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MSR Journal, Vol 1 issue 3 2022 ISSN : 2828-4216



Tika Mariska1)*, Wawan Prahiawan2), Liza Mumtazah Damarwulan3) Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa

tika.keanebianca@gmail.com ABSTRACT

Performance is an important thing that reflects the good or bad service of an institution. This research was conducted at RSUD Dr. Drajat Prawiranegara to find out how the influence of emotional intelligence in improving employee performance by using the intervening variable of work discipline.

The research population was 83 nurses. This study is a causality study whose data were analyzed using the SEM-PLS method. Based on the hypothesis test conducted, it shows that there is a positive and significant effect of emotional intelligence on work discipline and employee performance, and there is a positive and significant effect of work discipline on the performance at RSUD Dr. Prawiranegara Drajat. This study also proves that there is a partial mediation of work discipline on the influence of emotional intelligence to improve employee performance

Keywords: Emotional Intelligence, Work Discipline and Employee Performance INTRODUCTION

The success of an organization can be achieved not only through the advantages of economic values, but also by the competitive advantage of its employees as human capital (Alwi, 2015).

Therefore, the human factor (man) plays a very important role in achieving the goals set by the organization.

In reality, employees are always faced with various demands and workloads so that an employee needs to have emotional intelligence in dealing with his daily work. Goleman (2014) states that 80% of the factors that determine the success of a person's life are contributed by emotional intelligence, while the remaining 20% is due to intellectual intelligence. Someone who can control his emotions well will be able to produce good performance as well, as Mayer (2015) argues that emotional intelligence is an equally important factor as a combination of technical and analytical abilities to produce optimal performance.

This research was conducted on the employees of RSUD Dr. Prawiranegara Drajat. Being one of the hospitals in Banten, RSUD Dr. Drajat Prawiranegara was chosen to be the object of research because of its operational orientation in health services which are very vulnerable to services so that the performance of medical personnel, especially nurses, characterizes the performance of the organization. Based on the results of pre-study observations, it is known that RSUD Dr. Drajat Prawiranegara employs employees with a composition of more medical personnel than non-medical personnel. The number of medical personnel from the interviews is known to aim to provide maximum service to the community and other publics in providing high-quality health services.

Table 1

Nurse Performance Assessment at RSUD Dr. Drajat Prawiranegara 2018-2020 year

No. Evaluation Number of Employees

2018 2019 2020

1. Very Good (> 85) 37 35 32

2. Good (>75-85) 29 26 22

3. Enough (65-75) 14 18 20

4. Poor (< 65) 3 4 9

Sumber: RSUD Dr. Drajat Prawiranegara

Hospital Dr. Drajat Prawiranegara set standards for employee performance appraisal including


MSR Journal, Vol 1 issue 3 2022 ISSN : 2828-4216

<65 categorized as poor (KB), 65–70 categorized as moderate (C), >75-85 categorized as good (B) and > 85 categorized as very good (SB). The assessment includes various indicators such as absenteeism, work results, appearance, work behavior, integrity, leadership and commitment. Based on the data in Table 1.1 above, it can be seen that the nurse's performance appraisal in the last 3 (three) years has decreased. The number of employees who received excellent performance appraisal results from 37 people in 2018 fell to 35 people in 2019 and fell again to 32 people in 2020. Likewise, employees who received good ratings also experienced a decrease in the number from 29 people to 22 people in 2018. assessment period of 2 years. Meanwhile, nurses who are considered to have not had maximum performance (not good category) have seen an increase from initially only 3 people in 2018 to 9 people in 2020.

Some of these phenomena show the low responsibility of nurses in providing maximum service to the public who need it. As a support staff in the health sector, the high level of public complaints also shows the low performance of employees in understanding the needs of the public.

