2 The Ego... 20

2.4.3 The Superego... 21


3.1 Research Design... 23

3.2 Source of Data... 24

3.2.1 Subject Research... 24

3.2.2 Object Research... 24

3.3 Data Collection... 25

3.4 Data Analysis... 25

3.4.1 Steps of Analysis... 25

3.4.2 Step of Work... 26


4.1 Intrinsic Elements... 28

4.1.1 Character... 28

a) John Nash... 28

b) Alicia Larde... 29

4.1.2 Conflict... 29

4.1.3 Plot... 30

4.2 Extrinsic Elements... 30


a) Positive Symptomps... 31

b) Negative Symptomps... 35

4.2.2 The Causes of Schizophrenia of John Nash... 37

a) Id... 38

b) Super Ego... 39

c) Ego... 39

d) Compulsive Obsession... 40

e) Anxiety... 41

f) Depression... 42

4.2.3 John Nash’s Treatments in The Process of Recovery from Schizophrenia... 42

4.3 Findings... 46


5.1 Conclusion... 47

5.2 Suggestion... 49




This thesis entitled A Psychoanalysis of the Schizophrenic Character in "A

Beautiful Mind" movie. This thesis discussed about the analysis of the psychology of

the main character in the movie script "A Beautiful Mind" which is divided into

intrinsic elements and extrinsic elements. Intrinsic elements discuss about character,

conflict and plot. While extrinsic elements discuss about the abnormal behavior of the

main character, the causes of schizophrenia of the main character and the main

character treatment in the process of recovery. This movie script is written by Akiva

Goldsman. It is adapted from the true story of John Forbes Nash, Jr. which is made

into a biography by Sylvia Nasar. In this thesis, the writer would like to explain how

the characteristics of the main character who suffered from schizophrenia and how the

recovering based on the psychology of literature. The method used by the writer in

analyzing the psychological element of the main character in the movie script is

descriptive qualitative method.

Keywords: Schizophrenia, Mental Disorder, Psychoanalysis



Skripsi ini berjudul A Psychoanalysis of the Schizophrenic Character in “A

Beautiful Mind” movie. Skripsi ini mengenai analisis psikologi terhadap karakter

utama dalam skrip film “A Beautiful Mind” yang dibagi menjadi unsur intrinsik dan

unsur ekstrinsik. Unsur-unsur intrinsik yang dibahas yakni karakter, konflik, dan plot.

Sedangkan unsur-unsur ekstrinsik yang dibahas yakni bentuk perilaku abnormal dari

karakter utama, penyebab karakter utama mengidap skizofrenia dan proses

penyembuhan yang dialami karakter utama. Skrip film ini ditulis oleh Akiva

Goldsman. Ini diadaptasi dari kisah nyata John Forbes Nash, Jr. yang dibuat kedalam

sebuah biografi oleh Sylvia Nasar. Di dalam skripsi ini, penulis ingin memaparkan

bagaimana ciri dari karakter utama yang mengidap skizofrenia dan bagaimana

penyembuhannya berdasarkan psikologi sastra. Adapun metode yang digunakan

penulis dalam menganalisis unsur psikologis dari tokoh utama pada skrip film ini

adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif.

Kata Kunci: Skizofrenia, Mental Disorder, Psikoanalisis



1.1 Background of the Study

“A Beautiful Mind” is one of the movies that discusses the issues of mental

disorder; schizophrenia. The movie is directed by Ron Howard in 2001, and the movie

script is written by Akiva Goldsman in 2000. This movie is adapted from the true

story of John Forbes Nash, Jr. which is made into a biography by Sylvia Nassar. The

story depicts about the struggle of a genius mathematician named John Forbes Nash,

Jr., who succeeded in creating an economic concept that is used as the basis of

contemporary economic theory. During the Cold War, Nash got a mental

disorder;schizophrenia, which made him live in hallucinations and always be

overshadowed by fears that he had to fight hard to recover. At the end of the story, he

won the Nobel prize in 1994, as he entered his old age.

The story starts with young Nash who started the first days of lectures at

prestigious university, Princeton University in 1947. Since the beginning, Nash

described as a loner, shy, humble, introvert and strange person. Despite of all its

shortcomings, Nash also described as an arrogant man who was proud of his

cleverness. It was showed when he refused to follow the class because he thought that

the class just wasted his time and made his brain became dull. He chose to spend his

time outside the classroom to get his original ideas and increased his creativity in

order to receive his doctoral degree and accepted at the prestigious research center,

Wheeler Defense Lab in MIT.

In the middle of his competition with his friend, Nash got a roommate, Charles


that he wrote formulas in the glass window of his room and the library school. He

accidentally found a new concept that was contrary to the theory proposed by the

father of the modern world economy, Adam Smith. The theory of equilibrium by Nash

drove him earning his doctoral degree. Nash's dream came true. Not only he get a

doctoral degree, he was also accepted as a researcher and lecturer in MIT.

Nash life began to change when the Pentagon asked him to decode the secret

messages sent by Soviet troops. Where, he met a secret agent named, William

Parcher. Who later gave him a job as a spy. He was obsessed with his new job that he

lost the time and lives in his own world. It is until he met Alicia Larde, a beautiful

female student, he realized that he also needed love. After they got married, his

disorder became more severe. He kept feeling that his job as secret agent put him in

danger. He kept becoming weird and scared for no reason. It was Dr. Rosen, a

psyhiatrist whom he met at a seminar in Harvard, who took him to a mental hospital.

From there it was revealed, Nash suffered schizophrenia. Some events experienced by

Nash were just hallucination. The figure of Charles Herman, his roommate, his

adorable nephew, Marcee or the secret agent, William Parcher, actually never existed.

Fortunately, Alicia was a devoted wife who never tired of encouraging her husband.

With the encouragement and love that never runs out from Alicia, Nash got up and

fought against the disease.

