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Sociological theories CorePH


Academic year: 2018

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Sociological Theories and

Perspectives in

Understanding Health



What is sociology ?

Ilmu yang mempelajari tentang


Ilmu yang mempelajari hubungan antar

individu (perilaku sosial)



Fakta sosial

Definisi sosial


Paradigma Fakta Sosial

Teori fungsionalisme struktural

Teori konflik

Teori sistem


Paradigma Definisi Sosial

Action theory

Simbolic interactionism



Paradigma Perilaku Sosial

Behavioral sociology


Paradigma fakta sosial

• Teori fungsionalisme structural

• Teori konflik

• Teori sistem


#1.Teori Fungsionalisme struktural (Konsensus)

• Focuses on how society is organized and how social institutions meet the needs of people living within a collectivity

• Like an organism

• As understanding human body ---- human social system (has many parts/institution such as education, religion, economy, politic)  These institutions secure the evolution and growth of society

• The consensus focus upon the good of the overall society; sub-groups of society must be willing to sacrifice for the good of the whole


The characteristics of society

• Well planned uniformity

• Stability and equilibrium between different parts

• Consensus of the main values

• Every institution has a function which helps society to remain stable


4 key functions of

social system

• production and distribution of goods and services: The economy


• writing and enforcing of the rules: The policy

Goal attainment

• procreation and socialization of children; integration of social activities: Family and education


• a system of values and beliefs: Religion


- Unprepared to address changes that occur due to misuse of


- highly useful in understanding ongoing adjustments to social

institutions in response to changes in the other institutions

Social action taken places as a

dynamic equilibrium


equilibrium means society is always


Social institution

must adjust to changes in other


Research question :

Mapping, describing, and analysing

Positive function



Example :


#2. Teori Konflik

• the fundamental processes of society are competition and conflict, rather than cooperation for the good of the whole

• All social systems have a small minority of powerful elites

• Social action takes place within an arena of conflict and exploitation between dominant and secondary segments of society  must be anticipated

• Focus on the material condition such as clothing, education, access to health care


#2. Teori Konflik

Wewenang dan posisi

Distribusi kekuasaan tidak merata

Penyalahgunaan kekuasaan

Konflik secara sistematis




4 fungsi konflik

Memelihara solidaritas

Membentuk aliansi

Mengaktifkan peran individu


Conflict in modern sociology

Not only focusing on class struggle as Marx

did, but on the overall power structure in

society, such as conflicts between different

groups of interests

Producers and consumers, employers

and employed, among religions,


Conflict cause social change

In every society there are conflicts; conflict is the driving force of social change


Conflict cause social change





Deklarasi Keparakan : a community deal

Kesepakatan bersama :

1.Tidak merokok di dalam



Perubahan sosial

yang terjadi karena


Research question

Mapping of power-relations

Someone is making benefit of the situation at the expense of someone else


Paradigma Definisi sosial

• Action theory

• Symbolic interactionism


Definisi sosial

Fokus pada tindakan sosial

Tindakan mengandung arti


Action theory

Tindakan dilakukan untuk mencapai tujuan (subjek dan objek) Bertindak menggunakan cara yang dianggap cocok mencapai tujuan

Kelangsungan tindakan dibatasi eksternal yang tak dapat dikendalikan

Manusia memilih, menilai dan mengevaluasi tindakannya


Action theory

• Keyakinan kelompok tertentu terhadap proses kehamilan dan persalinan mengantarkan mereka pada perilaku pencari pertolongan persalinan

Social capital yang tinggi mendorong persalinan di dukun bayi


Interactionism symbolic

• Focuses on how individuals influence and are influenced by society. It

guides investigations into how the rules of society are re-created

everyday through our interactions with one another

• the symbolic meanings we attach to things and events


“o e co cepts…

Reality is socially constructed through our interactions with one another. Morality, ethics, and values, are not given; we create

them through our interactions with one another

Social action is influenced by person's beliefs, attitudes, perceptions, and negotiations of meanings


Conflict Vs Fuctionalist

The conflict paradigm highlights parts of

society where functionalists usually do not

focus on


Paradigma perilaku sosial

Behavioral Sociology

Exchange theory


Paradigma perilaku sosial

Ketika perilaku menjadi terpola / tetap, maka

menjadi perilaku sosial

Perilaku individu dipengaruhi oleh keyakinan,

motivasi, dan tujuan

Apa yang menjadi keyakinan dan


Exchange theory

• explains social change and stability as a process of negotiated exchanges between parties

• posits that all human relationships are formed by the use of a

subjective cost benefit analysis and the comparison of alternatives

• norm of reciprocity


Post Modernism / postStructuralism

• Deconstruction

• Discourse/discourse analysis

• Plurality of knowledge and method


Medical sociology

Also known as health


The study of cause

and consequences of

health and illness


Major area of investigation are

Social aspects of health and disease

Social behavior of patient and health provider

Social function of health organization and institution Social pattern of the utilization of health services


Why medical sociology is important?

Recognizes the critical

role social factors play in

determining or


Why people have to do sexual intercourse just

after their traditional circumcision in Timor Island?

• Sifon : Atoni Tribe in Timor island

• Sifon : a man is supposed to be engage in sexual relationship with at least 3 women

• Sifon : a so ial tool to for a a ’s

masculinity and the way to avoid disharmony in the family (Ungu, 2012)

• the sexual intercourse must be done before the wound from the circumcision has healed  to dis ard the heat of ody


The development of Medical Sociology: Talcot


Publishes the social system in 1951

First major social theorist to deal with issues of health, illness, and the role of medicine

Structural-functionalist perspective


What is

Health ?

• A state of complete physical, mental, and

social well-being

, and not merely the absence of disease or injury (WHO)


Contrasting idea about health and social


• Some people tended to rely on magic as the fundamental explanation of disease and illness



• Engman A & Cranford C., 2016. Habit and the Body: Lesson for social Theories of Habit from the Experiences of People with Physical

Disabilities. Sociological Theory. 34(1):27-44

• Jovanovic M., 4. Creati g the Dis-ease of high holesterol: A Sociology of diagnosis reception analysis. Social Science & Medicine: 101: 120-128


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