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Analysis Of Language Play In The Brand Names and Slogans Of Beauty Products.


Academic year: 2017

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Maranatha Christian University 1


Saat ini, iklan telah menjadi bagian dari kehidupan masyarakat kita. Melalui

iklan, kita dapat mengetahui munculnya produk-produk atau merk-merk baru. Iklan

dapat kita temukan di majalah, koran, televisi dan juga internet. Dalam iklan, kita dapat

menemukan nama-nama produk dan juga slogan-slogan iklan yang menarik untuk

dilihat dan didengar oleh konsumen.

Oleh sebab itu, saya tertarik untuk menganalisa permainan kata atau yang

dikenal dengan language play yang ada di dalam nama-nama produk dan slogan-slogan

produk. Melalui permainan kata pada nama-nama produk dan slogan-slogan, diharapkan

iklan yang disampaikan akan menarik perhatian konsumen sehingga mereka dapat

mengingat produk tersebut dan pada akhirnya tetarik untuk membelinya. Saya

menggunakan teori permainan kata yang dihubungkan dengan aspek ilmu bahasa

(linguistic aspects) yaitu fonologi (phonology) yang berhubungan dengan suara atau

bunyi, morfologi (morphology) yang berhubungan dengan kata dan imbuhan, dan

sintaksis atau ilmu kalimat (syntax) yang berhubungan dengan susunan kalimat.

Seluruh proses analisis merupakan wujud nyata kepedulian saya terhadap

kreativitas para pembuat iklan dalam menyampaikan pesannya terhadap konsumen; yang

pada akhirnya merupakan wujud nyata penghargaan terhadap kreativitas para pembuat



Maranatha Christian University 2










Background of the Study ...1

Statement of the Problem ...3

Purpose of the Study ...4

Methods of Research ...4

Organization of the Thesis ...4












List of the classification of Advertisements ...23

The Advertisements ...25




List of data classification of Advertisements

List of Brand Names and Language Play Analyzed

No. Brand names of beauty


Type of language play

phonology Morphology syntax Graphological


1 Eversoft white Compounding

2 Inchloss Compounding

3 biotherm Blending

4 sunspirit Compounding

5 Free&Free Repetitive


10 Elastiderm Blending



12 Covermark Compounding

13 Youngblood Compounding

14 Eyebright-Anti Puffiness Gel


15 GoSmile Compounding Graphological


16 Hypershine



17 Dream Cream Minimal


18 Colorevolution Compounding

19 Icecream Compounding

20 ScarGuard Compounding Graphological


21 Supersmile compounding

22 Better Body







List of Slogans and Language Play Analysed

No. Slogans of beauty


Type of language play

phonology morphology syntax

3 Real results, naturally alliteration


Maranatha Christian University 1



Background of the Study

We are all familiar with advertisements as we see them everyday on television,

in magazines, and newspapers. This fact is fully supported by Goddard (2002:5), who

says that modern readers are so familiar with advertising because it is all around us.

Advertisement is the place of communicating the products from the advertiser to

the potential buyers. Goddard further says that through advertisements, the advertisers

are to convey the producers’ messages (9).

An advertisement which is attractive will attract people’s attention to get the

message of the advertisement. As Goddard puts it, advertisement and advertising have,

at their root, a Latin word ‘advertere’, which means ‘turn towards’ (9). There are three

elements of an attractive advertisement: image, layout, and verbal text. Since I am

dealing with linguistic issues, I go further to verbal text. Verbal text of an

advertisement is the choice of words used, which should be able to attract the readers.

In choosing the right words to be used in an advertisement, an advertiser has to choose

suitable and attractive words which can make people pay attention to the advertisement,


Maranatha Christian University 2 Brand names and slogans help the advertiser to attract people’s attention and

help the consumer to remember the brand names. This is supported by Richard J.

Semenik, who says that the major goal of marketers is to make the consumer remember

the brand names of the product or it is called as brand recall. If the brand names are on

the top of mind or suddenly come to the consumer’s mind, that is when the brand is

recalled. He also believes that the marketers have some ways to promote the easy recall.

The first is through repetition. Repetition means how the brand names are repeated so as

to make them familiar to the consumers. The second one is by using slogans and jingles.

