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(A Classroom Action Research to the Fifth Grade Students of SD Negeri I

Baturetno, Wonogiri in Academic year 2009/2010)

A Thesis


Woro Widiastuti


Submitted to the Teacher Training and Education Faculty of Sebelas Maret University as a Fulfillment of the Requirements for Achieving an

Undergraduate Degree of Education in English






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USING THEME BASED YOUTUBE VIDEO (A Classroom Action Research to the Fifth Grade Students of SD Negeri I Baturetno, Wonogiri in Academic Year 2009/2010). A Thesis. English Department. Teacher Training and Education Faculty. Sebelas Maret University. Surakarta. 2011.

This study aims to identify: (1) whether or not and to what extent YouTube video can enrich students’ vocabulary and (2) to describe the situation when YouTube is applied during the teaching-learning process.

In the research, the writer conducted a classroom action research from

May 19th to June 22nd, 2010 in the fifth grade of SD Negeri I Baturetno, Wonogiri.

The writer conducted two cycles of action research and each cycle consisted of a series of steps, namely: identifying the problems, planning the action, implementing the action, observing the action, reflecting the observation result, and revising the plan.

The data of the research were collected by using some techniques including observation, interview, research diary, documents, photographs, and tests. Then, the qualitative data were analyzed by Interactive Model: data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing/verification. While the quantitative data were analyzed by descriptive statistics to calculate the mean score of pretest and posttests.

To identify whether or not and to what extent YouTube video can enrich students’ vocabulary and to describe the situation when YouTube video is applied during teaching-learning process, the research findings show that: (1) YouTube video can enrich students’ vocabulary: (a) students could recognize words easily; (b) students could remember words given before well; (c) students could grasp the meaning of words correctly; (d) students could pronounce words well; and (e) students could write words correctly; and (2) YouTube video can improve classroom situation: (a) students didnot play and chat with friends during teaching-learning process; (b) students didnot ask permission to go to toilet; (c) students wanted to write notes given by teacher; (d) students interested in following English class; and (e) students were enthusiastic in learning activity. Besides, it also improves students’ score: pretest 55,43; test on Cycle 1 67,28; posttest 80,33. This posttest is higher than the English passing grade (KKM/Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal) that is 70.


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Nothing is impossible.

If there is a will,


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This thesis is proudly

dedicated to:


Her beloved parents


Her beloved little


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Praise be to Allah SWT for His blessings that the writer can finally

complete her thesis. This thesis cannot be separated from people’s help and

guidance. Therefore, she would like to express her special gratitude to:

1. The Dean of Teacher Training and Education Faculty of Sebelas Maret

University for his permission to write this thesis.

2. The Head of English Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty

of Sebelas Maret University for his permission to write this thesis.

3. Dra. Dewi Rochsantiningsih, MEd, PhD, as the first consultant, who has

patiently given her guidance, advice, and time from the beginning up to the

completion of writing this thesis.

4. Dewi Sri Wahyuni, SPd, MPd, as the second consultant, who has given her

guidance, advice, and encouragement in writing this thesis.

5. Tamsi, S.Pd, the headmaster of SD Negeri I Baturetno, Wonogiri for giving

the permission to hold the research at school.

6. Tia Anggraini, S.Pd as the collaborator and the students for good cooperation

during the research.

7. Her parents, for giving their endless love, pray, and support.

8. Her little family, husband and daughter, for being my inspiration and giving

strength in facing this life.

The writer does realize that this thesis is far from being perfect. However,

she hopes that this thesis can provide contribution to the improvement of teaching

English, especially for elementary students.


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Woro Widiastuti



COVER ……….. i


VALIDATION ………... iii


MOTTO ……….. v






CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Study ... 1

B. Problem Statements ... 4

C. The Objectives of the Study ... 4

D. The Benefits of the Study ... 4


1. The Definition of Vocabulary ... 6

2. Kinds of Vocabulary ... 7

3. The Importance of Teaching Vocabulary ... 8

B. YouTube Video ... 10

1. The Definition of YouTube Video ... 10

2. The Benefits of Using Video ... 10

3. The Criteria of Selecting Video ... 11

4. Teaching Vocabulary Using YouTube Video ... 12


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1. The Characteristics of Young Learners ... 14

2. Teaching English to Young Learners ... 15

3. Review of Related Researches ... 15

4. Rationale ... 17

CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY A. The Context of the Research ... 19

B. The Methods of the Research ... 20

C. The Model of Action Research ... 21

D. The Stages of Action Research ... 22

E. The Techniques of Collecting the Data ... 24

F. The Techniques of Analyzing the Data ... 25

CHAPTER IV RESULT OF THE STUDY A. The Process of the Research ... 27

1. Pre-Research ... 30

2. Research Implementation ... 34

a. Cycle 1 ... 37

b. Cycle 2 ... 45

B. The Research Findings and Research Discussion ... 52

1. Research Findings ... 52

2. Research Discussion ... 58


B. Implication ... 65

C. Suggestions ... 66



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Table 4.1. The Summary of Process of the Research ……….….... 28

Table 4.2. The Summary of Situation Prior to the Research Implementation … 31

Table 4.3. The List of Activities Using YouTube Video ……… 32

Table 4.4. The Indicators of Problems and Solution ……….….…. 34

Table 4.5. The Summary of Research Implementation of Cycle 1 and 2 ……... 35

Table 4.6. The Summary of the Research Implementation of Cycle 1 …….….. 37

Table 4.7. The Summary of Research Implementation of Cycle 2 ………...….. 45

Table 4.8. The Improvement of Research Findings ………..….. 53

Table 4.9. The Improvement of Students’ Achievement ………..….. 57

Table 4.10. The Sample of Students’ Achievement ………..….. 58


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Appendix 1 Catatan Lapangan Hasil Penelitian ... 71

Appendix 2 Lembar Pengamatan Jalannya KBM ... 75

Appendix 3 Transcript of Interview ... 77

Appendix 4 The Diary of Action Research ... 84

Appendix 5 Lesson Plan ... 89

Appendix 6 Test Description ... 101

Appendix 7 Pretest and Posttests Items ... 102

Appendix 8 Answer Keys ... 111

Appendix 9 Students’ Achievement ... 114

Appendix 10 Students’ Worksheets ... 115

Appendix 11 Sample of Photographs ... 142

Appendix 12 Sample of YouTube Video ... 144


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A. Background of the Study

Language has important roles to develop intellectual, social, emotional

aspects and to determine success in studying all subject matters. It expectedly

helps the student to reflect their experiences to show their idea and feelings and

also to understand any kinds of meaning. English, then, is chosen as the first

foreign language to be learned by students in both formal and non-formal

education in our country. It is included in the curriculum as a compulsory subject

for the Junior and Senior High School. While, for students in Elementary School,

though English is given only as a local subject, it has an important role in

preparing the students to continue their study to the next stages of education.

