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A Research Paper

Submitted to the Department of English Education of Indonesia University of

Education in Partial Fulfillment of The Requirements for Sarjana Pendidikan


Annisa Dwi Puspita









A Research Paper

Written by:

Annisa Dwi Puspita


Approved by:


Prof. Emi Emilia, M.Ed., Ph.D.

NIP. 196609161990012001

Head of Department of English Education

Faculty of Language and Literature Education

Indonesia University of Education

Dr. Rd. Safrina Noorman, M.A.


Annisa Dwi Puspita, 2015

AN ANALYSIS OF TEACHERS’ LESSON PLANS BASED ON 2013 CURRICULUM Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu



Annisa Dwi Puspita



Prof. Emi. Emilia, M.Ed., Ph.D.



The aims of this study were to investigate whether the teachers’ lesson plans are relevant to the 2013 Curriculum or not and to examine the problems faced by the teachers in developing the lesson plans based on the 2013 Curriculum. An English teacher was volunteering as the participant in this study. This study used qualitative method. The data were collected from document analysis and interview. All the data obtained were analyzed qualitatively. The findings showed that the teacher applied and reflected the format and elements of lesson plan based on the Decree of Minister of National Education No.65/2013. It was started from stating indicators and learning objectives, designing learning material and activities for the students also assessing the students. However, in developing learning activities, the teacher did not implement the stages of scientific approach as stipulated by the Ministerial Regulation No. 65/2013. As the interview data indicated, the teacher faced some problems in developing lesson plans based on 2013 Curriculum, including the difficulties to state the indicators and learning objectives, to select appropriate materials or contents, and to develop activities and assessment.


Annisa Dwi Puspita, 2015

AN ANALYSIS OF TEACHERS’ LESSON PLANS BASED ON 2013 CURRICULUM Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu






ABSTRACT ... viii

CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of Study ... 1

1.2 Research Question ... 3

1.3 Purpose of Study ... 3

1.4 Significance of Study ... 3

1.5 Clarification of the Keyterms ... 3

1.6 Organization of the Paper ... 4

CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Introduction of Curriculum ... 5

2.2 Curriculum 2013 ... 5

2.2.1 The Concept Underlying The 2013 Curriculum: Scientific Approach ... 7

2.3 Lesson Plan ... 9

2.3.1 The Elements of Lesson Plan ... 11 Indicators ... 11 Objectives ... 12 Learning Materials ... 13


Annisa Dwi Puspita, 2015

AN ANALYSIS OF TEACHERS’ LESSON PLANS BASED ON 2013 CURRICULUM Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu Teaching Media ... 14 Learning Activities ... 15 Assessment ... 18

2.3.2 The Principles of Developing Lesson Plan... 19

2.3.3 Models of Lesson Planning ... 20

2.4 Factors Considered in Designing Lesson Plan ... 23

2.5 Previous Studies ... 23

CHAPTER III METHODOLOGY 3.1 Research Questions ... 25

3.2 Research Method ... 25

3.3 Research Site ... 26

3.4 Participant ... 27

3.5 Data Collection ... 27

3.6 Data Analysis ... 29

3.7 Concluding Remark ... 30

CHAPTER IV FINDING AND DISCUSSION 4.1 An Analysis of Teachers’ Lesson Plan ... 31

4.1.1 Document Analysis ... 32 Indicators ... 34 Objectives ... 36 Learning Materials ... 39 Teaching Method ... 41 Learning Activities ... 42


Annisa Dwi Puspita, 2015

AN ANALYSIS OF TEACHERS’ LESSON PLANS BASED ON 2013 CURRICULUM Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

4.2 Teacher’s Difficulties in Developing Lesson Plan ... 47

4.2.1 Data from Interview... 47


5.1 Conclusion ... 52

5.2 Suggestion ... 54



Annisa Dwi Puspita, 2015

AN ANALYSIS OF TEACHERS’ LESSON PLANS BASED ON 2013 CURRICULUM Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu



This chapter generally provides an introductory explanation of study. It

covers background of study, research questions, purposes of the study,

significance of the study, clarification of the keyterms and organization of the


1.1 Background of study

Curriculum is an important thing for developing educational

program in Indonesia. According to Dokumen Kurikulum 2013, curriculum

is one of educational elements that can make significant contributions to

develop the potential and quality of students in Indonesia. It can be used to

direct the students to be: (1) quality person that can face globalization era;

and (2) educated person; and (3) responsible person.