All the explanations above show that the main character has mental

disorder;schizophrenia. Schizophrenia is a

abnormal social behavior and failure to recognize the reality. People with

schizophrenia usually can not live like other normal people. They love being alone

and afraid to dealing with others. They often live in their own world because they


normal people. People with schizophrenia have difficulties in distinguishing reality

and the imaginary, so it can have a negative impact for them and the people around

them. Like in this story, the main character almost killed his baby due to his

hallucination. The causes of schizophrenia is still a mistery. Some sources said that

the structure and brain activity of patients are abnormal. However, in addition to

genetic causes (biological), it is possible that schizophrenia is caused by social and

psychological factors. Schizophrenia is also often related with a split personality. Split

personalities is a condition in which an individual's personality split into another

personality. That other personality is usually an expression of the main personality

emerged because the real personality can not realize the things it wants to do.

Sometimes the patient does not know that they have a split personality. The two

personalities that exist in one body do not even know each other, the worse part is that

these two personalities has a conflicting personal nature. Split personality is different

to schizophrenia. It is one of the characteristics of some patient with schizophrenia.

Another example of schizophrenia is also found in the novel “Genesis” by

Ratih Kumala. This novel tells a story of a child, Pawestri who has a forbidden love.

She ended up getting pregnant and later evicted from the house by her father. Her

mother is a woman who scared of her husband in which she could only hide her pain

away. She was unable to do anything againts her strong husband. She felt more lonely

after her daughter was gone. The pain of losses and pressures from her husband made

Pawestri mother mental health became worst. She became insane and acted strangely

everyday, as if Pawestri was there. Eventually she was taken to the mental hospital.

The mental disorders experienced by the lead character's mother are depression and

schizophrenia. As shown in lines below:


rambutnya sendiri. Perawat datang, membawanya dengan paksa. “Pergi! sekarang adalah saatnya makan siang bersama dengan anakku! pergi! jangan ganggu aku lagi! pergi! pergi!” (kumala. 2005: 6)

The deviations of behavior of the lead character’s mother caused by her depression

after losing her daughter and mental pressure that she had. Another example is a true

story about William Tennese sister named, Rose. She also had schizophrenia caused

by threats and violence from her father. Rose often had wild hallucinations, and she

could not control her anger. So from the explanation above, it can be concluded that

each sufferer showed different characteristic. This thesis discusses about what are the

abnormal behavior of John Nash and what the efforts done in order to recover his

mental disorder. The writer assesses that this problem is important to discuss because

it can provide information to the reader about what are the characteristics of people

with mental disorders, particularly schizophrenia and the way to cure them. Therefore,

when we meet someone with this kind of disorder we can minimize the risks that

could possibly happen. Because there is no medicine to cure disorder that has been

found yet. But “A Beautiful Mind” gives new hope that the schizophrenic can live like

other normal people and get a successful life such as winning nobel prize. The movie

teaches the reader that if we want to succeed, we must have deep intention and

struggle started from ourselves.

In doing the analysis, the writer will use library research method. Some related

references, such as books and thesis are used to support the theory. The data’s are

obtained from “A Beautiful Mind” movie script and the other book that related with

the problem. This analysis deals with descriptive qualitative method. It refers to a

research which explain the analysis of a research.

In order to answer the problems above, the writer will apply psychological


author, the characters, the audience and the text. For author, the theory is used to

analyze the author and his/her life, and the literary work is used to supply evidence for

this analysis. This is often called "psychobiography." For the characters, the theory is

used to analyze one or more characters; the psychological theory becomes a tool to

explain the character’s behavior and motivations. The closer the theory applied to the

characters, the more realistic the work appears. For the audience, the theory is used to

explain the appeal of the work for those who read it; the work is considered

embodying universal human psychological processes and motivations, to which the

readers respond more or less unconsciously, and for the text, the theory is used to

analyze the role of language and symbolism in the work.

Psychoanalysis is a theory related to the function and development of human’s

mental. It is a comprehensive system in psychology which is developed to handle the

people who have neuroses and the other mental problems. Psychoanalysis is a theory

proposed by Sigmund Freud. Sigmund Freud was born in 1856 in Freiburg, Moravia.

The early emersion of the psychoanalysis theory is due to the efforts of Freud in

analyzing the world of unconsciousness. As explained by Brenner:

“Psychoanalysis is a scientific dicipline which was begun some sixty years ago by Sigmund Freud. What we call psychoanalyctic theory, therefore, is a body of hypotheses concerning mental functioning and development in a man. It is a part of general psychology and it is comprises what are by far the most important contributions that have been made to human psychology today” (Brenner, 1969:11)

The writer uses this theory because, the purpose of psychoanalysis theory is to

treat mental aberration and nerve, to describe how the personality of human’s

development, work, and to serve the theory about the way individu can function in

personal relationship and community. By applying Freud's theory as a basis of

analysis, solving the problem of mental disorder of the main character can be bridged


So from that explanation the writer interested to choose this title because to

increase the knowledge of the readers about the characteristic of the schizophrenia

sufferer and the efforts that he did until he gained success.

1.2 Problems of the Study

Followings are the problems of analysis in the thesis:

1. What are the abnormal behaviour of John Nash in “A Beautiful Mind”?

2. What are the causes of schizophrenia of John Nash as found in “A Beautiful


3. What are John Nash’s treatments in the process of recovery from

schizophrenia as found in “A Beautiful Mind”?

1.3 Objectives of the Study

1. To describe the abnormal behaviour of John Nash in “A Beautiful Mind”?

2. To describe the causes of schizophrenia of John Nash as found in “A Beautiful


3. To describe John Nash’s treatments in the process of recovery from

schizophrenia as found in “A Beautiful Mind”?