Elementary school is the right place to make the students familiar with

English. They, which still belong to young learners in average 6-12 years old, are

the best time in absorbing something new things. For them, English is a new

thing, therefore it will be more effective if it is taught to them at this level. In that

level, students are always enthusiastic when they get something that they never

got before. Besides, students can easily in recognizing and remembering

something given to them although sometimes they will easily to forget too. For

students in elementary school, it is suitable for introducing the basic of English

that is vocabulary.

Considering the importance of vocabulary competence, it is better to

introduce new vocabulary earlier to the students. It makes them know and

understand a lot of vocabularies. Inadequacy of vocabulary will obstruct the

students’ chances to speak, listen, read, or write. It is also the key aspect of

language learning which consist of a list or set of words that individual speakers

of language might use for speaking, listening, reading, and writing. As stated by


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will be unable to use the structure and functions they have learned for


However, after observing the teaching and learning process at the fifth

grade students of SD Negeri I Baturetno, Wonogiri, the writer finds out that the

students’ vocabulary mastery is still low. It can be seen from the students’ answer

when they are asked about English, i.e. Bahasa Inggris sulit, Bu; nggak tau arti

kata-katanya; sulit membacanya, tulisan sama bacanya udah beda; sulit

mengingat kata-katanya, Bu, sering lupa; etc.

From the students’ statements above, the writer concludes that 1) the

students get difficulties in recognizing words; 2) the students get difficulties in

remembering words; 3) the students get difficulties in grasping the meaning of

English words; 4) the students get difficulties in pronouncing words correctly; and

5) the students get difficulties in writing words correctly.

In addition, because of their assumption that English is a difficult subject,

it makes the classroom situation do not conducive for teaching-learning process. It

can be seen from 1) students often play and chat with friends during

teaching-learning process; 2) students often ask permission to go to toilet; 3) most students

did not write notes given by teacher; 4) students are easy to get bored in following

English class; and even 5) some students look sleepy in the class.

Those problems may arise because the students do not have highly

motivation in following English class and even they think that it is not interesting.

Besides, there are limited media that can be used by teacher as teaching aids. In

teaching them, the teacher tends to use drilling and translation method. Those may

be useful methods if those are applied on higher level, but it is not effective for

elementary level. The students, which still belong to young learners, are easy to

get bored and only can concentrate in a short time. Basically, they cannot learn in

a serious way and need to be taught in a fun activity. Therefore, the students not

only have a perception about English that it is a difficult subject but also it is a

boring subject.

Remembering that young learners different from adults, it is different


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students. Elementary students as young learners or children have certain

characteristics and it needs certain treatments too. For instance, they are easy to

get bored and cannot learn seriously in long time. For the teachers in elementary

school, it is not only necessary to know the characteristics of young learners but

also to master the technique to reach a good development in teaching-learning


Considering the importance of vocabulary that should be mastered by the

students, it promotes the writer to find out one method that can help the students

become easier in learning English vocabulary. Besides, it should provide them to

learn in an attractive way in order to make they get spirit in teaching-learning

process. Thus, in this research the writer will bring forward the way of teaching

vocabulary by using YouTube video.

The YouTube videos are chosen based on the theme on syllabus of English

for the fifth grade students and chosen in form of cartoon video in order to make

the students being more interested in teaching-learning process. Sherman (2003:

1) states that video allows us to introduce any aspect of real life into the language

learning environment, contextualizing the learning process. Besides, it can be used

in many different instructional settings, from the classroom to online distance

learning campuses. The great value of video lies in its combination of sounds,

images, and sometimes text in the form of subtitles, together with the

socio-cultural information about habits, traditions, culture, etc. All this makes it a very

comprehensible tool for teaching vocabulary to foreign language students.

By applying video in English class, it can serve many advantages in

helping the students to learn new vocabulary. Learning by watching video, it can

change the students’ opinion about English as a difficult subject become English

is an easy and interesting subject. Next, it leads to improve their interest in

following English class because they will get an entertainment by watching the

video. The learners who saw video pictures were able to produce a higher

percentage of acceptable vocabularies than the learners who read only the


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Based on the description above, the writer wants to solve the problems that

arise and to improve the students’ vocabulary through video. The writer believes

that by implementing YouTube video in English teaching-learning process can

enrich the fifth grade students’ vocabulary of SD Negeri I Baturetno, Wonogiri.

B. Problem Statements

Based on the background of the study above, the problems that will be

analyzed in this study can be formulated as follows:

1. Does and what extent the implementation of YouTube video enriches the

students’ vocabulary?

2. What is the situation when YouTube video is applied during the

teaching-learning process at the fifth grade students of SD Negeri I Baturetno,


C. The Objectives of the Study

The study aims at finding the answer to the questions stated on the

problem statements above. Therefore, the objectives of the study are:

1. To identify whether or not and to what extent the implementation of YouTube

video can enrich the students’ vocabulary.

2. To describe the situation when YouTube video is applied during the

teaching-learning process at the fifth grade of SD Negeri I Baturetno, Wonogiri.

