• Tidak ada hasil yang ditemukan

Animasi Gaya Dalam Fisika Menggunakan Adobe Flash CS3 Professional


Academic year: 2017

Membagikan "Animasi Gaya Dalam Fisika Menggunakan Adobe Flash CS3 Professional"


Teks penuh




Halaman Awal

Layer Doraemon


Layer Doraemon Frame 60


Tombol Next

on(release) {

gotoAndStop(61); }


Halaman Menu

Tombol Teori

on(release) {

gotoAndStop(62); }

Tombol Latihan

on(release) {

gotoAndStop(101); }

Tombol Simulasi

on(release) {

gotoAndStop(121); }

Tombol Tentang

on(release) {

gotoAndStop(119); }

Tombol Keluar

on(release) {





Frame 62 Tombol Back

on(release) {

gotoAndStop(61); }

Frame 62 Tombol Next

on(release) {

gotoAndStop(63); }

Frame 63 Tombol Back

on(release) {

gotoAndStop(62); }

Frame 63 Tombol Next

on(release) {

gotoAndStop(64); }


Halaman Pilihan Teori

Tombol Gaya Gesek

on(release) {

gotoAndStop(65); }

Tombol Gaya Berat

on(release) {

gotoAndStop(68); }

Tombol Gaya Normal

on(release) {

gotoAndStop(69); }

Tombol Gaya Sentripetal

on(release) {


Tombol Hukum Newton

on(release) {

gotoAndStop(77); }


Halaman Gaya Gesek

Frame 65 Tombol Back



gotoAndStop(64); }

Frame 65 Tombol Next



gotoAndStop(66); }

Frame 66 Tombol Back



gotoAndStop(65); }

Frame 66 Tombol Next



gotoAndStop(67); }

Frame 67 Tombol Back



gotoAndStop(66); }

Frame 67 Tombol Main

on(release) {

giant.play(); }


Halaman Gaya Berat

Frame 68 Tombol Back

on(release) {



Halaman Gaya Normal

Frame 69 Tombol Main

on(release) {

play(); }

Frame 75

on(release) {

play(); }


Halaman Gaya Sentripetal

Frame 76 Tombol Back

on(release) {

gotoAndStop(64); }


Halaman Hukum Newton I

Frame 78 Tombol Back

on(release) {

gotoAndStop(77); }

Frame 78 Tombol Next

on(release) {

gotoAndStop(79); }

Frame 79 Tombol Main

on(release) {

play(); }

Frame 79 Tombol Back

on(release) {

gotoAndStop(78); }


Halaman Hukum Newton II

Frame 99 Tombol Back



gotoAndStop(77); }


Halaman Hukum Newton III

Frame 100 Tombol Back

on(release) {

gotoAndStop(77); }


Halaman Latihan

Tombol Satu

on(release) {

gotoAndStop(102); }

Tombol Dua

on(release) {

gotoAndStop(104); }

Tombol Tiga

on(release) {

gotoAndStop(108); }

Tombol Empat

on(release) {

gotoAndStop(120); }


Halaman Latihan I

Frame 102

Radio Button Ya

onClipEvent(enterFrame) {

if(_root.Ya.value==true) {

_root.jawab1= "Benar"; _root.ket1="";


Radio Button Tidak

onClipEvent(enterFrame) {

if(_root.Tidak.value==true) {

_root.jawab1= "Salah";

_root.ket1="walaupun bukunya diam, terdapat gaya berat ke bawah dan gaya tekan meja ke atas yang sama besar sehingga resultannya = nol";

} }

Radio Button Ya2

onClipEvent(enterFrame) {

if(_root.Ya2.value==true) {

_root.jawab2= "Salah";

_root.ket2="Gaya punggung tersebut bukanlah merupakan gaya dalam Fisika";

} }

Radio Button Tidak2

onClipEvent(enterFrame) {

if(_root.Tidak2.value==true) {

_root.jawab2= "Benar"; _root.ket2="";

