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Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree ofSarjana Sastra

in English Letters



Student Number: 07 4214 083










Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree ofSarjana Sastra

in English Letters



Student Number: 07 4214 083











First of all, the writer would like to thank Allah SWT whom she believes

always guide her through the finishing her thesis. The writer’s deepest gratitude

goes to her beloved parents: Martini Lastianingsih, S.H. for her unconditional love, prayer, patience, and support; and (alm) Pranoto, S.H. for his inspiring figure.

The writer is heartily thankful to her advisor, Drs. Hirmawan Wijanarka, M.Hum., whose encouragement, guidance and support from the initial to the final step enabled her to develop an understanding of the subject. Her

deepest gratitude also goes to her co-advisorModesta Luluk Artika Windrasti, S.S. without their knowledge and assistance this study would not have been successful.

Special thanks are given to people who directly or indirectly are involved

in the making of this thesis. Thanks to her best-ever friends: Hafsyah, Edwin

Sugara, Josephine Dewi Utami, Billy Talusakata, Sabina Pristiwati, and Redys

Febrianti who always give their best wishes for her. Thanks to her siblings and

cousins: Fajar Putra P., Yudanti K.D, Artika Diah, Henriono Harugraha,

Retnaning Pratiwi, Lavisesa K, Diora I.D, and Nuvi G. who never forget to give

their spirit for her. Last but not least, the writer would like to thanks to the super

lecturers, the kind librarians and her classmates of 2007 who are always in the

writer’s heart.



A. Background of the Study... 1

B. Problem Formulation... 3

C. Objectives of the Study ... 4

D. Definition of Terms... 4


A. Review of Related Studies ... 6

B. Review of Related Theories... 8

1. Theory of Character and Characterization ... 8

2. Theory of the Relation between Literature and Psychology... 12

3. Theory of Traits ... 13

4. Theory of Personality Development ... 14

C. Theoretical Framework ... 18


A. Object of the Study ... 19

B. Approach of the Study ... 20

C. Method of the Study... 21


A. The Personality of Bella Swan before and after Mingling with Edward Cullen and Alice Cullen ... 23

1. Personality of Bella Swan before Mingling with the Cullen ... 24

2. Personality of Bella Swan after Mingling with the Cullen ... 31

B. The Personality of the Cullen ... 34

1. The Personality of Edward Cullen ... 34

2. The Personality of Alice Cullen... 39






NURVITA WIJAYANTI. The Influence of Edward and Alice Cullen’s Personality on Bella Swan’s Personality Development on Meyer’s Twilight. Yogyakarta: Department of English Letters, Faculty of Letters, Sanata Dharma University, 2011.

This thesis discusses Meyer’s novel entitled Twilight. This novel tells about Bella Swan’s experiences; meeting and mingling with vampires. She is the main character who narrates the story so that all of the thoughts come from her. Her interaction with the vampires named Edward and Alice Cullen who make her personality develop. Therefore, the writer wants to prove that personality is not always in a stable belief. It can develop through the influence of others’ personalities.

There are three problems in the form of questions concerning the topic of the thesis. The first is to find out the personality of Bella Swan and her personality that develops. The second is to describe Edward Cullen and Alice Cullen’s personality that will influence Bella Swan’s personality. The last will show Edward and Alice Cullen’s personality influence Bella Swan’s personality development.

The method of this study is library research, using a novel entitled Twilightby Stephenie Meyer as the primary source of the analysis. The secondary sources used to find the theories and the references are psychological theories and literature theories. Since the thesis deals with personality, the writer uses psychological approach to analyze the personality development on the main character.




NURVITA WIJAYANTI. The Influence of Edward and Alice Cullen’s Personality on Bella Swan’s Personality Development on Meyer’s Twilight. Yogyakarta: Jurusan Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Sastra, Universitas Sanata Dharma, 2011.

Skripsi ini mendiskusikan mengenai sebuah novel oleh Meyer berjudul Twilight.Novel ini bercerita tentang pengalaman Bella Swan bertemu dan bergaul dengan para vampir. Dia adalah karakter utama yang menarasikan cerita itu sendiri sehingga semua pikiran-pikiran datang darinya. Interaksinya dengan para vampir yang bernama Edward dan Alice Cullen membuat kepribadiannya berkembang. Oleh karena itu, penulis ingin membuktikan bahwa kepribadian adalah sesuatu yang tidak selalu stabil. Kepribadian dapat berkembang melalui pengaruh dari kepribadian-kepribadian lainnya.

Dalam skripsi ini ada tiga masalah dalam bentuk pertanyaan menyangkut tentang topik yang diambil. Pertanyaan pertama untuk menganalisa kepribadian Bella Swan dan kepribadiannya yang berkembang. Pertanyaan kedua adalah untuk mendiskripsikan kepribadian dari Edward dan Alice Cullen yang akan mempengaruhi kepribadian Bella Swan. Pertanyaan terakhir akan menganalisa tentang bagaimana kepribadian Edward dan Alice Cullen mempengaruhi perkembangan kepribadian Bella Swan.




A. Background of the Study

Graham Little mentions in his book entitled Approach to Literature: An

Introduction to Critical Study of Content and Method in Writingthat the existence

of characters is important in literary pieces, particularly prose. An author uses its

complexity and other elements to shape a story (1981: 93). Characters in a novel

or a fiction give the story become meaningful. Without knowing the character,

pieces of literature cannot be perfect. Characters help the story reveal the conflict

and its resolution. Then, each character should have characteristics in order to get

the detail of the story.

Described in the first person point of view, Bella Swan’s characteristics

are described well and detail comparing to the other characters. It is seen from the

way she thinks about herself, behavior, and thought about the other characters. It

is important to note that the writer will only analyze Bella Swan’s characteristics

because this story was written in her point of view. As Peter Verdonk in his book

Stylistics says that any change in perspective or point of view from which a

fictional world is presented will result in a different story and give rise to a

different interpretation (2002: 30). Therefore, since this novel is narrated in the

first point of view, the story will be about Bella Swan’s interpretation to see her


The judge or the interpreter is always Bella Swan, meaning that the detail and the

objectivity will be unconvincing when the writer just put another character.

From the reason, the writer has chosen Bella Swan to be analyzed in her

characteristics since she will know everything about herself despite her

subjectivity toward herself and other characters.

