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PETA KONSEP KELAS 4. Semester 2. Materi: My Pets and Garden. Speaking:


Academic year: 2021

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Semester 2

Materi: My Pets and Garden

My Pets and


Speaking: • Say the words and

translate into bahasa • Practice the dialogue

and answer the questions!

Writting: • Arrange the words • Write the dialogue • Requesting help • Degree of comparison • Irreguler Adjective, Comparative, Superlative Listening: • Listen and repeat • Listen and translate into

bahasa Reading: • Read a descriptive text • Read aloud • Answer the question based on the text • Vocabulary


My Pets and Garden

A. Language Focus

Requesting Help

Sebagai seorang manusia, kita senantiasa ingin saling membantu dan tolonng menolong dengan orang lain. Untuk meminta bantuan atau pertolongan orang lain, kita bisa menggunakan ungkapan “ asking for help ” (ungkapan meminta tolong) dan respon sebagai berikut.

1. Anna : Can you help me to take care of the cat? Jane : Sure.

2. Adam : Can you help me to feed the sheep, please? Alex : Of course.

3. Harry : I need some help, please. Can you show me where the elephant’s barn is?

Zyan : Sure. It’s over there next to rhinoceros’s barn. 4. Jen : Can you help me, Sir? Where is the fish pond?

Tom : Sure. It’s over there next to the livestock’s barn.

5. Martin : Would you mind help me to take care of the birds, Lilo? Alex : Certainly, Dad.

Prohibition (Larangan)

Merupakan ungkapan larangan terhadap seseorang untuk tidak melakukan sesuatu hal. Fungsinya adalah mencegah seseorang melakukan sesuatu untuk menghindari hal-hal yang tidak diinginkan. Pola ungkapan larangan yaitu, “DON’T / DO NOT + VERB 1”. Beberapa contoh ungkapan larangan tersebut diantaranya sebagai berikut:


1. Don’t feed the animals! 2. Don’t feed the bears!

3. Don’t open the window, please!

Verb (kata kerja)

Kata seperti, (to) want, (to) buy, (to) sleep adalah macam dari kata kerja (verb). Verb merupakan deskripsi dari sebuah tindakan atau keadaan. Example: 1. I want an apple.

2. They walk

Ada dua macam dari verb (kata kerja), yaitu: transitive dan intransitive verb.

• Transitive verb adalah kata kerja yang memerlukan sebuah objek. Example : My father drives a car. A car is an object.

• Intransitive verb adalah kata kerja yang tidak memerlukan sebuah objek. Example : He walks.

• Beberapa verbs (kata kerja) keduanya dapat menjadi transitive atau intransitive.

Example: Sams studies English. Sams studies hard.

Yes or No Question

Kalimat tanya selalu mengandung jawaban yes atau no.

Rumus Umum:

Tobe (is, am, are) jika terletak di depan memiliki arti APAKAH. Dan selalu memiliki jawaban Yes atau No.

Struktur kalimat:


Apa sajakah subjek itu? Subjek terdiri dari:

They = mereka He = dia laki-laki We = kita She = dia perempuan

I = saya it = kata ganti benda / hewan You = kamu


⚫ Is it a horse? ⚫ Are they a ducks? ⚫ Is it a bird?

Dan selalu memiliki jawaban YES atau No


⚫ Is it a horse? Yes, it is

No, it is not

⚫ Are they a ducks? Yes, they are

No, they are not ⚫ Is it a bird? Yes, it is


B. Listening

Chapter 1

Listen and repeat after your teacher! Dengarkan dan ulangi setelah gurumu!

Buffalo Cat Dog

Eagle Duck Sheep Camel Elephant Bee


1. plant : 6. Flower: 2. Tree : 7. Stem: 3. Leaf : 8. Branch: 4. Fruit: 9. Root: 5. Grass: 10. Grass: Chapter 2

Listen to your teacher and translate it into Bahasa!