} }

Radio Button Ya3

onClipEvent(enterFrame) {

if(_root.Ya3.value==true) {

_root.jawab3= "Salah";

_root.ket3= "Batu hanya akan tetap diam jika tidak ada gaya luar yang mempengaruhi";

} }

Radio Button Tidak3

onClipEvent(enterFrame) {

if(_root.Tidak3.value==true) {


} }

Radio Button Ya4

onClipEvent(enterFrame) {

if(_root.Ya4.value==true) {

_root.jawab4= "Salah";

_root.ket4="Gaya juga dapat merubah bentuk benda. Contohnya pegas yang ditarik akan berubah bentuk";

} }

Radio Button Tidak4

onClipEvent(enterFrame) {

if(_root.Tidak4.value==true) {

_root.jawab4= "Benar"; _root.ket4="";

} }

Radio Button Ya5

onClipEvent(enterFrame) {

if(_root.Ya5.value==true) {

_root.jawab5= "Salah";

_root.ket5="Satuan Newton merupakan satuan gaya dalam SI, dalam CGS Gaya

dideklarasikan dalam Dyne";

} }

Radio Button Tidak5

onClipEvent(enterFrame) {

if(_root.Tidak5.value==true) {

_root.jawab5= "Benar"; _root.ket5="";

} }


on(release) {

gotoAndStop(101); }

Tombol Next

on(release) {

gotoAndStop(103); }

Frame 103



on(release) {

gotoAndStop(102); }

Radio Button Ya6

onClipEvent(enterFrame) {

if(_root.Ya6.value==true) {

_root.jawab6= "Salah";

_root.ket6="Gaya yang terjadi antara ban dengan jalan ketika direm adalah gaya gesek";

} }

Radio Button Tidak6

onClipEvent(enterFrame) {

if(_root.Tidak6.value==true) {

_root.jawab6= "Benar"; _root.ket6="";

} }

Radio Button Ya7

onClipEvent(enterFrame) {

if(_root.Ya7.value==true) {

_root.jawab7= "Salah";

_root.ket7="Benda yang resultannya sama dengan nol, akan tetap bergerak lurus beraturan";

} }


onClipEvent(enterFrame) {

if(_root.Tidak7.value==true) {

_root.jawab7= "Benar"; _root.ket7="";

} }


Button Ya8

onClipEvent(enterFrame) {

if(_root.Ya8.value==true) {

_root.jawab8= "Salah";

_root.ket8="Berat benda dibumi tidak selalu sama dengan beratnya di tempat lain

dikarenakan adanya pengaruh besar gaya gravitasi yang dipengaruhi oleh ketinggian benda dari pusat bumi";

} }

Radio Button Tidak8

onClipEvent(enterFrame) {

if(_root.Tidak8.value==true) {

_root.jawab8= "Benar"; _root.ket8="";

} }

Radio Button Ya9

onClipEvent(enterFrame) {

if(_root.Ya9.value==true) {

_root.jawab9= "Salah";

_root.ket9="g di kutub lebih besar daripada g di khatulistiwa sehingga berat benda di kutub lebih besar daripada di khatulistiwa";

} }

Radio Button Tidak9

onClipEvent(enterFrame) {

if(_root.Tidak9.value==true) {


} }

Radio Button Ya10

onClipEvent(enterFrame) {

if(_root.Ya10.value==true) {

_root.jawab10= "Benar"; _root.ket10="";

} }

Radio Button Tidak10

onClipEvent(enterFrame) {

if(_root.Tidak10.value==true) {

_root.jawab10= "Salah";

_root.ket10="Gaya normal (N) adalah gaya reaksi yang timbul pada sebuah bidang

(benda) apabila ada gaya yang bekerja pada bidang (benda) tersebut";

} }


Halaman Latihan II

Frame 104

Radio Button a

onClipEvent(enterFrame) {

if(_root.a.value==true) {

_root.jb1= "Benar";