Other reasons why the writer chooses this topic are because being

described as the first person in the novel, Bella’s characteristics are characterized

in detail rather than other characters. From this point, the writer could see that the

uniqueness is revealed from the character itself and the writer wants to explore

more about Bella and her personalities, which is in the form of psychological

term. The writer uses the term ‘personality’ rather than ‘characteristic’ because it

will be analyzed through the psychological point of view, which means Bella

Swan will be analyzed through the psyche study. As William Samuel says in

Personality: Searching for the Sources of Human Behaviour, the word

‘personality’ is used rather than ‘characteristics’ as it is stated “Both definitions

use the words “characteristics” or “characterize”, and there appears to be

agreement that personality implies some degree of individual uniqueness”

(Samuel, 1981: 324).

From the psychological view, the writer tries to find the changes about

Bella’s personality in her life facing many impossible things that is possible for

her and how Bella Swan can change her personalities after mingling with that kind


related to the psychological field, the topic was chosen to show the development

of Bella Swan’s personality through the analysis.

This novel is worthwhile to discuss because it talks about a character,

named Bella Swan who lives in the extraordinary environment. It is called so

because that environment is about mingle with vampires. On the other hand, Bella

who is from ordinary family has to mingle with her father. From those

environments, the writer wants to study more deeply about changing personality

of Bella Swan. However, the writer’s concern is not about the development from

childhood to teenager, but more like to prove that the term personality as most

define as stable beliefs (1962: 211), meaning that it will change in a long period of

age, actually can be flexible based on which environment that a person faced. In

this case, Bella will face two kinds of strong personalities and how these

personalities might change her personality. Since this study talks about

personality development, the writer uses psychology aspect to relate it to the

human psyche. Through this approach, the writer will prove the changes of the

character’s personality.

A. Problem Formulation

1. How are Bella Swan’s personality and its development described?

2. How are Edward and Alice Cullen’s personalities described?

3. How do Edward and Alice Cullen’s personalities influence Bella Swan’s


B. Objectives of the Study

The purpose of the study is to describe and to give the answer of the three

problem formulation above.

Since the study has a purpose to analyze the personality development of

the major character, the main purpose is firstly to describe the personality and

personality that develops of Bella Swan as the major character.

The second purpose is to describe other personalities, in this case, Edward

and Alice Cullen who have strong influence toward Bella Swan’s personality


The third is to show the influencing from Edward and Alice Cullen’s

personalities toward Bella Swan’s personality development.

C. Definition of Term

There are some terms that support the analysis. Those terms are

personality, development, and influence. The purpose is to make an agreement in

the using of those terms.

Personality has many definitions by the experts in psychology, as the

theory by Robert A Baron states that personality can be defined as an individual’s

unique and relatively stable patterns of behavior, thoughts, and emotions. In daily

life, we generally act as though personality is a fact. We expect others to

demonstrate consistency in their behavior across different situations and over long


Kagan in Birth to Maturity says development refers to the way in which

humans grow and change over the course of their lives. Developmental processes

include learning (nurture), which refers to environmental influence on the growth

process (1962: 211). The important thing is the environmental influence by

surrounding to maintain the development process.

Influence, as in Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, is defined

as to have an effect on the way someone or something develops, behaves, think





A. Review of Related Studies

Twilight becomes the best-seller novel since published in 2005 and

therefore makes many responses from its reader. There are many studies of

analyzing character in this novel. Twilight is one of the literary work containing

the unique character and environment. Every character has its own personality

that affect each other therefore the personality will be developed. A personality

study is always interesting to analyze since it deals with human characteristics that

is unique and different from each other. This novel describes the development of

each character well. Every character is described in well proportional way. Since

it is fiction, including vampire as the characters, the author describes every

character in believable ways. Therefore, according to Karen Rosenthal in the

author’s official website might consider the vampires as the natural creatures as


The main character is extremely compelling. The protagonist is so consumed with her crush on him that she blocks everything else, and the fact that he's a vampire adds a whole other level. It really is the perfect crossover book. It's a riveting action book but thoughtful as well. Sometimes teen books can be plot-driven and the quality of the writing goes out the window, but this one has both (Rosenthal, stepheniemeyer.com, 2010).

Meyer can describe every character commonly and does not give

excessive; even it is for Edward and his family, though they are vampires, but still


Edward is described as a mysterious boy who has supernatural power as a

vampire, while Mike is a cute and an ordinary boy who admires Bella Swan and

Jacob is the minor character who is also ordinary but mysterious. These three

different characters can mingle well as it is not about mingle with vampire world.

The main character, Bella Swan, is also described as a teenager who has

tendency to be introvert by hiding her sad feeling that actually she does not want

to move to Forks. But she wants her mother to be happy with her new husband

though she really does not want to live with her father in Forks.

Bella, a teenage girl hailing from Phoenix, makes the decision to leave her beloved home town and all of her friends. She heroically sacrifices her happiness for that of her mother, because her new and adored step-father Phil, is a professional baseball player. She moves to a town called Forks, on the dreary Olympic Peninsula to live with her father, Charlie, so that her mother can be free to travel with her new husband Phil (Andrew, ezinearticles.com, 2009).

In this quotation, we can see that Bella is a girl who makes sacrifice to make the

other people happy, though she has to sacrifice her own happiness. In this case,

she sacrifices her happiness to make her mother live comfortably with her new

husband who has to travel a lot. Therefore, this is about Bella’s struggle to get a

start with a new environment that later will affect her personality.

The review about the unique character is also stated by Nicole Foulger:


Nicole Foulger says that the way Meyer describes all of the characters is unique. It

is unique because the extraordinary creature such a vampire can live socially with

ordinary human rather than being a villain, sucking the blood from human. The

most important character, Bella Swan, is unique with her nature as an inferior girl

toward her environment, especially when she met Edward and finally knows his

‘world’. She is a convincing major character because Meyer wrote the novel based

on the first person point of view.

The study about character is also analyzed by another author. It is Emily

Reynold who wrote Scream, Vampires, Werewolves, and Autographs: An

Exploration of the Twilight Phenomenon in her thesis submitted to the faculty of

Brigham Young University in Master Art degree who has a point about character

development. She states that as fans read and reread they gain greater

understanding of a literary character. Increased understanding comes with

increased exposure. As they reread they come to understand character

development more and increase predictability, they also have the direction for the

plot and know what to expect (Reynold, 2009: 47).