1. Jerapah : 7. Rusa :

2. Beruang : 8. Kerbau :

3. Bebek : 9. Kumbang :

4. Kupu-kupu : 10. Elang :

5. Lebah : 11. Kuda nil :

6. Kambing : 12. Merak :

Chapter 3

Listen to your teacher and translate it into English!


C. Speaking

1. Jess : Excuse me, Sir. Can you help me to show where the camels cage is? Leo : It’s over there, next to the giraffe’s barn.

2. Leyla : Excuse me, Sir. Could you help me for a while? Tom : Sure.

Leyla : Where is the birds cage?

Tom : It’s over there next to the pond.

3. Josh : Would you mind helping me to feed the buffalo? Selena : Sure.

1. Don’t feed the lion! 2. Don’t feed the crocodile! 3. Don’t feed the bears! 4. Don’t feed the gorilla! 5. Don’t feed the bull! 6. Don’t near with the tiger! 7. Don’t step on the barn! 8. Don’t come near! 9. Don’t feed elephant! 10. Don’t throw the rubbish! Chapter 1

Practice these dialogues with your partner!

(Praktikkan dialog-dialog berikut dengan temanmu!)

Chapter 2

Say aloud these sentences! Then translate it orally!


D. Writing

1. Tiger’s barn - ! – to – don’t – too – close – the - get

... 2. Zoo – at – the – see – usually – we – of – the – kinds – animals - some

... 3. The – rides – Adam – buffalo – field – rice – in – the

... 4. Tame – is – wolf – not – a – this - animal

... 5. Animal - ! – the – feed – don’t

... 6. Goat – Mr. Andrew – his – feeds - everyday

... 7. Is – her – hobby – keeping – a - cat

... 8. King – the jungle – the lion – in – the - is

... 9. Live – the – animals – in – the - zoo

... 10. The – elephant – a – is – wild - animal

... Chapter 1

Arrange the words into a good sentences!


E. Reading

Going to the Zoo

All the students go to Surabaya zoo on holiday. There are many kinds of animals in the zoo. There are monkey, lion, tiger, elephant, giraffe, and any other animals. Monkey is the cutest animal. Tiger is the wildest animal. Elephant is the biggest animal. Snake has the long body. Crocodile has the wide mouth. And giraffe has the long neck.

Surabaya zoo is the biggest and also complete animals collection in the south east Asia. Surabaya zoo also has a playground, we can take a rest after walking around the zoo. The children can play on the seesaws, slides or swings.

1. Where do all the students go on holiday? 2. Are there any animals in the zoo?

3. Who goes to Surabaya zoo on holiday? 4. What are the animals in the zoo? 5. What is the biggest animal? 6. What is the cutes animal?

7. Does crocodile have the wide mouth?

8. What does Surabaya zoo have beside animals? 9. Can we take a rest after walking around? 10. What can the children play in the zoo? Chapter 1

Read the text and answer the question!


There are vocabularies on this text. Please fill it!

Harry’s Family’s Pet

Harry and his family love pets. Harry has five birds in his house. They are very colorful. His mother loves fish. Harry’s mother has two big aquariums with different kind of fishes. Her older sister, Jenner, loves cat. There are five cats in his house. And his younger sister loves rabbit. She has one big rabbit. Her uncle bought it for her last birthday. Harry’s father loves monkey. He has one

Chapter 2

Read the text and answer the question!

(Bacalah teks dan jawablah pertanyaan-pertanyaan!) Zoo = ... holiday = ... ... any other = ... cutest = ... = cute = ... Wildest = ... = wild = ... biggest= ... = big = ... long = ... wide = ... has = have = ... complete = ... collection = ... south east = ... playground = ... take a rest = ... walking around = ... seesaw = ... slide = ... swings = ...


monkey in the house. His monkey loves banana. Harry’s father feeds it three times a day.

Harry and his family spend a lot of money every week to buy the food for their pets. But it is not a big problem for them, because they really love their pets.

