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Academic year: 2017



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A Thesis

Submitted as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Attainment of the Degree of SarjanaPendidikanin English Language Education



Yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini, Saya:

Nama : Sevy Insania Sari NIM : 09202241078

Prodi : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Faklutas : Bahasa dan Seni

Judul Skripsi : An Analysis of Reading Materials on A Textbook for the Tenth Grade :Bahasa Inggris English Textbook for Senior High School

Student Year X

Menyatakan bahwa karya ilmiah ini adalah hasil pekerjaan saya sendiri. Sepanjang pengetahuan saya, karya ilmiah ini tidak berisi materi yang ditulis oleh orang lain kecuali bagian-bagian tertentu yang saya ambil sebagai acuan dengan mengikuti tata cara dan etika penulisan karya ilmiah yang lazim.



Be strong in body, clean in mind, lofty in ideals.

James Naismith

When you see a good move,look for a better one.

Emanuel Lasker

Live every day to the fullest.

Lindsay Lohan

Joie De Vivre



In the name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, and the Most Merciful.

No God but Allah and Muhammad is His Prophet


My Beloved Family

My Mom

My Dad


My Sisters



Bismillaahirahmannirrahim may praise goes to Allah SWT, the Almighty for the mercy and strength so that I could finish this thesis. Invocation and peace go to Muhammad SAW, the Prophet, his family and his discipline. May Allah bless them and give them peace. I would like to acknowledge my thesis supervisor, Dr. Margana, M.Hum.,M.A.who has given his helping guidance patiently, support, and encouragement to me.

I would also express my gratefulness to any other lecturers, for their support and encouragements. Moreover, my great thank is particularly dedicated to my beloved mother, my father, and mysisters who have given meencouragement and troubles to finish my thesis. Thank you so much for this life. May Allah give them all the best.I also thank all friends in English Department of UNY for their assistance and memories. Special thank is forwarded to my friends: Renyta Okfiani Klau, S.Pd. for the journey so far. I would also like to express my grateful to my friends in C, D and E class the support and a lifetime story. Finally, I hope this thesis gives some improvements of the English teaching and learning and for the readers. However, I realize that this writing is far frombeing perfect. Therefore, any critics, ideas and suggestions for the improvement of this thesis are greatly appreciated.

Thank you.

Yogyakarta, August 31th 2016

The Writer


TABLE OF CONTENTS A. Background of the Problem ...1

B. Identification of the Problem...5

C. Limitation of the Problem ...6

D. Formulation of the Problem ...6

E. Objective of the Research ...7

F. Significance of the Study...7



Reading Material ...9



Pusat Kurikulum dan Perbukuan, Ministry of National Education... .18

BSNP (BadanStandarNasionalPendidikan) ...20

B. Conceptual Framework……...……...……23

CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODS A. Type of the Research ...24

B. Research Data and Source ...24

C. Instruments of Research...25

D. Trustworthiness...25

E. The Technique of Data Analysis...26



A. Research Findings...30

B. Discussions ...35

The Relevancy between Reading Materials in English in Focus Textbook with Aspect of Contents ...35

The Relevancy between Reading Materials in English in Focus Textbook with Aspect of Presentations ...47

The Relevancy between Reading Materials in English in Focus Textbook with Aspect of Language Use and Readability...58



Sevy Insania Sari 09202241078


The objective of this study is to describe whether the reading materials in Bahasa Inggris textbook for grade X Senior High School can meet the aspect of contents, aspect of presentation, aspect of language use and readability suggested by Pusat Kurikulum dan Perbukuan, Ministry of National Education. The book was written by Utami Widiati, Zuliati Rohmah and Furaidah. This research is expected to give insights of understanding the quality reading materials.

This study was designed as a documentary analysis in the form of descriptive qualitative research, in which the result would be described in the form of words without any statistical calculation. The data were collected from the reading section in the textbook. As supplementary tools of the instrument, forms of checklist were used during the research analysis.

The result showed that the reading materials in Bahasa Inggris textbook were appropriate with the criteria of qualified English textbook suggested by Pusat Perbukuan, Ministry of National Education. There were only two nonconformities found in the textbook: (a) there were some reading materials which were not presented in the textbook and (b) there were no reading materials which could encourage the development of technology and arts.


1 canEnglish. Neither they will have difficulties to communicate with others who come from other countries or they can not understand things in English like using following instruction, playing games or their English subject at school. English

has become one of the important subjects at school. It is one reason why English is taught in Indonesian schools. The English skills that are taught in Indonesia include receptive and productive skills. The receptive skills are reading and

listening. The productive skills are writing and speaking. The purpose of teaching the four skills is to make students be able to comprehend texts in the form of written or spoken. Reading is one of the four skills whichimportant to

comprehend. Through reading, students are able to find information which is useful for their life.

It is assumed that reading is not a passive skill because it needs so

many times to practice and exercise. According to Nunan (2003: 68) reading is a



information from the textwith their own background of knowledge. The

improvement of the readers’comprehension is based on how they work on it. It

means that if the readerread more, they get better reading or comprehension. Most

of students facedifficulties in reading English text due to the different English

languagefeatures from their first language.

