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Academic year: 2019



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Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra

in English Letters


YOSEVA YONA MULIYATI Student Number: 074214003












Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra

in English Letters


YOSEVA YONA MULIYATI Student Number: 074214003

















Life is what happens to us while

we are busy making plans

[John Lennon]

If you never give up

You will always have a chance

Hey! Say! JUMP – Your Seed

Falling and rising again, over and over

Step by step, we'll keep getting stronger

[NYC ]







This thesis is dedicated to

My Lovely Father, My Caring Mother,

My Genius Brother,

Sanata Dharma University,

and Jesus Christ






I thank my beloved father and talkative mother for their supports through prayers, and phone calls every morning asking about my progress on my undergraduate thesis writing. Without their supports and phone calls, I know this undergraduate thesis will take a long time to finish.

I thank my advisor, Dewi Widyastuti, S.Pd., M.Hum., for the guidance and help during my thesis writing. I would like to thank her for her willingness to read my thesis and give suggestions to improve it every week. Then, I thank my co-advisor, Ni Luh Putu Rosiandani, S.S., M.Hum., and my main examiner, Maria Ananta Tri Suryandari, S.S., M.Ed. for their correction and suggestions to improve my thesis. I would thank all the lecturers and academic staff in the English Letters Department of Sanata Dharma University. Without their help, I would not be able to finish my study.

Then, I would thank my silly brother. Without his prayers and supports I could not make it on time. I thank Putu Rizki Saputra for his supports during my thesis writing and his willingness to listen to my anger towards everything. I thank my Ocean Family members: Mami Marita, Eyang Silvi, Tahaq Natasha, and Ompang Adi for being my best friends in the English Letters Department and always bring laughter to my life. I also thank Meme, Jopie, Milka, Putrek Putra, and Yudha for being my friends in Yogyakarta. I thank my friends in The Bounty, although I could not be in the performance (one of my biggest regrets). Then I thank to my friends in Panggung Boneka, String Movie Maniacs, Canna





Community, my classmates in Lembaga Indonesia Perancis: Mbak Dyan, Fachry, Namira, Mbak Farida, Monsieur Arya, Mbak Dea, Rochmad and Mas Doris. I thank my friends in Sejong: Sonsaengnim Kyung, Ukhti, Uchi, Nana, Alyssa, and Gustin. To my sisters in Puri Agung Lestari: Ci Sansan, Ci Lusi, Ci Magda, Ci Think2, Ci Ayung, Sefia, Santi besar, Santi kecil, Sisca, Dyah, Sumi, my lil’ sister Chica, Mak e, Pak e, Fajar, and Huda, thank you for the unconditioned friendship we have. I thank my boys in Johnny’s: KAT-TUN and Hey! Say! JUMP, because the songs, concerts, and performances, I could refresh from my stress.

I thank Jesus Christ for His guidance and supports through people around me, not only during my thesis writing, but also in my whole life. Without Jesus, I am nothing.

Yoseva Yona Muliyati










A. Review of Related Studies ... 6

B. Review of Related Theories ... 7

1. Theories of Character and Characterization ... 7

2. Theory of Setting ... 9

C. Review on Mormonism ... 10

D. Theoretical Framework ... 13


A. Object of the Study ... 14

B. Approach of the Study ... 15

C. Method of the Study ... 16


A. The Description of the Characters in the Early Mormon Society ... 19

1. John Ferrier ... 20

B. The Description of the Early Mormon Society ... 29

C. The Gender Roles in the Early Mormon Society ... 37





BIBLIOGRAPHY ... 48 APPENDIX: Summary of Arthur Conan Doyle’s A Study in Scarlet ... 50






YOSEVA YONA MULIYATI. The Gender Roles in the Early Mormon Society as seen in Arthur Conan Doyle’s A Study in Scarlet. Yogyakarta: Department of English Letters, Faculty of English Letters, Sanata Dharma University, 2011.

Arthur Conan Doyle’s A Study in Scarlet is a detective fiction about a serial murder in London in 1880s. This novel also talks about the early Mormon society during the 1840s until 1860s. The Mormons helped two castaways in the desert and allowed them to be Mormons. However, these two people did not want to follow the rules about plural marriage and broke the gender roles in the Mormon society. The writer intends to find out the gender role in the early Mormon society during the 1840s until 1860s through the characters and the society in the story.

There are three problems formulated in this thesis. The first problem is how the characters characterized. The second is how the Mormon society is described. The third is how the characteristics of the characters and the society in the novel show the gender roles in the early Mormon society.

The approach in this thesis is gender studies. The method used in this thesis is library research method. The main data itself was taken from the novel, Doyle’s A Study in Scarlet. Meanwhile, the secondary data were taken from several books, journals, and reviews related to this research.

The result of the study shows that John Ferrier is kind, responsible, hard working, optimistic, and unyielding. Lucy is cheerful, optimistic, kind and has free will. Brigham Young is just, strict, and has leadership skill. Enoch J. Drebber is materialistic, disrespectful, arrogant, and optimistic. Joseph Stangerson is materialistic, disrespectful, opportunist, and sly. The Wives is obedient and perceptive. The Mormon society is religious, diligent, faithful, obedient, and strict. The demands of the society toward the Mormon men and women are divided into several parts. The first is the demands in the family life. Mormon men have to be the leader and the breadwinner, while Mormon women have to be the good mothers and wives. The second is demands in the social life and Church. Mormon men have to be the leader while the women have to be the follower. Related to marriage, Mormon men can have plural marriage or polygamy. Mormon men get more severe penalties than the women if they break the rules. The writer finds out that there are classifications based on the gender roles in the society. Men are considered the superior because they are the decision maker. Mormon men take all the high positions in the society. The roles of Mormon women are not significant. They are treated as the property of the men’s household. Therefore, Mormon women are considered as the inferior.






YOSEVA YONA MULIYATI. The Gender Roles in the Early Mormon Society as seen in Arthur Conan Doyle’s A Study in Scarlet. Yogyakarta: Jurusan Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Sastra, Universitas Sanata Dharma, 2011.

A Study in Scarlet karya Arthur Conan Doyle adalah sebuah novel fiksi detektif tentang sebuah pembunuhan berantai di London pada sekitar tahun 1880. Novel ini juga bercerita tentang masyarakat Mormon awal selama sekitar tahun 1840 sampai tahun 1860. Masyarakat Mormon menolong dua orang yang terdampar di gurun dan mengijinkan mereka untuk menjadi anggota Mormon. Walaupun begitu, kedua orang ini tidak ingin mengikuti peraturan tentang poligami dan melanggar peran gender di dalam masyarakat Mormon. Penulis ingin mengetahui peran gender di dalam masyarakat Mormon sekitar tahun 1840 sampai 1860 melalui para tokoh dan masyarakat di dalam kisah tersebut.

