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Information for Applicants Locally Engaged Staff (KOMPAK)


Academic year: 2021

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Information for Applicants – Locally Engaged Staff (KOMPAK)

Position Title:

Frontline Service Coordinator

Position Location:


Position Type:

Defined period contract

Contract Duration:

6 month with possibility of extension.

Estimated Start Date:

1 January 2017

Application Closing Date:

21 October 2016


Thank you for your interest in the position of Frontline Service Coordinator with the KOMPAK

Program, as managed by Abt Associates on behalf of the Australian Government.

This document includes information on the following:

Program Overview;

Introduction to Abt Associates;

Application process;

Terms of Reference; and

Key Selection Criteria.

Please read this document carefully as applications that vary from the specified requirements

may not be accepted.

Program Overview

KOMPAK is a facility funded by the Australian Government to support a number of

Government of Indonesia (GoI) programs in achieving the RPJMN 2015-2019 targets of

reducing poverty by improving the quality and coverage of basic services and by increasing

off-farm economic opportunities for the poor.

Working at both the national and sub-national levels, KOMPAK consolidates and builds on

GoI and DFAT investments in community empowerment, service delivery, governance, and

civil society strengthening by integrating these areas of Activities into a single Facility.

KOMPAK structures its work in three key ‘results areas’:

Responsive and accountable Frontline services: KOMPAK will help the government

close the key accountability loops for better service delivery;

Inclusive and community-led development. KOMPAK will help the GoI bed down

community and village structures to promote and support community driven development;



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Communities empowered through greater labour mobility and economic choice.

KOMPAK will help the GoI increase economic opportunities for the poor by increasing options

for off-farm employment.

Abt Associates – Who We Are

Abt Associates

is a global development consulting firm with over 10 years’ experience

operating within the health and social sectors in the Australian and Asia-Pacific region. We

are a company that has a personal commitment to its staff and as such we value the

long-term relationships that we build with the people who work with us. For more information about

our company and what we do visit our website at



Our Values


We are united by our mission to improve the lives of people worldwide.


We are a global community, bringing diverse knowledge, expertise, and perspectives to the

many challenges faced by today's world.

Committed to Excellence.

We strive to meet and exceed the highest professional standards.


We know that working collaboratively produces excellence.


We take responsibility for what we do and how we do it.


We sustain the energy and commitment we bring to our roles by promoting a healthy

balance between our personal and professional lives.


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Preparing Your Application

Please read the following information carefully as incomplete applications may not be


To submit an application:


Visit the Abt Associates website (


) and navigate to the

‘Careers’ section.


Locate the position you are applying for and select ‘Job Details’.


Click on the ‘Apply Online’ button and follow the prompts.

It should take between 10-20 minutes for you to complete the online application. Before

submitting your application it is recommended that you have the following documentation

prepared so that these can be readily uploaded during the application process:


An electronic version of your CV in MS Word or PDF format (less than 3MB);


A statement addressing the key selection criteria (maximum 3 pages). This document

should clearly describe how your skills, experience and qualifications will enable you

to meet the requirements of the position; and


Details of at least 3 professional referees (preferably your current supervisor and 2

previous supervisors).

Other Points to Consider:


You will need to submit a separate application for each position that you apply for.


If you are successful in being short-listed or are selected for this position you may be

required to undertake a police check, psychometric test and/or a medical examination.


Only short-listed candidates will be contacted.


Women are encouraged to apply.

Lodging Your Application:

All applications should be submitted online through our website at:



Should you experience any difficulties with the submission process, or have any questions

about this role then please contact:

Contact Name:





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Terms of Reference

The Services that the successful candidate is to provide include, but are not limited to,

fulfilling the following Terms of Reference:

Terms of Reference Kerangka Acuan Kerja

Position Title: Frontline Service Coordinator, Aceh

Nama Jabatan: Koordinator Layanan Dasar, Aceh

Location: Banda Aceh Lokasi: Banda Aceh

Reporting To: Provincial Manager Melapor Kepada: Manager Provinsi Duration of Assignment: 6 month with

possibility of extension.

Jangka Waktu Penugasan: 6 month with possibility of extension.

Abt Associates Values

The incumbent must demonstrate a high level of commitment to following values of Abt Associates :


We are united by our mission to improve the lives of people worldwide.