_root.kunci1._visible=false; }


Radio Button


onClipEvent(enterFrame) {

if(_root.b.value==true) {

_root.jb1= "Salah";

_root.kunci1._visible=true; }


Radio Button c



if(_root.c.value==true) {

_root.jb1= "Salah";

_root.kunci1._visible=true; }


Radio Button d

onClipEvent(enterFrame) {

if(_root.d.value==true) {

_root.jb1= "Salah";

_root.kunci1._visible=true; }


Radio Button a2

onClipEvent(enterFrame) {

if(_root.a2.value==true) {

_root.jb2= "Salah";

_root.kunci2._visible=true; }


Radio Button b2

onClipEvent(enterFrame) {

if(_root.b2.value==true) {

_root.jb2= "Salah";

_root.kunci2._visible=true; }


Radio Button c2

onClipEvent(enterFrame) {

if(_root.c2.value==true) {

_root.jb2= "Benar";

_root.kunci2._visible=false; }


Radio Button d2

onClipEvent(enterFrame) {


_root.jb2= "Salah";

_root.kunci2._visible=true; }


Frame 105

Radio Button a3

onClipEvent(enterFrame) {

if(_root.a3.value==true) {

_root.jb3= "Salah";

_root.kunci3._visible=true; }


Radio Button b3

onClipEvent(enterFrame) {

if(_root.b3.value==true) {

_root.jb3= "Salah";

_root.kunci3._visible=true; }


Radio Button c3

onClipEvent(enterFrame) {

if(_root.c3.value==true) {

_root.jb3= "Benar";

_root.kunci3._visible=false; }


Radio Button d3

onClipEvent(enterFrame) {

if(_root.d3.value==true) {

_root.jb3= "Salah";

_root.kunci3._visible=true; }


Radio Button a4

onClipEvent(enterFrame) {

if(_root.a4.value==true) {

_root.jb4= "Benar";


} }

Radio Button b4

onClipEvent(enterFrame) {

if(_root.b4.value==true) {

_root.jb4= "Salah";

_root.kunci4._visible=true; }


Radio Button c4

onClipEvent(enterFrame) {

if(_root.c4.value==true) {

_root.jb4= "Salah";

_root.kunci4._visible=true; }


Radio Button d4

onClipEvent(enterFrame) {

if(_root.d4.value==true) {

_root.jb4= "Salah";

_root.kunci4._visible=true; }


Radio Button a5

onClipEvent(enterFrame) {

if(_root.a5.value==true) {

_root.jb5= "Salah";

_root.kunci5._visible=true; }


Radio Button b5

onClipEvent(enterFrame) {

if(_root.b5.value==true) {

_root.jb5= "Salah";

_root.kunci5._visible=true; }


Radio Button c5

onClipEvent(enterFrame) {

if(_root.c5.value==true) {

_root.jb5= "Salah";

_root.kunci5._visible=true; }


Radio Button d5

onClipEvent(enterFrame) {

if(_root.d5.value==true) {

_root.jb5= "Benar";

_root.kunci5._visible=false; }


Frame 106

Radio Button a6

onClipEvent(enterFrame) {

if(_root.a6.value==true) {

_root.jb6= "Salah";

_root.kunci6._visible=true; }


Radio Button b6

onClipEvent(enterFrame) {

if(_root.b6.value==true) {

_root.jb6= "Salah";

_root.kunci6._visible=true; }


Radio Button c6

onClipEvent(enterFrame) {

if(_root.c6.value==true) {

_root.jb6= "Benar";

_root.kunci6._visible=false; }


Radio Button d6

onClipEvent(enterFrame) {

if(_root.d6.value==true) {

_root.jb6= "Salah";

_root.kunci6._visible=true; }


Radio Button a7

onClipEvent(enterFrame) {

if(_root.a7.value==true) {

_root.jb7= "Salah";

_root.kunci7._visible=true; }


Radio Button b7

onClipEvent(enterFrame) {

if(_root.b7.value==true) {

_root.jb7= "Salah";

