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Academic year: 2021



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LEWAT olahan rempah, rimpang, dan herba Indonesia, Ramu Padu Nusantara hadir sebagai platform yang menghubungkan petani dengan konsumen.

PRESENTING high quality functional foods that are made of local organic spices, herbs, and roots, Ramu Padu Nusantara serve as a platform to bridge farmers and consumers.

Sajian Rempah

Sehat nan Lezat


Berbekal renjananya terhadap kuliner serta kecintaan pada rasa dan aroma khas Indonesia, Anneke Putri Purwidyantari mendirikan Ramu Padu Nusantara pada 2019. Ia memberi nilai tambah pada hasil pertanian Indonesia melalui inovasi pangan. Berbagai bahan alami ia ramu demi menghadirkan sirop premium di bawah jenama MoonShine. Eksotisme jahe, serai, pala, hingga nanas pun tersaji lezat, praktis, dan sehat. Selain itu bunga telang dan daun kelor kering nan praktis dipersembahkan di bawah brand Ramupadu.

Untuk mendapatkan bahan baku terbaik, Ramu Padu Nusantara bekerja sama dengan petani muda di Gunungkidul dan petani perempuan di lereng Merapi, Sleman, Yogyakarta. Dengan menerapkan fair price, UMKM artisan pangan ini berhasil membangkitkan semangat generasi muda untuk kembali mengolah bumi serta meningkatkan kesejahteraan perempuan petani.

Lezat, sehat, dan multifungsi, produk-produk Ramupadu dan MoonShine kini menyemarakkan pusat-pusat kuliner Indonesia dan menjadi harapan berjayanya rasa dan aroma khas nusantara.

Anneke Putri Purwidyantari’s love for Indonesian flavors and culinary has led her to found Ramu Padu Nusantara in 2019. She adds value to Indonesian’s agricultural products through her food innovation. Various natural ingredients are combined to deliver premium gourmet syrup under the brand “MoonShine”. The exquisite delicacy of lemongrass, ginger, nutmeg, and other spices is now easy to savor. In addition, shelf-stable spices and herbs are provided under “Ramupadu” label.

In order to obtain the best ingredients, Ramu Padu Nusantara work hand in hand with young farmers from Gunungkidul and women farmers in the slope of Merapi Mountain, Sleman, Yogyakarta. Applying ‘fair price’ in the collaboration, this artisan SME has succeeded in revitalizing the spirit of young generation to recultivate the land as well enhancing the welfare of women farmers. Delicious, healthy, and versatile, Ramupadu and MoonShine have now enlivened restaurants, caffes, and other culinary hubs, promising brighter further of Indonesian sustainable agriculture.


SI BIRU cantik bunga telang (Clitoria ternatea) telah berabad dimanfaatkan sebagai bahan obat tradisional dan pewarna makanan di Asia. Mudah tumbuh di iklim tropis, bunga dari suku polong-polongan ini dapat dikonsumsi langsung atau dicampurkan pada masakan. Bermitra dengan petani perempuan di lereng Merapi, Yogyakarta Ramupadu mempersembahkan khasiat bunga telang dalam bentuk utuh yang sudah dikeringkan. Tinggal seduh dan nikmati.

THE BLUE butterfly pea (Clitoria ternatea) flower has been used by Asian people as traditional medicine and food coloring for centuries. Thriving in tropical climate, this flower of Fabaceae family is edible either raw or cooked. Collaborating with women farmers in the slope of Merapi Mountain, Yogyakarta, Ramupadu present the benefits of butterfly pea flower in dried intact form. Just brew and savor the delicacy.

Blue Pea

Bahan / Ingredients

Varian / Variants Butterfly pea flowers

Infusion tea

Berat Bersih / Netto

Masa Simpan / Shelf Life 1 - 2 years

15 gr

Harga / Price


Penyajian / Serving Suggestion Put five buds of butterfly pea flower into 250-500 ml of boiling water. Wait for a while until the water turns blue. Add some sugar and lemon drops for flavor.

Penyimpanan / Storage Store in a dry and cool place.


