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Material evaluation of second semester english workbook pakar for seventh graders in SMP N 2 Mlati.


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Oktaviani, B. Gracia Chandra. 2015. Material Evaluation of Second Semester English Workbook Pakar for Seventh Graders in SMP N 2 Mlati. Yogyakarta: English Language Education Study Program, Sanata Dharma University.

A workbook functions as a supplementary material in the formal education. It is one of the learning sources for students. Moreover, a workbook also helps teacher to deliver the materials to the students. Thus, a workbook supports the learning process. As the increasing of the need to learn English, the demand of workbooks also increase. There are plenty workbooks which are published by some publishers.Seeing the crucial role of the workbook, it is required for the teacher to be able to find an appropriate workbook.

This research aimed to evaluate Pakar workbook. It was a workbook that was used as a supplementary material in SMP N 2 Mlati Sleman, Yogyakarta. This research intended to identify the fulfilled aspects of a good workbook in Pakar

workbook. The research problem which was discussed in this research was: Which aspects of a good workbook are fulfilled by Pakar workbook?

This research was qualitative research and the method of the research was a document or content analysis. Pakar workbook acted as a document to be analyzed in this research. The workbook was the primary source to gather the data. Checklists were used to evaluate the workbook. The researcher adapted some checklists proposed by some experts to make the checklists. There were nine aspects evaluated in this research. Those nine aspects were classified into five major aspects. The first aspect was the appearance which consists of two aspect, namely general appearance, and design, illustration, and organization. The second aspect was the content which consists of four aspects, namely skills, topics, objectives, and tasks. The third aspect was language content, while the fourth was instructions. Then, the last aspect was teachability and flexibility. Every aspect consists of some criteria that a good workbook must have.

Based on the analysis, there were six aspects in the Pakar workbook met the aspects of a good workbook. Those aspects were: skills, topics, objectives, tasks, language content, and also teachability and flexibility. Besides the fulfilled aspects, there were three unfulfilled aspects. Those aspects were general appearance, design, illustration, and organization, and instructions.




Oktaviani, B. Gracia Chandra. 2015. Material Evaluation of Second Semester English Workbook Pakar for Seventh Graders in SMP N 2 Mlati. Yogyakarta: Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Universitas Sanata Dharma.

Lembar Kerja Siswa (LKS) berfungsi sebagai buku pelengkap dalam pendidikan formal. LKS merupakan salah satu sumber belajar bagi siswa. Terlebih lagi, LSK membantu guru dalam memberikan materi kepada siswa. Dengan demikian LKS menunjang proses pembelajaran. Seiring dengan meningkatnya kebutuhan untuk mempelajari Bahasa Inggris, permintaan akan LKS juga ikut meningkat. Ada banyak LKS yang diterbitkan oleh berbagai penerbit. Guru dituntut untuk dapat memilih LKS dengan tepat oleh karena pentingnya LKS dalam proses pembelajaran.

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi LKS Pakar. LKS tersebut merupakan buku pelengkap yang digunakan di SMP N 2 Mlati Sleman, Yogyakarta. Penelitian ini mengidentifikasi aspek mana dari LKS yang baik yang dipenuhi oleh LKS Pakar. Rumusan masalah yang terdapat dalam penelitian ini adalah: Aspek mana dari aspek LKS yang baik yang dipenuhi oleh LKS Pakar?

Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif, sedangkan metodenya adalah analisis dokumen atau konten. LKS pakar merupakan dokumen yang dianalisa dalam penelitian ini. LKS tersebut merupakan sumber utama dalam pengumpulan data. Untuk mengevaluasi LKS tersebut, peneliti menggunakan bantuan dari daftar aspek. Peneliti mengadaptasi beberapa daftar aspek yang dikemukakan oleh beberapa ahli dalam menyusun daftar aspek yang digunakan untuk mengevaluasi LKS Pakar. Ada sembilan aspek yang dievaluasi di penelitian ini. Kesembilan aspek tersebut dikelompokkan menjadi lima aspek utama. Aspek yang pertama adalah appearance yang terdiri dari general appearance, dan design, illustration, and organization. Aspek kedua adalah content yang terdiri dari skills, topics, objectives, dan tasks. Aspek ketiga adalah language content, sedangkan aspek keempat adalah instructions. Kemudia aspek yang terkahir adalah

teachability and flexibility. Setiap aspek terdiri dari beberapa kriteria yang harus dimiliki oleh LKS yang baik.

Berdasarkan analisis yang telah dilakukan, ada enam aspek yang dipenuhi oleh LKS Pakar. Aspek tersebut antara lain: skills, topics, objectives, tasks, language content dan juga teachability and flexibility. Terlepas dari aspek yang terpenuhi, ada tiga aspek yang tidak dipenuhi oleh LKS Pakar. Aspek tersebut antara lain: general appearance, design, illustration, and organization, dan







Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree

in English Language Education


B. Gracia Chandra Oktaviani Student Number: 111214163









Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree

in English Language Education


B. Gracia Chandra Oktaviani Student Number: 111214163






͞Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success

achieved.͟ -Helen Keller-

This thesis is dedicated to My parents, my sister and all educators

With God all things are possible




I honestly declare that this thesis, which I have written, does not contain the work or parts of the work of other people, except those cited in the quotations and the references, as a scientific paper should.

Yogyakarta, August 10, 2015

The Writer





Yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini, saya mahasiswa Universitas Sanata Dharma:

Nama : B. Gracia Chandra Oktaviani Nomor Mahasiswa : 111214163

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beserta perangkat yang diperlukan (bila ada). Dengan demikian saya memberikan kepada Perpustakaan Universitas Sanata Dharma hak untuk menyimpan, mengalihkan dalam bentuk media lain, mengelolanya dalam bentuk pangkalan data, mendistribusikan secara terbatas, dan mempublikasikannya di Internet atau media lain untuk kepentingan akademis tanpa perlu meminta ijin dari saya maupun memberikan royalti kepada saya selama tetap mencantumkan nama saya sebagai penulis.

Demikian pernyataan ini yang saya buat dengan sebenarnya.

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Pada tanggal: 10 Agustus 2015

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Oktaviani, B. Gracia Chandra. 2015. Material Evaluation of Second Semester English Workbook Pakar for Seventh Graders in SMP N 2 Mlati. Yogyakarta: English Language Education Study Program, Sanata Dharma University.