Ada tiga rumusan masalah dalam skripsi ini. Rumusan masalah pertama adalah bagaimana para tokoh dideskripsikan. Rumusan masalah kedua adalah bagaimana masyarakat Mormon dideskripsikan. Rumusan masalah ketiga adalah bagaimana karakteristik dari para tokoh tersebut dan masyarakat Mormon di dalam novel menunjukkan peran gender dalam masyarakat Mormon awal.

Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam skripsi ini adalah studi gender. Metode yang digunakan di dalam skripsi ini adalah metode studi pustaka. Data utama sendiri diambil dari novel, A Study in Scarlet karya Arthur Conan Doyle. Sedangkan data-data tambahannya diambil dari beberapa buku, jurnal, dan review yang berhubungan dengan penelitian ini.

Hasil dari studi ini menunjukkan bahwa John Ferrier adalah pria yang baik, bertanggung jawab, pekerja keras, optimis, dan tidak mudah menyerah. Lucy adalah wanita yang ceria, optimis, baik, dan mempunyai keinginan yang bebas. Brigham Young adalah pria yang adil, tegas, dan mempunyai jiwa kepemimpinan. Enoch J. Drebber adalah pria materialistis, tidak hormat, arogan, dan optimis. Joseph Stangerson adalah pria yang materialis, tidak hormat, oportunis, dan licik. Para Istri adalah wanita yang patuh dan tanggap. Masyarakat Mormon adalah masyarakat yang religius, rajin, setia, patuh, dan tegas. Tuntutan masyarakat Mormon terhadap laki-laki dan wanita Mormon dibagi menjadi beberapa bagian. Pertama adalah tuntutan di dalam kehidupan berkeluarga. Pria Mormon harus menjadi pemimpin dan pencari nafkah sementara para wanita harus menjadi ibu dan istri yang baik. Kedua adalah tuntutan dalam kehidupan sosial dan Gereja. Pria Mormon harus menjadi pemimpin, sementara para wanita harus menjadi pengikut. Berhubungan dengan pernikahan, para pria Mormon dapat melakukan poligami. Para pria Mormon akan mendapat hukuman yang lebih berat daripada para wanita jika mereka melanggar peraturan. Penulis menemukan bahwa ada klasifikasi berdasarkan peran gender di dalam masyarakat. Pria Mormon dianggap superior karena mereka adalah pengambil keputusan. Pria Mormon juga memegang semua posisi tinggi dalam masyarakat. Peran wanita Mormon tidak signifikan. Mereka jugadiperlakukan sebagai properti dalam rumah tangga sang pria. Karena itulah para wanita Mormon dianggap inferior.





A. Background of the Study

Society is the place where creatures live together to support their lives. Human and animal gather in their own group to make a community and live together. However, human is different from animal, or other creature in the world. In Sociology: Concepts and Characteristics, there are two characteristics that differentiate between human to other creature. First, human tends to group together and cooperate rather than to remain apart and isolated. Second, human tends in similar situations to behave in the same ways time after time (Landis, 1971: 1). From these quotations, we can say that human cannot live without other human and they have to make a connection to other human so that they can stay in the same area. Besides that, even though human tends to be independent, they still need other human to help them. Based on the needs to be together with other human, human made communities to live.

There are so many communities in the world and one of them is Mormon society. From Chamber’s Encyclopedia: New Revised Edition Volume IX, Mormons are officially members of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter – Day Saints, founded by Joseph Smith. This community came to the Great Salt Lake, Utah, on 24 July 1847 and made their society in Salt Lake City (Peel and Rusling, 1973: 529 – 530).




The topic the writer discusses here is the gender issue in the early Mormon society. The aim of the writer is to analyze the gender roles in the early Mormon society. As a new religion, Mormon did several changes in their rules. Mormon men today only have one wife, where in the past they can have many wives. Plural marriage was allowed in the early Mormon society until 1890s. During that time, Mormon women had to deal with the rules against their wish. Conan Doyle wrote about the hardship of Mormon women in their society in the flash back part in his novel. The rules were very strict to women. Women have to marry the men chosen by the elder, or the man himself proposes to the father of the woman. Women do not have any rights to accept or refuse the proposal, only fathers have the rights.

To discuss this topic, the writer uses Doyle’s work, A Study in Scarlet. The reason why the writer uses A Study in Scarlet is that in this novel, Doyle wrote the life of Mormons as they were firstly established in Salt Lake City. Besides, novel about early Mormon society is available very rare.

A Study in Scarlet is the name of the case in the novel. The novel is about solving serial murder that happened in London. Moreover, this novel also talks about the early Mormon society. John and Lucy Ferrier were stranded in the desert. They were found by the Mormons and then became Mormons too. They live in peace with the Mormons until one day the Prophet came to Ferrier’s house and told John Ferrier that Lucy should marry with one of the two Mormon men who proposed her. Lucy did not want to marry any of them so that John and Lucy ran away from Salt Lake City. The Mormons could follow them and killed John




Ferrier. Lucy were taken back to the society and then she married to Drebber. However, after one month, Lucy died. Because of Lucy and John Ferrier’s death, Jefferson Hope killed Drebber and Stangerson, the men who proposed Lucy and killed John Ferrier.

B. Problem Formulation

Referring to the background of the study, there are three questions formulated as follows.

1. How are the characteristics of the characters in the Mormon society described? 2. How is the society described?

3. How do the characteristics of the characters and the society in the novel show the gender roles in the early Mormon society?

C. Objectives of the Study

By doing the study about gender roles in the early Mormon society, the writer wanted to know the characteristics of the Mormons in between the 1840s to the 1860s. Besides, the writer wanted to find out the characteristics of the Mormon society and their demands to the members. The last, the writer wanted to find out the effect of the classification and gender role to women’s role in the Mormon society. The writer hopes that by doing this the writer can get to know more about the life of the early Mormon society in America.




D. Definition of Terms

In this part, the writer will define some words to guide the readers in understanding this thesis. The writer will clarify the meaning of some significant terms, which is used in this study to avoid misunderstanding on reading this thesis. The writer gets definition of the specific term mostly from library works, which are considered well qualified.

1. Gender

According to Abrams in his book A Glossary of Literary Terms, genders are largely, if not entirely, cultural constructs that were generated by the omnipresent patriarchal biases of our civilization (Abrams, 1993: 235). From this explanation, we can say that gender is the product of patriarchal culture in the society. As the result of patriarchal culture, women are put as the subordinate in the society where men dominate the life.

