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Okti Putri







Investigating Junior High School


Critical Thinking in Reading

Oleh Okti Putri

S.Pd Universitas Negeri Padang (UNP), 2009

Sebuah Tesis yang diajukan untuk memenuhi salah satu syarat memperoleh gelar Magister Pendidikan (M.Pd.) pada Fakultas Pendidikan Bahasa dan Seni

© Okti Putri 2014

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia November 2014

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Okti Putri This Thesis is entitled


Approved by: Supervisor

Prof. Dr. Emi Emilia, M. Ed., Ph.D Nip. 19660916 199001 2 001

The Head of English Education Program School of Post Graduate Studies Indonesia University of Education


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Investigating junior high school students’ Critical thinking in reading

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu Table of Contents 1.5Definitions of Key Terms... 1.6 The Organization of the Thesis... 2.2.1. Components of Critical Thinking... 2.2.2 Standards of Critical Thinking... 2.2.3 Skills and Abilities of Critical Thinking... 2.2.4 Critical Thinking Dispositions... 2.3 Characteristics of Critical Thinker... 2.4 The Nature of Reading... 2.5 Critical Thinking in Reading... 2.6 Activities that Make up Critical Thinking... 2.7 Previous Research...

Chapter III: Research Methodology



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4.1 Data from Reading Test... 4.1.1 Reading Test 1... Identifying Topic, Main Idea and Argument... Analyzing the Author’s Position... Making Personal Response... Drawing Conclusion/Making Inference... Evaluating How the Author Organizes the Text... Reading Between the Lines... The Standards of Critical Thinking...

4.1.2 Reading Test 2... Identifying Topic, Main Idea and Argument... Analyzing the Author’s Position... Making Personal Response... Drawing Conclusion/Making Inference... Evaluating How the Author Organizes the Text... Reading Between the Lines... The Standards of Critical Thinking...

4.1.3 Reading Test 3... Identifying Topic, Main Idea and Argument... Analyzing the Author’s Position... Making Personal Response... Drawing Conclusion/Making Inference... Evaluating How the Author Organizes the Text... Reading Between the Lines... The Standards of Critical Thinking...

4.1.4 Conclusion of Reading Tests Result...

4.2 Data from Classroom Observations... 4.3 Synthesis of Findings... 4.4 Conclusion...

Chapter V: Conclusions and Recommendations


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References... Appendix 5: The Questions for Reading Tests... Appendix 6: Guidance for Observations... Appendix 7: Field Notes... Appendix 8: Field Notes Guidance... Appendix 9: The Result of Reading Tests ... Appendix 10: Field Notes ... Appendix 11: Research Recommendation...



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Investigating junior high school students’ Critical thinking in reading

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CRITICAL THINKING IN READING (A Case Study in a Junior High School in Bandung) conclusion/making inference, and evaluating on how the writer organizes the text. Moreover, the students also have already demonstrated some aspects of CT in the reading activities such as identifying topic and main idea, drawing conclusion, predicting the text, and paraphrasing. Regarding the CT dispositions, the students were well-informed, creative questioners, and open-minded. However, the reading tests and observations also show the students’ weaknesses regarding the standards, skills and abilities of CT in reading. In CT standards, the students were not able to answer the questions in the case of clarity, accuracy, precision, logic and relevance. With regards to skills and abilities of critical reading, the students faced difficulties in analyzing the author’s position and reading between the lines. The students’ ability in critical reading still needs improvement and guidance from the teacher. It can be seen from the difficulties faced by the students in answering questions that need critical reading ability. The findings suggest that the teacher should guide the students in reading critically. It is important for the teacher to provide activities that promote CT in reading.


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Investigating junior high school students’ Critical thinking in reading

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu CHAPTER I


This chapter elaborates the background of the study, research question, purpose of the study, significances of the study, definition of key terms, and the organization of the thesis.