D. The Benefits of the Study

The result of the study is expected to give some benefits for the following

sides that are related to the scope of the study, they are:

1. The writer

For the writer that also the English teacher in SD Negeri I Baturetno, the result

of the study can be a reflection in her teaching experience. She also can

identify whether or not the students enjoy and improve themselves in learning


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the writer can improve her teaching experience both technique and practically

to be a creative teacher in the future.

2. Students

For the fifth grade students of SD Negeri I Baturetno, Wonogiri, it is hoped

that the result of the study can help them in learning English therefore there

will be a significant improvement in vocabulary mastery. Besides, by applying

YouTube video as learning media, the students are expected being more

comfort and interested in following English class.

3. English Teacher

Through this research, the English teachers are expected obtaining a new idea

in teaching English by implementing YouTube video. They are also expected

getting a better understanding about how to teach English using interesting

media, especially for students in elementary school. Indirectly, it is hoped that

the research finding will be able to encourage them in finding other techniques

in teaching vocabulary.

4. School

By conducting this research, it is expected that the information can be useful

input for SD Negeri I Baturetno, Wonogiri to improve its quality in

teaching-learning process, especially in English lesson. Besides, it is also expected to

be able to motivate the school in facilitating its institution with technology and

electronic media.

5. Other researchers

The result of the study is expected to give a highly contribution for other

researchers in doing the same action research. Furthermore, it is hoped that it

will be useful information for other researcher so that they can develop new


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This chapter provides a review on literature related to the title of the

research namely enriching students’ vocabulary using theme based YouTube

video. To support this research, this chapter discusses about vocabulary, YouTube

video, young learners, and review of related researchers. Each of them is

discussed in the following section.

A. Vocabulary

1. The Definition of Vocabulary

Generally, vocabulary can be defined as a list of words with their

meanings, especially at the back of a book used for teaching a foreign language.

In other words, vocabulary is always related to the words and dictionary. There

are some definitions of vocabulary by some experts. As taken from Wikipedia,

vocabulary refers to all the words known and used by a particular person. It

usually grows and evolves with age, and serves as a useful and fundamental tool

for communication and acquiring knowledge.

A similar statement stated by Hatch and Brown (1995: 1) that the term of

vocabulary refers to a list or set of words for a particular language or a list or set

of words that individual speakers of language might use. As what Hatch and

Brown say, vocabulary is a list of words. It means that there are more than one

words used by the speaker of a certain language. Vocabulary also refers to a group

of words used by a person as a means of communication.

Ur (1996: 60) also defines vocabulary as the words that are taught in

foreign language. She adds that vocabulary is mainly defined as words that are

used in a foreign language course. The words in vocabulary do not come from the

students’ native language. It is a set of words from second or foreign language that


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A new item of vocabulary may be more than a single word which is made

up of 2 or 3 words but expressing a single idea. Additionally, Moon in Schmitt

and McCarthy (1997: 105) argues that traditionally, vocabulary consists not only

of single words: lexemes are often made up of strings of more that one word.

From all definitions above, it can be concluded that vocabulary is a set of

words that are taught in foreign language. Vocabulary is also closely related to a

list of words used to express the speakers’ idea.

2. Kinds of Vocabulary

There are two kinds of vocabulary, receptive and productive vocabulary.

Haycraft in Hatch and Brown (1995: 370) states that receptive vocabulary is

words that the student recognizes and understands when they occur in a context,

but which he cannot produce correctly, and productive vocabulary is words which

the student understands, can pronounce correctly, and use constructively in

speaking and writing.

Since the subject of the study is elementary school students, the objective

of the study is the students’ receptive vocabulary. However, the researcher used

constructive speaking in the form of communicative classroom activity in order to

introduce vocabulary and language in its communicative function.

According to Ur (1996: 60), there are six aspects of vocabulary that need

to be taught in teaching vocabulary as follows:

a. Form: Pronunciation and Spelling

The learner has to know how a word is pronounced (its pronunciation)

and what it looks like (its spelling).

b. Grammar

A word sometimes comes with grammatical rules. The learner also needs

to know the past form of a verb, the plural form of a noun, etc.

c. Collocation


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d. Aspects of Meaning (1): denotation, connotation, appropriateness

Denotation refers to the meaning of a word as what it refers to in the real

world. Connotation is the meaning of a word when it comes in association,

negative or positive evokes that may or may not be stated in dictionary

definition. The context is also important to determine the meaning of a word.

It gives appropriateness where the word commonly used.

e. Aspects of Meaning (2): meaning relationship

A word sometimes has a close relationship with others. In language

teaching, this kind of relationship is useful. The learner should recognize the

words in different relationships. Synonyms, antonyms, hyponyms are some

of the main ones.

f. Word formation

Certain vocabulary can be broken down into their components. Students’

understanding in prefixes and suffixes can help them in knowing the meaning

of words.

Those six aspects give what a learner needs to learn language. However,

the aspects taught should be matched with the students’ level. Since the research

was conducted in elementary school, the aspects chosen were spelling,

pronunciation, and meaning.

3. The Importance of Teaching Vocabulary

Vocabulary is the key aspects of language learning which consists of a list

or set of words that individual speakers of language might use for listening,

speaking, reading, and writing. It is also the first steps of learning a second

language and becomes the basic competence to get other competences of

language. The importance of vocabulary is explained by Coady and Huckin

(1997: 5) who states that vocabulary is central to language and of critical

importance to the typical language learner. It means that vocabulary take an

important role in teaching language. With more vocabulary, the learners will


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There are some importances of vocabulary stated by expert. Firstly, an

extensive vocabulary aids expressions and communication. Secondly, vocabulary

size has been directly linked to reading comprehension. Thirdly, linguistic

vocabulary is synonymous with thinking vocabulary. The last is that a person may

be judged by others based on his or her vocabulary.

As stated by Thornburry (2002: 13) that without grammar very little can

be conveyed, without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed. Similarly, McCarthy

in Schmitt and McCarthy (1997: 140) states that no matter how well the students

learn grammar, no matter how successfully the sound of language is mastered,

without words to express wide language meaning, communication in second

language cannot be happen in any meaningful way. It means that vocabulary is

foundation to build language with plays a fundamental role in communication.