Indonesia has changed the curriculum for several times. The most

recent is when the Indonesia Ministry of Education announced the new

curriculum in the end of 2012. It is 2013 Curriculum. The 2013

Curriculum is made to change the last curriculum, 2006 Curriculum

(Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan or KTSP). By variety of reasons,

the 2013 Curriculum is expected to be able to increase education of

Indonesian students in this globalization era. After the declaration of the

2013 Curriculum policy, some schools in Indonesia from every level has

been implemented the 2013 Curriculum.

The Indonesia Ministry of Education stipulated that 2013


Annisa Dwi Puspita, 2015

AN ANALYSIS OF TEACHERS’ LESSON PLANS BASED ON 2013 CURRICULUM Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

psychomotor, and affective. In this globalization era, students are easier

looking for any informations. Therefore, teachers are asked to be more

active in preparing materials or informations for students. The approach

expects learning should be scientific-based, meaning all processes and

steps of learning shoud reflect fixed procedures starting from observing,

questioning, associating, experimenting, and communicating (Suhardi,

2013). Furthermore, teachers are asked to develop their teaching materials.

It can be made by making or developing lesson plans

Lesson plan has an important influence on successful teaching and

learning process (Brown, 2001, p.149). Research has found planning skills

are essential part of successful teaching (Badriah, 2013). Furthermore, it

helps teachers to fulfill the essential elements of good teaching such as

shape the space, time and learning they share with students (Badriah,


Previous findings show that many teachers have substandard lesson

planning skills (Badriah, 2013). For example, Alwasilah (2012) reported

that 65% out of 130,000 EFL teachers’ mastery on lesson planning remain

appalling (Badriah, 2013). Jolongo, et al. (2007) mention that many

teacher develop poor lesson plans. Experienced teachers tended to remark

that to planning a lesson was boring (Badriah, 2013). In short, findings

show that some teachers are not having enough professional and

pedagogic competence in planning a lesson (Badriah, 2013).

Based on findings above, the writer tried to investigate whether the teachers’ lesson plans are relevant to the 2013 Curriculum or not and how they faced the problems in developing the lesson plans based on 2013


Annisa Dwi Puspita, 2015

AN ANALYSIS OF TEACHERS’ LESSON PLANS BASED ON 2013 CURRICULUM Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

1.2 Research Question

The problems will be formulated in the following questions:

1. Are the teachers’ lesson plans relevant to the 2013 Curriculum?

2. What problems are faced by the teachers in developing the lesson

plans based on the 2013 Curriculum?

1.3 Purpose of Study

Based on the research questions above, the purposes of this study

are to:

1. Investigate whether the teachers’ lesson plans are relevant to the

2013 Curriculum or not.

2. Examine the problems faced by the teachers in developing the

lesson plans based on the 2013 Curriculum.

1.4 Significance of Study

This study is expected for three reasons. First, theoretically this

study can give explanations about 2013 Curriculum in the context of

teaching and learning English.

Second, practically this study can provide English teachers in

developing lesson plans based on 2013 Curriculum. Lastly, it is expected

that this study can be used as one of the information about 2013

Curriculum for further study.

1.5 Clarificaton of the Keyterms

To the extent of the study, some terms are clarified as follows.

a. Curriculum

Curriculum is educational program which states: (a)

educational purpose of the program (ends/outcomes); (b) the content;


Annisa Dwi Puspita, 2015

AN ANALYSIS OF TEACHERS’ LESSON PLANS BASED ON 2013 CURRICULUM Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

necessary to achieve this purpose (means/process); (d) some means

for assessing whether or not educational ends have been achieved.

(Sundayana’s handouts, 2010).

b. Lesson Plan

Lesson plan is a description of the contents of the course of

instruction and the order in which they are to be taught. (Sundayana’s

handouts). Farrell (2002) describes lesson plan as a written description

of how students will move toward attaining specific objectives.

1.6 Organization of the Paper

The organization of paper consists of five chapters.

Chapter one introduces a brief description of study, which consists

of background of study, research questions, purposes of the study,

significance of the study, and organization of the paper.

Chapter two elaborates the theoretical framework that related to the

study. It covers lesson planning, elements of lesson plans, and model of

lesson plans.

Chapter three presents the research methodology of this study

which includes research method, site and participants, data collection, and

data analysis.

Chapter four discusses the findings from the sudy.

Chapter five covers the conclusion of the findings from the result


Annisa Dwi Puspita, 2015

AN ANALYSIS OF TEACHERS’ LESSON PLANS BASED ON 2013 CURRICULUM Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu



This chapter presents research methodology of this study to investigate

how the teachers develop the lesson plans based on 2013 Curriculum and the

problems are faced by the teachers in developing lesson plans based on 2013

Curriculum. Furthermore, this chapter elaborates research questions, research

method, site and participants, data collection, and data analysis of the study.