B. Review of Related Theories

1. Theory of Character and Characterization

Character becomes one of the important things in literature as Kennedy in

An Introduction to Fiction, Poetry, and Drama says that characters either remain

stable in their attitudes throughout a work (static characters) or undergo personal


characters); but in any case they usually remain consistent in their basic nature


Character as the person or personalize figure can be changed its

characteristics, as we called it the dynamic character. As the main character, Bella

has a tendency to change her personality when she mingles with Edward and

Alice Cullen, who have many contributions into the development in Bella’s

personality. Is it possible that people can, under the pressure of certain

experiences, actually end up becoming fundamentally different than they started

out as being? Can people "reformulate" their "identity"? These questions are at

the heart of one of the great inventions in the genre of the novel, the so-called

Bildungsroman, or "novel of education," as they are in one of the major focuses of

psychology in the last hundred years, the theorizing and study of "personality

development." On a smaller scale, they are the staple of "initiation" stories,

though they are by no means restricted to this (Baker,k-state.edu.com, 2010).

According to M.J. Murphy (1972 : 161-173), there are nine ways to

represent the characters.

a. Personal Description

Personal description means that the author tries to describe the character through

his physical appearances. The author can describe a person’s appearance and

clothes such as his build, his skin-colour, his hair or his face.

b. Character as seen by another

Using this way means that the author can describe the character through the eyes


what character is like. Their opinions can help the readers to understand a


c. Speech

The author can give the reader insight into the character of one of the person in

the book through what the character says. Whenever a person is speaking, he is

giving the reader some clue to his character.

d. Past Life

The author can give the reader a clue to even that has helped to shape a person’s

character by learning about a person’s past life. This can be done by direct

comment by the author, through the person’s thought, through the conversation or

the medium of another person.

e. Conversation of Others

It means that the author can give the reader clues to a person’s character through

conversations and things they say about him. People talk about other people and

things they say often give the reader a clue to the character of the person spoken


f. Reaction

The readers will know a person’s character through seeing how he reacts to

various situation and events.

g. Direct Comment


h. Thoughts

The author gives the reader direct knowledge of what a person is thinking about.

In this respect, he is able to do what we can not do in the real life. He can tell the

reader what different people are thinking. In the novel we accept this. The reader

then is in privileged position; he has, as it were, a secret listening device plugged

in to the inmost thoughts of a person in a novel.

i. Mannerism

The author may describe a person’s mannerism, habits, or idiosyncrasies that may

also tell the reader something about his character.

In his book A Glossary of Literary Terms, M.H Abram says that the

alternative ways to characterize is using the term characterizing by showing and

telling. In showing, the author presents the characters talking and acting and

leaves the reader to infer what motives and dispositions lie behind what they say

and do. In telling, the author intervenes authoritatively in order to describe, and

often to evaluate, the motives and dispositional qualities of the characters (1985:

24). Therefore, these theories help the writer to give information about the

description of every character by these certain ways.

2. The Relation between Literature and Psychology

A work of literature actually is the general topic to discuss in every aspect

of life. It is because a work of literature especially drama and prose are created as


study of human and his psyche can be used to analyze the element of a work of

literature that is character. Although a character in a novel is fictive, however, it

represents the real human that could be analyzed through the psychology field. In

general, psychology is about the study of human characteristics through the study

of mind and how it works. It can be related to the literature that also deals with the

analysis with the characters through their characteristics and how they are

characterized, since the differences are just about fiction and non-fiction. Robert

Stanton in Introduction to Fiction implies that literature is a unique imitation of

life. In life, on the other hand, there are no stereotypes, no mere copies: every

person is an individual to those who know him; every love affair is a unique

experience to the lover. The serious author takes life as his model. Instead of

writing a “typical story” or a “typical war story”, he writes of particular individual

in particular situation. The result, paradoxically, is that his story is typical –

typical of life (1965: 7).

InTheory of Literature,Rene Wellek and Austin Warren explain that there

are four aspects that can be learned in literature from psychological point of view

(1956: 81). The four aspects are the writer, as type and as individual, the creative

process, the psychological types and law presented within the work of literature,

and the effect of literature upon its reader.

As psychology is a body of knowledge which study human psyche, the

most related element of literature to psychology is its human or human – like


Compositionthat a character is a figure with specifics mental and moral qualities,

it is obvious that characters are observable through psychology, in terms that they

consist of unique mental qualities (1988: 71).

3. Theory of Traits

The writer uses personality instead of characteristic because of the using of

the approach is psychology. According to Jess and Gregory Feist in their book

Theories of Personality, characteristics are defined as unique qualities of an

individual that include such attributes as temperament, physique, and intelligence

(2006: 4). In psychology term as it is stated by William Samuel in Personality:

Searching for the Sources of Human Behaviour, the word ‘personality’ is used

rather than ‘characteristics’ as it is stated “Both definitions use the words

“characteristics” or “characterize”, and there appears to be agreement that

personality implies some degree of individual uniqueness” (1981: 324).

Beside the use of the term, the relation between characteristics and

personality are that personality is the main part and characteristics is the sub part.

It is said by Gerald Mathews in his book titledPersonality Traitsthat if there is to

be a specialty called personality, its unique and therefore defining characteristic is

traits (2004: 325).

According to Larry A. Hjele and Daniel J. Ziegler’s book, any one person

behaves in a consistent and different fashion from all others. Allport’s explanation


of analysis” for representing what people are like and how they differ from one

another behaviorally. In Allport’s system, traits themselves may be said to have

“traits” or defining characteristics (1992: 287-289).

4. Theory of Personality Development

Psychologists differ among themselves as to the meaning of personality.

Most agree that the world “personality” originated from the Latin persona, which

referred to a theatrical mask worn by Roman actors in Greek dramas. These

ancient Roman actors wore a mask (persona) to project a role or false appearance.

It is stated inTheories of Personalityby Jess Gregory Feist (2006: 3). This surface

view of personality, of course, is not an acceptable definition. When psychologists

use the term “personality”, they are referring to something more than the role

people play.

A person has stable personality and does not change easily and becomes

the mark of that person as in Birth to Maturity, Kagan said that the concept of

personality refers to the profile of stable beliefs, moods, and behaviors that

differentiate among children (and adults) who live in a particular society (1962 :

211). This theory is as the same as the theory by Robert A Baron in Psychology

defines personality as an individual’s unique and relatively stable patterns of

behavior, thoughts, and emotions.

In daily life, we generally act as though personality is a fact. We expect others to

demonstrate consistency in their behaviors across different situations and over


However, some of psychologists try to argue those theories by making

question like the quotation “Does such consistency really exist? Some

psychologist have argued that is does not – that behavior is largely determined by

external factors rather than by a stable traits or disposition” (1995: 342).