In reading classroom, materials have a significant position in defining the

course itself. Richards (2001: 254-255) states the advantages of textbooks are (1) providing structure and a syllabus for a program; (2) helping to standardize

instruction;(3) maintaining quality; (4) providing a variety of learning resources; (5) being efficient; (6) providing effective language models and input; (7) training

teachers; and (8) being visually appealing.

One of the main components in a curriculum is textbooks. They determinemany aspects such as the content, the procedures, the methods for

teaching andlearning. It is assumed materials in the textbooks play a significant role in defining thecourseitself. Richards (2001: 251) states that learning materials serve as the basisfor much of the language input learners receive and the language

practice thatoccurs in the classroom. It implies that materials can be anything that can giveadequate input for students in a certain language learning classroom with



materialsgenerally,although not necessarily always, appear in the form of written


Different curriculums had implemented in Indonesian educational system

since the independence of the nation. BSNP (National Standardization Board of Education) who is responsible in designing curriculums had tried hard to deliver good curriculums. Some of the products of BSNP are KBK (CompetencyBased

-Curriculum), KTSP (School-Based -Curriculum), and the recent one, Curriculum of 2013. In this case, textbooks should follow the curriculum that is used by the

the government. Since its inception in 2012, Curriculum of 2013 has many pros and cons especially from teachers.

Unfortunately, teachers pick any available materials without doing any of the

selecting and modifying process for the grand excuse that they are overloaded They cannot always come up with time and energy to create their own materials

and that is not something they will be blamed for.Teachers have to be proactive in creating materials that will suitably cover the needs of the course and their students. Even so, it has to be noted that selecting available materials from

textbook and other sources is not without consideration process either. In fact, teachers need to analyze and modify the materials so it can match the needs,



In the other hand, School-Based Curriculum was implemented based on the

belief that every school deserves to manage its own competency based on its teachers and learners competency and local potential sources. Moreover, schools

have a right to manage its own curriculum based on the content standard given by BSNP. The main aspect of the curriculum are content standard and competencies which have to be achieved by learners, while its implementation of the curriculum

and the syllabus was in the hand of the school management. It encourages students to be wellmannered, appreciative, confident, tolerant, creative, and

critical. It is accomplished by proper communication activities both written and spoken. In addition, it covers interpersonal and transactional communication. The

curriculum also required learners to study text types which have different function and purposes. It is carried out through a series of activities such as 1) building the context, 2) modeling and deconstructing the text, 3) joint construction of the text,

and 4) independent construction of the text (Fezz and Joyce, 1998).

Achieving the student understand the English materials, they need some English textbooks which have good quality. By learning those qualified

textbooks, they are able to improve their English skill productivity. Dealing with the quality of a textbook, in 2014 Department of National Education publishes



researcher thinks there is no guarantee that textbooks published by Department of

National Education arereaching the expectation of quality English textbook.

B. Identification of the Problem

It is inevitable that teachers relied on the use of textbooks. It is one of the main components that have to be prepared by teachers before they teach. Hence, teachers have no option but to bring textbooks into the classroom. Tomlinson

(1998: 2) defines the term “languagelearning material‟ as anything which is used by teachers or learners to facilitate the learning of language. Nunan (1991: 208) classifies materials into two types, they are commercially produced material and

teacher developed material.

The problem is not only from teachers that they have low ability and

motivation to create their own instructional materials but also derived from the students. The students’vocabulary mastery is still low. As a consequence, they get difficulty ininterpreting themeanings of the difficult words. The students are

alsoincapable of finding the main idea. They are not able to find the detailinformation of a text. Besides, the students do not have motivation inreading

as it is reflected by their behavior in the class.However, teachers may not choose textbook carelessly. They must be evaluated and revised to suit the recent



From above explanation, textbooks have an important role in the classroom.

Most of teachers use textbooks as their aid in teaching. Therefore, teachers should know how to choose good textbooks for their students. From that point, the

researcher needs to share his idea about the matter. So the aim of the study was to find out how far the English textbooks had met the criteria of good textbooks.

C. Limitation of the Problem

In reference to the background of the study and identification of the problem, the researcher wants to discover whether the reading materials in Bahasa Inggris

textbook for tenth grade Senior High School can meet the aspect of contents, aspect of presentation, aspect of language use and readability suggested by Pusat

Kurikulum dan Perbukuan, Ministry of National Education.

D. Formulation of the Problem

Based on the limitation of the problem, the research problem can be

formulated as follows: Do the reading materials in Bahasa Inggris textbook for the tenth grader meet the aspect of contents, the aspect of presentation, and the aspect of language use and readability based on the good criteria of learning


7 E. Objective of the Research

The objective of the study is to discover whether the reading materials inBahasa Inggris textbook for tenth grade Senior High School can meet the

aspect of contents, aspect of presentation, aspect of language use and readability suggested by PusatKurikulum dan Perbukuan, Ministry of National Education.

F. Significance of the Study

The result of the research was expected to give some theoretical and practical advantages for the following parties.