1.1. Background of the Study

Reading is an important activity. Through reading, someone will have knowledge about many things in the world. The more someone reads the more he/she will get knowledge. Reading lets people know other countries without physically visiting them. In education, the mastery of reading skill is important. Reading success is the key to educational success (Adams, 1990; Honig, 1996; Snow et al., 1998 in Wood & McLemore, 2001: 1). The students from the elementary level to the university level are required to master this skill. A student who likes reading usually will pass the exam well. It is supported by Pretorius (in https: //utahcharters.org/ wp-content/ uploads/ 2012/ 02/ Interesting- Reading- Facts-1.pdf) who found “a strong correlation between reading proficiency and

academic success at all ages”.

Reading is important as it becomes one of means of communication. Regarding this, Hood et al. (1996: 2) say that reading is used in the daily communication. In a similar vein, Wallace (1992: 4) states that reading is

“interpreting which means reacting to a written text as a piece of communication”. People can communicate through letter, message and email by reading. They can also get pleasure through reading (Satariyan, 2010). When people read a comic, novel, newspaper or magazine, they can get pleasure from it.


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materials taught to the students are based on genre. Hyland in Emilia (2011: 18) states that genre is one the most important and influential concepts in language education. Genre describes how an individual uses language to get involved in a certain communication situation. According to the English syllabus for junior high school level, students should be able to read the words, phrases, and sentences with the correct intonation. Besides, they also need to understand the meaning and identify the information in the text (BSNP, 2007: 11-14).

Still in Junior High School context, the importance of reading skill for students can be traced in the National Final Examination (Ujian Akhir Nasional). At that event, the students should understand the text to answer the questions well. However, most of the students fail in the examination because they do not fully understand what they read. In reading, the students are required to be able to read texts. There are five kinds of texts that should be mastered by junior high school students: procedure, descriptive, recount, narrative and report (BSNP, 2007:31-90).

Based on the researcher’s observation in one of Junior High Schools, most of the students faced difficulties in answering the reading questions because they did not understand the text. They needed to understand the text both explicitly and implicitly. Here, the CT in reading is very crucial. The students need to understand the content of the text, the writer’s purpose in writing, the moral value from the text, the topic and main idea from the text. The students cannot get these informations by looking at and reading the text only. They should know what is behind the text.



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Some studies in Indonesia context have been conducted in the field of CT in reading. A research conducted by Rugaiyah (2008) covered the implementation of critical reading questions in developing students’ critical reading ability. The next study is Kustini’s (2010), which investigated CT in the teaching of reading. The case study design was employed in her research. The two studies mentioned before were conducted at the senior high schools level. To this day, only limited research about CT was conducted at junior high schools level. So, this is one of the reasons why this study needs to be conducted. Another reason is that investigating junior high school students’ ability in CT in reading is very important. The investigation can show what ability that the students have already had in critical reading, based on the aspects of CT as the basis for their critical reading ability at the higher level of education. Those aspects, as demonstrated in

students’ reading, are important to be studied because the teacher will be able to identify which aspects most students achieve and which aspects still need improvement. It would give valuable input for teachers to design the teaching activities that can promote students’ aspects on CT. In addition, the teacher will be able to identify the obstacles faced by the students when implementing CT in their reading activities. After the teachers identify the obstacles, they can formulate the solutions to overcome those problems.

1.2.Research Question

The problem of the research is elaborated in the following question:

What aspects of critical thinking are demonstrated by the students in the process of teaching reading and in their reading tests?

1.3. The Purpose of the Study


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Investigating junior high school students’ Critical thinking in reading

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu 1.4. Significances of the Study

The results of this study have theoretical and practical significances. a. Theoretical Significance

Theoretically, the result of this study can hopefully enrich the literature about CT in reading, especially in Junior High School context.

b. Practical Significance

Practically, the result of this research is expected to be beneficial for the teachers. This study will help them have more knowledge about students’ CT in reading and how to analyze students’ CT, especially in reading tests. This understanding can also lead the teachers to have information about how to teach critical reading. In addition, it can help and inspire teachers to develop students’ CT in reading.

1.5. Definition of Key Terms

There are some terms that should be clarified to avoid misunderstanding and misconception of the research.

The first term is critical thinking (CT). It is the ability to reason in an organized way and to systematically evaluate the quality of one’s own reasoning and that of others (Johnson, 2002: 100).

