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Academic year: 2017



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Submitted to the English Department, Faculty of Language and Arts, State University of Medan, in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirement for the Degree of

Sarjana Pendidikan


Umami Handayani

Registration Number : 071222220040




▸ Baca selengkapnya: those who are pro homework think that the students can in the evening



First and foremost, the writer gives the greatest thank to the almighty God, Allah Subhanahu Wa Taala, most merciful for the oppurtunity, health and blessing given to her that was enabled her to complete her thesis in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan at English Depatrment of Faculty of Languages and Arts, State University of Medan (UNIMED).

The writer got assistance and supported during completing her thesis. The writer would like to express her deepest gratitude and appreciation to:

 Prof. Dr. Ibnu Hajar Damanik, M.Si, the Rector of State University of Medan.

Dr. Isda Pramuniati, M.Hum, the Dean of Language and Arts Faculty.

 Prof. Dr. Hj. Sumarsih, M.Pd, the Head of English Language and Literature Department.

Rika, S.Pd, M.Hum, as the secretary of English Department .

 Dra. Masitowarni Siregar, M.Ed, the Head of English Education Study Program.

 Dra. Sortha Silitonga, M.Pd, as my great advisor, who has given so many supports, patience, guidance and advices during the process of accomplishing this thesis. And also all the lecturers who have given very valuable knowledge through the academic years.

Dra. Rahmah, M.Hum the reviewer of thesis

 Syahrial Has, S.Ag, the headmaster of MTs Cipta Simpang Dolok and Ade Rohima, the English teacher who had helped the writer during conducting the research in that school and also to all students of Class VIII.

 Her beloved parents, Rustam and Nur’aini, and also her beloved brother Azali and his wife, Sry Yunita, and my beloved sisters Novita Sari, SE, Halimah, Deded Syahputra, Saibatul Islamiyah, Al-fazar Muhammad, Kartika, Zihan Azzahra and my little boys Muhammad Azzami Shauqi and Muhammad Rizky who have patiently given the moral, their prayer, spiritual help, advises and financial support.

 Especially my lovely is Abillah Satria Wibawa who has given many support, patience and prayer.


The writer hopes that the helps and support which were given to the writer will be repaid by God. Finally, the writer admits this thesis is still far from being perfect. Therefore, the writer wants to invite all of the readers to give more suggestions.

Medan, January 2014



Handayani, Umami. 2014. Improving Students’ Achievement in Reading

Comprehension Through Think Pair Share Strategy. A Thesis. Faculty of Language and Arts. State University of Medan



4. Levels of Reading Comprehension ... 9

5. Genre ... 11

6. Narrative Text ... 13

7. The concept of Narrative Text ... 13

8. Grammatical Features of Narrative Text ... 14

9. The example of Narrative Text ... 14

10.Cooperative Learning ... 16

11.Think Pair Share Strategy ... 18

12.The Implementation of Think Pair Share ... 19



A. The data ... 34

1. Quantitative Data ... 34

2. Qualitative Data ... 35

a. Diary Notes ... 35

b. Observation Sheet ... 36

c. Interview ... 36

B. Data Analysis ... 36

C. Research Finding and Dsiscussion ... 40


A. Conclusion ... 42

B. Suggestions ... 42


List Of Table

Table 3.1 Step of action research in Cycle1 ... 29

Table 4.1 The Improving Percentage of Students who got score


List of Figure

Figure 2.1 Procedure in Applying Think Pair Share Strategy ... 20


List of Appendix

Appendix A ( Lesson Plan) ... 46

Appendix B ( Students’ score) ... 70

Appendix C ( Diary notes) ... 71

Appendix D ( Observation sheet) ... 75






A. The Background of the Study

Language is an instrument of communication. Humans deliver their ideas

or judgments by language. The delivery of thought may be done though speaking

or writing. The ideas that are delivered are received though listening or reading.

Listening, speaking, reading and writing are called skills of language. Listening

cannot be separated from speaking and reading cannot be separated from writing,

because they support each other.

There are four language skills in studying English, listening, reading,

speaking and writing. More ever, in the era globalization, reading activity is

needed because there is much information that should be known. By knowing

much information, we will be able to cover the news of the world. This is spread

though magazines, newspaper and book.

In foreign language learning, reading is the one of important skill to be

taught to the student because thought reading they will get information from the

text that can increase their knowledge. Grabe&Stoller (2002:9) state that reading

is the ability to draw meaning from the printed page and interpret the information

appropriately. From the quotation above, reading means to find out the message or

information that the writer put into the texts as efficient as possible.