2. Gender Role

According to Bland in his journal About Gender: Definitions, gender role or sex role refers to the behaviors, attitudes, values, beliefs and so on that a particular cultural group considers appropriate for males and females on the basis of their biological sex <http://www.gender.org.uk/about/00_defin.htm> (19 July 2011). Therefore, based on this description, it can be said that gender role comes from the society to differentiate the behavior, values, and so on between men and women.




3. Mormons

According to Peel and Rusling in Chamber Encyclopedia, Mormons are officially the members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter – Day Saints, which was founded by Joseph Smith at Fayette, New York in 1830. Ten years earlier Smith claimed to have received a call to be a prophet of the Most High. He now declared that the millenium was at hand and that the Lord was coming to gather his saints in a New Jerusalem in the heart of America (Peel and Rusling, 1973: 529).

4. Character

The description about character and characterization that Abrams said in his book A Glossary of Literary Terms stated that character is divided into two kinds, flat and round character. A flat character is a character with “a single idea or quality” so we can define it with a single phrase or sentence. On the other hand, a round character is complex in temperament and motivation so that it is capable of surprising us (Abrams, 1993: 24).







A. Review on Related Studies

In this part, the writer will give some review on studies related to the topic. Arthur Conan Doyle is a famous author in Britain and America. His famous character, Sherlock Holmes, also has his fans all over the world. Ellen Harrington in Failed Detectives and Dangerous Females stated that:

Despite the characteristics that make Holmes aberrant, his cocaine use, his ambiguous sexuality, his unemotional self – control, he is idealized as the perfect detective through the eyes of Watson, an unforgettable rendering of the late – nineteenth – century, rational man of science (Harrington, 2005: 14).

Doyle created Sherlock Holmes as a genious detective with some unique habits and talents. Although Holmes is a detective, he likes to use cocaine. On the contrary he can play the violin well and also very good in boxer. Another character is Watson, a doctor who lives together with him and helps Holmes as a partner. From the first time they met, Holmes always made Watson surprised and astonished with the deduction he had.

About the novel itself, A Study in Scarlet uses the typical arrangement of detective stories, as mentioned by critic Tsvetan Todorov in his important essay

The Typology of Detective Fiction. It begins with a murder, which appears at first to be the central problem facing the detective. However, the real mystery lies deep in the past, long before the central crime takes place <http://chrisroutledge.co.uk/writing/a-study-in-scarlet/> (27 March 2011).





Being different from Routledge and Harrington, this thesis will analyze about gender roles in the early Mormon society. The study about gender role in A Study in Scarlet has never been done yet as there is no any information shows that it had been done before.

B. Review of Related Theories

1. Theory of Character and Characterization

The description about character and characterization that Abrams said in his book A Glossary of Literary Terms stated that character is divided into two kinds, flat and round character. A flat character is a character with “a single idea or quality” so that we can define it with a single phrase or sentence. On the other hand, a round character is complex in temperament and motivation so that it capable to surprising us (1993: 24).

Barnet, Burto, and Cain also stated the description of characterization in their book Literature for Comparison: Essays, Fiction, Poetry, and Drama. They said that characterization is the representation of a character, whether by direct description, by showing the character in action, or by the presentation of other characters that help to define each other (2005: 1375).

In order to understand the characteristics of a character, M.J. Murphy in his book Understanding Unseen: An Introduction to English Poetry and English Novel for Overseas Students stated nine important points that are needed to understand a character:





a. Personal Description

The author describes the character by his/her physical appearance. The character can be thin, fat, handsome, or bad looking. The clothes can describe the character’s economical condition. The rich character can be shown by the good quality of his/her clothes.

b. Character as Seen by Another

The author describes the character from the eyes and opinions of the other characters’ opinion.

c. Speech

The author describes the character in the novel through what the character says in the novel. It includes how the character speaks, whenever the character is in the conversation with another, and how the character puts forward an opinion. d. Past life

The author can describe the character by letting the reader know something about the past life of the character. This way can be described through the direct comment from the author, the character’s thought, his/her conversation, or through the medium of the other characters.

e. Conversation of Others

The author can describe the character through his/her conversation with other characters and the things they say about the character.

f. Reactions

The author can describe the character by letting the reader know how he/she reacts to various situations or events.





g. Direct Comment

The author can describe the character directly. h. Thought

The author can describe the character by letting the reader know what the character is thinking about.

i. Mannerism

The author can describe the character’s manner and habits (1972: 161 – 171). From these theories, the writer will use Murphy’s theory to the analysis of the characters because it has complete points to understand the character and then relate it to the gender roles in the early Mormon society.

2. Theory of Setting

According to Barnet, Burto, and Cain in their book Literature for Composition, there are two points of view of setting. First, narrowly speaking, the setting is the physical surroundings – the furniture, the architecture, the landscape, the climate – and these often are highly appropriate to the characters who are associated with them. Second, broadly speaking, setting includes not only the physical surroundings but also a point (or several points) in time (Barnet, Burto, and Cain, 2005: 230).

William Kenney, in his book How to Analyze Fiction, stated that the term of “setting” refers to the point in time and space at which the events of the plot occur (Kenney, 1966: 38). Later, Kenney wrote down several elements of setting. First, the actual geographical location, including topography, scenery, even the details





of a room’s interior. Second, the occupations and modes of day – to – day exsistence of the characters. Third, the time in which the action takes place, e.g., historical period, season of the year. Fourth, the religious moral intellectual social, and emotional environment of the characters (Kenney, 1966: 40).

From these two theories, the writer can give conclusion that the setting is not only just about the things around the characters when an event occur, but also anything related to it, such as the historical period and emotional environment of the characters. By using these terms of setting, the writer can analyze the setting of the Mormon society and then relate it to the gender roles in the early Mormon society.

C. Review on Mormonism

According to The Columbia Encyclopedia, Mormons is the name of the members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter – Day Saints. Joseph Smith founded the religion after the golden tablets containing the Book of Mormon had been revealed to him at Palmyra, New York. He rapidly gathered followers and in 1831 established his headquarters at Kirtland, Ohio. Stakes of Zion, as the Mormons called their settlements, were started in W. Missouri (Bridgewater and Sherwood, 1950: 1324).

Chamber’s Encyclopædia also wrote about the life of the Mormon society after it was founded by Joseph Smith. Six years later, after the failure of a bank run by Smith, they moved to another temporary site at Independence, Missouri. Throughout this period, they were gaining adherents, including many from Britain, by intensive propaganda. In 1844 Smith and his brother Hyrum were put





into the gaol of Carthage, Illinois, a mob broke in and both men were murdered. The main body was now ordered to leave the state and under Brigham Young began a trek so remarkable that it is scarcely surprising the Mormons should liken it to the exodus of the Israelites. They arrived at the Great Salt Lake, Utah, on 24 July 1847 and with characteristic zeal began work on the new foundation the same day (Peel and Rusling, 1973: 530).

