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How To Get Beautiful Skin Without Spending A Fortune


Academic year: 2017

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707 Summary:

The article deals with the importance of taking care of one’s skin. Aside from citing some of the common skin problems encountered by men and women, the article also tackles the number of ways that skin care treatments can be had --- without spending a fortune. Several tips on home-based, free skin care treatment are included in the article.


skin care treatment, skin care solutions

Article Body:

It has been said that, ˆOld age wrinkles the skin, but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul.˜ Many people. especially celebrities and other famous people, say that the secret to their beauty is love, joy, and laughter. It might very well be true since the mind really controls our body, and that includes the skin.

Still, there are millions of individuals who cannot get by with just a simple laugh or smile. Attaining their own standard of beauty entails investment of time and money for facial cleansing and other beauty regimen. One such regimen is night-time skin treatment, a ˆvice˜ that has a hold on millions of women around the world. It is no secret that most women, and not to mention a lot of men, are very vain about their skin. After all, the skin is the largest and most exposed part of the human body. Some of the more common skin problems encountered by men and women alike include:

l dark circles or eye bags l wrinkles under the eyes l dry or blotchy skin l oily complexion

l discoloration or pigmentation

l vertical frown lines between the eyebrows l double chin

These manifestations of growing old are loathed and attacked with just about every cosmetic and beauty product there is. Some even spend thousands of dollars just to ˆhold back the time.˜ But keeping one’s skin need not be hard on the wallet or take too much of one’s time. Here are some simple yet effective steps to recover that facial glow and maintain a clear complexion:

1. Wash with mild soap and water ˘ This is a time-tested skin care solution that need not be expensive. What ever your skin type may be, the main goal is remove the excess oil, dirt, and cosmetic residue that accumulates on a daily basis on the surface of the skin. A soap bar would do the trick, but so does liquid soap. The unscented soaps, usually made of glycerin, work best. Just gently rub the soap lather over your face and neck and rinse with lukewarm water.

2. Rinse ˘ Use a lot of lukewarm water instead of using cold water which makes the skin pores close and clog.

3. Towel-dry your face ˘ Be brisk and gentle. Gently pat your skin with the towel instead of roughly rubbing it all over your face. A towel rub also helps remove heaped-up dead cells and allows young cells to reach the surface. Your face may glow briefly from this free, do-it-yourself exfoliation.

4. Other skin care treatments ˘ You will also be needing a combination of moisturizer and antioxidants that are found in products that contain vitamin C and E. These vitamins help repair skin damage and protects it from pollutants and ultraviolet rays. Depending on how serious your skin problems are --- you should take time to consult a dermatologist. You should also try to use non-allergenic over-the-counter moisturizers that contain alpha hydroxy acids. 5. Cleansing ˘ Doing some cleaning on your face before going to sleep is essential. A toner will remove any excess residue from the skin. Use and alcohol-free skin toner.

6. Apply Moisturizer ˘ You should apply it while the skin is still damp, usually within three minutes after taking a shower. Apply a heavy layer of moisturizer during the winter season. A moisturizer makes the face smoother and more healthy. Moisturizers are good in locking in the skin’s own moisture to prevent dryness. The more oil a moisturizer contains, the more effectively it protects against moisture loss. Avoid products that contain fragrances, preservatives, and other chemicals that might irritate the skin.

Having a special night-time ritual for the face is essential to achieving skin beauty. After all, many essential oils and nutrients that work well on the skin are best used at night since the heat of the day would only make these substances evaporate faster.

Surely, a skin care ritual must be complimented by a good night’s sleep. Some aromatherapy products are also good for the skin especially those that have sweet smells like sandalwood, lavender, chamomile, sage, lemon grass, orange citrus, and rose ˘ all of which have a calming effect. Taking care of your skin is important. Sure, beauty may only be skin-deep but, as they say, ugliness goes to bone.

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