According to Hein in Yadav (2011) emotional intelligence is the potential from within a person to be able to feel, use, communicate, recognize, remind, describe emotions. The results of Fitriastuti's research (2013) found that employees who have high emotional intelligence will work better according to organizational standards and will ultimately achieve better performance. This is in line with previous research by Shahhosseini, et al (2012) which found a positive correlation of emotional intelligence on employee performance. Amilia and Purnama's research (2016) also states that emotional intelligence has a positive influence on employee performance. However, Hidayati et al (2013)'s research results show that emotional intelligence has no significant effect on employee performance. Amarin (2016) in his research also found that emotional intelligence had no effect on employee performance.

Based on the results of several studies that have been described above, previous studies have shown different results. The difference in the results of this research or research gap is the reason for researchers to conduct further research on emotional intelligence, work discipline and employee performance. Thus the problem of this research is how to improve the performance of low employees by paying attention to aspects of emotional intelligence which are strengthened through high work discipline in nurses at Dr. RSUD. Prawiranegara.


The word smart according to Goleman (2014) contains two meanings, first intelligent mind, second emotional intelligence. Intelligent mind is meant to think on a model of understanding that we usually realize with wise character, able to act carefully and reflect. While being emotionally intelligent is meant to be an emotional mind which is an impulsive and influential system of understanding, sometimes it is illogical.

When a person is able to adjust to the emotions of other individuals and can empathize, the individual has a good emotional level and is easier to adapt in his association and environment.

According to Goleman (2014) emotional intelligence is the ability of individuals to recognize feelings in themselves and others and motivate themselves and manage emotions in themselves and in relationships with others.

Emotional intelligence includes self-control, enthusiasm, and perseverance, as well as the ability to motivate oneself and survive in the face of frustration, the ability to control impulses and emotions, not to exaggerate pleasure, regulate moods and keep stress loads from paralyzing the ability to think, to read other people's deepest feelings (empathy) and pray to maintain the best possible relationship.

Basori (2016) sees the potential of humanity both positive and negative, so Islam really


MSR Journal, Vol 1 issue 3 2022 ISSN : 2828-4216 emphasizes nobility and perfection of human values, while the direction of emotional intelligence is so that humans are always in control of their souls, can control themselves and have the skills to get along in a social and social context. following concerns.

Discipline is an attitude of respect for the company's regulations and accuracy, which is in the employee, which causes him to conform voluntarily to the company's rules and regulations (Sutrisno, 2015). According to Rivai (2018), work discipline is a tool used by managers to communicate with employees so that they are willing to change a behavior as well as an effort to increase one's awareness and willingness to obey all company regulations and applicable social norms.

Discipline is the most important operative function of human resource management. The better the discipline of employees in a company, the higher the work performance that can be achieved.

Conversely, without good employee discipline, it is difficult for companies to achieve maximum results (Rivai, 2018).

Good discipline reflects the magnitude of a person's responsibility for the tasks assigned to him. This encourages enthusiasm for work, and the realization of the goals of the company, employees, and society in general. Through discipline will reflect strength, because usually someone who is successful in his work, his studies usually also have good discipline, in the sense of having regularity in taking care of himself, regularly working, regularly eating, orderly exercise and orderly everything (Rivai, 2018).

Employee performance is the result of work in quality and quantity achieved by employees in carrying out their duties and according to the responsibilities given to them (Mangkunegara, 2017). The performance of an employee is not only assessed based on the quantity, namely how much output is produced, the time in completing the task, but also assessed in terms of quality which also includes accuracy in work, the ability to evaluate, the ability of employees and their skills.

Performance is an important aspect in achieving a goal. Maximum achievement of goals is the result of good team or individual performance, and vice versa failure to achieve the goals that have been formulated is also the result of sub-optimal individual or team performance. Many limitations put forward by experts related to performance. Rivai (2018) says that performance is a real behavior that is displayed by everyone as work performance produced by employees according to their role in the company. Referring to this view, it can be interpreted that a person's performance is related to the routine tasks he does.


The type of research used in this research is quantitative research. In this study, three variables were used, namely Emotional Intelligence, Work Discipline, and Employee Performance.

The statistical analysis tool used in this study is the Structured Equation Model (SEM) data analysis using PLS (Partial Least Squares) software, to answer the hypothesis using. PLS is a multivariate statistical technique that performs comparisons between multiple dependent variables and multiple independent variables. PLS is a variant-based SEM statistical method designed to solve multiple regression when specific problems occur in the data.