Therefore, the writer can conclude that the term personality has big possibility to

be changed in different situation and might ignore the consistency.

Personality is “the distinctive patterns of behavior (including thoughts and emotions) that characterize each individual’s adaptation to the situation of his or her life.” (1981: 146).

This theory wants to say that environment is the main part of the development of

personality. People can change differently because of different environment.

When a person experiences kind of new environment, it is possible for her/him to

develop her/his personality. This person actually can change. To support this

theory, the writer also takes the quotation from Mischel and Soda in their article

titled A Cognitive-Affective System Theory of Personality: Reconceptualizing the

Invariances in Personality and the Role of Situations, that far for being simply encoded in the genes, much of personality is a flexible and dynamic thing that

changes over the life span and is shaped by experience (1995 : 246).

In talk about literature, this has led to the development of a crude but useful terminological distinction of two sorts of characterization: "static" and "dynamic"(Lyman A. Baker,k-state.edu.com, 2010).

This quotation shows the relation of literature and psychology that try to find the

change in identity related to personality development in the main character. A


character, so that it is not needed to be changed. Therefore, the dynamic character

is useful to prove there might be a change of personality or just the development.

As Larry A. Hjelle and Daniel J. Ziegler state that most definitions

emphasize the importance of viewing personality in terms of a life history, or

developmental, perspective. Personality represents an evolving process subject to

a variety of internal and external influences, including genetic and biological

propensities, social experiences, and changing environmental circumstances. It

shows that the word personality can be developed through the social experiences

and changing environmental circumstances. The writer also finds the supporting

theory by Carver and Scheier inPerspective on Personalitysay that personality is

a dynamic organization, inside the person of psychophysical systems that create a

person’s characteristic patterns of behaviour, thoughts, and feelings (2000: 5). In

this study later on, the writer will prove it through the development of Bella

Swan’s personality after mingle with Edward and Alice Cullen. In this case, we

need the definition of development relating to the term of personality.

Kagan in Birth to Maturity states that “Development refers to the way in

which humans grow and change over the course of their lives. Developmental

processes include learning (nurture), which refers to environmental influence on

the growth process”(1962: 211). In addition, Justin Pikunas in his book titled

Human Development: an Emergence Sciencealso said that “development is a kind

of process of growth, maturation, learning and achievement” (1976: 23).

According to this theory, the process of development is influenced by the


theory, the writer would like to prove Bella’s personality development is

influenced by the environment surround her.

As Elizabeth B. Hurlock says, environmental sources of personality

molding include the family, the school, the peer group, mass media, religion, and

the person’s occupation. The relative importance of these molding sources varies

from one age group to another and from one person to another (1974: 105).. In

this case, Bella Swan is influenced by her peer. It is supported by Larry A. Hjelle

and Daniel J. Ziegler that there is a personality formation including constitutional

determinants, group membership determinants, role determinants, and situational

determinants. The writer uses situational determinants as it says that the group of

personality determinants is made up of the day-to-day experiences of the

individual, which for the most part are capricious and unpredictable. Situational

determinants may include things that have happened a thousand times as well as

those that happen only once --- provided they are not uniform for a whole group.

Accordingly, this is an omnibus category of factors shaping personality. Including

such diverse elements as interpersonal contacts of brief duration, family

constellation (e. g., oldest in five-child family), friendships with particular

individuals, and divorced parents (1981: 169).

In addition, the theory of personality development is stated by Elizabeth B.

Hurlock that changes result not from physical changes per se, as the traditional

belief imply, but rather from social and environmental conditions from the

individual’s effort to make changes, and from professional guidance through


the writer concludes that personality development refers to process of growth,

maturation, learning, and achievement from human’s uniqueness of their


C. Theoretical Framework

From the three problem formulations, the writer has some theory to

support those problem formulations. The first and second questions try to find the

answer about the description of personalities in those three characters; Bella

Swan, Edward Cullen, and Alice Cullen. Therefore, the writer uses theory of

character, as it tells about the static and dynamic character that will reveals Bella

Swan, Edward, and Alice Cullen’s personalities.

How those three characters characterized will be helped by the theory of

characterization and character. Another theory is the theory of psychology. The

writer uses theory of traits. Theory of traits will help the writer to differentiate the

term personality and characteristics. The word ‘traits’ is the same as the word

‘characteristics’. Theory of personality development will help the writer to prove

the personality development of Bella Swan as the result of Edward and Alice’s

Cullen’s influences.

In the third question, the writer uses theory of personality development as

this theory will help the writer to describe the process of the influence of other

characters toward Bella’s personality development. In the theories of personality

development, it will prove that there are some influences in personality




A. Object of the Study

The novel analyzed in the study isTwilight, which have gained worldwide

recognition and sold over 100 million copies globally, with translations into 37

different languages, such as Indonesian, Finland, Norway, Korean, Russian,

Chinese, Thailand, The Czech Republic, Dutch, German, Japanese, Danish, and

many more. This novel published by Hachette Book Group USA in 2005

(stepheniemeyer.com, 2010).

In 2008, the novel became film staring Kristen Stewart (Bella Swan) and

Robert Pattinson (Edward Cullen) and won some awards, one of those are as the

best movie according to 2009 MTV Movie Awards (stepheniemeyer.com, 2010)

Twilight tells about the girl named Bella Swan as the main character and

the narrator who has to move in Forks to live with her father. She finally meets

boy named Edward who is actually a vampire. And the conflict occurs when Bella

has to choose whether she wants to be vampire and living immortality or still be

an ordinary human. The other conflict is that she has to fight with the other

vampire named James who has purpose to revenge his friend’s murder. The

significant thing in this story is about how Bella changes her personalities when


B. Approach of the Study

The writer studies about the development characteristics through the novel

as the representation and imitation of the reality as Huffman in Psychology in

Actionsays that the analysis of work of literature will concern about the belief that

great literature truthfully reflects life and is a realistic representation of human

motivation and behavior. Psychological critics also focus on the creative process

of the artist, the artist's motivation or behavior, or analyze fictional characters'

motivations and behaviors. (1994: 10). Since it deals with characteristics

development and the process in it, the writer will have to study the work of

literature from the psychological point of view by analyzing the main character’s

characteristics and the development. Related to psychological term, the writer will

use the term personality instead of characteristics. Further, Huffman also stated

that Psychological critics might choose to focus on the creative process of the

artist, the artist's motivation or behavior, or analyze fictional characters'

motivations and behaviors (1994: 10). Therefore, the writer will analyze the main

character’s personality development as one of the concern of this criticism by

using the psychological approach. In Reading and Writing about Literature,

according to Rohrberger and Woods, the psychological approach is focused on

psychological interpretation for entrancing the understanding and appreciation of


This criticism is chosen to analyze this novel to see the personality

development that happens toward Bella as the main character. The changing

personality has relation with psychological term, that people have their own

personality and that their personalities might change in the different

circumstances. By using this approach, the writer also can describe the changing


C. Method of the Study

In collecting data and some theories, the writer used library research by

choosing appropriate books and visiting library. The books being used are both

from the field of literature and psychology to find the appropriate theories.