A workbook functions as a supplementary material in the formal education. It is one of the learning sources for students. Moreover, a workbook also helps teacher to deliver the materials to the students. Thus, a workbook supports the learning process. As the increasing of the need to learn English, the demand of workbooks also increase. There are plenty workbooks which are published by some publishers.Seeing the crucial role of the workbook, it is required for the teacher to be able to find an appropriate workbook.

This research aimed to evaluate Pakar workbook. It was a workbook that was used as a supplementary material in SMP N 2 Mlati Sleman, Yogyakarta. This research intended to identify the fulfilled aspects of a good workbook in Pakar

workbook. The research problem which was discussed in this research was: Which aspects of a good workbook are fulfilled by Pakar workbook?

This research was qualitative research and the method of the research was a document or content analysis. Pakar workbook acted as a document to be analyzed in this research. The workbook was the primary source to gather the data. Checklists were used to evaluate the workbook. The researcher adapted some checklists proposed by some experts to make the checklists. There were nine aspects evaluated in this research. Those nine aspects were classified into five major aspects. The first aspect was the appearance which consists of two aspect, namely general appearance, and design, illustration, and organization. The second aspect was the content which consists of four aspects, namely skills, topics, objectives, and tasks. The third aspect was language content, while the fourth was instructions. Then, the last aspect was teachability and flexibility. Every aspect consists of some criteria that a good workbook must have.

Based on the analysis, there were six aspects in the Pakar workbook met the aspects of a good workbook. Those aspects were: skills, topics, objectives, tasks, language content, and also teachability and flexibility. Besides the fulfilled aspects, there were three unfulfilled aspects. Those aspects were general appearance, design, illustration, and organization, and instructions.




Oktaviani, B. Gracia Chandra. 2015. Material Evaluation of Second Semester English Workbook Pakar for Seventh Graders in SMP N 2 Mlati. Yogyakarta: Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Universitas Sanata Dharma.

Lembar Kerja Siswa (LKS) berfungsi sebagai buku pelengkap dalam pendidikan formal. LKS merupakan salah satu sumber belajar bagi siswa. Terlebih lagi, LSK membantu guru dalam memberikan materi kepada siswa. Dengan demikian LKS menunjang proses pembelajaran. Seiring dengan meningkatnya kebutuhan untuk mempelajari Bahasa Inggris, permintaan akan LKS juga ikut meningkat. Ada banyak LKS yang diterbitkan oleh berbagai penerbit. Guru dituntut untuk dapat memilih LKS dengan tepat oleh karena pentingnya LKS dalam proses pembelajaran.

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi LKS Pakar. LKS tersebut merupakan buku pelengkap yang digunakan di SMP N 2 Mlati Sleman, Yogyakarta. Penelitian ini mengidentifikasi aspek mana dari LKS yang baik yang dipenuhi oleh LKS Pakar. Rumusan masalah yang terdapat dalam penelitian ini adalah: Aspek mana dari aspek LKS yang baik yang dipenuhi oleh LKS Pakar?

Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif, sedangkan metodenya adalah analisis dokumen atau konten. LKS pakar merupakan dokumen yang dianalisa dalam penelitian ini. LKS tersebut merupakan sumber utama dalam pengumpulan data. Untuk mengevaluasi LKS tersebut, peneliti menggunakan bantuan dari daftar aspek. Peneliti mengadaptasi beberapa daftar aspek yang dikemukakan oleh beberapa ahli dalam menyusun daftar aspek yang digunakan untuk mengevaluasi LKS Pakar. Ada sembilan aspek yang dievaluasi di penelitian ini. Kesembilan aspek tersebut dikelompokkan menjadi lima aspek utama. Aspek yang pertama adalah appearance yang terdiri dari general appearance, dan design, illustration, and organization. Aspek kedua adalah content yang terdiri dari skills, topics, objectives, dan tasks. Aspek ketiga adalah language content, sedangkan aspek keempat adalah instructions. Kemudia aspek yang terkahir adalah

teachability and flexibility. Setiap aspek terdiri dari beberapa kriteria yang harus dimiliki oleh LKS yang baik.

Berdasarkan analisis yang telah dilakukan, ada enam aspek yang dipenuhi oleh LKS Pakar. Aspek tersebut antara lain: skills, topics, objectives, tasks, language content dan juga teachability and flexibility. Terlepas dari aspek yang terpenuhi, ada tiga aspek yang tidak dipenuhi oleh LKS Pakar. Aspek tersebut antara lain: general appearance, design, illustration, and organization, dan





First of all, I would like to express my gratitude to Jesus Christ for His everlasting blessing.

Then, I would like to give my best regards to Barli Bram M.Ed., Ph.D., my thesis advisor, for his guidance in finishing this thesis. I would also like to thank Yuseva Ariyani Iswandari S.Pd., M.Ed., my academic advisor, for her support during my study. I thank the headmaster of SMP N 2 Mlati, Rini Trimurti

MG, S.Pd., M.Hum, for letting me to get the source of my thesis.

My deepest gratitude goes to my parents, Y. Hari Muriastanto and Th.

Ien Setyawati, for their patience, support, and kindness. I also thank my lovely

sister, Irene Leticia P. N, for our quality time that is filled with jokes.

I thank my great friends, Vita, Tiara, Kalis, Ria, Tiwi, Dita, Natalia, Mbak Nia and Ayu, for the sharing, advice, support and wonderful time that we

spent together. I also want to thank all of my friends in English Language Education Study Program batch 2011, especially class C for the great moment we passed through our study time. Last but not least, I would like to thank all of the people whom I cannot mention one by one for their support to finish this thesis.