_root.kunci7._visible=true; }


Radio Button c7

onClipEvent(enterFrame) {

if(_root.c7.value==true) {

_root.jb7= "Salah";

_root.kunci7._visible=true; }


Radio Button d7

onClipEvent(enterFrame) {

if(_root.d7.value==true) {

_root.jb7= "Benar";

_root.kunci7._visible=false; }


Radio Button a8


if(_root.a8.value==true) {

_root.jb8= "Salah";

_root.kunci8._visible=true; }


Radio Button b8

onClipEvent(enterFrame) {

if(_root.b8.value==true) {

_root.jb8= "Benar";

_root.kunci8._visible=false; }



Button c8

onClipEvent(enterFrame) {

if(_root.c8.value==true) {

_root.jb8= "Salah";

_root.kunci8._visible=true; }


Radio Button d8

onClipEvent(enterFrame) {

if(_root.d8.value==true) {

_root.jb8= "Salah";

_root.kunci8._visible=true; }


Frame 107

Radio Button a9

onClipEvent(enterFrame) {

if(_root.a9.value==true) {

_root.jb9= "Salah";

_root.kunci9._visible=true; }


Radio Button


onClipEvent(enterFrame) {



_root.jb9= "Salah";

_root.kunci9._visible=true; }


Radio Button c9

onClipEvent(enterFrame) {

if(_root.c9.value==true) {

_root.jb9= "Benar";

_root.kunci9._visible=false; }


Radio Button d9

onClipEvent(enterFrame) {

if(_root.d9.value==true) {

_root.jb9= "Salah";

_root.kunci9._visible=true; }


Radio Button a10

onClipEvent(enterFrame) {

if(_root.a10.value==true) {

_root.jb10= "Benar";

_root.kunci10._visible=false; }


Radio Button b10

onClipEvent(enterFrame) {

if(_root.b10.value==true) {

_root.jb10= "Salah";

_root.kunci10._visible=true; }


Radio Button c10

onClipEvent(enterFrame) {

if(_root.c10.value==true) {

_root.jb10= "Salah";


} }

Radio Button d10

onClipEvent(enterFrame) {

if(_root.d10.value==true) {

_root.jb10= "Salah";

_root.kunci10._visible=true; }



Halaman Latihan III

Layer Mulai

Frame 108


Layer Waktu

Frame 109

onEnterFrame = function() {

if (_root.validasi == false) {

dtk = 60; mnt = 59; jm = 0; fp=0;

hitung = true;

_root.validasi=true; }

else {

if(dtk<10) {

_root.detik="0"+dtk; }

else {

_root.detik=dtk; }

if(mnt<10) {

_root.menit="0"+mnt; }

else {


if(jm<10) {

_root.jam="0"+jm; }

else {

_root.jam=jm; }

if((fp==12)&&(_root.hitung==true)) {

dtk-= 1; fp=0; }

if((mnt==0)&&(dtk==0)) {

if(jm>0) {

jm-= 1; mnt = 60; }


if(dtk<0) {

if(mnt>0) {

dtk=60; mnt-=1; }

} fp+=1;

if((jm==0)&&(mnt==0)&&(dtk==0)) {

if(hitung == true) {

gotoAndStop(118); }

hitung = false; }

} }

Layer Tampung

Frame 108

jawaban = new Array(); kunci = new Array

("d1","b2","b3","b4","a5","c6","c7","b8","a9","c1 0","b11","c12","b13","d14",

"b15","a16","d17","a18","a19","c20","d21","d22"," b23","c24","a25");

validasi = false ;