Therefore, the writer used A Glossary of Literary Terms; Literature for

Composition: Essay, Fiction, Poetry, and Drama; Seventh Edition; Psychology in

Action; Human Development: An Emergence Science; Birth to Maturity; An

Introduction to Fiction, Poetry, and Drama; Development in Adulthood;

Approach to Literature: An Introduction to Critical Study of Content and Method

in Writing; Personality: searching for the sources of human behavior;

Psychology; Understanding Unseen: An Introduction to English Poetry and the

English Novel for Overseas Students; Theory of Literature; Personality Traits,

Theory of Personality, Personality Theories: Basic Assumption, Research and

Applications; Personality Development; The Adolescent: Development,


In analyzing this study, there were some steps being used. The first step

was by deciding the element being studied and later on the writer chose the

characteristics development of Bella Swan. The second step was deciding the

approach of the study. Since the writer focuses on the characteristics development,

the approach being used was the psychological approach and the writer preferred

to use the term “personality” to “characteristics”. The third step was making

problem formulation. Those problems being formulated were the description of

Bella’s personality development, the description of Edward and Alice Cullen’s

personalities, and the influence of Edward and Alice Cullen toward Bella’s

personality development. The next step was analyzing the problem formulation by

elaborating the process of personality development as the result of the influence of




In this chapter, the writer will elaborate the three problem formulations by

dividing those problems into three parts. The first part is to analyze Bella Swan’s

personality and her personality development as well. Therefore, in this part, it will

be divided into two parts; Bella Swan’s personality before and after mingling with

the Cullens. The purpose is to show the previous personality and recent

personality so that it can be easily compared. Answering the second problem

formulation, the writer will analyze Edward and Alice Cullen’s each personality

that will influence on Bella Swan’s personality development. This part will also

be divided into two parts; Edward Cullen’s personality and Alice Cullen’s

personality. The purpose is to differentiate the personality of Edward and Alice

Cullen. The last problem formulation will be analyzed through the process how

Edward and Alice Cullen’s personality influence Bella Swan’s personality


A. Bella Swan’s Personality before and after Mingling with Edward and Alice Cullen

William Samuel says the word ‘personality’ used rather than

‘characteristics’ as it is stated “Both definitions use the words “characteristics” or

“characterize”, and there appears to be agreement that personality implies some


Personality, as the conclusion, is someone’s character that has some

characteristics as its support. Therefore, rather than talking about Bella Swan’s

characteristics, this part will discuss about Bella Swan’s personality. The writer

divides this part into two parts; it is Bella Swan’s personality before she meets

Edward and Alice Cullen and Bella Swan’s personality after she meets Edward

and Alice Cullen. The purpose is to make the comparison of time when Bella

Swan has not yet mingled with Edward and Alice Cullen and finally has

relationship with them. The writer will just put the personality that is developed in

the end of the story.

1. Personality of Bella Swan before Mingling with Edward and Alice Cullen

Bella Swan is the major character in this novel. Since this novel is narrated

by the first person point of view, Bella Swan becomes the most knowing person in

the story. Therefore, it is easy to find her personality, mostly, through her thought

as M.J. Murphy says in his book Understanding Unseen: An Introduction to

English Poetry & Novel for Overseas Student (1972 : 161-173). This part will tell

about Bella Swan’s personality before she meets and mingles with Edward and

Alice Cullen. The writer will just put the personality that will develop in the end

of the analysis that is inferior.

Bella Swan is described as an inferior girl who hardly to share her

problems with the others even for her parents. There is one reason why she acts

so. Her parents divorced when she was only a few months old. Even she has not


has to be divided to live with both of her parents. Every summer she spends a

month to live with her father in different town that is far from her mother’s town

until she was fourteen. “It was from this town and its gloomy, omnipresent shade

that my mother escaped with me when I was only a few moths old” (p. 3). Now,

she has to move in to his father’s town for good because she does not want to

disturb her mother and the new husband named Phill. Though she feels sad to

leave her mother, but she has to move so that her mother can be comfortable with

Phill. “I felt a spasm of panic as I stared at her wide, childlike eyes. How could I

leave my loving, erratic, hare-brained mother to fend for herself?” (p. 4).

According to the case that Bella Swan is an inferior person, the study of

psychological is needed. The main reason why Bella Swan is known as an inferior

person is that she has to face the fact that her parents divorced. “One of the

problems of divorce is what it does to the adolescents’ attitudes toward

themselves and their parents. Self-image seems to suffer, especially if adolescents

blame themselves, feel guilty, or feel any social embarrassment because of what

happens” (1993: 127). It is said by F. Philip Rice in his book titled The

Adolescent: Development, Relationship, and Culture. Bella Swan is one of the

examples that actually she has a social embarrassment. As the result she has a

lower self-concept that makes her feeling inferior toward the other people. She

never felt a complete family since she did not live with complete parents in one

house almost for her entire life, though she does not have relationship problem


Bella Swan is, at first, an inferior girl. Inferior, according to Longman

Dictionary of Contemporary English is defined as not good or less good in

quality, value, or skill than someone or something else including with her friends

(2001: 932). She feels that she is worse than other people. She thinks herself as an

unattractive girl. She always compares herself toward her surrounding in a lower

case, which she is the lowest and the other is the highest.

I would be the new girl from the big city, a curiosity, a freak. Maybe, if I looked like a girl from Phoenix should, I could work this on my advantage. But physically, I’d never fit in anywhere. I should be tan, sporty, blond---a volley-ball player, or a cheerleader, perhaps---all the things that go with living in the valley of the sun (p.10).