ABSTRACT ... vii


A. Research Background ... 1


A. Theoretical Description ... 9

1. Instructional Materials ... 9

2. The Role of Workbook ... 10

3. Material Evaluation ... 13

4. Book Evaluation Criteria ... 15

B. Theoretical Framework ... 25


A. Research Method ... 28

B. Research Setting ... 29

C. Data Sources ... 29

D. Instrument and Data Gathering Technique ... 29

E. Data Analysis Technique ... 30

F. Research Procedure ... 34


A. Workbook Evaluation ... 36




A. Conclusions ... 57

B. Recommendations ... 58






4.1 Evaluation Summary Table………. 37

4.2 General Appearance Evaluation……….. 38

4.3 Design, Illustration, and Organization Evaluation……….. 40

4.4 Skills Evaluation……….. 44

4.5 Topics Evaluation………... 46

4.6 Objectives Evaluation………. 48

4.7 Tasks Evaluation………... 49

4.8 Language Content Evaluation………. 50

4.9 Instructions Evaluation……… 53





4.1 Picture of the Picture in the Cover………. 39

4.2 Picture of Not Detailed Table of Content………... 40

4.3 Picture of Descriptive Text………. 41

4.4 Picture of Narrow Space for Each Activity……… 42

4.5a Picture of Not Enough Space to Answer on Lesson One……….. 42

4.5b Picture of Not Enough Space to Answer on Lesson Two………. 43

4.6a Picture of Inconsistent Symbol’s Name……… 43

4.6b Picture of Inconsistent Symbol’s Name……… 43

4.7 Picture of Illustration that Support the Topic……….. 44

4.8 Picture of Asking and Giving Help Dialogues……… 45

4.9 Picture of Conversation in the Workbook………... 47

4.10 Picture of The Objective in Every Lesson……….... 48

4.11 Picture of General Topic in the Dialogue………. 50

4.12 Picture of Pronunciation Practice……….. 51

4.13 Picture of Inaccurate Instruction………... 52

4.14 Picture of Grammatical Mistake………... 52

4.15a Picture of Explanation that Use Bahasa Indonesia……….. 53

4.15b Picture of Explanation that Use English Language……… 53

4.16 Picture of Confusing Instruction………... 54








This chapter presents the introduction of this research which consists of six sections, namely the research background, research problem, problem limitation, research objective, research benefits and definition of terms.

A. Research Background

A learning process in the formal education has a close relation to learning

sources. There are many kinds of learning sources. Teachers, textbooks and

workbooks are some of those learning sources. The assemblage of those learning

sources leads to the successful learning process, especially in the English language

learning process. In schools, students learn with the guidance of the teachers. Thus,

the teachers should find appropriate textbooks and workbooks that can help them

in delivering the materials to the students. The materials play an important role in

the learning activities. Text materials are like a hidden curriculum that includes attitudes toward knowledge, attitudes toward teaching and learning, attitudes toward the role and relationship of the teacher and students, and values and attitudes related to gender, and society (Littlejohn & Windeatt, 1989 as cited in Awasthi, 2006, p. 1).

Richards (2001, p. 251) states that a language teaching process at the present

time cannot be separated from the use of commercial materials. He adds that there


such as books, workbooks, worksheets, and readers. The second is non-printed

materials, such as cassettes or audio materials, videoes, or computer-based

materials. The third is materials that comprise both print and non-printed sources,

such as self-access materials and materials on the internet. Those kinds of materials

help teachers in the teaching and learning process. In addition, Supriadi (2000)

reveals that a handbook is a significant determiner for the students’ achievement in

their study.

A handbook in the learning process can be in the forms of textbooks and

workbooks. Those books help the teachers in giving materials and exercises to the

students. As stated by Cunningsworth (1995), a textbook is a resource that presents

the material and a source for the learners to practice and to do some activities existed

in the books. In the learning process, workbooks function as supplementary

materials. A workbook is considered as supplementary material since it includes

“extra practice activities for learners to work in their own time” (Tomlinson, 1998,

p. xiii). English teachers usually use workbooks to give homework to the students,

so the students can practice outside the school time. Moreover, workbooks can be

used to practice the students’ skills and to help them in memorizing the materials

given in the school. These workbooks help the teachers in monitoring students’

English ability because the students’ progress is exhibited in the workbooks.

There are several challenges faced by teachers in the teaching process, two

of them are the abilities to find and to make reliable materials for their students.

Supriadi (2000) states that textbooks for junior high schools are decided by the


own supplementary materials. The government has already set the curriculum and

the syllabus, and it is the teachers’ duty to make or to find an appropriate workbook

as the supplementary material that can support the learning process. Dudley-Evan and St. John (1998), a competent English as Foreign Language (EFL) or English as Second Language (ESL) teachers may or may not be a good materials developer, but all language teachers should be able to evaluate, select, and adapt the materials. Moreover, they should be capable of making sure that there is a matching point between learners’ needs and goals and the materials’ objectives (as cited in Nahrkhalaji, 2012). This issue can also be found in SMP N 2 Mlati Sleman, Yogyakarta since the teachers need to find their own supplementary materials. There are some private publishers who come to the school to offer their workbooks. The publisher gives option to the teachers whether or not they want to use the workbook. Thus, the teachers only have limited time to evaluate and make the decision about the workbook. Therefore, the authority to choose the workbook is based on the teachers’ determination. In the second semester of this year, SMP N 2

Mlati chose Pakar workbook as the supplementary material.

The teachers’ decision about the workbook used gives an impact to the


experienced Program Pengalaman Lapangan (PPL) in SMP N 2 Mlati, it can be seen how the teacher gives some exercises through the Pakar workbook almost in every meeting. Pakar workbook becomes one of the important elements in the learning process.

The impacts of using Pakar workbook as the supplementary material motivates the researcher to conduct this research. Those impacts indicate the importance of workbook selection. Furthermore, as a teacher candidate and as a student of English Language Education Study Program (ELESP), the abilities to make and to choose reliable materials for the students are necessary. Those competencies are needed since ELESP’s students are prepared to be teachers. Moreover, ELESP’s students also experience PPL in the seventh or eighth semester.

Becoming teachers during the PPL, ELESP’s students are assigned to choose and

to make their own materials. Since the materials have an important role in the language learning process, the materials should be selected properly.

B. Research Problem

Based on the background of this study, the research problem can be formulated as follows: Which aspects of a good workbook are fulfilled by Pakar


C. Problem Limitation


Two which title is What Do You Think of…?, and Lesson Three which title is I Like an Apple. There are nine aspects evaluated in this research. Those nine aspects are classified into five major aspects. The first aspect is the appearance which consists of two aspects, namely general appearance, and design, illustration, and organization. The second aspect is the content which consists of four aspects, namely skills, topics, objectives, and tasks. The third aspect is language content, while the fourth is instructions. Then, the last aspect is teachability and flexibility. Every aspect consists of some criteria that a good workbook must have.

D. Research Objective

Based on the research problem, this research is going to identify the fulfilled aspects of a good workbook in Pakar workbook. Therefore, this research will discover which of the nine aspects which are fulfilled by Pakar workbook.