We are a global community, bringing diverse knowledge, expertise, and perspectives to the many challenges faced by today's world.

Committed to Excellence.

We strive to meet and exceed the highest professional standards.


We know that working collaboratively produces excellence.


We take responsibility for what we do and how we do it.


We sustain the energy and commitment we bring to our roles by promoting a healthy balance between our personal and professional lives.

Nilai-Nilai Abt Associates

Pihak yang menjabat harus menunjukkan tingkat komitmen yang tinggi terhadap nilai-nilai Abt Associates berikut:

Digerakkan oleh Misi.

Kami disatukan oleh misi kami memperbaiki kehidupan orang-orang di seluruh dunia. Global.

Kami merupakan sebuah masyarakat global, yang menghadirkan pengetahuan, keahlian, dan perspektif yang beragam terhadap banyak tantangan yang dihadapi oleh dunia saat ini. Berkomitmen terhadap Keunggulan.

Kami berupaya memenuhi dan melampaui standar profesional tertinggi.


Kami tahu bahwa bekerja secara kolaboratif akan menghasilkan keunggulan.


Kami bertanggung jawab dengan apa yang kami lakukan dan bagaimana cara kami melakukannya.


Kami mempertahankan energi dan komitmen yang kami bawa pada peran kami dengan mempromosikan keseimbangan yang sehat antara kehidupan pribadi dan kehidupan profesional kami.

Project Summary:

KOMPAK is a facility funded by the Australian Government to support a number of Government of Indonesia (GoI) programs in achieving the RPJMN 2015-2019 targets of

Ringkasan Proyek:

KOMPAK merupakan sebuah Fasilitas yang didanai oleh Pemerintah Australia untuk mendukung program-program Pemerintah


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reducing poverty by improving the quality and coverage of basic services and by increasing off-farm economic opportunities for the poor. Working at both the national and sub-national levels, KOMPAK consolidates and builds on GoI and DFAT investments in community empowerment, service delivery, governance, and civil society strengthening by integrating these areas of Activities into a single Facility. KOMPAK structures its work in three key ‘results areas’:

Responsive and accountable Frontline services: KOMPAK will help the government close the key accountability loops for better service delivery;

Inclusive and community-led development. KOMPAK will help the GoI bed down community and village structures to promote and support community driven development; and

Communities empowered through greater labour mobility and economic choice. KOMPAK will help the GoI increase economic opportunities for the poor by increasing options for off-farm employment.

Indonesia (GoI) untuk mencapai sasaran-sasaran RPJMN 2015-2019 dalam mengentaskan kemiskinan melalui meningkatkan kualitas dan cakupan pelayanan dasar dan dengan meningkatkan peluang ekonomi non-pertanian bagi masyarakat miskin. Bekerja baik di tingkat nasional maupun sub-nasional, KOMPAK mengkonsolidasikan dan meneruskan investasi-investasi Pemerintah Indonesia dan DFAT dalam pemberdayaan masyarkat, penyelenggaraan pelayanan, tata kelola, dan memperkuat masyarakat madani dengan mengintegrasikan bidang-bidang Kegiatan tersebut kedalam satu Fasilitas. KOMPAK membangun struktur pekerjaannya ke dalam tiga ‘bidang hasil capaian’ utama:

Pelayanan Dasar yang Responsif dan akuntabel: KOMPAK akan membantu pemerintah untuk menutup celah-celah akuntabilitas kunci demi penyelenggaraan pelayanan yang lebih baik;

Pembangunan yang diprakarsai oleh masyarakat dan Inklusif. KOMPAK akan membantu Pemerintah Indonesia meletakkan dasar struktur-struktur masyarakat dan desa untuk mempromosikan dan mendukung pembangunan yang didorong oleh masyarakat; dan

Memberdayakan masyarakat melalui mobilitas tenaga kerja dan pilihan ekonomi yang lebih besar. KOMPAK akan membantu Pemeerintah Indonesia meningkatkan peluang-peluang ekonomi bagi masyarakat miskin dengan meningkatkan pilihan-pilihan lapangan kerja non-pertanian.