In the quotation, Bella Swan is the new student from the big city, Phoenix, who

comes to the small one, Forks. It should be obvious that she feels so attractive

since she is from the big city. However, because of her inferiority, she feels

unconfident with her appearance, which is she is not tan, not sporty, not blond,

and should be in cheerleader team as the characteristics of a girl from the big city.

Instead, I was ivory-skinned, without even the excuse of blue eyes or red hair, despite the constant sunshine. I had always been slender, but soft somehow, obviously not an athlete; I didn’t have necessary hand-eye coordination to play sports without humiliating myself---and harming both myself and anyone else who stood to close (p.10).

This quotation supports that she is supposed to be good in appearances which

shows that she is an inferior girl. Bella Swan explains in her narration that she has

ivory-skin which should be tan because she lived in Phoenix that is sunny. She

also blames her eyes that should be blue and her hair that should be red. At last,


Before she makes friend with Edward, at first she felt inferior when she saw

Edward’s appearance.

Of course he wasn’t interested in me, I thought angrily, my eyes stinging --- a delayed reaction to the onions. I wasn’t interesting. And he was (p.79).

She thinks that Edward will not be interested in her because at that time Edward

stares at her in curious and strange way. Bella Swan who feels inferior toward her

surrounding becomes more inferior.

According to Saif Farooqi, inferiority complex may not necessarily

develop in the context of specific tasks or goals. It may develop for more general

or abstract things also. For example, a person might feel that he/she is not very

good looking compared to others and this might become the cause for inferiority

complex for that person (Farooqi, lifepsychologyandalotmore.com, 2009). Bella

Swan feels that she is lack of confident and behave awkwardly almost in front

people because of her unconfident toward her own physical appearance. As an

inferior girl, Bella Swan has some characteristics such as shy, awkward, and


Bella Swan is also described as a shy girl. She barely expresses her feeling

to the others. It is because of her inferiority, she has tendency to be a shy person

who feels nervous and embarrassed about talking to the other people. It is obvious

when Bella Swan arrives in Forks and has to adapt with the new environment. She

has to make a friend with new person, new school, new teacher, and new



in front of the class and introduce myself. I stammered, blushed, and tripped over my own boots on the way to my seat (p.17).

Bella Swan will feel uncomfortable when she has to stand in front of the class

even if it is just for introducing herself in her new school in Forks. She confesses

through her thought that she feels stammering, blushing, and tripping. It happens

when she has her first day in her new school. Everybody stares at her with

curiosity and this makes Bella Swan becomes uncomfortable and prefers to avoid

the public attention. She hates to be treated as the new student which she should

introduce herself in front of the class.

Bella’s shyness also appears when she is introduced as the daughter of

Chief Swan. She does not feel comfortable knowing that people will easily

recognize her as the daughter of the head police. In normal life, a girl will be

proud when she is well known among others because of her parent is well known

too, but Bella Swan is the exceptional. She refuses to be the center of the attention

because of her shyness. She thinks that she does not deserve that kind of


The month that followed the accident was uneasy, tense, and, at first, embarrassing. To my dismay, I found myself the center of attention for the rest of the week (p.68-69).

It shows that Bella feels dismay when she becomes the center of attention after

her car accident. She is safe but everybody seems to think that she needs extra

care from the hospital. Even worse, when she is taken home by her father riding

with the cruiser that she hates so much because she will feel shy in front of her


Bella Swan also shows her shyness when she meets Edward for the first

time. It is Edward who stares at her with curiosity like the others. That Edward is

so charming makes Bella shy when he stares at her. “He stared at me again,

meeting my eyes with the strangest expression on his face --- it was hostile,

furious. I looked away quickly, shocked, going red again” (p.23). This situation

happens when they are in the cafeteria. Bella Swan is in her first day and meeting

the Cullens family who are very good-looking but seem strange because they all

seems avoid the other students. Suddenly Edward Cullen stares at her with the

strangest expression as Bella has thought. She looks away quickly and goes red

again. It shows that she feels embarrassed when Edward stares at her.

The next characteristic as an inferior person is awkward. She is an

awkward girl. As Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English states an

awkward characteristic is defined as moving or behaving in a way that does not

seem relaxed or comfortable, especially when someone feels nervous or

embarrassed (2001: 119). This personality is different with the others that are

clumsy. Clumsy is the moving in an awkward way and tending to break things

(2001: 334). Bella Swan has that personality too, but of course she will not be

able to change it for the short period of time because it is congenital from birth.

Comparing to an awkward personality that is just the attitude that will be over

when someone controlling her or his shyness, a clumsy person cannot get over it

easily because it relates to body’s balance.


In this part, Bella Swan expresses gratitude to her father in an awkward way. She

feels shy even with her own father to say thank you. In her thought, it is known

that she inherits that personality from her father. She will not feel comfortable

when she has to express her feeling toward the others. Her awkwardness is shown

by her way looking straight ahead rather than to meet her father’s eyes. Mostly,

Bella shows her awkwardness to his father, because she is not close with her

father. She has cold relationship with her father.

The last characteristic of being inferior is coward. In Bella Swan’s coward,

she is not able to encourage herself to be a brave girl. She has a lot of worried

when she arrives in Forks that the new environment will kill her softly. She is

afraid that she will be ignored by her new schoolmates. She is also afraid when

she can not survive in the new city that has different weather than her previous

city. Her coward is proved when she is in the town and walking alone. She is

disturbed by a group of men who stalk her. “Stay away from me,” I warned in a

voice that was supposed to sound strong and fearless. But I was right about the

dry throat --- no volume (p.161). The men finally are near from Bella Swan. At

that time, Bella Swan who is already afraid tries to shout. However, because of

her coward, she is too slow to shout so that she looses her voice. As the result,

her voice can not be optimal when she tries to shout out loud. It is also showed

when Bella Swan at first knows that Edward Cullen is a vampire and might kill

her. “Could the Cullens be vampires?” (p.138). At that time, she has not yet


realized by herself that he is a vampire. She knows that vampire is the blood

sucker, so she thinks that Edward Cullen might be able to kill her as his prey.

To sum up, Bella Swan’s personality is inferior with several characteristics

as awkward, shy, and coward girl. The personality exists before she has

relationship with Edward Cullen and makes a friend with Alice Cullen.