E. Research Benefits

The research is conducted in order to give beneficial contributions that will be useful for English teachers, English workbook designers, future researchers, and English language education study program students.

1. English Teachers


2. English Workbook Designers

The result of this research is expected to give information for the English workbook designers to be more careful in designing workbooks. Furthermore, this research can be used as an advice for the English workbook designers to improve the materials and the exercises.

3. Future Researchers

The result of this research can be used as academic references for future researchers that investigate similar case. This research gives more information for the future researchers who interested to examine similar case.

4. English Language Education Study Program Students

The result of this research can enlighten the students of English Language Education Study Program (ELESP) about the technique used to evaluate materials. This will be beneficial, since the ELESP students will experience Program Pengalaman Lapangan (PPL) in their seventh or eighth semester. This research can be an example of how to evaluate materials, so ELESP students can apply it when they are doing their PPL.

F. Definition of Terms


1. Content Analysis

Content analysis is a technique that helps researchers to study human behavior in an indirect way, through an analysis of their communication (Fraenkel & Wallen, 2009, p. 472). Therefore, content analysis can be in the forms of textbooks, newspapers, songs, books, essays, articles, and recorded speech as the subject of the study.

2. Workbook or Lembar Kerja Siswa (LKS)

A workbook is a kind of printed media in the form of a book and consists of visual materials (Arsyad, 2004, p. 29). In addition, Supriadi (2000) states that there are two kinds of textbooks, namely primary books and supplementary books. Primary books are provided by the government (Minister of Education and Culture), while the supplementary books are published by private publisher. Based on the previous explanation, in this research, a workbook that is generally called Lembar Kerja Siswa (LKS) is a book that contains lots of exercises to practice. This LKS is used as a supplementary material besides textbook and it is affordable for the students.

3. Seventh Graders


4. Material Evaluation

Basically, evaluation is a matching process which concerns to meet the learner’s need with the available solutions (Hutchinson & Waters, 1987 as cited in

Baleghizadeh & Amir, 2011). Furthermore, they also divide the evaluation process into four stages, namely defining criteria, subjective analysis, objective analysis, and matching. In addition, Tomlinson and Masuhara (2004) add that materials evaluation involve measuring the value or potential value of a set of learning materials by giving a judgment on the effect of the materials on the people that use them. In this research, the researcher attempts to find out the aspects of a good workbook which are fulfilled by Pakar workbook.





This chapter presents the review of related literature. This chapter is about the theoretical description and the theoretical framework. The theoretical description relates to the theories that support this research. Meanwhile, the theoretical framework synthesizes the supporting theories to answer the research problem.

A. Theoretical Description

There are four major issues underlying this research. Those issues are some theories related to the instructional materials, the role of workbooks, material evaluation, and book evaluation criteria.

1. Instructional Materials

Materials refer to anything which is used by teachers or learners to facilitate the language learning (Tomlinson, 1998, p. 2). Likewise, Dick and Reiser (1989) define that “instructional materials are materials planned by the teacher for

instructions.” The materials can be in the form of textbooks, cassettes, videos, CD-Rooms, dictionaries, grammar books, workbooks or photocopied exercises. Therefore, instructional materials are the things that help the language teachers or learners in the language learning process. Richard (2001, p. 251) comments that “instructional materials generally serve as the basis of much of the language input


for the teachers to teach the students and also as the source of the students’ basic knowledge.

There are many kinds of materials in language learning, two of them are textbooks and workbooks. Both are used by the teachers to support the learning process. The things that differentiate those books are the content. As stated by Arsyad (2004, p. 29), a workbook is a kind of printed media in the form of book and it consists of visual materials. Meanwhile, a textbook is a resource that presents the material and a source for the learners to practice and to do the activities provided in the textbook (Cunningsworth, 1995). The textbook is the primary material, while workbook is the supplementary material in the learning process. This research will examine more on the workbook. The workbook which is used in this research named Pakar. It is used as a supplementary material in the learning process for the seventh grade students of SMP N 2 Mlati Sleman, Yogyakarta.

2. The Role of Workbook


textbook provides a framework for the teachers, helps the teachers achieve the goals of the course, and also serves as a guidance for the teachers when conducting a lesson (as cited in Rahimpour, 2013).

There are six roles of materials in language teaching as defined by Cunningsworth (1995, p. 7). The first is as a resource for presentation materials in spoken and written. The materials are provided for the students both in the forms of spoken and written. The second is as a resource of activities for students’ practice

and communicative interaction. The students can practice the language through the activities which are provided by the materials. In addition, it leads to a communicative interaction among the students. The third is as a reference source for learners on grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation. The materials become one of the guidelines in the language content. Thus, if there is a mistake in the materials, it will cause misinterpretation among the students. The fourth is as a source of stimulation and ideas for classroom activities. The materials supply ideas that can be used in the learning process. The fifth is as a syllabus. The materials reflect the learning objectives that have already been determined. Those materials are the implementation of the objectives. The last is as a support for the less experienced teachers who have yet to gain confidence. The materials help the less experienced teachers prepare and conduct the learning process.


textbook helps standardize the instruction. The textbook can be used in different classes and it will help the teacher in assessing the students. The third is that a textbook maintains quality. A well-developed textbook leads the students to the appropriate pace of the learning process. The fourth is a textbook provides a variety of learning sources. A textbook is often accompanied by workbook, cassette, and a comprehensive teaching guide. The fifth advantage is textbook’s efficiency. The textbook assists the teachers in saving their time for making the materials. The sixth is textbook provides effective language models and inputs. A textbook supports the teachers who may not be able to generate accurate language input on their own. The seventh is textbook can train teachers. The less experienced teachers can use teacher’s manual provided by the textbook which can serve as a medium of initial

teacher training. The last is the visual appeal of the textbook. A commercial textbook usually has high standard of design.


3. Material Evaluation

The previous explanation had already explicated the significance of workbooks in the learning process. A good workbook contains of interesting materials and provides a progression of language items as defined by Harmer (1991). A workbook presents what has to be learned and summarizes what has been studied. Consequently, it is necessary to evaluate the workbook before the teachers use it. Since the results of the evaluation can help the teachers decide their next step. The teachers can refuse to use the workbook or they can just use some parts of the workbooks which are suitable for their needs.