1. Does Harry love pets?

2. Are there many pets in Harry’s house?

3. How many aquariums does Harry’s mother have? 4. How many birds do Harry’s family have in his house? 5. How many cats does Harry’s sister have?

There are vocabularies on this text. Please fill it!

A Bird as a Pet

There are several animals people usually look after as a pet. They are birds, cooks, dogs, horses, etc. People like to keep them not as breeding animals. There fore, people do not need their meat of their eggs. People like pets because they can be nice and funny.

Tame = ... After = ... Pet = ... Different = ... Feed = ... Spend = ... Every = ... Buy =bought= ... Because = ... Last = ... Problem = ... A lot of = ... Chapter 3

Read the text and answer the question!


A bird is one of the animals that are kept as a pet. People usually like birds because they can sing beautifully. Birds can be expensive because of their song. The price of a bird can be five milion rupiahs if it can sing beautifully.

It is not difficult to get birds. We can buy them bird of shop or at a pet shop. We can choose one of them such as pigeon, canaries, parrots, cocak rowos, etc. We can also buy the bird cages there.

1. Is a cat one of the pets?

2. What are the pets mentioned (dimaksud) in the text? 3. What do people keep the pets for?

4. Why do the people keep birds? Because, 5. Why can birds be very expensive?

6. Can we get birds easily?

7. What birds are mentioned in the text? 8. Where can we buy the birds?

9. Can we buy the bird cages in the supermarket? 10. Do you have a pet at your house?

There are vocabularies on this text. Please fill it! Several = ... People = ... Usually = ... Look after = ... Keep = kept = ... Breeding = ... Need = ... Nice = ... Funny = ... Can = ... Difficult = ... Buy = ... Choose = ... Etc = ...


Competence Test

1. A .... likes eating bone (tulang)

a. Elephant b. Ant c. Dog d. Cat 2. A ... is afraid of dog. a. Lion b. Cat c. Horse d. Mouse 3. A : is it a .... ? B : yes, it is a. Pig b. Bear c. Turtle d. Shark 4. A lion is a ... animal a. Tame c. wild b. Pet d. Small 5. A : .... is the Kenjeran beach?

B : it is in Surabaya a. What c. who b. When d. Where

6. The .... can jump a. Frog b. Ant c. Bee d. Fly 7. On Sunday, we go to the .... a. Museum c. market b. Zoo d. Plaza 8. A : is it a mosquito? B : ... a. No, it is not b. Yes it is c. Yes I am d. No, I am not 9. The bird is in the ...

a. House b. Room c. Box d. Cage

10. The bee gives us the .... a. Sugar b. Honey c. Water d. Milk 11. It is a big animal a. Elephant c. ant b. Bird d. Turtle

12. Do you have a pet? Yes, I do.

It is a ...

a. Wolf c. cat b. Tiger d. Lion

13. Andi – have – does – not – a dog a. 12345 c. 13425 b. 15423 d. 13452 14. X : ... is that? Y : it is a buffalo. a. Where c. What b. Who d. When 15. It is a ... a. Eel b. Scorpion c. Spider d. Lion


II. Fill with the correct answer!

1. A ... like carrots 2. Elephants – in – the – live – jungle

... 3. A : are dogs, cats, and cows wild animals?

B : ...

4. N – I – L – O it is a king of animal in the jungle. It is a ... 5. It is a ...

6. A ... like bananas

7. The smallest animal is an ...

8. S – C - ... – R - ... – I - ... – N the missing letters are ... 9. What is it?

It is a ... 10. A ... likes eating worms.

III. Change the words in the bracket write then!

Surabaya Zoo

This is a Surabaya Zoo. There are a lot of (binatang) in it. Such as there are (singa), (gajah), (harimau), (ular) and many others. Look at the (monyet). It is eating a (pisang). It is a (lucu) animal. Are there (burung) in the vages? Yes, there are. Tehy are beautiful. Surabaya ... ... ... ... ...


Dokumen terkait

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