3.1 Research Questions

This research was conducted to investigate two questions. These

questions are as follows:

1. Are the teachers’ lesson plans relevant to the 2013 Curriculum?

2. What problems are faced by the teacher in developing the lesson

plans based on the 2013 Curriculum?

3.2Research Method

In line with the research questions in the Chapter I above, this study

applied a qualitative method in order to understanding situations and events

from the viewpoint of the participants (Fraenkel, et.al., 2012, p. 10). The

qualitative method was the most suitable method to investigate whether the

teachers’ lesson plans are relevant to the 2013 Curriculum or not and the

problems are faced by the teachers in developing lesson plans based on 2013


Annisa Dwi Puspita, 2015

AN ANALYSIS OF TEACHERS’ LESSON PLANS BASED ON 2013 CURRICULUM Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

Descriptive study is a part of qualitative study, so treatments and

manipulation are not involved. Data are collected in the form of words or

pictures rather than numbers (Fraenkel, Wallen, & Hyun, 2011).

Further, this study more specifically can be characterized as a case

study design. Yet in terms of case study design, this study collected and

analyzed the data that were obtained from some sources. They were interview

and document analysis.

3.3 Research Site

This study took place in a Vocational High School in Bandung. The

institution was chosen because the writer was familiar with the context and

also the participant, and the school was the place where the writer did a

teacher training before. It can help the writer to gain the data collection.


An English teacher was volunteering to act as the participant in this

research. She is Mrs. Sya. She is an English teacher who has more than five

years of experience in teaching English at Vocational High School.

She was optimized to obtain the best possible data from multiple

sources i.e. document analysis and interview. Each of data collection


Annisa Dwi Puspita, 2015

AN ANALYSIS OF TEACHERS’ LESSON PLANS BASED ON 2013 CURRICULUM Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

3.5Data Collection

As stated above, the data were collected from various sources such as

document analysis and interview. Each of data collection wiil be described

briefly below.

3.5.1 Document Analysis

Teachers’ lesson plans were collected in this study. There were

two lesson plans (see Appendix 1). The lesson plans became

documents that functioned as natural sources that provided real

information on lesson plan development and its implementation

(Alwasilah, Nunan & Bailey, as cited in Badriah 2013, p. 30). Lesson

plans were analyzed by using checklist in accordance with its

elements as stipulated by Ministerial Regulation No. 65/2013, i.e.

indicators, learning objectives, learning materials, teaching method,

teaching media, learning sources, learning activities, and assessment.

Table 3.1. Checklist for Analyzing Lesson Plan Elements based

on 2013 Curriculum as stipulated by Ministerial Regulation No.


Lesson Plan Elements

Lesson Plan

Available Not Available


Annisa Dwi Puspita, 2015

AN ANALYSIS OF TEACHERS’ LESSON PLANS BASED ON 2013 CURRICULUM Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu


Learning Materials

Teaching Methods

Learning Activities:

- Pre-activity

- Main activity

- Post activity


3.5.2 Interview

The interview was an important way for a researcher to check

the accuracy of – to verify or refute – the impressions of the

researcher which has gained through observation (Fraenkel, et.al.,

2012). In this research, the interview was conducted to gain the

information on the problems faced by the teacher in developing lesson

plans based on 2013 Curriculum.

The writer used semi-structured interview. It was verbal

questionnaires. It consisted of a series of questions designed to elicit

specific answers from respondents (Fraenkel, et.al., 2012). It is

regarded as the most suitable format to learn about the perception of

the teacher for the questions are more flexible worded. (Merriam, as

cited in Badriah, 2013).

Before the interview, the teacher were given a list of questions

to be covered. According to Kvale and Dawson, in Badriah (2013),


Annisa Dwi Puspita, 2015

AN ANALYSIS OF TEACHERS’ LESSON PLANS BASED ON 2013 CURRICULUM Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

Indonesia to give the English teacher unlimited responses. The

interview was recorded to gain the information about the problems

faced by the teacher in developing lesson plans based on 2013

Curriculum. Data from the interview will be presented and discussed

in Chapter 4.

3.6 Data Analysis

The analysis and interpretation were obtained based on the document

in the form of the teachers’ typed lesson plans, and the interview which has

been audio-taped. The data from each source was analyzed in steps

described below.