KANDUNGAN antioksidan yang tinggi membuat bunga telang banyak dicari. Selain itu, bunga tumbuhan merambat ini mengandung asam linolenat yang bisa mengontrol kadar kolesterol serta zat-zat menyehatkan lainnya. Dalam bentuk bubuk serupa teh, Blue Pea Powder dari Ramupadu menyajikan berbagai manfaat alami bunga telang. Seduh di pagi atau sore hari. Rasakan kesegaran yang ditawarkan oleh bahan terbaik anugerah bumi.

CONTAINING high antioxidant, the pea flower is frequently served as the main ingredient in herbal tea drinks. In addition, the flower of this climbing plant has linolenate acid that is good to control the cholesterol level as well as other beneficial substances. Have Ramupadu blue pea for your morning or evening tea. Enjoy the best gift from the nature.

Blue Pea

Bahan / Ingredients

Varian / Variants Butterfly pea flowers Infusion tea (powder)

Berat Bersih / Netto

Masa Simpan / Shelf Life 1 - 2 years

100 gr

Harga / Price


Penyajian / Serving Suggestion Add a teaspoon of butterfly pea powder into

250-500 ml of boiling water. Wait for a while until the water turns blue. Add some sugar and lemon drops for flavor.

Penyimpanan / Storage Store in a dry and cool place.


SUPERFOOD! Pantas sekali julukan ini disandang oleh daun moringa atau kelor. Mengandung vitamin, kalsium, dan protein tinggi, tumbuhan ini direkomendasikan oleh WHO sebagai sumber gizi untuk segala umur. Dengan Moringa Tea Ramupadu, Anda bisa membuat chai latte dan berbagai hidangan sehat lainnya. Atau tinggal seduh dengan air panas dan tambahkan perasan lemon. Minuman lezat dapat Anda nikmati setiap saat.

MORINGA, the new superfood! Containing high vitamin, calcium, and protein, moringa leaf is recommended by the WHO as the source of nutrition for all ages. With Ramupadu Moringa Tea, you can make chai latte and other healthy dish. Or, just brew it with boiling water and add some lemon drops. Your refreshing drink can be savored anytime.

Moringa Tea

Bahan / Ingredients

Varian / Variants Moringa leaves

Infusion tea

Berat Bersih / Netto

Masa Simpan / Shelf Life 1 - 2 years

20 gr

Harga / Price


Penyajian / Serving Suggestion Add a teaspoon of moringa organic leaves into

250-500 ml of boiling water. Wait for a while until the water turns green. Add some sugar and lemon drops for flavor.

Penyimpanan / Storage Store in a dry and cool place.


SERBA guna. Inilah salah satu kelebihan daun kelor. Apalagi dalam wujud bubuk kering yang praktis tahan lama. Anda bisa membubuhkannya di atas nasi hangat atau mencampurkannya ke dalam jus dan smoothies. Makanan sehat dan kaya manfaat kini dalam jangkauan dan mudah disajikan.

MORINGA leaf is versatile and easy to prepare. Now it is even easier with Ramupadu moringa powder. Just sprinkle it on the top of a meal or mix it with juice and smoothies. Grab this amazing herb and start your healthy life today.


Bahan / Ingredients

Varian / Variants Moringa leaves Infusion tea (powder)

Berat Bersih / Netto

Masa Simpan / Shelf Life 1 - 2 years

100 gr

Harga / Price


Penyajian / Serving Suggestion Add a teaspoon of butterfly pea powder into

250-500 ml of boiling water. Wait for a while until the water turns green. Add some sugar and lemon drops for flavor.

Penyimpanan / Storage Store in a dry and cool place.


SAAT menikmati senja, secangkir jahe hangat akan menjadi teman sempurna. Jahe adalah rempah nusantara yang sudah digunakan sejak zaman nenek moyang. Rimpang ini tak sekadar memperkaya rasa, namun juga memiliki manfaat kesehatan yang luar biasa. Bekerja sama dengan petani muda di Gunungkidul, Ramupadu menghadirkan bubuk jahe yang bisa digunakan untuk berbagai keperluan; dari bumbu masakan hingga campuran minuman. Ditanam secara organik dan diproses higienis, bubuk jahe nan praktis ini wajib selalu tersedia di dapur Anda.