According to Allen (1983: 5), the communication will stop when learners

lack the necessary words. It means that when one does not know what vocabulary

used to communicate with others, one cannot express his idea to be conveyed and

in addition to this, the communication will end. However, mastering vocabulary is

not only having great vocabularies or remembering vocabularies. It is also

includes the skill to make the right choice words, and also spelling the word


Furthermore, Rivers in Nunan (1991: 117) states that the acquisition of an

adequate vocabulary is essential for successful second language use because

without an extensive vocabulary, we will be unable to use the structures and

functions that we may have learned for comprehensible communication. It means

that vocabulary will give an important element in the acquisition of second


From the opinions above, it can be concluded that vocabulary plays an

important role in language communication. When one learns language, the first

step that should be known is learning vocabulary. It is caused by vocabulary is the


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1. The Definition of YouTube Video

Nowadays, when the internet has become more accessible, it is seen by

many people as one of the most powerful innovations ever invented, and with

good reasons. One of the reasons always advocated for adopting technology of

internet is that it leads to efficiency gains. In other words, it helps people do what

they already were doing, but faster, cheaper, or easier. The potential of internet is

that it can be used as a teaching aid in English language learning.

There are many kinds of media taken from internet which can be used in

teaching-learning process. One of them is called YouTube. YouTube is a very

popular web video sharing site that lets anyone store videos for private or public

viewing. YouTube provides a venue for sharing videos among friends and family

as well as a showcase for new and experienced videographers. There are so many

kinds and types of video include entertainment, education, advertisement, etc.

The real advantage of YouTube, at least from a language learning point of

view, is that it offers authentic examples of English used by people. At the same

time, YouTube video enables teacher to attach the students to the real life nature

of these videos. By creating context for these short video, students can be helped

to explore a world of online English learning possibilities.

Generally, video is the technology of electronically capturing, recording,

processing, storing, transmitting, and reconstructing a sequence of still images

representing scenes in motion. Video is a great resource to use in class and there

are an endless number of ways to exploit it to create motivating, memorable

classes with a high level of language production. The use of video technologies to

illustrate the educational materials has become much more feasible.

2. The Benefits of Using Video

Basically, students really enjoy watching movies and TV for a variety

reasons. For one, they get exposure to natural language in a non-threatening

setting. Secondly, movies and video provide common ground to students of any


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For all young learners, the use of video gives a useful input in learning

English. First, video communicates meaning better than other media. It means that

video present language in context in ways that a cassette can’t. Learners can see

who’s (or what’s) speaking, where the speakers are, what they’re doing, etc. All

these visual clues can help comprehension. Second, video represents a positive

exploitation of technology. Teenagers, in particular, have a positive attitude

toward television and video. It is seen as being modern compared to books.

Tomalin (1991: 48) states that there are some benefits of teaching English

using video for learners aged 3 – 8 years old. They are as follows:

a. Children enjoy language learning with video

One of the aims of teaching English to young learners is to instill in them the

idea that language learning is happy experience, and video creates an

attractive enjoyable learning environment.

b. Video is an effective way of studying body language

Younger language learners are still learning about the world around them

c. Children gain confidence through repetition

Young children love to hear stories again and again and the same goes for

video. By watching a video several times children can learn by absorption

and imitation.

3. The Criteria for Selecting Video

When selecting a video for used in the classroom, certain general criteria

should be kept in mind. There are several criteria in selecting video:

a. Watchability

It is related to the question is the video interesting, would a young learner

want to watch this, etc.

b. Completeness

Tomalin (1991: 50) states the ideal video clip tells a complete story or a

section of a story. This idea of completeness is important for young learners


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c. Length

The length of the clip is important. It shouldn’t be long, perhaps between 30

seconds and 10 minutes depending on the learning objective.

d. Appropriateness of Content

The content should be suitable for young learners. It should also be suitable

for viewing in all cultures.

e. Level of Maturity

Children mature very quickly. It is should be matched with their level of

maturity in order to make them understand the concepts in the video.

f. Availability of Related Materials

Many authentic videos now come with ready made materials that can be used

for language teaching. Other videos may have been adapted from books,

which could be used in the classroom to support the video.

4. Teaching Vocabulary Using YouTube Video

Video can be a valuable and possibly underused classroom tool. Although,

there is always the temptation to simply put a video on at the end of term and let

the students watch a film without even challenging them to be actively involved.

According to Sherman (2003: 1), video allow us to introduce any aspect of

real life into the language learning environment, contextualizing the learning

process. Besides, it can be used in many different instructional settings, from the

classroom to online distance learning campuses. The great value of video lies in

its combination of sounds, images, and sometimes text (in the form of subtitles),

together with the socio-cultural information about habits, traditions, culture, etc.

All this makes it a very comprehensible tool for teaching vocabulary to foreign

language students.

Furthermore, adapted from Willis' 6 roles for video (1983: 45), there are

four possible roles for video: a) developing listening skills - listening for global

understanding, listening for detail; b) to provide information - to provide content


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grammar, vocabulary, functions; and d) stimulating language production - video

used as a basis for discussion, a model for learners to follow, a visual aid.

Teaching English using video will give a fun atmosphere to the students,

especially young learners. They can learn unconsciously while they are watching

the film, so that they enjoy language learning. Tomalin (1991: 48) states one of

the aims of teaching English to young children is to instill in them the idea that

language learning is a happy experience, and video creates an attractive enjoyable

learning environment. It means that it is important to make children feel comfort

and happy first in order to make language learning run effectively.

Basically, there are two main uses of video have been distinguished:

instructional video, specifically created to teach foreign languages, and authentic

video materials, such as films, TV series, commercials, etc., originally created for

native speakers of the language. Even if it can sometimes be more difficult to

handle, it is in fact very functional to use authentic video in the foreign language

class, since students can profit more efficiently from this type of input, given its

presentation of real (not manipulated) and complete communicative situations,

that is what learners really need in real life.