1. Theoretically, the research gave beneficial and referential contributions in delivering general knowledge of the way to evaluate English instructional


2. Practically, the result of the research was beneficial for:

a. The researcher, she could give a practice in developing her knowledge and

skill in evaluating English textbooks.

b. Englsih teachers, the result of the research could provide helpful information in selecting and evaluating good textbooks before making

decision to use it in the classroom.

c. English textbook writers, the result of the study might help them to be more



worthiness of content, language correctness and appropriateness, and layout of

the book.

d. Other researchers, the study could give general knowledge of how to

evaluate textbooks or other forms of English instructional materials.



read and involve it in academic context as a part of education (Grabe, 2009: 5). Learning happens when there is a change in mind from an unknown thing to the known one. As reading is included in learning, the readers try to grasp

the texts being read by interpreting, synthesizing, evaluating, and selecting the important information. Grabe (2009: 15) states that,

“Reading is the strategic process in that a number of the skills and processes used in reading call for effort on the part of the reader to anticipate text information, selecting key information, organize and mentally summarize information, monitor comprehension, repair comprehension breakdowns, and match comprehension output to the reader goals.”

Reading is also an activity in which readers respond to and make sense of a text being read connected to their prior knowledge (Spratt, Pulverness, and

William: 2005: 21). The activity is done by the readers as they want to get information and knowledge from the text. In the process of getting



Making sense of a text is done by understanding meaning of words, sentences,

and even a text.

Comprehension is one of the indicators that readers make sense of the text

or the material. It can be defined as the process of constructing meaningfrom a connected text involving the word knowledge (Pang, et al., 2003: 14).Hence, reading comprehension can be defined as the process in whichthe readers

construct meaning from a text being read connected to thebackground knowledge they have.

The readers could combine their background knowledge withthe additional information from a text, draw the meaning of words, and connectit to construct meaning with such skill.Snow (2002: 11) defines reading

comprehension as the process of extracting and constructing meaning involving the written language.

In accordance withSnow, Johnson (2008: 110) states reading comprehension as the use ofstrategies in reading in retrieving information and constructing meaning oftextsdone by the readers. Strategies that are used by the readers may bedifferent fromone another. It depends on the readers’ aim in


11 2. Reading Material

The reading material in the classroom become the most important aspect that could indicates how the material delivered well in the teaching and

learning process.A good reading material has to promote lively interaction between students and teachers as well as among students themselves to achieve a communicative language learning process. Consequently, teachers

need to put effort on creating materials that will live up to that expectation.Vice versa with the reality, most teachers do not have enough

time to create their own materials then using textbook becomes the only remaining option. Furthermore, no textbook is designed for their students with their particular needs and characters that make teachers still need to wisely

select and even modify textbook materials.

The use of materials in learning and teaching process is pretty much

influenced by several factors like Clarke (1989:73) argues that communicative methodology is important to be included in the learning materials. It means that a good learning material has to contain communicative aspects to be able


12 a. Authenticity

Authenticity means that a communicative learning material is strictly supposed to be authentic. Authentic here means that it is not

some made up a material that is created by the teachers especially to be used in the classroom but rather a reality that can be found in the real world. As often argued by lots of researchers, this authentic

material will serve the need ofstudents better because they are already familiar with the form of the materials that they also find it in the real

life, e.g. newspaper/magazine articles, announcement in the shopping mall or a traveling brochure.

b. Realism

Realism here has the definition that a communicative learning material has to be real. So, a material has to be something that can be

really seen and touched by the learners. This is important in increasing their curiosity as well as their understanding toward the subject or topic matter.

c. Context

As known, nothing can be real good or appropriate without the


13 d. Focus On The Learner

It is sure that everybody in language teaching field has fully aware and understands that the focus of learning process is indeed the

learners and not the teachers. So, communicative learning materials have to make the learner become its focus in the process of learning to achieve the best result expected.

3. Textbook

Textbook is the most frequently used of all printed educational

materials. In the hands of knowledgeable practitioners, the textbook becomes one of many aids to assist students in acquiring clear concepts of

subject matter. According to Richards (2001) textbooks are used in provideexamples as well as exercises to develop grammatical knowledge.

A speaking text might provide passages for students to read and discuss. A listening text together with audio cassettes or CDs might serve as the primary listening input in a listening course. A textbook is usually seen an



because it helps the teachers and students to achieve the goal of learning.

It is used if it can do a better job that any of the other available materials of instruction. Teachers find significant advantages in the textbook which

are important to be learned. It usually summarizes a great quantity of valuable information traditionally associated with a particular course. The text can provide a common resource since a copy is commonly in the

possession of each student. a. The Role of Textbooks

Instructional materials in the form of the textbooks are very important for both teachers and students. In making teaching preparation and conducting the teaching, teachers need textbooks. In addition, without

textbooks, teachers will have difficulties in constructing written evaluation. For students, textbooks also play an important role. The

students who do not have textbooks with them during the teaching and learning activities will not be able to follow the lesson properly. In other words, lack of textbooks in teaching and learning activities can create the



The textbook is most commonly required, and teachers naturally look

at itfirst. They check the textbooks to see whether it is appropriate to the desired learning activity. Otherwise, teachers then look for other

resources. These other resources are called supplementary materials. Teachers know that textbooks which are created by experts have better qualification to design the materials for specific course. Textbooks have a

great impact especially to novice teachers. They are considered quite helpful in teaching-planning since they give a structure or organization for

the course. Furthermore, they give choices about subject matter that can be utilized as a basis for determining course content and emphases.