After 1890s, there are many rules that changed in the Latter-Day Saints Church. One rule that changed was the rule about mariage. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter – day Saints was known for its polygamy and until present time, the term of polygamy in USA sometimes is related to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter – day Saints.

Robinson stated that Joseph Smith founded the Church of Christ in 1830. Then after that, in the 1834, they moved to Kirtland and renamed their church into the Church of Latter – Day Saints. Later the mormons faced financial problems and opposition from the non – Mormons so they moved to Jackson county in 1837. The book they use is The Book of Mormon. They faced so many difficulties when they were in the public. Public thought that Mormon promoted a religious dictactorship. During that time many Mormons died because of a hostile winter. However the church increased in greatly numbers. <http://www.religioustolerance.org/lds_hist.htm> (8 April 2011).

In his website, Evans stated that the polygamy marriage in the Mormon society happened from 1840s to 1890s. The reason why they practiced plural marriage was that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter – day Saints founder





Joseph Smith taught his members about plural marriage as a doctrine in the church. Many prophets in the Old Testament, such as Abraham, Jacob, and David, did had more than one wife and it was allowed by God, so that Joseph Smith continued to act the same as the prophets did. Plural marriage became an official doctrine in the church of Jesus Christ of Latter – day Saints in 1840s when the church was headquartered in Utah <http://www.suite101.com/content/a-history-of-mormon-polygamy-a184523> (8 April 2011).

Although plural marriage is an official doctrine in the church of Jesus Christ of Latter – day Saints, the founder himself did the plural marriage in 1835. After the death of Joseph Smith, the succeeded, Brigham Young taught the doctrine of polygamy widely in the church in Utah <http://www.suite101.com/content/a-history-of-mormon-polygamy-a184523> (8 April 2011).

Even though plural marriage is a doctrine in LDS church, not all the members followed it. According to Larry Logue’s study, only 33% of the households in the Mormon society did polygamy. It is included the founder and local leaders in this community. This plural marriage also had side effect to the marriage itself. Because of so many sister wives in the household, there were jealousy and emotional neglect between them. They competed to be the first one to the husband. Because of that, the number of divorce in the Mormon society increased. Of the 72 general authorities who were polygamist, 39 had broken marriages, including 54 divorces, 26 separations, and 1 anullment. Another side effect of plural marriage in the Mormon society was many girls became wives to a





man. Besides that, the practice of sharing their wives was also included as the side effect of the plural marriage in the Mormon society <http://www.i4m.com/think/polygamy/polygamy_summary.htm> (8 April 2011).

D. Theoretical Framework

As this thesis was focused on the gender roles in the early Mormon society, the writer uses the theories in order to get the information that leads to the answer of this study. The writer uses the theory of character and characterization to find out the characteristics of the Mormon characters in the story.

After the writer answers the first question using the theory of character and characterization, then the writer can move on to answer the second question. The theory of setting is used to help the writer to explore deeper about the setting, which is the Mormon society. Theory of setting is also used to find out the traits on the characters to the society. After the writer finds out the characteristics of the Mormons and knows more about Mormon society in the novel, the writer can answer the third question by relating the findings that are using the definition of gender role promoted by Bland.







A. Object of the Study

The writer of this study uses the novel A Study in Scarlet from Penguin Books, published in 1996. This novel was firstly published in Beeton’s Christmas Annual in London in 1888. Since its first appearance, the novel and the series were very popular and made the author, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle famous.

The novel itself is about the mystery in the serial murder happened in London. Sherlock Holmes was asked to help Scotland Yard to find the culprit and of course, because of Holmes’s deduction, Scotland Yard could arrest the murder. The novel itself is divided into three parts. The first part is for the time when Holmes and Watson lives, the second part is for the flashback story of the murderer, and the last part came back to the time where Holmes and Watson live. In this study, the writer focused on the second part, where the flashback story about Mormons happens.

The interesting story about this novel is that Doyle was not a Mormon. Doyle showed the problems in the Mormon society and their understanding about the rule, especially about plural marriage or polygamy, which was very usual between the Mormons.

Here, Doyle presented the life of two outcasts, a man named John Ferrier and his daughter, Lucy Ferrier. The Mormons found them in the desert and then they joined the convoy. They lived in Salt Lake City and had a peaceful life until





the Prophet, Brigham Young, asked John Ferrier to accept one of two proposals of the Mormon men. John Ferrier who did not want his daughter marrying one of the Mormons tried to postpone the proposal and asked some time for his daughter to think. They give him one month as the time and after that, Lucy had to choose one between two proposals she had. John and Lucy Ferrier used the time to call Jefferson Hope, Lucy’s boyfriend. Finally, on the last day Hope came and could help them out of the city of Mormons. However, the Mormon men in the city tracked them down and found them. John Ferrier was killed and Lucy Ferrier was taken back to the city and married to Drebber.

The overall of the novel is about solving a serial murder case by Sherlock Holmes, but the writer is interested to analyze about the early Mormon society in the novel. The writer wanted to analyze the gender roles in the early Mormon society in the novel. The setting itself was in the 1840s until 1860s so it is relevant to the writer to analyze about the early Mormon society as the Mormons itself was formed in the 1840s.

B. Approach of the Study

Gender studies will be suitable in analyzing this novel as this study investigates gender issue in the society. Bressler stated in his book Literary Criticism: An Introduction to Theory and Practice that gender studies continues to investigate how women and men view such terms as ethics, definitions of truth, personal identity, and society (Bressler, 1999: 270). Moreover, Bressler stated that the goal of gender studies is to analyze and challenge the established literary





canon. By involving themselves in literary theory and its accompanying practices, gender specialists believe women and men alike can redefine who they are, what they want to be, and where they want to go (Bressler, 1999: 271).

In addition, Abrams stated in A Glossary of Literary Terms that genders are largely, if not entirely, cultural constructs that were generated by the omnipresent patriarchal biases of our civilization. Patriarchal society is the most common society in the world. In the patriarchal system, men rule the house and the life of the living in the house. Women are only as the subordinate of men (1993: 235).

Not only that, in Abrams also stated that gender criticism is criticism concerned especially with alleged differences in the ways that males and females read and write, and with the representations of gender (straight, bisexual, gay, lesbian) in literature (1993: 378)

By using gender studies in this thesis, the writer can find out the gender roles in the early Mormon society and then finally the writer can make the classification of the Mormon people based on their role in the society.