RESULT AND DISCUSSION Outer Model Test Results

The outer model in this study was evaluated by looking at the correlation between item/indicator scores and construct scores. Individual indicators are considered reliable if they have a correlation value (outer loading) above 0.7. However, in this study only the outer loading critical limit was 0.5. The test results are presented below:


MSR Journal, Vol 1 issue 3 2022 ISSN : 2828-4216 Figure 1. Initial Outer Model Test Results

Source: PLS output, primary research data processed, 2021.

From the data above, it is known that there are 3 indicators that have an outer loading value of

<0.5, namely EQ2 (0.322); EQ6 (0.433) and DIS4 (0.453). These three indicators need to be dropped (issued) in the measurement model in order to obtain more valid results. The results of the outer model test after deducting invalid indicators are obtained as follows:

Figure 2. Final Model Outer Test Results

Source: PLS output, primary research data processed, 2021.

Inner Model Test Results

In assessing the model with PLS, it begins by looking at the R-square for each dependent latent variable. The value of R Square in this study obtained:

Table 2. R Square

Model R Square

Work discipline 0,689

Employee Performance 0,812

Source: PLS output, primary research data processed, 2021.

Based on Table 2 above, it is known that the R Square of work discipline (0.689) and employee performance (0.812). These results indicate that the variation in the work discipline variable explained by emotional intelligence is 68.9% (0.689 x 100%), while the remaining 31.1% is explained by other variables not examined. Variations in employee performance variables explained by emotional intelligence and work discipline are 81.2% (0.812 x 100%), while the remaining 18.8% is explained by other variables not examined.


MSR Journal, Vol 1 issue 3 2022 ISSN : 2828-4216 Hypothesis Test Results

Hypothesis testing is done by looking at the acquisition of the t statistic and p values in the bootstrapping test. From the data processing carried out, the following results were obtained:

Tabel 3. Dirrect Effect

Hypothesis Path

Coefficient t statistic p values 1 Emotional intelligence has a positive

effect on employee performance

0,307 2.802 0,003 2 Emotional intelligence has a positive

effect on work discipline 0,683 8.519 0,000

3 Work discipline has a significant positive

effect on employee performance 0,437 4.853 0,000

Source: PLS output, primary research data processed, 2021.

Hypothesis 1: There is a significant positive effect of emotional intelligence on employee performance in RSUD Dr. Prawiranegara

Based on the data above, it is known that hypothesis 1 obtains a path coefficient of 0.307, which means that emotional intelligence has a positive effect on performance. Value of t statistic (2.802) > t table (1.960); p value (0.003) < sig (0.05) indicates that hypothesis 1 is accepted, that is, there is a significant positive effect of emotional intelligence on employee performance at RSUD Dr.

Prawiranegara Drajat. These results also show that if employees have high emotional intelligence, they can support higher performance.

Hypothesis 2: There is a significant positive effect of emotional intelligence on work discipline in RSUD Dr. Prawiranegara

Based on the data in the table above, it is known that hypothesis 2 obtains a path coefficient of 0.683, which means that emotional intelligence has a positive effect on work discipline. Value of t statistic (8.519) > t table (1.960); p value (0.000) < sig (0.05) indicates that hypothesis 2 is accepted, namely that there is a significant positive effect of emotional intelligence on employee work discipline in RSUD Dr. Prawiranegara Drajat. These results also show that if employees have emotional intelligence, it will automatically make them willing to comply with work discipline voluntarily.

Hypothesis 3: There is a significant positive effect of work discipline on employee performance in RSUD Dr. Prawiranegara

Based on the data in the table above, it is known that hypothesis 3 has a path coefficient of 0.437, which means that work discipline has a positive effect on performance. Value of t statistic (4.853) > t table (1.960); p value (0.000) < sig (0.05) indicates that hypothesis 3 is accepted, namely that there is a significant positive effect of work discipline on employee performance at RSUD Dr.