The position is responsible for coordinating and facilitating technical assistance to the local governments of Aceh (province and 3 selected districts) toimprove delivery of basic services for the poor and vulnerable. The Frontline Service Coordinator will focus on KOMPAK’s Outcome 1 area of work, which entails improvements in local government and service unit capacities to deliver basic services


Posisi ini bertanggung jawab dalam mengkoordinasikan dan memfasilitasi bantuan teknis kepada pemerintah Aceh (di tingkat propinsi dan di 3 kabupaten terpilih) sebagai mitra KOMPAK untuk memperbaiki kualitas penyediaan layanan dasar bagi masyarakat miskin dan rentan. Koordinator Pelayanan Dasar akan fokus pada Sasaran Hasil 1 KOMPAK, yang meliputi perbaikan kapasitas pemerintah daerah dan unit layanan dalam penyelenggaraan pelayanan dasar


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Specific Duties & Responsibilities

 Develop engagement strategies with provincial government to acquire optimal buy-in from key frontline services stakeholders. Specifically this will include but not limited to: (i) mapping stakeholders that are potential to become active part of frontline improvement initiative; and (ii) facilitate serial meetings (formal and informal) with key frontline stakeholders at provincial and district level;

 Manage and facilitate technical delivery of activities related to frontline service deliveries at the sub-national governments. This includes: (1) providing technical inputs to development of policies, (2) facilitating capacity building trainings for provincial, district and sub-district stakeholders, (3) Facilitating policy dialogues on certain policies relating with frontline service deliveries; (4) providing recommendations to the Responsive Governments (RG) Lead, Accessible and Quality Services (AQS) Lead and Sub-National Lead for approval of milestones, (5) providing quality assurance to the delivery of activities; (6) providing technical support to the selected districts and the KOMPAK District Coordinators; and (7) develop and maintain good working relations with other work streams in KOMPAK;

 Engage in monitoring of implementation of activities relating with frontline service deliveries at sub-national level, including participation in field missions and providing practical recommendation to RG, AQS and Sub-National team in Jakarta office;

 Support KOMPAK’s efforts to proactively form alliances with other DFAT funded programs and other development partners and other networks in sub-national governments (such as with CSOs, universities and research institutions);

 Complete other tasks as directed by the PM and Sub-National Lead.

Tugas dan Tanggungjawab

 Membangun strategi pelibatan pemerintah provinsi untuk memperoleh buy-in yang optimal dari pemangku kepentingan terkait usaha perbaikan layanan dasar. Ini khusus nya termasuk tapi tidak terbatas pada: (i) pemetaan pemangku kepentingan yang potensial menjadi bagian aktif dari inisiatif perbaikan layanan dasar; dan (ii) memfasilitasi pertemuan (formal dan informal) dengan pemangku kepentingan kunci di tingkat provinsi dan kabupaten;  Mengelola dan memfasilitasi kegiatan

bantuan teknis dalam rangka perbaikan layanan dasar di tingkat pemerintah daerah. Ini termasuk: (1) menyediakan masukan-masukan teknis terhadap penyusunan kebijakan daerah, (2) memfasilitasi training peningkatan kapasitas pemangku kepentingan di tingkat provinsi, kabupaten dan kecamatan, (3) memfasilitasi dialog kebijakan terkait inisiatif perbaikan layanan dasar, (4) menyediakan rekomendasi kepada RG Lead, AQS Lead dan Sub-National Lead terkait pemberian persetujuan terhadap milestones, (5) melakukan quality assurance terhadap pelaksanaan kegiatan perbaikan layanan dasar, (6) memberi dukungan teknis kepada kabupaten-kabupaten terpilih dan District Koordinator yang ditugaskan, serta (7) membangun dan memperkuat hubungan kerja yang baik dengan komponen lain di KOMPAK;

 Terlibat dalam pelaksanaan monitoring kegiatan yang berkaitan dengan perbaikan layanan dasar di tingkat daerah, termasuk berpartisipasi dalam kunjungan lapangan dan menyediakan rekomendasi teknis kepada Tim RG, AQS dan Sub-National di kantor Jakarta;

 Mendukung usaha KOMPAK secara pro-aktif membentuk aliansi dengan program lain yang di danai oleh DFAT dan mitra pembangunan lain nya serta jaringan di pemerintah daerah (seperti organisasi masyarakat sipil, Universitas dan lembaga riset),

 Melaksanakan tugas – tugas lain yang ditugaskan oleh PM dan Sub-National Lead.