2. Personality of Bella Swan after Mingling with Edward and Alice Cullen

In this part, the writer will elaborate Bella Swan’s personality when she

finally mingles with the Cullens. The writer combines the influence of Edward

and Alice Cullen and does not separate it into two parts. The personality that is

developed is confident. Bella Swan becomes a confident girl that has

characteristics as curious, expressive, and brave girl. This personality develops as

the result of the relationship among Bella Swan, Edward Cullen, and Alice


Ever since Bella Swan has relationship with Edward Cullen and makes a

friend with Alice Cullen, she becomes a confident girl. It is one of a good

development for her. “I didn’t hesitate this time, climbing in the passenger side

quickly, the sooner to see his face” (p. 241). In this quotation, Bella Swan is not in

an awkward way to accept Edward Cullen’s offer to join his car though at first she

feels surprise to see that such a beautiful creature falls in love with her. Bella

Swan’s confidence is firstly appeared when she hears Edward Cullen’s statement

that she is special and popular among the boys in her school. She feels confident


Edward Cullen. Her togetherness with Alice also makes her proud to be Alice’s

close friend. She shares everything about her problems to Alice and does not feel

inferior toward Alice because of her perfect of beauty. At first, she will always

mind what other people say about her behavior. Now, she can be confident to be

in front of people.

Joshua Uebergang says in his article that there are ten personality traits as

a confident person. They are self-assuring, ambitious, sociable, competitive, risk

taking, hard-working, determined, accepting, shrewd, and positive (Uebergang,

positivearticles.com, 2011). In Bella Swan’s case, there are some of the traits.

They are curious, expressive, and brave girl. Those characteristics are Bella

Swan’s personality that is developed.

Bella Swan becomes a curious girl after she mingles, especially, with

Edward Cullen. She always wants to know everything about Edward Cullen

because his mystery makes Bella tries to figure out who Edward Cullen is.

They are…..very nice-looking.” I struggled with the conspicuous understatement. “Yes!” Jessica agreed with another giggle. “They’re all together though --- Emmett and Rosalie, and Jasper and Alice, I mean. And theylivetogether.” Her voice held all the shock and condemnation of the small town, I thought critically. But, if I was being honest, I had to admit that even in Phoenix, it would cause gossip. “Which ones are the Cullens?” I asked “ (p. 21).

Bella Swan’s curiosity arises when she hears that the Cullens children are all

adopted. She knows that their father, Dr. Cullen, is still young about the late

twenties and impossible having such teenage children. And those children are in a

couple, except Edward Cullen. She is curious how come they live together. Jasper


Cullen. They are not sibling but living together though as the adopted girl. Bella

thinks that it would always cause gossip.

Bella Swan becomes an expressive girl after feeling confident making

friends with Edward and Alice Cullen. In her previous characteristics, she barely

expresses her feeling to the other, especially to her father, for example when she

shows her gratitude and her care to him. She will always show them in an

awkward ways. Her awkwardness changes when she feels confident. She tries to

be an expressive person by respecting to herself that she is not inferior. Edward

and Alice Cullen are the most supportive people to make Bella Swan such an

expressive girl. “I didn’t like it. Not seeing you. It makes me anxious, too.” I

blushed to be saying this out loud (p. 190). Though at first Bella Swan feels shy

when she expresses her feeling to Edward, she has a struggle in it and it works. At

least, she dares to say her own feeling out loud. In her relationship with Edward

she will always show her feeling easily without being doubtful.

Bella Swan’s characteristic as a confident personality is brave, meaning

that she faces danger, pain, or difficult situations with courage and confidence.

She becomes a brave girl since she faces the fact that she mingles with vampire’s

family that might kill her anytime.

I looked down, afraid of the persuasive power of his eyes. I refused to be convinced to fear him, no matter how real the danger might be. It doesn’t matter, I repeated in my head (p. 243).

In the quotation, Bella Swan realizes that she might be in danger if she keeps

making friends with Edward and Alice Cullen. They are vampire and might thirst


with them. Bella Swan who is known as a coward with just a little thing becomes

a brave girl who will face the huge danger about her own death.

Bella Swan’s personality after mingling with Edward and Alice Cullen is

confident and has characteristics as curious, expressive, and brave girl are the

result of her relationship with Edward and Alice Cullen.

B. Personality of Edward and Alice Cullen

Bella Swan makes relationship with Edward and Alice Cullen and feels

comfortable. It causes her personality develop through her mingle with the

Cullens. Therefore these are Edward and Alice Cullen’s personality that influence

Bella Swan’s personality development. In this part, the writer will analyze the

personality of both characters who are the most influencing toward Bella Swan’s

personality development.

1. Personality of Edward Cullen

Edward Cullen is the most influencing person in Bella Swan’s personality

development. He is described as a charming and very good-looking boy. “He was

more boyish than the others, who looked like they could be in college, or even

teachers here rather than students” (p.18). He is Bella Swan’s lover; therefore it is

obvious that Edward will influence the development of her personality. Edward

Cullen is a vampire since 1918 when he was seventeen years old, but in the recent


His appearance is still a seventeen-year-old boy though actually he is in the late

eighty. Personality of Edward Cullen that will influence Bella Swan’s personality

development is charming.

Edward Cullen is kind of the most handsome guy in Bella Swan’s new

school in Forks. Bella Swan notices him in his charming behavior. He has very

pleasing and attractive gesture so that Bella wants to know who Edward Cullen is.

His hair was dripping wet, disheveled --- even so, he looked like he’d just finished shooting a commercial for hair gel. His dazzling face was friendly, open, a light smile on his flawless lips. But his eyes were careful (p. 43).

Through Bella Swan’s point of view, Edward is described as a very good-looking

person. Every one who sees Edward must be fascinated by his appearance though

he will not response all of the looks that every one gives to him. He does not have

friends in school but his charming still become his strength among his

schoolmates even for Bella Swan herself.

According to Fauxnoey in his article entitledHow to Develop a Charming

Personality, there are four steps becoming charming person, those are be natural,

Be slightly neurotic, be curious, and be fearless (Fauxnoey,www.ehow.com, April

2011). Therefore, in his charming, Edward has protective, curious, mysterious,

and caring characteristics.

One of the characteristic of being charming is that Edward Cullen is

known as a curious person. As a vampire, he can read somebody’s mind, therefore

he will be always curious about the others and he fulfills his curiosity by reading

their mind. His curiosity arises since he cannot read Bella Swan’s mind. Edward


Bella, he cannot hear what Bella thinking is and it made him curious what is

different about her. According to him, Bella Swan is the exceptional and really

hard to read. It is proved through Bella Swan’s point of view. “And Edward was

staring at me curiously, that same, familiar edge of frustration even more distinct

now in his black eyes” (p. 73). He seems more curious about Bella Swan’s

personal life since her first day in school and he cannot read her mind. He

becomes frustrated and asks so many questions to her. He starts to ask about her

family, her interest, and her previous life before she comes to Forks.