Prawiranegara Drajat. These results also show that if employees apply high work discipline, it can support the resulting higher performance.

Mediation Test Results

As for seeing whether work discipline can be an intervention that bridges the research gap, it is necessary to analyze the indirect influence of emotional intelligence on employee performance as follows:


MSR Journal, Vol 1 issue 3 2022 ISSN : 2828-4216 Table 4. The Effect of Work Discipline as an Intervening Variable

Direct Effect (a) Indirect Effect (b) Total Effect (c) VAF (b/c) Emotional intelligence on

employee performance 0,307 0,298 0,605 0,492

Source: PLS output, primary research data processed, 2021.

The VAF value in table 4 is 49.2% (0.492) which indicates a partial mediation of work discipline on the influence of emotional intelligence on employee performance. The results of this study thus prove that work discipline is capable of intervening in the research gap supported by Rahardian's research (2017).

Emotional Intelligence has a positive effect on Employee Performance

The test results on hypothesis 1 show that emotional intelligence has a positive effect on performance as indicated by the path coefficient of 0.307. Employees who have high emotional intelligence will have a positive influence on their performance so that they become better. The results of this study are in line with that of Fitriastuti (2013) because it has shown that emotional intelligence has a significant positive effect on employee performance. Research by Shahhosseini, et al (2012);

Marpaung and Maria (2012); Kahtani (2013); Naghdi and Badri (2013) are also in line because they show emotional intelligence can contribute to one's achievement at work. Employees with good emotional intelligence are shown by the ability to socialize with the surrounding environment, are not easily influenced by other people and adapt to have a significant influence on improving employee performance.

Emotional Intelligence has a positive effect on Work Discipline

The results of hypothesis 2 test which obtained a path coefficient of 0.683 indicate that emotional intelligence has a positive effect on work discipline. Employees with good emotional intelligence will automatically make them have a better level of work discipline because they want to comply with the applicable rules voluntarily. The implications of this study agree with Goleman (2014) which states that someone who has emotional intelligence and can control it well will foster a greater level of compliance with the rules that apply at work. With the ability to adapt to a good environment, employees will pay more attention to the conditions of the existing rules in the organization so as to make employee discipline better. This study is in line with previous research conducted by Asrori et al (2010) because it shows a significant relationship between emotional intelligence and work discipline.

Rahardian's research (2017); Ambarkati and Nurjanah (2017) also agree because they have found a significant correlation of emotional intelligence to work discipline.

Work Discipline has a positive effect on Employee Performance

Employees need work discipline such as complying with written and unwritten regulations that have been set by the organization because it can create a conducive and harmonious work environment so that it will have a positive impact on performance. The implications of the results of this study are in line with the opinion of Siagian (2015) which states that optimal and effective work discipline if implemented correctly and consistently will be able to encourage an increase in overall employee performance related to the achievement of work targets appropriately according to the time and targets that have been set. This research is also in line with several previous studies by Simajuntak and Hamali (2016) which state the same thing because they have found work discipline has a positive effect on employee performance. Work discipline in research is proven to be able to mediate the influence of emotional intelligence on employee performance, which means that emotionally intelligent employees will encourage them to be disciplined and ultimately affect employee performance.


MSR Journal, Vol 1 issue 3 2022 ISSN : 2828-4216 CONCLUSION

Based on the results of the research that has been described, it can be concluded that there is a positive and significant influence of emotional intelligence on the performance of employees at RSUD Dr. Drajat Prawiranegara; There is a positive and significant influence of emotional intelligence on work discipline in RSUD Dr. Drajat Prawiranegara; and There is a positive and significant effect of work discipline on employee performance at RSUD Dr. Prawiranegara Drajat.

This study suggests that the RSUD Dr. Drajat Prawiranegara can provide understanding to employees so that they always maintain the norms of honesty and integrity in their work so that everything goes according to purpose. In addition, it is also recommended that the hospital can provide certain training so that employees have good persuasion skills so as to increase their emotional intelligence which in turn can improve discipline and performance.


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