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The effect of using audio-visual in teaching English on the students' ability in listening comprehension at tenth year MAL UIN-SU Medan - Repository UIN Sumatera Utara


Academic year: 2017

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1. The students’ ability in listening comprehension when the researcher

teaching English by using audio – visual got mean score of the pre test in

experimental group was 46,48, meanwhile score of the post test in

experimental group was 82,62. And when the researcher teaching English

by using audio only get mean score of pre test in control group was 46,48,

meanwhile the mean score of post test in control group was 77,59.

2. Audio – visual as media is one of effective media that can be applied by

English teacher. This is a media to use when you are teaching for listen a

story as narrative text. English teachers by using audio – visual for survey

on the students’ ability in listening comprehension. Students’ concentration

will focus only on the audio - visual that is given by the teacher and give a

practice experience to students that can comprehension. The using of audio

- visual greatly affects the learning process, because it has elements of

sound and image elements. And audio-visual media is a media that can be

seen and heard are directly

3. Lessons to be more active if the teacher wears audio - visual in teaching

listening comprehension, because students listen, see, and comprehend at

the same time to facilitate their comprehension. And any significant effect

of using audio – visual in teaching English on the students’ ability in

listening comprehension. It was indicated that Ha was accepted and Ho was


B. Suggestion



Related to the conclusion, some suggestions are pointed out as the


1. The English teachers are suggested to apply Audio- Visual in teaching

learning process, especially in teaching listening comprehension because

this media should help teacher to improve students in listening


2. To the principal, give direction to the English teacher to use audio – visual

in teaching listening comprehension because that is suitable to the appraise

students’ ability in listening comprehension.

3. The other researcher, this research finding can be help and developed

further research related to topic of the study.




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