Frame 108

Tombol Mulai

on(release) {

gotoAndStop(109); }

Frame 109

Radio Button a1

onClipEvent(enterFrame) {

if(_root.a1.value==true) {

_root.jawaban[0]="a1"; }


Radio Button b1

onClipEvent(enterFrame) {

if(_root.b1.value==true) {

_root.jawaban[0]="b1"; }


Radio Button c1

onClipEvent(enterFrame) {

if(_root.c1.value==true) {

_root.jawaban[0]="c1"; }


Radio Button d1

onClipEvent(enterFrame) {

if(_root.d1.value==true) {

_root.jawaban[0]="d1"; }


Radio Button a2

onClipEvent(enterFrame) {


_root.jawaban[1]="a2"; }



Button b2

onClipEvent(enterFrame) {

if(_root.b2.value==true) {

_root.jawaban[1]="b2"; }


Radio Button c2

onClipEvent(enterFrame) {

if(_root.c2.value==true) {

_root.jawaban[1]="c2"; }


Radio Button d2

onClipEvent(enterFrame) {

if(_root.d2.value==true) {

_root.jawaban[1]="d2"; }


Frame 110

Radio Button a3

onClipEvent(enterFrame) {

if(_root.a3.value==true) {

_root.jawaban[2]="a3"; }


Radio Button b3

onClipEvent(enterFrame) {

if(_root.b3.value==true) {

_root.jawaban[2]="b3"; }


Radio Button c3


if(_root.c3.value==true) {

_root.jawaban[2]="c3"; }


Radio Button d3

onClipEvent(enterFrame) {

if(_root.d3.value==true) {

_root.jawaban[2]="d3"; }


Radio Button a4

onClipEvent(enterFrame) {

if(_root.a4.value==true) {

_root.jawaban[3]="a4"; }


Radio Button b4

onClipEvent(enterFrame) {

if(_root.b4.value==true) {

_root.jawaban[3]="b4"; }


Radio Button a5

onClipEvent(enterFrame) {

if(_root.a5.value==true) {

_root.jawaban[4]="a5"; }


Radio Button b5

onClipEvent(enterFrame) {

if(_root.b5.value==true) {

_root.jawaban[4]="b5"; }



onClipEvent(enterFrame) {

if(_root.c5.value==true) {

_root.jawaban[4]="c5"; }


Radio Button d5

onClipEvent(enterFrame) {

if(_root.d5.value==true) {

_root.jawaban[4]="d5"; }


Frame 111

Radio Button a6

onClipEvent(enterFrame) {

if(_root.a6.value==true) {

_root.jawaban[5]="a6"; }


Radio Button b6

onClipEvent(enterFrame) {

if(_root.b6.value==true) {

_root.jawaban[5]="b6"; }


Radio Button c6

onClipEvent(enterFrame) {

if(_root.c6.value==true) {

_root.jawaban[5]="c6"; }


Radio Button d6

onClipEvent(enterFrame) {

if(_root.d6.value==true) {


} }

Radio Button a7

onClipEvent(enterFrame) {

if(_root.a7.value==true) {

_root.jawaban[6]="a7"; }


Radio Button b7

onClipEvent(enterFrame) {

if(_root.b7.value==true) {

_root.jawaban[6]="b7"; }


Radio Button c7

onClipEvent(enterFrame) {

if(_root.c7.value==true) {

_root.jawaban[6]="c7"; }


Radio Button d7

onClipEvent(enterFrame) {

if(_root.d7.value==true) {

_root.jawaban[6]="d7"; }


Radio Button a8

onClipEvent(enterFrame) {

if(_root.a8.value==true) {

_root.jawaban[7]="a8"; }


Radio Button b8

onClipEvent(enterFrame) {


_root.jawaban[7]="b8"; }


Frame 112

Radio Button a9

onClipEvent(enterFrame) {

if(_root.a9.value==true) {

_root.jawaban[8]="a9"; }


Radio Button b9

onClipEvent(enterFrame) {

if(_root.b9.value==true) {

_root.jawaban[8]="b9"; }


Radio Button c9

onClipEvent(enterFrame) {

if(_root.c9.value==true) {

_root.jawaban[8]="c9"; }


Radio Button d9

onClipEvent(enterFrame) {

if(_root.d9.value==true) {

_root.jawaban[8]="d9"; }


