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Submitted to the English Department, Faculty of Languages and Arts, State University of Medan, in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the

Degree of Sarjana Sastra



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Except where appropriately acknowledgment, this thesis is my own work, has been expressed in my own words and has not previously been submitted for assessment.

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Medan, February 2013




Elsera , Maeda. An Analysis of Speech Act in Billboard.A Thesis.Faculty of Language and Arts.The State University of Medan, 2013.




First and foremost, the writer would like to express thank to God bless me, the Almighty God for the mercy and guidance in giving her Blesisings, Health, Protection, Knowledge and opportunity so that this thesis entitled “An Analysis of Speech Act in Billboard” could be completed. This thesis aimed at fulfilling one of the requirements for the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan at English Department, Faculty of Languages and Arts, State University of Medan.

During the process of completing this thesis the writer has worked with a great number of people, through their guidance, suggestions, and comments for which the writer would like to extend her sincere and special thanks to :

Prof. Dr. Ibnu Hajar Damanik, M.Si, the Rector of State University of Medan.

Dr. Isda Pramuniati, M.Hum, the Dean of Faculty of Languages and Arts, Vice Dean I, Vice Dean II, Vice Dean III and all the administrative staff.

Prof. Dr. Hj. Sumarsih, M.Pd the Head of English Department as well as her thesis for the precious time on giving advices and correcting this thesis, Dra. Rahmah, M.Hum, the Secretary of English Department and Dra. Meisuri, M.A, the Head of English Literature Study program.

Dra.Tjut Ernidawati, M.Pd her consultant, for her advices, constructive comments, supervisions, encouragements and her precious time in making corrections to this thesis.

Dr. Siti Aisah Ginting, M.Pd as her academic adviser.

All the lectures of English Department, for their valuable knowledge, advices, and guidance during her academic years in English Department. Mam Enda and Abangda Hasyim for helping her in settling the administration procedures.

My beloved parents Joni Siagian and Rusmiatun S.Pd, for their pray, support, and everything they given to the writer not only in completing this thesis but also in her life.

My beloved brothers and sisters Anggi Morina Siagian, Norman Fachry Siagian, Dolli Aldi Siagian, Syafrina Nauli Siagian and my big family.



Her specially thanks to My Friends Masda Tumangger S.Pd, Cahaya L. Simamora S.S, Dita Masyitah S.Pd, Dera S.Pd, Akmi Sendi Parangin-angin S.S, Ayu Wandia S.S, Margareth F. sinaga S.S, for their support, loves, and laughly.

Thanks for my Senior M. Taufik Lubis S.S, M.H have given endless contribution in the process of completing this thesis. And

All the students of Applied Linguistics Class, Ext class, and Reguler class A, B, and C ‘ 07 That could be mention one by one, thanks for their support, information, and encouragement.

Medan, March 2013 The Writer




A. The Background of the Study ... 1

G. Classification of Speech Act... 31

H. Advertisement ... 35

1. Element Advertisement Objectives ... 37

2. Element of Advertising ... 38

D.The Technique for Analyzing Data ... 57


A. The Data ... 58

B. The Data Analysis ... 58

1. The Types of Speech Act Used ... 59

2. The Dominant Type of Speech Act Used ... 59

3. The Analysis of The Occurrence Types of Speech Act ... 60



C. Meaning of Text In “Cigarette Billboard” ... 63


A. Conclusion ... 67

B. Sugegestion ... 68















A.Background of The Study

Humans are social beings who are always interacting with other humans.

Interaction between peoples a form of communication. Humans need language to

communicates a means of communicating. Kridalaksana (1981 : 17) state the

language is a system of symbols that form as arbitrary sound which use by the

member of community to work with others, to communicate and to identity theme

selves. It is said that language is human tool to express mind, feeling, experience

which consist of agreeable symbols in community. Human need language as they

use it by their own way as they understand the meaning of each language they use.

Linguistics is the scientific study of human language Linguistics itself has

some of the studies, one of which is a pragmatic. Pragmatics According to Yule

(1995: 4), pragmatics is the study of language from the point of view of the users,

especially of the choices they make, the constraints they encounter in using

language in social interaction and the effects their use of language has on the other

participants in an act of communication. Pragmatics deals with utterances, by

which we will mean specific events, the intentional acts of speakers at times and

places, typically involving language. One must be careful, however, for the term

is often used with more limited meanings. It has more to do with the analysis of

what people mean by their utterances or what the words or phrases in those

utterances might mean by themselves. Pragmatics generally is the study of the



natural understanding and specifically the study of how people comprehend and

produce a communicative or speech act.