1.4 Scope of the Study

In order to avoid an excessive discussion, based on the identification of the

problem, the scope of the study is to analyze the abnormal behaviour, the causes of the

mental disorder, and the solution to recover the mental disorder of the main character


of the study is necessary in order to make a research become specific and well


1.5 Significance of the Study

1. For writer

Expected to generate information that can be used as references for developing

literature and additional knowledge for English Department of Universitas

Sumatra Utara

2. For readers

To get information about the characteristic of mental disorder, particularly


3. For further research

This research is expected to increase knowledge about mental disorders for people




This chapter discusses about the related literature of this thesis. The writer has

chosen some important books related to the psychology of literature and mental

disorder. Some of the books are explain about the theory in analyzing a psychological

factors in literary works, kinds of mental disorder, the causes of the mental disorder,

the impact of the mental disorder to social life and the solution to recover the mental

disorder. Those aspects are important for the purpose of this research. In order to

produce an interesting discussion to be studied in this thesis, the library material

chosen should be relevant to the problems which are being analyzed, while the

information should originally support the analysis of the problem.

2.1.Psychology of Literature

Psychology of Literature is the text analyzed by considering the relevance and

role of psychological studies. Psychology also plays an important role in analyzing a

literary work by focusing on the point of the psychology of literature both the

elements of the author, the characters, and readers, by focusing on the figures and an

inner conflict contained in literature that is going to be analyzed.So, in general, it can

be concluded that the relationship between literature and psychology is very close

that they blend and lead to the birth of a new study called "Psychology of Literature".

According to Endraswara:


Psychology of literature is not intended to solve psychological problems. But through

the definition above, the goal of the psychology of literature is to understand

psychological aspects contained in a literary work. Psychology was born to learn the

human psyche, it is human that becomes the object of the study of psychology.

Literature is born from society, the author lives in the middle of society and the author

also creates a literary work that includes figures in it. Psychology of literature is a

literary studies that sees literary work as a mental activity. The author uses an idea,

sense and creation in the work. Projection by own experience or the experience other

people around the author, will be projected into the imaginary of literary texts.

Drama or movie is a work consisting of literary aspects and aspects of staging.

Literary aspects of the drama is a play, while the literary aspects of the movie is the

scenarios. According to Rosary (2009), the movie is a medium of communication that

is formed from the merger of the two senses, sight and hearing, which has a core or

theme of a story that reveals many social realities that occur around the neighborhood

in which the film itself grows. JThorneBOT in (wikipedia,2015) states that the

screenplay is one of the literary works that have a common structure with the drama.

A movie script also has a background, plot, characterization and theme.

Jatman in (Kinayati, 1985:165) states that literary work and psychology does

have a close relationship, indirectly and functionally. Indirectly, both literary and

psychology have the same object, which is human’s life. Functionally psychology and

literature study the mental of the people. The difference is in psychology, the

symptoms is real, whereas in the literature it is imaginative. According to Rene

Wellek and Austin Warren (1995: 90) the psychology approach of literature is related

to the author, the creativity process, literary works, and readers. Nevertheless, the


literary works, and the reader, with the consideration that the psychological approach

is closer to author and literary works. If the researcher’s attention is dominantly

directed to the author, so the model of the research is expressive approach, but if the

research’s attention is focused on the literary works, so the model of the research is

closer to the objective approach. The psychological research literature, began to show

its brilliance in the study of literature. This was due to dissatisfaction of the previous

research; the research of sociology of literature or any other literature that gave less

attention to the psychological aspect.

The term of Psychology derived from two words, psyche which means soul,

and logos that refers to science. Terminologically, psychology is a science that directs

attention to the human where the object of research focuses on the psyche and

human’s behavior. According to Hilgard in (Prihastuti, 2002: 18)"Psychology may be

defined as the science that studies the behavior of man". The definition clearly shows

that the psychology learsn about the human’s behavior. Bourne Jr. said in

(Siswantoro, 2005: 26)"Psychology is the study of behavior sciencitific principles". It

explains that psychology is the scientific study of the fundamentals of behavior. So if

we look in concrete terms, human’s behaviour is very diverse, but it has a unique

pattern if it is observed carefully. Study of psychology learns psychological of

someone. There are some people in this world that experience some kind of mental

disorder. It does not mean that they are insane because not all mental disorders fall

into insanity. All of it depends on the causes, symptomps, and effects.


Gangguan jiwa atau mental disorder merupakan sindrom atau pola perilaku, atau psikologi seseorang yang secara klinik cukup bermakna, dan secara khas berkaitan dengan suatu gejala penderitaan atau gangguan didalam satu atau lebih fungsi yang penting dari manusia. Sebagai tambahan, disimpulkan bahwa disfungsi itu adalah disfungsi dalam segi perilaku, psikologi atau biologi, dan gangguan itu tidak semata-mata terletak didalam hubungan antara orang dengan masyarakat. (Mental disorder is behavioral pattern/someone’s psychology which is clinically meaningful and typically related with a symptom distress or disorder in one or more of the essential functions of human. In addition, it was concluded that the dysfunction is dysfunction in terms of behavior, psychology or biology, and the disorder is not solely life in the relationship between the community) (Rusdi Maslim,1998)

According to the American Psychiatric Association (APA, 1994), mental

disorders is a symptom or a pattern of behavior of someone’s psychology that is

clinically apparent that happens to a person related to a state of distress (painful

symptoms) or inability (disruption in one or more areas of important functions) which

increases the risk of death, pain, disability or loss of the important freedom and often

the response is acceptable in certain circumstance.

2.2.1.Classification of Mental Disorder

Classification of mental disorder involves the differentiation from normal and

abnormal behavior. In this case, the normal and abnormal can be mean healthy and

sick, but it can also be used in another sense. Some of the symptoms differ sharply

from normal and almost always indicate disease(Ingram et al., 1993): Mental

disorders are divided into two major types, mental illness and mental disabilities.

Mental disability includes a state of intellectual deficit that has been developed since

born or at an early age. Mental illness implies that previous health, developing


2.2.2.Types of Mental Illness

1. Mental illness in general is divided into psychoneurosis and psychosis. This

category in accordance with the lay of the anxiety and madness. Psychoneurosis is

a common situation that the symptoms can be understood and can be empathy.

Psychosis is a disease whose symptoms can not be understood and can not be

empathy and the patients often loses contact with reality.

2. The term functional and organic shows the etiology of the disease and are used to

divide psychosis. Functional Psychosis means there is dysfunction, without

demonstrable pathology disorders.