Reading is essential skill for all students at all levels. This is in fact main

goal of learning at school are at a university. Knowledge comes or is derived from



knowledge. Students learn to read and learn better by reading. Student can

read whatever that interests them. It is difficult for students who are lazy read to

achieve the goal of the study.

In accordance to the researchers’ experience during the Program of

Teaching Practice (PPL) at SMP Negeri 3 TebingTinggi, most student of Junior

High School were not interested in reading comprehension because they always

get some difficulties to know the information from the text. They could not

develop their ideas or opinions. As a consequence, most of them became passive

in the class. The student became slow down and fined difficulties in getting the

information of the text.

In teaching reading, the student cannot comprehend English text well.

There are some factors why they cannot understand the text. There are students

who do not have good motivation to read and they felt the text is not interesting

for them because they must keep on looking up the words in a dictionary to find

out the meaning of the words. These activities make them feel bored and

uninterested in reading comprehension. So, it is a problem for the teacher in

teaching reading comprehension in the class.

In the teaching and learning processes, the problem of teaching is not only

the teaching material, but also the method of teaching. The teaching process will

not give a good result if way of teaching is not suitable to the students’ needs.

Therefore, teaching method will make the teaching learning process run well. The

teacher must know the suitable method for the students more comfortable in the



Comprehension is the ability to understand what they are reading. It means

that incomprehension understands the material. When the student can comprehend

the text, they understand the message of the text.

In learning language, especially by the students’ comprehension in

reading, the activities of educating, instructing or teaching activities are occurring

that impart knowledge or skills. Students’ can read whatever they want. But in the

classroom, the teacher is the most important actor to make the process of learning

– teaching run as well as student need.

Think – Pair – Share strategy is one of cooperative learning methods that

is develop by Frank Lyman and Spencer Kagan to improve teaching quality in

order to bring the effectiveness of learning English. Most activities require the

learners imply a whole range of their ideas, attitudes, value and beliefs this

challenges them to be flexible and creative in their use of language.

Think – pairs – share strategy is a four step discussion strategy that

incorporates times and aspects of cooperative learning. Students and teacher learn

it listen while a question is posed. Think (without raising hands) of a response,

pair with a neighbor to discuss responses and share their responses with the whole

class. Both student and teacher have increased opportunities to think and become



B. The Problem of the Study

Based on the background of the study, the problem of the study is

formulated in the form of the question as follows “Doesthe students reading

comprehension in narrative text are improved by Think- Pair- Share strategy?”

C. The Objective of Study

The objective of the study is to find out the improvement of student on

reading comprehension in narrative text through Think- Pair- Share strategy.

D. The Scope of the Study

The study is focused on improving of students’ reading comprehension

through Think – Pair – Share strategy, and the text is limited on reading Narrative


E. The Significance of the Study

The result of this study are expected to be useful for:

1. For the english teacher to improve their students’ reading

comprehension in narrative text through Think- Pair- Share strategy.

2. For students it will be important for the students to overcome their

problem in reading specially narrative text through Think- Pair- Share


3. For those who are interested in doing a research related to this





A. Conclusion

Having completed teaching and learning process, it was found that by

applying Think Pair Share strategy, because students can learn being aware they

are studying, thus without boring, they can learn how to share information,

summarize idea, identify the components of narrative text namely generic

structure, social function, and the language features. Furthermore, students to

active Think Pair Share strategy was motivated the students to active in reading

comprehension. It gives much opportunity to the students to share their thought,

and cooperate in a small group.

B. Suggestions

The result of the study showed that applying Think Pair Share improved

the students’ achievement in Reading Comprehension.

Related to the conclusion above, some suggestions are pointed out as


a. To English teacher, they are suggested to use Think Pair Share in teaching

reading comprehension because this strategy can make the students easy to

understand and to motivate them to cooperate in their pairs. Besides that,

the teachers should create the classroom atmosphere alive to facililate.

b. The students’ interesting in learning English, especially reading narrative


c. To the students, they are suggested to follow this strategy because they are

trained to be more active and link the teacher’s knowledge with the

material given by teacher.

d. To the readers, they are suggested to use this strategy because it can

improve their reading comprehension and it can strengthen this cognitive



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Table 3.1 Step of action research in Cycle1 ......................................... 29
Figure 2.1 Procedure in Applying Think Pair Share Strategy .......................... 20


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