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Academic year: 2017



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Submitted to Fulfill the Partial Requirements For the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan

By :


Reg. Number: 2112121007





Fadhillah, Fani. Registration Number: 2112121007. An Error Analysis of Using Inflectional Morphological Structure in Writing Recount Text by the Eleventh Grade Students. A Thesis. English Educational Program, State University of Medan, 2015

This research deals with the eleventh grade students’ inflectional morphological structure errors in writing recount texts. The objectives of the study are (1) to identify and classify the types of inflectional morphological structure errors which are found in writing recount text by the eleventh grade students in four schools at Binjai, (2) to find out the causes of inflectional morphological structure errors which are found in writing recount text by the eleventh grade students in four school at Binjai. The research uses a qualitative design in which the data are taken from the sentences of texts. The data are collected and described based on Valero’s model as a guideline. The errors found are classified into causes of errors based on Erdogan’s Model. The researcher applies random technique to get a representative sample; from four schools at Binjai, 100 students are chosen as the sample. The analysis found that there are four types of affixation errors occurred; they are omission 58 cases (47.5%), addition 19 cases (15.6%), substitution 29 cases (23.8%), and miss-ordering 16 cases (13.1%). Besides, intralingual contributes 90 cases (73.8%) and interlingual 32 cases (26.2%) in causing errors happened. So, the most dominant type of inflectional morphological structure errors made by the eleventh grade students in writing recount text is omission. It is hoped that the result of this research is useful for everyone who wants to study about affixation errors.



The greatest thankfulness to Allah SWT for blessing, strength, capability,

and patience, so the writer can accomplish this thesis as a partial fulfillment of the

requirements for the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan at the English Department of

Faculty Languages and Arts, State University of Medan.

The scintillating, historical, and meaningful process of realizing this thesis,

surprisingly has created the involvement between the writer and a great number of

people who gave guidance, suggestion, and assistance for which the writer would

like to extend her wholehearted and special gratitude for:

Prof. Dr. Syawal Gultom, M.Pd., the Rector of State University of


Dr. Isda Pramuniati, M.Hum., the Dean of Faculty of Languages and Arts, State University of Medan.

Prof. Dr. Hj. Sumarsih, M.Pd., the Head of English and Literature

Hartoyo, S.Pd., M.Hum., her thesis reviewers.

All the lecturers of English department who have taught, guided,

and advised her throughout the academic years.

Her beloved parents, Juli Umar (alm) and Suwarsini, for their love,


things they gave that can make the writer understands and appreciates

the meaning of struggle in life. The writer’s sincere gratitude also goes

to her dearest brothers, M. Syahrizal, Agus Prayudha, and Ari

Handoko and her lovely sisters, Windi Astari, and Rina Pradita Sari and all families.

Mas Marwansyah, for love, time, laughter, happiness, supports,

togetherness and everything he gave that can make the writer

experienced other sides of life.

Regular A 2011 of English Educational Program,especially for her

best friends Ricka Setiawati, Risa Afianti and Ricka Setiawati as

their great classfor the love and togetherness throughout four years;

her friends in PPLT SMK Swasta Harapan Stabat for many

experiencies and togetherness.

Headmasters, English Teachers and Students of SMA Negeri 5

Binjai, SMA Negeri 7 Binjai, SMA Swakarya Binjai, and SMA Melati Binjai for time and cooperation. Thank you.

Medan, January 2016 The Writer,



E. The Significance of the Study……….. 7


8. Advantages of Error Analysis……… 23

9. Types of Errors……… 23

a. Omission………. 24

b. Addition……… 24


d. Miss-ordering………. 24

10. Causes of Errors……….. 25

a. Interlingual Transfer……… 25

b. Intralingual Transfer……… 25

B. Relevant Studies……… 26

D. The Procedure of Collecting Data……… 30

E. The Technique of Analyzing Data………. 31



Pages Table 1.1 The Percentage of the Eleventh Grade Students’ Score in

Writing……… 2

Table 2.1 The Examples of Prefix………... 12

Table 2.2 The Examples of Suffix……….. 14

Table 2.3 The English Inflections………... 16

Table 2.4 The Example of Recount Text……… 19




Appendix A. Writing Test……….. 56

Appendix B. Students’ Work Sheet……… 57

Appendix C. The Classification of Errors (I)……… 61




A. The Background of the Study

Language is a tool which is used to communicate in social life.