2.2.3.Causes of Mental Disorder

The main symptom or symptoms of mental disorders are prevalent in the

psychological element, but probably the main cause is inside of the body

(somatogenic), in the social environment (sosiogenic) or psychological

(psychogenic),(Maramis, 1994). Usually there is not only one cause, some causes

from various elements that influence each other or occur together by chance, then

arise bodily or mental disorders.

2.3.Kinds of Mental Disorder

Rusdi Maslim in(Maramis,1994) states that mental disorder is the dominant

psychological symptoms of psychic elements. He divided the mental disorders into

several kinds:Organic and symptomatic mental disorders, schizophrenia, and delution

and skizotipal disorders, neurotic disorders, somatoform disorders, behavioral

syndromes that related to physiological disturbances and physical factors, personality


development, behavioral and emotional disorders with onset during childhood and


 Schizophrenia

Schizophrenia is form of the most severe functional psychosis which causes

disorganization of the personalities. Schizophrenia often encounteres everywhere

since a long time ago. Yet our knowledge of the causes and patogenisa is very little

(Maramis, 1994). In severe cases, the patient will has no contact with reality, so that

the way the think and behave is abnormal. The course of the disease will gradually

move towards chronicity, but occasionally may arise to schizophrenic attacus. Rarely

can occur the perfect recovery with spontaneously and if not treated usually end up

with a damaged personality "disabled" (Ingram et al., 1995). The causes of

schizophrenia are not fully known. However, it appears that schizophrenia usually

results from a complex interaction between genetic and environmental factors.

Schizophrenia has a strong hereditary component. Individuals with a first-degree

relative (parent or sibling) who has schizophrenia have a 10 percent chance of

developing the disorder, as opposed to the 1 percent chance of the general

population.But schizophrenia is only influenced by genetics, not determined by it.

While schizophrenia runs in families, about 60% of schizophrenics have no

family members with the disorder. Furthermore, individuals who are genetically

predisposed to schizophrenia don’t always develop the disease, which shows that

biology is not destiny. Twin and adoption studies suggest that inherited genes make a

person vulnerable to schizophrenia and then environmental factors act on this

vulnerability to trigger the disorder. As for the environmental factors involved, more


development. High levels of stress are believed to trigger schizophrenia by increasing

the body’s production of the hormone cortisol. Research points to several

stress-inducing environmental factors that may be involved in schizophrenia, including:

• Prenatal exposure to a viral infection

• Low oxygen levels during birth (from prolonged labor or premature birth)

• Exposure to a virus during infancy

• Early parental loss or separation

• Physical or sexual abuse in childhood

In addition to abnormal brain chemistry, abnormalities in brain structure may

also play a role in schizophrenia. Enlarged brain ventricles are seen in some

schizophrenics, indicating a deficit in the volume of brain tissue. There is also

evidence of abnormally low activity in the frontal lobe, the area of the brain

responsible for planning, reasoning, and decision-making. Some studies also suggest

that abnormalities in the temporal lobes, hippocampus, and amygdala are connected to

schizophrenia’s positive symptoms. But despite the evidence of brain abnormalities, it

is highly unlikely that schizophrenia is the result of any one problem in any one region

of the brain.

Antipsychotic drugs aren’t the only treatment people with schizophrenia need.

Psychotherapy and support are also key. With proper treatment, some individuals with

schizophrenia can recover. About a quarter of young people with schizophrenia who

get treatment get better within six months to two years, research has found. Another

35 to 40 percent see significant improvements in their symptoms after longer-term

treatment—enough to let them live relatively normal lives outside hospitals with only


don’t cure schizophrenia. Instead, they reduce symptoms such as delusions and


The drugs can have side effects, such as physical agitation and muscle spasms.

In addition, their long-term use causes permanent neurological damage. Reduced

symptoms don’t necessarily mean individuals are able to function effectively outside a

hospital, however. Psychosocial support can help make that possible. Psychotherapy

can help individuals learn how to function in appropriate, effective and satisfying

ways. By teaching individuals how to cope, psychotherapy can help people overcome

dysfunction and regain their lives. Individuals may also need training in social skills

or vocational counseling.

 Depression

Depression is a period of the disturbance in the human function that related to the

natural feelings of sadness which accompanied with symptoms, including changes in

sleep patterns, appetite, psychomotor, concentration, fatigue, despair and helplessness,

and suicidal ideas (Kaplan, 1998). Depression can also be interpreted as a form of

psychiatric disorders in the natural feelings marked by melancholy, flexibility, lack of

interest in life, feeling useless, hopeless, and etc.(Hawari, 1997). Depression is a

feeling of sadness that related to the suffer. It can be directed an attack directed at

himself or deep anger (Nugroho, 2000). Depression is a pathological disorder of mood

that has various characteristic of feelings, attitudes and understanding that someone is

lonely, pessimism, despair, hopelessness, low self esteem, guilt, negative expectations

and fear on the impending danger. Depression is a sadness that resembles a normal

feeling that arises as a result of certain situations such as death of someone beloved.


with signs of depression (Rawlins et al., 1993). Someone who suffers a feeling(mood)

that depression will usually lose interest and excitement, and reduce energy towards a

situation easily tired and reduce activity (Depkes, 1993).

 Anxiety

Anxiety as an usual psychic experience and reasonable, experienced by every people

in order to spur the individual to overcome the problems encountered as well as

possible,(Maslim,1991). A statein which a person to feels worried and scared as a

form of reaction to specific threats (Rawlins 1993). The cause and source are usually

unknown or unrecognized. The intensity of the anxiety level is distinguished from

anxiety mild to severe levels. According to Sundeen (1995):”Identified a range of

anxiety responses into four stages which include, anxiety mild, moderate, severe

anxiety and panic”.

