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Attorney General's Chamber Official Portal


Academic year: 2017

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The Annual Events of the Attorney General's Chambers ("AGCs") of Brunei Darussalam, Malaysia, Singapore and the

Establishment of the Attorney General's Chambers Joint Committee (AGCJC)

There have been strong ties between the Attorney General’s Chambers of Brunei Darussalam, Malaysia and Singapore. Each of these Chambers has its own strengths and much to share with others. There are areas where each could learn and benefit from the others. As issues became more cross-border in nature, joint co-operation and cross-straits understanding become more important to enable each AGC to perform its function effectively. As a result the three countries had agreed to organize an annual event to gather officers from the three AGCs. The event is to be known as the Annual Events of the Attorney General’s Chambers of Brunei Darussalam, Malaysia and Singapore (“Annual Events of the AGCJCs”)

Purpose and objective

The Annual Events of the AGCJCs are intended to achieve three-fold objectives-

1. to serve as an important forum for the exchange of knowledge in laws and experiences, particularly in areas of law which the participating countries have common interest;

2. to better utilize resources to build upon synergies in training; and

3. to provide greater opportunities and platforms for interaction so as to build upon our existing partnership links and to foster friendship and closer rapport amongst our respective AGC families.

Areas of Co-operation

The areas of co-operation that may be the subject matter of discussion at the Annual Events of the AGCs shall include-

1. training, attachment and exchange prorammes;

2. participation in each other’s in-house organized programmes; 3. joint seminars and lecture series;

4. inter-AGCs team-building programmes; and

5. any other areas to be mutually agreed upon by the Attorneys General.

Establishment of AGCJC


prepared by the AGC of Malaysia. The AGCJC comprises-

1. not more than 7 members from the AGC of Singapore; 2. not more than 8 members from the AGC of Malaysia; and 3. not more than 5 members from the AGC of Brunei Darussalam.

Forthcoming Annual Events


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