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Soal UH BRSLPGImm2011


Academic year: 2017

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Class : 9B No : Daily Test of Curved Surfaced Solid

1. A can of milk in Cylindrical shape with diameter 10 cm and 15 cm in

3. The area of lateral surface of cylinder with the height 28 cm is 1.408 cm2 .

The diameter of circle’s base is ....

a. 16 cm c. 32 cm

b. 24 cm d. 36 cm

4. Ice Cream in conical shape with diameter 10 cm and 12 cm in height. The area of the material to cover ice cream is ....

a. 90 π cm2 c. 65 π cm2

b. 85 π cm2 d. 40 π cm2

5. A cone with diameter of cone’s base 20 cm, the length of the slant height 26 cm and π = 3,14. Volume of the cone is....

7. A basket ball has diameter 30 cm. Total surface area of the basket ball is ....

9. A cone is made of semicircular piece of paper sheet with diameter 28 cm. Find the radius of cone’s base!

a. 3,5 cm c. 10 cm

11. A cone is put into cylindrical container. Radius of the cone = radius of the clinder = 14 cm. The height of the cone = the height of cilinder = 24 cm. Determine volume the air inner the container outside the cone !

a. 14.784 cm3 c. 9.856 cm3


14 cm

13. Lookat the picture! A capsule is constructed

from cylinder and two hemispheres.Total surface area of the capsule is ....

a. 1936 cm2 c. 5104


b. 2244 cm2 d. 6057,33


14. Solid as shown at the Picture beside is

combination of conical and hemisphere. The heigt of the conical shape 8 cm, and radius of the hemisphere 6 cm, the volume of the solid is ….

a. 96 cm3

b. 132 cm3

c. 144 cm3

d. 240 cm3

15. Cylindrical container has diameter 20 cm and 60 cm in height, filled with water a half of it. Three marbles with diameter 10 cm is put into

container . Find the height of the water now !

a. 31,5 cm c. 35 cm


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