 Personality Disorders

Clinic shows that the symptoms of personality disorders (psikopatia) and nerosa

symptoms are shaped almost the same in people with high or low intelligence. So,

arguably the personality disorders, nerosa and most of intelligence disorder do not

depend on one and another or are not correlated. Classification of personality

disorders: paranoid personality, affective or siklotemik personality, schizoid

personality, personality axplosif, personality anankastik or obsessive-konpulsif,

histrionic personality, personality astenik, antisocial personality, Personality


 Organic Mental Disorders

This is a psychotic or nonpsychotic mental disorder caused by dysfunction of brain

system(Maramis, 1994). Impaired function of this brain system can be caused by a

physical disease which primarily affects the brain or mainly outside the brain. When

the affected brain turn large, the basic disturbance of mental function is the same, does

not depend on the disease caused when only part of the brain with specific functions

are disrupted, so the location is what determines the symptoms and syndrome, not a

disease that causes it. The division became psychotic and no psychotic more show

severe brain disorder in a particular disease than the division of acute and chronic.

 Psychosomatic disorders

This is a psychological component that followed by bodily dysfunction (Maramis,

1994) . The neurotic developments which show mostly or solely due to

malfunctioning organs are often controlled by the vegetative nervous system.

Psychosomatic disorders can be equated with what is called neurosa organs. Because

usually only the faaliah function is impaired, it is often referred to a

psychophisiological disorders.

 Mental retardation

Mental retardation is a state of mental development stalled or incomplete, which is

mainly characterized by the occurrence of low skills during development, so it will be

influence on the overall level of intelligence, such as cognitive ability, language,


 Behavior Disorders

Children with behaviour disorder showed the behavior that does not comply with the

request, customs or norms of society (Maramis, 1994). Children with behavioral

disorders can lead to difficulties in the care and education. Behavioral disorders may

stem from a themselves or the environment, but eventually both of these factors affect

each other. It is known that the characteristics and shape of the body as well as a

general personality trait can be inherited from parents to their children. In brain

disorders such as head trauma, encephalitis, neoplasm may lead to personality

changes. Environmental factors can also affect children's behavior, and often more

decisive because the environment can be changed, that is why the behavioral disorder

can be influenced or prevented.

2.4. Psychoanalysis Theory

Sigmund Freud introduced a three part structural model during the 1920s. This

division of the mind into three provinces did not supplant the topographic model, but

it helped explain mental images according to their functions or purposes. The most

primitive part of the mind is the id, the ego, and the superego. These provinces have

no territorial existence, of course, but are merely hypothetical constructs. They

interact with the three levels of mental life so that the ego cut across the various

topographic levels and has conscious, preconscious, and unconscious components,

whereas the superego is both preconscious and unconscious and the id is competely



obtaining satisfaction, taking the external world into account. The superego may bring fresh needs to the fore, but its main function remains the limitation of satisfaction. (Clark, 1997:135-136)

2.4.1. The Id.

Psychology does not only learn about human’s behaviour but also problem

solving. Psychology also attemps to understand human as the complex consciousness.

So by learning psychology, we know how the personality of someone and how the

problem of someone is solve.

As the core of personality and completely unconscious to the individual is the

psychical region called the id, a term derived from the impersonal pronoun meaning

“the it”, or the not-yet-owned component of personality. The id has no contact with

reality, yet it strives constantly to reduce tension by satisfying instinctual desires.

Because its sole function is to seek pleasure we say the id serves the pleasure


Besides being unrealistic and pleasure seeking, the id is illogical and can

simultaneously entertain incompatible ideas. Another characteristic of the id is lack of

morality. Because it cannot make value judgement or distinguish between good and

evil, the id not immoral, merely amoral. All of the id’s energy is spent for one

purpose-to seek pleasure without regard for what is proper or just (Freud, 1923/1961a,


The id is primitive, chaotic, inaccessible to consciousness, unchangeable,

amoral, illogical, unorganized, and filled with energy received from the instincts and

discharged for the satisfaction of the pleasure principle.

As the subdivision that occupies the instincts (primary motivations), the id


principle, its survival is depends on the development of a secondary process to bring it into contact with the external world. This secondary process functions through the


2.4.2. The Ego

The ego, or I, is the region of the mind in contact with reality. It grows out of

the id during infancy and becomes a person’s only sources of communication with the

external world. It is controlled by the reality principle, in which it tries to subtitute for

the pleasure principle of the id. As the sole region of the mind in contact with the

external world, the ego becomes the decision-making or executive branch of

personality. However, because it is partly conscious, partly preconscious, and partly

unconscious, the ego can make decisions on each of these levels.

When performing its cognitive and intellectual functions, the ego must take

into consideration the incompatible but equally unrealistic demands of the id and the

superego. In addition to these two tyrants, the ego must serve a third master-the

external world. Thus, the ego constantly tries to reconcile the blind, irrational claims

of the id and the super ego with the realistic demands of the external world. Finding

itself surrounded on three sides by divergent and hostile forces, the ego reacts in a

predictable manner-it becomes anxious. It then uses repression and other defense

mechanisms to defend itself againts this anxiety (Freud, 1926/1959a).

According to Freud (1933/1964), the ego becomes differentiated from the id

when a baby learns to distinguish himself or herself from the outer world. While the id

remains unchanged, the ego continous to develop; while the id insist on unrealistic and

unrelenting demands for pleasure, the ego must furnish the control. Similarly, the ego


stronger but more poorly organized id. The ego has no strength of its own but borrows

energy from the id. In spite of this dependence on the id, the ego sometimes comes

close to gaining complete control, for instance, during the prime of life of a

psychologically mature person.

2.4.3. The Superego

In Freudian psychology , the superego, or above-I, represents the moral an

ideal aspects of personality and is guided by the moralistic and idealistic principles as

opposed to the pleasure principle of the id and the realistic principle of the ego. The

superego grows out of the ego, and like the ego, it has no energy of its own. However,

the superego differs from the ego in one important respect- it has no contact with the

outside world and therefore is unrealistic in its demands for perfection (Freud,


The superego has no subsystems, the conscience and the ego-ideal. Freud did

not clearl distinguish between these two functions, but in general, the conscience

results from experiences with punishments for improper behaviour and tells us what

we should not do.

