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141207 AKJ 2007 03 23 Hiswana Migas Bangun TK Pertiwi 15


Academic year: 2017

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Also, we have reenforced the idea that the main obstruction for a ring R to solve the feedback cyclization problem is the stable range and the existence of certain unimodular


For the complex case, the form (2.1) originates in author’s discussions with Bella and Olshevsky [2]; it can be obtained from the standard canonical form for complex hermitian

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It is known that for a totally positive (TP) matrix, the eigenvalues are positive and distinct and the eigenvector associated with the smallest eigenvalue is totally nonzero and has

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Henceforth, unless stated otherwise, each bidirected tree will be assumed to have an underlying tree with such a labeling... Combined with the next theorem they give