WARM ginger tea would be a perfect company when you need to rest and relax. Ginger root has been used by Indonesian for centuries, not only to spice up food, but also to treat some health problems. Working together with young farmers in Gunungkidul, Yogyakarta, Ramupadu produce ginger powder that can fulfill various purposes, such as seasoning and drink mix. Organically grown and hygienically processed, this instant powder is a must-have in your kitchen.


Bahan / Ingredients

Varian / Variants Ginger Powder

Berat Bersih / Netto

Masa Simpan / Shelf Life 1 - 2 years

100 gr

Harga/ Price


Penyajian / Serving Suggestion Add a teaspoon of ginger powder into 250-500 ml

of boiling water. Wait for a while. Add some sugar and lemon drops for flavor. Or use it for seasoning.

Penyimpanan / Storage Store in a dry and cool place.


TERBUAT dari sari jahe emprit organik dan gula tebu nonrafinasi, sirop jahe dari MoonShine menjadi jaminan kelezatan alami. Segar, manis, pedas, dan wangi khas jahe terangkum dalam cairan yang mudah disimpan dan praktis digunakan. Dituangkan ke dalam susu, mocktail, atau adonan kue, sirop ini akan mengantar kita pada petualangan rasa yang sulit terlupa.

MADE from organic ginger juice and sugar, MoonShine Ginger Syrup is a guarantee of natural delicacy. Savor the sweet and peppery sensation of ginger in this instant syrup. Put some in your milk, cocktail, or cookie dough and let the exotic taste and fragrance take you to a wonderful culinary experience.


Bahan / Ingredients

Varian / Variants Unrefined sugar, water, ginger, pectin, chitosan

Natural gourmet syrup

Berat Bersih / Netto

Masa Simpan / Shelf Life 1 2 months

300 ml

Harga/ Price


Penyajian / Serving Suggestion Add 20-30 ml of syrup to 175 -250 ml of water/milk/

soda, etc. Or use it for making cakes and other cooking.

Penyimpanan / Storage Once opened, store in a refrigerator/chiller. The opened

product is good for 3-9 weeks if stored in the chiller.


PALA adalah kebanggan nusantara. Di masa lampau, biji buah ini pernah menjadi komoditas perdagangan bernilai tinggi. Fuli, pembungkus biji pala, juga banyak dicari sebagai penyedap masakan dan bahan pewangi. Manis, asam segar, gurih, serta semriwing khas pala dan fuli berpadu dalam sirop gourmet ini; menjadikannya andalan para chef profesional. Penggunaannya pun beragam, mulai dari campuran minuman, saus, topping kue, hingga glazing steik. Dengan sirop pala, rahasia kelezatan ada di tangan Anda.

NUTMEG is the pride of Indonesia. In the past, nutmeg was one of the most important trading commodities. Mace, the coating of nutmeg seed, also has high commercial value. It is mostly used as ingredient for food and perfume. The sweet, sour, savory, and mild pungent of nutmeg and mace are perfectly blended in this gourmet syrup; putting it as the professional chefs’ favorite. Add this wonderful liquid to your drink, sauce, cake topping, or steak glazing and get ready to savor the magnificent delicacy.


Bahan / Ingredients

Varian / Variants Unrefined sugar, water, nutmeg rind, nutmeg seed,

cinnamon, mace, pectin, chitosan Natural gourmet syrup

Berat Bersih / Netto

Masa Simpan / Shelf Life 1 2 months

300 ml

Harga/ Price


Penyajian / Serving Suggestion Add 20-30 ml of syrup to 175 -250 ml of water/milk/

soda, etc. Or use it for making cakes and other cooking.

Penyimpanan / Storage Once opened, store in a refrigerator/chiller. The opened

product is good for 3-9 weeks if stored in the chiller.