Moreover, textbooks can also provide a series of activities and suggestions for teaching strategies.

The most important role of textbooks in the teaching learning activity,

good textbook should be selected in order to support the teaching learning activity run well. In selecting and preparing textbook and other teaching materials, the foreign language teacher must make every attempt to select

and prepare materials that present the spoken language. Teachers should teach to students that must be aware of the fact that no language in the



a. The Criteria of a Good Textbook

Textbooks are only one of many kinds of instructional materials useful in learning. The material should meet the same

general criteria used in choosing a textbook. The material selected for used should

(a) contribute to the learning objectives of the lesson

(b) involve significant content planned for study

(c) be compatible with the teaching procedures to be used, and

(d)be appropriate to the particular group of pupils who will use this material.

Every foreign language teacher is faced with the necessity of

selecting a textbook that it is suited to his or her teaching situation. In many schools, the selection of specific textbook may already have

been made before the teacher arrives on the scene. Once selected, the textbook with whatever other teaching materials have been chosen must be adapted to the particular techniques and methods used in the

classroom by the teacher.

The teacher usually uses the textbook for a relatively long period



relatively up to date, and accurate. A good textbook must be well

organized. Here, textbook must have a good composition of instructional materials. The materials must be organized clearly and

contain of all English skills. A good textbook is relatively up to date. It means that the material of the textbook must contain of the newest things, so it will give some new news or information to the students. A

good textbook should beaccurate. In this case materials in the textbook should not present wrong information or presented in error

grammatical language and incorrectly words.

According to Celce Murcia (2001) a textbook categorized good if it is viewed from the whole aspects of the textbook. They are subject

matter, vocabulary and structure, exercises, illustration, and physical appearance. A textbook is good if: the subject matter covers variety of

topics which are suitable with the curriculum, in this case is the School-Based Curriculum; the ordering of materials are arranged in logical form; the content grade are appropriate with the students’ need;

and the materials are accurate and up to date.

The second aspect is vocabulary and structure. A good textbook is

if : The vocabulary and structure which is used is appropriate with the students’ grade; The vocabulary items are controlled from the simple



to make the students’ memory stronger; The sentences length is

suitable with the students’ level; The structures gradually increase in

difficulty level to suit the growing ability of the students; The words

that are used are the daily words, and the sentence structures follow normal word order; The sentence and paragraph follow one another in logical sequence; And linguistic items are introduced in meaningful


The third aspect is exercises. A textbook can be said thatit is a

good book if the exercises: Develop comprehension and test knowledge of main ideas; involve vocabulary, structures, and language skills which build up the students’ ability; Provide practice in

difference types of written work (like sentence completion, spelling and dictation,guided composition, and others); cumulatively test new

materials; and develop meaningful communication by referring to realistic activities.

The fourth aspect is illustration. The illustration of a good textbook

should: create a favorable atmosphere by depicting realism and reaction; be clear, simple, free, and interesting; and directly related to



The last aspect is physical appearance. A textbook is good if: the

cover is durable enough; the text is attractive; the picture on the cover makes the students get interested; and the size is suitable with the

electronic books. A textbook is one of the teaching tools which present the subject matter defined by the curriculum. A textbook is required to contain the complete overview of the subject, including the theories, as

well as to have more permanent character. Brown (2001: 141) states, textbooks are one type of texts, a book for use in an educational

curriculum. At the veryeast, a textbook can be used as a guideline to achieve the success of the teaching and learning process.

One of the textbooks published for Senior high school students in



the process of teaching and learning. Those skills integrated into every

activity and enables the students to practice the language. The textbook is designed for students to learn English and have enjoyable

learning. Students can learn how to listen, write, and speak English through games, quizzes, and so forth. The topics of the lessons are also relevant to daily conversation and are suitable for teenagers that ready

to prepare their academical purpose. Additionally, Bahasa Inggrisprovides vast opportunities for students to practice, improvise, and personalize topics as they learn them, boosting the students’ confidence as they speak the language. The book is accompanied by an instructor’s manual.

Bahasa Inggrisis designed to facilitate students of Senior High Schoolto communicate in English according to the context of the

language use. There are many activities available to do both individually activity and group activity. The students are expected to be skillful in doing the exercises, acting out dialogues, constructing


21 4. Curriculum

Curriculum can be interpreted in many ways. There are many different interpretations and definitions among experts and people in education

toward this. It depends on their background knowledge and point of view they have.

Richards and Schmidt (2010: 151) define curriculum as,

“An overall plan for a course or program, as in the freshmancomposition curriculum.”