Tomlinson (2003) defines materials evaluation as “a procedure that involves

measuring the value or potential value of a set of learning materials”. Hence, material evaluations in this research evaluate the fulfilled criteria of a good workbook in Pakar workbook. Material evaluation is an important phase that must be done by the teachers. Cunningsworth (1995, p. 7) advises that it is essential that “a careful selection is made, and that the materials selected closely reflect the needs

of the learners and the aims, methods, and values of the teaching program.” The materials that are used by the teachers indicate some important aspects in the language teaching. It will show the goal and the learning materials which are being taught. It shows that the workbook can give an impact in the learning process, therefore careful evaluation is needed to choose a workbook to be used.


concept to give a judgment on the materials. Moreover, this step also defines the criteria of the material which are considered important in the language learning process. The second step is subjective analysis. This step discusses the realization of the criteria that the teacher wants in the course. The third step is an objective analysis. This step is about how the materials being evaluated can realize the criteria. The last step is matching. This step is about matching the materials with the learner’s needs. This should be done in order to know whether the materials have already matched with learner’s needs or not.

Furthermore, Tomlinson and Masuhara (2004, p. 3) define some types of materials evaluation. Those types of the materials evaluation are presented below.

a. Pre-use evaluation

This evaluation is accomplished before the materials are used. This evaluation is done by making a prediction about the possible value of the materials.

b. In-use evaluation

This evaluation is done while the materials are being used. Therefore, it is more reliable than a prediction since it is evaluated while the materials are used.

c. Post-use evaluation


4. Book Evaluation Criteria

Having known the significance of the workbook from the previous explanation, the following is to know the criteria of a good workbook. It is important to make a list of the criteria that a good workbook should have. One of the criteria is coming from Lado’s Law of Learning (1964):

a. Encouraging students’ motivation in the learning process

A good workbook should have the capability to challenge the students to complete the exercises which are provided. When the exercises are challenging, the students are motivated to work using the workbook. Thus, it will decrease the students’ tendency to get bored.

b. Appropriate materials and exercises for the students

Materials and exercises have an important role in language learning. The students learn through the materials and exercises provided by the workbook. The suitability of the materials and exercises with students’ ability will help the students to learn the materials easily.

c. Adequate tasks for the students


d. Well-graded tasks

Doing tasks helps students learn by themselves. Therefore, the tasks in a workbook should be arranged from the easy to the difficult one. Well-graded tasks motivate the students to complete the tasks.

e. Clear and simple instructions in every task

One of the advantages of using a workbook is that it can be used to study individually. The workbook helps the students to learn outside the class meeting. Clear and simple instructions enable the students to work using the workbook by themselves.

f. Affordable for the students

Students have different financial background. Therefore, an affordable workbook can be accepted easily by the students since every student must have a workbook as one of the learning sources.

Likewise, some experts also propose some criteria to evaluate a book. McDonough and Shaw (1993) propose two-stage models for comprehensive evaluation of textbooks. The first is a brief external evaluation that covers criteria which give an overview of the organizational foundation of the textbook, ‘as stated

explicitly by the author/publisher’ through the cover, introduction and table of

contents’ statements. The second is an in-depth internal investigation of the textbook, “to see how far the materials in question match up to what the author


predictive and retrospective evaluation. Predictive evaluation is an evaluation done in order to help the teachers select a textbook. Whereas, retrospective evaluation done in order to help the teachers identify the strength and weakness of the textbook already used.

To be more specific, together with Masuhara, McDonough and Shaw examine materials of a good book in three stages, namely external, internal, and overall evaluation (McDonough, Shaw, & Masuhara, 2013, p. 53). The external evaluation relates to the overview of the materials from the outside. It evaluates the cover, introduction, and the table of contents. Meanwhile, internal evaluation performs “in-depth” investigation into the materials. Furthermore, the overall

evaluation inspects the workbook in a general use of the materials relates to the syllabus. Byrd (2001) defines three criteria to evaluate books. The first is the suitability between the curriculum and the materials. It means that the workbooks should match with the learning objectives or goals of the learning process. The second is the suitability between the students and the needs. It means that the workbooks should fit with the students’ need. The third is the suitability between

the teachers and the materials. It means that the workbooks can be used effectively by the teachers (as cited in Ozdemir, 2007).


a. The appeal of the materials

This relates to how the materials attract students’ attention. It is about the

way the materials being packed. Since an interesting package will encourage the students to learn (Tomlinson, 2003).

b. The credibility of the materials to the students, teachers, and administrators This relates to whether or not the materials can be trusted. The materials will be used by teachers and students in the learning process, therefore it will give an impact for both of them. If the materials cause a bad impact, the materials cannot be trusted (Tomlinson, 2003).

c. The validity of the materials

This relates to whether the materials are valid or not. The materials are acceptable for the learning process or not (Tomlinson, 2003).

d. The reliability of the materials

This indicates whether the materials are reliable or not. Since the materials will give an impact to language students and teachers in the learning process (Tomlinson, 2003).

e. The ability of the materials to interest the students and the teachers


f. The ability of the materials to motivate the students

This relates to the capability of the materials to stimulate the eagerness of the students to learn. The materials should be one of the students’ motivations to

learn (Tomlinson, 2003).

g. The value of the materials in terms of short-term learning

This relates to the effectiveness of the materials in facilitating short-term learning. The materials contribute to the learning process at the time of the materials being discussed or not (Tomlinson, 2003).

h. The value of the materials in terms of long-term learning

This relates to the effects caused by the usage of the materials in long-term learning. A good material will last for quite a long time, even when the materials are no longer being used (Tomlinson, 2003).

i. The students’ perceptions of the value of the materials

This is about the way the students think and feel about the materials. This is about whether or not the materials help them in the learning process (Tomlinson, 2003).

j. The teachers’ perception of the value of the materials

This is how the teachers think about the value of the materials, whether the materials are useful or not. Furthermore, it indicates whether the materials support the learning process or not (Tomlinson, 2003).


This relates to the supporting aids which are provided that can help the teachers. Adequate assistance will support the teachers in the learning process (Tomlinson, 2003).

l. The flexibility of the materials

This relates to how the materials can be used. This examines whether or not the materials can be used for different students with different ability. Flexible materials can be used in large scope not only in one school (Tomlinson, 2003). m. The contribution made by the materials to teacher development

This relates to the effect or consequences of the materials to the teachers. It indicates whether the materials can help the teachers develop their competence or not (Tomlinson, 2003).

n. The match with administrative requirements

This relates to the arrangement which is suitable with the existing standard. This examines whether or not the materials match the administrative standard. These fourteen criteria are the elaboration of language assessment theory (Tomlinson, 2003).