The second is reading. It is a tool for getting critical awareness, a comprehension of the authority and ideologies that form someone’s life (Freire in Emilia, 2010: 6). In reading, someone tries to get the message or meaning that the author has intended.



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Investigating junior high school students’ Critical thinking in reading

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu 1.6. The Organization of the Thesis

This thesis consist of five chapters. The first chapter is introduction. This chapter elaborates the background of the study, research question, purpose of the study, significance of the study, definitions of key terms, and the organization of the thesis.

The second chapter is review of related literature. It includes the discussion of critical thinking (CT), the aspects of CT, characteristics of critical thinker, the nature of reading, CT in reading, activities that make up CT, and previous research.

The third chapter discusses aspects related to research methodology. It covers the research purpose, research question, research setting, participants, the research design, data collection techniques and data analysis.


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This chapter discusses aspects related to research methodology. It covers the research purpose, research question, research setting, participants, the research design, data collection techniques, and data analysis.

3.1Research Purpose and Research Question

As mentioned in Chapter I Section 1.3, this study aims to investigate the aspects of critical thinking as demonstrated in students’ reading. Thus, to meet this purpose, the research question is proposed:

What aspects of critical thinking are demonstrated by the students in the process of teaching reading and in their reading tests?

3.2Research Setting and Participants

The setting of the research is in a Junior High School in Lembang, Bandung. There are some reasons for choosing this research site. One of them is its feasibility that the school is easy to access. Besides, the researcher has already been familiar with the environment of the school because she had previously done a mini research there. Another reason is that so far there has not been any research about students’ CT conducted in the research site.



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This study employs a qualitative research as it collects, analyzes and interprets comprehensive narrative and visual data to understand the aspects of critical thinking as demonstrated in students’ reading (Gay et al., 2006: 9). Moreover, the study also tries to probe deeply the research setting to obtain in depth understanding about the way things are (in this case, students’ critical thinking in reading) and why they are that way. It is in line with Nunan and Bailey (2009:413) who say that qualitative data describes what happens in a particular social setting, in a particular place or amongst a particular group of people. In this study, the data are to do with what happens in reading activity in class 9A. The researcher investigated the way the teacher taught reading and the activities the students did in the teaching and learning process.

This study uses a case study as it “investigates a single unit study in describing things and events in great depth” (Luck & Colleagues in Liamputtong, 2009:191). Therefore, the results are not to be generalized as general conditions of the whole students in Indonesia.

3.4. Data Collection Techniques

In acquiring the data, this study employs two techniques; the collection of students’ reading tests and observations.


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and dispositions (see Chapter II Section 2.2). Before the tests were used, they were tried out to 30 students from population with the students involved in this study. The test was tried out to make sure whether the reading test had represented the aspects of critical thinking in reading.

In observations, a non-participant one is used to find out the activities in the classroom during reading session concerning students’ critical reading and the

teacher’s activities in teaching reading. The researcher recorded the existing

conditions of the class. Through observations, the interaction in the classroom and the students’ responses can be used to investigate their critical thinking in reading (Wallace, 2003: 80). So, the researcher observed the way the students respond to the reading text, the teacher’s questions and the way the students ask questions to the teacher based on the texts given to them. The advantage of applying observations is that a natural existing classroom situation can be recorded as it occurs naturally.

During conducting the classroom observations, the researcher recorded the activities done by the teacher and the students in the interaction setting in the classroom. The observations done by the researcher were led by the observation sheets. The observation sheets contained a list of activities done by students in teaching learning process and also a list of teacher’s practices in teaching.

Observation sheets for students’ activities contained students’ involvement in

asking questions, answering questions, working in groups, doing tasks and paying attention to the teacher’s explanations.

3.5. Data Analysis

Data from reading tests were analyzed to investigate the aspects of critical thinking regarding components, standards, skills, abilities and dispositions as demonstrated in reading tests.