Speech Acts are defined as actions performed via utterances in an actual

situation of language use. The function of speaker intends the hearer (s) to take or

to interpret. Jhon Searle’s theory such as; (1) directive, (2) declarative, (3)

representative, (4) commissive, (5) expressive, which are found in the cigarette

billboard. Briefly, declaratives mean utterances that affect immediate changes in

the institutional affairs and which tend to rely on elaborate extra linguistic

institutions. These speech acts declare something to be so and they may be used to

assign a name or role. Speech is the sentence that to speak. Speech utterances

usually flanked by two silence. Always in the form of oral speech, while the

representation of speech in written form (Kridalaksana : 2008). In billboard many

words that use speech act that make people be confuse because sometimes the

sentences there is in billboard nothing related with adverticed. as an examples is

“NGGAK ADA LOE NGGAK RAME”. When viewed as a whole from this

billboard, we can see no connection between cigarette and the sentence. The

sentence “NGGAK ADA LOE NGGAK RAME” in the speech act is included in

the category of expressive. Through a speech act but we can analyze the intent of

the billboard. The word "RAME" in the sentence does not mean a lot of people in

that context. But interpreted as a cigarette that brought their friends who make a

lively mood.

Society always use language in the life. But not necessarily all the listeners



wanted to convey the intentions of speakers. Society or a human society is a group

of people related to each other through persistent relations, or a large social

grouping sharing the same geographical or virtual territory, subject to the same

political authority and dominant cultural expectations


Smoking is a choice and individual freedom while not disturbing those

around them. One of the most interesting of the cigarette is, almost all smokers

know the harmful effects of smoking, but they chose the face of smokers. But

that's not what I want to write here. Evils of cigarettes made of tobacco companies

must anticipate the ad was to be accepted by society, so many restrictions that

limit must they go through, starting from a given time slot, until the message is

the message. Cigarette advertising should not be saying that smoking is bad, do

not have to show people smoking, but the ad should be able to achieve the target

Mass communication (mass communication) is a communication using

mass media, both print newspapers, magazines, billboards, posters, pamphlets,

and the tabloids) or electronic (radio, television, and internet) which is managed

by an institution or institutionalized people. Which goes to a large number of

people scattered in many places, anonymous, heterogeneous (Mulyana,

2003:75).It does not have to fully expect the figure ads will be remembered for its

customers. If consumers can remember some of the signs, such as the picture is

quite interesting, because in ultimately if someone remembers the typical signs of

and he will encouraged to remember and identify other important matters that



Billboard advertisings one that has always been the center of attention of

the public using the road. Therefore, the authors take on board the research

because of tobacco advertising in the media billboard cigarette.Smoking is not

displaying images. But only the words, cigarettes can be sold from the old to the

young who should not deserve to consume cigarettes.

B.The Problem of The Study

The problems of the study are formulated as the following :

1. What are the types of speech act used in the “Cigarette’s Billboard” text?

2. What is the most dominant type of Speech Act used in the “Cigarette’s

Billboard” text?

3. What makes the dominant types occur the way they are?

4. What the meaning of text in “cigarette billboard” base on picture?

C.The Scope of the Study

The study is limited to the words contained in cigarette billboards and the

writer uses speech acts includes the types, the classification, and produce the

language. The scope of the study in this research focused only on the types of

speech acts based on Jhon Searle’s theory such as; (1) directive, (2) declarative,

(3) representative, (4) commissive, (5) expressive, which are found in the

cigarette billboard. In order to have specific research, the writer limits the study



D. The Objective of the Study

Related to the background above, the objective of the study is formulated

as following:

1. To find out the types of speech acts which are used in the “Cigarette

Billboard” text.

2. To find out the dominant type of Speech Act used in the “Cigarette

Billboard” text.

3. To find out what makes the dominant types occur the way they are.

4. To fine out meaning from each text in “cigarette billboard” base on


E.The Significance of the Study

From the objective of the study, writer hopes that the explanation in

understanding of advertisement advance the knowladge of reader in knowing

advertisement in billboard.The findings of this study are expected to be useful for:

1. Readers will understand the meaning and the role of text and picture in


2. student of language and communication will understand more about

speech act and recognize the role of speech act in communication.

3. To be a guide or reference for the further research about analysis of





A. Conclusions

1. The data of this study is derived from advertisement sentences of cigarette

billboard by taken from street in Medan region that focuses on the

advertisement sentence. The result shows that there are 20 utterances. The

findings indicated that cigarette billboard applied three types of speech

acts; commissive, expressive andrepresentative. The total calculation of

speech act types are commisive 5 (25%), expressive 1 (5%) and

representative 14 (70%), From the data analysis, the most dominant types

of speech acts is representative (70%), where the cigarette billboard

always states about something.

2. The representative type is most the most dominant in cigarette billboard


3. From the previous analysis, it can be seen that representative is generally

used in cigarette advertisement. Representatives acts are uttered when the

actor want to represent the world as he or she believes in it.



B. Suggestions

1. It is suggested to the reader of this thesis that it is important to know the types

of speech act that used in several media especially in the billboard, because

having references about speech act would be very helpful for her/him to

understands how people understanding goal of the advertisement.

2. As the cigarette billboard is the mirror of life in society, it is important for the

reader to know how the language of cigarette billboard is uttered by

advertisement sentence. By knowing this, the reader will be very helpful to

interact in the society.

3. For other researcher, it is suggested that this thesis would be place this thesis as

the main references in order to make a further research that very significant to




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Table 2.1   Levels of  Representative or Level of Meaning .................................................
Figure 2.1 Theory Semiotic Triangle ..................................................................................


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