Radio Button a10

onClipEvent(enterFrame) {

if(_root.a10.value==true) {

_root.jawaban[9]="a10"; }


Radio Button b10



if(_root.b10.value==true) {

_root.jawaban[9]="b10"; }


Radio Button c10

onClipEvent(enterFrame) {

if(_root.c10.value==true) {

_root.jawaban[9]="c10"; }


Radio Button d10

onClipEvent(enterFrame) {

if(_root.d10.value==true) {

_root.jawaban[9]="d10"; }


Radio Button a11

onClipEvent(enterFrame) {

if(_root.a11.value==true) {

_root.jawaban[10]="a11"; }


Radio Button


onClipEvent(enterFrame) {

if(_root.b11.value==true) {

_root.jawaban[10]="b11"; }


Radio Button c11

onClipEvent(enterFrame) {

if(_root.c11.value==true) {

_root.jawaban[10]="c11"; }



onClipEvent(enterFrame) {

if(_root.d11.value==true) {

_root.jawaban[10]="d11"; }


Frame 113

Radio Button a12

onClipEvent(enterFrame) {

if(_root.a12.value==true) {

_root.jawaban[11]="a12"; }


Radio Button b12

onClipEvent(enterFrame) {

if(_root.b12.value==true) {

_root.jawaban[11]="b12"; }



Button c12

onClipEvent(enterFrame) {

if(_root.c12.value==true) {

_root.jawaban[11]="c12"; }


Radio Button


onClipEvent(enterFrame) {

if(_root.d12.value==true) {

_root.jawaban[11]="d12"; }


Radio Button a13

onClipEvent(enterFrame) {

if(_root.a13.value==true) {

_root.jawaban[12]="a13"; }


Radio Button b13

onClipEvent(enterFrame) {

if(_root.b13.value==true) {

_root.jawaban[12]="b13"; }


Radio Button a14

onClipEvent(enterFrame) {

if(_root.a14.value==true) {

_root.jawaban[13]="a14"; }


Radio Button b14

onClipEvent(enterFrame) {

if(_root.b14.value==true) {

_root.jawaban[13]="b14"; }


Radio Button


onClipEvent(enterFrame) {

if(_root.c14.value==true) {

_root.jawaban[13]="c14"; }


Radio Button d14

onClipEvent(enterFrame) {

if(_root.d14.value==true) {

_root.jawaban[13]="d14"; }


Radio Button a15

onClipEvent(enterFrame) {

if(_root.a15.value==true) {



Radio Button b15

onClipEvent(enterFrame) {

if(_root.b15.value==true) {

_root.jawaban[14]="b15"; }


Frame 114

Radio Button a16

onClipEvent(enterFrame) {

if(_root.a16.value==true) {

_root.jawaban[15]="a16"; }


Radio Button b16

onClipEvent(enterFrame) {

if(_root.b16.value==true) {

_root.jawaban[15]="b16"; }


Radio Button c16

onClipEvent(enterFrame) {

if(_root.c16.value==true) {

_root.jawaban[15]="c16"; }


Radio Button d16

onClipEvent(enterFrame) {

if(_root.d16.value==true) {

_root.jawaban[15]="d16"; }


Radio Button a17

onClipEvent(enterFrame) {


_root.jawaban[16]="a17"; }


Radio Button b17

onClipEvent(enterFrame) {

if(_root.b17.value==true) {

_root.jawaban[16]="b17"; }


Radio Button c17

onClipEvent(enterFrame) {

if(_root.c17.value==true) {

_root.jawaban[16]="c17"; }


Radio Button d17

onClipEvent(enterFrame) {

if(_root.d17.value==true) {

_root.jawaban[16]="d17"; }


Radio Button a18

onClipEvent(enterFrame) {

if(_root.a18.value==true) {

_root.jawaban[17]="a18"; }


Radio Button b18

onClipEvent(enterFrame) {

if(_root.b18.value==true) {

_root.jawaban[17]="b18"; }


Radio Button c18


if(_root.c18.value==true) {

_root.jawaban[17]="c18"; }


Radio Button d18

onClipEvent(enterFrame) {