C. Method of the Study

In order to get the answer of the problem formulation, the writer used library research method. There were two kinds of data as the sources, the primary and secondary data. For the primary data, the writer read A Study in Scarlet by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.





For the secondary data, the writer of this study read some books related to the topic. The first book the writer used was A Glossary of Literary Terms

(Abrams, 1993). Other books were Literature for Comparison: Essays, Fiction, Poetry, and Drama (Seventh edition) (Barnet et al (ed.), 2005), Literary Criticism: An Introduction to Theory and Practice (Bressler, 1999) and Sociology: Concepts and Characteristics (Landis, 1971). To get the information about the character and characterization, the writer of this study used Understanding Unseen: An Introduction to English Poetry and the English Novel for Overseas Students

(Murphy, 1972). To get information about Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and his works, the writer read A Study in Scarlet (Doyle, 1996). Then, to get information about Mormons and Mormonism, the writer used Chamber’s Encyclopedia: New Revised Edition Volume IX (Young et al (ed.), 1973) and The Columbia Encyclopedia (Second Edition) (Bridgewater and Sherwood, 1950). Besides these books, the writer of this study also read several references from online sources to complete the data of Mormons and their early life in Salt Lake City.

There were some steps to analyze this study. At the first step, the writer of this study read the novel, A Study in Scarlet, for several times, so that the novel was understood well. Second step, the writer of this study looked for certain theories and approaches for the topic. The theory that the writer of this study used were the theory of character and characterization and theory of setting. Gender studies were used in this study. At the third step, the writer of this study read the novel again by using and applying the theories and gender studies. The first question in the problem formulation was answered by using the theory of





character and characterization. The second question in the problem formulation was answered using theory of setting. The answers that the writer of this study got in the first and second questions in the problem formulation helped the writer to find the answer of the third question in the problem formulation. The answers of the third question in the problem formulation were looked by combining the answers from the first which was dealing with the characters’ characteristics in the novel, and second question in the problem formulation which was dealing with the characteristics of the Mormon society, and findings in the library and internet research. Finally, the last thing the writer of this study did was making the conclusion of this study.






This chapter is intended to answer the questions in the problem formulation. Chapter IV consists of three parts. The first part is answering the question about the characteristics of characters in the early Mormon society as seen in the novel. Second part is answering the question about the description of the early Mormon society as seen in the novel, and the last part is answering the question about the relation between the characters and the early Mormon society in the novel that shows the gender roles in the early Mormon society based on the novel.

A. The Description of the Characters in the early Mormon Society

There are some characters in A Study in Scarlet, however the writer only took several characters from the flashback. There were six characters that the writer wanted to analyze. They were John Ferrier, Lucy Ferrier, Brigham Young, Joseph Stangerson, Enoch J. Drebber, and The Wives. The writer starts the discussion by giving the description of the characters in the early Mormon society in the novel. Second, the writer discusses about the analysis based on the data the writer found in the novel.

M. J. Murphy in his Understanding Unseen: An Introduction to English Poetry and the English Novel for Overseas Students stated that the characteristic of a character can be seen by using nine important points (1972: 161 – 171). In A





Study in Scarlet, there are several characters in Mormon society that are taken as the representation of the early Mormon society. Doyle did not show much about the characteristics of the characters in the flashback story where the writer wanted to analyze. However, the writer still could use several points from Murphy to analyze the characters in the story. The discussion starts by analyzing the characters in the early Mormon society. They are John Ferrier, Lucy Ferrier, Brigham Young, Joseph Stangerson, Enoch J. Drebber, and the Wives. The characteristics of the characters here are the reaction to the condition and to the Mormon rules.

1. John Ferrier

John Ferrier is the step – father of Lucy Ferrier. He adopted Lucy when the Mormon found John and Lucy in the desert. As a man, he was very kind and responsible to Lucy.

His gaunt face, however, and his clothes, which hung so baggily over his shriveled limbs, proclaimed what it was that gave him that senile and deceipt appearance. The man was dying – dying from hunger and from thirst (p.132).

As he spoke he unwrapped the grey shawl and extricated a pretty little girl

of about five years of age, whose dainty shoes and smart pink frock with its little linen apron all bespoke a mother’s care. The child was pale and wan, but her healthy arms and legs showed that she had suffered less than her companion (p. 134).

From these two narrations, it seems that John Ferrier took care of Lucy. In the situation where the food and water were limited, he was more concerned about the needs of Lucy rather than his needs so that the condition of Lucy was better than him. The writer can say that John Ferrier was very responsible to something





he had or something given to him, especially Lucy because her mother had died. Then the following quotation also shows his responsibility to Lucy Ferrier.

“Is she your child?” asked some one.

“I guess she is now,” the other cried, defiantly, “she’s mine ‘cause I saved her. No man will take her from me. She’s Lucy Ferrier from this day on…” (p.145)

“And you too. I’ll tell her how awful good you’ve been…” (p. 137)

John Ferrier adopted Lucy because she had no one to rely on after her mother and brother died because of hunger and thirst in the desert. From those quotations, we could see how responsible John Ferrier is towards Lucy Ferrier. Lucy herself also gave comment about the treatment John gave to her. As a form of his responsibility to Lucy, John worked very hard to cultivate his lands in Salt Lake City, the city where the Mormons lived. The quotation below showed how hard he worked on his lands.

His iron constitution enabled him to work morning and evening at improving and tilling his lands. Hence it came about that his farm and all that belonged to him prospered exceedingly (p. 152).

From the quotation above, the writer can say that he was a hard worker. He tried his best for his family, in this case Lucy. From his hard work, John Ferrier became the richest person in Salt Lake City.

The writer also found other characteristics from John Ferrier, which is optimistic and unyielding. The writer thought that he was very optimistic even in the hardest situation, like in the desert. When John and Lucy were in the desert, John said about the hope to find another river.

“Well, we reckoned we’d strike another river soon, d’ye see. But there was something wrong: compasses, or map, or somethin’, and it didn’t turn up.





Water run out. Just except a little drop for the like of you, and –, and – “(p. 135).

“Yes, they all went except you and me. Then I thought there was some chance of water in this direction, so I heaved you over my shoulder and we tramped it together. It don’t seem as though we’ve improved matters. There’s an almighty small chance for us now!” (p. 136)

This optimism was shown again in the time when Lucy received a command from the Prophet to marry to a Mormon man.

“Don’t’ you scare yourself,” he answered, drawing her to him, and passing his board, rough hand caressingly over her chestnut hair. “We’ll fix it up some how or another. You don’t find your fancy kind o’ lessening for this chap, do you?” (p. 171)

As a father, he helped Lucy to tell about this issue to her boyfriend, Jefferson Hope.