Sheldon (1988, as cited in Awasthi, 2006) states that a textbook evaluation is “fundamentally a subjective, rule of thumb activity, and that no neat formula,


criteria. Moreover, Robinson (1991) lists a number of tools used to carry out evaluation, such as questionnaires, checklists, rating scales, interviews, observations, and records. However, one of the common methods to evaluate English language teaching material is using a checklist. As stated by Lodico, Spaulding, and Voegetle (2006, p. 113), even though there are pre-established and standardized checklist, researchers tend to adjust the checklist to the exact setting and participants in order to gather the data to answer the research questions.

Cunningsworth (1995) (as cited in Richards, 2001) suggests the use of different checklists to cover all aspects of the book. The checklist covers some aspects, such as the claims made by the book, the types of the materials evaluation and the purposes of the materials evaluation. These three aspects are covered within eight areas, namely aims and approaches, design and organization, language content, skills, topics, methodology, teacher’s books, and practical considerations.


and the type of the paper. The last is a national security aspect which has an association with law, social and cultural context, ethics, and government policy.

Littlejohn (1998, as cited in Ozdemir, 2007) offers one of the checklists that is used to examine the purpose of the current study. He makes his checklist according to the three levels of analysis of the book:

a. What is there?

The first level consists of items that pursue information about the physical properties of the book. The psychical properties comprise the publication and design that relate to the layout, durability, print, availability, and illustration. b. What is required of users?

The second level has a detailed task sheet that enables gathering information about the tasks in the book. This level has an intention to analyze the language learning activities in the book.

c. What is implied?

While the third level consists of the items that enable the researchers gathering information about the approach, philosophy, and aims of the book.

Furthermore, Littlejohn (1998) adds that his levels of analysis move from the objective to a more subjective evaluation. The first level is the objective evaluation while the third is the subjective evaluation.


factors, and format –that includes the physical properties, accompanying materials and the teacher’s guide--. Moreover, Sheldon (1998) affirms that evaluation

checklists should include some criteria related to the characteristics of a textbook such as, layout, organization, methodology, aims, and the degree to which a set of materials is not only teachable, but also fits the needs of the teachers’ approaches.

While, Hedges (2000) proposes a two-stage process for evaluating a book. “The first stage is to assess the content of a book in relation to its professed aims. The second is to assess the book against the needs and context of the intended learner”

(p. 357). She suggests a checklist that is divided into five main categories, namely the view of language, the view of language learning, the learner, the view of education and the environment of learning.

In a similar study, Ali (1983) conducts an evaluation on an English language textbook that is used for the second grade boy’s intermediate level in Saudi Arabia.

The evaluation is done through some checklists and questionnaires for English language teachers and English language supervisors. The categories of the questionnaire are: the introduction of the course, the course’s subject matter, aids,

exercises and activities, the teacher’s manual, the course book’s layout and the

physical make up. He also provides some recommendations and modifications at the end of his study:

a. The importance of using more colorful and attractive teaching aids.

b. The pupil’s book should present more interesting and age-appropriate topics. c. The teacher’s manual should provide teachers with alternative ways for teaching


Tomlinson, Dat and Masuhara (2001) use a list of 133 course evaluation criteria to evaluate eight current adult courses published by three leading publishers in the United Kingdom (as cited in Alamri, 2008, p. 35-36). The textbooks are:

Language in Use and True to Life by Cambridge University Press, Cutting Edge

and Wavelength by Pearson Longman, Inside Out and Reward by Macmillan Heinemann Press. The checklist used is divided into two main headings: overall criteria that relate to publisher’s claims, flexibility, syllabus, pedagogic approach, topic contents, voice, instructions and teachability and specific criteria that relates to the appearance, design, illustration and reading text.

Hapsari (2011) uses a list of 51 criteria to evaluate three workbooks for seventh grade students. The first workbook is English Supplementary Materials


In a similar study, Kurniawati (2013) evaluates Excellent Workbook for elementary school grade one. This workbook is published by CV. Adi Nugraha. She uses a list of 49 criteria. The checklist is divided into four aspects, namely physical appearance –that includes the general appearance, design, illustration and organization--, content –that includes the objectives, skills, topics, and tasks--, language content and also instruction. As the result of this research, Excellent Workbook fulfilled criteria on topics and general appearance. Furthermore, she adds that formative evaluation can be used in order to improve the unfulfilled criteria.

B. Theoretical Framework


national security aspect proposed by Supriadi (2000) since this research focusing on the evaluation of the workbook itself.

The criteria proposed by Cunningsworth (1995) and Lado (1964) are used to arrange the checklist. Cunningsworth (1995) proposes some aspects to be evaluated, namely aims and approaches, design and organization, language content, skills, topic, methodology, and practical considerations. Meanwhile Lado’s law of learning (1964) includes six evaluation criteria. Since this workbook is published in Indonesia, the researcher also uses Supriadi’s aspects to evaluate the workbook.

Those aspects are: content, language, and physical appearance. Sheldon (1998) criteria is also used to formulate the checklist. Sheldon’s criteria are layout, organization, methodology, aims, and teachability of the book. Moreover, criteria proposed by Tomlinson (2003) are also used to formulate the checklist.

Evaluating the appearance, the researcher adapts the criteria propose by Cunningsworth that relates to the design and organization and Supriadi that relates to physical appearance. A workbook is one of the students’ individual learning sources, therefore the appearance and the design should not make the students confuse. Then to evaluate the content, researcher combines the criteria suggested by Cunningsworth, Supriadi and Lado. The content of the workbook is important since workbook help the students to practice their skills. Meanwhile, evaluating language content, the researcher uses Supriadi’s criteria. English language is a





This chapter presents the methodology used to obtain the data of the research. Six main sections include in this chapter three, namely the research method, research setting, data sources, instruments and data gathering technique, data analysis technique and research procedure.

A. Research Method

This research was qualitative research. The method of this research was content or document analysis. Ary, Jacobs and Sorensen (2010, p. 457) define content or document analysis as “a research method applied to written or visual

materials for the purpose of identifying specified characteristics of the materials”.

Furthermore, Krippendorff (2004) states that “content analysis was a research technique for making replicable and valid inferences from texts or other meaningful matters to the contexts of their use” (p. 18). Meanwhile, the materials or the texts

were usually in the forms of newspapers, scripts, textbooks, advertisements and any other types of documents. This research was considered as a content analysis since a workbook was used as the subject of this research.