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Other tasks

 Immediately report any suspected fraudulent or corrupt activities to your KOMPAK supervisor or relevant Director.

 Proactively identify and report risks, and manage risks within your level of accountability.

 Undertake other duties as required by your supervisor.

 Comply with Abt Associates and Program’s policies on gender, disability, fraud and anticorruption, HIV and AIDS, child protection and the environment.

Tugas-tugas Lainnya

 Segera melaporkan kepada atasan anda atau Direktur yang relevan setiap ada kecurigaan adanya kegiatan-kegiatan kecurangan atau korupsi.

 Secara proaktif mengenali dan melaporkan resiko, dan mengatasi resiko sebatas tingkat akuntabilitas anda.

 Melakukan tugas-tugas lain yang diperlukan oleh atasan anda.

 Mematuhi semua kebijakan-kebijakan Abt Associates dan Program mengenai jender, keterbatasan gerak, kecurangan dan anti korupsi, HIV and AIDS, perlindungan anak dan lingkungannya. Core Competencies

 Delivers Results

 Builds Internal and External Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty

 Develops People  Communicates

 Sets Vision and Direction

 Demonstrates Sound Financial and Business-Related Practices

 Builds Teams and Cooperation

 Promotes Technical Excellence and Quality

 Promotes Diversity  Acts as a Role Model

Kompetensi Utama  Memberikan Hasil

 Membangun Loyalitas dan Kepuasan Pelanggan Internal dan Eksternal  Mengembangkan Orang

 Melakukan komunikasi  Menetapkan Visi dan Arah

 Menunjukkan Praktek Keuangan dan Praktek Terkait Bisnis yang Baik  Membangun Tim dan Kerjasama  Mempromosikan Mutu dan Keunggulan


 Mempromosikan Keragaman  Bertindak sebagai Panutan


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Key Selection Criteria

For your application to be considered by the panel, interested applicants must submit a response

to each of the following Key Selection Criteria:

KSC 1.

A degree in a relevant field (education, health, public policy, social studies, or development studies). Masters preferred.

Sarjana (S1) di bidang yang relevan (pendidikan, kesehatan, kebijakan public, studi social, atau studi pembangunan). Master (S2) lebih disukai,

KSC 2.

At least 5 years of relevant experience in basic service deliveries, highly desirable working experience with sub-national governments.

Paling kurang mempunyai 5 tahun pengalaman di bidang perbaikan layanan dasar, sangat diinginkan yang mempunyai pengalaman dengan pemerintah daerah,

KSC 3.

Strong knowledge on regional government laws, public service law, and policies on minimum service standards;

Mempunyai pengetahuan yang kuat tentang UU pemerintah daerah, layanan public dan kebijakan terkait SPM,

KSC 4.

Ability to build effective relationships with all clients, peers, and stakeholders;

Mampu membangun hubungan yang efektif dengan semua klaien, kolega dan pemangku kepentingan,

KSC 5.

Strong facilitation and presentation skills; Mepunyai ketrampilan fasilitasi dan presentasi yang kuat,

KSC 6.

Ability to work hands-on, independently, and within team in difficult work


Mampu bekerja secara mandiri, dan bekerja dengan tim, dalam situasi yang sulit,

KSC 7.

Written and verbal communication skills of a high order able to develop good drafts of reports and analysis in a clear, concise and convincing manner;

Mempunyai kemampuan yang baik dalam komunikasi lisan dan tulisan dan mampu menyusun draft laporan dan analisa yang jelas dan meyakinkan,

KSC 8.

Interpersonal communication skills of a high order able to forge relations easily with a range of stakeholders including for example: civil society, government, donors, development partners and private sector;

Mempunyai ketrampilan antar personal yang baik dan mampu membangun hubungan baik dengan semua pemangku kepentingan di semua level seperti masyarakat sipil, pemerintah daerah, donor, mitra pembangunan lain dan sector swasta,

KSC 9.

Fluency in English is desirable. Mempunyai ketrampilan bahasa inggris yang baik sangat diinginkan.

If no response to the above Key Selection Criteria is made, applications will not be

considered further.


Dokumen terkait

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