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Frankincense Ointment Means Hope for Arthritis Sufferers


Academic year: 2017

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217 Summary:

The Bible speaks of it as a "gift of kings." Hieroglyphics for ancient Egypt tell of its use as makeup for the Pharaohs. Vedic writings from old India speak of its power to stimulate. Mesopotamian cuneiform tablets speak of its use as a sacrifice to appease the ancient gods.


Frankincense Ointment Means Hope for Arthritis Sufferers

Article Body:

The Bible speaks of it as a "gift of kings." Hieroglyphics for ancient Egypt tell of its use as makeup for the Pharaohs. Vedic writings from old India speak of its power to stimulate. Mesopotamian cuneiform tablets speak of its use as a sacrifice to appease the ancient gods. It was Frankincense that stirred the passions of the ancient world. Today, Frankincense is enjoying a rebirth of interest as a topical treatment for the age-old problem of osteoarthritis.

Osteoarthritis, a degenerative joint disease, affects more than 30 million Americans today. According to medical authorities, this is a growing epidemic. For many, the only relief has come at the cost of some non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs that recently were taken off the market. As the debate about the safety of those medications continues, Dallas-based Mosaic Nutraceuticals has found what it says will provide relief for many arthritis sufferers.

"Mosaic has blended ancient Frankincense, now known as Boswellia Serrata, with Celadrin to create a soothing topical treatment for arthritis sufferers," said Charles Townsend, chief executive officer of Mosaic. "We also added menthol for additional relief." The Mosaic topical arthritis ointment, 24/7 Instant Relief, is proving to be a hot seller for the company, providing relief to many who were left empty-handed by the recent removal of some prescription drugs from the market.

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