There were five purposes of applying content or document analysis in educational research as stated by Ary et al. (2010). The first was to identify bias, prejudice, or propaganda in textbooks. The second was to analyze types of errors in students’ writing. The third was to describe prevailing practices. The fourth was to


last was to discover the relative importance of, or interest in, certain topics. This research intended to identify the fulfilled and unfulfilled criteria of a good workbook on the Pakar workbook that was used in SMP N 2 Mlati. Therefore, the first purpose was suitable with the objective of this research.

B. Research Setting

This section emphasized the time in which the research was conducted. The research was conducted from March until July 2015. Therefore, it was conducted in about five months.

C. Data Sources

The subject of this research was a workbook named Pakar. This workbook was used in SMP N 2 Mlati Sleman, Yogyakarta as the supplementary material for seventh grade students. Pakar workbook was published by CV. AVIVA. There was just one workbook which was analyzed. The researcher took one sample of the workbook used in SMP N 2 Mlati to evaluate the materials. The researcher used relevance or purposive sampling in order to take the sample. Purposive sampling is a method that used researcher’s judgment to choose sample based on the “prior information” (Fraenkel & Wallen, 2009, p. 99).

D. Instrument and Data Gathering Technique


researcher. The researcher is an eight semester student of English language education study program in Sanata Dharma University. The evaluation of the workbook was done by the researcher herself.

As stated by Ary, Jacobs, and Razavieh (2002, p. 435), documents can be personal, such as autobiographies, diaries, and letters; official, such as files, reports, or minutes that have been prepared by observers of an event or setting, or documents of popular culture, such as books, films, and videos. In addition, document referred to “a wide range of written, physical, and visual materials” (Ary,

Jacobs, & Sorensen, 2010, p. 442). Therefore, in this research, the Pakar workbook acted as a document to be analyzed. The workbook was the primary source to gather the data. Furthermore, in this content or document analysis research, there were several steps to gather the data. The first step that the researcher done was making the categories to be applied in analyzing the data. The next step was deciding the sample. In this research, the researcher applied purposive sampling. Therefore, the researcher chose Pakar workbook that was used to teach SMP N 2 Mlati students as the subject of this research. The next step was evaluating the data. The researcher used some checklists in order to evaluate the data. In addition, the researcher conducted library study in order to answer the research problem.

E. Data Analysis Technique


Lado (1964). However, since this workbook was published in Indonesia, the researcher also used the aspect proposed by Supriadi (2000) to evaluate the workbook. In addition, the checklists proposed by Tomlinson (2003) also adapted to formulate the checklists. There are nine aspects evaluated in this research. Those nine aspects are classified into five major aspects. The first aspect is the appearance which consists of two aspects, namely general appearance, and design, illustration, and organization. The second aspect is the content which consists of four aspects, namely skills, topics, objectives, and tasks. The third aspect is language content, while the fourth is instructions. Then, the last aspect is teachability and flexibility. Every aspect consists of some criteria that a good workbook must have. Those aspects were described as follows.

1. Appearance

This aspect is divided into two parts. The first part examines the general appearance of the workbook. Meanwhile, the second part examines the design and illustration of the workbook.

a. General Appearance


b. Design, Illustration, and Organization

This part examines the organization of the design and the illustration. Design includes the layout, space, and the consistency using headings, icons, and labels. Meanwhile, the illustration relates to the picture, charts, and tables appear in the workbook.

2. Content

This aspect is divided into four parts, namely skills, topics, objectives and tasks.

a. Skills

This part examines the four language skills, namely reading, listening, writing, and speaking. This part analyzes whether the four language skills cover in balance-portion or not. Moreover, it will also examine the materials related to those four language skills.

b. Topics

This part examines the variety of the topics and the appropriateness with the content being discuss. It digs into the varieties of the topics used in the workbook.

c. Objectives

This part examines whether or not the materials match with the current curriculum being used. This part analyzes the suitability between the Pakar

workbook’s objectives with the KTSP (Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan)


d. Tasks

This part examines the suitability of the tasks for the seventh graders. It analyzes whether or not the tasks were well-graded. Besides, it also examines the appropriateness of the tasks in terms of quantities.

3. Language Content

This aspect examines the grammar, diction, spelling and vocabulary appear in the workbook. It analyzes the materials that support the vocabularies and pronunciation practices. Besides, it also examines the grammar items on the workbook.

4. Instructions

This aspect examines whether the instructions used in the workbook has an example or not. In addition, this aspect will analyze whether the instructions are clear and simple or not.

5. Teachability and Flexibility

This aspect examines whether or not the workbook helps the teachers in minimizing their preparation time. In addition, it analyzes whether or not the workbook gives opportunities to localize and personalize activities.

The checklists consist of five columns. The first column is the number and the second one is for the evaluation aspects. The third and fourth columns are for the checkmark that indicate the fulfilled criteria. The fulfilled criterion will be scored 1 point, while unfulfilled criterion will be given 0 point. Thus, the checkmark will help the researcher to find out the good aspects that are fulfilled by Pakar


evaluated. The results of the calculation are used to indicate whether the aspects are fulfilled or unfulfilled. An aspect on the checklist will be considered as fulfilled one if the sum of the criteria of the aspect reaches more than a half of the criteria on every aspect. However, since there are three lessons which are evaluated, the aspect will be considered as fulfill if two of the three lessons fulfill the aspect.

F. Research Procedure

This research used several steps to evaluate the Pakar workbook. Those steps were described as follows.

1. Preparing the Research

The researcher looked for materials to be evaluated. Then, the researcher chose the Pakar workbook that was used as a supplementary material in SMP N 2 Mlati to be evaluated. This workbook was used for the seventh graders. The workbook was published by CV. AVIVA. The researcher applied purposive random sampling to choose the workbook.

2. Formulating the Checklist

The researcher used some checklists in order to evaluate the Pakar


general appearance, and design, illustration, and organization. The second aspect is the content which consists of four aspects, namely skills, topics, objectives, and tasks. The third aspect is language content, while the fourth is instructions. Then, the last aspect is teachability and flexibility. Every aspect consists of some criteria that a good workbook must have.