First, the data gained from the document analysis of lesson plan was

analyzed using checklist in accordance with its elements as stipulated by

Ministerial Regulation No. 65/2013, i.e. indicators, learning objectives,

learning materials, teaching method, teaching media, learning sources,

learning activities, and assessment.

The data gained from interview was analyzed by transcribing (see

Appendix 2), and interpreting them to answer the second research questions

about the problems faced by the teacher in developing lesson plans based on


Annisa Dwi Puspita, 2015

AN ANALYSIS OF TEACHERS’ LESSON PLANS BASED ON 2013 CURRICULUM Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

3.7 Concluding Remark

This chapter had drawn the qualitative study, the case study design as

the methodology of the study. The data were collected by the document

analysis, and the interview. All the data obtained were analyzed


Annisa Dwi Puspita, 2015

AN ANALYSIS OF TEACHERS’ LESSON PLANS BASED ON 2013 CURRICULUM Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu



This chapter presents the conclusion and suggestion. The conclusion is

drawn based on the data analysis which is discussed in the previous chapter.

Meanwhile the suggestion is used for further studies have same issues about

analyzing lesson plans. The suggestion can be a guidance information for the next


5.1 Conclusion

This study conducted whether the teachers’ lesson plans are related

to the 2013 Curriculum or not as well as finds out the difficulties and

problems faced by the teacher during the process of developing lesson

plans. As discussed in the previous chapter based on the data conducted

from the document analysis and the interview. The conclusion of the study

can be drawn as follows.

Firstly, in term of elements of lesson plan, the teacher applied the

format for designing instructions lesson plan as stipulated by the Decree of

Minister of National Education No. 65/2013 where in the lesson plan, the

teacher started her planning with identifying indicator, objectives,

selecting materials, developing learning activities and assessment. The

teacher used Indonesian language in developing the lesson plans.

Secondly, in the previous chapter, the elements of lesson plan had

been discussed. From indicators, the result showed that the indicators

covered three domains of learning, i.e. cognitive, affective and

psyhomotoric. It is in line with the Ministerial Regulation No.65/2013

regarding process standard. Next, objectives. The result showed that both


Annisa Dwi Puspita, 2015

AN ANALYSIS OF TEACHERS’ LESSON PLANS BASED ON 2013 CURRICULUM Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

objectives specify: a) what students should be able to perform as a result

of their learning, b) in what context they should be able to perform those

actions, and c) at what level the students are expected to perform. Also

reflect the Decree of Minister of National Education No,65/2013. In

selecting learning materials, the result showed both lesson plans are in

line with the objectives mentioned in both documents. The result of

analyzing learning activities showed that the activities in the main

activities did not cover scientific approach such as observing, questioning,

assosiating, experimenting and communicating. Lastly, assessment. The

teacher conducted the assessment based on three domains of learning, i.e.

cognitive, affective and psychomotor. Overall, the teacher developed

lesson plans based on the Decree of Minister of National Education

No.65/2013 regarding process standard in the 2103 Curriculum.

This study also conducted the problems and difficulties faced by

the teacher in developing lesson plans. Based on the data analysisn in the

previous chapter, the teacher faced some difficulties and problems in

developing lesson plan based on 2013 Curriculum. It was difficult for the

teacher to select material, develop learning activities and assess the

students. The lack of time was the reason. Because the teacher thought that

for vocational school two hours per meeting were too short for teaching

English while there were lots of materials should be done by the students.

But the teacher could solve those problems by sharing with other teachers


Annisa Dwi Puspita, 2015

AN ANALYSIS OF TEACHERS’ LESSON PLANS BASED ON 2013 CURRICULUM Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

5.2 Suggestion

In line with the topic under discussion which is about developing

lesson plans and the difficulties faced by the teacher in developing lesson

plans based on 2013 Curriculum and the findings as elaborate above, this

study also provides some suggestions as follows.

In response to the problems and difficulties faced by the teachers, it

would be better if the teacher shares with other teachers or being part of

MGMP at school level. The teacher also can join in the traning about

lesson planning, it can give knowledge to the teacher about developing

lesson plans. As a teacher, she or he must be creative, she or he has to find

the way how to maximalize the time, so the materials can be done by the

students meanwhile the time is limited. The teacher should read some

journals related the issues so the teacher can learn from the journal how to

develop the lesson plans and how to solve the difficulties in developing


Annisa Dwi Puspita, 2015

AN ANALYSIS OF TEACHERS’ LESSON PLANS BASED ON 2013 CURRICULUM Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu


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Table 3.1. Checklist for Analyzing Lesson Plan Elements based


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