Especially, English that is the International language that has been learned by the

students since they were in the basic level of education. When students learnt

English, they are focused on mastering four language skills: Listening, Speaking,

Reading, and Writing. Among the basic skills, writing is considered to be the most

complicated skill because in writing the writer should be able to combine and

express her/is opinions or ideas in good written form. Ansyar et.al (2011) state

that in writing, the writer should not neglect the language components (structure,

vocabulary, and spelling) because the content of writing can only be understood if

those language components are written in correct form.

Based on the preliminary observation of the English teacher of SMA

Negeri 5 Binjai on April 9th 2015, the researcher asked the teacher about the

students’ writing score list for the first semester. The researcher saw the minimum

criteria mastery (KKM or Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimum) was applied 75

meanwhile the students’ writing score were still low. Most of students could not

exceed the minimum criteria mastery (KKM) which applied by school for English

lesson. For more detail, the students’ accumulated score are shown on the table


Table 1.1 the Percentage of the Eleventh Grade Students’ Score in Writing

1st Semester >75 ≥75 <75

XI-1 19 Students(51.4%) - 18 Students(48.6%)

XI-2 18 Students(45.0%) 1 Student(2.5%) 21 Students(52.5%)

XI-3 14 Students(35.0%) 2 Students(5.0%) 24 Students(60.0%)

XI-4 18 Students(56.3%) 1 Students(3.1%) 13 Students(40.6%)

XI-5 20 Students(58.8%) 3 Students(8.8%) 11 Students(32.4%)

Source: The students’ accumulated score of the eleventh grade students at SMA Negeri 5

Binjai academic year 2014/2015

From the previous data, it can be concluded that the students’ ability in

writing is still low. It can be seen from the most of students’ score percentage are

under the KKM.

Referring to the Educational Unit Oriented Curriculum (Kurikulum

Tingkat Satuan: KTSP) 2006 of Senior High School, the students are required to

be able to write various types of writing genres, such as descriptive, narrative,

recount, procedure, spoof, report and anecdote. But in this study the researcher

only uses the recount text as the writing genre.

Recount text is one of the kinds of the text which is purposed to inform

the reader or people about the last experience in the past that describe about

events or sequence. One of the existences of the language in writing a text does

not suddenly emerge, but it experiences morphological processes to make various


According to Syarifah (2015), word formation is a fundamental that

should be known well before using the more complex language units. And one of

the ways in forming words is through affixation.

Affixation is one or more bound morpheme (prefix and suffix) is attached

to free morpheme (root or stem) which change the meaning, category or

grammatical function of the word. Katamba (2005) states that affixation is divided

into two forms; derivation and inflectional. The affixation which changes the

word class or creates new lexeme from basic lexeme is called derivation. While

the affixation which creates new word formations from the basic lexeme is called

inflectional. In this study, the researcher only focuses on the inflectional form.

As the researcher’s preliminary observation of the eleventh grade

students at SMA Negeri 5 Binjai on April 9th 2015, the researcher found some

inflectional affixes errors in their English writing. Some sentences which are

indicated have errors are:

1. It make me happy to tell you about my vacation. (It makes me happy to tell

you about my vacation)

In this sentence, suffix –s must be added to indicate verb for third singular


2. I have some friend in Jakarta. (I have some friends in Jakarta)


3. I always studied with my sister in the evening. (I always study with my sister

in the evening)

The suffix –ed in the sentence must be deleted to indicate verb for simple

present tense.

4. Our English teacher, Miss Renita teaches us patient. (Our English teacher,

Miss Renita teaches us patiently)

In this sentence, the word patient must be added with suffix –ly to indicate


Affixation also becomes problem for foreign students in Bandung

international school. Based on the research, Indonesian affixation is a subject

which is difficult to be understood by the foreign students. This matter occurs

because of Indonesian grammar is different from their mother tongue’s grammar

(Widawati, 2012).

The research about English mastery found that the dominant errors

produced by the students are morphological aspects of language. Affixes, verbs,

prepositions are some of the categories that students find problem with. The

research which is conducted by Hariri (2012) in Iran indicated that this happens

because the different morphological structure between the learner’s L1 and L2.

Furthermore, the research which is conducted by Sitepu (2014) found that


The facts above indicate that affixation still becomes the problem for the

students in language using, but some teachers are not aware of correcting the

students’ errors in writing. They think that the error correction spends their time.