3. Analyzing the Workbook

The formulated checklist was used to evaluate the Pakar workbook. In order to find out the good aspects, the researcher used the help of checkmark in the checklist that indicates the fulfilled aspects. In addition, the evaluation also considered KTSP (Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan) proposed by the government (Minister of Education and Culture) to evaluate the materials.

4. Writing Down the Report





This chapter presents the findings and results of this research which are used to solve the research problem presents in Chapter I: Which aspects of a good workbook are fulfilled by Pakar workbook?

A. Workbook Evaluation

This research used some checklists to evaluate Pakar workbook that was used in SMP N 2 Mlati Sleman, Yogyakarta. The checklists were adapted from the criteria proposed by some experts. There were nine aspects evaluated in this research. Those nine aspects were classified into five major aspects. The first aspect was the appearance which consists of two aspect, namely general appearance, and design, illustration, and organization. The second aspect was the content which consists of four aspects, namely skills, topics, objectives, and tasks. The third aspect was language content, while the fourth was instructions. Then, the last aspect was teachability and flexibility.

As stated in Chapter I, the researcher analyzed all the lessons in Pakar


fulfilled or unfulfilled. An aspect on the checklist will be considered as fulfilled one if the sum of the criteria of the aspect reaches more than a half of the criteria on every aspect. However, since there were three lessons which were evaluated, the aspect will be considered as fulfill if two of the three lessons fulfill the aspect. Thus, if the sum of the criteria on the aspect did not reach more than a half it was considered as unfulfilled. Table 4.1 presents the material evaluation’s summary.

Table 4.1 Evaluation Summary Table

Based on the analysis, there were six aspects fulfilled by Pakar workbook. Those fulfilled aspects were: skills, topics, objectives, tasks, language content and also teachability and flexibility. Meanwhile, the general appearance, design, illustration and organization, and instructions aspects were not fulfilled by the workbook.

B. Discussion


the discussion part of every aspect, the checklist consisted of three big columns. The first column was the number. The second column was the aspect. Then, the third column was the criteria fulfillment by every lesson. The third column was divided into three parts, namely L1, L2 and L3. L1 stands for Lesson One. L2 stands for Lesson Two. Meanwhile, L3 stands for Lesson Three. Thus, further description of each aspect is described as follows.

1. Appearance

This aspect was divided into two parts. The first part examined the physical appearance of the workbook. Meanwhile, the second part examined the design, illustration and organization of the workbook.

a. General Appearance

Table 4.2 General Appearance Evaluation

No. General Appearance Criteria Fulfillment


This workbook had an attractive cover. The cover was colorful and the picture was clear. The picture of the cover symbolized the course being discussed by the workbook as seen in Figure 4.1.

Figure 4.1 Picture of the Picture in the Cover

This helped readers to recognize the content of the workbook at a glance. The cover also stated the curriculum used in the workbook. The workbook used Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan (KTSP). Furthermore, the workbook used common font-type and font-size. It used Times New Roman. The font-size was about 11- 14 and it was readable. Therefore, the font-type and font-size were appropriate for the seventh graders.


Figure 4.2 Picture of Not Detailed Table of Content

The other unfulfilled criterion was the title for every lesson. The titles did not cover all of the topics discussed. The title in Lesson One was “May I Help

You?” The title only indicated that this part discussed Expression of Asking and Offering Help. However, Lesson One also discussed Descriptive Text and

Expression of Asking and Giving Something. A similar case was also found in

Lesson Two and Lesson Three. The titles for every lesson could not cover the topic discussed. In addition, the workbook did not provide a glossary and vocabulary list. Therefore, the students got new vocabularies only from the text.

b. Design, Illustration, and Organization

Table 4.3 Design, Illustration, and Organization Evaluation

No. Design, Illustration, and Organization Criteria Fulfillment

L1 L2 L3

1. The workbook is completed with the course package

(student’s book, teacher’s book, and cassettes). 1 1 1 2. The content is well-organized (e.g. according to

structure, functions, topics, or skills).

0 0 0

3. There is enough space to achieve clarity. 0 0 0 4. There is consistency of the label, icons, heading, and


Lesson One fulfilled four of eight criteria. Lesson Two fulfilled five of eight criteria. Meanwhile, Lesson Three met three of eight criteria. All of the lessons did not fulfill the organization of the content. Furthermore, the clarity of enough space and clearness of the layout also did not fulfill by all of the lessons. Therefore, it means that the aspect was unfulfilled since there was only one lesson which reach more than a half of the sum of the criteria.

The workbook was equipped with cassette for listening section. Nevertheless, the contents of all lessons were not well-organized. The workbook organized the contents only by the skills. There were listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. However, the topics which were discussed in every skill were not stated clearly. In Lesson One, the listening section comprised some topics without a clear distinction on each of them. The first part of the listening section discussed Descriptive Text, then it discussed Expression of Asking and Giving Information. However, there were not clear description that the first text was about

Descriptive Text as seen in Figure 4.3.

Figure 4.3 Picture of Descriptive Text

A similar case happened in Lesson Two and Lesson Three. The reading section in


distinction with the previous topics which were discussed. This leads to the confusion for the readers.

The workbook did not provide enough space from one activity to the next. It used a single space and it only used bolded-words to differentiate every activity as shown in Figure 4.4. It made the students had difficulties to differentiate every activity.

Figure 4.4 Picture of Narrow Space for Each Activity

In addition, there were some exercises that did not provide enough space to write the answer in Lesson One as seen in Figure 4.5a and Lesson Two as seen in Figure 4.5b.


Figure 4.5b Picture of Not Enough Space to Answer on Lesson Two

There were consistency of the label, icons, heading, and italics in Lesson One and

Lesson Two. Meanwhile, there was inconsistency found in Lesson Three. There was different terms to describe symbol tick (V) in the instructions on page 40 and 41 of the workbook. Page 40 named the symbol check as shown in Figure 4.6a, while page 41 named the symbol tick as shown in Figure 4.6b. This made the readers confuse to name the symbol.

Figure 4.6a Picture of Inconsistent Symbol’s Name

Figure 4.6b Picture of Inconsistent Symbol’s Name

The layout of the workbook was unclear. There was unclear arrangement of the topic in every lesson. On the other hand, the workbook provided adequate exercises for self-study in every lesson. The illustrations in the Lesson One and


Table  4.1 Evaluation Summary Table…………………………………………….
Figure 4.1 Picture of the Picture in the Cover…………………………………….
Table 4.1 Evaluation Summary Table
Table 4.2 General Appearance Evaluation


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