Authentic videos for young learners will often contain a lot of repetition.

This is a good lesson for lower levels because students only have to focus on a

minimum of spoken dialogue. Students watch a scene from a film which has lots

of things that they can see and therefore write in their vocabulary books.

Talavan (2007: 1) states that students of all levels can benefit from the use

of video, since there are always easier video sequences, spoken at a slower rate

that can match lower level students’ needs. Besides, authentic video has an

obvious advantage over conventional audio tapes and the visual dimension that

makes understanding easier through gestures and context.

In addition, teaching English using YouTube video will be appropriate to

young learners since it provides an entertainment to the students therefore it will


commit to user C. Young Learners

1. The Characteristics of Young Learners

There are some characteristics of young learners that differentiate them

from adult. By knowing their characteristics, it is hoped that the teacher would

treat their students well and be able to choose an appropriate technique of teaching

in order to reach the objective of teaching-learning process.

The age of learners can be categorized into three ages, which are:

a. The age of 5 – 12 is considered Young Learners.

b. The age of 12 – 18 is considered Teenagers.

c. Older than 18 is considered to be Adult.

According to Purwaningsih in Daristya, young learners are learners in

elementary school aging 9 – 10 years old who are learning English as foreign

language. Similarly, Hoesein in Daristya states that young learners are the

students of elementary school who are at grade four up to grade six. From those

statements, it may be concluded that young learners are students who are studying

English in elementary school.

Additionally, Brumfit (1995: v) proposed some characteristics of young

learners as follows:

a. Young learners are only just beginning their schooling. So that teachers have

major opportunity to mould their expectations of life in school.

b. As a group, they are potentially more differentiated than secondary or adult

learners, for they are closer to their varied home cultures and new to the

conformity increasingly imposed across cultural groupings by the school.

c. They tend to be keen and enthusiastic learners, without the inhibitions which

older children sometimes bring to their schooling.

d. Their learning can be closely linked with their development of ideas and

concepts, because it is so close to their initial experience of formal schooling.

e. They need physical movement and activity as much as stimulation for their

thinking, and the closer together these can be better.

From explanation above, it can be concluded that children are mostly


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attractive for them. Therefore, it is important to teach them with a technique that

involves some interesting activities during teaching-learning process.

2. Teaching English to Young Learners

Recently, English began to be taught to elementary school even primary

school. It is important to introduce English as early as possible in order to prepare

them in continuing their study to the higher level such as junior high school and

senior high school. Scott and Ytreberg (2000: 4) propose the reasons of teaching

language to young learners as follows:

a. Only by an early start can language mastery be assured.

b. Preadolescents can learn a language without self-consciousness.

c. The early start instills respect for the other people and foster tolerance.

d. Appreciably more children can be eager to study a foreign language later on.

e. The students who began early will be much further along in high school and in


As stated above, it is clearly that English should be taught earlier.

Remembering that young learners have their special characteristics that

differentiate them with adults, it is important for teacher to choose a technique

that suitable for their average age. Not all of the English teaching methods can be

used to teach young learners. Being an English teacher also should be variously in

presenting the materials since children only have concentration in a few and easy

to get bored.

D. Review of Related Researches

There are some articles related to the use of video in foreign language

class. The first article entitled “Learning Vocabulary Through Authentic Video

and Subtitles”. It states that subtitles can be used together with authentic video to

improve word recognition and vocabulary acquisition skills in the EFL class. This

atmosphere provides authentic input through three different channels (written text,


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in its combination of sounds, images, and sometimes text (in the form of

subtitles), together with the socio-cultural information about habits, traditions,

culture, etc. All this makes it a very comprehensible tool for teaching vocabulary

to foreign language students.

Tatsuki (1999) writes about “Video in the Language Lab: Teaching

Vocabulary”. She states learners who read illustrative sentences (sentences

capturing a scene in the movie and model the correct usage of a target vocabulary

item) scored better on a multiple choice test than did those who read the narrative

only or read the narrative and watched the video. This would indicate that if

vocabulary learning is going to be measured by productive use, video is certainly

facilitative. If, on the other hand, vocabulary gain is going to be measured via

multiple choice testing, video will be most efficient if learners are provided with

contextualized sentence models. Either way, video is a useful part of vocabulary


McKinnon writes “Teaching Technologies: Teaching English Using

Video”. It is an article offering advice and suggestions on how to teach English

using video. He states that video is a valuable and possibly underused classroom

tool. There is always the temptation to simply put a video on at the end of term

and let our students watch a film without even challenging them to be actively

involved. Then, he concludes that the use of video is an advantage here as it is an

emotional scene with lots of gestures, adding weight to the situation.

Constantinescu (2007) writes “Using Technology to Assist in Vocabulary

Acquisition and Reading Comprehension”. First, it starts with a brief overview of

the relationship between vocabulary knowledge and reading comprehension.

Then, it has been increasingly argued that computer technologies can support

learning in a number of ways. Many features of the computer are considered to

enhance vocabulary development and reading comprehension: multimedia is one

of them. Multimedia refers to computer-based systems that use various types of

content, such as text, audio, video, graphics, animation, and interactivity. Chun

and Plass in Constantinescu (2007) states that visual multimedia advance


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facilitators of reading comprehension, which stresses the close relationship

between vocabulary and reading.

Irina (2010) writes “Using YouTube Videos in Teaching English”. She

states that video material taken from YouTube can be a very useful source and

asset for the language teaching-learning process because it combines both fun and

pedagogic instructions in an authentic material that reflect real interaction. Using

videos in the English class is a very helpful and stimulating method to motivate

the students to get the most of the lesson. By employing videotaped material

teachers can always create an indefinite number of language teaching activities.

The devised activities above are mere examples based on one short segment and

each focuses of a different language skill that EFL students need to acquire.

E. Rationale

Vocabulary plays an important role in learning English as second

language. It becomes the basic competence in order to get other competence like

listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Considering the importance of

vocabulary, it is better to introduce it earlier. Here, the students of elementary

school are the right level in introducing English vocabulary so that it can prepare

them entering the next stages of education.

