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T MTK 1402029 Bibliography


Academic year: 2017

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Abdullah, N., Zakaria, E., & Halim, L. (2012). The Effect of a Thinking Strategy Approach through Visual Representation on Achievement and Conceptual Understanding in Solving Mathematical Word Problems. Asian Social Science. Vol 8, No. 16. DOI:10.5539/ass.v8n16p30

Anderson, R. H. (1994). PemilihandanPengembangan Media UntukPembelajaran. Jakarta: PT. Raja GrafindoPersada

Arcavi, A. (2003). The Role of Visual Representations in the learning of mathematics Educational Studies in Mathematics. Educational Studies in Mathematics Journal. Volume 52, Issue 3, p215-241. DOI: 10.1023/A:1024312321077

Ariawan, R. (2013). PenerapanPendekatanPembelajaran Visual Thinking

disertaiAktivitas Quick on the Draw


matisSiswa. Tesis UPI Bandung :TidakDiterbitkan.

Azizah, L., Mariani, S., &Rochmad. (2012).

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BernuansaKonstruktivistikuntukMengingkatkanKemampuanKoneksiMate matis. Unnes Journal of Mathematics Education Research. 2 (1). ISSN 2252-6455

Burgess, J. (2012). The Impact of Teaching Thinking Skill as Habits of Mind to Young Children with Challenging Behaviours. Emotional and Behaviour Difficulties. Vol 17 (1): 47-63.

Burton, L. (2001). Research mathematicians as learner and whatmathematics education can learn from them. British EducationalResearch Journal. 27(5), 589–599.

Bolton, S. (2011). Handbook of Decoding Visual Thinking. Naver Workshop, Visualising Creative Strategies. Cranfield University, UK.



Based Instruction. Ph.D. Dissertation, The Pennsylvania State University. UMI Publications.

Boyes & Watts. (2009). Developing Habits of Mind in Secondary Schools.

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Cai, J. (2002). Assessing and Understanding U.S. and Chinese Students’ Mathematical Thinking. ZDM. Vol 34 (6).

Calik, M., Turan, B.&Coll, R. K. (2013). A Cross-Age Study of Elementary Student Teacher’s Scientific Habits of Mind Concerning Socioscientific Issues. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education. Vol 12 (6): 1315-1340.

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Cunningham, S & Zimmermann, W. (1999). Visualization in Teaching and Learning Mathematics. Editor’s Introduction : What is Mathematical

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Cuoco, A.L., et al. (2010). Habits of Mind. An Organizing Principle ForMathematcs Curricula. Journal of Mathematical Behavior 15, 375-402.

Deswita, R. (2015). Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Connecting-Organizing-Reflecting-Extending (CORE) denganPendekatan Scientific

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Self-Efficacy Siswa SMP. Tesis UPI Bandung :TidakDiterbitkan.

Dymock, S. (2005). Teaching Expository Text Structure Awarness. Teaching Tips: Reading Teacher. 59 (2). Pp.117-181

Elyousif, Y. A. K., &Abdelhamied, N. E. (2013). Assessing Secondary School Teachers’ Performance in Developing Habits of Mind for the Students.

International Interdisciplinary Journal of Education. Volume 2, Issue 2.



atika. JurnalPendidikanMatematika STKIP PGRI Sidoarjo. Vol. 2 No.2. ISSN : 2337-8166

Gauld, C. F., (2005). Habits of Mind, Scholarship and Decision Making in Science and Religion. Springer : Science & Education. 14 :291-308. DOI 10.1007/s11191-004-1997-x

Giaquinto, M. (2007). Visual thinking in Mathematics an Epistemological Study.

United States : Oxford University Press Inc., New York.

Ginnis, P. (2002). The Teacher‟s Toolkit : Raise Classroom Acheivement with

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Ginnis, P. (2008). TrikdanTaktikMengajar. Jakarta : PT. Indeks.

Goodel, J. (2000). Learning to Teach Mathematics for Understanding : The Role of Reflection. Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education and Development. Volume 2.

Gumanti, S. (2014).


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Gupta, A. (2008). Constructivism and Peer Collaboration in Elementary Mathematics Education : The Connection to Epistemology. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science, and Technology Education, 4 (4), 381-386.

Guzman, M. (2002). The Role of Visualization in Teaching and Learning of Mathematical Analysis. 2nd International Conference on The Teaching of Mathematics..

Hake, R.R., (1998). Interactive-engagement versus traditional methods: A six-thousand-student survey of mechanics test data for introductory physics courses. American journal of Physics, 66 (1), 64-74.