A well-develop superego acts to control sexual and aggressive impulses

through the process of repression. It cannot produce repressions by itself, but it can

order the ego to do so. The superego watches closely over the ego judging its actions

and intentions. Guilt is the result when the ego acts-or even intends to ct-contrary to

the moral standards of the superego. Feelings or inferiority arise when the ego is

unable to meet the superego’s standarts of perfection. Guilt, then, is a function of the


The superego is not concerned with the happiness of the ego. It strives blindly

and unrealistically toward perfection. It is unrealistic in the sense that it does not take

into consideration the difficulties or impossibilities faced by the ego in carrying out its

orders. Not all its demands, of course, are impossible to fulfill, just as not all demands

of parents and other authority figures are impossible to fulfill. The superego, however,

is like the id in that is completely ignorant of, and unconcerned with, the practicability

of its requirements.

The ego and superego may take turns controlling personality, which results in

extreme fluctuations of mood and alternating cycles of confidence and

self-deprecation. In the healthy individual, the id and the superego are integrated into a

smooth functioning ego and operate in harmony and with a minimum of conflict.

The three provinces of the mind are continously interacting one into another.

The ego is formed by the id and the superego is formed by the ego. Human behaviour

is determined by their dynamics. If the biggest part of energy is controlled by the

superego, so the behaviour will be realistic but if restrained by the id, the beahviour

will be impulsive. If the id is dominant, the individual will have a disorder dominated

by fantasies of wish fulfillment and illogical primary process thinking. In contrast, if

the superego is dominant, the individual is over inhibited and unable to experience




The important part of a research in analyzing the data is a method of research.

By using method of research it will be easier for the writer easier in understanding the

concerns expressed in a work that is going to be analyzed, to solve the problem and

find a solution for the problems. In this study, the writer also uses method to analyze

the object of the study, to understand all the data and finally transform it into a

complete study. The writer tries to analyze the characteristic of the schizophrenic

character in“A Beautiful Mind” movie script as the main object of the analysis.

3.1 Research Design

The method that is used to collect and analyze the data of this research is

descriptive qualitative method. Nazir (1998:75) describes “Descriptive method is a

method of research that makes the description of the situation of the events or

occurrences, so that the method has an intention to accumulate the basic data”.

According to Azwar (2004:126):

Analisis deskriptif bertujuan untuk memberikan deskripsi mengenai subjek penelitian berdasarkan data dari variabel yang diperoleh dari kelompok subjek yang diteliti dan tidak dimaksudkan untuk pengujian hipotesis”. (Descriptive analysis is aimed to give a description about a research subject which is based on the data taken from some variables which are obtained from the group of subject and is not aimed to examine a hypothesis).

Therefore, the writer will explain the data by using words or sentences instead

of using statistic. Qualitative methods are developed in the social sciences to enabled

research to study social and cultural phenomena (Myers, 1977). According to


which assumes that reality is multi- dimensional, interactive and an exchange of social

experience is interpreted by each individual. Qualitative research is an inductive

approach, and its goal is to gain a deeper understanding of person’s or group


3.2Source of data

3.2.1. Subject Research

The subject of research of this thesis is the script of “A Beautiful Mind” movie

which is adapted from the biography of the lead character entitled “A Beautiful

Mind:The Life of Mathematical Genius and Nobel Laureate John Nash” by Sylvia

Nassar. The script was written by Akiva Goldsman in 8 November 2000 with 125

pages. The secondary data areother reference books used by the writer to support the

subject of research, which are book about the psychology of literature theory, the

human personality, and other books that support this research, which are used by

using psychology of literature approach.

3.2.2. Object Research

The object of study in this thesis is the character's personality and the factors

that influence the personality of the main character psychologically from the script “A

Beautiful Mind” movie. The material object that is investigated or discussed is the

main character itself.

Formal objects refer to specific aspects of the material object are the

behaviour, human culture, social life, and so on. Within this study, the formal object is


the main character and inner conflict and the factors that influence the inner conflict

experienced by the main character.

3.3. Data Collection

Data collecting method is steps applied by the researcher to get the data that

are needed in particular research (Arikunto, 2006: 160). The data collecting method in

this study is conducted by using read note and literature methods. The methods are

performed as follows:

1. Methods read note is the method used to collect the data by reading the

script over and over again and then recorded to obtain accurate data.

2. The literature method is the method used to collect the data by finding an

appropriate reference related to the problem of study.

3.4.Data Analysis

3.4.1. Steps of Analysis

The analysis is conducted by using descriptive qualitative method. According

to Miles and Huberman (1992: 16), "Qualitative descriptive method consists of a flow

of activities that occur simultaneously and coherence, which include: data reduction

activities (grouping), presentation of data, drawing conclusions, and verification."

Here below the steps of analysis conducted by the writer:

1. Data Reduction

Data reduction refers to the grouping of data. Grouping the data starts from sorting out

the data related to mental disorders experienced by the main character of the story, for

example: the presence of hallucinations or delusions experienced by the main


2. Presentation of Data

Presentation of data is presenting the data that have been gathered. The presentation of

data is related with several examples of events / that occur as a result of mental

disorders experienced by John Nash

3. Drawing Conclusion

Conclusion is drawn by some abnormal behaviors experienced by the main character

and relate it with the theory of personality psychology according to what have been

explained by related experts.

4. Verification

After drawing conclusion, the last step is verivication. It refers to check the precision

of the primary data, which is gathered based on the results of reading the script.

3.4.2. Step of Work

The step of work conducted in this thesis are:

1. Preparation Phase

• Conduct literature

• Develop a research design

2. Phase Analysis of Data

• Reading the script "A Beautiful Mind" movie by Akiva Goldsmann

• Identifying the abnormal behaviors of the lead character, John Nash

• Finding the causes of mental disorders, schizophrenia

• Selecting and classifying mental disorders of the main character


3. Describing data

4. Summarizing

5. Reporting Stage

• Prepare interim report

• Revise the interim manuscript

6. A final report

Data Collection

(Reading “A Beautiful Mind”

movie script)

Display Data

Data Reduction




In this chapter the writer will discuss the abnormal behavior experienced by

the main character, John Nash, and analyze the causes and the treatment’s process of

the main character who got mental disorder, schizophrenia, in the script “A Beautiful

Mind” movie. In the analysis phase, the discussion will be arranged into several

sections in which each section will be attached quotations in accordance to the theory

as well as the elaboration of these quotations.