PERPADUAN pala, fuli, dan telang ini ibarat kunci sedapnya hidangan. Warnanya keunguan menawan, aromanya mengundang selera, dan cita rasa manis gurih eksotis menjanjikan kualitas boga paripurna. Seduh dan nikmati segarnya yang menenangkan. Atau tambahkan ke masakan favorit sebagai penambah kelezatan. THE BLEND of nutmeg, mace, and butterfly pea flower in this syrup is such a secret sauce for ultimate delicacy. Its beautiful blue, mouth-watering smell, and sweet savory flavor assures the best taste of your cooking. In your drink or meal, this syrup will certainly make your day better.

Relaxing Blue

Bahan / Ingredients

Varian / Variants Unrefined sugar, water, nutmeg rind, nutmeg seed, butterfly pea flower, cinnamon, mace, pectin, chitosan

Natural gourmet syrup

Berat Bersih / Netto

Masa Simpan / Shelf Life 1 2 months

300 ml

Harga / Price


Penyajian / Serving Suggestion Add 20-30 ml of syrup to 175 -250 ml

of water/milk/soda, etc.

Penyimpanan / Storage Once opened, store in a refrigerator/chiller. The opened

product is good for 3-9 weeks if stored in the chiller.


NATURAL Gourmet Syrup merupakan rangkaian sirop alami yang khusus diracik MoonShine untuk aneka keperluan, termasuk sebagai penyedap hidangan adiboga. Diproses dengan standar tinggi, produk premium ini menjadi favorit pengusaha kuliner Indonesia. Dari 100% sari serai murni dan gula nonrafinasi, Asian Lemongrass sirop menghadirkan kesegaran serai nan alami.

NATURAL Gourmet Syrup is specially blended by MoonShine for various purposes, including seasoning haute cuisine. Processed with high standard, this premium product has become the mainstay of numerous Indonesian culinary professionals. This lemongrass syrup is no exception. Its aromatic and citrusy flavor would be a delight to start your day.

Asian Lemongrass

Bahan / Ingredients

Varian / Variants Unrefined sugar, water, lemongrass, pectin, chitosan

Natural gourmet syrup

Berat Bersih / Netto

Masa Simpan / Shelf Life 1 2 months

300 ml

Harga/ Price


Penyajian / Serving Suggestion Add 20-30 ml of syrup to 175 -250 ml

of water/milk/soda, etc. Or use it for making cakes and other cooking.

Penyimpanan / Storage Once opened, store in a refrigerator/chiller. The opened

product is good for 3-9 weeks if stored in the chiller.


SENSASI kesegaran alam tropis ada dalam siop istimewa ini. Legitnya nanas diramu dengan semriwing jahe, wangi kayu manis, dan ungu cantik bunga telang. Campurkan ke dalam aneka minuman, kue, atau dessert sesuai selera. Kreasi hidangan Anda pasti jadi favorit keluarga dan kolega.

THE SENSATION of tropical freshness is contained by this premium syrup. The sweet pineapple is mixed with warm ginger, fragrant cinnamon, and lovely blue of butterfly pea flowers. Add to a drink, cookies, or dessert. Get ready to receive a lot of love from your friends and families.

Tropical Purple

Bahan / Ingredients

Varian / Variants Unrefined sugar, water, pineapples, ginger, cinnamon,

clover, butterfly pea flower, pectin, chitosan. Natural gourmet syrup

Berat Bersih / Netto

Masa Simpan / Shelf Life 1 2 months

300 ml

Harga/ Price


Penyajian / Serving Suggestion Add 20-30 ml of syrup to 175 -250 ml

of water/milk/soda, etc. Or use it for making cakes and other cooking.

Penyimpanan / Storage Once opened, store in a refrigerator/chiller. The opened

product is good for 3-9 weeks if stored in the chiller.



Telephone Website E-mail Jl Raya Banteng 3 gang Ontorejo no 3.

Sinduharjo. Ngaglik. Sleman D.I. Yogyakarta - Indonesia +62 815 792 9213

CV Ramu Padu Nusantara

ramupadunusantara@gmail.com Online moonshine.id ramu.padu moon.shine.id moonshinegourmet.id Moon Shine Beverage Co


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