“…There’s a party starting for Nevada tomorrow, and I’ll manage to send him a message letting him know the hole we are in. If I know anything o’ that young man, he’ll be back here with a speed that would whip electro – graphs.” (p. 171)

“Wait till Jefferson comes, and we’ll soon manage that. In the meantime, don’t you fret yourself, my dearie, and don’t get your eyes swelled up, else he’ll be walking into me when he sees you. There’s nothing to be afeared about, and there’s no danger at all.” (p. 173)

As father, John was not only giving Lucy strength to overcome difficulties, but also hope for the best they will have. These are the characteristics of John Ferrier that the writer could get from the novel. John Ferrier is hard working, responsible, optimistic, and unyielding.

2. Lucy Ferrier

Lucy Ferrier is the adopted child of John Ferrier. John and Lucy were stranded in the desert, hungry, and thirsty. Her mother died because of hunger and





thirst. There were only John and Lucy left from the party. She was described as a cheerful and optimistic child. She could smile even in the hardest situation, especially if the joke is from her father, John Ferrier.

“Pretty things! Fine things!” cried the little girl enthusiastically, holding up two glittering fragments of mica. “When we goes back to home I’ll give them to brother Bob.” (p. 135)

This quotation was taken when John and Lucy were in the desert. She could smile and played with mica fragments even when they were in hunger and thirst. It might be because John Ferrier gave more food and water to her so that she did not really understand her situation. However, when she knew that her mother and brother died, and probably they will die too, Lucy could laugh on it and gave comment.

“Why didn’t you say so before?” she said, laughing gleefully. “You gave me such a fright. Why, of course, now as long as we die, we’ll be with mother again.”

“Yes, you will, dearie.”

“And you too. I’ll tell her how awful good you’ve been. I’ll bet she meets us at the door of heaven with a big pitcher or water, and a lot of buckwheat cakes, hot, and toasted on both sides, like Bob and me was fond of. How long will it be first?” (p.136 – 137)

Lucy showed her characteristic as an optimistic girl, like John Ferrier. The quotations also showed that Lucy was cheerful, even in the unfortunate situation. Even though she was a child, her ability to change bad situation to look better was very impressive.

“He has a good deal to thank you for, and so have I,” she answered, “he’s awful fond of me. If those cows had jumped on me he’d have never got over it.” (p. 158)

“…of course, you are a friend now. You must come and see us. Now I must push along, or father won’t trust me with his business any more. Good bye!” (p. 158)





Lucy Ferrier was pretty and helpful. He often helped her father in the field or in his business, unlike common Mormon women who only did housework and took care of their children. That was the reason why John Ferrier was very fond of her.

Lucy was described as a young woman with free will. She rode a horse in man’s manner, she help her father’s job. She also wanted to marry a non – Mormon man, against the rule about the marriage in the Mormon society.

3. Brigham Young

Brigham Young was the Prophet in the early Mormon society after the death of Joseph Smith. He led his people to move to a promise land called Zion, which is in Salt Lake City. Even though he only appeared several times in the story, the writer managed to get the prophet characteristics using some points of characteristics by M. J. Murphy.

As the writer stated before, Brigham Young was the Mormon leader or the Prophet. His words were Joseph Smith’s words, which were also the God’s words. Doyle wrote down how powerful the position of Young in the early Mormon society.

“If we take you with us,” he said, in solemn words, “it can only be as believers in our own creed. We shall have no wolves in our fold. Better far that your bones should bleach in this wilderness than that you should prove to be that little speck of decay which in time corrupts the whole fruits. Will you come with us on these terms?” (p. 147)

“Take him, Brother Stangerson,” he said, “give him food and drink, and the child likewise. Let it be your task also to teach him our holy creed. We have delayed long enough. Forward! On, on to Zion!” (p. 147 – 148)





“…Brigham Young has said it, and he has spoken with the voice of Joseph Smith, which is the voice of God.” (p. 148)

Mormon was led by the Prophet and Brigham Young was the second Prophet after the death of Joseph Smith. In the Mormon society, the Prophet’s position was the highest in the Mormon society. He could command his followers to do something, just like what he said to Stangerson about teaching John Ferrier. Moreover, all of his words are the words of Joseph Smith, which he claimed as the words of God.

As a leader, he has several characteristics like the writer showed in the quotations.

“Fear not for water,” cried a third. “He who could draw it from the rocks will not now abandon His chosen people.” (p. 141)

Young speedily proved himself to be a skillful administrator as well as a resolute chief. Maps were drawn and charts prepared, in which the future city was sketched out. All around farms were apportioned and allotted in proportion to the standing of each individual. The tradesman was put to his trade and the artisan to his calling… Everything prospered in the strange settlement (p. 150).

Brigham Young had the character as a leader. As a leader of a group of people, he could make his people believe in him. His leadership lead the Mormons to the new place and made them live in peace. His role in the Mormon society was not only as the prophet, but also as the chief of Salt Lake City and the judge. The quotations below would show how strict he was.

It appeared to be omniscient and omnipotent, and yet was neither seen nor heard. The man who held out against the Church vanished away, and none knew whither he had gone or what had befallen him. His wife and his children awaited him at home, but no father ever returned to tell them how he had fared at the hands of his secret judges (p. 164 – 165).





He was very strict about Mormon rules and gave punishment to people who broke it. This characteristic is showed from this quotation.

“…What is the thirteenth rule in the code of the sainted Joseph Smith? ‘Let every maiden of the true faith marry one of the elect; for if she wed a Gentile, she commits a grievous sin.’ This being so, it is impossible that you, who profess the holy creed should suffer your daughter to violate it.” (p. 168 – 169)

From those quotations before, the writer can say that Brigham Young’s characteristics are just, strict, and had leadership. He had to have these characteristics because of his role in the society as the Prophet.

4. Joseph Stangerson

In this part, the writer wanted to analyze one of the male characters in the story, Joseph Stangerson. Joseph Stangerson was the son of the Elders in the early Mormon society. He had four wives in his household because the Church allowed the follower to have plural marriage. Here, Joseph Stangerson appeared when he wanted to propose Lucy, along with Enoch J. Drebber. The writer found out his characteristic when Stangerson went to the Ferriers to propose Lucy.

“But my prospects are better,” said the other, warmly. “When the Lord removes my father, I shall have his tanning yard and his leather factory. Then I am your elder, and am higher in the church.” (p. 176)

From this quotation, it seems that Stangerson did not have respect to his parents. Indirectly he wanted his father to die soon so that he could get better prospect to marry Lucy. Stangerson was optimistic. He was sure his proposal is better than his friend, Drebber.