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described in chapter two. The test was given three times; therefore the quality of the response of each student can be identified. The standard of the correct answer is based on the incorporation of theories proposed by critical thinking and critical reading experts (see Fairclough, 1992: 71; Ennis, 1996; Hood et al., 1996: 92; Chaffee, 2000; Reichenbach, 2001; Fisher, 2001: 235; Elder in Shaughnessy & Seevers, 2003: 85; Wallace, 2003: 39; Emilia, 2005; Reed & Peirce, 2005: 5; Browne & Keeley, 2007: 26; Davenport, 2007: 61; Bassham et al., 2008; Paul & Elder, 2008: 8; Peterson in Talebinejad & Matou, 2012: 2). The test aimed to check students’ critical reading ability based on the aspects of CT which involves components, standards, skills, abilities and dispositions of CT as described in chapter two and chapter four.

Data from the observations were analyzed descriptively to describe the situation in teaching learning process. The data analysis was conducted in the following steps.

The first step was organizing the data of the classroom observations into file folders or computer files. The second step was transcribing the data. It was conducted by listening and watching the video and then reading the notes of the classroom observations. The third step was converting data from video into text data.

The fourth step was marking the text data by hand and dividing them based on the aspects of CT as demonstrated in students’ reading. The fifth step was describing data. In this step, the researcher described and developed the data based on the theory. The sixth step was reporting and interpreting the findings.


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This chapter has outlined the research methodology and design applied in this study. It has discussed how this study was conducted. The research purpose, research question, research setting, participants, the research design, data collection techniques and data analysis have been discussed clearly. The findings and discussions will be presented in Chapter Four.


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This chapter presents conclusions of the study and some recommendations especially for teachers. These conclusions of the study are built up based on the discussion as presented in chapter IV. Moreover, some recommendations are provided in order to give information as well as guidance to conduct further research concerning the issue.

5.1 Conclusions

This study investigates students’ CT as demonstrated in students’ reading tests and reading activities. After discussing the findings and discussions from the data gained from the reading tests and observations, the conclusion of the study can be described below.

Regarding the aspects of critical thinking as demonstrated in students’ reading tests, the students had actually been able to show some aspects of critical thinking emphasized in this study. Regarding CT components, the students were able to identify topic, main idea and argument. In the case of skills and abilities, the students had good ability in making personal response, drawing conclusion/ making inference, and evaluating how the writer organizes the text. On the other hand, the reading tests also showed the students’ weaknesses of CT in reading. The students were not able to show their ability regarding CT standards. With regards to skills and abilities, the students faced difficulties in analyzing the author’s position and reading between the lines.


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minded. Yet, the students still need guidance and assisstance from the teacher. The teacher needs to provide activities that can promote students’ critical thinking.

5.2 Recommendations

Based on the findings of this study, some recommendations are proposed as follows. First, being aware of the students’ lack of ability in critical reading, it is recommended for English teachers to extensively practice their students’ critical reading ability. Second, by identifying the students’ needs and background knowledge prior to the teaching of critical reading, the teacher can facilitate himself or herself to improve reading instructions and design more interactive critical reading practices.


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b) Memilih waktu yang tepat untuk pelaksanaan tindakan. c) Penyusunan RPP untuk persiapan penelitian. d) Persiapan alat percobaan yang disesuaikan dengan materi. LKS pada pertemuan

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Penyedia memenangkan paket lebih dari 1 dengan mengunakan tenaga dan peralatan yang sama tdk sesuai dengan permen PU nomor 14 tahun 2013 pasal 6 d ayat 1 dan 3 (personil dan

1.699.000.000,- (Satu Milyard enam ratus sembilan Puluh sembilan juta rupiah). Demikian untuk diketahui dan atas perhatianya disampaikan

Pada penulisan ilmiah ini, penulis mencoba membuat aplikasi penyewaan mobil untuk menggantikan pencatatan data secara manual yang memiliki banyak kekurangan di antaranya data

Dari hasil perhitungan dengan metode algorithma Earliest Start Time, Earliest Finish Time, Latest StartTime dan Latest Finish Time, maka dapat diketahui pada proses pembuatan

Dalam perkembangan lebih lanjut pengolahan citra dan komputer vision digunakan sebagai pengganti mata manusia, dengan perangkat image capture seperti kamera dan