Such a program usually states:

a. The educational purpose of the program, in terms of aims or goals

b. The content of the program and the sequence in which it will be taught (also known as the syllabus)

b. The teaching procedures and learning activities that will be employed (i.e. methodology)

c. The means used to assess student learning (i.e. assessment and


d. The means used to assess whether the program has achieved its



Curriculum can be defined as all plans activities that are provided for

students. Curriculum is a planned and organized series of learning experiences and activities to be made available to the students to achieve

defined educational objectives. 5. Pusat Kurikulum dan Perbukuan,

Ministry of National Education PusatKurikulum dan Perbukuan, Ministry of National Education defines several criteria for quality textbooks. Some aspects suggested by PusatKurikulum dan Perbukuan, Ministry of National Education consist of:

1. Aspects of Content

a) The conformity between reading materials and curriculum

b) Kind of genres found in the reading materials

c) The arrangement of reading materials based on the level of


d) Reading tasks which are given to develop students’ ability

e) The reading material which are supporting life skills


23 2. Aspect of Presentation

a) Learning purpose which stated explicitly and lead to mastery of communication competence.

b) The presentation of each chapter reflects the logical path and coherence.

c) The presentation of each chapter arranged from easy to difficult


d) The conformity between tasks and materials.

e) The presentation of each chapter engaging students to communicate using English actively.

f) The presentation of each chapter supporting students to be interested

inEnglish subject.

g) The presentation of each chapter supporting students to reflect and

evaluate their self.

3. Aspects of language use and readability

a) The standard of English language use according to the language


b) The use of English which is appropriate with needs of


c) The presentation of paragraphs which are presented effectively by



d) The use of illustrations which are functional and relevant with the


4. Aspects of the relation between chapters

a) The relevancy between the materials with education purposes b) The relevancy between the materials with the development of knowledge, technology and arts.

c) The relationship between materials in the textbook.

d) Therelationship between materials, and anatomy, norms/ ethics

and the completeness of a textbook. 6. BSNP (BadanStandarNasionalPendidikan)

Based on the basic criteria governing the juridical quality of textbooks namely: PP No. 19/2005 pasal 43 ayat (5): "The eligibility of the contents, language, representation, and the graphic's textbook lesson rated by

BSNP and defined by regulation of the

Minister.“BadanStandarNasionalPendidikan (BSNP) is an independent agency, professional, independent and carries out a mission to develop,

monitor and evaluate the implementation, the implementation of national education standards. BSNP defines several criteria for quality textbooks

are eligible eligibility, which includes some components, which are: a. Eligibility of the contents

The eligibility criteria in assessing the quality of the content



1) Suitability of the material with a standard Competency (SK) and

Basic Competence (KD)

2) Suitability of the material to the curriculum

3) Accuracy of content 4) Date material 5) Encourage curiosity

6) Scientific Substance and life skill 7) Enrichment

8) Diversity value

b. The Appropriateness of Language

The language used in a textbook should overcome some principal, such as:

1) Straightforward The language used in textbook must be

straightforward, not convoluted, just list the basic material elaboration, important, and necessary.

2) Communicative A textbook should use communicative language,

so it is easy to understand and are understood by students.

3) Dialogic and interactive A good textbook to use language that can

motivate students, language used evoked a sense of pleased when learners read them and encourage them to learn it thoroughly. Besides textbooks should also encourage students to think



to question things further, and seek the answer independently from

text books or other sources of information.

4) Conformity with the development of the learners A textbook

should be the glaring discrepancy with the level of intellectual development of the learners; the language used in describing a concept should correspond to the level of cognitive development

of learners. Compliance with the level of development of the learner is also an emotional thing to note in textbook.

5) Compliance with the rules of English inwriting of textbooks, especially English-subject textbook, must pay attention to the

rulesof English that is good and right. 6) The use of terms, symbols, and icons.

7) The use of the term and depiction of the symbol or icon that

represents a concept in textbook should be consistent between sections consistently.

7. Criteria of Good Learning Materials

Nunan (1988: 104) explains the criteria for selecting teaching materials for classroom use, they are (1) the materials make clear the link



than one level of difficulty; (7) the pedagogical objectives of the materials

are clear.

Chaudron (1988: 6) states that a learning task will usually involve (1)

the acquisition of certain fundamental units or elements (e.g., words, facts, rules, concepts); (2) their integration in functional relationships and applications by means of; (3) a certain amount of production, practice, or

other mental operations with those elements. Furthermore, Crawford (2002: 84-87) gives effective teaching materials that reflect as follows: (1)

language is functional and must be contextualised; (2) language development requires learner engagement in purposeful use of language;

(3) the language used should be realistic and authentic; (4) classroom materials will usually seek to include an audio visual component; (5) second language learners need to develop the ability to deal with written

as well as spoken genres; (6) effective teaching materials foster learner autonomy; (7) materials need to be flexible enough to cater to individual and contextual differences; (8) learning needs to engage learners both

affectively and cognitively.