Thus, there should be a technique that can facilitate the improvement of

students’ vocabulary. Remembering that the students still belong to young

learners with their special characteristics, the technique selected must be suitable

for them. It is essential to find out ways of promoting learning activities which are

motivating, interesting, and fun in order to make the objective of the

teaching-learning process can be achieved.

YouTube video, then are thought to be adequate for that purpose since it

provides the combination of sounds, images, and sometimes text (in the form of

subtitles). All this make it a very comprehensible tool for teaching vocabulary

especially for elementary students. The use of YouTube video enables the teacher


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easily. Besides, the students will be more comfort and enjoy in learning new

English vocabulary. As everyone knows that children are easy to get bored and

cannot pay attention to the lesson in a long time, it can help them in learning


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This chapter discusses the research method that is used in this study. It

covers the research setting, the subject of the research, the methods of the

research, the model of action research, the procedures of action research, the

technique of collecting the data, and the technique of analyzing the data. Each of

them is discussed in the following section.

A. The Context of the Research

This research is conducted at SD Negeri I Baturetno, Wonogiri. Its address

is Duwet Kidul, Baturetno, Wonogiri. SD Negeri I Baturetno is one of the most

favorite state elementary school in Baturetno sub district. There are six classes at

the school which consist of 264 students. The writer conducts the research start

from May to June 2010 that represents the second semester of academic year


However, the subject of the study is the fifth grade students of SD Negeri I

Baturetno. There are 46 students in the class which consist of 23 boys and 23

girls. Even though most of them are coming from the middle-low economy level,

they belong to the students having a great motivation in learning English.

Sometimes, they do not pay attention to the teacher and even feel sleepy in

English class because they felt that the teaching and learning process which is

boring and going monotonous.

Considering with the fact above, the writer thought that by applying

YouTube video in English class, it will change the situation being more alive and

interesting. Besides, the students get an entertainment while they are learning new

English vocabulary. They will learn English in a difference way and technique


commit to user B. The Methods of the Research

In conducting the study, the writer uses an action research method. There

are some definitions given by some experts. The first definition of the action

research is given by Elliot (1991: 6) that action research might be defined as the

study of a social situation with a view to improving the quality of action within it.

It aims to feed practical judgment in concrete situations and the validity of the

“theories” or hypothesis it generates depends not so much on “scientific” test of

truth, as on their usefulness in helping people to act more intelligently and

skillfully. Meanwhile, Rapoport in Rudduck and Hopkins (1989: 58) states that

action research is a type of applied social research differing from other varieties in

the immediacy of the researcher’s involvement in the action process.

As taken from Wikipedia, action research is a reflective process of

progressive problem solving led by individuals working with others in teams or as

part of a community of practice to improve the way they address issues and solve

problems. Action research can also be undertaken by larger organizations or

institution, assisted, or guided by professional researchers with the aim of

improving their strategies, practices, and knowledge of the environments within

which they practice.

From the definitions above, it can be summarized that action research is

the systematic study conducted by teacher researchers, principals, school

counselors, or other stakeholders in the teaching and learning environment to

overcome education problems or to change things related to educational problem.

In other words, it is used to improve and to justify their own social or educational

practices, their understanding of these practices and the situations in which the

practices are carried out with the validity of theories and hypothesis. Further, there

are four elements that characterized the nature of action research, they are

collaboration, focus on practical problems, professional development, and the

need of project structure.

In this study, the writer prefers conducting a classroom action research to


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1. Classroom action research is continuous process that produces open-ended

result, so that this research enables the researcher to become continuous

learners to change and improve their quality in teaching.

2. The researchers are committed to take action and positive educational change

based on their findings rather than being satisfied with reporting their

conclusions to others.

3. Classroom action research is research for change and improvement. It is

expected that this research not only change and improve students’ vocabulary

but also to change and improve teacher’s technique variation in teaching


4. The use of the teaching vocabulary technique in this research can be

monitored, so that the use of the technique will not deviate or out from the

instructional process.

C. The Model of Action Research

The model of action research used in this study is based on the model

developed by Kemmis and McTaggart (1998) in Burns (1999: 32). They state that

action research occurs through a dynamic and complementary process that

consists of four fundamental steps in a spiraling process. They are as follows:

a. Planning: develop a plan of critically informed action to improve what is

already happening

b. Action: act to implement the plan.

c. Observation: observe the effects of the critically informed action in the context

in which it occurs.

d. Reflection: reflect these effects as the basis for further planning.

In this research, the four steps can be expanded into six steps, namely: 1)

identifying the problem; 2) planning the action; 3) implementing the action; 4)

observing or monitoring the action; 5) reflecting the result of observation; and 6)


commit to user D. The Stages of Action Research

The model of the action research above is the frameworks in undertaking a

classroom action research. Those six steps are taken in each procedure that forms

one cycle. They are as follows:

1. Identifying the Problem

The researcher identifies the problems first before planning the action.

The problem refers to the students’ vocabulary mastery that is still low. It is

caused by some factors related to both teacher and students. The problem can

be identified by using:

a. Test : the pre-test was given to identify the students’ competence

in comprehending English vocabulary

b. Interview : the interview was held in order to identify the students’

opinion about English class and the problem faced by the students during

teaching-learning process.

c. Observation : the observation was done to identify the students’

behavior and class situation during teaching-learning process.

2. Planning the Action

The researcher then plans everything related to the actions that will be

implemented. The preparation is done for each cycle. The preparations are as


a. Arranging lesson plans. It covers processes of choosing the YouTube

video played, the materials used, the kinds of activities done, etc.

b. Designing and setting steps in doing action.

c. Preparing suitable teaching aids, such as laptop, LCD projector, flash or

disc containing many films, etc.

d. Preparing sheets for classroom observation.

e. Preparing tests.

