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Resources - ACCCRN Learning Forum 2016 Presentations and Resources - ACCCRN Network


Academic year: 2017

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Lisa Buggy currently work as climate change., sustainability and environmental management specialist at Centre for Community Health and Development COHED. She eaned her master degree from School of Geography, Planning and Environmental Management - The University of Queensland. Prior to her job, she is former training and workshop facilitator of Scope Global, and project research officer of EC3 Global.


Topic: Reflecting on policy advocacy – have we successfully influenced change?


5-minute presentation – overview of policy advocacy process undertaken by COHED in Da Nang project

- COHED’s policy ad ocacy strategy and success: including hat e did, ho , ho e worked with, evidence-based process bringing awareness to topic through current events, international research and on the ground experience. Relationship building with government departments and agencies at provincial and national level. Our success – start of the change process at the national level.

- Questions for reflection: how do we take this success further? how do we ensure it is sustained and, more importantly, expanded on? Reflection questions to lead into facilitated group discussion

20-30 minutes facilitated discussion – reflecting on processes of policy advocacy and influencing change from the bottom up

Possible areas of inquiry:

- What are the important factors for achieving policy advocacy success? - How can it be done better by NGOs, CSO, within projects etc?

- What are some of the key lessons learnt (from participants, projects worked on etc)? - How would we do this differently, if we had the chance again?

- What is required for the change to be sustained / enforced?

Within this section I will utilise group participation/workshop techniques (possibly small group brainstorming, individual reflection, other tools depending on number of participants)


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