From the quotation before, the writer thought that Stangerson was spoilt. It is because of he used his position in the society to propose Lucy.





Another quotation the writer used to identify other characteristics of Stangerson is as follows.

“There were some words between young Drebber and young Stangerson as to which was to have her. They’d both been in the party that followed them, and Stangerson had shot her father, which seemed to give him the best claim; but when they argued it out in the council, Drebber’s party was the stronger, so the Prophet gave her to him.” (p.203)

From the quotation, the writer assumed that Stangerson was also opportunist and sly. By shooting John Ferrier, Stangerson thought that he would have better claim in front of the Elders and the Prophet. However, in the end, because Drebber’s party was bigger than Stangerson, the Prophet gave Lucy to Drebber. From all these quotation, the writer could say that the characteristics of Stangerson were disrespect to his parents, opportunist, spoilt, sly, and optimistic.

5. Enoch J. Drebber

Enoch J. Drebber was the rival of Stangerson in proposing Lucy. He was the son of one of the Elders. He had seven wives in his house. Nevertheless, he still wanted to marry Lucy as his eighth wife. The writer of this study analyzes the character of Enoch J. Drebber and found out several characteristics in him.

“Nay, nay, Brother Stangerson,” cried the other, “the question is not how many wives we have, but how many we can keep. My father has now given over his mills to me, and I am the richer man.” (p.175 – 176)

From this quotation, the writer of this study thought that Drebber was materialistic. He used his prosperity to claim Lucy. He was optimistic too about his proposal. He was confident enough to propose Lucy because he was richer





than Stangerson. The reason he proposed Lucy was not that he loved Lucy, but that he wanted to have Ferrier’s property. It was showed from this narration.

Her sottish husband, who had married her principally for the sake of John Ferrier’s property, did not affect any great grief at his bereavement… (p. 204).

From this narration, it showed how arrogant Drebber was. He only wanted to marry Lucy because of Ferrier’s prosperity. He did not care when Lucy was dying and finally died.

6. The Wives

The characters of the wives were rarely appeared in the story. Even though it was rare, the writer wanted to analyze them as the symbol of obedience of women in the early Mormon society. Doyle described the wives as the pale – faced, meek – looking women. In the early Mormon society, men could marry more than one woman. The wives were responsible for the children and the house. These quotations from the novel would show more about the wives.

The Elders to whose care the two waifs had been committed let them to his wagon, where a meal was already waiting for them (p. 148).

Little Lucy Ferrier was borne along pleasantly enough in Elder Stangerson’s wagon, a retreat which she shared with the Mormon’s three wives and with his son, a headstrong, forward boy of twelve… She soon become a pet with the women, and reconciled herself to this new life in their moving canvas – covered home (p. 151).

His wife and his children awaited him at home… (p. 164).

…but his other wives mourned over her, and sat up with her the night before the burial, as is the Mormon custom (p. 204).





From these quotations, the Mormon wives were very perceptive. They knew what they have to do, especially if it was related to the Mormon custom. They were obedient to their husbands. The characteristic of obedient was shown where the wife and the children were waiting for the husband and father to come back home. Therefore, the writer of this study thought that the characteristics of the wives were obedient and perceptive.

From these six characters in the story, the writer found that only the male characters had names and Doyle did not mention the name of the Wives. The reason could be that the Mormons considered women as the subordinate, so it was not important to reveal their name. Lucy was the only exception because besides she was the one of the leading roles in the story, she was also a non – Mormon woman who then lived with the Mormons.

Then, from the findings here, the writer could sum up the ideal character of the Mormon men from the male characters in the novel. They have to be a hard worker, optimistic, and just because they are in the highest position in the family and in the society. The Mormon women themselves have to be faithful to the Church and obedient to their husband. They had to take care of their children and their household.

B. The Description of the Early Mormon Society

The writer is now answering the second question. In this part, the writer would like to analyze about the life of the early Mormon society. According to

The Columbia Encyclopedia, Mormons are the name of the members of the





Church of Jesus Christ of Latter – Day Saints. The founder of this religion, Joseph Smith, Jr., founded Mormon after the golden tablets containing the Book of Mormon had been revealed to him at Palmyra, New York. He rapidly gathered followers and in 1831, he established his headquarters at Kirtland, Ohio. States of Zion, as the Mormons called their settlements, were started in W. Missouri (Bridgewater and Sherwood, 1950: 1324).

Arthur Conan Doyle himself described the early Mormon people as the people who really obey their Prophet, who was Brigham Young at that time. The position of the Prophet is very high and important in this society. The Prophet held the power as the voice of God in the world. This position is always taken by man and it lasts as long as the Prophet lives until he dies. From the story, Doyle took the setting when the Mormons moved to the promised land called Zion and this journey was led by Brigham Young.

Brigham Young is the successor of Joseph Smith, Jr. The reason why he moved his followers to Salt Lake City was that in the place they live before, there were some confrontation with the people. When they finally reached Salt Lake City, they built this city and made it as the headquarter of the Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter – day Saints.

In this part, the writer wanted to analyze the life of the early Mormon society and used the theory of setting by William Kenney. In his book How to Analyze Fiction, he wrote several elements of setting and in this part, the writer would like to use these elements to analyze the society. First one is the actual geographical location, second is the occupations and modes of day – to – day





existence of the characters, third is the time in which the action takes place, and the last element is the religious, moral, intellectual, social, and emotional environment of the characters (Kenney, 1966:40). From these four elements of setting, the writer of this study only took the second and the fourth elements to analyze the society. The reason is that those two elements were the most appropriate to use in analyzing the society based on the novel. The writer thought that the actual geographical location and the place of the action were not significant to the analysis.

The writer would apply the second element to the analysis, which are the occupations and modes of day – to – day existence of the characters. In the Mormon society, the writer was said that the higher position is the Prophet, then followed by the Elders, and the last are the followers. Although they have several positions in the society, they had common job too, but usually the Prophet and Elders were richer than the followers. Mormons had several jobs, such as farmer, businessman, blacksmith, and mill owner. In the novel, Doyle wrote about Young who gave certain place for certain profession.

All around farms were apportioned and allotted in proportion to the standing of each individual. The tradesman was put to his trade and the artisan to his calling (p. 150).

For Brigham Young, Doyle did not write down a specific job for him. He was described as the one who drew a plan to build the city and shared the lands to his people. In the other words, he became the chief of Salt Lake City, besides as the Prophet. The other characters analyzed here also had jobs. John Ferrier was a farmer, Enoch J. Drebber had mills, and Joseph Stangerson had leather factory.