3. Implementing the Action

The researcher implements the teaching and learning of vocabulary by

using YouTube video to help the students understand the material. The


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a. Presenting the topic

The researcher presents the topic in the form of playing YouTube video

for many times. As the teaching media, the researcher uses laptop

supported by LCD projector in order the films can be watched clearly by

the students though they sat in the back arrow.

b. Giving tasks

In this stage, the researcher gives tasks for the students. The tasks can be

exercises, practices, and various activities such as games, discussions, etc

that should be done by students in a group. The researcher may revise

those tasks in every cycle.

c. Evaluating

Finally, at the end of the action, the researcher conducts a post-test to

measure the students’ ability in mastering vocabulary after the action is

implemented and to measure the students’ improvement after they were

taught by using YouTube video.

4. Observing or Monitoring the Action

The teacher, as the researcher, observes all activities in the teaching

and learning process while the technique of teaching vocabulary using

YouTube video is carried out. This observation is done with her collaborator.

They keep notes of students’ impression during the teaching and process. The

teacher also creates a conductive atmosphere to increase the students’

motivation in learning vocabulary, for example by giving suggestion, helping

their difficulties while learning, and giving feedback for their efforts.

5. Reflecting and Evaluating the Result of the Observation

The researcher makes an evaluation based on her observation and her

collaborator’s note to identify the weaknesses during the action. The

weaknesses can be seen from facts whether they are active or passive in

teaching and learning process. She also makes diaries about the condition of

the class during the action. Next, this evaluation will be a basic consideration


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6. Revising the Plan

Based on the weaknesses found from the activity that has been carried

out, the researcher revises the plan for the next cycle. It is done to get better

results of the method she applied.

E. The Techniques of Collecting the Data

In this classroom action research, the researcher uses qualitative and

quantitative methods in collecting the data. Each of them is explained as follows:

1. Observation

In this research, the observation was done to describe the activities and class

situation during the teaching-learning process when the YouTube video

applied. When the researcher that is also a teacher taught vocabulary using

video, the observer observes, evaluates, and offers suggestion about the

application of video in English class.

2. Documents

The documents were in the form of lesson plans and students’ worksheets and

it was used to gain the information about the students’ progress in vocabulary


3. Interview

The researcher used interview to get information from the students toward

their perception about English, their understanding about the lesson, and the

strength and weaknesses of the application of video in teaching-learning

process. It was held at the beginning and the end of the research.

4. Research diary

In this research, the researcher made her own diaries to write some important

notes toward the students’ behavior and also its improvement during

teaching-learning process.

5. Photographs

By taking photographs, it helped the researcher to describe the real situation


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6. Tests

In this research, the tests involved pretest and posttests. Pretest was given to

identify the students’ vocabulary before the method applied while posttests

were given to measure the improvement of students’ vocabulary after applying

video in English class.

F. The Techniques of Analyzing the Data

After collecting the data, the next step is analyzing the data. In order to

analyze the qualitative data gained from observation, interview, research diary,

documents, and photographs, the researcher analyzes them by using interactive

model proposed by Miles and Huberman (1992: 16). The procedures are as


1. Data Reduction

Data reduction refers to the process of selecting, focusing, simplifying,

abstracting, and transforming the data appear in written-up field notes or

transcription. Data reduction is a form of analysis that sharpens, sorts, focuses,

discards, and organizes data in such a way that “final” conclusions can be drawn

and verified.

2. Data Display

Generally, a display is an organized, compressed assembly of information

that permits conclusions drawing and action. The most frequent form of display

for qualitative data has been extended text.

3. Conclusion Drawing/Verification

Conclusion drawing is only a half of a Gemini configuration. Conclusions

are also verified as the analyst proceeds. Verification may be as a brief as a

fleeting second thought crossing the analyst’s mind during writing.

On the other hand, the pretest and posttests that belong to the quantitative

data were presented with the mean score of pretest and posttests and analyzed by

descriptive statistics. The formula as follows:



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In which

x = mean of pre-test score

y = mean of posttest score


commit to user CHAPTER IV


The objectives of doing this research as stated in Chapter I are to identify

whether or not and what extent YouTube video can enrich the students’

vocabulary and to describe the situation when YouTube video is applied during

the teaching-learning process at the fifth grade of SD Negeri I Baturetno,

Wonogiri. Those findings are described in this chapter. It is divided into two parts

which include the process of the research and the research findings and research

discussion. Each part is described as follows:

A. The Process of the Research

The writer that is also as the English teacher in SD Negeri I Baturetno had

been teaching for about a year. She teaches from class one to six. SD Negeri I

Baturetno has large numbers of students that is for about 250 students. In this

study, she chooses class 5 to be the subject of the research which has 46 students

and since it has problems as stated in chapter I. For this research, she teaches class

5 once a week based on the class schedule for English lesson that is every

Saturday on 07.15 up to 08.25.

Before conducting the research, the writer did observation and interviews

the students with her collaborator who an English teacher in SD Negeri 4

Baturetno, TA. From the observation, it could be concluded that class 5 had

problem in vocabulary mastery. In other words, the students still got difficulties in

recognizing and remembering words, grasping meaning of words, pronouncing

words, and writing words correctly. The class which has 46 students also difficult

to be handled by teacher since they often made noises during teaching-learning

process. Therefore, an action research is conducted by the writer and her

collaborator to overcome those problems.


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beginning until the end of the research. The procedure of the research consists of

pre-research, research implementation, and research finding and research

discussion. The whole research was conducted through the following process:

Table 4.1. The Summary of Process of the Research

Pre-Research 1. Observation

TA and the writer observed the TLP of English class Aims:

• Identify the problems arise during TLP concerning to the students’ vocabulary competence

• Identify classroom situation before applying video Results:

• 5 indicators that showed the students had limited vocabulary mastery

• The class situation during TLP was not conducive

2. Interview

The writer interviewed the students Aims:

• To know their opinion about English subject

• To know their interest toward English class

• To know their opinion about teacher’s technique in teaching vocabulary

• To know their opinion about English vocabulary Results:

• Most students said that English is a difficult subject

• Only few students interest toward English

• Most students said that they felt bored and sleepy during TLP

• Most students said that they had difficulties in mastering English vocabulary

Research Implementation

TA and the writer collaboratively implemented the research which is carried out into two cycles

Cycle 1 Planning: prepared laptop, LCD projector, loudspeaker, photograph, video collections, materials, lesson plans, students’ exercises, posttest, and everything related to the action.

