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Academic year: 2017



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Submitted to the English and Literature Department Faculty of Languages and Arts UNIMED as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for

the Degree of Sarjana Sastra



Registration Number. 209520007





First and foremost, the writer would like to thanks to Almighty GOD for the blessing,

grace, mercy and protection through her whole life, during her study in her university and

especially during the completion of her thesis.

The writer is very thankful to many people who have assisted her in different ways,

although she had found a lot of difficulties, bur with the suggestion and critical comments from

consultant and invaluable advices from people who paid attention to him, especially her family.

Thus the writer finally is able to complete this thesis. This thesis could not be accomplished

without the guidance, suggestion and comments from several people. Thus, the writer would like

to extend her sincere and special thanks to:

Prof. Dr. Ibnu Hajar Damanik, M.Si. as the Rector of State University of Medan.

Dr. Isda Pramuniati, M.Hum. as the Dean of Faculty of Languages and Arts, State

University of Medan.

Prof. Dr. Hj. Sumarsih, M.Pd. as the Head of English Department, Rika, S.Pd.,

M.Hum. as the Secretary of English Department, Dra. Meisuri, MA. as the Head of

Non-Educational English Program, and Dra. Masitowarni Siregar, M.Ed. as the Head

of Educational English Program.

Dr. Anni Holila Pulungan, M.Hum. as the Writer’s Thesis Supervisor and Academic


Dr. Zainuddin, DIP. TEFL, M.Hum. Prof. Dr. Busmin Gurning, M.Pd and Dr. Sri

Minda Murni, Ms as The Examiner..

Mam Indri, Mam Endah, and Mam Eius who was helped her providing the academic



H.Siallagan and M.Ambarita, her parents, who has patiently given moral, spiritual and

financial support including their endless love and pray for the writer.

Ramasinta Siallagan, Dosma Siallagan, Vino Alvaro Pandiangan, Victor

Pandiangan, Billy Siallagan, etc her beloved family, who have given their endless

support and pray for the writer to finishing the thesis.

Her best friends in collage, Hanna Sinaga, Mariati,Marta Manullang, who always

help the writer in finishing her study and thesis. Love you forever and all her friends in

applied linguistics 2009 and 2010.

Finally, huge thanks go to all people that give contribution to this thesis.

Medan, September 2014

The writer

Farisnauli Siallagan 209520007




A. Theoretical Framework ... 7

B. Functional Grammar ... 7

C. Systematical Functional Grammar ... 8

D. Metafuction……… .. 8

E. Idetional Function………... . 9

F. Interfunctional Function………. .. 10


H. Interpersonal Meaning………. . 12


A. The Data……….. ... 31


C. Findings………... ... 39


A. Conclusion………... ... 40

B. Suggestion………... ... 41





Table 1.Speech Role and Commodity Exchange ... 14

Table 2.Realization of Speech Function in Mood ... 18

Table 3.Speech Function Pairs ... 19

Table 4.The example between initiation and responding speech function ... 20

Table 5.Types of Mood ... 22

Table 6.The number of Speech Function ... 32




Appendix A. Analysis Speech Function in the Song……….... 44





A. The Background of the Study

Language cannot be separated from the human being, language is tool to say anything

and express the ideas, by language, people can interact well, exchanging their ideas and also to

fulfill their needs. Language serves many functions: to give information, to persuade people to

do something, etc. language use in people daily communications. Communication is act giving

and asking information, communication itself divided into two forms: spoken and written

communication, spoken communication means the process of expressing ideas which is done

orally, and written communication is done in written form, usually find in letter, novel,

magazine, etc.

When exchanging and expressing the ideas, the human being perform two roles namely

giving and demanding, the commodity may be information and goods and services. In systematic

functional linguistic, it named speech function, speech function is a way of someone delivers the

ideas communication to make the listeners understand the ideas well. Speech function itself

divided in to four kinds: statement, question, command, and offer (Halliday, 1994:69). In mood

system, the kinds of speech function above realized by declarative, interrogative and imperative,

offer function is coded by anyone of the three moods.

The spoken communication is usually represented by utterances. In every utterances

people used to talk containing grammatical structure and words. In every word, phrase and

sentence is always perform the different function and misunderstanding will occur if the listener

does not notice what kind of function uses by the speaker.



Then you keep moving round, I suppose?

Come, let’s hear some of your adventure.

Those examples above the readers or the listeners may be gets a bit confused to notice what kind

of function is. In the first example, it used question mark even though the grammatical structure

does not contain any kinds of question elements such as: interrogative words (5w+h) or finite but

in this sentence the speaker requires the listener’s answer. Then in the second example, it is

command actually although it used full stop. It is not so difficult to notice because the listener or

reader would know the function by its meaning.

Systematic functional grammar (SFL) is a theory of language centered on the nation of

language function. It is concerned with relationship between language and context (Halliday,

1993:15) it is a study of language to focus and text and context as resource for making meaning.