B. Conceptual Framework

There are some problems in teaching reading comprehension. One of them is the difficulty of the teacher in finding the best material to teach



situation of the classroom, the condition of the students and curriculum. Since

those problems occurred, the students could not comprehend the text well. In reading, one of learning material in textbooks is genres/text types, since the

main purpose of learning reading is to comprehend text. To comprehend learning materials in textbooks, both teacher and student should be more selective in choosing Englishtextbooks. They have to be capable in analyzing

textbooks which will be used in English teaching and learning process. However, Bahasa Inggristextbook still can be used in the class, but teacher should use an additional textbook as complement to overcome the non-conformities of Bahasa Inggristextbook.

Based on the problem above, the researcher tries to discover whether the reading materials in Bahasa Inggristextbook for grade X Senior High School can meet the aspect of contents, aspect of presentation, aspect of




This chapter discusses the method applied in the research. It consists of six sections: type of study, research subject, research instruments, data collection and analysis technique, and trustworthiness.

A. Type of study

This study was categorized as a content analysis or document analysis

research. In this case is the reading materials of an English textbook entitled Bahasa Inggrisfor Grade X Senior High School published by Department of National Education, with the quality of English textbook (based on aspect of contents, aspect of presentation, aspect of language use and readability) suggested by PusatKurikulum dan Perbukuan, Department of National Education. Based on the objectives of the study, the design used in this study was descriptive qualitative.

As stated by Ary (2010:29), “the goal of qualitative research is a holistic picture and depth of understanding rather than a numeric analysis of data”. It

concerns in analyzing the content of an English textbook. Furthermore, based


30 B. Research Data and Source

The object of this study was the English textbook for the seventh graders of junior high school entitledBahasa Inggris. This book was

written by Utami Widiati et al. This textbook was known as one of the BSE (BukuSekolahElektronik) which was published by Department of National Education. There were two reasons of why the researcher wanted

to analyze this textbook. Firstly, the textbook was recommended by Department of National Education and it was used in some public and

private schools. Secondly, there was no previous studywhich analyzed the reading materials found in the textbook based on the aspect of contents,

aspect of presentation, aspect of languageuse and readability. The data of this study were the reading materials which were found in Bahasa Inggristextbook. This textbook consists of nine units and a hundred and sixteen pages for the first semester.

C. Instrument of the Research

The instrument which was used to analyze the data in this study is

checklists. There were four checklists which were applied to answer the research questions. First, the checklists used to analyze the relevancy

between reading materials found in the textbook with the aspect of contents. Second, the checklists used to analyze the relevancy between reading materials found in the textbook with the aspect of presentation.



materials found in the textbook with the aspect of language use and


D. Data Collection and Analysis Technique

The technique which was used in collecting the data in this research was document analysis. First, the researcher overviewed the contents of the book entitled Bahasa Inggris for Senior High School Students Year X

published byMinistry of National Education. After that, the researcher selected checklists suggested by PusatKurikulum dan Perbukuan, Ministry of National Education. Lastly, the data were collected by analyzing the reading materials based on the evaluation criteria formulated


32 Table 1. Aspect of Content

No Aspects to be Evaluated

1 The conformity between reading materials and curriculum. 2 Kind of genres found in the reading materials.

3 The arrangement of reading materials based on the level of difficulty. 4 Reading tasks which are given to develop students’ ability.

5 The reading materials which support life skills.

6 The reading materials which consider the aspects of gender, religion, and race.

Table 2. Aspect of Language Use and Readability

No Aspects to be Evaluated

1 The standard of English language use according to the language rules.

2 The use of English which is appropriate with needs of communication learning. 3 The presentation of paragraphs which are presented effectively by considering

coherence and cohesiveness.


33 Table 3. Aspects of Presentation

No Aspects to be Evaluated

1 Learning purposes which are stated explicitly and lead to mastery of communication competence.

2 The presentation of each chapter reflects the logical path and coherence. 3 The presentation of each chapter was arranged from easy to difficult materials. 4 The conformity between tasks and materials.

5 The presentation of each chapter engages students to communicate using

After collecting the data, the researcher analyzed the data through some steps.

The first was analyzing the reading materials based on the aspects of the quality English textbook. The second, the researcher described the results of the findings to find out whether the textbooks meet the criteria of quality English textbook or not.


34 E. Trustworthiness

In attempt to gain the validity of the data, the researcher applied the triangulation technique. Burns (1999: 169) states that triangulation is one of the most

commonly techniques used and known ways of checking for validity. The goal of this activity was to gather multiple perspectives on the situation being studied.

There are four types of triangulation in this area; they are by source, by

method, by observers, and by theories. In this study, the researcher used the last two types. In triangulation by theory, the researcher reviewed and compared some

theories concerning with the research. On the other hand, in triangulation by data observers, the researcher re-typed the data from the textbook. After that, the data



aspect of presentationadapted from Ministry of National Education.

1. The Relevancy between Reading Materials in Bahasa inggris for SeniorHigh School Students Year XTextbook with Aspect of Contents.