4.1Intrinsic Elements 4.1.1. Character

Sudjiman in (Lukman, 1995:30) states that “Tokoh adalah individu yang

mengalami peristiwa atau pelaku cerita, sedangkan penokohan adalah penciptaan

antara tokoh”(The character is a person who takes a part in the story, while the

characterization is creation of the figures). The figures can be divided into two types,

which is the main character and the additional character. The main character is a

character who experiences many events in the story while the additional character is a

character who takes a few part in the story. The main character in the script “A

Beautiful Mind” is John Nash.

a) John Nash

John Nash is described as an arrogant man who is proud of his cleverness. It is

showed when he refuses to follow the class because he thinks that the class just


Van neumann: “Good day, Mr.Nash. Care to join?” Nash looks up, apparently startled by their presence.

Nash: “Classes dull the mind and destroy aunthentic creativity. No offense.”(Goldsman, 2000:9)

Nash also is described as a loner and shy. It is showed when he is embarrassed

to socialize with people, because he feels that people does not like him. He becomes a

loner. He chose to be alone in his room or in the library to study, rather than hanging

out with his friends.

Nash: “I do not make friends. Van Neumann: “Why not?”

Nash: “Apparently I am an asshole.” (Goldsman, 2000:17)

b) Alicia Larde

She is described as a patient and faithful wife. It is showed when she always

gives support to her husband. Even though she is injured and his son almost died

because of her husband, she is still faithful to accompany her husband.

Alicia(over): “Rosen said to call if you try to kill me or anything.” Nash: “Alicia”

Alicia: “Do not. I am scared and I need you to tell me everything’s okay and you are awful with words so just do not.”

What he does, he reaches out and takes her in his arms, holding fast, holding on to her for dear life. (Goldsman, 2000:102)

4.1.2. Conflict

Conflict is a problem that arises from the character of the story. Whether it is

between itself or a group of people. In the script “A Beautiful Mind” movie is

described about the beginning of the conflict is the psychological experience of the

main character. John Nash as the main character in this movie has a mental disorder;

schizophrenia. It makes John nash has a several abnormal behavior, such as


showed when he cannot express his emotions, he almost kills his baby, and he cannot

sosialize with other people.

4.1.3. Plot

The plot which includes in the movie script “A Beautiful Mind” is progressive

plot. The story starts with young Nash who started the first days of lectures at

prestigious university, Princeton University in 1947 and ended when he was receipt

the nobel prize in 1994.

4.2Extrinsic Elements

4.2.1. The Abnormal Behavior of John Nash

Schizophrenia is a

social behavior and failure to recognize the reality. This disease makes the sufferers

difficult to express their emotion. The patients with this disease become people who

are isolated, detached, apathetic and hallucinatory. Kaplan, Sadock & Grebb in

(Fausiah Fitri, 2005) states that schizophrenia is divided into several types, such as

paranoid schizophrenia,catatonic schizophrenia, disorganized schizophrenia,

undifferentiated schizophrenia, residual schizophrenia and hebefrenik schizophrenia.

The characteristic of paranoid schizophrenia are hallucination and delution.

The main characteristic of katatonik schizophrenia is psychomotor disorders which

include: motoric immobility; excessive motoric activity, extrem negativism and

mutism. The main characteristic of disorganized shizophrenia are scattered in talking,

disorganized and inappropriate behavior. And hebefrenik schizophrenia is marked by


from their abnormal behavior. Their abnormal behavior can be seen from the two

symptoms such as, positive and negative symptoms. Negative symptom is an action

that does not bring adverse impacts to the environment, while positive symptom is an

action that starts an impact on the environment.

a) Positive symptomps

Based on the explanation above, the writer know that the positive symptom of

schizophrenia is the emergence of hallucinations and delusions. This happens to John

Nash. He has hallucinations which can make sudden rages and imagine meeting with

people or places that are not real. Hallucination is a false perception or assuming

something is real when in fact it is only a fantasy. John Nash experiences

hallucinations meeting with three people who actually does not exist, namely Charles

Herman ( his roommate).

Charles: “The prodigal roommate arrives.”

Charles begins stripping as he speaks. Nash stares in wonder as off come his jacket and bow tie.

Nash: “Roommate?” (Goldsman, 2000:4)

William Parcher (government agency).

Voice(over): “Professor Nash...”

Standing on the path is a single figure. Slim black suit. Man: “Big brother at your service.”

Nash inspects the Department of Defense photo ID and badge, embossed with a government seal. Meet William Parcher.

Nash: “So, what can I do for DOD?”

Parcher is leading Nash away from the main RAND building, deeper into the fenced off military compound.

Parcher: “Impressive work at the Pentagon.” (Goldsman, 2000:32)

And Marcee (Charles Herman nephew).

Nash sits under a tree, marking up another magazine. A little girl (Marcee,9) walks up to him.


Nash: “I am attempting to isolate patterned recurrences across periodicals across time. And you?”

Marcee: “Chasin’pigeons. You talk funny, Mr. Nash.” Nash(frowning): “Do I know you?”

Marcee: “My uncle says you are very smart but not very nice so I should not pay you no mind if you are mean to me.”

Nash: “And who might that uncle be?”

Voice(over): “The prodigal roommate returns.”

Nash looks up and standing over him is Charles. Nash grins. (Goldsman, 2000:50)

There is also a secret lab, soldier and also the code number that is placed on his hands.

It is found in the movie script page 33-37: ”They have arrived at a warehouse at the

end of the row. New windows, a fresh coat of paint. A soldier standing guard

salutes.”(Goldsman, 2000:33)

Technician: “This may be uncomfortable.”