Drebber and Stangerson were the sons of the Elders so it could be that the Elders were rich people. When we look at the occupations in the Mormon society, most of them are the men’s occupations, means that the job that fits for men than women. Leather factory owner, farmer, businessperson, blacksmith, and mill owner are the example of the jobs in the Mormon society, which are done by men. Women, on the other hand, do housework and nurture children.

The Elders to whose care the two waifs had been committed led them to his wagon, where a meal was already awaiting for them (p. 148).

His wife and his children awaited him at home, but no father ever returned to tell them how he had fared at the hands of his secret judges (p.164 – 165).

These quotations showed that the breadwinner in the family is the man, or the father. Here, the wife should take care of their husband and children, and wait for them at home. The wives should serve their husband and his friends with a good food and well service. While the men work outside the house, the women have to wait for them in the house.

The Mormons were described as diligent people. They built the church with all their might and for the sake of the society too. Their work in the field was also very good. They could crop the wheat in the next summer after they settled. Doyle wrote about them in this quotation.

In the country there was draining and hedging, planting and clearing, until the next summer saw the whole country golden with the wheat crop. Above all, the great temple which they had erected in the centre of the city grew ever taller and larger. From the first blush of dawn until the closing of the twilight, the clatter of the hammer and the rasp of the saw were never absent from the monument which the immigrants erected to him who had led them safe through many dangers (p. 150).





Then the writer wanted to find another aspect in the early Mormon society by using the last elements of setting, which was the religious, moral, intellectual, social, and emotional environment of the characters. The Mormons were very religious. This can be shown from the quotation below.

Above all, the great temple which they had erected in the centre of the city grew ever taller and larger. From the first blush of dawn until the closing of the twilight, the clatter of the hammer and the rasp of the saw were never absent from the monument which the immigrants erected to Him who had led them safe through many dangers (p. 150).

The Church or the Temple is the important place in Salt Lake City because in this place the Mormons could praise their God and heard sermon from the Prophet. Because the importance of this place to the Mormons, they built it first. Mormons also gathered to help the development of the Church. From this quotation, the writer thought that the Mormons were faithful to their God and diligently did the development for the sake of the Church.

“In return for all this we asked but one condition: that was, that you should embrace the true faith, and conform in every way to its usages…” (p. 167)

The early Mormons really followed the rules of Mormons. They put the rules in their activities every day. When they followed the rules, it means they were the good followers and when they broke it, they were claimed as the sinful person and had to be punished. Sometimes it was death penalty to them. It was the way they could be the true follower of the true faith.

The supply of adult women was running short, and polygamy without a female population on which to draw was a barren doctrine indeed (p. 165). “Have I not given to the common fund? Have I not attended at the Temple? Have I not - ?”





“Where are your wives?” asked Young, looking around him. “Call them in, that I may greet them.” (p. 168)

“…What is the thirteenth rule in the code of the sainted Joseph Smith? ‘Let every maiden of the true faith marry one of the elect; for id she wed a Gentile, she commits a grievous sin.’ This being so, it is impossible that you, who profess the holy creed should suffer your daughter to violate it.” (p. 168 – 169)

Another guidance of life in the Mormon society is the Prophet’s words. The Prophet is the representation of God in the world, so whatever the Prophet said to them, it meant the words from the God. If they did not follow it, they would commit sin. In the novel, the writer found that it is good to have more than one wife, because it became doctrine in Mormon society. They can have wives as much as they can keep.

For women, it was not good to refuse the proposal. The one who could do it was their father. From the novel, the writer found that a Mormon woman could not marry a non-Mormon man, but the Mormon man could marry a non-Mormon woman to add the number of his wives.

Doyle did not mention about the education in the Mormon society, but from the way the Prophet spoke to Ferrier and the followers, and their occupations in the society, the writer would say that Mormon society had good education. They were educated based on their job and duty in the society.

Men and women received different demand from the society. Men had to work to feed their family. They were also heir the jobs and the assets, which were owned by their father when their father died. In the church, men should follow the masses, sermons, and be a good member in it. The Mormon women only had to be the member of the Church because there were no positions in the Church for





women. In the family, women only have jobs related to take care of their family and house and did not have any job outside the house.

Men had the freedom of speech in the society. They could speak up what they agree and disagree, but still they have to follow what the Prophet said to them. They have to agree to all the Prophet’s words. Women, other than having to follow the Prophet’s words, they also had to obey their husband or parents. If they were against them, they would consider sinful.

Mormons were famous because they allowed plural marriage or polygamy. Joseph Smith, Jr. who introduced this practice said that even the big Prophets told in the Bible did polygamy. Then this doctrine became the official doctrine of Mormonism in the 1840s when the Church was headquartered in Utah. From the third quotation, it could be seen that a Mormon woman should marry a Mormon man. If the woman did not want to marry a Mormon man and then married a common people, she would get sin, for her and for her family. In this term, the woman only could accept the proposal from the Mormon men.

“…We Elders have many heifers, but our children must also be provided.” (p.169)

“Nay, nay, Brother Stangerson,” cried the other; “the question is not how many wives we have, but how many we can keep…” (p.175 – 176)

From the first quotation, the term of ‘heifers’ was actually the wives and the line ‘our children must also be provided’ gave the writer alarm about what was going on in the early Mormon society. The wives could be considered as the symbol of prosperity in the early Mormon society.





To show how rich a person in the early Mormon society was, it was not only by his property, but also from the number of wives he could keep in his house. However, there was a time where the population of single Mormon women decreased. Doyle pictured this situation in the novel too.

The supply of adult women was running short, and polygamy without a female population on which to draw was a barren doctrine indeed (p. 165). He also showed to us how the Mormons solved this problem in the next quotation.

Strange rumours began to be bandied about – rumours of murdered immigrants and rifled camps in the regions where Indians had never been seen. Fresh women appeared in the harems of the Elders – women who pined and wept, and bore upon their faces the traces of an unextinguishable horror (p. 165).

From this quotation, the writer could say that the Mormons, especially the Elders, took women from outside of the society. They were taken from their family, became one of the Elders’ wives, and had to follow the rules of Mormon.

“The hand of the Lord shall be heavy upon you,” cried young Drebber; “He will arise and smite you!” (p. 177)

“This here is the son of Elder Drebber, and I’m Joseph Stangerson, who travelled with you in the desert when the Lord stretched out His hand and gathered you into the true fold.” (p. 175)

The early Mormons were very faithful to their God. The rules of God who was received by Joseph Smith, Jr., became their everyday’s guidelines. They also used the phrases ‘The hand of the Lord shall be heavy upon you’ and ‘when the Lord stretched out His hand and gathered you in the true fold’ to emphasize that they were the Chosen People.

“By whose permission?” he asked.



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