This part presents the discussions of the relevancy between reading materials

in Bahasa Inggristextbook with the aspect of contents which was adapted from Ministry of National Education. Based on the check-list in chapter 3, there are six points to be evaluated. They are: 1) The conformity between reading materials

and curriculum, 2) Kind of genres found in the reading materials, 3) The arrangement of reading materials based on the level of difficulty, 4) Reading tasks which are given to develop students’ ability, 5) The reading materials which

support life skills, and 6) The reading materials which consider the aspects of gender, religion, and race. For the first point, to find out the conformity between

the reading materials and curriculum, the researcher checked the whole pages of the textbook. However, this examination could not be simply done by reviewing



besides its Chapter Title and pages. Below are the data taken from the textbook’s

table of contents:

Figure 11. Table of Content

From those data, the researcher drew a conclusion that the textbook



like listening, reading, speaking and writing in proportion. The reading

material in the nine chapter were lack some material in the like introduction in real situation and leave taking, instruction, invitation, offering, procedure.

For example in the Chapter 1

Figure 12. Chapter 1

In this chapter students practice and learn talking about themselves then the following materials about how someone starts to introduce themselves in email and letter however there is no example of real introduction situation (face to face) properly and

also jump in topic party and what they do in party.

The next is the point which talks about kind of genres found in the reading


38 Below are the genres :


40 Figure 15. Descriptive Text

From those data, it can be also seen that the reading materials in the following

chapters provides simple texts with simple context and circumstances. After that, their level became more complex. For instance, the descriptive text in Chapter5

started with shorter story that describe about a friend with simple language and how lovely the friend is. Later, even the next descriptive text was entitled Visiting niagara

Falls which was longer and more complicated.

In conclusion, these data showed that the reading materials were arranged based on the topic only not the level of difficulty. Therefore, the third point was



task which were given to develop students’ ability. After examining all the reading

materials, a conclusion could be drawn that the reading tasks in each unit were not sufficient for students to develop their ability because there are some lack materials

that stated in the first point.

All the reading tasks which were presented in each chapter were enough; it can be used for exercise in the class. In the fifth point, the researcher analyzed about

the reading materials which are supporting life skills. Generally, each chapter of Bahasa Inggris textbook had already presented reading materials which were supporting students’ life skills and applicable for daily life but the situational pictures

is not really complete.

The differences between each chapter were the themes of the materials. All of

those themes along with the exercises givenhad already presented life skills for the students. Therefore, the reading materials found in the textbook were compatible with



2. The Relevancy between Reading Materials in Bahasa inggris for Senior High School Students Year Xwith theAspects of Language Use and Readability presentation of paragraphs which arepresented effectively by considering coherence and cohesiveness, and 4) The use of illustrations which are functional and relevant

with the materials.

The first point is about the language rules applied in the textbook. Based on

the result of the researcher’s analysis, the use of punctuations in the reading materials in Bahasa Inggris textbook were quite good but there is no use of capitalization that attractive student to read. Below are some evidences portraying the data for the





Those figures above proved us that the reading materials in the textbook were

were compatible with the English language rules. However, the first point has not been fulfilled. Next is the second point which discuses about the use of English which

is not appropriate with needs of communication learning. This criteria means that the language style used in the reading materials should be efficient andcommunicative in order to make the students understand the learning goal more easily. In reality the

kind of language style in this book canbe identified in the instructions and questions which proceed or follow the good reading materials. However, the task is not in good

arrangement. Task 3 should be the Task 2 based on the level on its difficulty level. Below are the examples of the instructions and questions.

From those figures above, we can see that the writing of the instructions and

questions sentences is efficient and communicative. The uses of simple and brief sentences make students easy to get the idea and know what they should do next in

each task. For that reason, the reading materials presented in Bahasa Inggris textbook were compatible with the second aspect of language use and readability. The third point is the presentation of paragraphs which are presented effectively by considering

coherence and cohesiveness. Based on the analysis results, every unit contains at least one reading material which takes form in paragraphs.



criteria of aspect of language use and readability. The last point is the use of

illustrations which are functional and relevant with the materials. In the textbook, it was found that almost every page was illustrated with pictures, images or other

illustrations. Below are the examples of the images and illustrations in some units.


47 Figure 31. Reading Task in Chapter 1



According to the figures above, it can be concluded that the images and

illustrations were matched with the theme. They successfully help students to understand the materials. Therefore, the reading materials presented in the textbook



3. The Relevancy between Reading Materials in Bahasa Inggris for Senior High School Students Year X with theAspects of Presentation

This last part presents the discussion in finding out the relevancy between reading materials in Bahasa Inggris textbook with aspect of presentation which was adapted from Ministry of National Education. This analysis examined five points

according to the check-list in Chapter 3. They are (1) learning purposes which are


51 Figure 35. Warmer in Chapter 1


52 Figure 37. Reading Material in Chapter 1



By looking at those figures above, it can be seen that in the beginning of the

chapter presents the learning purposes in their first page. It makes the teacher and the students understand the direction and the objectives of the lesson and finally lead

them to master the English communication competence. In brief, it can be concluded that the first point was fulfilled. The second point is whether the presentation of the chapter reflects the logical path and coherence or not. The researcher found that Unit

1 wasnot presented in logical path. For instance, Unit 1 which discussed aboutTalking about Self. In the first page, it presented the learning objectives and then gave warm up activities but only to break the ice. It is not to lead students to the materials. After that, the students had to listen to some pronunciationthat said by the teacher then the

student repeat after the student.