This situation makes the students do the mistakes repeatedly, because they do not

get the understanding of error correction from the teacher.

Erdogan (2005) states that error analysis enables teachers to find out the

sources of errors and takes pedagogical precautions towards them. Error analysis

is an activity to identify, classify or describe the errors made by someone in

speaking or in writing. In this study, it can be said as an activity done by the

teacher to correct the students’ error in writing.

The analysis of students’ errors in inflectional affixes is important

especially in writing. Some advantages of error analysis are to show the

inflectional error made by the students, to know the cause of error and to know

students’ needs then finding the solution for it. The researcher hopes that the

findings in analysis of students’ errors in Inflectional affixation can be useful for

educational progress.

B. The Problems of the Study

Based on the background of the study on the previous, the problems of


1. What are the types of inflectional morphological structure errors found in

writing recount text by the eleventh grade students in four schools at Binjai?

2. What are the causes of inflectional morphological structure errors found in

writing recount text by the eleventh grade students in four schools at Binjai?

C. The Scope of the Study

The study deals with the errors analysis. The study focuses on

inflectional morphological structures error, and the causes of errors on using

inflectional morphological structures in recount writing by the eleventh grade

students in four schools at Binjai.

D. The Objectives of the Study

Related to the problems, the objectives of this study are:

1) to identify and classify the types of inflectional morphological structure

errors which are found in writing recount text by the eleventh grade students

in four schools at Binjai.

2) to find out the causes of inflectional morphological structure errors which

are found in writing recount text by the eleventh grade students in four


E. The Significance of the Study

This study is expected to have both theoretical and practical perspectives.

1. Theoretical Perspectives

a. The result of this research can be useful for teaching inflectional

morphological structure in recount writing.

b. The result of this research can be used as a reference for those who

want to conduct a research about the inflectional morphological

structure in recount writing.

2. Practical Perspectives

a. For the teachers

The researcher hopes that this research gives the advantageous

information and will be inspiring for English teacher to give

correction and more exercises about inflectional morphological

structure clearly.

b. For the students

The students are able to increase their awareness about inflectional

morphological structure in writing recount text in order to avoid




This chapter presents the conclusions of the result of study that has been

discussed in previous chapter and also suggestions for English teachers, students

and other researchers.

A. Conclusions

Based on the data analysis of research at eleventh grade students of SMA

Negeri 5 Binjai, SMA Negeri 7 Binjai, SMA Swasta Swakarya Binjai, and SMA

Swasta Melati Binjai, the writer wants to present the conclusions. The conclusions

consist of several points that are related to the problems of the study. They are:

1. The types of inflectional morphological structure errors in recount

texts written by the eleventh grade students in four schools at Binjai

are omission 58 cases (47.5%), addition 19 cases (15.6%),

substitution 29 cases (23.8%), and miss-ordering 16 cases (13.1%).

2. The causes of inflectional morphological structure errors in recount

texts by the eleventh grade students were interlingual and intralingual

transfer. Intralingual transfer 90 cases (73.8%) dominantly causes the

errors occur because the students still have limited knowledge about

the rules and the structure of English and the inability to apply what

they have learned. Besides, the transfer of Indonesian language or


B. Suggestions

Considering the conclusions above, some suggestions are presented in

this part. As discussed in chapter I, this study hopefully can give advantageous

information both theoretically and practically.

1. For the Teachers

a. The teachers are expected to give stronger emphasis about

affixation to students.

b. The teachers are expected to discuss and remind students about the

inflectional morphological structure related to the English topics

that they learn, by doing this students will be more aware about


c. The teachers are expected to give more exercises continuously to

the students and discuss it together if the errors in affixation

especially in inflection occur.

2. For the Students

a. The students should be able to comprehend about the words

formation in inflectional affixation.

b. The students are expected to be more aware about affixation rules



c. Students are expected to learn more about English inflectional


d. Students are expected to do exercises and practice more about the

inflectional affixation to train their ability in using it.

3. For the other Researchers

It is eagerly suggested to the other researchers to conduct varied

researches about derivational affixation in other kinds of texts which



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Table 1.1  The Percentage of the Eleventh Grade Students’ Score in     Writing………………………………………………………
Table 1.1 the Percentage of the Eleventh Grade Students’ Score in Writing


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