Based on the theory of SFL, language is used by people to fulfill the function of language as

interpersonal meaning. Interpersonal meaning concern’s the speaker’s role in the speech

function. There are realized in mood.

The speaker adopts for himself in speech function and doing assigns to the listener in his

turns. Two people used language to interact with establishing a relationship between them. The

two basic of speech function are: (1) giving, (2) demanding (Halliday, 1994:68). Either the

speakers give something to the listener or he demands and something from him. Therefore, an

act of speaking is something that is called an interaction in speech function.

According to Halliday (1997:67) in the act speaking, the speaker adopts for himself a

particular role, and assign in so doing to the listener a complementary role which he wishes him

to adopt in his turn. So, in this study, the writer will try to describe the form of each utterance by



human assumption about each type of speech function that used in song. The writer chooses that

song because she is interested in a touching song has he good meaning for us in our life and

interesting article in this song is a feature story narrating the events that occurred in someone’s

life. This song gives inspiration for us like a story in our life, and the last one is give the positive

messages. Moreover, through speech function that used by an actor in song, people can analyze

the form of utterances and apply to in his words. Based on the explanation above, the writer

would like to do the study on the speech function in top 25 Michael Jackson’s song.

Analyzing the feature stories can reveal much more about the grammatical features of the

composition. It is expected that by applying the concept of speech function, there will be a

deeper understanding of the text as the object of analysis and of the English grammar as used in


Because of the reason, this thesis want to prove that in classifying speech function also

influence by the context of situation. The statement can be a command in different context, the

question can be a command in different context, as well as others. The genre of the song also

gives influences comparison of the count of types speech function in the song, because different

genre means different way the characters express their idea. And the biggest reasons are songs

lyric in seen as one of study resource and the inspiration of linguistic research and a lot of people

are the fans of “Michael Jackson song”.

Speech function is more oriented to functional interpretation. The speech function of the

statement, question, command, and offer which realized by declarative, interrogative and

imperative. Interpersonal meaning express the speech function: the interactions express attitude



A. The Problems of the Study

Based the background of the study, we can find the problems in top 25 Michael Jackson’s


We find the statement, question, command, and offer in that statement. And any meaning

in that testament which we don’t understand, and needs the analyzing.

In the other hand, there are the problems of study

1. What types of speech function are used in top 25 Michael Jackson’s song?

2. What are the most dominant types of speech function are used in song?

3. What is the dominant meaning used in top 25 Michael Jackson’s song?

B. The Scope of the Study

Human beings used language in order to fulfill the function namely ideational, interpersonal,

and textual function. And in this thesis, this scope of this study is focused on the types of speech

function identified in Top 25 Michael Jackson’s song namely taken 10 songs from 25 songs of

Michael Jackson; “Do you remember, bad, smooth criminal, the way you make me feel, beat it,

you are not alone, hold my hand, they don’t care about us, black or white, and earth song”.

C. The Objectives of the Study

The objects of the study are:

1) to find out the types of speech function in top 25 Michael Jackson’s song

2) to describe the types of speech functions is dominantly used in top 25 Michael



3) to explain the meaning of the dominantly used in top 25 Michael Jackson’s song

D. The Significance of the Study

It is expected that findings of the study will be useful and relevant theoretically and

practically. Theoretically, the results of this study are relevant to the needs of the students who

want to understand more about the speech function, to enable and enrich their knowledge to

communicate better than before. It can provide some inputs in teaching speech functions and the

finding of this research can be used as a guide to understand the language and gender in a song.

Practically, the result of this study can be used as a model to identify and understands speech

functions for serving commodity in a song. This model helps the next researchers to investigate

moves in song. the finding are also expected to assist those who are really interested in song

including the English Department students to comprehend and become more skillful in




A. Conclusion

After analyzing the data, conclusion are drawn as follows:

1. There are four types of speech functions: they are statement, questions, offer and

command. All the types are used in top 25 Michael Jackson’s song. The total of

speech function are occurrences 528 (100%) with the deals as follow: statement is

342(64.7%), question is 103 (19.5%), offer 9 (1.7%) and command 74 (14%).

2. The dominant type of speech function which is used in top Michael Jackson’s song is

statement 342(64.7%).

3. Dominant mean the highest proportion. The highest proportion in the use of statement

and giving are due to the fact that song deals with the commodity of giving

information rather than demanding goods and services.

4. From the previous analysis, it can be seen that statement and giving are generally used

in the song. It means that statement forms are uttered when the singer wants to give

the information in an entertaining way to the reader.

B. Suggestion

Referring to the result of this research, the following suggestions are given:

1. The students of English Department are advised to study more about speech function, so

they can get better understanding how speech function are used especially in song.


2. For other researcher, it is suggested that the result of the study will be very useful for

them in conducting a research related to the same study.

3. The readers are suggested to know how speech function use in communication or use in

their daily communication to avoid misunderstanding.

4. Those who are interested to analyzing song are suggested to enlarge their knowledge

what types of speech function in functional grammar.



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Table 1.Speech Role and Commodity Exchange ............................................


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