From those explanations, it can be concluded that the chapter in the textbook reflects the logical path. Moreover, from the theme of each unit, the researcher

concluded that each chapter had coherence. The third point discusses the presentation of each chapter which was arranged from easy to difficult materials. The researcher

took examples from Chapter 1 as the beginning of the textbook.

Chapter1 which talked about Talking about Self started with simple activity, which was warming-up activities. The warming-up activity was aimed at leading



materials presented in the book. Moreover, this task was individual task. Students get

little chance to have a lot interaction to their classmate. In conclusion, the reading materials presented in Bahasa Inggris textbook were compatible with the third point





A. Conclusions

This study aims at discovering whether the reading materials in Bahasa Inggris textbook could meet the aspects of a qualified English textbook. The reading materials have been analyzed based on the aspect of contents, the aspect of presentation. The first conclusion is regarding to the contents of Bahasa Inggris textbook. Dealing with the aspect of contents from the textbook, there are some

points to deal with. Those points are conformity between reading materials and curriculum, kind of genres found in the reading materials, the arrangement of reading

materials based on the level of difficulty, reading tasks which are given to develop students’ ability, the reading materials which are supporting life skills and the reading

materials which consider the aspect of gender, religion, and race. Almost all the

points of aspect of contents had not already fulfilled by Bahasa Inggris textbook except the conformity between reading materials and curriculum since there are some

reading indicators that cannot be found in the reading materials.

The second conclusion is regarding to the presentation of Bahasa Inggris textbook. Dealing with the aspect of presentation of the textbook, there are some



reflected the logical path and coherence, the presentation of each chapter which

arranged from easy to difficult materials, conformity between tasks and materials, the presentation of each chapter engaging students to communicate using English

actively, the presentation of each chapter supporting students to be interested in English subject and the presentation of each chapter supporting students to be interested in English subject however it is not supporting them to reflect and evaluate


Thirdly, the language use and readability aspect has some points, they are; the

standard of English language use according to the language rules, the use of English which is appropriate with the needs of communication learning, the presentation of paragraphs which are presented effectively by considering coherences and

cohesiveness and the use of interesting yet colorful illustrations. In conclusion, it can be asserted that the reading materials presented in Bahasa Inggristextbook met the criteria of aspects of presentation and aspects of language and readability.

B. Suggestions

There are three parties that may take the suggestions:



2. Teachers, they should be selective in choosing English textbooks.

the book can be used in the classroom but teachers should use an additional books as a supplement.

3. Other researchers, they should be encouraged to analyze textbooks and they need to develop further study about textbooks analysis




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Textbook Evaluation Checklist

No. Aspects Of Content Yes No

1. The conformity between reading materials and curriculum

2. Kind of genres found in the reading materials

3. The arrangement of reading materials based on the level of difficulty

4. Reading tasks which are given to develop students’ ability

5. The reading material which are supporting life skills

6. The reading materials which are consider about the aspects of gender, religion and race



No. Aspects of Presentation Yes No

1. Learning purpose which stated explicitly and lead to mastery of communication competence

2. The presentation of each chapter reflect the logical path and coherence

3. The presentation of each chapter arranged from easy to difficult materials

4. The conformity between tasks and materials

5. The presentation of each chapter engaging students to communicate using English actively

6. The presentation of each chapter supporting students to be interested in English subject

7. The presentation of each chapter supporting students to reflect and evaluate their self



No. Aspects of languange use and readibility Yes No

1. The standard of English language use according to the language rules

2. The use of English which is appropriate with needs of communication learning

3. The presentation of paragraphs which are presented effectively by considering

coherences and cohesiveness

4. The use of illustrations which are functional and relevant with the materials






No. Aspects of Content Description of analysis

1. The conformity between reading materials and curriculum

Most of reading materials were in line with the 2013 English Standard Competence. However, the materials are too long or too simple. Sometimes too complicated too.

2. Kind of genres found in the reading materials The reading materials found in the textbook were

compatible with the second point of aspect of contents. It is because the reading materials in the textbook consist of some genres

3. The arrangement of reading materials based on the level of difficulty

All the materials which were presented from the first to ninth chapter were varied and there were no repeated explanation. The reading materials found in the textbook were compatible with the third point of aspect of

contents. However, the reading materials should pick better reading materials.

4. Reading tasks which are given to develop students’ ability

All the reading tasks which were presented in each chapter were enough; it can be used for exercise in the class even for homework. Therefore, the reading



The reading material which are supporting life skills Generally, each chapter in Bahasa Inggristextbook had already presented reading materials which were

supporting students’ life skills. The differences between each chapter were the themes of the materials. All of those themes along with the exercises given had already presented life skills for the students.

6. The reading materials which are consider about the aspects of gender, religion and race


Table 2. Aspect of Language Use and Readability
Table 3. Aspects of Presentation
Figure 12. Chapter 1
Figure 13. Narrative Text


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