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Aquifer - a geologic unit that stores and transmits water


Academic year: 2019

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1.72, Groundwat er Hydrology Prof. Charles Harvey

Le ct u r e Pa ck e t # 2 : Aqu ife r s, Por osit y , a n d D a r cy’s La w

Lake River

zone Sat urat ed

I nfilt rat ion

( Exposed Wat er Table) Precipit at ion

Unsat urat ed

Wat er t able zone - Aquifer

Unsat urat ed Zone, Vadose Zone, Soil Moist ure Zone, Zone of Aerat ion – rock, wat er and air

Ca pilla r y Fr in ge – region above w at er t able w here w at er rises due t o capillary forces in t he porous m edium .

Sat urat ed Zone, Phreat ic Zone – rock and w at er Wat er Table

• Top of sat urat ed zone

• Depressed version of t opography

• Surface w at ers are m anifest at ions of t he w at er t able – exposed w at er t able Aqu ife r - a geologic unit t hat st ores and t ransm it s w at er

Recharge Area

Unconfined Aquifer Confined or Art esian Aquifer Wat er Table

1.72, Groundw at er Hydrology Lect ure 2


Un con fin e d Aqu ife r – w at er is in cont act w it h at m ospheric pressure – drill and w ell hit t he w at er t able

Con fin e d Aqu ife r – recharge upgradient forces w at er t o flow dow n and get t rapped under an aquiclude. Wat er is under pressure due t o t he weight of t he upgradient w at er and t he confinem ent of t he w at er bet ween “ im perm eable” lay ers. Wat er flows t o surface under art esian pressure in an Art esian Well.

Aquifer cont am inat ion

Cont am inant Source

Unconfined Aquifer Confined or Art esian Aquifer Wat er Table

I n confined vs. unconfined aquifers

• Alt hough unconfined aquifers are used for w at er supply, t hey are oft en cont am inat ed by w ast es and chem icals at t he surface.

• Confined aquifers are less likely t o be cont am inat ed and t hereby provide supplies of good qualit y.

• Mechanism s of t ransport are advect ion and dispersion.

• There can be chem ical int eract ions in aqueous phase or bet w een t he w at er and solid m edia


I n A.D. 1126, in t he province of Art ois:

Unconfined Aquifer

Unconfined Aquifer Wat er Table

Confined or Art esian Aquifer Wat er Table

Confined or Art esian Aquifer

Key Aquifer Propert ies

Por osit y – Percent age volum e occupied by voids. Porosit y is independent of scale. For exam ple, a pile of m arbles and a pile of beach balls have spherical shape and differing sizes; t he porosit ies are ident ical due t o t he sim ilar shaping.

Pe r m e a bilit y – Measures t he t ransm ission propert y of t he m edia and t he

int erconnect ion of t he pores. Relat ed t o hydraulic conduct ivit y and t ransm issivit y. ( m ore lat er)

Good aquifer – High porosit y + High perm eabilit y

• Sand and gravel, sandst one, lim est one, fract ured rock, basalt

Aqiuiclude, Confining bed, Aquit ard – “ im per m eable” unit form ing a barrier t o groundw at er flow .

• Granit e, shale, clay

1.72, Groundw at er Hydrology Lect ure 2


Por osit y

Poorly Sort ed Fract ure

I nt ragranular Well Sort ed

Decreased Porosit y

Dissolut ion

by Diogenesis


Tw o Origins of Porosit y Pr im a r y

• A funct ion of grain size dist ribut ion, also packing

• Decreases w it h dept h – com pact ion and pressure solut ion

Porosit y vs. Dept h Curves


Tw o t ypes of Porosit y

• I nt ergranular

o Bet w een grains, m ost ly part of t he effect of porosit y, but also dead-end pores

• I nt ragranular

o Wit hin grains

o Usually not considered part of t he effect ive porosit y o I ncredible w ide range of w idt hs and lengt h scales

• Sim ple dichot om ous m odel - dual porosit y

Darcy’s Law

I n 1856 in Dij on, France, Henry Darcy conduct ed his now fam ous experim ent of pouring w at er t hrough sedim ent - packed pipes t o see how m uch w ould flow t hrough t hem in a given am ount of t im e [ volum e of flow per unit t im e] .

Flow t hrough colum n is Q in L3/ T m ost im port ant quant it y The flow per unit area is spe cific disch a r ge





w it h unit s of velocit y L/ T –

called D a r cia n ve locit y or D a r cia n flu x, but not act ual velocit y of t he fluid


∆h h1


∆l Area, A

Flow , Q Darcy showed t hat :

Q is in direct ion of decreasing head

q is proport ional t o h2 – h1 = ∆h, given ∆l fixed, q α ( -∆h)

q is inversely proport ional t o ∆l, given ∆h fixed, q α ( 1/∆l)




What is hydraulic conduct ivit y?

K is a propert y of bot h m edia and fluid. shearing t hat is necessary for flow

Range of Applicabilit y of Darcy’s Law


• Term 1 is loss – viscous frict ion against w all of solids and

• Term 2 is loss – dissipat ion of kinet ic energy in pores – flow converges and diverges.

Must have lam inar flow w it hin pores.




Inertial forces





Viscous forces

Lam inar in pipes < 2,000 in rocks < 10


D a r cy ’s La w

Re a l La w

L0 L2 L1

Measures of hydraulic conduct ivit y ( L/ T)

• Com m only cm / s, m / d, ft / d

• Older unit , gpd/ ft2, or m einzer Measures of perm eabilit y, ( L2)

Oft en t he D a r cy Un it is used, recall







Q = 1 cm/s








cp dl

1 da r cy is t he perm eabilit y t hat gives a specific discharge of 1 cm / s for a fluid w it h a viscosit y of 1 cp under a h ydr a u lic gr a die n t t im e s de n sit y t im e s g of 1 a t m / cm .

2 • I t equals about 10- 8 cm

• About 0.831 m / d at 20o

I m por t a n t – A t ypical aquifer m easure of t he t ransm ission propert y of m edia for t he flow of w at er is given over a t hickness, b

Tr a n sm issivit y – T = Kb [ L2/ T] 2D

• Very com m on quant it y for sit e and regional st udies



1.72, Groundw at er Hydrology Lect ure 2


Rem em ber Darcian Velocit y is not an act ual velocit y; it is discharge per unit area ( area is TOTAL cross sect ion)

D a r cia n Ve locit y

Tot al Area Q

Area of Pore Space

Act s like t his Average Linear Velocit y

Pr im a r y por osit y – t he original int erst ices

Se con da r y por osit y – secondary dissolut ion or st ruct ural openings ( fract ures, fault s, and openings along bedding planes) .

Com pu t e d por osit y - n = 100[ 1-ρb/ρp]

ρb – bulk densit y, M/ L3 - > m ass of dry sam ple/ original volum e

ρp – part icle densit y, M/ L3 - > m ass of dry sam ple/ volum e of m ineral m at t er from

w at er- displacem ent t est ( 2.65 g/ cc)

Effe ct ive por osit y – porosit y available for flow , ne

Can have isolat ed w at er as dead- end pores or t rapped gas. I MPORTANT t o t ransport !



K dh











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