if(_root.d18.value==true) {

_root.jawaban[17]="d18"; }


Radio Button a19

onClipEvent(enterFrame) {

if(_root.a19.value==true) {

_root.jawaban[18]="a19"; }


Radio Button b19

onClipEvent(enterFrame) {

if(_root.b19.value==true) {

_root.jawaban[18]="b19"; }


Frame 115

Radio Button a20

onClipEvent(enterFrame) {

if(_root.a20.value==true) {

_root.jawaban[19]="a20"; }


Radio Button


onClipEvent(enterFrame) {

if(_root.b20.value==true) {



Radio Button c20

onClipEvent(enterFrame) {

if(_root.c20.value==true) {

_root.jawaban[19]="c20"; }


Radio Button d20

onClipEvent(enterFrame) {

if(_root.d20.value==true) {

_root.jawaban[19]="d20"; }


Radio Button a21

onClipEvent(enterFrame) {

if(_root.a21.value==true) {

_root.jawaban[20]="a21"; }


Radio Button b21

onClipEvent(enterFrame) {

if(_root.b21.value==true) {

_root.jawaban[20]="b21"; }


Radio Button c21

onClipEvent(enterFrame) {

if(_root.c21.value==true) {

_root.jawaban[20]="c21"; }


Radio Button d21

onClipEvent(enterFrame) {


_root.jawaban[20]="d21"; }


Radio Button a22

onClipEvent(enterFrame) {

if(_root.a22.value==true) {

_root.jawaban[21]="a22"; }


Radio Button b22

onClipEvent(enterFrame) {

if(_root.b22.value==true) {

_root.jawaban[21]="b22"; }


Radio Button c22

onClipEvent(enterFrame) {

if(_root.c22.value==true) {

_root.jawaban[21]="c22"; }


Radio Button d22

onClipEvent(enterFrame) {

if(_root.d22.value==true) {

_root.jawaban[21]="d22"; }


Frame 116

Radio Button a23

onClipEvent(enterFrame) {

if(_root.a23.value==true) {

_root.jawaban[22]="a23"; }


Radio Button b23


if(_root.b23.value==true) {

_root.jawaban[22]="b23"; }


Radio Button c23

onClipEvent(enterFrame) {

if(_root.c23.value==true) {

_root.jawaban[22]="c23"; }


Radio Button d23

onClipEvent(enterFrame) {

if(_root.d23.value==true) {

_root.jawaban[22]="d23"; }


Radio Button a24

onClipEvent(enterFrame) {

if(_root.a24.value==true) {

_root.jawaban[23]="a24"; }


Radio Button b24

onClipEvent(enterFrame) {

if(_root.b24.value==true) {

_root.jawaban[23]="b24"; }


Radio Button c24

onClipEvent(enterFrame) {

if(_root.c24.value==true) {

_root.jawaban[23]="c24"; }



onClipEvent(enterFrame) {

if(_root.d24.value==true) {

_root.jawaban[23]="d24"; }


Radio Button a25

onClipEvent(enterFrame) {

if(_root.a25.value==true) {

_root.jawaban[24]="a25"; }


Radio Button b25

onClipEvent(enterFrame) {

if(_root.b25.value==true) {

_root.jawaban[24]="b25"; }


Radio Button c25

onClipEvent(enterFrame) {

if(_root.c25.value==true) {

_root.jawaban[24]="c25"; }


Radio Button d25

onClipEvent(enterFrame) {

if(_root.d25.value==true) {

_root.jawaban[24]="d25"; }


Frame 117

Tombol Kalkulator

on(release) {


for(i=0;i<=24;i++) {



skors+=4; }


_root.skor=skors; }

Tombol Rumah

on(release) {

gotoAndStop(61); }


Halaman Latihan IV

Layer TTS

Frame 120

jawab1d="dorongan"; jawab2t="sentripetal"; jawab3d="lambat"; jawab4t="kutub"; jawab5d="reaksi"; jawab6t="resultan"; jawab7d="newton"; jawab8t="neracapegas"; jawab9d="gravitasi"; jawab10t="kilogram"; onEnterFrame = function() {

jawaban1d = a1+a2+a3+a4+a5+a6+a7+a8; if(jawaban1d==jawab1d)