Hidayat, L. M., &Rahzianta. (2016). PembelajaranSains Model Service Learning



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Humaira, F., Suherman&Jazwinarti (2014). Penerapan Model Pembelajaran CORE padaPembelajaranMatematikaSiswaKelas X SMAN 9 Padang.

JurnalPendidikanMatematika. Vol. 3 No. 1. Hal 31-37.

Ismi, I. N. &Hidayatulloh, B. (2012). Pentingnya Visual Thinking dalamPembelajaranGeometri SMP. FakultasTarbiyah IAIN SunanAmpel., Surabaya.

Jacob, C. (2005). Pengembangan Model CORE

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Katz, S. &Nirula, L. (2001). The Portfolio Exchange. OISE/University of Toronto.

Khairinnisa, S. (2015). Model CORE (Connecting, Organizing, Reflecting, Extending) untukMeningkatkanKemampuanPenaranMatematis,

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Kosko, K. W. & Jesse, L. M. W., (2010). Mathematical Communication and Its Relation to Frequency of Manipulative Use. International Electronic Journal of Mathematics Education. 5 (2), 79-90.

Kumalasari, E. (2011).

PeningkatanKemampuanPemecahanMasalahMatematisSiswa SMP melaluiPembelajaran Model CORE. Prosiding Seminar NasionalPendidikanMatematika STKIP Siliwangi Bandung. Vol 1. ISBN 978-602-19541-1-2

Leager, C. (2005). Fostering Scientific Habits of Mind. Lowa Science Teachers Journal.Volume 32 (3): 8-12.



Lestari, D., Sudarmin.,&Haryani, S. (2015). PengembanganInstrumenPenilaianHabits of Mind padaPembelajaran IPA BerbasisProyekTemaPencemaranLingkunganUntukSiswa SMP.Unnes Science Education Journal 4. (1). ISSN 2252-6617

Liang, H. N., &Sediq, K. (2010). Role of Interaction in Enhancing the Epistemic Utility of 3D Mathematical Visualizations. Springer : International Journal Computers for Mathematical Learning. 15 : 191-224. DOI 10.1007/s10758-010-9165-7

Maulidah, N., &Santoso, A. (2012).


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JurnalBimbingandanKonseling Islam. Vol. 2 No. 01.

Marzano, R. J. (1992). A different kind of classroom: Teaching with Dimensions of Learning. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.

Meltzer, D.E. (2002). The Relationship between Mathematics Preparation and Conceptual Learning Gain in Physics: A Posibble “Hidden Variabel” in Diagnostic Pretest Scores. American Journal of Physics. Vol 70 (12)p1259-68.

Miliyawati, B. (2014). UrgensiStrategiDisposition Habits of Mind Matematis.

JurnalIlmiah Program StudiMatematika STKIP Siliwangi Bandung. Vol 3 No. 2

Miller, R. G., &Calfee, R. C. (2004). Making Thinking Visible: A Method to Encourage Science Writing in Upper Elementary Grades. Science & Children. Volume 42, issue 3.

Millman, R.S. &Jacobbe, T. (2008). Fostering Creativity in Preservice Teachers Through Mathematical Habits of Mind. Proceeding of the Discussing Group 9. The 11th International Congress on Mathematical Education. Monterrey, Mexico, July 2012.



Mullis, I. V. S., Martin, M. O., Foy, P., & Arora, A., (2011). Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study :International Result in Mathemetics. Lynch School of Education, Boston College.

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Rees, J. M., (2010). Geometry and Rhetoric : Thinking about Thingking in Pictures. Nexus Network Journal 12, 507-526. DOI 10.1007/s00004-010-0050-4

Rosken, B &Rolka, K. (2007). Integrating Intiuition : The Role of Concept Image and Concept Definition for Students’ Learning of Integral Calculus. The Montana Mathematics Enthusiast (TMEE). ISSN 1551-3440, Monograph 3, pp. 181-204

Rosyana, T. & Sari, I. P. (2015). PenerapanAktivitasQuick on The Draw

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Sakuntala, L. (2014).

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Salwah. (2014). PeningkatanKemampuanBerpikirKritisMatematisdan Habits of Striving for Accuracy and Precision (HSAP) MelaluiPendekatan Realistic

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Sedig, K., & Sumner, M. (2006). Characterizing interaction with visual mathematical representations.International Journal of Computers for Mathematical Learning. 11(1), 1–55.

Setiadi, H., Mahdiyansyah, Rosnawati, Fahmi, &Afiani, E. (2012).

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Surya, E. (2011). Visual Thinking

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