Though Edward Cullen is described as a charming person who has

attractive gesture, but he still remains mystery. According to Bella Swan, he

seems full of secrets despite his strange behavior. He is a mysterious person.

“What if I’m not a superhero? What if I’m the bad guy?” he smiled playfully, but

his eyes were impenetrable” (p. 92). This quotation shows that Edward keeps

mystery when he tells Bella Swan if he is good or even bad guy. Since Edward

Cullen is a vampire, he is afraid that he would hurt Bella Swan physically and

mentally, however because of his strong love to her, he chooses to be near with

her. Therefore, he offers a choice for her whether to accept his mystery or just

leave it. It is shown in his confession to Bella Swan when he finally tells that he is

a vampire. He is always a mysterious person since Bella Swan wants to know


Despite the fact that Edward Cullen is a mysterious person, he is a

protective person toward person who he cares the most. After Edward Cullen has

love relationship with Bella Swan, he is revealed to be a protective boyfriend. He

protects Bella Swan in many occasions.

“Don’t you see? That’s what proves me right. I care the most, because if I can do it” he shook his head, seeming to struggle with the thought ----“if leaving is the right thing to do, then I’ll hurt myself to keep from hurting you, to keep you safe” (p. 211).

The quotation is the conversation between Edward Cullen and Bella Swan. As

M.J. Murphy says in his bookUnderstanding Unseen: An Introduction to English

Poetry & Novel for Overseas Studentwhenever a person is speaking, he is giving

the reader some clue to his character (1972 : 161-173). From his words, Edward’s

protectiveness is revealed. He says to Bella Swan that he will sacrifice anything to

keep her safe, since she has just attracted accidents like magnet, according to him.

Edward Cullen will always feel worried about Bella Swan’s safety. He always

warns her to be careful. As the example when Bella Swan tells him that she wants

to go to La Push beach, Edward asks her to not danger herself. On the other

occasion, Edward Cullen has saved Bella Swan in Port Angeles, a downtown in

Forks. She is stalked by the strangers who have bad will toward her. At that time,

Edward Cullen follows her position through Jessica and Angela’s thoughts. They

are Bella Swan’s classmates to whom Bella goes with. Finally, he can save Bella


because she has Biology class that practices about blood type. She feels weak

when she smells the blood. Immediately, Edward Cullen brings her to the school

clinic and will not let her to go back to the class to make sure that she will not get

fainted anymore.

The last characteristic of Edward Cullen is caring. It is stated inLongman

Dictionary of Contemporary English that caring is defined as someone thinks

about what other people need or would like, and tries to help them (2001:

266-267). As a caring person, not only does he protect about the safeness of Bella

Swan but also care about her needs.

“I think you should eat something.” Edward’s voice was low, but full of authority. He looked up at Jessica and spoke slightly louder. “Do you mind if I drive Bella home tonight? That way you won’t have to wait while she eats” (p.166).

This situation happened after Edward Cullen saves Bella Swan from the bad men

in the street. He notices that she has not eaten yet and her friends have already got

their meal. It is him that asks permission to Bella Swan’s friends to bring her

home so that they will not wait too long for her. For his caring, he offers himself

to accompany Bella Swan and makes sure that she will eat her meal. After having

closer relationship with Bella Swan, Edward Cullen often shows his caring toward

her. He cares whether Bella Swan has a jacket or not to warm her body. He also

cares about Bella Swan’s mobility that she has only truck and gives her ride


The personality of Edward which is charming that has characteristics as

curious, mysterious, protective and caring person will influence Bella Swan’s

personality development. Those characteristics of personality are the main part

that will affect Bella Swan’s behavior that later will develop her personality.

2. Personality of Alice Cullen

Alice Cullen is the adopted sister of Edward Cullen. She is described as

the most graceful person in her environment. Her way to walk is just like a dance.

She is very beautiful just like her brother, Edward Cullen. Her special ability is

she can read future based on what the others plan. She is the closest friend of

Bella Swan that also influences Bella Swan’s personality development. Therefore,

she has supportive personality involving her relationship with Bella Swan.

Supportive has characteristic as giving help or encouragement, especially

to someone who is in a difficult situation (2001: 1830). Alice Cullen has that

personality. Being able to see things in the future, she can calm somebody who

needs her help. It is said directly by Edward Cullen through his speech. “Alice is

the most…..supportive.” He frowned as he spoke (p. 244). Edward Cullen says

that when he needs her help to accompany him to hunt. Edward Cullen needs

Alice to support and to remind him that he should come back soon. Her

supportiveness is also appeared when she finally becomes Bella Swan’s close

friend; she calms her down when Bella Swan gets panic after James, the bad

vampire wants to kill Bella Swan. “Do you think they’re safe, really?” “Bella,


Alice Cullen convinces Bella Swan that everything will be alright when she

begins to worry about the other Cullens who try to save her by separating each

other to keep James away from her. She encourages Bella Swan that her brother,

Edward, will blame himself for his entire life when he knows that Bella Swan can

not be saved.

As a supportive person, Alice Cullen has some characteristics. According

to Art and Anna Kleimer, supportive personalities are the caregivers of the world,

the nurturers and peacemakers (Kleimer, www.articlecircle.com, 2011). The

writer, then, collects the characteristics of Alice Cullen’s supportive personality as

friendly, wise, protective, and caring person.

Alice Cullen is friendly person. She shows her friendliness to Bella Swan

when they are introduced by Edward for the first time. ““Hello, Bella.” Her

brilliant obsidian eyes were unreadable, but her smile was friendly. “It’s nice to

finally meet you” (p. 247). Though she has not known Bella Swan before, but she

feels happy to see Bella Swan despite the fact that she is her brother’s girlfriend. It

is because she can see the future that she will be Bella Swan’s close friend. She

always welcomes Bella Swan whenever they meet; even she kisses Bella Swan’s

cheek when Bella Swan comes to the Cullens’ house. “Hi, Bella!” Alice said, and

she bounced forward to kiss my cheek” (p. 323). In many occasion, she will treat

Bella Swan in friendly way. She is also never upset though Bella Swan asks her to

tell her story becoming a vampire that she wants to forget because of the pain in


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