Action: applying video

Meeting 1: Listen and Repeat (Clothes)

• Did questioning and answering with students as brainstorming

• Introduced the video and how to download it from YouTube

• Played video and asked students to pronounce words they heard from video together

• Played video and asked students to pronounce words individually

Meeting 2: Which one? (Clothes)

• Reviewed previous lesson

• Played video and asked students to point which cloth mentioned on video

• Pointed some students to come forward and point which cloth mentioned on video

• Provided an exercise Meeting 3: What is this? (Clothes)

• Reviewed previous lesson


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shown on video

• Played video and asked students to write the name of each clothes shown on video

• Asked students to checked the correct answer together by watching video

Observation: TA and the writer observed the implementation of Cycle 1

• Most students could recognize words well

• Students could remember words given before well

• Most students could pronounce words correctly

• Most students paid much attention during TLP

• Students became more enthusiastic in following English class

• There was no students ask permission to go to toilet

• There were few students play and chat during TLP

• There were some boy students did not want do teacher’s command

• Most students did not want to write notes given

• Most students made mistakes in grasping meaning of words

• Most students wrote in incorrect spellings

• 19 from 46 students reached the passing grade

Reflection: TA and the writer reflected the observation result Positive improvement:

• Most students could recognize and remember word well

• Most students could pronounce words correctly

• Class situation became more alive

• Most students became more active in joining English class

• There was no student ask permission to go to toilet Limitations:

• Most students made mistakes in grasping meaning of English words

• Most students wrote in incorrect spellings

• Some students did not want to write notes given

Revision plan: TA and the writer revised the plan. The next cycle focused on:

• Improving students’ ability in grasping meaning of words

• Improving students’ ability in writing words

• Limiting students’ chance in writing notes

• Creating activities which are more joyful

Cycle 2 Planning: prepared laptop, LCD projector, loudspeaker, photograph, video collections, materials, lesson plans, students’ exercises, posttest, and everything related to the action.

Action: applying video

Meeting 1: Read the word (Clothes)

• Did questioning and answering with students as brainstorming

• Played and asked students to read words shown on video together

• Played video and pointed some students to read the words individually

• Played game

• Provided an exercise Meeting 2: Write the words (Clothes)

• Reviewed previous lesson

• Played video and asked students to write the words shown on video

• Played video and checked the correct answer by watching video


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• Asked students to translate Indonesian words into English

• Provided and exercise Meeting 3: Describing clothes

• Reviewed previous lesson

• Explained how to describe clothes

• Asked some students to come forward to describe clothes

• Played video and asked students to describe clothes shown on video

• Played game

• Provided an exercise

Observation: TA and the writer observed the action of Cycle 2

• Students were able to translate English words into Indonesian

• Most students wanted to do teacher’s command well

• Students had their own initiative to write important notes y themselves

• Most students could write English words correctly

• 95% students reached the passing grade Reflections:

• The improvement of students’ recognition toward English words

• The improvement of writing ability

• The improvement of class situation after video applied

• The improvement of students’ behavior during TLP

• The improvement of students’ achievement Result


TA and the writer discussed the result findings based on the data obtained from field notes, interview, and teacher’s diary. Then, the writer concluded the result as a final reflection, as follows:

• Video was able to change students’ perception toward English that is a difficult subject into an interesting subject

• Video was an effective teaching aid to teach vocabulary to the students in elementary school

• Video attracted students’ attention during TLP

• Video was able to change class situation became more fun and conducive

• There was a good improvement and achievement concerning to the students’ vocabulary mastery

• Video could improve students’ vocabulary mastery.

The process of the research stated in Table 4.1 above is discussed in the following


1. Pre-Research

The pre-research was conducted to investigate the students’ vocabulary

competence and the classroom situation during teaching-learning process. There

are three activities in collecting the data for pre-research; they are observation,

interview, and pre-test. The summary of situation prior to the research


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Table 4.2. The Summary of Situation Prior to the Research Implementation

Indicators Criteria of problems Documents

A. Vocabulary Competence

1. The students get difficulties in recognizing words

Students needed much time to recognize words

• Observation

• Interview

• Pre-test

2. The students get difficulties in remembering words

Students could only mention few vocabularies given before 3. The students get difficulties in

grasping meaning of words

Students often made mistakes I translating English words into Indonesian

4. The students get difficulties in pronouncing words

Students pronounced words as read Indonesian words

5. The students get difficulties in writing words correctly

Students wrote words just like as they heard (car=kar, bicycle=baisikel, truck=treck)

Score 55,43

B. Class Situation

1. Students often play and chat with friends during TLP

Most students made noises by playing and chatting, even they ignored teacher’s warning

2. Students often ask permission to go to toilet

There were about 4 or 5 students ask permission to go toilet in once time 3. Most students did not write

notes given by teacher

Students ignored teacher’s command to write. They prefer playing than writing.

4. Students are easy to get bored in following English class

Most students asked to finish the lesson soon

5. Some students look sleepy in the class

Most of boy students in back arrows were sleepy, even some of them had slept for a moment

The writer and her collaborator did pre-research before conducting the

research. The pre-research included some activities that are observing

teaching-learning process, interviewing the students, and providing pre-test. Based on those

activities, it was found some problems arose during English class. Those problems

covered students’ vocabulary mastery that is still low and class situation that is

not conducive for teaching-learning process.

After conducting observation and interview, there are some indicators of

problems found related to vocabulary mastery. Those indicators are the students

get difficulties in: 1) recognizing words; 2) remembering words; 3) grasping the


Table 4.10. The Sample of Students’ Achievement ………………………..….. 58
Table 4.1. The Summary of Process of the Research
Table 4.2. The Summary of Situation Prior to the Research Implementation
Table 4.3. The List of Activities Using YouTube Video


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