He said that slogans are linguistic devices that link a brand name to something

memorable, due to the slogans simplicity, rhyme or some other factors. In the end,

slogans and jingles help the consumers to recall the brand names easily (Semenik 271


One of the ways to make attractive slogans and brand names is by using

language play, which means the manipulation of language (Crystal 1). David Crystal

believes that language play is part of the essence of advertising. He says that the first

task of advertising is to get the readers to notice the advertisement and to register the

identity of the product. In this situation, language play can help the consumer to identify

the product which is superior to other products, and also to convince the consumer that

the product will satisfy their needs (94).

In this case, the advertisers try to present their product exclusively by using

language play. This is one of the ways to capture the consumer’s attention. It is clear that

language has an important role in advertising, as playing with language is a significant

part for advertisers to help them make advertisements which can attract consumers


Maranatha Christian University 3 I notice that many brand names and slogans of beauty product advertisements

play with the language to attract people’s attention. That is why I am interested in

analyzing the use of language play in advertisements for my thesis. I will analyze the

processes of language play and I will also find out the function of the language play in

relation to the characteristics of the brand names and slogans. The processes of language

play in the advertisements involve linguistic areas, such as Phonology, Morphology, and

Syntax. Phonology is the component of a grammar made up of the elements and

principles that determine how sounds pattern in language (O’Grady 68), while

Morphology is the system of categories and rules involved in word formation and

interpretation (O’Grady 132). Syntax is the structure and ordering of components within

a sentence (Yule 100). Language play that is used in Phonology is alliteration, while in

Morphology there is blending and compounding, and in Syntax there is the repetitive


I hope that this thesis can raise people’s awareness of the use of language play in

advertisements. Then, after people become aware of the use of language play, I hope

they will put more respect on the creativity of the advertisers in creating language play.

Statement of the Problem

In this thesis, I focus on these problems:

1. What are the brand names and advertisement slogans which contain language


2. What process of language play is involved in each brand name and slogan?

3. What characteristic of the brand names and slogans is emphasized through


Maranatha Christian University 4 Purpose of the Study

This particular study is made with the purposes as follows:

1. To show the brand names and advertisement slogans using language play.

2. To classify the process of language play of each brand name and slogan into

types of language play.

3. To find out the characteristic of the brand names and slogans that is

emphasized through language play.

Methods of Research

In gathering the data for the thesis, I will collect the data in magazines,

newspapers and also from internet. Then I analyze the process of language play and the

function of using it. I will support my analysis with the references that I get from text

books and the internet. Finally, I write the research report.

Organization of the Thesis

The thesis is divided into four chapters preceded by the Preface and the Abstract.

Chapter I, the Introduction, contains the Background of the Study, Statement of the

Problem, Methods of Research, and Organization of the Thesis. Chapter II contains the

theoretical review of language play. Chapter III contains the analysis of language play in

advertisements. Chapter IV contains the conclusion of the analysis of language play in


Maranatha Christian University 1



After analyzing the data, I arrive at the conclusion that language play in

advertisements is really important. Language play helps the advertisers to attract

people’s attention so the potential consumers will turn towards the advertisements.

Language play also helps the advertisers to build the consumers’ brand recall through its

use in slogans and brand names. Language play in advertisements will make the

potential consumers can directly remember the slogan or the brand names as they are


The processes of language play which are included in the advertisements show

that the advertiser always tries to show the superiority of the products either in the

slogans or in the brand names. From the twenty eight data above, I find twenty two data

of language play used in brand names and six data of language play in slogans.

In the brand names there are eighteen morphological processes. There are sixteen

brand names which use compounding and there are two brand names using blending.

Besides, there is one phonological process, such as three brand names using alliteration

and there is one syntaxical process that is repetitive syntax. From those processes in the

brand names, I think that compounding is the most effective way in attracting people’s


Maranatha Christian University 2 words are combined together to make a new word with a special meaning. In this case,

compounding process helps the advertiser to show the benefit, the association and

ingredients of the product through the brand names.

The benefit of the product helps the advertiser to show the advantage after using

this product. For example, Inchloss. This product show the benefit of the product that an

inch of your body means your fat will be loss if their put this cream to their body.