_root.status_a.gotoAndStop(2); }

else {

if(jawaban1d!=jawab1d&&jawaban1d!="") {

_root.status_a.gotoAndStop(3); }


jawaban2t =

b1+b2+a5+b3+b4+b5+b6+b7+b8+b9+b10; if(jawaban2t==jawab2t)


_root.status_b.gotoAndStop(2); }

else {



_root.status_b.gotoAndStop(3); }


jawaban3d = b10+c1+c2+c3+c4+c5; if(jawaban3d==jawab3d)


_root.status_c.gotoAndStop(2); }

else {

if(jawaban3d!=jawab3d&&jawaban3d!="") {

_root.status_c.gotoAndStop(3); }


jawaban4t = d1+d2+d3+d4+c3; if(jawaban4t==jawab4t) {

_root.status_d.gotoAndStop(2); }

else {

if(jawaban4t!=jawab4t&&jawaban4t!="") {

_root.status_d.gotoAndStop(3); }


jawaban5d = e1+e2+e3+e4+e5+b5; if(jawaban5d==jawab5d)


_root.status_e.gotoAndStop(2); }

else {

if(jawaban5d!=jawab5d&&jawaban5d!="") {

_root.status_e.gotoAndStop(3); }


jawaban6t = f1+f2+f3+f4+f5+c5+f6+f7; if(jawaban6t==jawab6t)


_root.status_f.gotoAndStop(2); }

else {


_root.status_f.gotoAndStop(3); }


jawaban7d = f7+g1+g2+g3+g4+g5; if(jawaban7d==jawab7d)


_root.status_g.gotoAndStop(2); }

else {

if(jawaban7d!=jawab7d&&jawaban7d!="") {

_root.status_g.gotoAndStop(3); }


jawaban8t =

h1+e2+h2+h3+h4+h5+h6+h7+h8+h9+h10; if(jawaban8t==jawab8t)


_root.status_h.gotoAndStop(2); }

else {

if(jawaban8t!=jawab8t&&jawaban8t!="") {

_root.status_h.gotoAndStop(3); }


jawaban9d = i1+i2+h9+i3+i4+i5+i6+i7+i8; if(jawaban9d==jawab9d)


_root.status_i.gotoAndStop(2); }

else {

if(jawaban9d!=jawab9d&&jawaban9d!="") {

_root.status_i.gotoAndStop(3); }


jawaban10t = j1+j2+j3+g4+j4+j5+j6+j7; if(jawaban10t==jawab10t)


_root.status_j.gotoAndStop(2); }

else {



_root.status_j.gotoAndStop(3); }

} }


Halaman Simulasi

Layer Simulasi

Frame 121

mulai=false; kecepatan = 0; pesan._visible=0; kecnobi = 0;

nobiawal = nobita._x; kotakawal = kotak._x ; ban2awal = ban2._x; ban3awal = ban3._x;

onEnterFrame = function() {

if(mulai==true && m!=undefined && f!=undefined)


ban2._rotation+=5; ban3._rotation+=5;


kecnobi += f/50; nobita._x -= kecnobi;

kecepatan += f/m; kotak._x += kecepatan; ban2._x += kecepatan; ban3._x += kecepatan;

if(nobita.hitTest(kotak)) {

nobita.stop(); kotak.stop();

kotak._x=nobita._x - (0.5*nobita._width);

ban2._x=kotak._x - (0.25*kotak._width);

ban3._x=kotak._x + (0.25*kotak._width);


ban3.stop(); mulai=false; }

} else {

nobita.stop(); }


Dokumen terkait

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