The machine makes contact with John’s arms and hisses. Nash: “What the?”

The technician lifts the machine, shines a black light over John’s wrist. In a fresh welt above his wrist we see a series of numbers.

Because of his hallucination, John Nash almost kills his baby. He gives the baby to his

hallucination figure because he wants to close the window. While in reality the baby

has been sunk in the bathup.

Nash: “I have almost got it. Charles, hold the baby up. Make sure he does not slip into the bath.”

Follow alicia as she rushes into the room, past John’s startled expression, and freezes in the open bathroom door.

Alicia: “No!”

The baby is in the tub. Alone. The water is almost up to his chin, seconds from drowning. Alicia moves with lightning speed, grabbing her child up and into her arms.

Alicia: “Precious baby, precious boy.”

Nash: “Charles was watching him. He was okay. Charles was watching him.”


The dialogue above showed John Nash’s abnormal behavior, speaking to himself, is

caused by his hallucination. This hallucination has impacts on his environment. That is

why hallucination can be categorized as positive symptom.

In John’s case, there is also delusions. Delusion is an understanding which is

strongly held but inaccurate, which continues to exist even though the evidence shows

it has no basis in reality. John Nash has 3 delusions such as, delusions of persecution,

delusions of grandeur, and delusions of influence. Delusions of persecution is the

understanding that the individuals or certain groups are being threatened or are

planning to harm him.

In the movie script, it is mentioned that there are some people who make John

Nash always suspicious and scared of all things because he thinks he is being sought,

followed and monitored. “The two men at the bar are watching Nash again. This

time,when they catch his eyes, they move off.”(Goldsman, 2000:41).

John raises the drawn blind a bit and peeks out. Out the window. A black sedan. An identical car pulls up beside it. A shadow inside the first car points towards John’s apartment. A beat. John lets the shade fall again. He turns now to face his wife and wailing child.

Nash: “They are out there” Alicia: “Who is out there?”

John just stare at her. When his voice comes, it is soft. Nash: “Go to your sister’s”

Alicia: “John, what is going on? Please, you have got to talk to me.” Nash: (exploding) “Go. Now. Get out!”

John rises and slams the door. He sits back at his desk, peers again out the window, then hugs himself, rocking slighly. (Goldsman, 2000:61)

Because of this delusion, John Nash often locks himself in his room and turns off the

lights due to his fear of people who are always watching him. He also ever yells at his

wife because she turns on the lights.


She flicks on the light, standing now in the doorway, a three month old infant swaddled in her arms.

Nash(spinning): “Turn it off”.

We see his face now, unshaven, cheeks hollow, eyes wide. Nash(shouting): “Turn off the light”

He is up fast, slamming his hand on the wall, extinguished the light. His fast moves have scared the baby who has begin to wail. (Goldsman, 2000:61)

From the dialogue above it is known that John Nash angry at his wife as his wife turns

the light on. He feels there is a group of people spying his house. He turns the light off

to make them assume that he is not being home.

The second delusion is delusions of graunder. Delusions of grandeur is the

understanding that they have an advantage and strength as well as being an important

person. John Nash thinks he is the best secret code-breaking and spy or secret agent.

Nash actually smiles. Nash: “Constantly.”

Nash moved to the wall prepared with code. General: “We have developed several ciphers.”

But Nash raises his hand, silencing the officer. He stands still, just staring at the numbers. Then Nash begins to whistle.

Push in on Nash’s eyes. In the black ocean of his pupils, the reflected rows of code begin to move, forming shifting patterns.

Pull back on Nash, still staring at the wall. Hours have passed, folks sitting, jackets hanging on chair backs, coffe cups empty.

Nash-Pov. Series of numbers darken as others rise, a cascade of rapidly changing patterns, endless permutations until....

Nash: “There.” (Goldsman, 2000:26)

And the last is delusions of influence. This is the understanding that outside

forces are trying to control your thoughts and actions. In the movie script showed that

John Nash requires to kill his wife, indicate that he was a genius, and when he is

convinced that he is a person who is not meaningful. This is all controlled by friends

of his own hallucinations.


Nash: “What?”

Alicia(blood draining): “Who are you talking to?”

Parcher: “We can not afford to let her slow us down again.” Nash: “Alicia, please. Put the phone down.”

Alicia: “John, you are scaring me.”(Goldsman, 2000:98)

From the dialogue above the writer knows that Nash’s wife has witnessed the

peculiarities of self-John Nash, so she wants to call the doctor to examine Nash, but

the hallucinations of Nash said that his wife had to know all the secrets of Nash and

will report it to the police and make Nash go back to the hospital. His hallucinations

asks Nash to stop his wife. It makes Nash become confused and panicked.

b) Negative symptomps

The negative symptoms of this disease is the difficulty of the sufferer to feel

and show their emotional feelings. The sufferers also becomes someone who is

apathetic. In John case, his negative symptomps is seen through the motor symptoms

which can be seen from the strange facial expressions and typical followed by

movement of the hand, fingers and arms strange, and language disorder, emotional

disturbance, the presence of social withdrawal and any pressing events that make John

almost depression.

Nash is at the bar with Becky, the blond co-ed. The two stand there in awkward silence. The moment stretches on. Finally...

Becky: “Maybe you want to buy me a drink.”

Nash appraises her clinically. When he speaks now, his word have a deliberate quality that belies their speed.

Nash: “Look, I do not know exactly what things I am required to say in order for you to have intercourse with me. But could we assume I have said them? I mean essentially we are talking about fluid exchange, right? So, we could go right to the sex?”

Becky: “That was so sweet”


Becky: “Have a nice night asshole.”(Goldsman, 2000:15)

The dialogue above showed that John have a language disorder. He wants to talk to the

woman but the sentence of him makes her feel abused. So finally he gets a slap. In the

next page also shows that John Nash has a strange facial expression. “Alicia is doing

the dishes. John stands staring at the kitchen table. He lifts a napkin, toys with it

curiously, like an alien come to earth for the first time”(Goldsman, 2000:87). In the <


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