The association of the product helps the advertiser to show that this product is

connected with other thing. For example, colorevolution, developing in giving color. In

addition, this compounding helps the advertiser to show the ingredients of the product,

so the consumer can know the source in making the beauty products.

The distinctiveness of the product helps the advertiser to show that this product

is use a simple word that is completely unrelated to the product.

In the other case, I assume that blending also has the ability to attract consumers.

The words that have been through the blending process will create a new word. The

consumers will find it unique when they read the brand names, as the words are new, yet

they look and sound familiar. The brand names which use blending usually show the

ingredients of the product and that makes us as consumers want to know more about the

ingredients of the product.

Furthermore, I believe that the phonological processes can raise people’s

awareness in their own way. I conclude that brand names which use alliteration can be

more memorable in the consumers mind for they have the same sound. Brand names

with alliteration are also ear-catching, which is an advantage in building brand recall.

On the other hand, slogans in advertisements have their own processes. I find

that there is one slogan using a phonological process, which is alliteration and four data


Maranatha Christian University 3 attract the consumer with their slogans. From those processes in the slogans, I think that

repetitive syntax is the most effective in attracting people’s attention. By using repetitive

syntax in the slogans, the advertiser can show the benefit of the product by repeating the

same words. Besides, repetitive syntax makes the slogans more ear-catching to the

consumers for the slogans have the same sounds and the repetition in the slogans can

help the advertiser in convincing the consumers to buy the product. While, alliteration in

the slogans helps the consumers to easily remember the slogans.

I also find out that language play is used in the brand names and slogans not only

to attract the consumer, but also to meet the main characteristics of a good brand name

which is benefit, association, distinctiveness, and simplicity. However, most of the brand

names and slogans convey the benefit of the product.

I conclude that the advertiser’s use of language play in the beauty products

which is mostly for women is useful to attract women’s attention because they can see

something in details and something new, as Allan and Barbara Pease said that women

are equipped with far more finely tuned sensory skills than man. Women’s intuition has

the ability to see and notice small changes and small details. (Pease, 2001:21-23). I

conclude that since women can see something in details and something new, they can

notice the language play in the brand names and slogans. Thus, this is an advantage for

the advertisers of women’s beauty products for the first task in advertising is to get the

consumer’s noticed. I consider that women can notice the language play in the brand

names and slogans and they can read between the lines what the brand names and

slogans say to find out about the characteristics of the brand names and slogans. Women

can understand the meaning behind the word that they see or hear. For example, women

will be able to understand the benefit of a product named Youngblood. This is fully


Maranatha Christian University 4 significantly to what is called ‘women’s intuition’ and is one of the reasons why a

woman can read between the lines of what people say. (Pease, 2001:30-31).

In my own opinion, I think that language play is very useful to attract people’s

attention for it is ear catching. I suggest that in making a brand name and slogan, the

advertiser should deal more with language play. Brand names and slogans are related to

each other. The slogans should support the brand names to build brand recall and to

make the consumers feel that they really need the product. On the other hand, the brand

names should possess good characteristics to attract the consumers, to make them have


Maranatha Christian University 1


Crystal, D. Language Play. England: Penguin Group, 1998.

Duncan, T. Advertising and IMC. New York: McGraw-Hill. 2005.

Goddard,A. The Language of Advertising. London: Routledge, 2002.

Hornby,A.S. Oxford advanced Learner’s and Dictionary of Current English. London:

Oxford University Press. 1963.

Leech & Short. Style in Fiction. London and New York: Longman. 1994.

Pease, Allan, and Barbara Pease. Why Men Don’t Listen and Women Can’t Read Maps.

London: Orion House, 2001.

Semenik,R.J. Promotion and Integrated Marketing Communications. 2002.

Internet Websites

<http://shopping.yahoo.com/b:Skin%20Care/10 Sepetember 2007/>


tions:browsename=Body%20Lotions/12 September 2007/>

<http://www.amazon.com/gp/search/brand-index.html/?index=beauty&field-subjectbin=11055981/18 September 2007/>

Klein, Naomi. “No Logo”. (2000). 21 September



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